Belle *Confessional*
(Timothy and Brady watch helplessly as Belle sobs until Brady goes to his box of tissues, yanks her some and places them in her hand then sits down next to her.)
Timothy: What's the matter, Belle? I thought this place made you happy?
Oh... oh it does. It's just so wrong though.
Timothy: What is?
He shouldn't be here... stuck here forever. It's just like so wrong. He shouldn't be living here all alone like this....
(She pauses to blow her nose.)
Brady: But, I'm not alone.
(Both Timothy and Belle look stunned at the little soft spoken boy.)
You're not? But I, I've never seen you with anyone else. I've never seen anyone here but you.
Brady: You can't see her. Timothy can, but you can't.
See who? Oh... no, you don't mean....
Brady: Belle is here.
I'm here? I'm here!
Brady: No, not *you*.
Timothy: I don't understand.
Me either! (Belle gasps, taking a final sweep across her nose with her tattered tissue.) Where is she?
Brady: She's down the hall in her room. She's got a cold.
Why can't I see her?
Brady: I think 'cause you stole her.
I did NOT. That's like *so* bogus! That is *so* not true! I want to see her.
Brady: You can't.
Stop saying that, Brady! You don't know everything! (Brady jumps off the bed and opens the door and leaves the room.)
Hey, where're you going?
Timothy: Belle, calm down. Remember, you wanted to come here. You said you wanted to fix things?
Well, yeah. I'm sorry. I guess I'm just getting a little afraid I think. Maybe I'm not as brave as I thought I was. Maybe I can't... (Brady comes back in the room and Belle and Timothy stop their conversation.)
Timothy: Oh. Belle? (He stands up on his haunches and smiles. Brady leads the little blonde-headed girl into the room, holding her small hand in his.)
Brady: This is my little sister Belle. She's been here with me ever since we were sent here. She's sick. I'm a kind of worried about her. She's always sad and she won't leave her room and cries a lot.
I can't see her. Oh my gawd. (Belle stands up and walks toward them. With her hand outreached she tries to feel the presence she can sense in the room but cannot see.)
confessed by Belle at 2:47 PM