Name: Jennifer Rose Horton
Alter-Ego: Skruggie
Age: 25 in real time, 31 in Salem Warp Time.
Marital Status: Who knows? She's been married to Lawrence and Jack and Peter and when she left Salem last she was with Jack but....
Occupation: Sometime jounalist / waitress
Hometown: Salem, USA
Luxury Item: Ray Charles so he can personally sing Hit The Road Jack at
her beck and call....
Biography: Jennifer is Salem alumni and she's one of the good guys of Salem. And we know there are so few of them left don't we? She is the daughter of Bill and Laura Horton and adoring of big brother Mike. She came back to Salem a blonde bundle or eighties teen angsty trouble, however she soon settled down with reformed bad guy Jack Deveraux. Later she married a DiMera (by nature if not by name) but after finding out what a louse he really was, she flitted off to Africa (with Jack again). She arrived back in Salem with young daughter Abigail in tow (but sans Jack) several months ago. Since then she has been keeping a fairly low profile and we wonder if she has finally shed her track record for getting involved with losers.