Name: The Big BadAss
Alter-Ego: Trubie
Marital Status: Single and sassy about it.
Occupation: Smiling for the imaginary camera, doling out challenges and being the one to announce "You *are* the weakest link - goodbye!" to ousted Survivors.
Hometown: Like that matters?
Luxury Item: A $700 per night hotel room fully equipped with jacuzzi and an endless supply of Bolli and chocolate.
Biography: Put on Smith Island to attempt to keep the peace (or is that stir the shit?) among the survivors, she works hard to hide her delight when annoying survivors go bye-bye. She gets the glory while others wrack their brains and bang their heads against walls to come up with Immunity and Reward challenges. Yes, she likes her life on Smith Island. It's so much better than the peons who are stranded here day after day after day after long and tiring day.