[It’s early evening as Grace wanders back to the cabin, martini in hand. She has left Laura dozing restlessly while she stretched her legs but she doesn’t want to leave her alone for too long. She still hasn’t made up her mind whether she trusts Laura not to tell the truth, or even if she cares if she does. Still, it might be easier to get off the island if no-one else knows the truth, but then it might also be an enjoyable exercise to see how far Laura can be pushed before she snaps. She swallows the final mouthful of her martini with a pleased smile.]
So many opportunities…
[She pushes the door open and stops short when she sees Brady standing over Laura. He is balancing precariously on one cane while in his hands he holds Hope’s curling iron. It’s hot and the pungent smell of burning hair fills the air.]
And just what do you think you are doing?
[Brady spins round, dropping the curling iron on his arm as he does so, singing the skin on his arms.]
Brady: Ow, shit! Dammit, you bitch!
[Eyes flashing.] Watch your language, Brady.
Brady: I’ll say whatever the hell I like, there’s no-one here that’s going to stop me. [He sneers at Grace.]
[Lightly but dangerously as she takes a step towards Brady.] Isn’t there? [Behind him, Laura stirs and then freezes as she sees the standoff.]
Brady: [Gaining courage.] I told you, now you proved what a whore you really are, my dad is off with the love of his life – my mom.
confessed by Marlena at 11:30 PM
cont'd from above
[Her eyes grow hard and glitter intently.] You sound like you think I’d care. Brady, right now, what I care about is that you think you’re going to pay Laura back for something. Am I right?
Brady: [Confused as a cold chill runs through him but he retains his defiance.] That bitch… both of you, it’s your fault. Everything that’s happened to me on this island is your fault. So yeah, this is payback. What of it
[Her lips thin into a vengeful smile as Laura watches, quite unable to bring herself to stop Grace doing whatever she’s about to do. It only takes a moment and Brady is reeling as Grace’s fist meets his face. Then she has her hand twisted in his t-shirt as she thumps him against the wall. Leaning in, Brady can feel her breath hot on his skin.] This is your warning Brady. If you ever touch Laura again, if you so much as lay a *finger* on her again, I will break every single bone in your pathetic, miserable body. [She wrinkles her nose with a vicious smile.] And believe me Brady, I’m a doctor and I know where every single one of those bones is supposed to be. That’s a lot of bones and a lot of pain so you’d better think hard before you decide I’m bluffing. Because if I was you, I wouldn’t be willing to test out that theory too quickly. [Brady’s eyes widen in agony as she brings her knee up between his legs and she lets him drop to the floor moaning in pain. Looking over at Laura, she bites back her smile as she goes over to the curling iron which is burning a groove in the wooden floor.] What do you think Laura honey? Would he look good in curls?? [She pulls out the handcuffs from her pocket and crouches next to Brady.] You know Brady, I always wanted to be a hairdresser, guess you’re gonna be my first guinea pig…
confessed by Marlena at 11:30 PM
[After a successful capture (with Bob's help), Shane decides it's time to talk to Hope in the padded room. Having frisked her for forks before putting her in the room, Shane decides it is safe to step inside to chat with her.]
Shane: Hope, are you finding your accommodations pleasant?
Hope: [Choosing to speak in her Gina accent at this point] Cut the small talk...you don't care how I feel Shane. Why the hell did you put me in here?
Shane: You know why you're here. Bob and I explained it very clearly. I don't know about the others on this island, but I prefer not to have a criminal running around with a fork attacking people. What would Bo think of this? That poor lad probably has no idea what's going on here.
Gina: [Abandoning the accent...] Bo...who the hell cares about Bo? [The accent is back...] Jawn is the only man I've ever loved. I know he loves me. I must take care of anyone who gets in the way of our love. Everyone on this island has kept us apart by rooting for Jawn and St. Doc. They had to be taught a lesson.
Shane: Then I've done what's best by putting you here. No one will miss you, especially not John.
Gina: He will come for me...
Shane: We'll see about that. [Clearly getting nowhere with her, Shane decides it's time to leave. It's back to the Roman files...]
confessed by Shane Donovan at 10:46 PM