Name: Samantha Evans
Alter-Ego: chadleigh
Age: Was the same age as Marlena :>
Marital Status: Was single
Occupation: Was an actress.
Hometown: Denver, CO
Luxury Item: Magic Markers and drawing pad
Biography: Insanely jealous of her twin sister (the first in a very long, long line to be jealous of the beautiful blonde), Samantha Evans came to Salem to take over the life of Marlena. She drugged and committed Marlena to a sanitarium and began to live her twin's life, as Marlena tried unsuccessfully to escape. Soon bored with Marlena's life and her boyfriend Don, (which makes us wonder if she wasn't so crazy after all) Samantha left Salem to be a movie star. Don, unable to understand a woman leaving him (cause he was such a studmuffin and all), figured out the truth and rescued Marlena. Samantha was then committed herself. Family ties being strong between twins (or Marlena's masochistic tendencies making an early appearance), Marlena and Samantha reconciled. Ever the unlucky twin, Sam came back to Salem, suffered kidney trouble, dated Roman Brady err... I mean Chris Kositchek, and in an ironic twist of fate was murdered by Salem Strangler, Jake Kositchek, who mistook her for Marlena. She then visited Marlena in the pit and has recently popped up in Marlena's memories after bumping into a nasty waitress who hates her but wants to look just like her. Some things never change.