[Grace watches Laura go, detached amusement lighting her eyes. But before she can duck back into the tent, Nancy shifts in front of her. Grace tosses Laura’s bag carelessly into the tent behind her as she faces the redhead.]
Nancy: [Narrows her eyes.] Before you go Marlena, I think I should warn you that if I ever so much as see you near my husband again, well, let’s just say you’d better watch your back.
[A slow, amazed giggle erupts from Grace’s throat.] Is that supposed to be some kind of a threat? [She leans towards Nancy, and in a conspiratorial tone,] You can keep him honey, he’s not much to write home about anyway…
[Nancy’s mouth falls open as Grace steps out from between her and the tent and wanders towards the woods.]
confessed by Marlena at 11:48 PM
[Shane, the only man with brains on this island, begins sorting out the pieces of Marlena's strange behavior. Of course the last he needs is another case to work on. The Roman thing is going nowhere, even though he's glanced through the files repeatedly in the last few days. The forking incidents seemed to have subsided, until tonight with the Marlena incident. Now this. Shane's more than frustrated...]
[Shane is talking to himself in the ISA room, as he works better when talking out loud. He does miss those days of having an ISA partner like Miss Peach...] We've confirmed that there's a forker on this island. Unless the forker attacked himself to throw us off track, there are only a few more possible culprits...Samantha...although it seems the forkings started before she arrived... Laura, Kim, Belle, Hope, Nancy...no...she was eliminated after that tape mess...Isabella, Susan....All women...that's interesting.
Laura and Kim both have mental instability, which could make them culprits, though they aren't aware of it. Belle is still very young to be causing problems. Since both of her parents were victims, it seems implausible. Isabella is still fighting for her ex-husband, so it's hard to believe she would harm John. Susan seems a bit weird, but I don't think she'd hurt a flea.
That leaves Hope. I do remember hearing about the mental instability she faced in the last couple of years. She somehow worked for Stefano as a part of her confusion. That seems promising. Not that I have anything against the mentally unstable...as a matter of fact, I've slept with two of the three on my list. That leaves one question mark for me...I guess it's time to get to know my former employer a bit better. Maybe I can go back to my butlering days and learn some more about Hope Williams Brady...
[Shane heads out of the ISA room, hoping to at least crack one of his three cases. He hopes to find Hope somewhere nearby.]
confessed by Shane Donovan at 10:27 PM
[With steely determination, an angry Laura tears through the treeline. Turning hardened eyes to Kim and Sam, her brittle voice rings through the entire camp.] Where's Marlena? [Sam's glance strays to the tent as Laura hastily snatches Craig's medical bag from the supplies.]
Sam: [Tentatively], Is something wrong?
[Stopping at the tent entrance, Laura's shadowy eyes turn to Sam.] Nothing a good 2x4 upside the head wouldn't cure. [Entering the tent, Laura makes her presence know--her fiery stare burning into Grace. Stilling, she closes her suitcase and turns to meet the white-hot glare.] Why don't you just walk around in you bra and panties...far more direct and to the point.
Grace: [Reaching up to stifle an exaggerated yawn], Don't tell me you're ready for round two already?
[Laura's voice comes out in a strained, flat whisper.] I came to check you neck, [opening Craig's bag], so sit down and shut up. [With a bemused chuckle, Grace sits. Her laugh is soon choked off by Laura's hand roughly jerking the hair up away from the wound at the nape of her neck. Grimacing angrily, Grace reaches for a clip to pin up her blond tresses.] You should know that right now there is a big part of me that could give a damn less if a nice case of gangrene set in.
Grace: [Turning her head slightly, Grace smirks.] Gee it's been awhile, but I don't recall that being a part of the Hippocratic Oath.
[A peevish edge settles in Laura's voice as she riffles through the doctor's bag without looking up.] I don't recall anything about best friends taking...[Laura stops abruptly and pushes Grace's face away from view.]
Grace: [Bating], Taking what? [Laura's jaws flex as she pours alcohol into the open wound.] Damn it! Lord Laura sometimes you're a real bitch.
[Bitter laughter infuses her voice.] Sometimes you are too...[Muttering under her breath], Be glad I didn't use salt.
Grace: [Grace's lips curl into a wicked smile as she thinks to herself, What a shame...I think I could almost like Laura.]
[As if she'd heard Grace's unspoken comment, Laura offers a mumbling response on cue.] Yeah well sometimes I think I could almost kill you. [Grace stiffens as Laura slaps her hand down on the bandage. Closing the doctor's bag, she stands to go.] Change the dressing in the morning...if the wound is still bleeding, find me; otherwise, deal with it yourself.
Grace: [Reaching down, Laura retrieves her bag.] What? You gonna run away from home?
[Laura's eyes blacken with intensity.] And give you the satisfaction...when Hell freezes over! [Leaving, the eavesdropping tribe members scatter.]
Nancy: [With haughty self-importance], What are you doing with Craig's bag?
[Shifting dangerous eyes, Laura throws the bag at Nancy.] Here. Take your adoring adulterer's bag. [As pent up emotional energy surges through her, she shakily grabs a bottle of water. Struggling momentarily with the cap on her pills, she pours two or three into her hand and downs them...As the tremors flow over her, she tosses her bag to a newly attired Grace just emerging from the tent.] Why don't you make yourself useful and put that away. [Without awaiting a reply, she stalks down the beach.]
confessed by Laura at 8:37 PM
Princess Giner languidly stretches, arches her back and purrs like a kitten. Oh Jawn. You are so beautiful. I love to watch you sleep. I love the way you kiss me, feed me and make love to me. It's soo good to have you back. She brings a coral-painted finger nail to her lips and smiles brightly. Of course that silly stupid Marlena seriously underestimated me. She thought she could get the better of Princess Giner. Ms. Brilliant. The one and only. Of course, she could not. Thankfully the original Princess Giner had a look-alike-cousin that came in quite handy. And was easily controlled. It was unfortunate that she got decked but they understimate me. They don't know the real Princess Giner. So they don't know my crafty ways and how I have Jawn here to myself, all to myself. She smooths out the red silk skirt around her tanned legs. Of course, I cannot let such behavior go unpunished. Marlena is a bitch. And her little dog, er, her friend Laura too. They will pay for what they did to Princess Tiner. I have plans for them. My handy dandy fork will tune into Marlena's chip and then we will see who has the last laugh! She plants a moist wet kiss on Jawn's lips which automatically move against hers. But first my dear we shall have some fun again. She pushes a button and strains of Rapture feel the air...
confessed by Hope Less at 8:21 PM
[As Shane moves to sit Grace down, she twines her arms around his neck and pulls him closer. Her greedy assault on his lips is halted by the gentle pressure of his hands on her shoulders.]
Shane: [Flustered and confused], Marlena...I really don't...
[He is interrupted by the crash behind him. Icy eyes train in on Grace whose lips curl in unconscious humor. Meeting her halfway, Laura hands Shane a folder--her keen stare never leaving Grace.] You left this behind...I thought you might need it.
Shane: Uh...Thank you...[Squinting, Laura watches the quirk of Grace's brow.] I was wondering where I'd misplaced it.
[Finally turning to look at Shane, she smiles tentatively.] You're welcome. [As an air of possessiveness overtakes Laura, she leans in and offers him a thorough kiss.]
Grace: My, my aren't we marking our territory? [Playfully intense eyes shift Laura's direction.] Careful Dear...not all men find jealousy a turn on. [Holding out her bronzed leg], I sprained my ankle and Shane, here, was just such a gentleman...He insisted on carrying me in.
[Sarcastically], Mmhmm...Did the kiss help? [Stepping closer], What ever game you're playing stops now.
Grace: [Grace's face softens.] Game? Do you really think that's what this is? [As a heavy silence hangs in the air, Grace glances towards Shane. Watching him shift uncomfortably, her attention returns to Laura. Pleadingly, her face transforms into a teary mask.] I've had enough games to last a lifetime...Stephano has made it his life's work to try and control my life like he controls his chessboard. [The blinding fury begins to fade from Laura's eyes.] And now he's managed to destroy the one thing I thought I could always count on--my faith in John. [Grace's voice strengthens.] You are in no position to judge me. My husband bedded that bitch, Gina, on our honeymoon. So don't you go telling me what I can and can't do...And don't try to tell me I have no right to retribution.
[Set on edge, Laura's eyes narrow as she presses forward.] Retribution...that's what you call this? [Her eyebrow arches, and she shakes her head no.] I'm not buying it Marlena...because there's one small problem with your plan--John's not here to feel the sting of your revenge. Craig was, how shall we say, tit for tat...He was revenge. But what about Roman? [Grace's face glazes in a blank, unreadable expression.] Face it, Roman was nothing more than an affair. [Laura's eyes darken dangerously as she steps closer.] And this [gesturing to the scene before them], is just flat out vindictive.
Grace: Laura you take things far too seriously...I don't know what you think you saw, but...
[Laura's eyes widen and disbelief filters through her voice.] I've warned you before about underestimating me...[Annoyed], Stop trying to play me for a fool. [Her face twitches in barely contained fury.] Now get out--before I say or do something we both might really regret.
Grace: [Hopping down off the desk, Grace leisurely meanders to the door. Expectantly, she turns her tawny eyes back to Shane, but he says nothing.] You know, Governor, I never took you to be a whipped man...
Shane: [Dully], Please leave. [As Grace exits, he is reminded of her forking as he notes the bloody smear trickling down the back of her neck. Shane's dark eyes turn back to Laura.] I'm so sorry...
[Her eyes cloud as she purses her lips.] I know...it's not you. [Sighs heavily], I don't know what's wrong with her.
Shane: [Soothingly, Shane runs his hands up her arms.] I'm sure everything will work out. [Laura smiles weakly.] I hate to do this, but you should probably go check on Marlena.
[Cautiously], Why?
Shane: She's been forked.
[Her eyes dart wildly about the room--a war of anger and confusion. With an almost invisible nod, Laura mutters.] I guess I better go.
confessed by Laura at 7:40 PM
*The Results of the First Merged Tribal Council*
The votes have been tallied and, apparently, two's a crowd on this island.
Baby Belle, dig up your teddy, gather your things, feel free to leave your parting words, and FerryGuy Jerry will take you back across the island to the loving arms of your nanny.
Everyone else, yeah, voting results will be posted eventually, but the Big BadAss here is in the midst of moving which means that I'm one place and the results of the previous voting are in another....but I haven't forgotten.
confessed by Your Host, The Big BadAss at 7:07 PM
[Shane has just settled down to his work on the Roman Files when he hears a thud and a cry of pain outside the secret room. Quickly pushing his chair out from the desk, he goes and throws open the door, the faint light illuminating the undergrowth. He can't see anything for a few moments but then a muffled noise comes from the shadows and grabbing a torch he ventures out. Casting the light over the area where he heard the noise, he sees Grace grimacing in pain as she holds her ankle.]
Shane: [Quickly going to where she is hunched on the ground.] Marlena, what happened?
[Looks up at him, her eyes shining with tears of pain.] I, I think I twisted my ankle.
Shane: Let me have a look. [runs his hand down one smooth calf, feeling for any obvious problems.] Well, it doesn't seem as if you've broken anything. What were you doing out here in the dark anyway?
[Swallows, her eyes wide.] I had to get away, I needed to walk... some time to think. I didn't realize how dark it was, and then I heard a noise in the bushes and someone jumped out at me. [She brushes the hair from her neck and bends if forward somewhat painfully.] Is it what I think it is?
confessed by Marlena at 5:47 AM
cont'd from above
Shane: [shining his torch on her neck, he sees the now-familiar fork puncture marks] Did you see who it was that did this to you Marlena? [He runs his fingers over her skin almost unconsciously as he tries to figure out who might have had a motive for hurting Marlena. It's only when he shivers that he realizes what he's doing.]
No, no I didn't see anything. I ducked a little otherwise I think they might have done a better job of it. [she lets her hair fall across Shane's hand and and grimaces as she raises her head. Shane quickly snatches his hand away.] And I just ran. I didn't even know where I was going... [Looks down at her ankle ruefully.] I couldn't *see* where I was going.
Shane: All right then. How about we get you inside and take a look at that ankle. Do you think you can stand on it?
[Attempts a smile.] I can try huh? [She takes his hand and he helps her to stand but the moment she puts a llittle weight on the foot, she cries out and dramatically collapses in Shane's arms.]
Shane: Okay, okay. Well obviously that isn't going to work. Guess I'll just have to carry you. [Hoists her into his arms and she wraps her own securely round his neck with a grateful smile. He carries her back to the secret room and he stands in the doorway trying to work out what to do next.]
Shane, you're always such a gentleman. [Her smile appears shy as he turns his head to look at her.] Thankyou. [Tilting her head forward, she kisses him softly.]
confessed by Marlena at 5:46 AM
Late evening Confessional - Grace
[Grace lounges in the shadows, only the glowing orange tip of her cigarette visible as she watches the members of the new tribe relaxing after a dinner of... well, nothing since nobody has been bothered to cook for days. Still, this is Salem, who needs to eat when you can live on tea?]
Bob: [Sitting down next to her with the camera.] Hey Blondie.
[Says nothing as she watches Giner make a big show of looking at her black eye in her hand-mirror.]
Bob: I think Laura thought you should have given the princess more than a black eye.
[The corner of Grace's mouth quirks into a smile.] Black and blue suits her, don't you think?
Bob: She's a weird one all right. [Looks sideways at Grace.] Aren't you at all worried about your husband?
[Says nothing, simply flicks the ash from her cigarette and brings it back to her lips as her eyes follow Samantha over to a woeful looking Roman.]
Bob: So what's the deal with Roman? That didn't last long.
[Cue flashback of Grace and Roman talking after Giner's arrival back. The discussion is heated, or at least it is until she socks him a punch of his own and tells him in no uncertain terms to piss off. ]
[Back to the confessional. Grace flicks her honeyed hair over her shoulder. In a bored tone.] He was annoying me. I guess it was fun while it lasted though. [Turns and looks at Bob, raising one eyebrow with a wicked smile.] So tell me, what are the rules on consorting with the crew?
Bob: Uh.... [degenerates into a choking fit that makes Grace giggle helplessly as he tries to regain control of the camera. However her expression sobers into a speculative one as she sees Shane give Laura a peck on the cheek. As he heads off in the direction of the ISA room, she stubs out her cigarette and stands, her tiny skir practically see-through against the firelightt. ]
Okay, gotta go Bobby. Ciao.
confessed by Marlena at 3:28 AM