Hope Less Confessional Tribe that has been named but Hope Less is too Hope Less to remember it
When the camera pans on her, we see what she's swinging her battery-operated curling iron through the air like a baton.
She opens her mouth into a huge ugly gaping cavern and wails, MARLENA MARLENA MARLENA. Always Marlena! I was more popular than her. I was part of Days' first true blue bonafide supercouple. She wasn't! So how come it's always Marlena this, Marlena that! *stamps her two-inch heel sandal into the ground* It's just not fair! Everyone knows that Bo and I were the hottest thing ever on Days. We defined the 80s and supercouples. So how come the IC isn't about naming Bo and Hope's most romantic moments. Or our Firsts! It's just not right. It's positively wrong. It's always about Marlena, Marlena, Marlena! What on earth is so freaking attractive, Bob, about such a boring, self-righteous bore?! All she does is bitch and moan at Bwady and my Jawn. Why are men so captivated with her? And good Lord what a freak daughter she produced! I'm thinking of taking my battery-powered curling iron and curling her and her damn squirrel's hair with it! (doubles over with laughter. hee hee hee hee heh heh. Begins sputtering and coughing.) Oh what a sight that would be Bob! Well, I'm worried about Shane and his sick obsession with that chief island crack up. Oh well I'll just take my push-up bra and curling iron and move onto other victims, I mean fresh meat! Ta ta!
confessed by Hope Less at 9:21 PM
[Laura awakes to a dull aching drumbeat echoing in the back of her head. Assaulted by the bright sunlight, her eyes are mere watery slits of clouded vision. Groaning, she awkwardly tries to sit up—a wave of nausea washing over her and halting her progress as the gray fugue once again claims her.]
Marlena: [A worried voice resides just on the edge of her consciousness.] Laura honey, can you hear me? [Warm fingers press against her wrist.] Laura?
[Struggling past the blackness that has engulfed her, Laura clings to the unseen voice. As she begins to moan, she hears a desperate sigh of relief.] Oh…umm [Duplicate blond shadows swim before her eyes. Quiet and unsteadily], Marlena?
Marlena: Yes…it’s me. Laura, what happened to you? [Moving to help Laura sit up], Take it nice and slow.
[Laura slumps again and cradles her head in her hands. Muffled within her protective cocoon], Oh damn…
Marlena: What?
[Head down, enveloped in a cottony fog, her words slur together.] My head…God...feels like someone tried to knock it off my shoulders.
Marlena: [Shifting closer], Here, let me take a look...
[Loudly] Ouch…[Low whimper], ugh…giving birth didn’t hurt this bad.
Marlena: [Chuckling], Right…good to see you haven’t lost your sense of humor.
[Sighs heavily], Yeah good to see.
Marlena: [Coaxingly], Can you sit up so I can check your eyes?
[Slowly lifting her head, Laura’s small smile quickly turns into a grimace.] Why? I’m sure they’re the same as always…only slightly dilated.
Marlena: [Examining her eyes], Oh they’re slightly dilated all right. We need to get you back to camp so Craig can look you over.
[Sarcastically], Oh goody…[Noticing Marlena’s look], Hey, I’ve been whacked on the back of the head, if ever I was entitled wouldn’t it be now?
Marlena: [With laughter in her voice, Marlena helps a queasy Laura to stand.] You’re awful; you know that? And you walk like a drunk too. [After a moments pause], How did this happen?
I’m not sure…I felt like the campground was just going to swallow me whole, so I went for a walk. [Pauses], Then I thought I saw Kim coming towards me [Shivers in remembrance], Her eyes were so cold and hard…then as quickly as she appeared, she disappeared.
Marlena: [Supporting Laura’s weight as they make their way back to camp], Is that the last thing you remember? [Furrowing her brow in deep thought, a strange look of dawning comes across her face. Still she says nothing.] What?
[Unsure, she looks at Marlena.] This will sound crazy, [whispers], but I thought I saw Sam…Then just as I was turning to get a better look...I felt a swift breeze coming down on me…then nothing until I woke up. [Marlena’s eyes look haunted, but she pushes aside further questions and concentrates on getting Laura safely back to camp.]
confessed by Laura at 6:09 PM
*confessional* Roman Brady Roman wakes up from falling asleep back at camp and his head is killing him. The picture of Marlena is laying on his chest. Roman tries to get up. What the hell happened to me? Roman manages to get up but starts to stagger. Someone must have drugged me right before I went and spilled my guts to Bob about Marlena being a slut. I do remember telling Bob the story, but damn, someone had to have drugged me for me to talk about Doc like that. I've got to go get this straightened out with Bob. (Roman manages to get himself together and goes to find Bob) Hey, Bob, what all did I say about Doc the last time we spoke? (Bob tells Roman all that Roman said about Marlena and tells Roman who all knows about it). I'm telling you Bob, I was drugged. No way would I, the real Roman Brady, say all those horrible things about Doc. Yeah, she did have an affair with John while married to me, but she wanted me back so bad and I wouldn't swallow my pride and take her back. Now I want her and she doesn't want that stump who's pretending to be me back in Salem. Bob, who could have drugged me? Okay, so you won't tell me, but damn, I'm going to find out, and when I do, they'll wished they were never born. Bob, if you see Doc before I can find her, please tell her I was drugged when I said all those hurtful things about her. Hey, if she can forgive the MercJerk for all the ugly words he has said to Doc this past year, I think she'll forgive me. At least I have an honest excuse. I was drugged. What's John's excuse? You say it's the Hack's writing. But, Bob, The Hack's made me a stump the last 5 years and I still don't treat Doc like John does. I'm not buying all this being the Hack's fault. It's because somone else is failing badly at pretending to be me ,and if I, the real Roman Brady, was back in Salem, I would give that MercJerk a run for his money. I know Marlena would love a real cop more than a stump pretending to be a cop, or a MercJerk. You believe me that I was drugged, don't you, Bob? Thanks. Everyone on this god forsaken island, including Doc, knows I would never talk like that about her. Billie, yes, Doc, no. I could ring that damn Stump, pretending to be me, for laying Billie. That's one thing I would never do. Well, I'm off to find Doc. I just have to make her understand that someone drugged me. I'll be back later to see if you found Doc. Please tell her that I'm looking for her. Roman leaves, holding his pounding head, and worried that he won't find Doc in time to try to explain what happened.
confessed by Roman Brady at 5:58 PM