[A weak moan escapes Laura's parched lips as the first rays of sunlight break through the towering trees. Her cloudy eyes slit open--watery and unseeing. Still curled in upon herself, for long moments she blankly stares ahead, searching her memory for any strand of recollection. Held in the grasp of an inexplicable weary exhaustion, Laura slowly moves to sit up. Her body groans in rebellion--her muscles aching and heavy; her movements sluggish. It's a submerged reality, and hard as she tries Laura can't quite seem to break the surface. Wiping her hand on her shirt, her index finger reaches to feel the side of her tongue--swollen and grooved from the fierce clench of teeth. Sighing heavily, Laura takes in her complexion--purple splotches proof of the stress her body has endured. But how? Why? Leaning against the tree at her back, she once again surrenders to her fatigue and closes her eyes.]
[The sun has shifted subtly overhead when Laura again awakes. Making a feeble attempt to relieve her taut muscles, she tentatively rolls her neck, but the dull ache remains and is only exceeded by the growing dull clarity behind her lifeless brown eyes. Her mind is cluttered and emotional. With numb self-consciousness she rubs her swollen tongue against the roof of her mouth as she begins to break through the mental cobwebs. A disconnected questions flutters through her mind--just how much time had passed since she'd last been able to take her medication? Muttering to herself, Laura's words come somewhat awkwardly and slurred.] Okay Laura, think. What's the last thing you remember?
[Grimacing, Laura looks back in the direction of camp and wonders what could possibly be taking Kim so long to return with help. Instinctively she reaches to massage her temples.] Ugh...Are headaches contagious?
Grace: [Grace's eyes slit open--vague, yet dangerous.] I'm in no mood to commiserate, so don't even presume to...
[Interrupting], Fine.
Grace: [After a moments pause], What did I hurt poor Laura’s feelings? [Refusing to be baited and give Grace more power when Marlena was so close to the surface, Laura's face falls into a mask of indifference as her mind again drifts back to the question of how to get to John without having to endure the insufferable.] How quaint...the silent treatment--has all the charm of a petulant lover. [Grace's words hum in Laura's ear.] Damn it Laura!
[Suddenly looking up, the fog begins to lift as Laura's distracted voice answers her own internal dialogue.] I guess sometimes there's no choice but to bear the insufferable.
Grace: [Annoyed], Excuse me?
[Standing], Will you be okay for a few minutes?
Grace: [Failing miserably Grace's suspicion creeps past her seeming nonchalance.] Where are you going?
Uh, I want to make sure John's okay...He was still kind of woozy...and, well, I did leave him down there with Sam and Roman. Is that really the first two people you want him to speak with?
Grace: [Grace grimaces as a sharp pain again burns behind her eyes.] Why should I care who he talks to?
That's an intelligent response...Maybe I'm the one who's been overestimating you. [Laura's eyes narrow as she shifts back to the topic at hand.] There are any number of reasons, not the least of which is self-preservation. [Moving back towards Grace], But, hey, it's your life. If you don't give a damn, I don't see why I should either.
Grace: [Grace's menacing tone is lost within the pain of her glassy eyes.] And just what are you going to tell our Mr. Black?
[Sarcastically], Well, I haven't exactly got a script to go by, now do I? But surely you can't argue that whatever I might say, even in the heat of the moment, would be preferable to any of Sam and Roman's tall tales.
Grace: Gee, that's encouraging--like getting off the Titanic and boarding the Exxon Valdese. [Unyielding, they stare stubbornly at each other.] Go. But you had better not cross me Laura.
If I haven't turned on you yet, why would I start now?
Grace: [Closing her eyes, Grace slumps slightly in the grip of pain as her voice hisses out weak but sure.] Because at heart you're just as ruthless as me, and if that weren't reason enough, oh yeah, let's see...some misguided faith in Marlena, perhaps?
[Shaking her head], And here I thought I had trouble trusting...[Turning to go, Laura mumbles.] Christ! What a pathetic, lonely existence. [Grace's dark chuckle degenerates into a pained moan that once again captures Laura's attention.] Mar...
[Laura's eyes re-focus. Pulling the hair away from the base of her neck, Laura gingerly feels for the bruising that she knew would accompany such carelessness. Reaching to the tender spot, Laura's head falls forward into the dusty denim cocoon--muffling her words.] Damn it Sam! For once in your life why couldn't you listen? [Propping her chin up on her knees, the vague image of John breaking the treeline swims into her consciousness. Sighing], Please God...help John to tread lightly.
[Laura's brow furrows in thought.] I'm still missing something...[Rubbing the heals of her hands into her eyes, the hazy images begin to materialize in Laura's mind. With and audible groan, she sits up straight as her eyes widen.]
Sam: [Ensnared in the pitch of night, Sam squints through darkness to where Laura lays crumpled and mumbling incoherent.] Oh for the love of God, you can't even co-operate when you're unconscious--you're still a pain in the ass. [Hearing her watch sound the passage of yet another hour, Sam testily grabs for Craig's medical bag. Blindly pulling out a vial, Sam fills the syringe.] And frankly I'm tired of babysitting the resident psycho...I have more important things to worry about--like my sister.
[Lost within her own nightmarish memory, Laura's desperate pleading steels Sam's resolve.] Kristen please! Don't let him do this...Stephano no! [Plunging the needle into Laura's arm, Sam grabs the medical bag and turns to go.]
[Laura's face drains of color. Her eyes are wild--dilated to mere slivering rings of color. With stuttering determination, she levers herself to a standing position as her words come out a rasping rapid-fire whisper of paranoia.] No...I can't...I know why...I won't go back there...I have to get away...She'll be back...no, they...[Laura's eyes dart violently from side to side.] No...the caged bird sings...have to get away...[Stumbling awkwardly, Laura presses away from the direction of camp towards the most dense section of forest.]
confessed by Laura at 3:31 PM