Name: Brady Victor Black
Alter-Ego: LisaD
Age: Real time *and* emotionally, nine years old. Kristen might have fed Belle penicillin, but she gave this kid a shot of mutant growth hormone before she left.
Marital Status: Single, cause let's face it. Like anyone would marry this asswipe?
Occupation: Loser
Hometown: Salem, USA
Luxury Item: his Tiny Tim canes
Biography: Brady, well where do we start? Son of John's first (or something) wife Isabella Toscano he was once an adorable little boy with a mop of shiny chestnut hair who loved Marlena, the only mother he had ever known. While his loser father whored around with half of Salem, Marlena gave him a home and love and stability. Now he is back in Salem, he's doubled in age and he's blond and brawny. Oh, and he hates his wicked stepmother, Marlena. Confused? Yeah, so are we.