Name: Roman Augustus Brady
Alter-Ego: deehallfan1
Age: 50
Marital Status: Divorced from Marlena.
Occupation: Cop.
Hometown: Salem, USA.
Luxury Item: Picture of Marlena, just in case she's kicked off before he is.
Biography: Roman Brady is a long time Salem hero. He grew up in the Catholic, blue collar Brady clan, taking on the role of man of the house when his pop got sick. One of four children, Roman became a cop, taking on the responsibility of protecting the good people of Salem from the bad guys. And then he met a beautiful lady shrink and his life was changed forever. Although not universally liked, Roman has had some pretty bad luck over the last fifteen years. He was held captive for seven years, he lost his wife to a man who thought he was *him* and for the last four years, an(other) imposter has been walking around Salem using his name. This is a man who has gotta have a severe identity crisis.