Name: Craig Wesley
Alter-Ego: madraven
Age: Somewhere in his thirties. A contemporary of Mike Horton.
Marital Status: Married to Nancy Wesley.
Occupation: Chief Of Staff at Salem U hospital. One of the few people in Salem who actually seems to work.
Hometown: Not yet established.
Luxury Item: Fully stocked medical bag
Biography: Craig went to medical school with Mike Horton where he developed a competitive streak which continued when he came to Salem and beat Mike out of the COS job, leaving the hospital Hortonless for the first time in living memory. Since those inauspicious beginnings he has worked hard to become a respected member of the Salem professional community. This is not always aided by the conniving of his wife Nancy. He *seems* truly devoted to Nancy, however it has been noted that he is paying Dr. Marlena Evans a little more attention than may be professionally necessary of late.