[Belle turns her vapid little blonde head around her attention captured by the sparkling blue water.] Wow, isn't it, like, a totally beautiful day? I think I might go and work on my tan. [She dispays her bronzed legs to her mother.] Isn't it like, totally rad? Meems is going to be, like, soooo jealous. [Seemingly having forgotten 'totally' about Timothy, given that she has the attention span of a gnat, Belle grins brightly displaying all her glistening pearly white teeth, framed by perfect lips liberally coated with strawberry swirl lip-gloss.] I guess I'll, like, see ya later Mom!
[With that, Belle turns and skips off in the direction of her beach. Grace shakes her head.]
God, how stupid *are* these people?
Stefano: [Stepping out from behind a tree. He is well disguised with a pair of sunglasses and he blends in with the trees perfectly. No-one in Salem would be able to tell he was not a tree at all.] Grrrrace, is it you?
[Rolling her eyes.] Of course it's me Stefano. [She looks back towards the beach.] Congratulations, the Belle-bot is virtually life-like. Well except for the life-like part.
Stefano: [Takes Grace's arm and they walk.] Yes, well, the people of Salem are farrr too stupid to tell that they have a rrrobot in their midst. Fortunately they arrre all idiots and do not rrrealize that I, Stefano Dimerrra, am hatching a dastardly plan.
[Looking at him like he's totally lost it.] Stefano, darling, why are you talking liked a badly written cartoon character?
Stefano: It is that bastarrrd Langan. I am quite surrre he is still on this island. If I get my hands on that little weasel he will know the true wrrrath of Stefano DiMera!.
[Shakes her head. Looks like she can forget about Stefano as an ally.] What. Ever. [Turns in the direction of the ISA room.] I have to go Stefano. I have something I need to take care of.
confessed by Marlena at 9:41 PM
[Grace makes her way across camp, chuckling to herself over the expression on Laura's face. Laura is probably the last person on this island that she should make an enemy of, but it's so deliciously easy. And besides, Shane is so devilishly gorgeous... She stops at the sight of the teenaged Belle who seems to be searching for something with a concentrated frown.]
Belle: [Tightening the wrap-around skirt that matches her ultra-cute flora;-print bikini.] D*mmit Timothy, where did you go?! Come back right now! You hear me? TIMO-TH-EE-EE-EY!!!!!!!!! [Sees the strappy sandals that her mother is wearing and looks up.] Hey MOM! I heard that the camp, like, merged or something, but I've been so, like, busy that I.... hey, cool shorts Mom, where'd you get those? Anyway, have you seen my squirrel Timothy, he's like, disappeared and with all these freaky people around, well, y'know, I'm kinda, like, worried about him, hey have you seen Dad? He's wow, haven't seen him for days actually, hope he's okay. Mom, mom, I've soooo missed you, it's been totally weird around here with all these, like, totally creepy people, have you seen that crazy Susan woman, and aunt Hope is all, like, freaky spazzed out, maybe there's something in, like, the water here. [She stops, her eyes glazing over and Grace raises her eyebrows.] Hmmm, I hope Brady hasn't got his hands on Timothy. [Looks at her mom.] He's been totally nasty to me Mom, isn't that so, like, wrong? I mean, I'm all cute and blonde and perky, and I'm like totally perfect, so how can anyone be mean to me? I mean, my brother, being mean to me, it's so totally not computing y'know?
confessed by Marlena at 9:39 PM
[Trying to escape the camp madness, Laura wanders down the beach and sits beneath the shade of a large tree. Enveloped in the lulling calm of the waves, she sighs lightly and then turns her attention to the book in her hand.]
Marlena: [From behind the relative obscurity of the woods, Marlena intently watches.] She's of no consequence to my plans, [her eyes narrow], but she just may be a little too observant for her own good. [Still debating what course of action she should take, Marlena's face softens in mock-friendliness as she makes her way over to where Laura sits.] Hi!
[Flat and unyielding, Laura's eyes never leave her book.] Hi.
Marlena: [The silence stretches between them. Finally, Marlena sits, her lips pursed in annoyance.] So what are you reading now? And why aren't you with Shane?
[Distracted], A Good Man Is Hard To Find. [Laura's eyes glance Marlena's direction.]
Marlena: [Allowing a small, sly grin to crack her composure], So the two of you had a falling out, did you?
[Looking up, her eyes darken and her voice grows firm.] No...I'm reading "A Good Man Is Hard To Find." [Shifting her attention back to her book], Shane is trying to get some work done on the Roman case.
Marlena: Oh...[Thinks to herself--Lord, it's like pulling teeth.] So has it been hard for you to find a good man?
[Sitting up straight and turning so that she's facing Marlena, Laura's expression clears.] What do you really want? I know you didn't seek me out for a literary critique; I'm quite sure that you're not coming to avail yourself of my professional services by the way you were glaring at me from the treeline earlier; and something tells me that at present the only interest you have in Shane...[her brow quirks unconsciously] is purely selfish...So why don't you just save us both a lot of time and trouble and tell me what it is you really want.
Marlena: [Tries to look offended], Well somebody obviously got up on the wrong side of the tent this morning...Look, I came down here to try and make peace, to apologize. [Standing to go], But I don't have to sit here and...
[Cutting her off], Oh get off it! [Laura throws her book down and rises to meet Marlena's angry glare.] I'm not some pathetic little pawn who's going to be so easily manipulated by this little self-righteous indignation act. Just who do you think you're talking to, huh? [Stepping closer, Laura's voice lowers so much so that Marlena feels the vibration of her words more than she hears them.] Damn it, I'm not a fool...I've already told you not to underestimate me. It's quite clear to me that something is not right with you. I don't know just what it is that you want from me--you already have my friendship and my love...you already have my promise not to press the issue. [Marlena's hardened eyes never waver as Laura sighs wearily.] Look, give me something to go on and I'll be glad to help...[Marlena's expression is blank.] Fine, you don't want to talk, then don't. In the mean time, I have more important things to worry about--like Jennifer's kidnapping.
Marlena: [Low and vicious], Ah yes I can tell...so concerned that you're still here on the island reading your little books...so concerned you took a little roll with the fine Mr. Donovan...Yeah, that's some concern. [Seeing the murderous fury flash in Laura's eyes], I believe I'll go check in with Shane myself...see if there's any word on the Roman investigation...because I'm just so concerned. [Turning, she walks a few feet before looking back at Laura with a wicked glimmer in her eyes.] You said he was in the ISA room, right? [Without waiting for a response, she sashays off.]
confessed by Laura at 5:16 PM
Cont'd from below (cause of my everpresent blogger issues)
Brady: [With a nasty-assed smile.] Oh believe me, I will. But right now, Dad is with *my* mom. The love of his life. And I don't want to bother them with news of what St. Slut has been up to, because, not that he'd care or anything, but well, they're together. If you know what I mean... [His mouth hangs half open as he finishes the sentence making him look like a moronic half-wit.]
Oh, I think I know what you mean. [Takes a step closer to him.] You know, I'm surprised you're not off watching. After all, [narrows her eyes], you take such a deep and personal interest in *my* sex life...
Brady: Like I said, Marlena. Just waiting for the proof.
[Smiles lazily as she takes another step closer to him. Brady stands his ground but he's beginning to get uncomfortable.] Is that it? [Raises her eyebrows.] Or is it something else? [Takes another step forward forcing Brady to back up against a tree. She slides her hand over his t-shirt with slightly wild eyes. Brady swallows as she looks up at him, her smile knowing. When she speaks, her voice is husky and vicious.] Are you after a piece of the action, Brady? You want a taste of what Daddy has? [Brady says nothing, just swallows hard as she begins slide her hand down over his board shorts. She squeezes and laughs at the sound of Brady's yelp.] Keep dreaming little boy. You don't have enough in that package to satisfy me. Go back to Carl, maybe he'll kiss it and make it all better.
[With that, she swings around and heads down the hill back to the camp as the stunned Brady watches her go.]
Brady: [With a petulant scowl.] You're just as f**king insane as that psychotic shrink. You are *so* going to pay for this Marlena, just you wait and see. [He stomps off into the woods.]
confessed by Marlena at 2:33 AM
[She sits on a broad rock atop a hillock several hundred feet from the camp, watching the activity as Kim and Samantha try and wrestle a frying pan away from Susan. Laura is sitting to one side, talking intently with Shane. She rolls her eyes as Shane puts hand on Laura's knee and Laura giggles girlishly. On the other side of the new camp, Hope sits polishing her tiara as she watches Roman who has baby Belle on his shoulders.]
God, how utterly tedious. Where *did* they get these idiots from? [Her eyes widen slightly as she sees Stefano stroll into the camp and over to Hope.] Well, well, well. I was wondering when you would show up. [She smiles slyly.] You can forget Gina Stefano, that hag can't create half the havoc I can, and you know it. Or at least you will.
[She stands up, dusting off the tight leather pants that she liberated from a cabin close to the camp. She's sure they look a lot better on her than their previous owner anyway, so she figures she did them a favour. Not that she really cares. She's making her way down the rise when Brady steps out and blocks her path.]
Brady: [With a victorious air.] Hey Doc. I knew you'd prove me right sooner or later. [Sneers nastily.] I saw you with Wesley the other day, and then last night with your ex – oops, should I say *current* lover. God, you're such a whore!
[Smirks.] So what are you going to do about it Brady. Have you gone running off to tell Daddy yet?
confessed by Marlena at 2:31 AM