[After confiscating the nail polish remover, Laura tries to talk to Sam. Though slightly high, she prattles on for endless moments. Eventually giving in to her frustration, Laura simply leaves Sam to her own devices.]
[Spending the better part of the day walking through the forest, Laura tries to enjoy the peace and quiet. But she can't keep her mind from straying--there was still no word on Jennifer and of course she was concerned about Marlena. Laura has no idea how to break the news about Sam. Sure she'd be ecstatic to have her sister back, but if earlier today was any indication then Sam still has a number of problems. And Laura isn't entirely sure how much more Marlena can withstand. Before she knows it, Laura has made her way back to camp.]
[As she spots little Belle, Laura feels immediately lightened.] Hey Sweetie. Has Craig and Kim been taking good care of you? [Belle smiles shyly and nods.] Hey, I've got an idea...why don't we get the rest of this blue nail polish off you...[Smiling, she holds up the remover.] and then we'll go make a necklace out of the daisies over there.
Belle: [Belle looks puzzled but then grins.] Can we make one for Mommy too?
[Reaching to tickle Belle], Can we make one for Mommy? Can we...[both laughing now], Yeah we can make one for Mommy too.
[Sometime later, a daisy bedazzled Belle by her side, Laura sits removing her own blue war paint when she catches sight of Brady stumbling through the treeline. Lifting the remover in a mock toast, Laura's eyes dance.] Hello Brady...[her tone is light-hearted, yet dangerous.] decide to rejoin the tribe.
Brady: Look you psycho-bitch...
[Cutting him off, Laura stands abruptly.] Belle, Honey, why don't you go show Kim your pretty necklace. [Smiling she goes.]
Brady: Just give me the damned remover!
[Stepping so close that Brady can feel her breath on his face. Laura speaks low--an earnest playfulness in her voice.] I thought I'd made myself clear the other day...but here you--no concept of respect. [Kicking one of his canes out from under him, Brady tumbles to the ground. Glaring down at him], Now if you'd like to ask in a nice proper kind of way [Squats down beside him and swabs one blue streak away from his face], I'm sure the camp would be happy to share.
Brady: [Scooting away], Forget it...you crazy bitch! [Pushes himself up and heads back into the forest.]
[Laughs], Suit yourself.
confessed by Laura at 10:07 PM
(Teen Belle is skipping through the woods calling out for her English friend.)
Belle (shreiking) T-I-I-I-M-O-T-H-Y-Y-Y-Y! Where are you please come back I’m sorry about tying all those little knots in your fur I really thought it would look cool and that we could be like twins. Haven’t you ever seen those shows where like people dress their pets in the same clothes that they wear there is even such a thing as matching jewelry for dogs and cats and their owners – (a hand covers Belle’s mouth and pulls her into the brush.)
Looking for this?
(Belle sees Timothy laying under a tree, bound and gagged. She twists free from her captor.)
(She punches him in the arm, which causes him to lose his balance and fall over. She tries to help him up but he pulls her down and they roll around in the leaves. After an awkward moment filled with sexual tension, Belle gets up and hands Brady his tiny canes.)
Belle: Um, OK like that was really weird cuz like we’re related and stuff so like we shouldn’t play around like that it’s too freaky and besides I really like Shawn who I am *almost* related to but not quite and I’m totally over Brandon who I had a crush on when I was a candy striper but I stopped doing that cuz hanging out at the mall was a lot more fun….
Brady: Will you SHUT UP! I didn’t lure you here to listen to your inane babbling.
Belle: Oh. So what do you want? To make me listen to you call my mother a whore or to tell me that she’s having an affair with Mr. Roman Brady?
Brady: No. I wanted to know if you knew where Dad is? I haven’t seen that slut you call ‘Mother’ in camp in over a day and I have a feeling they are together.
Belle: I’m going to pretend you didn’t just call my mother a horrible name because I know you have a good heart it’s just that only I can see it. To answer your question, I haven’t seen Dad around either.
(giggling) Um, Brady, why are you all like blue? Didn’t your team get any of the Blue Nail Polish remover?
Brady: We did but that bitch Marlena-look-a-like wouldn’t give me any. Maybe you can get me some from your camp? It’s the least you could do since I’m even talking to you.
Belle: (wiping her face) Thanks for the shower. So why ARE you talking to me? We could like get into SO much trouble even being seen together cuz like we’re not even on the same team.
Brady: When have I ever gotten you in trouble, Belle? You’re my little sister and I would never do anything to hurt you except call your mother names, try to destroy her marriage to your father, make fun of your friends, and show you how to play chicken on the train tracks so you can get your foot stuck and end up in a coma. Oh, and I just tied up your furry friend. But I really do love you. You believe me don’t you?
Belle: You forgot about almost whacking me over the head with a baseball bat and dangling me over the penthouse balcony. But yeah I believe you.
Brady: Good because we need to talk about that Reilly dude. Has he been telling you any strange stories about our childhood?
(Belle nods and she and Brady begin to compare notes.)
confessed by Brady Black at 7:00 PM
[Marlena is lying on the bed, next to John, looking at him with unabated worry in her eyes. He seems to have finally recovered from the latest headache, but she doubts that it is the last and she doesn’t like the thought of letting him out of her sight.]
John, honey, how are you feeling?
John: [Opening his eyes and looking at her.] Like someone hit me over the head with a sledge-hammer. But I think I’ll live. [Cracks a watery smile.]
Do you have any idea what might be causing these headaches honey? [She touches his face but John grabs her wrist, hoping to distract her. He doesn’t want to tell her about the flashes. Not yet. Not until he can figure out what they mean. If he’s going to be separated from her, he doesn’t want her worrying about him. He’s going to be doing enough worrying about her for both of them.]
John: Nope. [Rolls over and slips towards her.] Not important anyway.
John- [Her protest is cut off by his lips and she can’t help but sink into his arms as he kisses her passionately.]
[A little while later.] John, we can’t stay here forever you know.
John: [Presses his index finger to her lips.] Talking, bad. Kissing, good. [Removes his finger and replaces it with his lips. Marlena moans softly as he folds his leg over her….]
confessed by Marlena at 5:55 PM
Sam *Confessional* Tribe 1
[As Laura makes her way down the path to in search of the remaining berries, she hears a noise in the bushes. Wonder what that is? She takes three steps into the dense brush and peers thru the kudzu vines and is amazed by what she finds… Samantha Evans hugging an 8oz jar of acetone nail polish remover. No wait... she's not hugging it, she’s sniffing it…and singing the strangest song….]
Sam:(singing in a slurred, high pitched wail)
Come listen to a story about a jerk named John...
Laura: (pointing her finger at poor Sam to interrupt her) Cut the crap, Sam. I don’t want to listen to some stupid song. I’ll be damned. You haven’t changed a bit. You’re still the same ole, crazy Sam. You disappear once again, abandoning your tribe while we are trying to make the most out of all this blue nail polish . And then you have the nerve to sit here in the bushes and sniff away the only 8oz of nail polish remover we have.
Sam: (smiling back a Laura with a crazy grin) Good Morning to you to…I had good intentions I promise I did. You see, I saw Brady hobbling down the path this morning looking for the nail polish remover. And I couldn’t let him find it so I hid it here in the bushes… Then I got a little bored sitting here so…. I decided to take a wiff and then this song just popped into my head… a little ditty for my dear sweet sis… Please let me sing it for you, it really is good. Maybe it could be our tribes’ theme song. (Laura rolls her eyes and starts to speak but Sam starts singing again in a terrible high, pitched wail)
Come listen to a story about a jerk named John. A horny, Merk-Jerk, could barely keep his pants on. Then one day-- on his honeymoon, He jumped on a sub and forgot his wife real soon.
Sub-sex, Hopeless, Jope!
Well, the next thing you know there’s a baby on the way. John says, Another son, Man! That makes my day. Oh, JT how I want you in my life, No matter how it hurts my beautiful, sad wife.
My Son, John Thomas, Sub-spawn!
Well, now it’s time for John to hurt his wife a little more. He takes cruel Brady’s side instead of showing him the door. So what will Marlena do with such an Asshole in her life? Let’s hope she’ll find some backbone, And leave her grief and strife.
Bye, Bye John
Laura: (laughing in amazement) I have to admit that is a pretty good song. But I don’t know if the other tribe members will go along with it. And I am sure Marlena won't like it at all. Anyway (looking at Sam questioningly) How do you know so much about Marlena’s life since you’ve supposedly been dead all this years?
confessed by Samantha Evans at 10:50 AM
Laura *Confessional* -Tribe One
[A relaxed and earthy Laura emerges from her tent. She is barefoot and her knit top remains un-tucked from her khaki shorts. Sitting down on a log, her blue polished fingernails reach to stifle a contented yawn.]
Bob: Well you certainly seem to be in better spirits this morning.
[With a bright smile she takes the steaming cup of coffee from Bob.] Mmm…I suppose you could say that.
Bob: I did say that…and just to what or should I say who can I attribute this sunny disposition?
[Laughs lightly], Bob you are many things but foolish isn’t one of them. Let’s just say that I think most all of us enjoyed a nice little high from the blue nail polish fumes…[Bob looks unconvinced.] and took great advantage of our reprieve from the prying eyes of Ms. Big BadAss.
Bob: So you spent the day with Shane?
Well we did spend a good portion of the day working together.
Bob: [Grinning], Working…Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
[With a mischievous glint in her eye], You, sir, are awful. [Laughs], We were trying to determine who our fork bandit might be…although I will admit that I rather enjoyed his company…He’s such a very charming man…and that voice [Stops abruptly, blushing she realizes how she’s going on. Embarrassed, she averts her eyes and burrows her blue polished toes into the ground.] I mean…
Bob: [Snaps his fingers], Shucks…looks like I missed my chance.
[Chuckles], Right…sure you did Bob. You and I both know that you’ve only got eyes for one lady on this island. And unfortunately for you…I think she enjoyed yesterday’s little vacation more than anyone on this island—well except for maybe John.
Bob: [Puts his hand to his heart and mimes a direct hit before changing the subject.] So did you make any headway on the fork attacks?
[Sighs], Depends on what you mean by headway…we managed to catalogue all the incidents and thus eliminate some suspects—My don’t I sound so very legal—but no; we don’t know exactly who is responsible.
[Just then Brady comes stumbling into view. Seeing Laura, he turns and heads in the opposite direction.] Ah Brady, what’s the matter? Was it something I said? [Her laughter rings through the trees and is tinged with an amiable hysteria.]
Bob: [Turns expectant eyes to Laura], I don’t know what you did…but whatever it was, you certainly have his number…
[Laura’s eyes twinkle as she picks up her coffee.] I’m famished. I think I’ll go see if there are any more berries left.
[Bob opens his mouth to speak, intending to tell her of Brady’s angry threats, but then thinks better of it...deciding instead to let Laura have her moments peace.]
confessed by Laura at 8:24 AM
Missing John and Marlena scene from slightly earlier in the morning* (Edited for nudity, parental discretion advised)
[Marlena stirs in John's arms, suddenly opening her eyes when she realizes they have fallen asleep at some point. It was a very long evening, but now it's almost dawn. Pulling the sheet to her, she sits up, trying to figure out what time it is.]
John: Good morning beautiful. [He pulls her back down beside him and kisses her.] And boy is it the best kind of morning waking up next to you.
John. [She twists around in the sheets to look at him.] We need to get back to camp.
John: Why? [With a grin] I'm sure they're surviving just fine without us. [Lifts her hand to his mouth and kisses her palm.]
Well, it's hardly fair to expect everyone else to look after our daughter. [She places her palm on the side of his face and kisses him tenderly.] I love you so much, but we can't stay here forever. [She climbs out of bed, taking the sheet with her.]
John: [A little confused.] What do you mean look after our daughter? Belle's old enough to look after herself, Doc.
[Turns around and looks at him]. Not the Belle on your team, the Belle on *our* team. Don't ask me how it happened, but we have a Belle on our team too. She's our baby, honey, and she's seven years old.
John: [Blinking.] Damn, that Langan has done a real number on us all. [Watches Marlena as she bends over to check the lower shelves of the pantry. The sight of her shapely behind draped in a sheet is enough to make him forget anything much and he grins lustfully.] Hey Doc, I'm sure Laura can look after Belle for a couple more hours at least.
[Turning around to argue with him, Marlena finds John has snuck up on her and she squeals as he grabs her and throws her over his shoulder. A few short strides and he drops her on the bed and climbs on top of her. She half-heartedly tries to push him away but grabbing her wrists, he pushes them above her head and lowers his mouth to hers...]
confessed by Marlena at 7:48 AM
John Black *Confessional*
(John and Marlena are lying nestled in each other's arms sated and very content. They have just spent the last few hours making love (John sneaked a large dose of Viagra into his duffel...he was hoping to get Marlena alone).
John: When we are like this...I forget that Tom Langan ever existed.
Marlena: Who?
John: That's funny. I can't remember either. I just remember he has a fixation on our son.
Marlena: Who? You mean there is some pedophile who loves our sweet little boy. I can't wait to see him. I will do to that pedophile what I did to Stefano all those years ago.
John: Are we going back in time, or are we regaining our true personalities?
Marlena (looking under the sheets): I hope you never lose THAT.
John (grinning) You know I brought along viagra, don't you??? (Marlena giggles) But When I am with you, I don't need it. Some things just happen.
(Marlena begins to kiss John passionately.)
(Several hours later, Marlena is lying asleep in John's arms. John gently gets out of bed. Suddenly, he gets another crushing headache. He has a revealing flashback.)
Stefano: You will never get back to her. You might as well face that. You have lost her and everyone else you love.
(John screams. Marlena wakes and runs to John. He collapses in her arms.)
confessed by John Black at 7:18 AM