Grace - Confessional
[The camera trails Grace at a distance as she wanders through the woods.]
You know Bob, if you're going to follow me, you could at least be quiet about it.
Bob: [sheepishly] Sorry. This is my job y'know. I don't exactly want to be tramping around on this godforsaken island.
Meaning you want to be here as much as I want to be here? [Grace stops and turns around.] So Roman wanted you to call some kind of pow-wow in the middle of camp huh?
Bob: [Shrugs.] That's what he said. But the Big BadAss told him it's not our job to interfere.
Unless you want to, right? [Smirks] Poor Roman. So many neurons floating around in that brain, so little grey matter for them to collide with. Does he actually *have* a plan?
Bob: He's worried about you, blondie.
[Laughs.] Where have I heard that one before? [Turns and continues her way through the woods.] So, has anyone seen Hopeless?
Bob: [Snickers.] Not since she escaped from Shane's padded room. Although how she escaped from there is anybody's guess. I think she must have had help. Anyway, I think that weird Susan woman was planning to throw a party to celebrate the fact that she's disappeared. Well until James Reilly was voted off and then she went into mourning and dyed that blue suede bikini black.
[Shudders.] Have you ever noticed just how many freaks there are in this town Bobby? I'm starting to wonder if they have some kind of Horton and Brady inbreeding program. [Stops.] Little airhead Belle and Shawn Brady being the perfect example I guess.
Bob: Uh.... Belle is your daughter.
[Airily.] Oh, so she is.
Bob: Oookay. [Silence for a few minutes as he follows her.] Uh, Blondie, where are we going?
[Just as he asks, a building comes into sight. It's a fairly well appointed cabin and within a matter of moments, Grace has forced the door open and is ransacking the place. She emerges several minutes later with a picnic hamper filled with food and a couple of bottles of champagne.]
[Grins mischievously.] I'm sick of camp food, and before you think about going and tattling to the Big BadAss, I'm willing to share this with you. On one condition. Well, a couple really. You go and find Laura for me and get her to meet me on this side of the island. And you find out exactly what it is that Roman and Samantha are planning. Forewarned is forearmed and if those morons think they're going to tie me to a tree stump or anything even half as stupid again, well I want to know in advance.
Bob: [Looks at the hamper, slightly unsure. The BBA will kill him if she finds out he not only let Marlena break into a cabin, but shared the spoils with her...] Uhhhh....
C'mon Bobby [looks at him slightly lasciviously] don't tell me it isn't one of your fantasies to share champagne and chocolate with two gorgeous blondes on a deserted island.
Bob: [almost chokes on the visual her words conjures] You shouldn't kid me like that, blondie.
[Raises one eyebrow and moves towards Bob. She raises her hand and suddenly the screen goes dark.] Who said I was kidding?
[The camera shakes wildly and then cuts out.]
confessed by Marlena at 4:24 PM