[It is after dinner that Grace slips away from the camp, unseen by curious eyes. It helps that most of the camp seems to have vanished and she almost feels sorry for poor lonely Bob. Almost.]
[It’s over half a mile to the cabin, but she covers she ground at a quick pace. This is her first chance to check Laura since the previous day and despite the fact that with the aid of Craig’s medical goodies she was able to dose Laura up with a fairly heavy sedative, she’s still concerned. However, when she arrives there, Laura is still good and unconscious.]
[Drawing more of the sedative into a syringe.] You’ll be glad to know that no-one missed you, Laura dear. [Sighs lightly.] I guess you don’t rate too highly up the importance scale. Even Shane was too busy working on his stuffy files to notice that you aren’t around…. [Laura stirs and moans slightly.] Oh no you don’t. [Swiftly Grace pinches the skin of Laura’s upper arm and slides the needle into the muscle. After a moment Laura relaxes into her previous deep sleep.]
[With a tight smile.] I can’t have you going back to camp and tattling on me Laura, that just won’t do. [Pulls the covers back up over the unresponsive Laura and smooths her hair.] Night night. Sweet dreams, honey. Don’t let the boogey man bite…. [The smile broadens, a mischievous touch at the corners.] Right now I have some other Salem fish to fry….
[Locking the door behind her, she slips out into the gathering darkness.]
confessed by Marlena at 11:32 PM