(Baby Belle wanders in front of the Horton Cabin knowing what secret it holds.)
Hey Bob, wanna hear something? I was born here.
Bob: So that's why your parents were sneaking off to this place. You do know the rules say you can't sneak off into it. Laura and the others are looking for you. Go to them.
I guess I should. You knowm Big Bad Ass gives you Strawberries and Cream and my parents do something illegal to have sex? Were they worried about an audience? It never stopped them before.
Bob: You sure know a lot for a little kid. Normally, little girls don't know about their parents sex lives.
Yea well, with horny parents like mine, they can't keep it a secret.
(Laura comes in a pant)Laura: Belle! There you are, we've been looking all over for you. Come back to the camp.
Don't worry, I'm fine. Can't a girl have her privacy? I had to do some deep thinking.
Laura: Well, your mom is waiting for you. And your dad is now on your tribe, you must like that.
Yea, it will be nice seeing Dad again. Ok Laura, let's go.
confessed by Baby Belle Black at 11:28 PM
[A slightly flushed Laura hurriedly stumbles through the trees to the dwindling remains of the western campsite. Smiling breezily], Hi Bob. [The heavy suitcase he carries precariously banging into a tree.]
Marlena: [Glancing up from under her hat, her voice dangerously flat], Careful Bob...don't scuff the leather.
[Bob mumbles irritably as Laura looks on confused.] What in...[Awkwardly balancing his camera, Bob turns--his concerned eyes interrupt her question. Laura's eyes dart momentarily back and forth between Bob and Marlena. Quietly], Bob, I really don't have much to take to the other camp...just a small bag of meds and a few books. Why don't I take that for you.
Bob: That's all right...I can handle it.
[Laying a hand on his arm], I know you can, but you shouldn't have to...and you don't have to. [Smiling], However if you insist on being helpful, I will let you tote my barge. [She laughs lightly as Bob nods agreeably and sits the heavy suitcase down.] Great! Just give me a couple of minutes to round everything up...lucky for you the books are all paperback. [Bending over, Laura begins to gather her things amongst the scattered camp remains. Seeing Belle's Ruby Bear...she looks toward a disinterested Marlena and concern furrows her brow as her voice quivers.] Bob? [Standing, Laura's darkened eyes penetrate him as she hands him her small bag.] Do you know where little Belle is? Did she head over with Roman or maybe Sam and Kim?
Bob: Uh...I don't think so. The last time I saw her she was in the woods...say about four or five hundred yards due South.
[Eyes widen], Alone?
Bob: Uh...yeah, I think so.
[Casting her eyes toward Marlena and then in the direction Bob indicated, Laura sighs heavily.] Marlena? [Getting no response, Laura gnaws lower lip.] Thanks Bob...I think I better go track her down. Uh...and will you tell Shane that I might be a little late.
Bob: Sure. [Low and uncertain], Do you want me to get Marlena's bag?
[Again shifting her eyes in Marlena's direction, her tone hardens.] No. I'll get it when I get back...and if that's not soon enough for her, she can get it herself. [With a subtle adjustment, Marlena examines the tense set of Laura's shoulders, smirks and returns to her Martini.]
confessed by Laura at 9:57 PM
[Kim looks up from packing to find Bob, who is bewildered after his latest encounter with Marlena. The camera wobbles precariously as he tries to balance it, and hold Marlena's suitcase at the same time.]
Kim: Oh, you have got to be kidding! How did she manage to get you to do that?
Bob: I'm not quite sure. I'm still wondering how she got her hands on a martini....
Kim: [laughing]....Well, that's far less dangerous than where she had her hands earlier! Good thing Craig got voted off, if John were to find out about this morning I think he would've killed him. God, is it something in the water supply on this godforsaken island that puts everyone on hormone overdrive? [Bob shrugs] Apparently it's hit Laura and Shane too? [Taking Bob's silence as affirmation of her statement, she grins wryly] That's what I thought. Well, this merge will be interesting to say the least. I'm outta here. [Kim grabs her supplies, and, ponytail swinging in the breeze, heads for the beach.]
confessed by Kimberly Brady at 7:23 PM
Marlena? *Confessional* - Tribe Nagahanaslick about to merge with Epojetawe
[A shaky camera nears not!Marlena as she sits lazily in the late afternoon sun, a martini glass close by. A large sunhat shades her eyes as she watches Roman pack up one of the tents.]
Bob: Hey, Blondie. Shouldn't you be helping your tribe pack up for the move to the beach?
[Raises her eyebrows.] I think they're doing just fine all by themselves, don't you?
Bob: [Who really has the feeling that he's no longer talking to Marlena and is getting just a little concerned.] Uh, are you really sure you feel okay? I mean, that stuff with Craig, that wasn't like you at all, Marlena.
[Anger briefly flits across her face.] Please don't presume to know me. But if you insist of sticking that irritating piece of equipment in my face you could at least do me the courtesy of telling me who it was that voted Craig off?
[Bob mutters something about not being able to tell her – that's up to the BBA to release that kind of information.... and then warily asks her why she wants to know.]
[With a small smile.] Oh, the information might come in handy. [Takes a sip of her martini.]
Bob: So, how do you feel about merging with the other tribe? You'll be glad to see your husband, I'm sure.
[Looks completely disinterested but then perks up as she remembers who else is in the other tribe.] Well, I suppose it could make for an interesting diversion. [Her attention is diverted by the rest of her tribe who are packing their bags. Turning back to Bob with a smile, she flicks her eyes over him.] You look like a nice strong man. How are you with suitcases?
confessed by Marlena at 6:43 PM
This would be my second try at this post... [Belle, who seems so good at interrupting, appears at the Horton cabin, where Shane and Laura are still enjoying each other's company.]
Belle: Oh my gosh...did you hear that the tribes are now one big tribe and so now we don't have to stay away from the other people on the island and we're just working together as one big tribe?
Shane: No, we hadn't heard. But Belle darling, I know your mother taught you manners. Did you notice that we were *busy* when you came in?
Belle: Eeeewww! Like I'm so sorry...I can't believe I did that...Really I'm so sorry...I'm not looking [She skips back out of the cabin, averting her eyes.]
Shane: It is good news that we don't have to sneak around to see each other anymore, but I must say that it was somewhat exciting to dodge the BBA on a regular basis. This just means...[Laura stops his rambling by pulling him toward her and planting a lucious kiss on his lips.]
confessed by Shane Donovan at 6:15 PM
Roman Brady *Confessional* I, Roman Brady, have just been told that Craig was voted off the island. I smile and think now that I'm the only male in this tribe. I don't count Freakboy Brady as a male because I'm not too sure this little creep is all male. Bob now tells me that the Big Badass has joined all the tribe members into one tribe. Damn! Now I have got to put up with John all over Doc and TWO Belles. What the hell is going on here? Maybe that damn squirrel can give one of the Belle's rabbies. This is too strange of an Island for me. Maybe I am a stump back in Salem, but here, I am the real Roman Brady. The fork stabber doesn't get caught, Laura, and Susan, and Kim are off their rockers, and Shane and Sam won't even talk to me. Whatsupwiththat? Jim Reilly hated me back in the early 90's, so he's no help to me. Hope is just plain Hopeless and all she wants to be is a Hag and screw mercJohn. Hey, maybe Hopeless can form an alliance with me. Hopeless knows that even when we get back to Salem and I tell Bo how she lusted after John, Bo won't catch a clue. Man, that little brother of mine is just getting dumber and dumber ever since he married Hopeless this time. Where the hell is Nancy? Did she float away? Well, that leaves the dear, sweet, and never jealous of Doc, Isabella. And also that once scary, but now just a cartoon, Stefano. Who the hell would want that cartoon granny for a friend on this island? So, I guess that leaves only Isabella and maybe Hopeless to try and get to help me stay on this island. On second thought, why the hell do I want to stay here for? I get more out of my picture of Doc than I do Doc. Well, I guess I'll go try and find the sweet Isabella and see what she has up her sleeve or in her pissy ass hair. Roman leaves to find Isabella and Hopeless.
confessed by Roman Brady at 5:27 PM
*Voting Results Announced and Another Big Thing!*
And Craig Wesley, the tribe has spoken. Please extinguish your torch and leave your parting words before leaving the island. Sorry, Marlena, your boy toy has to go bye-bye.
Whew - that round is over! Now....
Everybody MERGE!
That's right. You're all one big tribe now. Mix and mingle as you choose...and as some of you already are. (*ahem* Laura and Shane - I *do* know what you're up to! Just be glad I don't have time to barge in at the moment! I suggest you pull yourselves out of that cabin before I get a chance to yank you out by the seat of your pants.) There will be no further immunity challenges, just votes every three days. I'll post on days when votes should be cast so that everyone knows what's going on when.
If you have questions, you can e-mail the Days Survivor address and ask me. I'm on the road at the moment, coming to you now by the miracle of satellite technology, but I'll answer as soon as possible!
confessed by Your Host, The Big BadAss at 11:40 AM
[She crawls out of the tent into the early morning light and shakes the hair from her eyes as she stands. She looks around the empty camp as Craig crawls out after her, looking slightly the worse for wear.]
[In a husky voice] C'mon lover boy, time is a wasting.
Craig: [Stands, with a slightly dazed expression.] You should be sponsored by Energizer, you know that?
[Turning to look at him with a sexy grin.] Are you complaining?
Craig: [Shaking his head with a tired smile.] Nu-uh.
Good, now, let's go. [She sets off in the direction of the beach, her skimpy bikini barely covered by a tiny sundress that skims the tops of her thighs. As they leave, neither of them sees Brady watching from the edge of the clearing, a smirk on his face.
When she gets to the sand, she unlaces the dress and drops it, wading into the warm water. Craig is right behind her.]
Craig: [Swims over to where she floats in the water and slides his hand up her arm.] So, water sports huh?
[Draws her fingers over his chest.] Well.... makes life that little bit more interesting, don't you think?
Craig: [Raising his eyebrows.] Like committing adultery you mean?
[Grinning as she moves into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist.] That's a technical detail one merely dispenses with before the real fun begins.
Craig: That's kind of a one-eighty from where you stood before, Marlena. [Shrugs, missing her expression flicker at his use of the name.] Not that I'm complaining.
I should think not. [Lips curl into a half-smile.] Let's just say I had a little "change of heart". I think it was bound to happen, sooner or later.
Craig: [He backs her up against a broad sea-worn rock and gives her a look that is pure lust.] Like I said, not a problem with it from where I'm standing. [Unties the back of her top with nimble fingers before kissing her...]
**** EDITED for content unsuitable to screen on network television****
confessed by Marlena at 6:43 AM