[John staggers into Shane's ISA room, with a fork mark in his neck.]
John: She really did a number on me Shane.
Shane: Who? You know who did this?
John: Yeah, it was that damn dead ex-wife of mine. She was annoyed at me and the dealings with our son. She just picked up a fork and rammed it into my neck, then taunted me.
Shane: She hasn't been very high on my list of suspects. Do you think she could be responsible for the other forkings?
John: If you asked me yesterday, I would have said she'd never even kick a cow, but after this, I just don't know about her anymore. I think she might burgle the barrel if given the opportunity.
Shane: Marlena just brought me a tape, along with Bob, who was also stabbed. Maybe you should have a seat and watch this with me. Maybe we can put these pieces together.
[The two sit down together and Shane starts the tape. They are shocked by what they see...]
confessed by Shane Donovan at 11:55 PM
[Marlena, helping an injured Bob, appears at Shane's door.]
Marlena: Shane, it's happened again.
Shane: What's the matter with Bob? What's happened again?
Marlena: Take a look at his neck. He's been stabbed with a fork, but this time it's a wound with four punctures. The others have all been three.
Shane: Marlena, can you help fix Bob up?
Marlena: Of course, I'll take care of the wound. But THIS was what I wanted you to see. [She hands him the tape from Bob's camera.]
[Marlena heads back out of the ISA room with Bob, taking him back to camp where she can get Craig's medical bag to patch him up. Shane sits down after putting the tape in the VCR. After rewinding a bit, Shane stops the tape to take a look. Before he gets a chance to watch, John appears at his door, moaning. It seems the MercMan has been forked as well...]
confessed by Shane Donovan at 11:20 PM
I apologize for this being so late. Your Host, the Big BadAss, has been playing "Bob" for the last two days, trekking through rivers, rocks, and rapids, taking video and tip-toeing through history. Needless to say....
After splitting my gut with the blue nail polish challenge last time, I decided to pull another IC out of the blue on a very brainfried day. Your challenge this round? Incorporate either of these phrases into as many posts in as possible in as logical a manner as possible (in other words, make it make sense, which means you have to be creative): "burgle the barrel" or "kick the cow." You may change the verb tense if you'd like, but the phrase needs to remain in tact.
Immunity will be based on:
- Number of uses
- Number of tribe members participating
- Creativity and logic (in other words - burgle the barrel of memory and find interesting ways to kick the cow while making it all make sense)
So there you go. Time limit? Eh - we'll run it until Midnight ET tomorrow (that would be Friday by my calculations, no?) night. Tribes will then vote on Saturday (or anytime before then, remember) for immunity to be announced at Midnight ET on Saturday night. Work for you? Works for me. Have fun. And remember - you may have had a few days from my prying eyes, but I will be back. Covered in dam water, but back nonetheless.
confessed by Your Host, The Big BadAss at 11:13 PM
[Marlena, still sitting with Laura sees Kim comes wandering back to camp. As she passes them by, she shoots Laura a look that makes Marlena’s stomach lurch. Laura, reading her book seems totally oblivious.]
Honey, I’m going to go and talk to Kim okay?
Laura: [Looking up from her book, cocks a brow in Kim’s direction.] Good luck.
[Marlena pushes herself up from the blanket and walks over to where Kim is fiddling with the donut fryer.]
Kim: [Under her breath.] Stupid cow. Can’t even make stupid freaking donuts.
Kim? [Kim turns around and looks at her blankly. They’ve hardly talked since the incident with Laura the previous week and it looks like Kim isn’t letting that go anytime soon. ] Kim, look, I’m sorry if I was a little harsh on you. It’s been… [laughs bitterly], I don’t think stressful quite covers it. But that’s no excuse and for what it’s worth, I am sorry. So, would you tell me what’s wrong? I know there’s something going on, would you let me help you?
Kim: [Wrenching the lid of the donut fryer open and peering at the mess inside from Laura’s previous efforts.] Thanks, but I’m fine.
[Sighing softly.] Kim, we can all see that everything is patently *not* fine. Please, don’t try and play martyr here. It’s not going to help anyone.
Kim: [Looks up at Marlena.] I think you have enough of your own family problems without taking on the whacko Brady sister as well. [Her laughter has a slightly hysterical edge.] You know, you don’t have to save the whole world, Marlena.
[Softly.] I’m not trying to save the world, Kim. I’m just trying to be your friend. We’ve always been able to talk, so what changed?
Kim: [Visibly struggling internally.] Nothing has changed and I’m just fine. Now if you’re really my friend, you’ll leave it.
confessed by Marlena at 7:48 PM
[Marlena gets ready to argue, but she is interrupted by the sight of a battered Brady hobbling into camp and her stomach lurches with relief. He might look a little the worse for wear, but at least he’s still in one piece. Brady looks up to find Marlena’s curious stare fixed on him and he narrows his eyes. He’s damned if he’ll apologize to that slut, no matter what his father says. He just has to find some way to prove to his dad that he’s right about her. He slinks off to his tent, though the whole slinking thing is made slightly difficult by the fact that he’s on the stupid blue nail polish painted canes, one of which is only 2 foot high. So instead of slinking, he looks more like he’s the hunchback of Notre Dame as he stumbles towards his tent. Marlena chews the inside of her lip as she tries to decide whether to go and talk to him, but she remembers Laura’s words (cue shaky flashback of Marlena and Laura earlier, Laura holding Marlena’s hand… “Either way it's time Brady grows up and takes responsibility for his actions--it's time you to let him fall flat on his face and not be standing there waiting to pick him up. It's time for you to take care of yourself”… fade back to Marlena.) Nods her head and to herself] She’s right, I know she is.
Kim: Huh?
[Marlena opens her mouth to explain to Kim that she was talking about Brady but there is a commotion at the edge of camp. Both Kim and Marlena look over to see Sam and Laura helping Bob who has staggered into camp.] Oh, my word…. [They rush over to where Laura is urgently asking a dazed Bob what has happened.]
Sam: [Pointing to his neck where there are four identical puncture wounds.] Oh my God, he’s been attacked with a fork!
Laura: Bob. Bob, do you have any idea who did this to you? [Bob shakes his head painfully muttering unintelligibly into his beard. Marlena looks down frustratedly and notices that there is a red light blinking on his camera.]
Oh, [She crouches to look at the camera] I think it’s still recording. [ She looks up at the assembled tribe. Everyone is there aside from Brady, who is still sulking in his tent.] You don’t suppose that there might be evidence of the assailant on the camera do you?
confessed by Marlena at 7:48 PM
Continuation of below post...
John! Are you listening to me? (Isabella sees John just staring off towards the other camp with a look of longing in his face) (Then, hearing whispering voices she realizes that he's communicating with someone) How the...John? Your lips aren't moving! Who are you talking to? I can't quite make out what you are saying but there is definitely something funny going on here, and I want you to knock it off! I love you! Aren't you happy to see me again? It's been a day or two since we were kissing. Don't you want to pick up where we left off? (John continues to ignore her, his mind seeming to transcend space and time) John, I'M your SOULMATE, remember?
John finally snaps out of it and looks at Isabella John: "Get out of my way, woman!"
(As John starts to pass, Isabella desperately grabs his face and kisses him passionately. John rips away and wipes off his mouth.) John: "Don't EVER do that again!"
(Shocked, Isabella stares at him for a moment as he walks away, but before he gets far, she picks up a fork that is lying on the ground and stabs him in the neck. John falls to the ground and as he rolls over, she whispers in his ear) Don't worry honey. Now we'll be together forever.
(Isabella leans down and kisses John again, but this time he's too weak and injured to do anything)
After I finish with you, you WILL want me unconditionally. You won't even remember who Marlena or "DOC" is. All you will know is me and Brady. Your family. Your soulmate. Your son.
(Suddenly a branch snaps behind her. SHe immediately drops the fork and turns around) YOU!!!!!!!!!!
confessed by Isabella Black at 6:08 PM
John: "Now it's time to go find Marlena..."
JOHN?!?! (Isabella comes out of the clearing just in time to see Brady walking away and to hear John's words...) What do you mean it's time to go find Marlena? Didn't you hear BBA's rules? You are to STAY over here with OUR tribe and with ME! And what were you yelling at our precious son for?? Huh? He didn't do anything wrong! He just takes after me, his MOTHER. Don't you dare call Marlena his mother again. WE are a family John. You, me, and our Bwady. Don't deny that. Look, I even have blonde hair for you, since that must be the ONLY reason you lusted after your precious Doc all that time. (Not to mention that it helps new viewers understand why Bwady has blonde hair!) Get it John? hahahah, they don't know any better, so they think I ALWAYS had blonde hair! hahahaha (the laughter dies down as she realizes John isn't laughing) ha...ha......aa...a.. uh em.... ok, anyways...
confessed by Isabella Black at 6:07 PM
[Laura sits just on the fringe of camp reading when Marlena returns. Glancing up from her book], You okay?
Marlena: [Low and distracted], Hmm...oh yeah, I'm fine. [Changing the subject], So what are you reading...the MercMan Guide?
[Laura offers a derisive snort.] Hardly anything so intellectually stimulating...[Holds up a copy of The Bell Jar.]
Marlena: [Laughs lightly], That's uplifting reading. [Laura's eyes brighten.] And just where did you manage to find this little literary gem? I know it wasn't in the survival pack...
[Quirks], Hey, it takes all kinds to make this little survivalist exhibition work--some people bring wardrobe changes, others bring spy tools and still others bring fine literature. Besides books were about the only resource I had at my disposal during this last period of exile. Hadn't you noticed that your illiterate headwriter had banned anything that didn't fit on a post-it note from the Days set? [Laughs], Where did you think Scrooge Corday had sent all the literary props...why to Bo & Hope's attic of course.
Marlena: [Amused, Marlena shakes her head in mock-disbelief.] But The Bell Jar? [Laughter evident in her voice], Lord...Laura sometimes I think you're too twisted for color tv.
[Laura's eyes twinkle mysteriously], Thank you...sometimes I agree. [Laura glances back down at her book as Marlena takes a seat beside her. As the silence stretches, Laura begins to feel the tension wrap around her.] Marlena, is something wrong?
Marlena: [Quietly], John knows about Brady. [Laura sighs and eyes Marlena questioningly.] Ms. BadAss told him...Oh Laura, I'm so afraid what John will do if he finds Brady.
[Mutters to herself], Whatever he does, it won't be punishment enough. [Noticing the stern look of reproach in Marlena's eyes], Sorry, but that's how I feel.
Marlena: [Worriedly], Laura you didn't see the rage in John's eyes...I'm afraid he'll kill Brady...[Laura shakes her head disbelievingly.] You don't understand...John's been having some real problems...his temper and his need to control things...[sighs heavily]
Sam: [Walking over to where Marlena and Laura are seated], That's cause he's a jerk!
Marlena: Sam please...
Sam: [Annoyed], Please what? Don't tell you the truth. [Shrugs], Fine. [Turning, she enters her tent.]
[Laura smiles tightly.] So John's been having some trouble...Surely you don't think that he would ever actually harm one of his children--you and the kids mean everything to him. [Marlena nods tentatively.]
Marlena: Laura...what happened between you and Brady?
[Turns her attention back to her book--her voice shuttered and monotone], Nothing.
Marlena: Please Laura, I know something happened.
[Closing her book and sitting up straight], Look it wasn't important and really doesn't bear repeating. [The pleading in Marlena's eyes begins to chip away at Laura's defences.] Let's just say that I decided it was time Brady got a taste of his own medicine.
Marlena: [Marlena's brow furrows in concern.] So?
So I let him know what it feels like to be vulnerable and under someone else's control.
Marlena: [Her mouth suddenly very cottony--her voice a raspy whisper], How?
[Unsure], I don't want you to be angry with me and I don't want to argue with you...[Realizing that Marlena isn't going to let this drop, Laura sighs. Suddenly very apprehensive, she fidgets nervously as she recounts her encounter with Brady.]
Marlena: [Sadly], Oh Laura, no...you didn't.
[Cutting her off], Yes, I did. Look, I know you don't approve...you love him and don't want him hurt. Somewhere in that twisted mind of his he knows that too and that gives him control. Control he's been lording over you for far too long.
Marlena: [Softly], But Laura...
But nothing! I didn't hurt him. The manipulative little shit just hasn't figured out how to use this to his advantage yet. Otherwise, he'd be shouting it from the highest mountaintop. I threw him off his guard...I bought us all a temporary reprieve from his self-absorbed temper tantrums. But I assure you as soon as he gets over the shock and the wheels in his nasty little mind start to turn again...[Laura stops abruptly. Reaching to grab Marlena's hand, her tone suddenly very sympathetic.] Honey, I know you love him and want to help him.[Covering her mouth with her fist, a teary-eyed Marlena looks away.] But some people just can't be saved...[Turning back to Laura, Marlena's eyes harden in defiance as she begins to shake her head no.] because it's not what they want, Marlena. [As tears travel down both their cheeks], It doesn't matter how much you are willing to tolerate or how many times you reach out to him, nothing is going to change until he decides that's what he wants. Either way it's time Brady grows up and takes responsibility for his actions--it's time you to let him fall flat on his face and not be standing there waiting to pick him up. It's time for you to take care of yourself.
Marlena: [Whispers], I know; you're right.
confessed by Laura at 1:53 PM
John Black *Confessional*
(John has never been angrier. He still can't believe that his son, God he hates to admit that this monster is his son, could hurt the only woman he had ever really loved. He grabs Brady by the collar.)
John: What do you have to say for yourself Boy??? You better make it good because I am a few seconds from giving you the thrashing you should have gotten a long time ago. What is that smell? You have wet yourself? Damn! (He lets Brady go)
Brady: Why do you always take her side? You even took her side when I asked you did I look better in the conference room dress?
John: I don't want to ever hear about that again. I still can't believe what I walked in on. Marlena told you that purple wasn't your shade. Is that the real reaon you hate her?
Brady: Yes, Goddammit, yes. Why can't I be beautiful like Marlena? Dad, I think Carl is intersted in another guy. If I lose him, I wouldn't be able to go on Jerry Springer. You know that has been my lifelong dream.
John: I don't want to talk about this anymore. What I do want to talk about is Marlena.
Brady: I don't want to talk about that whore.
(John backhands him. He is furious.)
John: I am warning you boy. You had better keep your trap shut. Now I am going to tell you the truth. Do you think you can handle it?
Brady: Waahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
John: What are you crying about now??
Brady: You know how I feel about Tom Cruise.
(John is losing patience)
John: Listen up. I loved your mother. I did. I don't want even a snot like you to think that your parents didn't love each other. But you wll understand that Marlena, your mother, did everything in her power to let me be happy with Isabella. She gave me up in Mexico. I thought I would die. I event went to see her on the day you, Isabella, and I left for Italy after our wedding. I almost told her how I felt that day. She gave me up because she thought that wsa the best thing. I didn't want it. But Marlena always tries to do what is right. Is any of this getting through to you boy??? I am grateful that Isabella was in my life, but Marlena is the only woman who completes me. Maybe you will find that some day too. (John is quieter now. He has lost his rage.) So, I want to hear that you have apologized to Mralena. If I don't hear that, Brady, you aren't going to be happy. Do you understand?
(Brady leaves)
John: Now it is time to go find Marlena again.
confessed by John Black at 8:24 AM
(A panting, sweating Brady Black is close to the perimeter of the Tribe Epojetahwe camp. He is trying desperately to run but his tiny canes aren't moving fast enough.)
Brady: (yelling) Belle...Belle, where are you?? Mom? Mom are you out there? SHIT! Why can't I get over to the other side of the island? That slut Marlena had to go break the rules and make it harder on everyone else. Damnit! Who the hell told my father about what I did to Marlena? Must have been that bitch Laura. *She's* the psycho! Not me!! It was just a joke. (Trying to convince himself) Why should I be scared, though? My father will give me a chance to explain. I'm a cripple! He wouldn't hit his handicapped son. Plus he feels too guilty for not being there for me when I was a kid. And for letting his *whore* raise me and not telling me about my *real* mother. It's all that tramp Marlena's fault....
(Brady turns to see John coming toward him. His father's fists are clenched, the rage in his eyes unlike anything Brady has ever seen.)
Brady: (in a voice squeakier than Belle's) Hey Dad, I can explain, really....(as sheer terror causes Brady to wet himself) ......
confessed by Brady Black at 1:00 AM