[Grace emerges from the water, the afternoon sun glistening on her wet skin as she slicks back her hair. The little scrap of hot pink fabric that constitutes her bikini doesn’t cover a lot of flesh as she lovers herself to the beach lounger that is conveniently waiting for her. Beside it, in the shade of an umbrella is a freshly mixed martini. She slips on her sunglasses and reaches out for her glass, taking a mouthful as a shadow falls over her.]
Giner: [Her great tombstone-sized teeth gleaming as she speaks.] I must say, I am surprised to find you down here at the beach Marlena. You are NOT the type to leave the care of your small child to others.
[Not bothering to lift her sunglasses lest she be temporarily blinded by the rays reflected from Gina’s enormous incisors.] Am I not?
Giner: [Her smile approximating a grimace, her bosom heaving as she feigns emotion.] Marlena, I am so worried about JAWN. Do you NOT think it is so very strange that he has been missing for so many days. And that witch Isabella, [she strangles the name with a snarling spray of saliva that Grace wipes from her arm,] I fear she has some part in dear JAWN’s disappearance. Would it NOT be terrible if she was, at this very moment with JAAAAWN, trying to dig her fuzzy headed witch claws into him? [Gasps dramatically as she raises the back of her hand to her brow, knocking her tiara askew.]
confessed by Marlena at 11:44 PM
Cont'd from above
[Grace rolls her eyes.] Hope…. Go. Away.
Giner: [Crouches down beside Grace’s lounger] Marlena, I am just trying to help you. Do you NOT worry about your husband JAWN? I know how devastated you were when you found that John had slept with ME… I mean the brilliant and BEAUTIFUL Princess Giner on the submarine of passiawnate love. [Her eyes glaze over with lust.] I know he once told me it was as if he was transported to the Love Boat, but only in a submarine. When JAWN and Princess Giner consummated their great and TRAGIC love story, it was the culmination of an EPIC love stawry that spanned several loooong decades-
[Unsuccessfully covering a yawn.] Okay, bored now.
Giner: [getting a lttle irritated that her attempts to upset Marlena have proven so spectacularly unsuccessful] JAWN still wants me you know. He remembers the great PASSIAWN and deep LAHVE we shared-
[Getting deeply irritated by the nauseous and droning Giner, Grace turns and decks her with a right hook. Picking up her martini, she takes a mouthful. Then she slides off the lounger, steps over Giner’s unconscious body and heads back to camp.]
confessed by Marlena at 11:42 PM
Laura *Confessional*
[Smiling brightly, Laura emerges from the woods.]
Bob: [Grins and calls out to her], Well look who decided to grace us with her presence.
[Turning to look at him, Laura's eyes twinkle mischievously.] Yes and don't you feel privileged? [Walking towards him she seats herself in the warm sand beside him.]
Bob: Oh, of course. [Laura laughs lightly.] And just what has you in such a good mood today...[smiles lecherously], and what, or should I say who, put that cat that ate the canary grin on your face?
[Feigning innocence], I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about.
Bob: [Shaking his head], Sure you don't, and I bet you also have no idea where Mr. Donovan is either--he seems to have been MIA too.
[Kim's mutinous glare trains in on Laura at the sound of her throaty laugh ringing through the camp.] A lady never tells.
Bob: [An easy silence settles between them. Stretching her legs, Laura lets out a moan that soon dissolves in a helpless bout of teary giggles.] That good, huh?
[Swatting at his arm], You're awful...there could be any number of reasons for my mood. [Bob's eyes scan the camp unconvinced.] Okay...maybe not any number, but surely more than one.
Bob: Yeah, like what? No run-ins with Marlena.
[Laura's eyes darken and her brow creases in thought.] Well I can't say as I would particularly welcome her company at present...[mumbling to herself], would probably just make matters worse. [Frowning, she sighs heavily.] Obviously something is wrong...I just can't quite put my finger on what. [Turns haunted eyes to Bob], Do you have any ideas? Did something happen?
Kim: [As Bob is about to respond, Kim approaches Laura with unreadable eyes.] Laura?
[Holding up her hand to shade out the sun, Laura speaks cautiously.] Yes?
Kim: [Shifting uncomfortably, her voice comes out flat and monotone.] I was speaking with Marlena earlier...[Pausing, Kim waits, but Laura says nothing. Bob busies himself with his camera as a dangerous edge creeps into Kim's voice.] And now she seems to have disappeared.
[Unsettled by the intensity in Kim's eyes, Laura ventures tentatively.] I'm not surprised. Look, I'd be happy to help you out...but right now your guess is as good as mine as to what's wrong. She hasn't seen fit to confide in me...[low and concerned], and I don't see that changing anytime soon.
Kim: [Eyes narrow], Well, how about little Belle? [Laura looks questioningly.] Do you think you could tear yourself away long enough to help out with her? [Sarcastically], Sam and I aren't the camp babysitters, you know.
[Bristling at Kim's implied condemnation], Well I really think you're barking up the wrong tree here. [Bob glances up with wary amusement.] She's not my child or my responsibility anymore than she's yours...So I'll kindly thank you to drop the oh-woe-is-me attitude. [Pausing, her voice softens marginally.] As for Belle, I would be delighted to watch her. [Standing, Laura walks over to where Sam is entertaining Belle.]
Kim: [Mumbles], Bitch! [Feeling Bob's eyes on her, she turns.] What are you looking at? [Without awaiting a reply, she angrily stalks off down the beach.]
confessed by Laura at 5:38 PM
cont'd from below
Kim: [Coming up to where Grace and Bob are sitting.] Yeah, like looking after your small daughter. Marlena, I have a bone to pick with you... your sister and I have been looking after baby Belle for the better part of a week now. Don't you think it's about time you pitched in. She is *your* daughter after all.
[Grace regards Kim dispassionately.] Oh can't you send her off to Shawn and Caroline or something? Isn't that where she usually lives anyway?
Kim: [Exasperately.] For God's sake Marlena!
[Laughs as she finishes her coffee.] Kimmy, honey, lighten up. No wonder Shane's taken to Laura so, you're two of a kind. [With that, she hands the cup back to Bob and wanders out of camera shot. Kim watches her go, her eyes burning with indignation....]
confessed by Marlena at 7:47 AM
Grace *Confessional* - Tribe - hey, we don't have a name yet!
[The camera catches Grace as she emerges from Roman's tent, looking quite sated. She pulls out a cigarette and lights it, taking a long drag before blowing the smoke lazily into the cool morning air. She wanders over to the crate and rummages through it. With a wicked grin, she pulls out a pair of Smith and Wesson handcuffs and stuffs them into the pocket of her sand coloured capri's before she spies Bob. ]
Bob, be a doll and fetch me a coffee, will you? [She saunters over to where Bob stands, shaded by the trees, flicking the ash from her cigarette as she does so. Bob hands her a coffee without so much as a word. This whole island thing is getting too f**king weird and Marlena is totally freaking him out. He's decided the best course of action is just to shut up and do his job until he can get the hell out of Dodge and away from these weirdos with their tiaras and talking squirrels. Grace takes a good mouthful of the coffee and widens her eyes.] Mmmm, I needed that. [The cigarette smoke drifts in Bob's direction as she stretches her tired muscles.]
Bob: [Unable to help himself.] What's with the fling with Roman?
[Shrugs as she draws on the cigarette.] He's cute but he's kinda dumb. Reminds me of a Labrador with those big brown eyes. [She chuckles as she stabs the butt of the cigarette against the rock and takes another mouthful of her coffee.] Lots of brawn and not too many brains. Just the way I like my men. [She lifts one eyebrow.] Well, some of them anyway.
Bob: Uh, if you don't mind me asking, how are things with Laura?
[Her expression briefly becomes unreadable and then she smiles sweetly.] Laura takes things far too seriously. She needs to learn to loosen up. I'm only trying to help, you know.
Bob: I don't think she sees it that way.
[Shrugs.] Well, that's her problem, isn't it? I have better things to worry about than Laura's insecuirites. cont'd above
confessed by Marlena at 7:45 AM
Susan Banks // Certified and approved by the NRA, DMC, and Blockbuster Video
[Susan wonders aimlessly, the ragged Lisa Marie tucked to her blue suede bikini]
Now where is that dang silly girl Belle? She ain't touched mah purdy purdy bi-ki-ni! What a mean mean girl Dr. Marlena's got herself. But then, Dr. Evans ain't been actin' normal-like lately niether. No sir. The other day I dun saw her and Officer Roman going into one of them tents and they be makin lots of noise and stuff. Then when I was askin' her 'bout it, she dun said that he was just fixin her plumbing... but then later I got to thinkin', we ain't gots no plumbing on here. Unless they be lying to me all this time. That's not very nice, Bob Bobs. No it ain't.
[A slight rustling in the bushes and a faint trace of various voices in the distance quickly catches her attention, forcing her short attention span to abandon it's nonsensical ramblings. She lightly pads her way in the direction of the foreign noises, her steps cautious yet ever curious. A small furry brown paw comes into view followed by it's equally furry body. And alas, the creature is not alone, as he has brought on his heels a merry James Reilly. His eyes widen to their full capacity as he takes in her tacky dressing.]
JR: Susan! Just who I was looking for! My good friend here and myself were about to partake on a lovely fishing adventure. Care to join us?
Silly. You know animals can't fish. Besides, you aint's said nuthin 'bout mah outfit. You dun inspire me James. Yes you do. I wouldn't be nuts for the king if it wasn't for your smartness. You're the smartest man alive!
JR: I know, I know. Aren't I the best? So uh, Susan, how 'bout that fishin?
Well, I don't fish too good, and you have that there animal with yah. The big boss man dun told me I wasn't allowed to be around cute little animals or electric kitchen stuff.
JR: Susan please. Do you realize who you're speaking to? The almighty James Reilly. I OWN you! ALL of you, bitches! Now grab hold of Lisa Marie, we're going fishing!
[Together, Susan, James and the furry Timothy trek to the beach and come upon a small boat. Timothy scurries aboard and James follows, suspiciously taking up more space than he should. He turns to Susan and feigns shock.]
JR: Oh dear, Looks like there isn't any room. Looks like you're going to have to sit on daddy's lap eh? [He pats his knee and grins] Heh heh heh.
Hmm.. well maybe if you moved over just a teensy *little* bit there...
JR: NO! There's no room! Besides, if you sit on my lap, it'll be good for my rod.. heh heh heh.
Well... if it'll help us catch us some big ol fishes then alright... but don't mess with the suede! I dun worked for this perfection. Ain't gotta go messin with it. You hear?
[As she settles herself in the small boat, she turns to the smelly animal and has to do a double take. Did he just wink at her??]
confessed by Susan Banks at 2:23 AM