[Quietly Laura stares up into the starry sky. Out of the corner of her eye, Shane's speculative gaze captures her attention. Smiling shyly, she tilts her head and looks up at him.] What?
Shane: Nothing.
Nothing, huh? [Smirking], Doesn't look like nothing.
Shane: You just seem to be more at peace, that's all. [Closing her eyes, Laura's lips curl into a lazy grin as she sighs lightly.] It suits you very well...[Her twinkling eyes slit open and shift back to Shane.] Not that you weren't absolutely charming to begin with. In fact, your particular brand of spontaneity is really rather intoxicating. [Running one finger underneath her chin, Shane leans in so close that Laura can feel his warm breath against her cheek.]
Roman: There you are. Damn it, Shane, I've been looking all over this Godforsaken island...[Roman's words catch in his throat at the sight of Laura.]
Shane: [With dull annoyance seeping into his voice, Shane re-directs Roman's attention.] Is there something we can do for you Roman?
Roman: [As the tension stretches over him, a muscles twitches in Roman's jaw and his hard stare penetrates through Laura.] Uh...I need to speak with you alone.
[Chewing her lower lip, Laura nods her head.] Oh, I see how it is...[The white's of her eyes disappear into the darkness and her shoulders grow rigid.] You know Roman, I'm not working with Stephano...I mean why on God's green earth would I be? It doesn't make sense...Do you and Sam even think before you come up with these wild ideas? [Roman's blank expression is his only response.] Fine. [Laura sighs in disgust.] But if you really think Shane's going to buy into your little conspiracy theory, you're sorely mistaken. [Laura shifts her attention back to Shane.] Why don't I give the two of you some time alone.
Shane: [Shane's warm fingers meld into the flesh of Laura's arm.] No, no...I'm sure that's not necessary. [Expectanly, he turns.] Right, Roman?
[Looking at Shane, Laura chuckles darkly.] Oh, now you've gone and put him on the spot...[A dangerous glitter lights Laura's eyes as she turns to Roman.] But that's all right, I'll just head back to camp.
Shane: Well at least let me walk you back. [Impatiently Roman shifts on the balls of his feet.]
[Caressing Shane's jaw, Laura leans in and lightly grazes his lips.] That's very sweet and also entirely unnecessary. We're not that far from camp and I'm sure I can make it back just fine. [Stepping towards camp, she abruptly stops and looks back at Roman--a slightly absurd giggle escaping.] Besides, how am I suppose to give an update to the big boss man if you're keeping me company all the time? [Shane laughs as Laura again makes her way toward camp.]
[Breaking the treeline to camp, Laura's eyes fall upon the indistinct shadows caught with the soft glow of the campfire. A cold chill runs through her as Kim's angry glower shifts from Grace to her own approaching form. Deciding that quiet nuetrality is the safest measure, Laura pushes past with a subtle nod.] Kim.
Kim: [Emotionless], Laura.
Grace: [Looking up from the momentary distraction that is Bob], Well, well, well...and where is Mr. Donovan this evening? Did you use and abuse the poor chap to the point of complete and utter exhaustion--leave him all spindly legs and...
[Laura's lips purse as she shakes her head in bemused frustration.] Hardly...Roman showed up--wanted to speak with Shane, alone. [Stifling a yawn with the back of her hand], Unless I miss my guess, there is a plan afoot. [A wicked smile curls Grace's lips as her eyes glow black. Enamored with thoughts of an impending challenge, she does not hear Laura's parting words as she turns in for the night.]
confessed by Laura at 12:13 AM