Laura, *LAURA*![Marlena tries to chase after Laura but she's too slow.] God*dammit* Bob, why the hell did you go and do that for?
Bob: Well I...
Oh shut up. You *know* Laura isn't in the best frame of mind at the moment. You could have let me tell her. I was *trying* to tell her when you interrupted.
Bob: But...
Didn't I just tell you to shut up? Now I have to go and find her and try and explain. [Tears fill her eyes] Do you know how terrifying it is to have a child snatched away from you like this?
Bob: Well, no....
I *said* shut *up*. Yeesh! [With that, she stomps away, searching for Laura.]
confessed by Marlena at 11:59 PM
*Confessional* Brady Black
I'm so confused. Ever since Tommy got voted off the island by those ungrateful bastards on Team II, I haven't felt like myself. Tommy *did* leave me with plenty of reasons to hate that bitch, Marlena. Let's see...she's always favored Belle over me. When I was 6, she told me I wasn't her real son. Or was I 8? Well...I know she stopped loving me when I was 14. Or was it 8? Anyway, the whole time I was growing up, she wouldn't let anyone even *mention* my mother's name. Unless they were calling my sister, Belle, who was named after her and who my father often calls Izzy or Isabella. And it isn't as if I could go to my grandfather, Victor's and talk about my mother. Or ask my Uncle Bo about her. That jealous wench Marlena must have made *them* never talk about her either.
Then there's the fact that I couldn't have any pictures of my mother in Marlena's house, even though she didn't marry my Dad until 2 years ago, which means, according to their wedding pictures, I was a 17 yr old brown-haired midget.
As if this isn't confusing enough, that Reilly guy from the other team keeps leaving me notes that say stuff like "remember when you found Marlena's sweater in the garden and she wore it to make you happy even though it was full of holes and dirt and crawling with bugs?" And "remember that Christmas when you went to see Santa and you told Marlena not to leave because she was part of your family? And "remember when you used to call Marlena "Mommy" And, "why did you put the t-shirt back on, you look much better in the buff". Hmm, I don't think that last note has anything to do with Marlena.
But, you get my drift. The other weird thing is when I look at baby Belle, I can almost remember these things happening. But I know it must be a lie because it wouldn't make any sense if I was really a happy child and Tom just made all that other stuff up.
Maybe if I can see teen Belle, she can shed some light on this. I think I'll try and find one of those gadgets tomorrow that everyone is using to cheat and make contact with the other team.
(Brady heads back to camp.)
confessed by Brady Black at 11:34 PM
Please remember to detail your "firsts" scenes enough that we can recognize them, please! You don't have to go into word-for-word dialogue, but it needs to be clear which scene you're talking about.
confessed by Your Host, The Big BadAss at 11:19 PM
*TREE MAIL: Immunity Challege*
Do you remember those times when we all oohed and aahed Or when we all booed at the injustice we saw? Do you remember the firsts that we saw on our screens? Can you clearly describe these "first" special scenes?
From kisses to kidnaps, from scrumping to...well... Whatever you think of surely will help Your tribe to prevail and save one of it's own And leave the other tribe voting to send someone home.Good grief, who writes these rhymes? Anyway, this round's Immunity Challenge is just as you see above. List and describe as many *first* scenes as you can. And since there were so many boos to a John and Marlena centered challenge last time, let's just focus on the good Doc herself this time, shall we? There are the standard scenes - first kiss (with Craig, with Roman, with {ew} Chris, with John, with whoever...), first kidnappings, first marriage - which you certainly should include. But what will catch the other team will be your more creative "firsts." Every legitimate "first" that you can come up with will earn your Tribe a point. The Tribe with the most points wins the Immunity Idol. The whole thing is due in to the Tribal Council E-Mail by midnight ET on Tuesday. And to add a little twist, at midnight ET on Tuesday, when this challenge is due, I'll send each tribe's list to the opposing tribe. Each tribe will get 12 hours (until Noon EW on Wednesday) challenge "firsts" from the other tribe's list if there are any questions. Tribal Council will then be held from Noon Wednesday until Noon on Thursday, but why wait? You can go on and start sending in your votes and your reasons behind your votes to Tribal Council E-mail or you can post them here on the blog!
confessed by Your Host, The Big BadAss at 11:13 PM
Hope less wants to slap the twit. She cannot believe she once babysat this cute, adorable child. She doesn't care if she's Jawn's child or not. She just wants to strangle the cupcake living dailylights out of her too stupid, too silly head! Her distain is oh so apparent at her dalliance with da Guvernor being interrupted by this little measley twit. Yes, you turd there is a problem! Tom Langan is no longer around to fix what he mesed up *pouting and scrunching her face up into a tight hideous ball* He promised me! *stamps her foot* He promised me a wonderful storyline that focused on me, me and me and me and ME and all the men who LOVED ME! And what does he do? He &^%$s it up! (she thinks how she'd love to jab her fork straight up Belle's too perky nose!) With some help of course from my so-called fan club president! She proclaims herself to be my number one fan. But what does she do? Blathers on and on and on about some nonesense! And it messes up my storyline. Cause he's dumber than dirt assistant prints out her babbling. And of course it short circuits Tommy's pea brain! They don't know anything about Ms Brilliant! They don't know anything about how wonderful she is and how much she loved Jawn and how all the men should love her and only her and not that stupid saintly Marlena!!!! It's like out of a bad Olivia Newton John song or something and not one of her good ones!So damnit yes there is a problem you cotton candy creature!!!!
confessed by Hope Less at 9:55 PM
More Hope less
Shane, she breathes. Startled, he looks up swearing he heard a horse's whinny. Instead, it's Hope, his former sister in law. He had heard of her erratic behavior but he cannot believe she's wearing a tiara almost IDENTICAL to the one he's holding. Governor, she says in her most seductive whisper. Did you hear the awful news about Cousin Jennifer? I remembered how well we worked together in Miami and all our other adventures. I thought we could again. (she moves closer and decides to make her move. She moves a finger up and down his arm, and leans in for a quick nip of his neck) He can't help but shiver. He's always loved horses. He finds them beautiful creatures. She looks like a horse. She moves like a horse. She has the grace and beauty and features of a horse. (scrunching his nose) and er she smells like a horse even! Hope he sighs. Her eyes gleaming wider, she takes his lovely delicate hand in her oversized paw and strokes his fingers with her free hand. Shane, let's walk along the water's edge and talk and remember. Let's talk about what's happening on the island, mmmmhmmm? The camera pulls away showing Shane and Hope strolling along as the camp fire and moon's reflection dance off the water
confessed by Hope Less at 9:44 PM
(walking along the beach, hand shielding eyes from the setting sun, looking upward and scanning the sky in search of something)
Damn helicopter. They were supposed to be here half an hour ago. Soon the sun will go down, then I'll get lost, then I'll get cold, then I'll get hungry, then I'll....
(spies Shane's secret room along the wood-line of the beach - the door cracked slightly open) Ooh. Shane's room. He has gadgets. Wonder what's in there. (glances one more time back to the sky and sees no chopper) I wonder if he's a Mac man....
(she approaches the door, and notices Shane's laptop sitting just outside the door, a hand-scrawled note leaning against the screen) *tsk tsk tsk*. Poor thing. Thinks he's such a gadget guy, yet he's running a Comcrap... (gives a quick glance and picks up the note)
Shane, please tell John I need to see him. Tonight at midnight on the southern beach. It's very important. Oh and please make sure he stays away from Isabella and Hope. I know it might be difficult, but I trust you Shane, if anyone can accomplish the impossible it's you. Thank you, my dear friend. Marlena. The sneaky little devil. (raises eyebrow) Which I guess would make sense since she at once was *possessed* by the devil. (sticks note in pocket - looks straight into the lens of Bob's camera - he's magically appeared to film her plight of chopper-less-ness) Well, I can't just *knowingly* let them cheat and meet up, now, can I? That just wouldn't be a very bad ass thing to do, would it? And we can't have that. You know why, Bob? Because I *am* (beats her hand on the wooden door frame of Shane's room) the Big BadAss. OW! (brings heel of her now-splintered hand to her mouth and mutters) Shut up. And that *better* not make the edit, you hear me? Tell Tucker if he puts that in the show, I *will* take away the cappucino machine, understand? I know a bunch of survivors that would *love* to have a reward challenge for that thing!
confessed by Your Host, The Big BadAss at 9:38 PM
Hope less confessional take 2 cause the freaking thing didn't post the *&^%$ first time and it's no longer on my ^%$# clipboard! UGH
A horse stalks through the night-time air. The moon moves from behind the clouds, its light bouncing off the horse's glistening over-sized white teeth. A tiara bounces on top of the horse's glossy too curly dark mane. Then Bob realizes it's Hope moving toward him.
Hi Bob! Did you hear the news? tee hee! Laura is cracking up! Kim is showing herself to be the lush loser tart tramp I always knew she was! And cousin Jennifer has gone missing! (scrunches up her face in fake agony just like when brat JT went missing) I did not do it! I know no one will believe me after Laura's baseless lies but I did not do it! (she screeches) However, I intend to make my move now. TA TA! (she blows Bob a kiss)
confessed by Hope Less at 9:35 PM
[Blooop...Blooop...Blooop...Blooop...Blooop...it's the metal detector going wild. After having to delay his search due to the rain, Shane has finally come into contact with something. Reaching under a blanket sprawled on the beach, he only finds a tiara. ] Who the hell would leave something like this lying around on the beach? [Shane puts the tiara back where he found it and continues on his way. Before you know it, the machine goes wild again...Blooop...Blooop...Blooop...Blooop...Blooop...]
[Shane reaches behind a tree this time and finds a fork. Always a detective, he doesn't touch it until he pulls the handkerchief from his pocket.] Looks like an ordinary fork. But if I recall, this is not the kind in our trunk of gear. There's something different about the prongs. This is definitely something I need to inspect further. [Shane places the fork in his pocket, still holding it by the handkerchief, and heads out of sight.]
[As he turns around, he's startled to find Belle, who declares she has a message for the group. As he walks behind Belle to meet up with the others, he finds Hope, who is licking a fork. He can't take his eyes off her, but knows he has to get his hand on the fork.]
confessed by Shane Donovan at 9:01 PM
(Bubbly, vivacious, and needless to say, PERKY Belle Black, has rounded up every member of her team, [Bob breathlessly trailing her sprightly form, trying to keep up with her unyielding peppiness] even those that scare her little tush, like Stefano. We won't mention that she found him skinny-dipping! While she was practicing her Salem High cheerleader splits, Belle squealed as she pulled a calf muscle, and suddenly a squirrel jumped out of a tree and stood right in front of her. She could have sworn he smiled at her when he released the tree mail and scurried off.)
Where did you get this, little guy?
(After reading the cryptic note…)
A tribe member has vanished from Tribe #1, Snatched from the beach in the afternoon sun. Who could have done it? Who do we suspect? The man she once loved? Or her now-much-loathed ex?
(Belle squealed again, and ran off to inform her team of the ghastly news!)
Poor Jennifer!
(Now, standing in front of everyone, Belle tries not to look at them frankly because they really really scare her… especially the skanky-haired lady that seems to have bee's swirling around her, and Hope, who is obsessively twirling and licking a fork, and the English guy who seems obsessed with watching her twirl and lick the fork.)
Okay! *gasp* Listen up people! A terrible bad awful terrible thing has happened! (Belle squints at Stefano when he coughs.) That means you too Mr. DiMera!
confessed by Belle at 8:58 PM
*Confessional*- Kim Brady
[Feeling restless and in need to escape the doldrums that have settled upon the campsite, Bob heads down to the river. He is surprised to see Kim emerging from the water, shaking her damp curls as she approaches him. Upon further observation, he takes note of her unsteady gait and glassy expression, and the empty champagne bottle discarded on the beach...]
Hiya Bobby! Did you come to go swimming with me? (She follows his glance as Bob once again takes in the bottle. She giggles.) Yep, I'm probably gonna catch hell for that....I think we only were rationed one of those! But you know what? (The smile dissappears and is replaced with a sad, almost wistful expression) They're all going crazy back there! (Bob looks pointedly at her, and is about to comment when she interrupts) I know, you've probably heard some things about me from Shane and Marlena...(Bob has the good grace to look embarassed as Kim continues)...but, honestly...have you seen Roman?? He's lost it...he KNOWS Marlena is in love with John, for Pete's sake, he has known that for years! And yet he's losing every shred of self-dignity that he has moping around after her. And what on earth is he thinking, chatting up to Kristen? Has he forgotten who her father is? (She shakes her head in disbelief) Everyone's fighting, our donut maker is possessed, and you tell me that Shane says there is a lunatic running around stabbing people with a fork.....the only bright spot is that Brady has gone off somewhere and given us some peace. (Her voice trails off and Bob strains to hear what she is saying).....such a sweet baby, hardly even cried, and now all he does is whine.....(The full effect of the champagne has caught up to her, and Bob watches silently as Kim turns and blindly stumbles off in the direction of camp.)
confessed by Kimberly Brady at 8:42 PM
[With apparent apprehension, Laura approaches a winded Marlena and speaks softly--cutting off her every attempt to interupt.] Marlena? Umm...I...umm... [sighs]. I'm sorry about yesterday...when I told you about John being hurt. I was really cold and ,uh, well I guess I've been doing a good bit of wallowing in my own self-pity. And I took it out on you; I'm so sorry. It just difficult, you know, the way everyone's been looking at me. [Shrugs exhaustedly] Sometimes I think it would just be easier to be what everyone expects--CRAZY! [A low painful laugh escapes.] I know you've got enough to worry about without having the added burden of Loony Laura to deal with. [Awkward pause], Is John okay? [Offers a small, knowing smile.]
[Just as the tension seems to break, Bob comes stumbling through the trees.]
Bob: [Winded], Have you...[gulping in air] heard about Jennifer?
[Concerned], What about Jenn?
Bob: ...missing
[A deafening whir hums around Laura as she turns haunted eyes to Marlena.]
confessed by Laura at 8:02 PM
[Camera follows Marlena as she wanders down to a big hunk of driftwood on the beach. Hanging from it is the treemail "mailbox". Marlena pulls a palm frond from it. On it is scratched the following words.]
A tribe member has vanished from Tribe #1, Snatched from the beach in the afternoon sun. Who could have done it? Who do we suspect? The man she once loved? Or her now-much-loathed ex?Oh my goodness. Jennifer. Oh Laura is going to be devastated. How on earth am I going to tell her? [Knowing that there is no way she can keep this from her friend, she decides to try and break the news as gently as she can. Turning, she runs back to the camp.]
confessed by Marlena at 7:49 PM
Marlena *Confessional* - Tribe One (still unnamed)
[Marlena looks over to where Laura seems to be arguing with Kristen and sighs.]
Bob: What's up Marlena?
Oh, it's Laura. She's still angry with me and every time I so much as look in Craig's direction she shoots me a dirty look. I think she blames me for not finding her soon enough. Actually I think she blames me for leaving her in the attic. But I didn't know she was there, I *swear*. How could I have? [Marlena looks over again to where Laura has gone back to reading the fryer manual, her gaze holding a little defiance.] Anyway, it's not like I don't have enough of my own problems with John impregnating Hope. [leans forward, implying a confidential revelation] Not that Laura knows that of course, I'm not allowed to tell *anyone* you know. [Moves back again] And then there was Brady coming home to make my life a misery. [She sighs again.] I... I just don't know how to talk to her at the moment. *Or* Kim. She's pissed off with me too. [Looks upset.] I think I screwed everything up Bob. I might have lost one of my best friends on this *stupid* island.
Bob: [moves closer, trying to be comforting, but with his bushy beard and shifty eyes, only comes across as creepy.] I'm sure it'll work out Marlena.
Uh... yeah. [Marlena scrambles away.] Uh, I think I'm going to go for a walk.
confessed by Marlena at 7:40 PM
A tribe member has vanished from Tribe #1, Snatched from the beach in the afternoon sun. Who could have done it? Who do we suspect? The man she once loved? Or her now-much-loathed ex?Because of the disappearance of Jennifer Horton from Tribe #1, there will be no Immunity Challenge for Round #2. Instead, the Immunity Challenge given by midnight tonight will count as the Immunity Challenge for Round #3, with the next Tribal Council to be held on Wednesday. If that confuses you, don't sweat it. Basic idea that you should get: Jennifer Horton: kidnapped, no longer in the game Next Immunity Challenge: to be posted by midnight ET tonight. Next Tribal Council: to be held on Wednesday. (retreating back to the comfort her $700 airconditioned hotel room...)
confessed by Your Host, The Big BadAss at 7:30 PM
Kristen are you okay? [Kristen eyes Laura suspiciously.] Bob told me what happened…Has Craig checked you over? [Unmoved, Kristen stares in silent contemplation. Her eyes narrow as she shakes her head no.] I’m not surprised [sighs], that man is about the most useless excuse for a doctor…[Looking in Kristen’s eyes], I’m going to try and help, okay? [After a momentary stare down Kristen nods.] What did you take? Do you know?
Kristen: I don’t know—they were little and green.
Placidin—you took some of my Placidin. Okay this is important, Kristen. Is that all you took or were you taking the Gleemonex I gave you also.
Kristen: [Sheepishly], Both… [Seeing Laura shake her head in disgust, she goes on the offensive.] Look I couldn’t sleep, all right! I’m an island away from John and in case you haven’t noticed, I’m not exactly Miss Popularity here. [Snidely], Besides, we can’t all run off to LaLaland everytime something goes wrong.
[Stiffens], Look you pathetic, little guttersnipe, do you want my help or not? [Breaks the stalemate], Look, I know you’re having trouble sleeping…join the crowd…but there are some drugs that just don’t mix.
Kristen: [peevishly], Gee, ya think…I’m sorry, I’m just so exhausted, and I feel like shit.
Brady’s still not come back, so why don’t you just go lie down in his tent and…
Kristen: [Eyes widen in fearful disgust], No! I can’t do that.
[Sighs], Fine, Kim can have my spot and I’ll take Brady’s tent…Good enough?
confessed by Laura at 6:03 PM
Laura *Confessional* - Tribe One
[The dreary overcast day mirrored Laura’s mood as she sits quietly distracted away from the other campers. With a disinterested sigh, she thumbs through the pages of the donut fryer manual. Bob hovers nearby his camera, more often that not, trained in on Marlena. Becoming annoyed she sends him sulking away.]
Bob: [Whispering], It’s more convincing if the book is right side up. [Laura smiles tightly and turns the book around.] Interesting reading?
[Smirks], Mmm…Did you know that the perfect donut recipe is the key to world peace? [After a momentary pause], Mending fences is proving to be a bit harder than I expected. Frankly, I’m exhausted.
Bob: Marlena seems more…well…
[Laughs loudly], Satisfied? Is that the word you’re looking for? [Noticing Marlena’s intense gaze, Laura shifts decorously.] That has nothing to do with me. [After a brief silence, she looks apologetically.] I’m afraid I’m not very good company today.
Bob: How are you doing today?
[Dismissively, Laura mumbles.] Fine.
Bob: [Knowingly], Shane was worried about you... [Laura perks slightly at the sound of Shane's name.] was quite concerned...asked me to keep an eye on you and Kim...
[Deflated and sad], Maybe I should go check on Kim?
Bob: [Glancing toward a pallid, disoriented Kristen], Wait...Umm…I was wondering…well, do you know if [Laura looks expectantly.] Craig checked out Kristen. [She narrows her eyes questioningly.] She came by earlier and didn’t look good at all.
[Glares], Does she ever?
Bob: Well, I mean…she…
Please Bob, just spit it out… [Bob tenses.] Sorry, I just…
Bob: [Cutting her off], said she’d taken some of your pills…green, I think…
[Eyes narrow as she looks in Kristen’s direction—the rest of Bob’s explanation lost. Wobbly-legged Laura stands, all the color drained from her face. Unsure of her stability, Bob stands beside her.] Thanks Bob. [Leans to give him a peck on the cheek], I know you’re not supposed to be quite as helpful as you’ve been…[smiles lightly] and I do appreciate it. [Uncomfortably torn, she shifts from side to side.] I guess I better go check on Kristen.
confessed by Laura at 5:59 PM
*Confessional* Roman Brady Damn that John. He gets to have a piece of my Doc while I'm laying in camp waiting on Krissey to do her part of my plan while I'm staring at Doc's picture. Right now I need a woman and if Doc refuses me and lays with that MercJerk then I guess I got to go find Billie. Hey, Bob, is Billie on this island? I know I was a Stump when I layed her the last time, but as long as I, the real Roman, have to be on this island, I guess Billie is as good as anyone else, except my Doc. What did you say, Bob? No Billie. Damn, I need a beer. And you said Krissey got really sick and needs Craig. Good, that will keep that weasel away from Doc for awhile and I hear the Big BadAss booted Johnny back to his own tribe. Well, that leaves only Brady to bother my Doc. And boy, would that Freakboy like to bother Doc the same way I want to bother her. Maybe I can get baby Belle to think I'm her daddy again and she can help me get Doc back, but for now, I need a woman. Maybe I'll go find Sam and see if she lays as good as Doc. Do me a favor Bob, and if you see Krissey again, tell her to keep up the good work or I'll have to tell her "You are the weakest link. Goodbye." Damn, wrong game.
confessed by Roman Brady at 5:41 PM
Confessional - Isabella
Hey there, Bob. How are you doing? (Bob just shakes his head in exasperation) Well, same here. I don't know WHERE John is. Remember how I told you he was hit in the head by someone as we were kissing? And how I ran away cuz I thought they were trying to hit me? Well I went back to look for him, but he wasn't there. In fact, I haven't seen him ANYWHERE on our Tribe's camp! Not only do I want to know what happened to him, I also want to figure out who the heck hit him over the head, and whether or not they were trying to hit me or not! When I find out, that person is going to pay....... (Bob gets a funny look on his face) Bob? Do YOU know who it was? (Bob shakes his head no) I don't believe you. WHO WAS IT! I'll MAKE you tell me! (Starting towards Bob in a menacing manner. Bob keeps backing away with the camera until he bumps into a tree.)
Bob: I won't tell you no matter what!
You wanna bet? (Isabella raises her hands to her hair and leans in towards Bob's face)
Bob: NOOOOO Not the hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's right Bob, I tried the easy way, but it looks like it'll have to be the hard way. (With that, she parts her hair and a rush of bees comes flying out, swarming Bob's entire body) Now TELL ME!!!!!!!! WHO HIT JOHN? Better yet, who was TRYING to hit ME???????? (Bob runs away with the swarm of bees following screaming "It....it.....aahhhh....it was Marlena's.....ahhhh...ouch....Marlena's daughter!!!!")
Marlena's daughter? Sami? I thought she would WANT me to take John away from the Doc. Oooh, that little witch. I'll have to show her who's boss around here. She'll learn not to mess with me. (Bob hears Isabella say "Sami" but he's in too big of a rush and in pain to go back and correct her and tell her that it was Belle.)
Sami Brady....HERE I COME.
confessed by Isabella Black at 1:31 PM
[Dawn has made it's appearance over Smith Island and with it, the first day of rain for the Survivors huddled within their tents. Marlena pulls on a jacket as she crawls out of her tent. Despite only having a few hours sleep, she looks radiant.]
Well, Bob's going to have to forgo the morning confessional today. I'm sure he'll survive. [She looks around her to make sure that Bob isn't nearby. Ascerataining that her fellow tribe members are all still asleep, she sets off in a westerly direction. Following what seems to be a well-travelled path now, she quickly locate's Shane's secret ISA room.]
What a great luxury item. Trust Shane. [She chuckles quietly as she slips inside. The room appears to be deserted and she sets about finding a pencil and a pad of paper. Scribbling a few words on the paper, she surveys her handiwork.]
Shane, please tell John I need to see him. Tonight at midnight on the southern beach. It's very important. Oh and please make sure he stays away from Isabella and Hope. I know it might be difficult, but I trust you Shane, if anyone can accomplish the impossible it's you. Thank you, my dear friend. Marlena.
[With a pounding heart, she places the note in front of the laptop where she hopes Shane will see it and then slips back out into the drizzle.]
confessed by Marlena at 7:14 AM
So that crazy crazy Tommy Langan got the cowboy boot, huh? Now that's good news to this here girl. That man was plum crazy too. One time I found him wacking off in some bushes .Yup yup, found him easy 'cus he yelled "yi-har!" Then he got all nervous like, and started jabberin' on 'bout how he liked plants 'cus he has a hole lot growin' on the island!.. They are good plants 'cus he says they are secret and if I told anyone he's was gonna kill me!!.. Don't know what's so special 'bout them plants, they are stupid plants.. Ain't got no flowers either!!.. they never got any flowers, just bunches of green plants!.. I dunno why he keeps them. Pro'ly because he's was always usin' them special flowers and makin cigarettes with em. It smells funny. Makes me feel all woozy. I git real hungry too. For them donuts 'specially.
[Walking about slowly, Susan encounters a large figure sprawled out atop the hard mat of earth, heavily covered in greenery and other misc. jungle stuff. Upon further inspection, Susan realizes it is the body of the MIA Nancy Wesley.]
Well, weee doggies, it's that mean mean mean Nancy Wesley. Usually I'd run away from her 'cus she's so nasty and mean, but it looks like she's passed out or sumthin'. Hehehehe. When we got on this here island she musta gone and drunk so much 'cus she hasn't woken up for about 5 days now. WOOOO WEEEE does she SMELL!!! Pro'ly some o' that gas she was talkin 'bout. I'm glad she's still sleepin', 'cus if she heard me right now, she'd pro'ly beat the jesus out of me again.
[The still figure below begins to stir...]
Yikes! Lisa Marie, we's needs ta run!
confessed by Susan Banks at 5:59 AM
[Marlena, stumbling back to her encampment is alternately angry and horny. The promise of getting a little bit o' loving only to have it so cruelly snatched away buy Little Ms. Big BadAss is almost more than she can bear after the last few days. Besides that, she's still worried about Laura *and* now Kim too and she's concerned about John going back to his encampment. After all, he's been drugged or brainwashed, almost seduced by Isabella and hit over the head, all in the last few days. She can only hope that he's alert enough now to fight off any more problems.]
Oh John. [She shakes her head.] You drive me crazy but God help me, I do love you. [She looks over her shoulder until she's satisfied that the BadAss biotch is not following her.] Hopefully you understood what I was trying to tell you. [Looks thoughtful.] Maybe I could get a message to him through Shane, just in case. Because this is the first time in a long time John has been behaving like *my* John and I damn well intend to make the most of it. Screw the damn tribal restrictions. [She arrives back in camp with a please smile and crawls into her tent to try and get a little shuteye.]
confessed by Marlena at 2:43 AM
(a slightly muffled female voice purrs in the near distance)
Marlena: ...keep using sex to try and solve our prmmmphhh.....
(a red-topped, pig-tailed head slips out from behind a strangely placed palm tree, spying the back of a man's head, obviously involved in a smothering kiss)
{loud inner monologue voice that no one else can hear} Woah! Someone's using *sex* to solve their prmmmphhhs??? I wonder if they'll debate it long enough for me to run and get Bob. Fred the shaky-hand-held camera guy doesn't quite have the stomach for.....
(the man backs away, leaving the woman...now recognized as Marlena...with a heaving chest)
{loud inner monologue voice that no one else can hear continues} Marlena! And...who *is* that? Craig? OOH! Marlena and *CRAIG*?? Damn - gotta go get Bob. He'll shoot me if...
(the man turns his head from side to side, looking for spying eyes like the Big BadAss's)
{loud inner yadda yadda continues} JOHN?!?! How can she be with...? He's on the other...! What the...?!?!
{normal, albeit shocked, voice that other people on the island can actually hear} Woahwoahwoahwoahwoah!
(the two caught parties offer mumbled statements of shock and horror at being caught by the Big BadAss because...well...she *is* the Big BadAss and you just don't mess with that sort)
I heard rustling! And then there was the feed from Fred the Shaky-Shoulder-Cam guy - I came out to see who it was! For a minute there, I thought - Ooh! Marlena and *Craig* have hit it off, but noooo...it had to be *you*! (starts storming towards the two, coming to stand between them, looking up at John, blue-painted fingernail wagging in his face) And where are *you* supposed to be, mister, huh? (John does that fish-mouth thing) That's right - on the *other side of the island.* Save your ass long enough to merge tribes and *then* you two can consort. Until then...shoo! Go! Scoot!
(John doesn't move, just looks longingly and seriously at Marlena over the Big BadAss's shoulder, BBA huffs) Please? One of these days? Or do I have to call Bob to come over here and cart you off to your proper tribe? He can do it, you know.
(Google eyes continue, and BBA swears she hears little whispers of words floating past her ears - she's never actually *heard* people talk with their eyes before, but these two obviously know what they are doing)
Oy. (reaches to back of belt and produces walkie-talkie) Bob? Bob, you there? John Black is....
(John turns and dashes off. BBA turns and cocks an eyebrow toward Marlena.)
Do I have to call Bob on you, too?
(Marlena, looking frustrated and very pissed off, turns and meanders back toward her camp)
*Thank* you. (brushes hands together) My work here is done.
confessed by Your Host, The Big BadAss at 2:19 AM
[A shaky camera follows a strange figure in the half-light. As we get closer, we see it's John Black with Marlena hoisted over his shoulder.]
For god's sake, put me *down* John! [Finally, a worn down John stops and sets her down in the middle of a deserted forest.]
John: Do you think you could shut up for five minutes and let me say something.
[Marlena glares at him and folds her arms across her front.] I guess that depends on what it is you want to say.
John: Something along the lines of....
[He pulls her into his arms and kisses her hard and passionately. Marlena is left breathless and blinking but a moment later she pulls back her arm and slaps him hard.]
Get lost! [She storms off into the darkening woods]
John: [chases after her and grabs her arm] Oh no you don't, you're not getting away from me that easily, Doc. [She says nothing but looks at him angrily.] What is it, what did I do?
Well perhaps you can start by explaining to me how you came to be kissing Isabella down on the beach the other day.
John: Kissing Izzy...? [A faraway look crosses his eyes and we see a flashback of the horrible event. John is looking all dazed when the skanky blonde-haired Isabella comes up to him and lays one on him.] Doc. [He looks horrified] You heard about that?
John, I *saw* it through the VR goggles. I saw you kissing her. [Tears well up in her eyes.] You convinced me I could trust you...
John: No baby, you don't understand. I think someone drugged or brainwashed me. I thought she was *you*. She had all that blonde hair and everything and I thought she was you, that's why I kissed her.
John, Isabella and I look *nothing* alike. [Her tone is terse.] For a start, she's *dead*. Anyway, you already used the brainwashing with Gina. Convenient isn't it, every time you want a bit of extramarital nookie you drag out the old brainwashing standby.
John: Shut up, Doc.. [He backs her up against a tree and kisses her again. Marlena moans softly.]
John, we need to talk, we can't just keep using sex to try and solve our prmmmphhh.... [Her words are interrupted by his tongue.]
confessed by Marlena at 2:15 AM
[Susan fishes through the pile of junk each tribe has been given. She's looking for the donut batter..]
It's a good thing they gave us some of that premade batter.. makin' that stuff is plain dangerous! You see, my cousin Denise, she lost all her teeth 'cus she sucked on a beater after she made some cake batter and my crazy brother turned it on. It's funny to watch her eat candy like barley sugar; we have to put plastic wrap on her to stop the spit from getting on her clothes.
[From the corner of her eye, Susan spots Jim Reilly, meandering about. Quickly, she returns all the items and forgoes the batter so she can haul ass away from him. Once hidden behind some greenery, Susan lowers her voice and confides in Bob.]
That Jim Reilly is actin' funny. The other day, he wanted Lisa Marie to sit on his lap and pretend they were drivin' along a bumpy road. Also, he likes to hug me and ask "who's yer daddy?", and I tell him, but he keeps askin' who's my daddy?...dumby ..
What a loon. He's just plum crazy.
confessed by Susan Banks at 12:50 AM
Kristen's *confessional* - (tribe one) hi again bob. Bob: You don't look so good Kristen Don't I? I just spoke with Roman, he thinks I should fake being sick and have Dr Wesley check on me so he can spend more time aone with Doc and Sam. Bob: Looks like you're alread pulling it off No, I think I really am sick Bob, I've been getting these terrible migraines ever since I started taking those sleeping pills I stole from Laura's medical bag. I think I've been hallucinating as well. I told Marlena that I say Brady dancing around in a teddy. But then, I thought about it and I couldn't really remember if I saw it, or dreamed it. (Kristen gets a blank look in her eyes and looks as if she's about to pass out) Um,.....Bob, I think i'm going to have to cut this short, I think i'm going to go lie down. WOuld you be able to tell Dr Wesley to come take a look at me, and tell him what I've just told you about the meds. I don't know what they're called, they're green ones Bob nods his heads and makes a note to himself to see Craig, as he watches Kristen head back towards her tent.
confessed by Krissy DiMera at 12:04 AM