[Craig's words penetrate the fog that has settled on Marlena. Getting a grip, her sobs peter out and she wipes her eyes and her face as well as she can. Taking a deep breath, she senses that someone is sitting several feet from her. Looking up, she finds Craig sitting against a tree-trunk, whittling at a piece of wood with a pocket-knife. Curiosity gets the better of her and she watches him until he looks up at her. She manages a small, embarrassed smile.] Hi. Ummm... [She looks sideways, her cheeks coloring.] I'm sorry about this. I don't... I don't usually lose it like this, but things have been kind of stressful since we were dumped here. [Craig tells her he completely understands. Marlena wipes her face again and looks around. She knows Laura doesn’t approve of Craig and she understands why, but Craig definitely seems to have changed in the last year or so. Particularly since Laura has been locked in the attic. After all, he's been so patient and understanding with Nancy and Chloe. He seems like he has all the qualities she needs in a good friend and since Laura is nowhere to be seen.... But then there is also Brady. If Brady so much as sees her talking to Craig, she knows he's going to totally blow it out of all proportion. She looks back at Craig who has gone back to whittling on his wood and she makes a decision.] You know what? Screw what everyone else thinks. Is the offer of that walk still open? [Craig tries to hide his too-eager grin as he nods and jumps up. Taking his hand, Marlena stands up and dusts herself off before they set off for the beach.]
confessed by Marlena at 11:24 PM
(Quietly, Craig appears from nowhere. Gently placing his hand on Marlena's shoulder as her sobs tear at his heart.) Marlena (speaking softly), is there anything I can do for you? (His heart pounding, she does not brush his touch away.) If you'd like to talk about it, I'll be here for you. We can take a walk down the beach if you'd like. (Coming close enough to smell her hair, Craig closes his eyes and inhales the aroma, for a moment. In a whispered voice, near Marlena's ear he says Just know that I'm here for you, if you need me. (Resisting the urge to kiss the top of her head, Craig quietly finds a spot away from Marlena, but nearby.)
confessed by Craig Wesley at 10:44 PM
[Peering through the VR goggles, Marlena can see most of the people in the other camp. Belle is filing her nails and staring into space. Hope glares at Sami while twirling her fork but Sami seems totally oblivious as she's still searching for Will and Austin. Reilly seems to be searching for something under the rocks on the beach. Panning a little westwards, Marlena spies a human form propped up against a tree. It appears to be Tom Langan and he is busy giggling to himself as he scribbles away with the poison pen he has appropriated from the crate while no-one was looking. Stefano strolls round looking unconvincingly evil but when he thinks no-one is looking he stops and pulls out his art history reference book and sits down to study up. Susan is eyeing up Hope's shiny sparkly tiara, pointing it out to a crusty old doll she's dragging around. Nancy looks suspiciously over in the direction of the woods while she pops a tums. She looks as though she's up to something, which is more than the rest of them are doing. The only people missing, Marlena realizes, are Shane Donovan and John and Isabella. Dropping the VR goggles to the ground, she bursts into tears again.]
confessed by Marlena at 10:30 PM
(Hope less slinks over to the rock where Bob is perched with his handy dandy camera) Hi Bob dahling (she says breathlessly and flicks a perfectly curled lock over her right shoulder) I must confess that I am a tad disappointed that my little confessional yesterday did not create more than a stir. You did not seem uhmmm *moved* by it. I thought that was every man's fantasy no? (Bob sheepishly nods his head up and down) I thought so (Hope Less smugly gloats)
It has been a busy day no? I had forgotten how wonderfully yummy Shane is. Ooh when he bent over to get water. Whoa! He's so helpful and resourceful. Perhaps I can offer to let him use my curling iron to start a fire. Yes, I think I will do that now. (laughing) Oh Bob, don't look so shocked. I am definitely a switch hitter (Hope Less giggles) Although, not ever enough to find Bo's freak sister attrractive. Good Lord, what on earth has she done to her hair?
Back to Shane, it would be definitely my style to make a move for every possible Brady man and to bed every man that a former sister-in-law once did. Why yes I do declare I believe I shall skedaddle over to his fine sexy British tush.
Anyway, back to my day. Well, I am sure some thought they could vex me with this affair question. After all, I was Stefano's prisoner at the time that Jawn and MarLEENA dusted the conference room table. Not that it could ever compare to the night that Ms Brilliant and Jawn created Greta. Oh my dear dear cherie Greta. (gets a far-eye look in her eyes)
Back to the question....dear dear Steffy had to relish his great triumph. He had that troll Peter (murmurs aside. What did Cousin Jen ever see in that man anyway?) fix a camera in the sanctuary. He knew Marlena enough to know she would confess. So he wanted to capture his triumph in all its glory. To see Roman's world crumble. To see KristTAN look at John with new angry eyes. As he recovered at Maison Blanche, he watched that tape over and over and over. I watched too. I watched and learned. What a snap of a question. Of course, that was my first opportunity to see MISS THANG, that lepoard-wearing over-bosumed two-bit hussy who was right then and there making a play for MAH MAN. I still cannot believe Bo and Shawn D forgot me in like a week! Perhaps Shane won't Bob? I am off to find out.
TA TA! (Hope Less the oversexed, over full of herself, over confident but very resourceful former cop and model slinks off)
confessed by Hope Less at 10:22 PM
[Emerging from the woods, adjusting Baby Belle on hip]
(soothingly) It's ok Belle, we'll go find Mommy in a few minutes, she just needed to talk to Laura, alright? (Belle suddenly ducks her head and covers her face)
[Kim turns and smacks into Bob] For crying out loud, do you have to have that thing on all the time? You're upsetting this child...Bob...Bob, do you find this funny?? [Bob tries to reply, but is overcome by a fit of mirth, and has to stop and wipe his eyes] Ok, Bob, now that is really rude, you need to share the joke..hair....whose hair? What are you talking about?
(Unable to respond, Bob pulls Kim close enough to view the tape he has rewound from earlier. Kim watches for a moment, then bursts into uncontrollable giggles...)
confessed by Kimberly Brady at 10:16 PM
(Exhausted from fighting off a swarm of bugs) Doc....I may be able to help you out there. I have a trusty pair of VR goggles, you are free to use them, on one condition, you don't keep up with this hostility towards me whenever I'm around Belle. She's like the daughter I never had, and I would never do anything to hurt her. (Marlena agrees and Kristen hands over the goggles, Marlena puts them on but cannot find John anywhere, Isabella either for that matter)
confessed by Krissy DiMera at 9:51 PM
Confessional - Stefano
Stefano gets sick and tired of searching for John. He can't find him anywhere. Stefano returns back to Bob who's not talking to anyone at this time. Stefano sits down at the rock where Bob is. Bob comments on why Stefano is looking for John.
Is that any of your business? Do you have any idea of who I am?
Bob comments on how Kristen tried to scare Bob with threats of him against Bob. Stefano laughs at Bob, knowing that Bob is a tiny bit scared of Stefano. Yet Stefano knows if he hurts Bob or has Bob hurt, Stefano will be asked to leave the island right away. Stefano can't leave the island this early, he has many plans to put into action and knowone can or will stop him, not Shane, not Susan, not John, nobody.
I have many enemies on this island, but I also have a few allies, a few that would really surprise you, Bob. (Stefano watches as Bob takes interest in Stefano's doings on the island) Wouldn't you like to know, you idiot!
Stefano walks away from Bob and his camera. He walks past the beach to see Jim digging in the sand for something. He stops and wonders what this man is doing, but passes on knowing Jim was always a bit insane, look at all the crazy (awesome) storylines he created, Carly's burried alive, Marlena's possestion, Masion Blanche, Aremid, and Stefano's personal favoritve, his ability to never die.
confessed by Stefano Dimera at 9:48 PM
Laura? *Laura*? [Looks around at the empty camp and then bursts into tears] Where *is* everyone? LAURA!! [She sinks down next to her tent and buries her face in her hands. A moment later, Laura emerges looking slightly sheepish as she pulls on a t-shirt.] Oh Laura, Laura it's awful. I took your advice and I decided to stretch my legs. [She looks over at Laura with red but miraculously non-puffy eyes. Laura looks dreadfully concerned and asks what happened] I saw John. But he was with Isabella. She's blonde now and... Laura... he was *kissing* her! Maybe Brady has been right all along, maybe he does love her more than me. [Breaks into another bout of heartbroken sobbing.] Laura, what am I going to do??
confessed by Marlena at 9:43 PM
Brady, great idea...where is that Samantha. Maybe we could use her as an ally. You know, when we get back to Salem, I know how difficult it must be living at the penthouse with Doc, she lived with me and your father once, what an ordeal. But, you're more than welcome to come stay with me at the mansion, anytime. You're always welcome. But no, we won't be recapping that awful affair doc had with your father. He does have a photographic memory you know, and it always popped up at the most inappropriate times when we were together. In bed, sometimes he'd call ME, Marlena. Thanks a lot Doc, did you always have to make it a threesome between us? Where's a stiff drink when you need one, everyone is always drinking tea, where's my Brandy? Bob sweetie, do u know where I can find some?
confessed by Krissy DiMera at 9:43 PM
Laura - sorry for what I said to you about Marlena, I know she's your friend and all but we can't all get along you know. She's had it out for me for a long time. I don't think she's ever going to get over the fact John loved me. Brady's not a bad kid ya know, people just misunderstand him. Marlena doesn't even trust him to take Belle on a tour of the island. She probably wouldn't even trust me to take Belle either, but I adore Belle. Even though she's Doc's child, she's John's as well! But John's busy fending off Isabella's chrams, I'm sure he has forgotten about all of his children. Now, about this new drugs youu keep mentioning, NOT approved by the FDA, should I be a little concerned about that? What exactly is it going to do for me?
confessed by Krissy DiMera at 9:33 PM
[Sighs and wipes her brow with the back of her hand], Boy, Marlena, I'm pooped. Today has been one frantic moment after another. [Rubs her temples], And I didn't sleep worth a damn last night! [Marlena nods and groans.] You too, huh? [Laughing lightly], Was it donut nightmares?
[Looks around questioningly], It seems awfully quiet. Where'd Brady wander off to? Never mind...just thank goodness for small favors.
[Whispers], I talked to Kim earlier, and I'm afraid you were right. [Sighs as Marlena looks on concerned.] No; no she was very nice--told me she understood, was alright with it. [Gets a far-off look on her face as Marlena speaks.] Hmm...The problem? Well, I don't know exactly...her heart just didn't seem to be into what she was saying. And I'm not sure who she was trying to convince more--me or her. [Emotionally], I'm just so confused...I don't know what to do. [Smiles sadly], Shane seems so nice...I caught a glimpse of him today as I was gathering firewood. I so wanted to speak to him...Almost did, but then we caught Ms. BigBad Ass in the distance. [Smirks], And poof! He smiled, waved good-bye and was gone.
I guess it was best not to press the rules too much. [Smiles brightly], I did come up with an idea for how you could see John, though. [Marlena shakes her head.] No, it's all above board...I promise, [laughing], really. Think about it, Sweetie, the VR goggle...both camps have them, right? Well, if I could just get a message to Shane, you and John could set up a time to use the goggles. [Beginning to understand, Marlena nods.] See! Perfectly legal...you wouldn't actually get to be with John, but you would get to see each other. [Kristen stumbles out of the woods, cursing and swatting at bugs.] Think it over. Now, [quirking her brow], I think I'll go see if Kristen needs any help with her meds.
confessed by Laura at 9:29 PM
Confessional - Isabella
(Slowly walking over to Bob and sitting down in front of the camera.) Well???????? What do you think?
(Bob sits there with his mouth gaped open not believing his eyes) Well, don't you like it? I bet you can't resist me now can you? Just like JOHN won't be able to resist me! (Bob is wrinkling up his nose in disagreement) This, Bob, is what I call PLAN B. (Happily twirling her newly blonde locks of hair between her fingers) Blonde hair, thanks to my Luxury Item (Clairol Nice N Easy). Don't I look like Marlena now? See, I figure that if I look like Marlena while on this island while we are still split up and while John is so obviously pining away for his precious Doc, that I can fool him into making love to me. THEN once he does, he'll realize it's really me, Isabella, and that I'm his true soul-mate, not her. (Bob shakes his head in disbelief) What? Are you saying that I don't look like the Doc? (Bob shakes his head enthusiastically back and forth) Well, who cares what YOU think? John believed in Pillow Baby, he'll believe that I'm Marlena! Besides when our tribes merge, hopefully she'll have already been kicked off, so I'll have more time to convince him that he really loves me! (after I fool him into sleeping with me FIRST, of course!)
(Bob says something behind the camera) What? What did you say? (Bob repeats: "Only one problem, Marlena doesn't have skanky ass frizzy hair like yours. So even though it is blonde now, it won't fool anyone. And don't get me started on your face...")
Grrrrrrr......Piss off! You don't know ANYTHING!!!!! My plan WILL work!
(stomping off)
confessed by Isabella Black at 5:25 PM
[Annoyed, Laura glances at Brady lulling just outside his tent.] Brady Black, what are you whinning about now? [Grimaces and mutters under her breath], You ungrateful little snot... [Looks him directly in the eye], If you were my kid, I'd give you a timeout from H*ll--make you see what it's really like to be forgotten. [Stiffens], Don't you look at me that way! I'll put your sorry ass in a catatonic state before you even know what hit you.
confessed by Laura at 12:51 PM
Laura *Confessional* --Tribe One
[Rubbing the back of her neck, Laura emerges from the trees and sits with an exhausted huff.] Mornin’ Bob. [Dry scratchy voice], How’s the coffee? [Smiling quirkily], Liar—good thing you’ve got that rugged thing going for ya. [Bob mumbles.] Let’s not start this again—I’m too tired to have to strain to hear you. [Rolling her neck], I don’t think I slept at all—just one donut induced nightmare after another. [Looking around, Bob hands her a steaming cup of coffee.] [Reaching hungrily], Oh bless your heart, Bob…you are a god among men. [Takes a big gulp.]
[Stretching her legs, she groans.] Oh Lord, I’m out of shape!
[Leaning forward and speaking low], Bob: Nah, your shape looks just fine.
[Laughs lightly], Charmer…Thanks, I needed that.
[Sighs heavily], I heard about what Hope said yesterday. [Shaking her head], Now why would I lie about a thing like that? What purpose would it serve? I tell you that girl was raised with a silver fork in her mouth—never had to work for anything she got. My Jennifer is a better woman than Hope will ever dream of being…And to sit there and accuse be of being crazy…[begins to shake with the intensity of her words], I AM NOT CRAZY, HOPE! [Seeing Bob shrink further behind his camera, she pauses and takes a few deep breaths. Lowering her voice], I’m sorry. I guess the stress might be starting to affect me more than I’d like to admit. [Rifling in her pocket she pulls out a couple of pills. With a shaky hand, she grabs for her coffee and downs them]. I guess I should thank little Ms. Hotpockets. [Bob looks confused.] I mean she didn’t leave me completely high and dry—she did give me a full array of dust bunnies to keep me company. [Swallowing hard], She’s family…and I love her, but she just keeps digging her grave a little bit deeper everyday. [Nervously tugging at her ear], Frankly I’m about to the point that I wish Vivian were here to push her in and cover her over.
[Looks down sadly], Salem is such a mess. Personally I blame Tom Langan…It’s hard, ya know? Remembering how things are supposed to be...all the while living in his twisted little reality—very destructive.
Marlena is about stressed to the max. And of course I’m concerned about Jennifer. I know something is bothering her, and I don’t want to pry. Sometimes the waiting is the hardest part. [Chuckles lightly], Lord help me! Now I’m quoting Tom Petty—a real thinking man’s philosopher, huh?
[Laughs], Bob: Just another Dylan wannabee.
[Looking around at no one in particular], Oh a Bob Dylan fan to boot…I just may have to keep you. [Smiling], Has Marlena been by yet? She was up and gone bright and early this morning. [Catching the look on Bob’s face]. Oh, I see; you’ve got it too.
Bob: What?
[Grinning] Don’t what me…I know that look—you’ve got the hots for Marlena. [Bob smiles sheepishly.] Most men in Salem do at one time or another; some cases are downright terminal. Craig seems to be the latest victim—I just hope Marlena remembers to keep her guard up around him ‘cause he’s a snake. I suppose there’s no harm in looking…[leaning forward], but, honey, I should tell you—she’s head over heels in love with her husband, John. [Bob mumbles.]
[Furrows brow in concern], Then of course there is this latest development with Shane. [Looks dreamily], He really is such a delightful man. And it’s so hard to find a good man these days [smiles lightly]…not to mention one that actually finds mental instability attractive. [Sighs heavily], But then there’s Kim, his ex-wife…She said that she understood, that she didn’t mind, [sadly] but I could tell she didn’t mean it. [Frustrated and teary-eyed], Oh Bob, I don’t know what to do; I’m just so confused. [Smiling sweetly, Bob mumbles.] [Glancing up, she tries to smile.] I thought we’d agreed on this mumbling thing…[sighs], maybe Marlena can help me put things in perspective.
[Out of the corner over her eye, she catches Brady trailing along after Baby Belle.] Ooo! I better go. [Loudly], Brady get away from her! [Heading off in their direction, she calls back], See you later Bob and thanks.
confessed by Laura at 12:05 PM
(Brady slowly approaches as he deliberately moves his canes to avoid any pitfalls. He is determined not to take a tumble in front of Bob yet again. He is wearing his usual unifrom of jeans and a W-B T-shirt)
This contest is rigged! How the hell am I supposed to remember details of my father's affair with that adulterer that he eventually married? I was only one years old!! And did you know my father has a photographic memory? I know he doesn't act like it, but I'm sure he remembers ever disgusting detail of how he and his hussy created their *love child.* Disgusting! Nothing against Belle, cuz she turned out a lot better than I could have imagined, now that she believes what a great guy I am and has seen her mother act like the phony she has always been.
I'm sure Doc and her Keystone Cop don't remember the details as well since she was too busy ling her ass off to cover her tracks and he was too stupid to see what was happening right under his nose. And knowing them, they'll purposely leave out important details so they can lose the challenge and try and vote me off the island. Well forget it. Just like I wouldn't leave the Penthouse, I won't leave this place either.
I need to find Kristen. We can talk about how disgusting this whole thing is. Oh and have you seen St Marlena's twin anywhere? I definitely wanted to compare notes with her. I'm sure she's got some great stories about locking up dear old Doc in the looney bin.
I'm outta here. Btw, tell Step-Mommie Dearest she doesn't have to worry about baby Belle. No, really I'm telling the truth. Just like I always do.
(Brady leaves, once again taking baby steps so as not to fall. Unfortunately he doesn't see the low hanging tree branch and is clotheslined before he can avoid it. Bob gets his chuckle for the day.)
confessed by Brady Black at 10:58 AM
[Glares], Kristen just because I offered my services to you as a physician, doesn’t mean that I want to hear you carry on about Brady and how badly Marlena has treated him. That boy has serious issues and needs help or at least a good ass whippin’. [Looks sternly], I offered to medicate you—that’s it! [Softening a little], Now if you would life me to write you out a prescription…I think I have the ideal drug in mind—Gleemonex. It’s not been approved by the FDA yet, but it’s the new miracle cure in Europe—very trendy, very hip and just what you need.
confessed by Laura at 9:55 AM
Marlena *Confessional* - Tribe One
[It's early morning and the sun has barely brushed the top of the distand mountain range as Marlena wanders into camera shot. She's wearing jeans and a yellow and white checkered blouse over a white tanktop. Her hair is piled into a messy bun and she brushes a lock of stray hair over her shoulder as she sits down on the stump. She's yawning and she looks as though she's gotten very little sleep in the last two nights]
Hey Bob. [Eyes his thermos eagerly] I don't suppose you could spare a mouthful of coffee? I feel like I haven't slept a wink. [Bob looks around and then quickly passes Marlena the thermos. She pours herself a cup and savors the aroma of the slightly stewed coffee before taking a mouthful] Gosh, you're a lifesaver, you really are.
So, I hear you got the Brady treatment yesteday morning, Bob. I'm sorry about that. [Looks slightly embarrassed.] I feel really bad that everyone has to put up with his appalling behaviour just because I'm on the same team. I know I'm not responsible for him, but... [looks sad] I really don't get it. You know, I tried and tried with that child but he just *hates* me. And whatever I do it just gets worse.
confessed by Marlena at 7:36 AM
[cont'd from above]
And now I heard he said something about taking my sweet Belle on a tour of the island. I'm just so worried about her with Brady and Kristen around. Can't I send her home where I know she will be safe? [Bob shakes his head and Marlena looks crestfallen. There is a long silence and then Marlena looks up and straightens her shoulders.]
Well, I'm sure between Laura, Jennifer, Kimberly and I we can look after her. [Looks over towards the western encampment longingly and then sighs] You know, I really didn’t think I'd miss John quite this much. Knowing little Miss Hotpocket is over there has me a tad worried. Not that I don't trust John, because I do. But then I trusted him when I was on my honeymoon too and look what happened. [she shrugs and shivers slightly in the chilly morning air] No, I don't trust *her*, that's the problem.
[Both Marlena and Bob look up at the sound of approaching footsteps. Marlena smiles with relief as she realizes its Craig. He's evidently been up a little longer than she has and he has the bucket which miraculously appeared at the edge of the camp yesterday afternoon, along with two boxes of waterproof matches. In the bucket are several fish, which he has caught with the aid of a line he fashioned from Laura's old nylons and a piece of wire from the shiny, sparkly tiara.] Craig! Oh you wonderful, *wonderful* man. *Food*, we get to have real, *actual* food. [Craig grins happily as he helps Marlena up from the stump. She drains her coffee cup and hands it to Bob.] Thanks honey. I'll finish up later okay??
confessed by Marlena at 7:32 AM
*Voting Reminder That I Should Have Made Earlier*
When you send your votes to cast-off a tribe member, remember I need not only the name of the tribe member you are voting for, but also your comments on why you voted for that person! And if you want to vote more than once, go for it - only you last vote will be counted!
confessed by Your Host, The Big BadAss at 5:17 AM
JOHN AND MARLENA's AFFAIR is the hot topic of this island......oh dear god, bad enough I got stuck on this side of the island with Doc. Maybe I'll learn something, this happened before my time. Laura, i need a fix NOW!!!!!!!!!
confessed by Krissy DiMera at 4:00 AM
*Additional Note on IC*
It's been brought to my attention that a starting place would be nice, seeing as it could be argued that John and Marlena's affair started in 1986 :)
Go from the pier after the interview on Jennifer's show. There's a good meaty starting point for you.
confessed by Your Host, The Big BadAss at 3:38 AM
Another Confessional...because Kristen's feeling the need to vent. Has it occured to anyone, that half the people on this island have either slept with John or are fathered by him.... biologically or otherwise ie Sami? Hmmmm but who wouldn't want to sleep with John. (Bob nods his head in agreement and suddenly realizes what he's just implied. Kristen misses it, too caught up in her rant). He loved me once, I think he still loves me. He's not in love with Marlena, he's just as obsessed with her as my father is. Isabella......I'm not sure that's love either, it was just a void to fill in when Doc was gone. Hopeless, however, I like the way she thinks. Don't know why she's going after my John tho, when she's blissfully happy with Bozo. May have a problem with her, but at least I know John doesn't love HER. AT least I don't think he does. JOHN, DO YOU LOVE HOPELESS????? Bob, find that out for me. Wait..Hopeless, you've got a thing for Doc? Well, seeing as how we're all into revealing the unknown about ourselves, I have a little confession to make. I haven't been trying to get Isabella back together with John for John's happiness, but for my own and for my father. Marlena will be all alone, and Vulnerable, perfect opportunity for my father to kidnap her. Maybe he'll share her with you? I think we may have to team up and split the prize. Maybe we could work together, to get Roman out of the picture, I think he's going to be causing a lot of problems around her for all of us. Doc better not be reminiscing about the good ol' days they shared together.
confessed by Krissy DiMera at 3:36 AM
[Susan is preparing herself for some sleep after a pretty non-eventful day. Despite the seemingly vacant stare, Susan ponders the lastest bit of information from our host. Lost in wonderous reflection, she juts out her huge teeth in obvious confusion. It is but a moment later that she wakes herself with a grande slap on the knee..]
Well bust my legs and call me shorty! That Hunka hunka John Black and Dr. Marlena Evans done had an affair? I done thought Dr. Evans was a Saint, a Saint I tell ya. WoooWeee, this is news to this gal. How come I ain't hear none of this stuff before? I'm with it, I watch that smart man Jerry Springer... Hot damn, this is scandelous, Lisa Marie. SCAN-DE-LOUS I tell ya...
confessed by Susan Banks at 3:30 AM
(Hearing Marlena and Roman discussing their kids, Kristen found herself upset over the fact that she herself had no children. Just then, baby Belle came wandering into Kristen's tent, crying, calling out for her momma) No sweetie, momma's busy with that yucky old man who used to think of you as his daughter. Auntie Krissy will look after you. (Kristen knelt down infront of baby Belle and held out her arms to her. Baby Belle was hesitant at first, but then she was reminded of all the presents and candy Aunt Krissy used to give her when her and Brady were living with her. Baby Belle let Kristen pick her up) You miss your momma sweetie? (Baby Belle nodded her head) Well, aunt Krissy will have some fun and look after you, how about some candy? I think i might have some of your favorite stashed away in my backpack over here. (Belle shakes her head and tells Kristen momma said no) We just won't tell momma now will we, it will be our little secret. Can you keep a secret sweetie? (Belle nods her head and eagerly takes the candy Kristen offers her)
confessed by Krissy DiMera at 3:25 AM
BOB, honey, I need you to deliver a message to Isabella over the other side of the island. Think you can do that for me? (Bob nods his head, remembering the threats Kristen made to him earlier about Stefano). Tell Isabella I know that John never stopped loving her, tell her not to give up on him. His beloved Doc and Roman seem to be getting along over here pretty well, infact there in the midst of a deep conversation at the moment. Excuse me please Bob, I feel a need to go eavesdrop.
confessed by Krissy DiMera at 3:08 AM
LAURA HORTON, i may need your drugs, but I don't like your attitude towards Brady. You leave him alone or Stefano may just accidentally kidnap you.
confessed by Krissy DiMera at 3:03 AM
Yeah Laura, I definitely could use a fix. Got word you had the goods. Dealing with my father, Susan, Marlena drooling over John, I can't take it anymore. Did you SEE what Doc did to my poor nephew Brady? Dr Wesley better go take a look at him. If you're going to start me on some meds, think we could start up sessions together? Not much of a choice in shrinks, I'll take what I can get as long as it's not Marlena, she's not very objective when it comes to me. I wonder why that could be?
confessed by Krissy DiMera at 3:01 AM
*IMMUNITY CHALLENGE* (I spelled that right, didn't I?)
The time has come, my dear Survivors, for your first test of strength, wit, memory, and teamwork on Smith Island. For this challenge, I recommend going to the TEAM page in Blogger and collecting the e-mail addresses of the others on your tribe, because everyone is required to participate. This challenge will be easier than the rest, because it is our first go at this - and an easier challenge will allow us to better find out footings (at least Brady will be able to find his footing in something maybe, since he can't seem to walk right). Also, in the future, IC's will come to you in the form of "Tree Mail." I just decided a personal thing would be better this go round since, like I've now said a million times it seems, we're all new to this :)
By Noon, EST, Friday, June 1 (I'm extending it a little because it's our first challenge and because I didn't have this up by midnight): Your team must compile a play-by-play detailed account of John and Marlena's affair. The more details the better. Every tribe member must contribute to the challenge. Tribes need to submit one document/e-mail/whatever each to the Tribal Council E-mail, with each tribe member noting which segment of the challenge was their contribution.
But, there are a couple of rules - and we're going totally on the honor system here, folks, so no cheating:
- 1. This challenge has to come out of your heads. I think it's easy enough to manage that way. Which means...
- 2. No tape watching! Put that remote down and turn *off* the television. Like I said - you should know this. And...
- 3. No web help! Don't go digging at those monsterly detailed or even barely detailed sites out there to find out what color socks someone was wearing on what day or where the first affair scrump took place . I'll say it one more time - this one should be managable by mind power only.
With the rules out of the way, here's the last bit of info you need. Immunity will be decided based on 3 factors:
- Completion: How much detail is included? How many major points were made? Were there any screaming deletions?
- Participation: Did everyone in the tribe participate?
- Time: Which team made their submission first?
So there you have it, Survivors. Your first Immunity Challenge. You have until Noon on Friday to get it to me, but the sooner, the better! Good luck! *Admin Stuff - Please Read This, Too, Though*Just a little note - if you want to go on and start sending votes to the Tribal Council E-Mail, you are more than welcome to do so. If your team wins immunity and does not have to go through Tribal Council this time, your vote will simply be disregarded. Also, as to voting, remember you can only vote for members of your own tribe. Also Note: Even though the IC deadline has been bumped by 12 hours out of the goodness of my heart, all Tribal Council votes must still be in to the Tribal Council E-mail by Midnight ET on Friday night to be counted.
confessed by Your Host, The Big BadAss at 1:07 AM
Roman? Haven't seen you in a while ol' chap! I have some questions for you while Belle is talking to Bob.
What do you know about Chris Kositchek? I remember him being a great lawyer. Remember when he defended Kimberly when she was a murder suspect? Of course he didn't get her off the first time, but after I figured out who the killer was, she was released.
Has anyone in Salem heard from him lately?
(seeing Belle finishing up) I think we have got to move on. They don't want those of us on opposing sides really chatting, but I do have to know...
confessed by Shane Donovan at 12:58 AM
Belle Confessional *Tribe Two*
Hey, Bob. You again. I don't get why I'm the only kid on this team. I mean, back in Salem it's SO different. Me and my friends rule that town! I'm a cheerleader you know, and I'm on the debate team, and well (Giggles) every team there is at Salem High! [Bob quickly changes the subject]
Bob: Did you help your dad out?
(Belle giggles, as she flips up the mirror attached to the flap of her makeup bag and swiftly applies some syrupy pink lip gloss)
[Bob tries not to, but can't help but wink at her] Oh, Daddy… he tried to tell me some coo-coo story about when he was a priest. I swear, someday I'm going to be rich when I write a book about him. Nobody will believe it's the truth, but I bet they'll buy it! Though of course, not like I'll NEED money or anything. My Dad is disgustingly filthy RICH. Oh… and then, I couldn't believe it, but he smacked right into a tree and goes….(pursing her lips and growling out the lowest voice she can possibly conjure) 'There should be a shower here.' And he starts talking about seeing Mom in it! I swear! Oh and then something totally freaky happened! Some crazy lady with really big skanky hair started attacking him. She looked like Brady's mom. But she's dead. Brady showed me his thing…. Um, I mean, he has this freaky like shrine to her in his closet. I guess that sounds kind of creepy and you'd think a guy would have posters of Britney Spears on his walls, but well, you just have to KNOW my brother and you wouldn't think it's weird at all. I mean, I won't even tell you what I saw in his drawer once. Okay, why not, right? You're not going to tell anyone. I saw one of my Mom's teddies! (Belle quickly covers her mouth in a fake look of shock, and screeches a loud giggle) Well, whatever, you know? Not like I haven't heard about that kind of thing…. I watch MTV.
Brady's a GREAT guy though, really! [Bob nods his head in a pathetic attempt at agreement.] REALLY, Bob!
So, I figured my Dad could get rid of that spooky lady by himself. I mean, there's only so much a cute spunky girl like me can do, right?
(Putting her lip gloss back in her bag, she gets very serious, crossing her arms and legs and leaning against the tree she's perched near) [Bob moves close and squats down so he can zoom in on all her cuteness, but wishes he had earplugs]
Bob, don't say anything to my Dad, but I think I saw a little girl running through the woods past our team line a couple times today and oh boy, this is so weird. She looked just like I did when I was a little kid! That's crazy right? I'm seeing ghosts here. I must be going nuts from lack of cappuccino at Dot.com and no N'Sync…. Anyway, it freaked me out. What do you think? Bob?
[Bob flinches at the sound of his name. He's gone cross-eyed and completely tuned her out when the pitch of her voice reached the level only dogs can hear.]
Bob: Hmm? Yeah, sure… [He tries to stand up from his crouching stance but his legs have gone numb as well and he stumbles and hurls himself backwards at a rapidly increasing pace until he eventually falls into the tent Stefano is lurking behind.]
Uh huh, I think it's a ghost too! Not like Shawn's *can* thing isn't enough for me to deal with! Geez!
Oh, Bob! Oh my! SQUEEK That Stefano guy that gives my Dad bad headaches is on this island too. Cans, ghosts and old guys in smoking jackets… ugh, a girl's life just shouldn't be this confusing! Eeeeek!
(Belle scurries like a rabid squirrel away from the scene) Daddy!
confessed by Belle at 12:49 AM
Confessional: Shane Donovan
(Shane appears on camera, after perusing the entire island, trying to survey the exact size and current status of the place.)
Bob, I think a gent like you must be really bored by this whole thing. Is there nothing else on your daily shedule other than confessions? Well, I guess you are paid to do this, so let me continue.
The Big Bad Ass didn't seem to take kindly to my making friends with Ms. Horton, just because she is in the other tribe. We were just taking time to get to know each other, but now I have been permanentally sequestered on my side of the island. I have been investigating the island for a couple of hours now. My room had a few useful tools for the job. I have now calculated the total square mileage on the island...12.4 mi. sq. to be exact. I also have taken samples from the soil on both sides of the island and inserted them into my chemical compound analyzer, just to make sure no one came before and left anything dangerous.
I must say I didn't realize the room would be so useful in my effort to re-encounter Laura. The ruse of investigating the details of the island has allowed me to investigate every square inch and even take a peek at her tent. I believe Laura is in the tent between Craig Wesley and Marlena. Not sure who Craig is, but I'm sure Laura is in a safe location, as he is the COS at University Hospital. I'm sure he's a friend of the Hortons, as they would only allow a highly regarded physician to assume that role.
I'll have to keep thinking of alternate ways to check up on dear Laura. I certainly don't want to see any harm come to her.
Roman? Bob, I believe I see Roman headed this way. Since this is neutral territory, may I speak with him before I head back to my camp? I am still trying to get to the bottom of this situation, although it is a bit hard to investigate with Laura on my mind.
I don't know what people have against women who are slightly unstable. I've found happiness with many...Kim, Gillian, Gabrielle...will she be next?
confessed by Shane Donovan at 12:41 AM
(Taking Laura by the shoulder and gently leading her towards a clearing in the woods)
Sorry to be so secretive, but I didn't really want anyone to overhear our conversation...Um..there really isn't a tactful way to say this so I'll just come right out and ask you....are you developing an interest in Shane? [Laura suddenly becomes terribly interested in a dirt smudge on the toe of her Reebok] Sami has only been here a short while, yet has managed to convey that idea to me...my neice- [sigh] she should have her own talk show. Anyhow, I can completely understand you taking a liking to Shane, he is thoroughly charming and sophisticated, intelligent, handsome....[momentarily breaks off, looking glassy-eyed, but recovers quickly] I just wanted to let you know that it wouldn't affect me at all....[choking slightly]...nope, not the least little bit....
confessed by Kimberly Brady at 12:10 AM