[Marlena happens upon her quarry when she bursts from the vegetation and finds a perky teenaged blonde sitting on the sand, a squirrel on her shoulder. The girl looks vaguely familiar and something tugs at Marlena's memory.]
[In a whisper.] Belle?
[The vapid little cheerleader deafens Timothy with a squeal that only he and dogs can hear and sends him toppling to the sand as she jumps up and flings her arms around her mother.]
Belle: Mom! Mom, I've missed you so much, did you know I saw this little girl that looked just like me? and Brady's real mom is on the team with us, she's got all this skanky blonde hair with bees in it, bees Mom, do you believe it? and there's this creepy guy, I think he's called Reilly, who keeps on whispering to me, I think he's like mental or something cause he said I was like six years old, I mean, *me* six years old, how wild is that? and Aunt Hope keeps whinnying in her sleep, it's like totally weird, how's Brady cause I saw him yesterday, Mom, I think he's cracking up, he was saying like the meanest things to me, I mean *me*, like he can say them to you cause you're not his real mom and all and Dad says it's okay, so it must be right, but how could he say those totally nasty things to me cause that'sjust liketotallynotrightand did you want to meet Timothy, he's my squirrel, he comes from London and he's like my new friend, actually he's my onlyfriendonthisstupidisland
[Blinking, Marlena turns away from the prattling child, wondering if she's actually finally lost it after all. Belle is still blathering as Marlena makes it out of earshot down the beach....]
confessed by Marlena at 11:32 PM
[Marlena turns away from the confessional outside Shane's secret ISA room with a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. After her fruitless search for Laura, she had decided that maybe she could find out if Shane had any news about Jennifer' and maybe that would help Laura a little. But she had stumbled across Bob and Shane talking just in time to hear Roman's voice on the monitor that had suddenly appeared out of nowhere. She walks a few feet, followed discreetly by Fred the shaky hand camera guy and then sits on a rock that is half-buried in the ground.]
Well, it he's not Roman, then who is? And who is he? He *looks* like Roman. [She laughs but it's starting to sound slightly reminiscent of Laura's strung-out laugh.] Well, that's hardly proof in itself in this town is it, Marlena? [She remembers the things that "Roman" was saying in his confessional and she shivers.] Right, well. Enough of feeling sorry for myself. That's not exactly achieving anything, is it?
[Stands up and brushes off her shorts and starts back in the direction of her camp. However, it's only a few minutes later that she hears a squeaky giggle. Furrowing her brow, she follows the odd sounds down towards the beach.]
confessed by Marlena at 11:31 PM
Confesional: Shane Donovan [After finding Jim Reilly unconscious outside the ISA room last night and subsequently finding three tell-tale fork tine marks on his neck, Shane has been working non-stop to get to the bottom of the fork incidents. Well...he's trying to work non-stop, but his thoughts of Laura prevent him from having his usual "Captain Shane Donovan" focus. This is the first time he's had a chance to see Bob in more than 24 hours.]
Bob...You've probably been wondering where I was. This fork situation is keeping me busy.
Bob: That's not what I've heard
What did you hear?
Bob: Marlena and Laura have been speaking about it quite a lot...your rendezvous in the water last night...
[slightly embarrassed]Laura and I shared a special moment...how did that become public knowledge? These cameras sure don't allow us to just be ourselves and let nature take it's course.
Bob: You're the one who signed up for it. You surely knew what you were getting into.
[nodding] I did...but it was just for the sake of the mission...you do know about my mission, don't you Bob?
Bob: There are so many things to keep track of around here. Are you on some secret spy mission or something?
Actually, it's not that secret. I'm just trying to figure out who is the real Roman Brady.
Bob: You are? I've got some interesting tape to play for you then. Let me rewind a bit...just a minute. [Bob stops Shane's confession and rewinds his tape. After locating Roman's confession, he plays it for Shane.]
What the hell is the mater with that slut? I know, I know, I shouldn't call the saintly Marlena a slut, but hey, Brady calls her that and gets to put his little Freakboy Jr. in her body, so what the hell. And Bob, I, Roman Brady, did call her a slut once, myself. She deserved it then, you know, screwing that MercJerk John when she was my wife. One night when Doc and I were married, before I became a Stump, I heard Doc talking in her sleep and I swore at the time she was saying Bad Doc, but now I realize she was talking about MercJerk John's big Johnny Jr. and saing big cock. I knew that MercJerk John had a lot of balls but I couldn't believe what Doc was saying. Man that ex of mine was a slut. I bet her timing was way off with Freakboy's tiny, tiny Jr. I heard Doc talking in her sleep another time and she was bitching about four and a half minutes. Hell I thought she was complaining about how much longer she had to sleep, but, now, I bet it had something to do with screwing that MercJerk John. Damn, the older I get, the smarter I'm becomming. What Bob? Damn, you telling me Krissy got booted off this damn island? Well, there goes my only friend here.
Woah! That's not the Roman I've know for the last 20 years. What a foul mouth he has. Roman may be a blue collar guy, but he's never disrespected a woman like that, certainly not his former wife. I guess I need to go find this man and figure out the situation here. See ya Bob...and thanks a lot.
confessed by Shane Donovan at 10:24 PM
[Kim is in her tent, now Kristen-less, trying to calm her raging emotions. She realizes she has left her tea out at the campfire, and with a sigh, steps out to get it. To her dismay, she sees Bob and his trusty camera...ready for action.]
Will you PLEASE stop with that thing? [Bob feigns hearing loss and continues taping] I mean it Bob, can't you go tape Brady? Go see what Craig is doing...anything...just leave me alone!! [Her voice rises to a hysterical pitch, and Bob tries to remember if there is a blood tie between her and Marlena's screechy daughter from the other side of the island]
Bob: Lady, this is my job.
Kim: Then go do it elsewhere....get the hell away from me!! NOW!! GET OUT OF HERE!!!
[The realization that she has started crying hits him at the same time as the cup of tea. Absolutely stunned, Bob wonders if he should demand combat pay for his services in this crazy place]
confessed by Kimberly Brady at 9:58 PM
Brady Black *Confessional*
(Bob hears a grunting noise and knows that Brady Black must be approaching. It is difficult to stifle his laughter when Brady comes into view. His face looks like it's been used as a punching bag.)
What are YOU looking at? Yeah go ahead and laugh. Real funny to see a crippled person with bruises all over their face and arms, isn't it? What the hell is wrong with teen Belle? She's making friends with a frigging squirrel! I think the peroxide is starting to seep into her pea brain. Maybe Sami needs to do another DNA test on that girl because she sure doesn't act like a relative of mine. She's an idiot!
I saw that Samantha Evans finally made an appearance. I was hoping she'd be up for a little harmless torture of her sister but I think she's become a 12-stepper or something. All goody-goody, want to help my sister crappola. Weird how much she looks like Doc though. Super Cop Roman's been gawking at her. I bet he wouldn't mind pretending she were her sister for a few hours in the sack.
So where is the lovely Mrs Black? Fantasizing about our little rendezvous no doubt. I bet she returns to our special place tonight. You know she comes on to me all the time. Always walking around the penthouse in her silk negligee, leaning over to pick something up so I get a good look at her ample cleavage. She's always wanted me. What are you laughing about? I'm serious. When I was 6, she saw me in a tux and told me I was as handsome as my father. Doesn't that sound like a come-on to you?Tom said it was. He said I have an Oedipus complex and that it would be a first in daytime if I married my mother. But she's not my mother so I don't get it. But Tom says details don't matter, the plot is what's important.
Well I'm off to find the lovely Doc. I know she's expecting me and I wouldn't want to disappoint her. Oh and if you see Belle, tell her to keep her freaky Rocky squirrel away from me!
(Brady hobbles away as Bob contemplates warning Marlena about these latest developments.)
confessed by Brady Black at 9:51 PM
Marlena *Confessional* - Tribe I
[Marlena looks over to the tree line where Laura sits alone. She knows only too well the hell that Laura is going through worrying about Jennifer and she only wishes she could be stronger for her than she is right now.]
Bob, did you see where Kim went? [Bob shakes his head. He’s been too busy worrying how to break the news to Marlena that her previously dead twin has resurfaced. Marlena sighs as she sinks down into the grass.] This whole thing gets more and more surreal all the time. Roman is behaving really oddly. [Looks sideways at Bob.] You didn’t say anything to him, did you?
[Bob shakes his head again but neglects to mention that someone else must have. Probably that nutso DiMera chick before she got shipped off the island.] He keeps muttering about going for a long swim and he keeps looking at me.... [Frowns as she looks thoughtful.] You know, if he *is* Roman, he’s certainly not acting like Roman. [Idly picks a daisy from the grass and then another.]
Well, I'm glad Kristen is gone. That's one less problem to have to deal with. It takes off a little of the pressure. [Begins to thread daisies together in a daisy chain.] One less person to have to worry that they're going to hurt Belle. One less... [She trails off, gazing into the middle distance as if she forgets she's even been speaking. For a moment Bob thinks she's totally zoned out, but then she blinks and fans herself with her hand, the merciless heat getting to her a little.]
Have you heard anything more on Jennifer? [Bob shakes his head sadly. Jennifer seemed like one of the only sane people on this godforsaken island, he had been sorry to see her go. Marlena looks back over at the trees where Laura has suddenly vanished.]
Oh no. [Climbs to her feet.] I'd better go find Laura. I don't think she should be away from the camp by herself. Wanna keep me company? [Bob nods eagerly and grabs the handy travel cam before they set off towards the woods...]
confessed by Marlena at 8:09 PM
Baby Belle's Confesssion
(Waking up from a long nap, Baby Belle picks up her Ruby Bear and strolls out of her tent. Still groggy from her nap, she doesn't realize that she has wondered onto the other side of the island.)
"Hey Bob? Do you know what this thing is?" Belle asks. (Bob just shrugs his shoulders. Belle then wonders into this structure not realizing it is Shane's secret ISA room.)
"Hmm, must be some kind of video game."
(Belle then proceeds to start pushing all kinds of buttons until an image pops up on the screen. It's her dad, tied to a bed and... her mother walking into the room in a sexy teddy.
"Bob... what is this? gross!"
(Belle then proceeds to press more buttons until a new image pops up. This time, it's not Marlena that is in the room with John... it's Hope and she's wearing a tiara.)
"Ahh! Bob, I think I've tapping into Daddy and Aunt Hope's brain chips!"
(Belle quickly turns off the machine, grabs Ruby Bear, and quickly runs back into her tent crying. Seeing her mom, Belle crawls into her lap and her mom holds her tight. But, this just doesn't feel like her mom...)
"You're not Mommy!"
confessed by Baby Belle Black at 6:25 PM
[The foggy morning had evolved into a stifling, muggy day. Laura had spent most of the morning in silent support of Marlena but as Craig’s presence becomes more and more insistent and as Kim’s cold, glassy stare begins to penetrate her, she can’t help but feel as though her lungs are slowly filling with fluid. Anxious adrenaline surges through her as panic-filled eyes call to Marlena.] Umm…I think I’m gonna go for a walk.
Marlena: Okay…be careful
[Smiles lightly], Yes, Mother. [With worried eyes, Marlena watches her go—noting the way Laura’s hands trembled and the invisible strand of tension that Kim seemed to have noosed around her neck.]
[For the longest time Laura stays on the outskirts of the campsite…too weak and self-conscious to return, but too afraid to stray outside of earshot. Nervously, she paces, then begins to mumble to herself.] This is nuts…I’m being irrational—paranoid…Kim is a Brady, salt of the earth. [Even as the sweat-licked knit clings to her back, she can’t help the sudden chill that runs over her at the sight of Kim’s icy-hot stare on the move—peeking out from behind one tree then another. Feeling her grow near, Laura rubs at her arms--attempts to tap some unknown wellspring of strength and courage so that she can face up to Kim once and for all…so that she can put an end to all this miserable tension. She opens her mouth to speak.] Kim? [But the sound remains suspended as Kim simply shifts her eyes in Laura’s direction one last time before turning and heading off down another path.]
[Looking around, confusion suffuses Laura’s face.] I know I saw her…I’m not losing my mind…[Shifting, she chuckles painfully.] No, I’m just sitting out in the woods, all by myself, carrying on a conversation—always a benchmark of sanity. [Sitting down under a large pine tree, her mind begins to wonder only to be interrupted by a glittering blue blur dancing just into her peripheral vision. Turning, her mouth agape in undisguised bewilderment, she questions softly.] Sam?
confessed by Laura at 6:22 PM
Sam *Confessional* Tribe One
(As the early morning fog continues to roll in Bob glances up and sees a blonde figure wearing blue plaid cropped pants, Berkis and a blue tank top with SuperStar emblazoned on the front in glitter, making her way to where Bob is sitting. Bob’s heart flutters as he thinks that Marlena is coming to spend a little more time with him. He squints as he watches the woman approaching him. But she would never wear a SuperStar tank top…And there is something different about her face. As the woman comes closer and takes a seat, Bob is stunned with the realization that this must be Marlena’s twin sister Sam.)
Hi, you must be Bob. Guess you thought I was going to hide out in those woods forever. Just taking my time. You know getting the feel of the place… Everyone thinks I’m dead anyway so I figured there was no need to be in a big hurry. Boy, is Marlena going to freak when she see me. (Sam smiling coyly at Bob)
[Bob stares in disbelief at how similar, yet still distinctly different the sisters’ features are. And while he finds Sam attractive, he realizes that she does not possess the heart-stopping beauty of her twin, Marlena.]
Look, I don’t want to cause any trouble for my sister. I got over that a long time ago. I left Salem and let everyone think that I was dead was because I was just sick and tired of being second best. I wanted my own life as Samantha not as Marlena’s twin sister. And I have had a wonderful, full exciting life. But now it is time for me to forget my selfish ways and help my sister when she needs me most. Her life seems to be a big mess after everything I’ve heard about that jerk of a husband she is married to and that son of his. (shaking her head) What is with those little canes? [Bob shrugs his shoulders] I think Marlena should wise up and leave the jerk. I saw her Ex Roman the other day. Thank God he didn’t see me. Have you seen those little shorts he wears? (Smiling in appreciation) Well, I’ve rambled enough… The main reason I came to talk to you, Bob is that I want you to let Marlena know that I am here and that I want to help. And tell her I promise I will be good this time. No drugs, No booze and No lies.
confessed by Samantha Evans at 11:00 AM
*confessional* Roman Brady
OMG Bob, what the hell hapened to Doc? What? You mean to tell me that was Brady, the Tiny Tim Canes crip, that was making out with Doc? What the hell is the mater with that slut? I know, I know, I shouldn't call the saintly Marlena a slut, but hey, Brady calls her that and gets to put his little Freakboy Jr. in her body, so what the hell. And Bob, I, Roman Brady, did call her a slut once, myself. She deserved it then, you know, screwing that MercJerk John when she was my wife. One night when Doc and I were married, before I became a Stump, I heard Doc talking in her sleep and I swore at the time she was saying Bad Doc, but now I realize she was talking about MercJerk John's big Johnny Jr. and saing big cock. I knew that MercJerk John had a lot of balls but I couldn't believe what Doc was saying. Man that ex of mine was a slut. I bet her timing was way off with Freakboy's tiny, tiny Jr. I heard Doc talking in her sleep another time and she was bitching about four and a half minutes. Hell I thought she was complaining about how much longer she had to sleep, but, now, I bet it had something to do with screwing that MercJerk John. Damn, the older I get, the smarter I'm becomming. What Bob? Damn, you telling me Krissy got booted off this damn island? Well, there goes my only friend here. Hey, Bob, which way in the ocean is it to Paris? I think I'll just jump in the ocean and swim to Paris and meet up with Billie. Now, there's a real slut for you, but hell, she knows how to make me an animal. Well, Bob, if anyone is looking for me, just tell them I'm back at camp looking at Doc's picture and thinking about taking a long swim.
confessed by Roman Brady at 9:56 AM
Laura *Confessional* - Tribe One
[An early morning fog hangs in the air as Laura breaks the treeline. Her eyes are red-rimmed and swollen, but there is a serious glint in her look. Wearily, she sits on a stump. Then, thinking better, slides to the damp ground. With an exhausted huff, she lets the tree hold her upright. Bob stifles a yawn and hands her a cup of coffee which she greedily consumes. For the longest time she remains silent--the only sound to penetrate the fog around them her heavy dejected sighs. When she finally speaks, her voice is low and quiet but there is a dangerous edge in her words that sets Bob's hair on end.]
If I could get my hands on that boy...I'd wring his neck for what he's done. [Mutters],Ungrateful, little snot...[Silence sets in again, strained to the point of discomfort.]
Bob: [Tentatively], So she told you what happened? [Laura says nothing, just turns haunted eyes to him and nods.] She asked me not to tell anyone...but...I thought...well...her husband...[He stops awkwardly, unsure what to say.]
Ought to know? [Bob looks at her unsure.] You won't get any argument out of me on that one...I think he has a right to know. Hell, I think he has a responsibility to know! But I can't tell him; I promised Marlena. [Knowingly, her eyes plead with Bob as he nods imperceptibly.]
[Rubbing her sleeplessness from her eyes, Laura tries to hide her yawns. Her neck pops loudly as she works to break the tension. When she speaks again, her quiet voice sounds gravelly and whiskey-sweet.] I don't know who had the worst night last night. We both tossed and turned until finally I couldn't take it anymore...felt like I was suffocating...had to get out of that tent before I died or did myself in. [Pausing, Laura takes in the surroundings--her brow scruntched in confused contemplation.] I just don't get it Bob. It's not been that long...I remember what Brady was like as a little boy--he loved and adored Marlena. [Sighs heavily], I don't understand; Langan is gone...if this is not his doing...[A trace of fear dances across her face.]
Bob: Aren't you a psychiatrist? [Laura looks at him expectantly.] I'm no doctor, but to me the boy just acts plain sick.
[Tears begin to trickle down her cheeks.] I don't know...maybe. [Shifting], To be honest I'd really rather not think about it because then I'd have a duty as a physician to try and care for him. And right now I don't want to care for him...I want to make him pay for what he's done. [Covering her mouth with her fist, she tries to hold back the emotion.] That's the real bitch in all this, you know...the real tragedy. Marlena loves that boy...in spite of all he's done, she loves him. Is afraid that if he knew, John might very well kill him...[Pain washes across her face.]God! If somebody's child had to be kidnapped from this island why couldn't it have been him rather than my Jennifer? That must sound awful to you...[Too lost in her emotions, she doesn't see Bob shakes his head no. Lord knows he'd much rather have a pretty young blond to listen to than to have to contend with some sicko with an Oedipus Complex.] I don't mean that...yes I do...I don't know what I mean anymore. [Crying, she offers him a watery chuckle.] And here I thought Marlena and I had cried ourselves dry last night. [Glancing back at camp], I guess I should go check on Marlena. Thanks for the coffee and the ear...I think you missed your calling, Bob--you're a shrink trapped in a cameraman's body if ever I saw one. [Turning to go, she tries to smile but it never reaches her eyes.]
confessed by Laura at 8:15 AM
*The Tribe Has Spoken*
All received votes from Tribe #1 have been counted, and the results are in.
Kristen DiMera, it's time to extinguish your torch. Your tribe has spoken. Please gather your VR Goggles, if you can wrestle them away from your other tribe members, and leave your parting comments before the door hits your ass on the way out.*
*And, just so's you all know, I don't mean that in a bad way (most of the time :)) - just call it my version of "You are the weakest link! Goodbye!"
confessed by Your Host, The Big BadAss at 12:49 AM