[She looks in the direction in which Shane his just disappeared in his search for Laura and sighs heavily.]
Well that just won't do at all...
[Looks around the camp with a bored air. Roman is currently trying to entertain the small Belle while Kimberly and Samantha are off doing something. She doesn't care what it is, only that they are out of her hair after fussing over her and irritating the hell out of her for the better part of twenty-four hours.]
Craig: [Coming up behind her.] Hey Marlena. What did Donovan want?
[Turning to look at him, a salacious glimmer in her eye.] Oh him? He was babbling about finding Laura.
Craig: I'm kinda surprised you're not worried about her yourself. You two seem so close.
[Chuckles as she moves closer to him.] I don't know... [Reaches out and draws a warm finger over the skin that is exposed by his open collared shirt.] Laura can be a little... judgemental, don't you think?
Craig: [An unctuous smile slides onto his face.] Well, I can't say I'm sorry that she's not here. [Watching her face, he slides his own fingers across her shoulder and down over her décolletage which is set off stunningly by her brightly coloured bikini top. She smiles at him, her expression holding more than a hint of invitation.] Oh, and I'm especially not sorry now.
[She looks over at Roman and finds he's watching her. With a wicked half-smile, she turns back to Craig, looking up at him from under her lashes.] Would you care to join me for a swim?
Craig: [ grins at her lasciviously. Whatever happened to her while she was missing, he likes the change and he's not about to question it. Technically, that might violate a medical principal or two, but when it looks like he might well score with this gorgeous blonde, he's willing to overlook the details.] Is that a rhetorical question? Lead the way!
[Looking across at Roman again she discovers he's caught up with baby Belle jumping on him and she decides that it's probably as well that he doesn't see them leave. It would not do to be interrupted. Craig follows her down the now well-worn path to the beach, unable to keep the expectant smile from his lips.]
confessed by Marlena at 10:25 PM
Shane: [When Laura does not show up at the ISA room as they had planned, Shane becomes concerned and goes out looking for her. Dressed in his khaki shorts and blue oxford shirt with the sleeves rolled up past the elbow, he breaks the treeline of the west campsite.] Marlena, thank Heavens I've found you. [Distracted, Shane misses the slightly lascivious twinkle in Marlena's eye.] I was supposed to meet Laura yesterday to give her an update on Jennifer's kidnapping...not that there's really any news, per se, to deliver. But, still, I wanted to keep her abreast of how the investigation is progressing. [Smiles lightly], And, perhaps more importantly, I wanted the joy of her company. [Marlena's face clouds with disinterest.] I'm must admit I'm becoming dreadfully worried about her...I've been looking for her all day, but still haven't been able to find her...[Shane's unspoken question dangles precariously, but no answer is forthcoming.] Marlena?
Marlena: [Marlena's voice is even and the only emotion that seems to filter through is a hint of annoyance.] Hmm...Oh, Laura...Uh...I haven't seen her. [Marlena dismisses Shane as she once again directs her attention back to her blue finger nails. Shane waits for Marlena to continue, but when she does not, he turns away defeated.]
Shane: [Walking back through the woods, Shane continues his search. Pausing, he rubs his chin.] There's got to be something that I'm just not seeing...I mean no one has seen Laura in days and while Brady and Kim seem almost relieved, Marlena seems strangely unconcerned given all the stress that Laura's been under. [Sighs heavily], What if something has happened to Laura...What if she too has been kidnapped? [He is about to give up for the day and head back to his ISA room to re-evaluate the situation when he comes upon the one place that he has forgotten to look--the Horton cabin.] Of course...Why didn't I think of it sooner? [Cautiously, he approaches--well aware that the cabin is out of bounds...but also knowing that Laura has proven time and again that she isn't exactly a stickler for rules. As he slowly opens the door, he is unprepared for the sight before him...Laura sits in the middle of the sofa, rigid and motionless. From the door, he quietly calls out to her.] Laura?
Shane: [Tentatively, Shane makes his way over to the couch.] Laura, Darling, I was so concerned when you didn't meet me. [Sitting down beside her], I'm so relieved...[Abruptly, his voice peters off into an unnatural silence as he finally notes that Laura has yet to say anything. In fact, Laura has yet to even turn her head and acknowledge his presence--her eyes simply stay locked straight ahead as if drawn by some invisible force. Gently], Laura? [Nothing...not even the bat of an eyelash. It is obvious that something is terribly wrong...this hollow vessel beside him is not the flirty, vivacious woman that he's come to know over the past few weeks. Wracking his brain, Shane tries to think back, to access what little knowledge he has of Horton history, so that he can determine what is wrong.] Let's see...I know Laura was institutionalized for a time...but why? [His brow furrows with deep thought just as the answer comes to him.] That's it...Laura must have slipped into a catatonic state. [Shane's eyes dart around the room.] Now the question is, what do I do to bring her out of it? [Sighing, his voice lowers to a whispering debate.] I suppose I could go get Marlena. She would know what to do...[He shakes his head and tries to rid his face of it masked confusion.] but, then, she didn't seem to be in a helping mood earlier. [After a momentary pause, Shane seats himself on the coffee table in Laura's direct line of sight. Reaching out, he firmly grasps her listless hands and speaks soft, yet pleadingly.] Laura, can you hear me? [At first there is no response. But soon her eyelids flutter, and he feels her hands return his embrace. A weary sigh escapes her lips as Shane's smile brightens.]
[Low and unsure], Shane? [Overcome with relief, Shane doesn't take the time to respond. Instead, he pulls her to him for the kiss that had been painting his thoughts ever since Belle's ill-timed entrance had interrupted them.]
Shane: [Slowly, he pulls away ready to apologize for his presumptuousness. Absorbed within the glow of Laura's eyes, his words come fumbling.] My...um...Laura...I'm [His words are suddenly lost--smothered by Laura's hungry kiss.]
confessed by Laura at 6:33 PM