Votes for Round 5
(in the order in which they were received)
Stefano DiMera:
My vote for the merge goes to baby Belle. Its way too hard to keep all my plans on track with two little Black's running around. Johh Black is enough, I don't need two daughters with different ages
Baby Belle Black:
I am going to be out of town for the weekend so i am casting my vote now- Belle. There can only be one Belle on this island and better a cute one than a teeny bopper.
Shane Donovan:
I know there will be a vote this weekend at some point and I will be out of town. So, I'm putting my vote in now that the tribes are merged. I think baby Belle should be the next one to go because she can't really pull her weight on the island at such a young age..
Susan Banks // Registered Voter:
Hot dog. I'm afraid I'ma hafta vote for that little sweet pea Baby Belle. With two Belles on this here island I dun get so dang confuzzled! And that girl dun drooled on my blue suede bi-ki-ni! Some thangs just be unforgivable.
There are so many wastes of space taking up vital oxygen that it's hard to choose, but I vote for Nancy because I don't believe she has lifted a finger since day one and because she was so devious and underhanded in getting my Michael ousted as Chief of Staff.
Belle Black:
I am again voting Nancy off the island... it wasn't bad enough that she like always talks about Chloe but then she borrowed my Strawberry Swirl lip-gloss and never gave it back to me, like of all the nerve!
Isabella Toscano Black:
I'm voting Baby Belle off the island. She represents John and "DOC'S" LOVE child and is competition for Bwady and me. Plus, she can't talk very well! So bye bye, baby Belle! Don't let the door um, nevermind!
Roman Brady:
I couldn't get to the archives to see who was posting confessionals so I don't feel I should have voted anyway. If baby Belle didn't do any confessionals then she gets my late vote. Sorry for being a day late and a dollar short.
I vote for Nancy. Do I need a reason?