Shane Donovan *Confessional*
[After finally making his way out of his ISA room, Shane pays Bob a visit, hoping to run his ideas by someone else who seems relatively sane.]
Is it just me or has my ISA room become Grand Central Station? I am glad I can provide assistance to Kimberly, Marlena and Laura, but this can't be looking good for me, especially if Ms. BBA discovers what's going on. I'm definitely worried about the fork assailant roaming the island. Laura definitely was nabbed with a fork and I have a hunch that John was as well. That might explain why he remained unconscious for so long. Bob, have you seen any other fork injuries? [Bob pauses for a moment, as he seems to be thinking of the other encounters he's had today.]
Bob: I haven't seen too many people today. Laura, Marlena, Belle and John have been by. You already know about Laura and John.
Can you keep an eye out for me Bob? I do know Kim apparently became confused and disoriented last night. I wonder if the fork could have been part of her difficulties as well... [Nearly jumping out of skin, Shane suddenly has a brainstorm.] I've got it...there's a metal detector in the ISA room. If I take it and start combing the island, maybe I can locate the fork itself. Not only can I run some tests on it, but maybe I'd be so lucky as to find the culprit with it.
Bob...you'll send for me if you learn of other fork marks, right? [Bob nods in agreement] Thanks...you're great! [Shane heads back to his ISA room to get the metal detector]
confessed by Shane Donovan at 11:44 PM
Belle *Confessional* Supplemental
(Belle sighs, pulling her Susan teeth out of her pocket, and slipping them in her mouth. They sparkle in the sunlight as she stands in the doorway of the computer room, beaming to see in the distance her Dad slinging her mom over his shoulder.)
You did it Dad! I knew she would save you! Now... to work on my tan....
confessed by Belle at 2:54 PM
John Black *Confessional*
(John is tired of this island. He wants to get the hell away from Isabella, Kristen, Susan, and everyone else but Marlena. He has decided to escape and go where Marlena is. Skinny, mousey Bob tells him he can't.)
John: Who says??? You??? You really think you are going to stop me??? If you think you can stop me, you must think that George W. Bush was elected president.
Bob: You know the rules, John. You will stay here.
(Bob grabs John, but John backhands him. Bo goes down. John checks for a pulse. He is fine.)
John: Wuss...Now to find Marlena.
(John has to swim several miles, row a few more, swing through trees, leap tall buildings...oh, that's Superman. Anyway, he finally gets to where Marlena is. He sees her, and he can't believe that she is still so beautiful even in this hellhole. Isabella looked like she was responsible for the Blackout in 65, and Kristen looked like she hadn't shaved in several days. But Marlena...well...)
John: I know that when she sees me, she will want to get out of here. We will leave this hellhole and go back to our small children. Hey, Marlena.
(Marlena turns around and sees John. He looks like Grizzley Adams. She doesn't want to admit it but she is happy to see him. She had grown weary of Roman and was tired of weasley, short Craig. )
Marlena (feigning impatience): What are you doing here? I hear you were with Isabella and Kristen.
John: What asshole told you that? You know that I was only with them years ago because I couldn't have you.
(Tom is lurking in the bushes. He is whispering: Isabella is your soulmate, John. Gina is your soulmate, John. Alice is your soulmate John.)
Marlena: Are you all right?
John: That bastard Tom Langan must be here. I have having flashbacks of Alice Horton on a sub. I have to fight those memories.
Marlena: Face it, John. You always loved Alice more than you loved me. I knew it. I saw how you threw away her cane and picked her up and swept her up to our bedroom. Our bedroom John. And then, you went public with your sordid affair when you accepted that medal from the AARP.
John: Marlena, do you hear yourself???? None of that ever happened. That is just the rewritten history of that Hack Langan. You have to fight it. You know that you are the only woman I have really loved. I have only wanted you when we were together. I never really wanted anyone else.
Marlena: Oh, John. I know that is true. Why do I keep saying such insipid things?
(Tom is whispering to Marlena now. He is telling her that she belongs with Chris Kostichek. She never thanked him for cleaning out her chimney.)
Marlena: John, you are right. Tom is rewriting history. He was trying to make me think that I belong with Chris. He is a horrible man.
(Marlena sees Tom and runs after him. She trips and sprains her ankle. John runs to her.Tom escapes.)
John: Kinda of like old times, huh? Remember? You sprained your ankle all those years ago in West Virginia. That was the happiest time of my life.
Marlena: People were trying to kill us and you were happy? You are a strange man, John Black.
John: I was happy because I knew you still loved me. Then, years later, you sprained your ankle again just before we found Roman. I thought I had you back, and then we found Roman. I never liked that guy, you know.
Marlena: Be kind to Roman. I feel sorry for him. I tried to love him when he came back. But I was in love with you, and God help me, I still am. But that doesn't mean I am going anywhere with you.
John: Marlena, what is over there?
(She turns and he grabs her. He picks her up and puts her over his shoulder. She starts kicking and screaming.)
Marlena: Let me down, John.
John: Not until we are safely out of here. You might as well relax because you are never getting away from me again.
confessed by John Black at 2:21 PM
[The blustery hot day was only adding to everyone’s ill mood as Laura tore hastily through the treeline toward Marlena and Craig.]
Marlena: [Exhausted annoyance overshadows her concern], Laura, where have you been? After talking to Bob, I got back and you were gone. I was worried sick you might have…
[Laura’s look, stills Marlena. Turning she ignores Marlena’s tone and presses forward. Handing Craig his medical bag, she smirks. Her voices is cold and hard.] Thanks.
Craig: [Suspiciously], What are you…
[Cutting him off, she turns back to Marlena—devoid of emotion.] John’s asking for you.
Marlena: [Still smarting from John’s seeming betrayal and Laura’s pesky insistance, she deadpans.] So?
So he’s hurt [looks pointedly at Craig’s bag]…been in and out of consciousness for the better part of two days. [Marlena pales.] I was coming for medical help [arching her brow], Craig, when I lost my way in the woods.
Marlena: [Swallows hard], What? How bad? Where?
[Laura couldn’t help but smile. It felt you to be the one in the know, to be the one in control. Softening], I don’t know everything, obviously…Seems he took a nasty blow to the head. [Craig mutters, but is quieted by the icy look in Laura’s eyes.] We’re still not sure how it happened. I just got back. I cleaned and stitched the wound. I’m not positive, but I think something more is going on. I mean it was a bad wound, but it shouldn’t have knocked him out of commission for two days. [Thinking], At first he was incoherent, mumbling. But he came around. [Seeing the relief flood Marlena’s face], He’s dazed and confused but asking for you. [Smiles lightly], The only way I could convince him to stay put in the relative safety of Shane’s ISA room was to promise to find you for him…So here I am.
Marlena: [Marlena looks not quite apologetic, but rather a little sheepish.] He’s in the ISA room?
[Nodding, Laura turns to Craig], I’ve taken care of John and now you’re going to take care of me Doctor. [Moving her hair off her neck she reveals the three cuts. Noting Marlena’s concern, Laura grabs Craig’s hand and turns back to camp.] Go on, Honey, I’m sure Craig is at least doctor enough to deal with a few measly cuts… [lowers her voice] although how he overlooked them earlier I’ll never know. [Craig stiffens under the intense scrutiny of Laura’s eyes, but with a tug he reluctantly follows. Marlena stands alone.]
confessed by Laura at 2:08 PM
Belle *Confessional* Part 2
I hope Daddy's still in here….
(Belle has approached the hut, just the soft plop of her flip flops following her. She just watched the lady from the beach walk away, and fears she's done something to her Dad. She inserts the skull key into the key hole and before she has a chance to turn it, the door swings open.)
Oops, guess I didn't need this after all. (She tip toes into the semi-dark room. She is amazed to see walls of flashing lights and computers and monitors.)
What is this place? Daddy? Dad? Are you in here?
(Belle almost trips over John, who is lying prone on the cold tile floor groaning.)
Daddy! Oh, Dad, are you okay?
John: Belle, honey is that you?
Daddy, oh Daddy you have to get up! These people must be drugging you or something. Maybe that Stefano got to you! I'm so sorry, but I had to stop you from kissing that nasty lady. You wouldn't listen to me; you couldn't hear me. I know you didn't mean to be kissing her. You wouldn't! You wouldn't hurt Mom like that. Something is wrong with you. Who was that lady? She looked like Brady's mom… that's just too creepy, I can't even think about it. You have to get up! Get up! Dad, get up *NOW*! (Belle struggles to help John up, but he's still too groggy.)
If you don't get up Daddy… Daddy!
John: Groaning and moaning, grabbing his head. Belle, slow down. Calm down, please.
Dad, if you don't get up, I'm afraid they'll kill you! I don't know these people, but they can't be up to any good. Everything and everyone is crazy here. I mean, I think I saw myself! Oh, Daddy, get up. You have to find Mom. She's the only one that can save you!
John: Honey, if you don't stop talking so fast, I'm going to scream. Don't worry. I *will* find your mother. I've been trying to find her ever since I got to this place… and I'm not going to let anything, or *anyone* stop me.
Oh, goodie! Oh no, I hear something. SHIT!
John: Belle!!!
Sorry, Daddy. I'm going to hide. Kick their butts, Dad and get out of here….
confessed by Belle at 1:09 PM
Belle *Confessional* tribe two
(Belle, dressed in her white Capris, blue flip flops, and navy tube top, looks down at the vat of Jell-O in the cooler and almost barfs. She doesn't know why she keeps eating it. And can't imagine why they were given so much of it. She avoids looking at Bob who has followed her in, her guilt about hitting her Dad still on her mind.)
I have to find my dad. I have to *know* why he was kissing that lady. Oh look! A box full of Clearasil! I wonder if Brady's team has this too?
(She peruses the rest of the contents of the crate, and finds what looks like some fake teeth from some Hollywood horror movie. She picks them up, giggling.)
(She fits them into her mouth, laughing.)
These are fun! Hehe! (She says, drooling a bit.)
Hmmm, what's this key for?
(Belle's baby blues cross, big teeth protruding, making her look like a circus freak, as she looks intently at the rather large metal key with the sinister looking skull carved at the end of the long round shaft.)
Hmmm, I bet this would open just about anything…. Excuse me Bob, I have somewhere to go.
(As Belle skirts her way out of the supply tent, she bumps into someone she's never seen before. They both look at each other in horror, their matching teeth shimmering in the shaft of sunlight poking through the canvas.)
Susan: Well, hee-haw and drop my drawers, it's Johnny's little girl all growed up! (Extending her hand awkwardly, Belle shakes it, noting how mushy the stranger's hand is.) *snicker* I was just sneakering in heres to look at that Tiara again. Think I'll just try it on… though I guess I could WEAR it if I wanted to cuz nobody else has taken it up, and that Hope girl she's already wearing one… Gosh! You sure is a beauty, girl! Though it couldn't hurt fer John and Marlena to pay for yer teeth to ship shape up a teenie tiny bit. See you 'round kiddo! (Susan wobbles past Belle, unknowingly passing gas on her way.)
Um, okay, whatever. Bye. (Belle rolls her eyes and runs from the tent gagging.)
confessed by Belle at 12:39 PM
Craig? Craig? [Annoyed, she looks around the deserted campsite.] Typical...never here when you need him; always under foot when you don't.
[Stooping, she pulls open the flap to Craig and Roman's tent.] Roman? [Awkwardly he shoves Marlena's picture under his pillow.] Do you know where Craig is? [Silently sheepish, he shakes his head no.] Well where's his medical bag? [Annoyance filters through her words as he just stares blankly.] Ugh, Never mind! [Just then she sees the bag, grabs it, turns and leaves.] Pathetic! [Hastily Laura heads toward the eastern camp.]
[Dodging Ms. BigBad Ass added to Laura's exhileration as she stepped into Shane's ISA room.] Shane? John? It's Laura...
John: [Following the moaning, she finds a semi-conscious John.] Mmm...Marlena...no that's not true...No, I won't say that...mmm...
[Concerned], John, it's Laura. I'm going to get you cleaned up.
John: [Slurs], ....Marlena? [Taking peroxide, she washes the wound.] Ouch...
Ouch is right. [Now clean, she examines the wound more closely. Her brow furrows in confusion. The wound was nasty--but certainly not serious enough to incapacitate him for nearly two days.] John? Can you hear me?
John: [Moaning], Marlena...Marlena...
[Giving up for the time being, she returns her attention to his wound. After stitching it up, she sits in silence taking in the scene. Finally in a low voice, she speaks.] John? Can you hear me?
John: [Blue-black eyes slit open as he licks his dry lips. His raspy voice splits the silence.] Laura? Is that you?
[Relieved, she offers him a tired smile.] Yes.
John: What happened? [Desperation filters in], Where's Doc? Is she okay?
[Pushing a hand against his shoulder, she haults his progress.] Sit still...We're not sure what happened...Shane found you unconscious.
John: Marlena?
[Smiles tentatively], She's fine...she wasn't at the campsite this morning when I left. But, well, why don't you stay put and I'll try and find her for you. [Noticing his defiance], Please, John...besides what better place to meet than a secret room. [Rises to go], Oh, John...when Shane comes back please tell him I said thank you.
confessed by Laura at 12:02 PM
[Kim wearily approaches Marlena, who is literally stomping around the campsite, extremely agitated. She notices Bob off in the distance watching apprehensively, and realizes Marlena's foul mood has even managed to scare him off, (albeit temporarily.)]
You found her? She's ok? [Marlena nods, and Kim breathes a sigh of relief] Where was I? What do you mean, where was I? [The stress of the previous night fianlly getting to her, Kim begins to shout] I was off crocheting an afghan, where the hell do you think I was? [Marlena bristles, and Kim backs off slightly] I couldn't get to Shane, so I went to look for Laura myself, and....[she pauses as a look of confusion crosses over her]...and I fell asleep in the woods. [Without waiting for a response, Kim turns and heads for her tent]
confessed by Kimberly Brady at 11:41 AM
Laura *Confessional* - Tribe One
[Rested and relaxed, Laura stifles a yawn with the back of her hand. With a sheepish grin she sits down as Bob takes in her battered form. Torn between concern and discomfort, he opts for professionalism—busying himself behind the camera. Low embarrassed tone], Good Morning Bob. [Pauses to listen to the camp commotion as sudden exhaustion comes over her face.] Thanks for being concerned…it was very sweet.
Bob: [Finally looking at her, she sees a change in his eyes as he offers tentatively], Are you all right?
[Shifting uncomfortably], Oh I see now…Just add one more to the list, huh? My credibility is shot all to Hell, right?
Bob: [Backtracking], No…no
[Looks at him with beseeching eyes], Please don’t patronize me Bob. I know everyone thinks I’ve just gone completely off the deep end…and maybe I have—it certainly wouldn’t be the first time and somehow I doubt it’ll be the last, but I’ll let you in on a little secret…how shall we say, just ‘cause my mind often walks to the beat of a different drummer doesn’t mean that I can’t see the truth. [Sighs lightly], I see lots of truths all around me that everybody else is either too blind or too afraid to look at. But that’s irrelevant, right? Just the ravings of another crazy lady…well, everybody seems to forget that I was the first one to realize that Peter was still alive and I was the one who told John about Susan.
[Emotionally glancing away, her voice grows thick with unshed tears.] I wish they would’ve just left me be…
Bob: [Softening], Now why would you say that? What about your friends? What about your daughter? How would you have survived?
[Smirking, her voice drips sarcasm.] Gee thanks for the vote of confidence, Bob—I mean this is Survivor, is it not?
Bob: [Chuckling], Well yeah, you got me there…but what about…
[Cuts him off], My family, my friends, Bob…which family would that be? My niece that kept me locked in her attic or my daughter who up until arriving on the island I hadn’t heard from since she’d left for Africa…Or maybe you meant Marlena who took Hope’s word that I was in Africa…never mind that she went to Africa herself, never mind that a year passed before she even thought to ask, [voice peters off into silence], “Gee I wonder what happened to my good friend, Laura?” [Bob’s muttering breaks the silence.] What?
Bob: …Pretty bitter?
[Voice lowers], I’m not bitter; I’m…I’m…Hell, I don’t know what I am...but it’s not bitter. It’s just tiresome, you know…having everyone think they know, know what’s going on inside you…They don’t know, Bob. They can’t.
[After a couple moments of silence, her voice grows strong.] I’m screwed! [Bob can’t help the laughter that erupts. Laura shoots him a stern look, but the illusion is lost as her eyes swim with mirth.] Feels good, doesn’t it? [Bob furrows his brow in confusion.] Letting it out…being free to feel whatever emotion you feel—even if it’s not appropriate. [Bob nods with a small smile. Leaning in close to Bob and out of the camera frame, she speaks in a low conspiratorial whisper.] You know sometimes [looks around] …sometimes I think people confuse honesty for insanity.
[Standing, her voice now clear and level], Well, if I hope to “survive” I guess I better mend some fences. [Bob begins rifling through his bag but soon returns his view to Laura.] Bob? Have you heard from Shane or John?
Bob: [Looks grimly], Last report…still unconscious.
[Eyes widen in shock], My God! Why didn’t Craig have him sent to a hospital? Does Marlena know? [Bob mumbles negatively as Laura’s face drains of color.] What! You’re saying that lousy, good-for-nothin’ SOB never even went to check on him.
Bob: [Voice bellies his confidence], Well, I’m not sure he even knows.
[Unconvinced], Right…more like he was too busy fawning over Marlena…[Her eyes darken], Does Marlena even know? [Bob shrugs.] Hmph…well I guess it’s time to force the issue… [Grimacing, she tucks her hair behind her ear and turns to go.]
Bob: [Shocked], My God; Laura what happened to you?
[Coming closer he examines her neck.] What? Ouch!
Bob: This…your neck…
[Awkwardly tries to look], What about my neck?
Bob: Three cuts…they’re deep and uniform…almost like…
Like what?
Bob: [Remembering Marlena’s intention to warn Laura about Hope], Like from a fork
[Grins], A fork? [Laughs lightly], I’m sure it’ll be fine. [Bob looks worried.] I promise I’ll have Marlena look at it later. But first things first—John.
confessed by Laura at 10:55 AM
Marlena *Confessional* - Tribe One (still unnamed)
[Bob is muttering something about it being too early in the morning for this kind of thing but he stops when he catches sight of Marlena's glare..]
Don't fuck with me Bob, all right? I haven't had any sleep, we've just gotten Laura back and she's practically delirious. Craig is checking her over now and Jennifer is almost beside herself. And now Kim and Brady have gone missing. Kim was supposed to go and find Shane and no-one has seen hide nor hair of her since. And god only knows what has happened to Brady. [Brushes the hair out of her eyes in frustration.] I know he's an ungrateful little sod but he *is* John's son and we *were* close once. [Bob makes an exclamation of surprise and Marlena glares at him again.] I *do* care about him. I know, having met Brady it's hard to imagine, but I do. Sometimes it's hard, granted....
[She looks around not quite sure what to say next.] Bob, do you have any idea what happened to Laura? How did she get in such a state? [Bob shakes his head a little too forcefully and Marlena's eyes narrow in suspicion.] All right then, do you have any idea where the VR goggles that Laura had are? [Bob shakes his head again and Marlena makes an intelligible noise of disgust.] Does *anyone* around here know *anything*? [There's no answer to her question and she sighs.] You people certainly organized a really stupid game you know that? I mean, our tenth person isn't even here. And you know why? Because if the rumours I heard were correct, it was my sister Sam. And you know why she's not here Bob? Because she's freaking *dead*. [Nods her head.] That's right Bob ol' buddy, dead people can't *go* camping. [Bob points out that actually, by rights Isabella is dead and she's camping only three miles away.] *Don't* mention that name to me right now. [Marlena is looking *really* pissed and Bob gets a little freaked.] Okay? Right now the last thing I need to think about is that... that hussy. I have more important things to worry about. Like where the hell Kim is.
[Looks around her and realizes the fire has gone out again.] God, can't *anybody* in this tribe be practical for five minutes? [Getting up, she storms out of camera shot.]
confessed by Marlena at 8:04 AM
*Confessional* (Roman Brady) Hey Bob, Krissy and I need to come up with a plan to keep Craig away from Doc so we don't want you telling anyone what we talk about. Krissy, I need you to fake being sick. (Roman laughs to himself as he says under his breath,"Krissy you are already a sick one.") Craig will spend all his time trying to make you better and while he's doing this, I can talk to Sam (I know she loves the stump that's now pretending to be me back in Salem, so maybe I'll put a few moves on her) and she'll help us out. Don't worry, Krissy, if you can pull this off with Craig, this could be your ticket to getting your MercJerk Johnny back for you. Now, while you are faking your sickness, and you are the best at faking, me and Sam, if she's willing, can try to talk some sense into Doc. Sam and I can flood Doc's head with all the great memories of she and I from years gone by. Darn, I wished I would have brought some beer with me to this island. Right now I think a few beers would do me better than having this picture of Doc. Anyway, Krissy, I'm off to find Sam so go and make sure you find Craig and start doing what you do best. Fake some kind of sickness. But, Krissey, don't fake no pillow baby. Craig's a hell of a lot smarter that your MercJerk Johnny.
confessed by Roman Brady at 7:47 AM
[The woods on Smith Island at some ungodly hour of the morning. There is a sound of crashing in the undergrowth. ] Laura? *Laura*!!! [The beam of a flashlight penetrates the darkness and the camera reveals Craig and Marlena, still searching for Laura.] *OW*! Dammit! [Marlena stops momentarily to inspect a scratch on her arm,]
Craig: [Exhausted and frustrated from all this crashing around in the woods with very little opportunity to get close to Marlena.] Here, let me have a look at it.
When we find Laura, okay? [A very irritable Marlena pulls from his touch and sets off towards the water. Craig sighs and follows her. Marlena is getting close to the water when she hears a soft humming coming from close-by.]
Laura? Laura honey? Are you here? [The torch beam inches across the forest floor until it reveals an inert form under a large oak tree.] Oh my god, *Laura*!
[Craig kneels behind Marlena who is talking to an obviously dazed Laura.] Honey, what happened? What are you doing out here? I've been worried sick.
Laura: [looks up at Marlena and squints.] Bob?
Bob? Honey, no it's not Bob, it's Marlena. [Marlena brushes the hair from Laura's scratched face as Laura starts babbling incoherently about Dylan's drugs and snakes. Turning, she realizes that Craig is so close he's practically on top of her.] We're going to have to carry her back to camp. [Craig assures her that he will carry Laura as long as she will lead the way with the flashlight. Not the way he would prefer to spend the night in the fair Marlena's company, but, he figures, all good things come to those who wait. Scooping the rambling Laura up in his arms, he follows Marlena back in the direction they came from.]
confessed by Marlena at 5:50 AM
*Confessional* (Brady Black)
A glum Brady, once again wearing his wife-beater t-shirt, approaches Bob. His steps are more herky-jerky than ever now that one cane is smaller than the other.
Hey. I heard the news about Tom being voted off the island. Yeah that's why I'm dressed again. No need to expose my sensitive skin to any more cuts and bruises. I can't deal with seeing these people right now. I'm going back to my hiding place for another day or so. I've got to figure out what to do now that my creator is gone.
Brady wobbles away. Bob almost feels sorry for him. Almost.
confessed by Brady Black at 1:42 AM