[As the fading strands of light filter through the cabin window, Laura turns away from the offending light and releases a guttural moan.] Ughrrh... [From behind watery slits, she peers out at the unfamiliar surroundings and tries to rise up.] Oh...Jesus! [Curling herself into the fetal position, she cradles her aching head. Tentative fingers run across the heavily bandaged wound at the base of her skull. Slowly Laura swings her legs off the edge of the bed and falls into a sitting position. Her low, pained voice is muffled within the grave of her denim-clad legs.] What the Hell happened to me?
[Propping her chin up in her hands, her eyes swim with confusion as she tries to determine her whereabouts. Finally surrendering to the blur of images in front of her, she gingerly pushes away from the bed. Blindly feeling her way, Laura rushes forward in the grasp of ebbing waves of nausea.]
[As the dusky evening sky grows heavy and calm, Laura emerges from the bathroom. Her damp hair softly curls about her face as she swipes the cool cloth along her neck. From behind glassy, unseeing eyes an unnatural fog clouds her mind. As her mouth once again grows cottony, she becomes vaguely aware of her situation. With tentative drunken steps, she moves to leave.] I have to get back to camp. [Her hand trembles as she reaches unsuccessfully for the doorknob. Finally, feeling the cool brass beneath her hand she turns the knob and stumbles out into the growing darkness.]
[Laura isn't sure how long she has been wandering through the thick underbrush, and as hard as she tries she just can't seem to get her bearings. Quiet, frustrated whisper], Damn! Am I even headed east? What was I thinking...Well obviously I wasn't...[Her steps are clumsy and awkward as she bounces from tree to tree.] God! Wandering around in the forest late at night...I should have had enough sense to wait till morning--at least then I would have had the sun to try and guide me. [A willow branch snaps against her left cheek.] Damn it! [Caught in the throws of dizziness, she slides to the ground and decides to let the moment pass. Laura sniffs loudly. Her deep breaths a feeble attempt to try and distract herself from the nausea that is again creeping to the surface.] Okay...think girl...think. [Finding a rhythm within the earthy silence, she begins to relax. Letting her chin fall forward, she closes her eyes to rest.]
[Unsure how long she was unconscious, Laura comes to with a start. The distant droning sound of human voices mere shadows within her mental haze. Faintly she shakes her head and sighs lightly. Rising to her knees, the indistinct mumbling again catches her attention. Her eyes close to narrow slits and her brow furrows with deep concentration as she squints and tries to find some semblance of order amongst the duplicitous blurs. She is just about to give up when she detects movement. Cautiously she crawls forward until she can make out the scene before her. Gasping slightly, dangerous hazel eyes shift her direction.]
Grace: [A small smile tugs Grace's lips as she once again turns her attention back to Roman and Sam.] So...What? Is it your plan to keep me tied up here until dehydration and starvation turn my mind to complete and utter mush and I agree with whatever insane thing you say? [Grace's eyebrow arches in expectation.] Well?
Roman: No...we...uh...
Grace: [Cutting him off], Oh for Christ's sake...just shut up and go get me something to eat.
Roman: Uh...okay Doc...We don't want to hurt you, you know. We're doing this for your...
Grace: Yeah, yeah, yeah...I know...[mockingly], "for my own good." Kind of hard to buy that with these ropes cutting into my wrists, Roman.
Sam: Go on Roman...I'll watch her. [Roman leaves.]
Grace: [Her voice low and irritable], Like Hell you will...Right now the only thing I want more than food is water. And frankly, I'm sick of looking at your face. So get up off your ass and go get me something to drink...[Shifting angrily, the ropes cut into her.] It's not like I'm going anywhere.
Sam: [For long moments Sam stares at Grace unmoving, until finally she relents.] Fine...[Standing, she takes a few steps towards the thicket of pine trees before turning serious eyes back on Grace.] But when I get back, we will talk. [Grace bristles under the commanding tone of Sam's voice, but says nothing. Silently, she watches her go and waits for Laura to make her move.]
Grace: [Grace wasn't sure how much time had passed since Roman and Sam left. She knew only that time was wearing thin...they would be returning soon. Mumbling under her breath, she misses the encroaching shuffle.] Damn it Laura...Hurry up!
[Chuckling darkly], And why should I?
Grace: [Out of the corner of her eye, Grace catches Laura's unsteady gait.] Laura?
[With fumbling fortitude, Laura pushes forward into the large oak tree that casts Grace in half-shadow and slips to the lush mossy ground. Her dull moan dies deep in her throat and the heal of her palms press tightly into her temples as she tries to stop the aching throb that has set in behind her eyes. Blindly she crawls towards Grace and props her herself up against the stump. Her heavy, staggered breathing burns hot on the side of Grace's face.] Quite a mess you've gotten yourself into...
Grace: [Grace is about to respond when she feels Laura's head lull and fall listlessly onto her shoulder. Quietly], Laura? [Nothing. Twitching her shoulder slightly, she tries again.] Laura?
Grace: [Looking down, Grace encounters Laura's glassy black stare penetrating into nothingness.] You okay?
[Laura smiles grimly.] Oh sure...great! [[Laura's head again falls to the side. Sighing heavily, a glimmer of clarity shines in her eyes.] I don't suppose you'd have any idea who knocked me in the back of the head? [Laura's question is not quite rhetorical.]
Grace: You don't wanna know...
[Stiffening], Like Hell I don't...I have a special brand of justice for people who try to separate my head from my shoulders.
Grace: [Grace nods marginally.] Well good thing for me that I'm not the guilty party.
[Closing her eyes, Laura's head begins to sway and her words slur together.] Yeah good thing for you...And I'm sure you had nothing to do with whatever sedative this is floating around in my system. [Laura's dim eyes open almost imperceptibly to gaze up at Grace.]
Grace: [Grace's lips twitch humorously.] Well...
[Knowingly], Yes...well.
Grace: [As the silence settles between them, the predictable cricket chirps begin to mark the passage of time as steady as a second hand.] You know they'll be back soon.
[Emotionless], Yeah. [Both wait...Grace unwilling to ingratiate herself; Laura enjoying the feeling of control.] So how does it feel...being under someone's thumb...having your freedom taken from you all in the name of love?
Grace: [Peevishly], This isn't love.
[Low and thoughtful], Oh, I think it is. [Sliding down Graces shoulder, Laura curls herself into a protective cocoon.] People do all sorts of crazy things in the name of love. [One teary eye peers up at Grace.] That doesn't mean it will work, though. No good has ever come from depriving another human being of their free will. [Wearily, Laura climbs to her knees and looks Grace squarely in the face.]
Grace: Machiavelli?
[Laura laughs lightly as she makes her way behind Grace.] Hardly...Machiavelli would've gladly sacrificed any and all free will in the name of power...Oh well, who ever you are, you certainly didn't inherit Marlena's intellectual prowess.
Grace: [Laura tugs experimentally at the ropes.] Ouch!
Lord a mercy! Were they stoned when they tied you up? [Finally finding the right rope, Laura frees Grace.]
Grace: [Yanking the ropes away, Grace stands quickly...well aware that Roman and Sam should be returning anytime.] Thanks...What say we get out of here? [Glancing down, a sliver of pale moonlight illuminates Laura's form.] Come on. [Reaching down, she grabs Laura's elbow.] What does this look like--break time? [Wrapping an arm around her waist, she takes Laura's weight as they begin to slowly make their way back to camp. Playfully], You walk like a drunk.
And just who do we have to thank for that? [Laura stops abruptly as the ground begins to spin up to meet her.]
confessed by Laura at 9:55 PM
[Grace groans as she slowly comes to. She feels groggy, her world dim and blurry. Slowly the figures in front of her resolve until she sees that it is Roman and Samantha that sit in front of her. A moment later she feels the rope that digs into her arms and she looks down.]
What the hell is going on?
Roman: Sorry, Doc. We... we just thought it best...
[Furiously] *Best*? Are you f**king insane? [Looks at Sam, her tone seething with sarcasm.] Oh, that was a rhetorical question by the way.
Roman: Doc-
[Eyes dark and burning with hatred.] Don't "Doc" me Roman. You've got me tied up to a f**king tree stump and you think there's hope for a rational conversation? Obviously you're just as delusional as my psycho sister here.
Samantha: This is for your own good, Marley. You'll thank us one day.
Hell will freeze over first Samantha. [She tries to wriggle into a more comfortable position but the bonds are too tight.] You'd better both hope I don't feel like "thanking" you when I get out of here.
Roman: [Softly] Doc, we need to ask you some questions.
[Looks up at him like he's totally lost it and then laughs icily.] You want to play mastermind now? What the hell is this? The Salem Gestapo?
Samantha: [Angrily.] Oh for God's sake Marlena, shut up. I know you love the sound of your own voice but the rest of us could use a break from your constant bitching. [Turns to Roman.] I knew there was a reason I liked it when she was out to it. [Roman can't help his grin. He liked it when Marlena was unconscious because he could stare at her in those hot little cut-off shorts without pissing her off. Samantha looks back at Grace.] We want to help you and we figure this might help us work out who's doing this to you.
Doing *what* to me? [Looks exasperated.] You two have either lost it or you've stumbled upon Langan's stash of crack. [There's no answer from the pair and she huffs in annoyance.] All right, all right, ask me your stupid questions...
confessed by Marlena at 8:21 AM