Hope Less er Princess Giner confessional
Ooh hullo thdere Bobby Boy. Long time no see (she smiles slyly) What have I been up to you wonder? Well notice mah Jawhn has NOT been around, n'est past. (smile seductively her huge tusks glistening in the morning dewd.) Burgle barrel was quite the smart thing for BBA to do. Although why Nancyer did NOT get kicked off, I will never understand. She was utterly useless to our tribe, you know that cherie, do you NOT? (Bob nods his head, noticing how Hope overemphasis NOT in every sentence in this really peculiar accent) Where has Steffy been up to chappie? I do worry about him. I will take care of him (she pauses a gleam in her eyes) Well, I did see Craig got booted off that island but not before the slut Marlena got her wiles into him. I did fail to see his appeal that got so many worked up. Seemed a grand illusion. A bit too effeffiminate for me. I like manly men, say like Jawhn and Bo. I see Roman has been asking about me. That pleases me Bob. I know that will NOT surprise you, of course. I shall try to use that to my advantage. I have been off enjoying a lovely mud bath. Now I have packed my bags, my tiaras and my handy supply of forks, er FORK Bob I said FORK (she reacts as she sees his eyes narrow) and I will do the merge. But Jawhn will be sharing my sleeping bag. That was a lovely mud bath. Surely you did NOT think it was for one Bob? The great Princess Giner never does anything for one. Of course, Ms Brilliant always looks out for number one! TA TA!
confessed by Hope Less at 9:29 PM
[Laura is sleeping restlessly when Marlena returns to their tent. Hurriedly, she rifles through her suitcase. Shaking her head in disgust, she looks for an appropriately skimpy outfit to accompany her next little exploring exhibition. With a sudden jolt Laura sits up. Drenched in cold sweat, she gasps for air as her dilated pupils skim the tent--blindly passing over Marlena.]
Marlena: [Her voice is flat and devoid of emotion--still she can't help the question that slips from her lips.] You okay?
[The only immediate response is the sound of Laura's shallow breaths and a droning silence. As unseeing eyes turn, her disembodied rasp whispers.] Fine...[Light begins to filter into her foggy vision.] You?
Marlena: Great!
[Dull and exhausted], Great. [With acute attention, Laura's eyes scan the tent--her brow furrowed in thought.]
Marlena: [Set on edge by Laura's intense scrutiny, she decides to change the subject.] So…what has you lulling the day away? [Marlena's eyes glow with cat-like knowing.] And where's Shane?
[Distracted], Hmm...Oh...uh Shane and I sat up most of the night talking...[Tilting her head], so I guess he's trying to catch up on his sleep.
Marlena: [If it weren't so disgustingly sappy, she might have been humored by the school-girl blush that painted Laura's cheeks. As it was, she could barely contain her disdain.] Talking...Lord Laura, sometimes I think you're too boring for freedom. [Seeing the dangerous shift in Laura's eyes, she softens her tone--playfully friendly.] I mean really...Shane is an absolutely dashing man who is quite obviously smitten with you...so how do you spend the night together? Talking. [Marlena's laugh is rife with bemused condescension.]
[Finally sitting up straight and pulling her damp hair up in a haphazard ponytail, Laura's jaw clenches and her words grind.] Shane is the first nice man that I've met since...[Sighs loudly], Hell, since I don't know when! [Leaning in closer, her eyes melt into blackness and her tone holds an unspoken warning.] And some things are more important than have a fully sated libido...[Swallows hard, squelching the momentary vulnerability that has crept to the surface], We can't all have the entire male island population fawning and falling over us...
Marlena: [Rolling her eyes], Well no--not if you're going to spend your evenings talking.
[Bristling, Laura stands. Looking back down her eyes narrow.] I don't know what exactly happened...and I won't press, but you would be wise to remember just who you're talking to. I'm not going to sit quietly by and take your crap. [Voice softens], I know you Marlena, and something is seriously not right. [Stifling a sudden yawn with the back of her hand, Laura turns to leave.] When you're ready to talk...you come find me. [As the flap swings shut, Marlena scowls and tosses the hairbrush in her hand down.]
confessed by Laura at 2:17 PM
Roman Brady *Confessional*
OH! AH! MMM! Doc, you leave me speachless! You only wanted a test drive, Doc, but you gave me the checkered flag from a NASCAR race. I can't remember the last time I kept my little Jr. up so long. I knew Billie was a slut, but Damn, Doc, your the Queen of SEX. What's that, Doc? You can't stand up straight? Here, let me help you. Marlena gets up with the help of Roman and falls right back into his arms. Hey, Doc, what's up with you? I know what's up with.....a, make that on me, but you're up to something. All I have been hearing on this god forsaken Island is about you and John and all the wild sex you two are having. Now you just gave me a shot of your wild thing so what's going on here? Marlena slowly backs away from Roman, and with a twinkle in her eye, and a few tears running down her beautiful face, tells Roman that she knows Hope is with John right now and has him drugged again and somewhere they found some caviar and booze, and then the worst part is, she saw Hope making what looked like a submarine out of palm leaves. Roman can't stand to see Marlena so hurt as he walks over to Marlena and holds her tightly. Hey, Doc, don't worry about those two chip heads. Let's get back "You Lost That Loving Feeling" with me and we can have another "Rapture". Look, I was the first man you ate strawberrys and whipped cream with, so you stay here in the tent and I'll go find some strawberrys. I'm sure they grow somewhere on this damn island. As for the whipped cream, we'll have to use some of my.......my imagination. Marlena agrees to wait in the tent as Roman hurries to look for some strawberrys. Marlena is now having a flashback of the wonderful early 80's and wonders why she ever wanted John.
confessed by Roman Brady at 8:30 AM
[not!Marlena waits as Roman finishes erecting the tent. After taking the tent and his belongings over to the new encampment, he had returned to find out where she was and had been seconded into lugging her suitcase back with him. She had been grateful to find that John was nowhere to be seen and she had filled in her time by wandering around the perimeter of the camp and seeing exactly who was sleeping where.
Laura had arrived with the child some time later and had tersely thrust the youngster at her before disappearing. It hadn't taken long to convince the little girl to go and find Aunt Sam, especially since Marlena's not so sane sister had liberated the chocolate from Epojetahwe's crate.
She watches Roman silently as he hammers in the final peg, a hint of a smile on her lips. He's no Craig, but he has a wonderful body, and those short shorts... And besides, he's helpful enough in a sickening puppy-dog sort of way. It should provide a little relief from the boredom on this godforsaken island.]
Roman: [Looks over at her as he runs his fingers through his curly hair.] All finished, Doc. What happened to baby Belle?
[Suggestively.] She's gone to bunk with Sam and your sister. Which leaves me all on my little lonesome.
Roman: Uh, what about Laura?
Oh, don't worry about her. [Moves closer to him and lays her hand on his chest.] She's occupied elsewhere. [Leans in so that he can feel her breath against his ear.] I've missed you Roman.
Roman: [Suddenly realizing that his picture is about to prove extraneous.] I've missed you too, Doc.
[Looks up at him from under her lashes as she undoes the top button of his shirt.] Well, why don't we take this [she reaches down with her hand and Roman suddenly groans,] newly erected tent of yours for a test drive....
confessed by Marlena at 2:30 AM