[BBA realizes her steps are echoing, something that really creeps her out]
Anybody still out there?
Yeah, well, um, I took a two week vacation. I thought I'd be able to sneak back here to the island from time to time through the modern miracle of technology, but, well, as you can tell....
I think we had a vote before I left. I don't think I ever posted the result. But I also think that some great Survivor phantom ate the votes. Actually, I can't tell which votes are for the most recent voting or where the cut off was. again. We'll get this ball rolling again. The goal? Votes should be in on Tuesdays and Fridays from here out. Just so you know. I'll still announce, but you can go on and assume that votes need to be in on Tuesdays and Fridays by midnight ET.
So....please send in your votes for this round by Tuesday at midnight ET.
Ta muchly.
confessed by Your Host, The Big BadAss at 12:41 AM