[For long moments Laura watches Grace's receding form fade into the sandy distance. Wearily leaning against the supply crate, she closes her eyes and sighs loudly--the approaching shuffle of feet lost within her exhausted haze.]
Bob: Well...I was beginning to wonder if you hadn't been abducted and forced to join some sort of cult.
[Laughing, Laura's eyes slit open.] You mean like the Moonies? [Smirking], Hardly anything so dramatic I'm afraid. [Noticing the unseeing quality of her glassy stare, Bob looks on expectantly as the silence stretches between them. Furrowing her brow], So where is everybody? I don't think I've seen a soul since we got back to camp.
Bob: We? [Laura shifts her eyes towards Grace as Bob squints to make out the distant figure.] Oh! I thought...well, uh...[unsure], so you and Marlena made up?
[Chuckles darkly], I don't know that I'd go that far...[shifting her attention back to Bob], more of an understanding.
Bob: [Bob nods tentatively.] Uh...want some coffee?
[Smiles brightly], You kidding? [Hungrily she grabs for his coffee mug. When the caffeine hits her system, she sighs contentedly. Her voice is low and dreamy as her eyes again fix on his face.] Bob, I think I could love you.
Bob: [Amused], What about Shane?
[Laura's eyes glow playfully.] Haven't you heard?...I'm more woman than just one man can handle.
Bob: [A knowing grin tinges his lips.] I'll just bet you are. [Taking another gulp of coffee, Laura's only response is the slight quirk of her eyebrow. Remembering his news, Bob's smile spreads across his bearded face.] I have news for you.
Bob: [With a mischievous glint in his eye], Yep.
[Waiting, the silence begins to whir in Laura's ears.] Well...[laughing], do I have to seduce it out of you?
Bob: Nah, but when you hear...[Laura's impatiently expectant look stops him.] Okay...what do you want first--the good or the great?
[Shaking her head, Laura grins.] Oh...I suppose there's no need to disturb the natural order of things--let's go good, then great.
Bob: Well, if you're sure? [Seeing Laura's eyes darken dangerously, Bob throws up his hands in mock surrender.] Shane managed to capture our forked avenger...[Laura's lips curl into a small smile as he continues.] Hope is now locked up in the padded cell in Shane's ISA room.
Bob: Yes.
[Laughter filters through her voice.] And that's the good news...I can't imagine what could possibly be better than that.
Bob: [Leaning in closer, his whispering voice tickles across her skin.] Your daughter has been found.
[Laura's eyes widen.] Is she...[The words die in her throat.]
Bob: She's fine...last report we received she was back in Salem making donuts with...[Bob scrunches his brow in thought.]
Alice? [Bob nods as tears begin to stream down Laura's cheek. Suddenly, Laura propels herself into Bob's arms--kissing him fervently.]
Bob: [Holding Laura in his lap], So I take it that's better? [Reaching to tuck the hair behind her ear, Laura leans back and smiles. Noticing the heavy bandage at the base of her neck, Bob lifts the hair off her neck.] Laura...what in the world happened to you?
[Shifting out of Bob's lap, Laura blushes and smiles weakly.] You know, same old story--just a different day...Someone decided I needed another good whack in the head.
Bob: Another? Do you know who? [Laura's eyes trail down to the beach where Sam and Roman are making a feeble attempt to corner an increasingly annoyed Grace. Frowning, she mumbles.] Uh...not really sure. [With a strained smile, Laura stands. Her eyes shift worriedly from Bob back to the scene unfolding on the beach.] Thanks for the news. [Leaning over she offers him a chaste kiss.] I think I'm going to go share the good news with Marlena. [Heading down the shoreline, Laura thoughtfully gnaws on her lower lip.]
confessed by Laura at 11:16 PM
Roman Brady *Confessional* Roman wakes up, not sure what has happened to him in the last few days. He remembers dreaming of Virginia Beach and seeing this gorgeous blonde talking to hundreds of adoring fans. Roman to himself: Damn, someone must have knocked me out. I've got to go find Sam and see if she is all right. Roman walks out of his tent to see Sam walking towards him. Sam: Roman, glad to see you're all right! Who did this to us? Roman: I don't know, Sam, but I have an idea who is behind this. Let's go down to the beach and take a swim to get cleaned up. Roman and Sam arrive at the ocean's edge and see someone swimming way out in the ocean. Sam: That's Marlena! Roman: Yeah, and she looks like she's in trouble. Wait here, I'm going to go help her. Roman dives into the water and swims out to "Marlena". Marlena (Grace): Get away from me! Just leave me alone! Roman: Doc, you need help and I'm gong to get you back on shore. Sam's there waiting on you. Grace is trying to keep Roman from helping her but Roman manages to get hold of Marlena (Grace) and drag her through the water and onto the beach. Sam: Marlena, what were you thinking? Marlena (Grace): I wasn't thinking. I was just going for a morning swim and you two have to come here and ruin it. Get! Go back to the other idiots on this island and leave me alone. Roman: Not a chance, Doc. Not to you tell us who is making you act like this. I know Stefano has some kind of control over you and now we think Laura is helping Stefano. Marlena (Grace): Laura? Marlena laughs as she asks Sam and Roman why they think Laura would ever help Stefano. Sam: Laura tricked Roman and me into leaving you to go get food and water and then when we came back, both you and Laura were gone. Why wouldn't we think Laura is working with Stefano? Roman: You are not yourself, Doc. Why don't you tell us who is controlling you? Marlena (Grace): You and Sam are crazy. I am Marlena and no one is controlling me. Sam: Okay, then, if you are the Marlena that Roman and I know, tell me all about our childhood? Marlena (Grace) laughing: Why would I want to remember that? You were the spoiled brat and I couldn't stand you. Roman: Okay, Doc, my turn. When and where was the first time you told me you loved me? Marlena (Grace): Why would I want to remember that? All I want to remember is my time with John. Grace, really trying to get out of this questioning, tells Sam and Roman that she is hungry and starts to head back to camp. Sam stops Marlena: This isn't over yet, Marlena, and you're going no where until you convince us that you are my sister and not some clone of Stefano's. Roman, hearing Sam say "clone", thinks to himself that Sam is on to something. Roman: Doc, if you don't agree to talk to us right here and now, then Sam and I will have to drag you back to that stump and tie you up so we can make you confess just who the hell you are and who is doing this to you. It's your choice, Doc. Sam and Roman stand there and stare at Marlena (Grace), waiting for an answer.
confessed by Roman Brady at 8:29 AM
[Crawling out of the tent into the hot morning sun, Grace sees Laura standing by the long-cold fire.]
Where is everyone?
Laura: [Shrugs.] Your guess is as good as mine. Maybe they all voted themselves off in our absence.
[Laughs.] You think they abandoned the game and forgot to tell us? Or maybe they're looking for you, Laura dear.
Laura: [Takes a sip of bottled water. She's dying for a coffee but Bob is nowhere to be seen. And there's no fire to heat the water for a cup of tea either.] Or maybe something happened to them. [Ties her shirt across her stomach.] Mass alien abduction? Hope managed to fork everyone into submission? John turned up and bored everyone to death? [Laura turns and shoots her a look.] What?
Laura: [Snarkily.] Maybe they worked *you* out and decided to get the hell outta dodge.
[Chuckles, hand on her heart.] Oh Laura, I'm wounded. Well, actually, no I'm not. Couldn't you do any better than that?
Laura: [Her head is still pounding and she feels like she hasn't slept for a month.] Look, I'm not in the mood for you today, okay?
[Scathingly.] Oh and your precious Marlena would make things all better, right?
Laura: [Irritably.] Look, go and find some other poor soul to torture will you? Give me a day's reprieve at least for God's sake.
[Smiles brightly but it barely covers the anger that darkens her eyes.] All right then Laura. If that'll make you happy dear. I'm going down to the beach for a swim. Let me know if anyone actually turns up will you?
[Laura watches Grace flounce off to the beach and then closes her eyes, revelling in the solitude and peace for what she knows will be an all too fleeting moment.]
confessed by Marlena at 7:03 AM