Belle *Confessional* Tribe Epojetahew
Well, everyone here thinks I'm nutso now… I mean, *as if*. Like are any of them not like totally bonkers? I mean, if they don't want to believe me so what can I like DO? So there I am, Bob, just me and Auntie Hope, sitting at the campfire, so I decide I can talk to her, she's Shawn's mom right, and she must have known me my whole like LIFE - even though I don't remember much about her, but she told me once that she used to take me skating, so whatever, anyway I'm like thinking she'll listen to me so I told her about the Tom Langan thing with Jennifer and the big vegetables and she - I mean, Auntie Hope….
Bob: Hope is John Black's sister huh? I thought they looked alike. Same eyebrow thing happening. Pretty freaky.
Noooo, Bob, she's not Dad's sister, gawd! Hahahahahahahahahaha!
Bob: Oh… well, then she's Marlena's sister. Sure doesn't look anything like her.
Noooo, Bob! You sillyhead! She's not Mom's sister! Gross!
[He scratches his head, pondering the imponderable.] Bob: Oh, well then she is married to a sibling of one of your parents?
Nooo, sheesh.
Bob: Belle, why do you call her your *aunt* if she's not? Just a close family friend?
No, she's my aunt! Is that so difficult to understand? (Belle's giggling uncontrollably.)
[Bob rolls his eyes and decides that this blonde noodle head is some kind of teen from hell.]
Okay, so anyway, I told Auntie Hope and she was talking in this really retarded voice like that one lady that was pretending to be her a while ago but got shot and killed after she made Shawn jump off the roof and boy oh boy thank goodness there just happened to be like this thing sticking out of the wall that he fell on and gosh then like my Dad rescued him and oh gosh it was so scary but so amazingly cool. Cool stuff like that happens in my town all the time.
Bob: So… your Auntie Hope said….
Oh, yeah geez listen to me go on and on about something totally not about what I was like talking to you about, sorry. (Belle giggles and opens her make up bag and reapplies some Crazy Cooler Lip Gloss.) So, Auntie Hope was playing in the sand with her fork, and told me to shut up. She's like "what the f***" - oops I'm NOT suppose to say that word, but it's what she said you know -- she's like, "what the f*** is the matter with you? Do I look like that happy homemaker house frau Hope Brady? Do I like f***ing have an apron on and toasting some Hot pockets you little boring twit?"… I freaked out, Bob. Then she's like telling me this really gross stuff about her and my dad and stuff she's gonna do to my mother. It was freaking scary, Bob! Then she chased me with her fork. Have you seen Timothy? I better go find him! (Belle stands up, brushes off her emerald green capris, and skips off muttering to herself about how it was a mistake to take the leash off of Timothy.)
confessed by Belle at 4:04 PM
[The night had been long and exhausting. Although what she desperately wanted was time alone, Kim's invitation to go for a walk had been a rare act of kindness that Laura dared not refuse. The further they walked, though, the more uncomfortable the silence became. As the nothingness continued to whir in Laura's ears, she felt ghostly fingers wrap round her throat. Muttering a hasty apology, she left Kim standing alone.]
[Laura aimlessly wandering through the inky woods until she came upon the Horton cabin just as the sun was beginning to break the horizon. For the longest time she simply stood and stared--a perplexed expression on her face. But soon she began to hear its welcoming whisper beckoning to her...she needed to be grounded--she needed to be home. Tentatively, she entered. Her vision struck by the destruction that was John and Marlena, she couldn't contain her amused chuckle.]
[Glancing around the small cabin, Laura searches her memory. Her brow furrows, she couldn't remember the last time she had even been to the cabin. As her eyes travel the room looking for something familiar, she catches sight of her battered image in the mirror. With strange detachment, she steps closer, her face tilted in child-like fashion, to run cool fingers over her damaged glassy face. Her weary sigh hangs in the air as she turns and walks out of the cabin.]
[She had taken a shower in the hopes of washing away some of the malaise that clouded her mind, but it did not helped. Amongst the decorous disharmony, Laura sits on the couch wrapped in a quilt--quietly dejected, shoulders slumped and face blankly staring at smiling Horton faces trapped in glass prisons. The picture of Jennifer slips from her grasp. Hollow eyes look upon the shattered glass as she mutters to herself], Broken before it ever landed...
[Feeling the water begin to trickle down her back, Laura gets up to rummage for something to wear. The best she can find is a compromise at best, too big but clean... Deadened eyes review the cabin's disarray. With a heavy sigh, she sets about trying to put the pieces back together again as an eerie stillness surrounds her.]
confessed by Laura at 1:11 PM