Belle *Confessional*
(Hours after being hauled off by someone, Belle starts to come around. Her head is throbbing and she's mumbling.)
Nooo… don't. Stop. Don't do it….
(She thrashes about on the bed of leaves she's been deposited on. One of her yellow flip-flops flies into the air, skimming directly over her kidnapper's head. Flinching, he ducks just in time. He squats down next to Belle, listening to her disjointed words while keeping an eye on the surrounding forest, hoping that the nosey cameraman Bob hasn't followed them.)
Stop! Please, don't do it! Justin, noooo! Don't cut your hair!
(Knowingly the observer smiles. He knows that nightmare all to well.)
Langan: (Rubbing his chest with long thin fingers lovingly across his 'I *heart* boy bands' t-shirt.) Wake up sweetie, it's okay. Justin's curls are intact…
(Belle groans and slowly blinks her eyes to wakefulness. They lock onto the bushy mustached man gazing down upon her. He reaches to brush her cheek but she rolls over and jumps to her feet.)
YOU again!
Langan: Yes, it's me. Again. Happy Birthday, Belle.
(Belle scrunches her nose and looks at him suspiciously, wishing Brady would show up and hit Langan in the head with one of his tiny canes.)
It's NOT my birthday, you pervert! My birthday is in… in… it's in *November*! I *think*.... (She protests.)
Langan: No, it's whenever I say it is. TODAY is your birthday.
Is that why you like have *kidnapped* me. Oh my gawd! Where's Jennifer! I tried to get people to come help her but nobody would believe me -- well they're not exactly like the most *together* group in like the universe ya know, but I did try to tell them what you did to her and…
Langan: Jennifer is just FINE. No need to worry yourself about her. She's back in Salem making donuts with Alice Horton. You really should eat more of those donuts when you get back, Belle.
I should?
Langan: Yes. Make sure you give them to all the teens as well. They're very nutritious and they make you very smart and happy. Trust me. But now, Belle…
What? What are you going to do with me? Am I going back to Salem too? Why are you still here? (He walks toward her and she backs away, her face contorted with fear.)
Langan: I know what you did, and I brought you hear to WARN you never to do it again.
What? What did I like *do*? I'm going to tell my mom and dad about you! (Belle continues to back away from the wild eyed HW who reminds her of Hannibal, minus the really cool mask that Brady wore for Halloween one year. Suddenly Belle is falling backwards, having stumbled over something large on the ground. Langan begins to laugh hysterically as she tries to get back on her feet.)
Langan: Muhahahahahaha! (His high pitched howl makes the forest creatures scurry away.) You're going to tell your *mom* and *dad*? Oh, that's rich, that's so cute! Puleeeeze. They're not your parents! I am! And I gave birth to you right here! (Suddenly his sing song voice grows low and guttural. Belle grabs the trunk of a tree and clings to it, then looks down at what she just tripped over. 'It's one of them big vegetables!' She screams inside her nugatory head.)
You like LIVE here?
Langan: Here? Where is HERE my DEAR?
This is Smith Island.
Langan: And I'm a writer.
Langan: Nevermind. Now, let's get back on topic. I know where you went the other day. I know everything you do. Now, if you ever go back there, I promise you'll regret it.
Where? What like are you talking about? Let me leave you nutso!
Langan: Stay away from the Horton cabin, or you'll be sorry! (He twirls his big mustache and grins maniacally.)
Oh! You mean like where I found that little boy? Sorasville? Like that was sooo coool! It was so like totally unbelievable….
Langan: YES! That's it indeed! And I'm just giving you a friendly warning Belle -- stay away. Happy Birthday! Now excuse me, I have many plots to create for Chloe! (Langan gives his facial hair one more twist with flare and darts off toward his tent. Afraid to move, Belle watches him disappear inside the tent. Finally she gets the nerve to go get her errant flip-flop. After slipping it on, she is about to turn to try to find her way back to the camp [hoping that the smell of chowder will guide her] when she hears a crackling and squishing sound. She sees the big vegetable begin to wobble and split apart with a gooey, bloody ooze coating it. Belle's mouth hangs open in amazement and shock. In front of her bulging blue eyes she sees a *person* rise from the husk of the vegetable and look at her from under a layer of oozing gel. As *it* scraps away the mess, Belle screams when she sees it's her beloved Shawn. The boy she shared a playpen with! The boy who makes her feel all tingly down…)
OH… MY… GAWD! Shawwwwwwwwwwwn!
(With a cocky grin, the young man winks at her as he swipes at the bloody ooze clogging his nostrils.)
Shawn: Hiya, Belle… You look *fine* - your usual hot sexy self. (He steps out of the empty husk and moves toward her.)
What's going on? *Who* are you?
Shawn: Who do I look like? I'm Shawn Brady. (He closes in on her and wraps his arms around her and begins to kiss her neck, coating her with the smelly ooze. Belle begins to squeal.)
Get away from me! Stop it! You're not Shawwwwwn!
(The young man with unruly dark hair adjusts his slimy black leather jacket and again winks at her as he moves away.)
Shawn: Of course I'm Shawn, b*tch! Don't be mouthin' off to me. Now, I gotta run, but I'll be seeing you -- ALL of you -- when you get your sweet little ass kicked off this island. So get ready to put out, that's all I'm saying, b*tch. (He winks again, and Belle shudders as she watches him walk into the forest until she can no longer see him. She looks around and shakes with fear when she sees all the other giant vegetables surrounding her. She runs to the tent screaming for Langan to come out. When he does she begs him to tell her about the nasty Shawn. He laughs.)
Langan: Oh, I didn't know he was ready yet. Cool! He's my newest version of Shawn Brady! All the teens are gonna love him. And you'll especially like him! Can you say "losing my virginity while babysitting JT while my dad and his mother are on a date?" And just wait till you see my new Mimi! God I love this job! (Langan's head tilts back as he twirls his moustache and rubs his 'i *heart* boy bands' t-shirt.
Belle begins to scream and cry as she runs away, her flip flops echoing loudly through the silent forest.)
confessed by Belle at 2:46 AM