Votes for Round 1
(in the order in which they were
Jim Reilly:
My vote goes to Tom Langan.
Tom Langan is a hack
who destroyed many couples and he cannot write any good storylines. I made John
a priest; Langan has re-written that and now John was never a real priest. I
know that Marlena will always be John's true love, not Isabella. Go to hell
Tommy boy!!!
Stefano DiMera:
I'm voting for Tom Langan... I don't think that I
need much explaining to do, its TL. He's destroyed Days behond life its
Shane Donovan:
I have to vote off Tom Langan, should our tribe not
win the immunity challenge. His sorry excuses about why he wasn't on the island
for the first three days just don't cut it. The last thing we need is someone
not pulling his weight. In my day, I believe we were written by Sheri Anderson,
with guidance from Al Rabin and some others. Their storyline guidance was
brilliant (except for that incident with Kayla). I don't know what this Langan
guy is trying to pull, but I know it's gotten both Kimberly and Laura into
trouble, not to mention Marlena and John. I don't take lightly to my friends
being left in a horrid mess.
Hope Brady:
JimReillyJr because he did not have as much board
participation as others who did not participate in the IC and because he did not
participate in IC or send over a couple of sentences to help out
Tom Langan:
Although I totally think that I'll be the one voted off
(they just don't understand my brilliance!), I'm casting my vote for James
Mostly because if it wasn't for him screwing with us all before
he left this show (setting up JOPE and trying to pair Marlena with that
FauxFreak that Ken keeps telling me I have to write for), none of this crap
would have ever happened.
That, and all he's done since arriving on the
island is look for me, under rocks if you can believe that! Like, how would I
get a tan under a freakin' rock?
Oh hey, and do me a favor would
Tell Bob I said Hi ;)
Susan Banks:
hmm... i guess lil ol susan banks will have
to vote for jim reilly, mainly for the virtual non-participation in both the
confessionals and the IC.
Sami Brady:
My vote for whom should go "hasta-la-bye-bye" from our
team. . .
Stefano Dimera.
Why? Why not?! I mean it's not like he's
garnered any warm fuzzy feelings from anyone but Lexy and she's not even here!
Plus the man didn't deign to participate in our first IC which must mean he's
above the rest of us and isn't a true team player.
Buh bye Steffy!
Isabella Toscano:
I vote for Tom Langan, because of bad writing,
and because he showed up so late in posting.
Belle Black:
I'm voting to get rid of Nancy Wesley. Everytime I see
her she talks about Chloe, and right now I'm not in the mood -- seeing as Shawn
isn't here and all -- to be reminded about Chloe and what she might be doing
now. Pretty lame reason right but who cares.