[It’s quiet except for the faint sound of chirping crickets and the current lapping against the shore. Bathed in darkness, Laura sits leaned up against a large oak tree--scratched but neatly together. She’s talking, but her voices has a strange lilting sing-song quality.] Shadows are fallin’ and I been here all day. It’s too hot to sleep and time is runnin’ away. Feel like my soul has turned into steel…
[Her eyes twinkle as she leans to her left and offers her unseen visitor a small smile.] One of my favorites…
[Closing her eyes, she rhythmically nods her head and begins to hum and then sing.] I was born here and I’ll die here, against my will. I know it looks like I’m movin’, but I’m standin’ still. Every nerve in my body is so naked and numb. I can’t even remember what it is that I came here to get away from. Don’t even hear the murmur of a prayer. It’s not dark yet, but it’s getting’ there.
[Glancing back toward the forest, Laura sighs sadly. Returning her view to the water she rests her head against the tree trunk and looks up—pondering the stars.] Forget it, 36 hours and counting and Mr. Dylan and I are getting along just fine where we are. [Looks left and whispers], Aren't we? [Lets out a deep breath, smiles lightly and settles down to sleep.]
confessed by Laura at 11:40 PM
[Kim stumbles through the dusky woods, her attempts to find Laura unsucessful. Her voice is hoarse from calling out Laura's name, and mosquitos the size of small dogs attack her; despite the long-sleeved denim shirt and jeans she is wearing. She chastises herself for not insisting Roman, or at the very least, that slippery Craig, accompany her on this search. It is growing dark and she is becoming exhausted. Though it had gone undetected by her teamates, she had spent most of the day alone, battling a horrible headache and trying to convince herself that Lacey was not going to make a guest appearance during her time on the island....]
....(murmuring to herself)...ok Laura, where on earth are you? It's really not a good idea to be out here by yourself in the dark...[sighing, she continues on.]
confessed by Kimberly Brady at 11:23 PM
Marlena *Confessional* - Tribe One (still unnamed) - Part Two
[Marlena crawls back out of the tent but now she's wearing jeans again and she has a sweater on. Marlena doesn't look thrilled to see that Bob is still waiting for her.]
Are you still here?
[The camera wobbles and Bob mutters something about being concerned about Laura.]
Laura? Jenn, honey, have you seen your Mom today? [Jenn shakes her head and disappears into the tent. Marlena looks a little surprised.] Well I just figured that since no-one else seemed worried that someone must know where she is. I thought maybe she was with Shane, but she's been gone an awfully long time, hasn't she? [Starts to look worried again.]
First this thing with Brady.... [Leans forward to speak in a loud whisper.] Did you hear about the thing with the teddy? [Looks slightly ill.] I think he took one of mine. I discovered some of my lingerie has gone from my suitcase. [Bob looks a little freaked out and asks if anyone knows where Brady is. Marlena shakes her head.] As long as he doesn't come anywhere near baby Belle, to be quite honest I couldn't give a flying rats ass *where* the little creep is. [Shakes her head, her shiny blonde hair bouncing on her shoulders. Bob wonders exactly how she manages to keep her hair looking so gorgeous on an island with no shower.]
Oh my. [Raising her voice, she calls the attention of everyone else in the camp.] Has anyone seen Laura since yesterday? [Everyone shakes their heads and then go back to what they were doing. Marlena looks back, suddenly very worried.] Oh no. I was so wrapped up in my own problems. You don't suppose Laura is blaming herself for what happened do you? Oh my goodness. Kim? Kim honey, perhaps you could go and find Shane. Find out if he's seen Laura recently. [Kim nods and packs up her cards before she hurries off. Marlena gets up and starts off in a northerly direction. Craig follows.]
Bob: Hey, where are you going?
[Marlena turns around and tosses Bob a look of irritation.] Craig and I are going to see if we can find out what's happened to Laura. We'll be back.
confessed by Marlena at 10:31 PM
Shane Donovan: *Confessional*
[Looking a bit disheveled, Shane appears on camera, still huffing and puffing from his quick run to meet up with Bob.]
Bob, I figured I better get myself out here before people started wondering about me. I've still got John back in my ISA room. The poor guy has been unconscious for nearly 12 hours now. I hope no one is looking for him.
I'm looking for help Bob...[Bob mumbles, honestly getting tired of helping the loonies on this island...] I need to figure out how to keep John away from the skank. His unconsciousness to this point has been helpful in achieving this goal, but it can't go on forever. This is just not my area of expertise. Kim is the one who does hypnosis and Stefano easily can adjust the decade a person is living in, but I only have a roomful of gadgets...no time machine, no hypnotic tools.
I wonder if the key is not keeping John out of commission, but taking out the skank instead. Maybe I could alternate between the two...when John wakes up, go knock the skank over the head and bring her to the room. When she wakes up, exchange her for John again. That could buy me a few days at least. What do you think Bob? [No response...Bob just looks down, trying not to make eye contact.] I'm not a mean person...I'm just helping a friend, right?
[Shane dashes back to the room, hoping no one will follow him]
confessed by Shane Donovan at 9:58 PM
Marlena *Confessional* - Tribe One (still unnamed)
[The camera pans across the camp. Kim and Jennifer are playing cards while Kristen and Roman seem to be chatting quite intently. Marlena, who is wearing a pretty yellow sundress that is completely unsuited to camping life, is sitting beside the fire with baby Belle and they are reading a book. She and baby Belle are giggling as the camera appears to get closer. Bob apparently can't help himself as the camera shot narrows in on the ample cleavage displayed by the sundress. Hearing his approach, Marlena looks up and smiles as the camera jerks upwards.]
Hi there. Bob.
[Bob mutters something about Marlena looking a lot more relaxed and rested.]
Oh yeah. [Smiles brightly but it seems a little forced.] I've been doing my best to forget about John and that [she looks down at Belle and covers her ears] skanky hussy Isabella... and without Laura around it's not all that difficult actually.
Bob: I thought you'd found Laura last night?
Oh no, [Marlena shakes her head]I thought those screams were from Laura but when I tracked them down, it wasn't Laura at all. It was this woman who kept babbling about finding Tom because she had some letters for him. She kept waving these ragged bits of paper in my face but when I got a good look at them, they were all in the same handwriting. I think maybe it was Ken Corday's. Or maybe it was Brady's. [Shrugs, obviously not caring terribly much.] Anyway whoever wrote them, it looked like they'd been read several thousand times. So she stashed them back in her handbag and said that she didn't feel so good so I left her to it. [She shuts the book and shoos Belle off to bed. Bob waits patiently, getting a good shot of Marlena's derriere as she crawls into the tent with Belle.]
confessed by Marlena at 9:49 PM
(Kristen comes racing towards the camp, screaming out for Marlena and Roman. She can't see her way to the camp from amongst the bushes, it's getting darker, Kristen keeps getting scratched and whacked by the branches) Damn island, who planted all the bushes and trees? MARLENA........ROMAN, where are you? (Back at the camp, Roman and Marlena are sitting together beside the fire having a little conversation, Marlena's lost as to why Roman keeps on insisting that she get up and go stand over against the tree behind them. So far, Marlena has yet to do so. They hear what appears to be someone yelling in the distance, as they continue talking, the voice gets louder and louder) ROOOOOOOOOOMAN, MAAAAAAAAAARLENA? (Marlena listens for a moment and tells Roman that she thinks that sound like Kristen. Just then, Kristen comes bursting into the camp grounds, right towards them. At first not even noticing them and still calling out for them. Marlena: (standing up) Kristen, please, calm down, we're right here. (Kristen stops in her tracks, beside her tent and looks over at them) Thank god, I've found you. Roman: What is it, what's going on, you're hysterical Marlena, I know you're not going to believe this coming from me, but I swear it's the truth, last night, I had insomnia, so I went for a little walk, waiting for my sleeping pills to kick in and then, I came across Brady. He.....he.... Marlena: he what? I think he's been drugged Marlena: *gasp* what? what do you mean he's been drugged? I.....I, don't know. He thought we were all sleeping and he.............he was dancing around the embers of the campfire Roman: What's so bad about that? He was singing 'I'm too sexy'.............dressed in......dressed in this *gorgeous* silk teddy. OMG it was horrible. We've got to find out who drugged him, my poor nephew would never do something like this.I would have told you earlier, but my sleeping pills kicked in and I ended up passing out by the lake. I just woke up now. I'm so worried about him. (Marlena, shocked, wanders off to go find Brady, though secretly knowing there was always something off with that boy, ever since he'd come back to live with them @ the Penthouse. She wondered if this was infact true) Roman, I was looking around for you too, I heard through the grape vine, you were looking for *me*, something about Craig and Doc? (Roman got a look in his eye and grinned a wicked grin at Kristen) Roman: I think I have a plan.............
confessed by Krissy DiMera at 8:02 PM
Stefano's Confestional *Tribe Two*
(Stefano sits right in front of Bob as Bob asks him about tonight's voting and Tom Langan getting the boot from the tribe.)
Well, I'm glad he's gone... First of all, he's a horrible writer and destroyed my family (Lexie, Kristen, Peter, and myself). We are all pods of what we used to be, real Dimera's... Also he didn't help out one bit in the IC, of course I didn't either, but I didn't really have time... Besides John/Marlena make me sick, Marlena is mine, not John's, not Roman's, mine. I will prove that in the end.
(Bob asks Stefano about the voting and how he thinks the rest of the game will go.)
Well all I can say is, it will be very interesting, for both teams...
(Stefano walks away from Bob laughing as if he had a plan, a plan that will take him far into this game.)
confessed by Stefano Dimera at 7:29 PM
*Round #1 Voting and Round #2 Info*
Tis me, your resident Big BadAss once again.
See those new little links over there to the left? There's now a link for votes, one for tech help, and one for round 1 voting results. Tribe #2, this is where you can go to see who voted for you and why - be all sneaky like that.
Now, news on Round #2. The Immunity Challenge for this round will be issued on Monday before midnight ET. It will be due on Tuesday before midnight ET. I promise this one won't be nearly as time intensive or as lengthy. That last one was a hell of a lot longer than I ever expected it would be! Yikes!
So there you have it folks. Until next time....
confessed by Your Host, The Big BadAss at 6:52 PM
*Tribal Council Results*
Well, Tribe #2, the votes have been tallied .
So, Tom Langan, it's time to extinguish your torch. The tribe has spoken.
And I have to say I do believe you people have voted off one hell of a valuable member of your tribe. No one forgets history like Langan. You people could have won every immunity challenge on his rewrites alone. But the decision is made, and the deed is done.
Mr. Langan, please gather your...um...assistant and leave your parting comments before the ass hits your door on the way out.
I mean...before the door hits your ass on the way out.
BTW - Tommy-boy. Thanks for the hit ;) That was all super rad, dude!
confessed by Your Host, The Big BadAss at 4:19 PM
Belle Confessional *Tribe Two*
[Belle, running through the woods, panting wildly, trips and falls. Turning around, she sees it was Tom Langan who tripped her. He is sitting against a tree, writing in a notebook with a pen that smells like a rotting corpse.]
It's YOU. It's YOUR entire fault! I hate you! Everything is your fault. [Belle gets up, brushes her little butt off and starts bawling. Tom Langan merely smirks at her then goes back to his notebook. She again runs off into the woods.]
[Finally, Belle reaches the beach and collapses into the soft sand. Through the fog of her tears, she sees a woman sitting in the near distance.]
What is she doing here? I don't think she's on our team. OMGosh, that's the lady I saw come out of the English guy's hut. The place where I saw him take… OH… what's wrong with me? How could I have done that?
BOB! You scared me! Oh, Bob. You wouldn't believe what happened. I did something terrible, but… but I had to do something. I wanted to hurl! I, I… I hit him, Bob. I hit my dad on the head and he dropped like a ton of bricks. I don't think anyone saw me.
Bob: Why did you do that?
You want to know why? You really want to? [Not waiting a second for him to answer, Belle, gasping for air, tells her twisted tale.]
I was looking for my dad. I was so worried about him. The day we got here he was so out of it, and I know he was thinking about… well, I thought he was thinking about my mom! And he was freaking chopping wood with his freaking hands! Well, so I was really worried! And there was that Stefano guy looking for him too! Who knows what he might be doing to him if he found him! [Belle cups her face in her hands and sobs]
[Bob pats her back, trying not to wince at the squeaky gasps.]
Okay, I think I'm okay now. Okay. Okay. Gasp Gasp Pant SIGH
So, I finally found him, and he was… was… kissing that skank-haired lady, only her hair was blonde now! [shrugs] I tried to yell at him, to get him to stop but he wouldn't so finally I got so mad I found a log and clobbered him on the head! OMG, what if I killed my dad? I don't think he's dead -- I saw the English guy drag him into that hut… but what if he's brain dead, or nutso, or paralyzed?! What was he doing kissing that lady? I don't understand. My dad would never do that! Why would he do that to my mom??? I blame that guy with the smelly pen. Oh, Bob… Have I mentioned I think I'm an alien?
confessed by Belle at 1:44 PM
[Feeling the sun filter through the drooping tree branches, Laura shifts groggily away from the offensive light. Her tangled matted hair obscures her face.] Mmm... [Stretching her legs, she feels the waves begin to lap around her ankles. Feeling the cool water begin to penetrate her heavily mud-coated, denim-clad calves, she awakens. As she sits and wipes the sleep from her eyes, confusion mares her brow. Looking around cautiously], Jenn? Marlena? [Pausing in thought, a panicked look captures her eyes.] This isn't camp...What? Think girl...[As the memory of losing her way while searching the forest for Craig takes form, she smirks.] Figures, that man doesn't even have to try--he's just flat out trouble. [Rolling her shoulders, she takes in her surroundings and sighs heavily], Okay Laura...what are you going to do now? You don't even know where you are. [Lets out a slightly hysterical laugh], That's not true...I'm on Smith Island. [After a long silence, her emotions begin to take over. Fidgetting],...this isn't helping...I've got to calm down--get a hold of myself...my pills... [Reaching in her empty pocket, her eyes widen at the realization.] My pills...Damn it! What else can go wrong? [Low desperate whisper], Now what? [Sitting up straight and taking a few deep breaths, her voice strengthens.] Survive...now you survive... [Chuckling], But first stop talking to yourself. [Sees her reflection in the water], Ugh! What a mess...[Laughing], Girl, you need help. I can't very well go back to camp looking like this. [Standing, she surveys the area.] No time like the present...
[Sitting on a large rock in the sun, her sun-dried hair trailing down her neck and her damp cloths clinging to her body, she sits quietly content. Once again taking in the wild coastline, she smiles pensively.] This is actually kind of peaceful...[lips twitch in strange madness], a far cry from the mayhem at camp and far better than any attic I've ever lived in.
confessed by Laura at 11:07 AM
Roman Brady Roman's confessional I see I'm the first one to wake up after a night of rice and donuts. I'm glad Alice wasn't here to drug my donut. Last time she did that she saved my life but I need to be on my toes here. I don't trust this Tiny Canes Brady Freak and I know how much Laura wants Marlena to be with MercJerk Johnny. Hey Bob, what happened to Marlena and Craig last night? They seemed to disappear after eating their donuts. If Craig so much as lays a hand on my Doc, I'll have to swipe Brady's tiny canes and wrap them around Craig's tiny you know what. I guess I need to go find Kristen and maybe we can come up with a way to keep Craig's hands of Doc. But first, since I'm already wearing my little short shorts, I need to get Marlena and lean her against a tree (No, that's not this Roman, I mean a real tree) and have her feel my love. Then maybe she can forget about the MercJerk and that weasel Craig and get that loving feeling back for me.
confessed by Roman Brady at 6:53 AM