Marlena put the phone down on the table and turned to Q, her eyes wide.
"They think they know where he is."
"Stefano?" He looked surprised.
"They got a tip-off.... a tip-off about a warehouse down on Shaw Street." Her hands were shaking as she steadied herself on the table. "Oh God, Gene they have no idea what they're walking into."
"Marlena, they never have before and they've come out all right." He moved towards her, concerned at the sudden pallor of her skin.
"But that was before." Marlena's fear clutched at her insides. "You said he's getting more powerful right? That he's somehow feeding on the hatred and fear? Well Gene, they're going to go down there and direct all that hatred and fear right *at* him." She let out a long slow breath, trying to stop the shaking which permeated her body and her voice.
"C'mon Marlena, they know what they're doing." He took her arm and made her face him. "This could be a good thing you know. They could put him out of commission for a while."
"Do you really think that's possible?" she was skeptical. Since when had anybody been able to put Stefano out of commission? Q sighed and looked away from her, unable to withstand the scrutiny of her expressive eyes. "I didn't think so," she said softly.
"Well maybe whomever tipped them off got it wrong?" he suggested hopefully.
"No, John said it was someone reliable. He really thinks they can get Stefano this time." She tightened her lips and pulled her arm away from his grip.
"Gene, you have to go down there," her golden hair bounced against her shoulders echoing the gold that flashed in her eyes as she turned around. "You're the only one that knows how to deal with Stefano." The plea was unmistakable even if it was formed in the guise of an order. "You need to go down there and make sure they don't walk into a trap."
"No Marlena, I can't leave you here alone." He looked incredulous that she should even suggest such a thing. "Especially not if Stefano is on the loose."
"If he is in Salem, then he's most likely down at the waterfront like the informant said," she argued hotly. "I'll be okay, but if something happens to John...." Her eyes glazed with the prospect of losing John again. "*Please* Gene.""Marlena, I *can't* go," he told her firmly. It was simply a ridiculous idea. "John will have my guts for garters if I leave you alone here, unprotected. And if anything were to happen to you, *I* could never forgive myself." He shook his head with certainty. "I'm sorry, but I just can't do it."
"*Fine*, then *I'll* go," Marlena replied angrily as she pushed by him to collect her coat.
"Oh no you don't," he caught her arm, his fingers cutting into the tender flesh as he pulled her up. "You aren't going anywhere."
"What, am I under house arrest now?" She was furious with him, knowing every second she wasted, John, Roman and Abe were walking into danger. "Eugene, if someone doesn't stop them they're going to get themselves *killed*!"
"Marlena, I'm only trying to put your safety first," he replied frustratedly.
"And I'm only trying to stop the man I love from getting hurt," her eyes glistened hazel through a mist of tears as she pulled away from him angrily. "So if you're not going down there, *I* am."
She was frightened and desperate and she wasn't even thinking straight, Q knew that. And he also knew how stubborn she was. She wasn't about to let go of this idea, and keeping her at the penthouse could prove to be no mean feat, as determined as she was.
"I'd go Marlena, but you'd be here alone. Stefano could just walk in here and take you and there'd be nothing you could do." He sighed, knowing that argument wasn't going make any dent in her resolve. She was too wrapped up in what might happen to John to think about the danger to herself and her unborn child.
"I'll be okay. I'll have the alarm on." He remained unconvinced and she blinked in annoyance. "All right, I'll call Eric and Sami and get them to come over until you get back. You won't be gone long so I think the danger is minimal." She crossed her arms defiantly in front of her. "It's a risk I'm willing to take."
"No." He shook his head but her eyes were full of determination and he realized he was wasting his time. And part of him also acknowledged that she was right. The men down at the warehouse could be in big danger. And if he could head Stefano off now before he caused any more trouble, that would make things a whole lot simpler for all of them. With a sigh, he dropped his head in a gesture of defeat. "All right. But only if you call the kids."
"I will, I will," she nodded, grabbing his hand. She pulled him to the door without a word and opened it. "Hurry!" she begged him, her voice coloured with shades of panic and conviction. It might have taken the form of a request, but it was little more than an order. "Please hurry!"
"Marlena I..." he looked pained as he glanced at her.
"I'll *call* them. Now *go*!" She pushed him as hard as she could and slammed the door behind him.
Frowning, he stared at the door. It remained solid and impassive, even as he registered all of misgivings and then discarded them. He wouldn't be gone long.
Turning, he raised his hand and snapped his fingers.
Kristen's heart pounded as she crossed the living area of the loft, her feet noiseless in rubber-soled shoes. She caught her breath as she heard a noise from upstairs. She couldn't blow this now. She had gone to such trouble. Biting her lower lip, she slid the kitchen drawer open and...
"Kristen? What are you doing down here? I thought you were upstairs taking a shower." Maya was right behind her and Kristen felt the thrill of adrenaline speeding through her veins.
"I... I forgot there was no soap up there," she reached into the drawer.
"Uh, yes there is," Maya said suspiciously. "I just put some in there yesterday." She touched Kristen's shoulder tentatively. "Kristen, what are you doing?"
Kristen's mind reeled as she felt the woman's hand, warm against her skin. She had to get out of here. She only had this one chance. There was too much at stake.
And inside her head, the voices started....
Just *do* it! I can't, it's wrong! *Wrong*? She's trying to keep you from John. *That's* wrong. I just can't. Yes you can. It's *so* easy. It'll just slide right in. I.... That's right. You know what you have to do...
"Kristen?" Maya tugged on her charge's shoulder, trying to turn her. She didn't trust Kristen and she had a bad feeling about this.
A moment later, she realized why.
In a large ungainly movement, Kristen swung around, the carving knife in her hand slicing a flashing arc through the air. It was almost as if everything was in slow motion as she pulled back her arm and then drove it forward, the blade of the knife sliding through clothing and flesh as though it were warm butter.
Maya staggered backwards, but Kristen caught her arm, a wild gleam in her eye. Maya gasped as Kristen withdrew the knife and thrust again, the knife carving upwards under her ribs. She cackled malevolently as Maya's blood soaked the front of her dress and the woman's eyes went wide with terror.
"I'd say I'm sorry, that you got in the way," she hissed, as she caught the woman's hair. Twisting the dark, glossy mass in her fingers, she yanked the young woman's head back. "But I'd be lying. You got everything that was coming to you." She twisted the knife and Maya whimpered in pain and horror.
The encroaching darkness was interrupted only by the gurgle in her own throat and then the warmth of the blood as it spilled from her lips. The fear and terror as she realized what was happening to her was almost overwhelming, As death reached out it's inevitable black fingers to her, she could only think that John had been right to fear Kristen and the lengths she might go to in order to get what she wanted. And as the fine filigree of unconsciousness snared her in its grasp she groaned bloodily as she realized that she might not be Kristen's only intended victim today.
Feeling Maya go limp, Kristen let go of the nurse and watched her body slump to the floor with only a slight flicker of disgust registering in her eyes. Turning to the sink, she ran the hot tap, letting the warm water spill over her bloodied hands.
The water ran pink and eventually clear as she rubbed her hands together. Finally, when she was satisfied that they were clean enough, she turned off the tap and pulled the towel from where it hung in front of the oven.
Stepping over the body, she wiped her hands and then dropped the towel behind her so that it landed in the scarlet liquid that was pooling on the floor. She looked blankly at the crumpled form and then she turned to haul a coat off the rack by the door. With a grimace, she slipped the long knife into the pocket and then pulled the coat on, belting it around her extended belly.
Walking out of the loft, she didn't bother to shut the door behind her.
John remained silent beside Abe as they watched the warehouse. It appeared abandoned and there had been no determinable movement either in, or around the building since they had arrived a little more than ten minutes ago.
He narrowed his eyes as Abe spoke into his radio, ensuring the backup units were in place. Behind him, Roman shifted uncomfortably, his eyes hidden between the shining twin lenses of a pair of binoculars.
"No," Roman shook his head. "Are you sure that this is the address that Vonnie left?"
"Positive. Atkinson took it down on paper." Abe rotated his wrist in order to glance at his watch.
"Well either she got it wrong or DiMera's doing a damn good job of lying low in there," Roman muttered.
John shifted his weight to his left foot and let out a groan of frustration. The crouching was giving him a cramp and he just wanted this over with. As soon as Stefano was behind bars, he could breathe a lot easier.
"John?" the three men all did an about face, Roman and Abe drawing their guns on pure instinct. Eugene raised his hands rapidly in response. "It's okay, it's just me."
"Hell Eugene, what do you think you're doing creeping up on us like that?" Roman barked, his heart pounding against his ribcage.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"
"What the hell are you doing here Eugene?" John butted in, his voice low and angry. "You're supposed to be back at the penthouse, looking after Marlena." A sudden thought occurred to him and he grabbed the lapel of Q's jacket. "She's all right isn't she?" he growled, "nothing's happened to her?"
"She's just fine," Q replied, pulling himself out of John's grasp, "but she was very insistent that I come down here and find you."
"Insistent? Christ, she could be in danger," John rolled his eyes in a gesture of pure aggravation. "You shouldn't have left her."
"I didn't want to, but she was threatening to come down here by herself if I didn't come instead," Eugene looked at Abe who had turned back to his surveillance of the warehouse, and then at Roman who was obviously listening to the exchange with interest. "Listen, I need to talk to you. In private."
"Look, I don't care if you had to cuff her to the railing to keep her in the penthouse, you shouldn't have left her alone," John whispered fiercely.
"John, I don't have time to argue," Q snapped. At least one thing hadn't changed; John was still as irritating as ever. "If you want me to get back to Marlena's you'd better come with me. If I leave without telling you what I came to tell you, I may as well not go back at all." His dark eyes were insistent as he glared at John.
"Just *go*," Abe gave John a shove. All this terse whispering wasn't helping his concentration and he needed it to co-ordinate the teams as they took the warehouse.
"Don't move until I get back Abraham," John's voice held a warning.
"I won't but you'd better hurry," Abe turned to listen to the transmissions from his backups.
Ceding the battle of wills, John followed Q around the corner, a scowl on his face.
"All right, what the hell do you want?" he demanded.
"Look, Marlena tried to tell you on the phone but you cut her off." Q leaned back against the brickwork, his expression betraying nothing. "There's something about Stefano that you should know before you go rushing in there."
Kristen slapped the Honda into reverse and the tires squealed as she pulled out of the parking space. It had been Maya's coat she had pulled on, and her car keys had clashed with the stained metal blade in the pocket as she'd hopped up and down impatiently in the elevator.
It was fortuitous, she realized as she climbed into the car, because Peter had somebody watching her. He had told her as much last week. Whoever it was, it was a pretty good bet he wouldn't be watching for Maya's car.
Slamming on the brakes, she thrust the car into drive and stabbed the accelerator with her foot. Then, hardly missing a beat, she barreled out of the basement parking lot, barely missing a pedestrian as she swerved onto the road.
Ten minutes later found her knocking on a door. She fingered the deadly blade in her pocket as she waited silently.
This was it.
"Can I just ask you why you didn't see fit to share this information with us before now?" John asked furiously.
"I didn't know the full extent of what was happening until recently," Q said patiently. "And I was supposed to tell you as little as possible in order to preserve the integrity of this universe."
"I don't give a f*ck about the integrity of the f*cking universe," John was trying to control his temper, but it was difficult. "What I care about is Marlena's safety and the safety of my children. And you're now telling me that DiMera is some kind of... of super being? That he's somehow invincible?"
"Not invincible, I didn't say that," Q frowned. "Look I'm sorry. The last month or so has been difficult for all of us. I didn't know the extent of it or I *would* have told you."
"Yeah *right*." Sarcasm dripped from the words. John would have been amused if he wasn't so royally pissed off.
"You think I want to put her in danger?" Q retorted angrily. "I care about Marlena. The very *last* thing I would ever do is intentionally put her in danger."
"Excuse me," Roman poked his head around the corner, his face displaying his distinct lack of amusement. "If you two would like to stop bickering, Abe wants to put this operation into play."
Q looked at John questioningly. He might dislike the man, but he knew that John wasn't foolhardy. He knew he wouldn't send his friends in there now. Not without some kind of protection.
"Gene's with us," John growled diffidently.
"What? John you can't-" Roman began.
"Roman, there's a good reason." John started back towards Abe's position but Roman caught his arm angrily.
"Dammit John, you're not a cop anymore. One civilian in this is bad enough. Eugene could get hurt."
"He can look after himself," John said with an impassive face. "Trust me on this okay?"
"Just ten minutes ago you were tearing into him for leaving Marlena. Don't you think he'd be better off at the penthouse?" Roman wasn't letting this go, John was being irresponsible and irrational and he didn't get it at all.
"Look, Roman, Gene here has some inside info that could be helpful if we corner DiMera. Let's just leave it at that shall we?" John pulled his arm irritably from Roman's grip and turned. "Let's go before we miss the show."
Roman looked at Q who shrugged as if he didn't get the whole exchange. He shook his head in annoyance, wondering what the hell they weren't telling him. Again. Not that he had time to worry about it now.
Roman and Eugene followed John and they crouched down in a group around Abe.
"Okay," Abe was speaking into the radio. "Atkinson, your team takes the back. Shelley, your team the side entrance. We'll take the front along with Byers' team. You all got that?" Several '10-4's' crackled from the radio and Abe looked around at the eager men. "Let's go get that bastard."
"Hang on honey," Marlena set down her glass of juice on the table and went to the door to let Sami in. She laughed as she unlocked the door and pulled it open. "My goodness you got here f-"
She swallowed and the blood roared in her ears as she stared at her visitor.
"Well, hello *Doc*."
Abe held his arms extended, his gun locked in his hands as he moved along the packing crates, his back to the wall of neglected boxes. He nodded at Roman, opposite him, and they both rounded their respective corners, waving their guns as they scoured the area with their eyes.
It was empty.
"There's nothing here." John's voice came out of the gloom. "No one's here."
"Sure looks that way," Abe took one more sweep of the warehouse and then holstered his gun disappointedly.
"Doesn't look like anyone's been here for a while sir," Atkinson's voice sounded from the office. "The desks are thick with dust. If DiMera was here, he covered his tracks remarkably well."
John looked at Q, the unspoken question hanging in the stifling heat of the abandoned building. Q looked around him, one eyebrow slightly arched.
"It's possible," he shrugged. "He's certainly capable of that." He pursed his lips as he inspected the high vaulted roof of the warehouse.
"But why would he have been here anyway?" Roman asked guardedly. "What use does Stefano DiMera have for an abandoned warehouse?"
"What use does he have for anything?" John shook his head, walking into the shaft of light that shone through a broken window. Dust floated lazily in the air and John crouched, examining the floor as though it could give him some clue.
Eugene looked around him again. The derelict offices with the broken furniture. The rows of empty crates. Something wasn't right here. He could feel it. And suddenly trepidation washed over him.
"He was never here," he said with absolute certainty. "This is a set up."
Kristen leaned against the doorframe, a malicious grin curling her lips.
"Bet you weren't expecting me huh Doc?"
Marlena swallowed compulsively, trying to quell the sudden panic that flooded her.
"What do you want?" She could almost feel the pain in her face again where Kristen had hit her and one hand raised unconsciously to her now-healed lips.
"I want to chat," Kristen drawled with raised eyebrows. "I don't think we talk enough, do you?"
"I have nothing to say to you." Marlena tried to slam the door on her, but Kristen was too quick and she had her foot inside the door. Pushing her way inside, she shook her head and tutted with her tongue. "Now that wasn't very nice was it? Not very welcoming from the perfect Dr. Evans. Hope you don't treat all your patients like that. *Doc*."
"You're not my patient," Marlena's voice shook as she backed away from Kristen. She could see it in Kristen's eyes. The madness. The same madness she had seen in Stella Lombard's eyes. The same murderous rage. The same lack of regard for consequences. And she was terrified.
"Just as well huh?" Kristen laughed agitatedly. "I'm sure you'd just love to see me locked away *Doc*. Then you could have John all to yourself."
"Look I don't know what you want from me," Marlena judged the distance to the sofa, wanting to put something, anything, between the two of them. It wasn't far, if she could just take it slowly.... "But Sami is turning up any minute."
"Well, I'd better just lock the door then." Kristen didn't take her eyes off Marlena as she snipped the lock closed behind her. "Wouldn't do for us to be interrupted now would it?" Marlena cursed internally but then revised her thoughts as she realized that Sami could potentially walk in on a nasty situation. At this point it was better that she kept out of the line of fire.
"What do you want to talk about Kristen?" Marlena asked carefully as she continued her slow journey across the living room. One hand slid uneasily across her swollen belly in unspoken concern for her baby.
"Hmmmm, lets see," Kristen made a show of pretending to think about it. "How about how you f*cking well *stole* John from me and ruined my life. Would that be a good starting point?" Her face was haggard as she hurled the accusation and Marlena found herself wondering disjointedly if Kristen's true nature was finally reflecting in her face.
"Haven't we already covered this?" she asked as Kristen took several steps towards her, closing the distance between them.
"No, I think I've covered it and you've lied through your f*cking teeth," Kristen's lips curled up into a sneer. "You see, you and John might think I'm an imbecile, but when I touch him and he practically *screams* at me to leave him alone, I gotta know that *something* is wrong." Her fingers curled around the handle of the knife in her pocket and she took strength from it. "Namely that some whore is giving him what he wants." She glared at Marlena and closed the distance between them again. "And I think we both know who that whore is. Don't we *Doc*?"
"You're crazy," Marlena whispered, despite herself.
"Yeah, well maybe I am. Maybe being screwed over by *you* one too many times finally f*cked up my head. But you know what?" she smiled crookedly, but it was chillingly devoid of humour. "I really don't care. What have I got to lose?" She shrugged her shoulders and leaned forward to whisper conspiratorially. "Nothing, that's what. Not when everything I care about has been taken away from me."
"That's not true," Marlena shook her head desperately. "You have so much going for you-"
"Oh *save* it Marlena," Kristen snarled. "You and I both know that it's not true. You're the one with the ring on your finger, not me. And don't even start with the bullshit about how it's not from John. You and I both know *exactly* what's going on. So it's a little *late* for the pep talk. It's *over* for me."
Then oddly, her anger seemed to dissipate and a smile crossed her face. But the grin was nothing short of evil and Marlena felt her blood run cold as she saw the object that Kristen unsheathed from her pocket.
The bloody blade of the knife flashed dully in the afternoon sun as Kristen laughed cruelly.
"It's over for me, and guess what Doc? It's over for you too."
Marlena felt oddly breathless as she saw Kristen wave the blood-encrusted knife in front of her, and for a moment she thought she was going to faint.
"Well, I expected more of a reaction than that," Kristen narrowed her eyes resentfully. "And here I went to *so* much trouble to visit."
Marlena still said nothing, but her eyes were wide with unspoken terror as she tried to get her breathing under control. If only for the sake of the unborn child nestled within her, she had to stay calm and rational.
Yet that was easier said than done. Unless she could get out of the penthouse, she was completely helpless and at Kristen's mercy unless someone came. Right now though, Kristen was between her and the door and the staircase. Marlena faltered, the merits of making a quick dash past Kristen flashing through her mind. However the sight of the dully-flashing blade in Kristen's hand gave her pause enough to quickly discard the idea. It wasn't so much that she cared about getting hurt herself, but the risk to her baby was just too high.
If only she could get to the phone, but Kristen was closer to it than she was and moving in that direction would bring her too close to that deadly looking knife. Kristen was hardly going to allow her to make a phone-call anyway. It would be suicidal to even try.
Keep it together Marlena; don't let her see your fear.
Her heart pounded mercilessly against her ribs as she tried to forge a facade of indifference. The situation was somewhat akin to being faced with a feral dog; fear would only serve as encouragement. It was becoming harder to maintain though. As she backed further away, an odd buzz began to sound in her ears, a harbinger of emotional collapse and desperation.
Misjudging the distance behind her, Marlena suddenly felt her legs coming into contact with the solid bulk of the sofa behind her and overbalancing, she fell heavily onto the cushions.
"Now *that's* more like it!" Kristen's teeth gleamed wickedly. "You see, I have plans for you, Marlena. Do you think that I would have gone to all this trouble otherwise?"
"Trouble?" Marlena's voice was strained as she watched Kristen unbelt her coat and drop it on the floor. Her immediate urge was to scream as she saw the blood that drenched the front of Kristen's dress. And she felt bile rising in her throat, accompanied by a bubbling panic.
"To get you here. On your own." Kristen inspected the knife carefully, but Marlena was aware she never let her gaze wander from what she was doing on the sofa. "Being that John was watching me like a hawk. And I had my Nazi *jailer* to contend with...."
Marlena felt sick as she realized whom Kristen was talking about. "You see, I had to find some way of getting out of the loft. Remembering John's informant, Vonnie, was quite a stroke of luck."
"The tip-off? That was you?" Every muscle was tense as she directed the question hoarsely at Kristen.
"Quite a brainstorm don't you think Doc?" Kristen chuckled. "Two birds with one stone and all that. Well," she sighed dramatically, "it wasn't *quite* foolproof." She picked at her fingernails with the point of the knife and Marlena realized with another rush of horror, that it was dried blood that she was cleaning from the tips of her fingers.
She tried to stifle the sob of fear that escaped her throat as she edged to the back of the sofa but Kristen didn't seem to notice anything much. She seemed to intent on recounting her diabolical plan. "Too bad the nurse had to get in the way. Made things a bit messy. But, looking on the bright side," she grinned madly, "you know what they say about practice making perfect."
"What do you mean a set-up?" Abe demanded as John stared at Q, his whole being suddenly suffused with fear.
"I mean Stefano was never here. It's obvious. Someone wanted us all here while they were someone else," Q thumped one of the crates, furious at himself. "Dammit I should have *never* left her."
Abe looked at Roman in confusion and Roman looked from him to John. The expression on John's face was enough to chill him to the core.
There was only one explanation and it hit Abe and Roman at the same time.
"You killed her," Marlena said weakly. She knew exactly what Kristen's answer would be.
"Ding, ding, ding!" Kristen cackled, her eyes bright with manic glee. She moved toward the sofa, taking delight in the way Marlena shrank backwards in terror. "You win Marlena. Shall I tell you what your prize is?"
"You don't have to do this Kristen," Marlena edged back over the broad sofa seat until she reached the low back. The pregnancy was making moving awkward and slow. The one thing that she wanted so desperately to protect was her one weakness. And it presented a frighteningly obvious target.
With a burst of fear, she climbed over the squat back of the soda and pushed herself upright. Her movements were ungainly and the weight of the baby seemed to be growing along with her terror so that every movement was an effort. Her whole body was shaking and it was only through sheer force of will that she wasn't sobbing.
"We can get you help."
"I don't *want* help," Kristen scowled nastily as she faced Marlena across the sofa. She seemed unconcerned that Marlena had put some distance between them again; she knew that there were only so many places for Marlena to go. "My only problem is *you*. That's all I need to deal with."
"So what?" Marlena knew she couldn't let Kristen see her weakness. The moment she saw a chink, she would home in on it and she would strike. Marlena simply had to keep her at arms length and keep her talking until someone realized what was happening. Except that wasn't exactly simple.
With that thought, she gathered her courage and challenged Kristen. "You kill me too and then what? You spend the rest of your life in prison?" She shook her head, almost pitying the pathetic creature that stood before her. "John will despise you Kristen. He'll never want to see your face again."
"Shut up," Kristen shouted, trying to drown out the words that mocked her. "Shut up you bitch. Maybe I won't ever have John, but at least I'll take pleasure in knowing you'll never lay your filthy hands on him again either."
"What about your baby?" Marlena's heart was pounding violently in her chest and she could barely think straight. Her whole body ached, her back was screaming with pain and she knew that the adrenaline was the only thing keeping her going. But she just had to keep Kristen talking, keep her occupied. Until... well, until something happened. "At least think about your baby. *Please* Kristen, it's innocent, it doesn't deserve to come into the world this way."
"And what about your child huh, Marlena? Your bastard offspring?" Kristen waved the knife in front of her. "Admit it. That's who you're *really* afraid for." She sneered, hatred almost coming off her in waves. "At least if you and your spawn die, John will have all of his attention to devote to *my* baby."
"No!" Marlena gasped. She didn't quite know why she was shocked, but it was still frightening to hear the woman to put it in such blunt terms. "Kristen, you can't hurt an innocent child!"
"I can't?" Kristen looked surprised and then her eyes narrowed with a hateful grimace. "Just you watch me *Doc*."
"Oh Christ," John fumbled with his cell phone, his fingers icily numb, even in the heat of the deserted building. Stabbing the numbers with his fingers, he looked at Eugene with fearful eyes. The other man couldn't even look back at him. He just stuffed his hands in his pockets and stared at the ground.
The phone rang until his answering machine picked up. "Maya, where the hell are you?" he yelled into the phone. "Maya, if you're there, pick up. Pick up the PHONE goddammit!" There was nothing and he cursed as he hit end on the phone.
Then immediately, he was dialing Marlena's number with clumsy fingers.
"Shit!" He ended the call, having misdialed, and then tried again. This time, he managed to dial all the numbers in the right order and he waited as it rang.
And rang.
"Christ! Marlena, if you're there answer the phone. Dammit Doc, I swear if you don't answer that phone right now-" he was almost in tears as he waited, but there was nothing. "Look, Doc if you hear this, the bust was a set-up. Stefano was never there. You could be in *real* danger. I don't want you to open the door to anyone. *Anyone*, you hear me? Not even Samantha. Sweetheart, I want you to go upstairs and lock yourself in the bathroom until we get th-"
Kristen tore the phone out of the wall with a savage yank.
"*Sweetheart*." She sneered derisively. "He used to call me that. So don't worry Marlena. John is good at moving on. He won't miss you. Not for long anyway."
Marlena couldn't say anything; she just struggled for breath as the tears trembled on her lashes. She only had to hold off for a few more minutes. Until they got back. Until they saved her from....
She had no time to complete the thought because Kristen lunged at her with the knife. She staggered backwards, but somehow, despite her ungainly body, she managed to gain her footing as she moved towards the French doors. Kristen feinted with the knife again but Marlena managed to block her blow with a photo frame she had snatched from the table.
However, the effort left both woman off-balance and Marlena grabbed at the chair as she fell backwards. Kristen landed heavily on her side and let out a groan of pain. But she held onto the knife and looked up as Marlena used her legs to propel herself backwards. "Oh no you *don't*!" she muttered as she crawled across the floor.
Marlena saw the flash of the knife again and with no time to think, she raised her arm to ward off the blow. She let out a cry of pain as the knife sliced into her forearm, and she clutched it to her, the blood seeping through her fingers. Her analytical mind could only take the time to assess that Kristen had hit no major blood vessels and the cut was superficial before her attention flicked back to her attacker.
"Any last requests Marlena?" Kristen panted as she pushed herself to her knees, raising her arm above her, ready to strike the fatal blow.
"How about you go to *hell*?" Marlena grunted as she aimed a powerful kick at Kristen's thighs.
Kristen hadn't expected her to fight back and was taken by surprise as one leg disappeared from beneath her and she crashed to the floor again, losing her grip on the knife. She cursed as it tumbled under the side table and Marlena took the opportunity to scramble to her feet. She stepped sideways but her knees felt like jello and she was starting to shiver with the beginnings of shock. She put her hands flat against the warm glass of the balcony doors behind her and took a deep breath, trying to quell the dizziness that washed over her.
Looking up, Kristen abandoned her quest to regain the knife momentarily and her eyes narrowed.
"You're not going *anywhere* Doc."
"Kristen," her voice was breathless. "You don't have to do this. Just let me go now and everything will be okay."
"You really are pathetic, you know that?" Kristen snarled, still on all fours, her belly hanging between her limbs. "Yeah, I do have to do this and I'll do it any damn way I have to. So you think about getting past me Doc, and you just think about how easily I could trip you." She smiled soullessly, her eyes black with hatred. "Yeah, I can just see you taking a header. That wouldn't be too good for your *innocent* little baby, huh?"
Marlena swallowed distraughtly, the saliva sticking in her throat and making her feel as though she wanted to choke. She was in very big trouble, she knew that and she knew Kristen's threats were real. The woman was insane and she had no fear, no concern for herself. She only had one aim and she would do anything to achieve that end.
With glazed eyes fixed on Marlena, Kristen clumsily moved towards the dresser under which the knife had disappeared, but Marlena took that slim diversion and moved sideways slipping out of Kristen's immediate sphere of influence.
Quickly, without looking behind her, Marlena made her way to the door. But her hands were slippery with her own blood and her arm was fiery with pain. Her heart was pounding as she tried desperately to unlock the door, but just as she managed to twist the lock open, Kristen's voice sounded right behind her ear.
"Forget it *Doc*." Marlena jumped visibly as grimy steel came in contact with her skin and she froze. "That's *better*," Kristen whispered with evident pleasure. "Wouldn't want you making a lucky escape now, would we?" Reaching out, she twisted the lock closed again and then slid the flat plane of the knife blade against Marlena's neck.
"You know, that was a *really* dumb thing to do, Marlena," she said snidely as she grabbed Marlena's arm and directed her to turn around. "Cause now I *really* want to make you suffer." She pushed Marlena back towards the French doors and walked with her captive, the knife now menacingly warm against Marlena's skin. "Open it," she commanded as they reached the door. Once they were out on the balcony, Marlena would have no-where left to go, and Kristen could finally finish what she came for.
Marlena's hand shook violently as she reached out and opened the door. She couldn't believe this was happening. Not when she was *so* close to escaping. The air outside the apartment was stifling and only served to heighten the sheer terror that swamped her.
Her only *real* hope was if John and Gene were to turn up. If they were to realize that it was a set-up down at the warehouse and hurry home.
Oh please God, she offered up a silent and desperate prayer as Kristen followed her out onto the balcony. Please, I need him. *Please*.
John stared at the phone in anguish, his mind blank with dread. This couldn't be happening. This was all his worst nightmares rolled into one terrifying moment. His head snapped up as Q cleared his throat.
"Doc's." He demanded. "Take me there. *Now*."
Q stared at him blankly, his mind reeling with the implications. He had left Marlena alone at the penthouse. Alone and vulnerable. They'd been set up, and who had the means and more importantly, the motive to want both him and John out of the way?
Kristen knew them all well enough, even in her delusional state, to know how they would react. How Marlena would not let John walk into danger by himself. It was a gamble that she would send Q to help John, but it was one that a lunatic would lay money on. He only prayed it hadn't paid off, *yet*.
"Eugene!" John's eyes were blazing with rage and fear and a silent shudder ran through Q. With Marlena's safety in danger, John was a loose cannon. Taking him into a situation that was fraught with danger for Marlena and with Kristen balancing the knife-edge of psychosis, could be lethal. Q shook his head. He'd been the one to leave Marlena, to expose her to this danger. He couldn't risk John charging in to the rescue and screwing everything up.
"I... what about Kristen?" he suggested desperately. John could feel his heart pounding out a cadence of panic as he looked at Q in disbelief.
"You and I *both* know that Kristen is probably at Doc's," he snarled angrily. "This whole thing was a f*cking set-up and we fell for it. Marlena's in trouble and every second we're wasting could be the one that makes the difference Eugene." John growled angrily. He wanted to punch something and being that Q was the nearest thing, he had a great deal of trouble not taking a swing. But he managed to resist the temptation somehow. This wasn't the time.
Q opened his mouth to argue again but one look at John's thunderous face convinced him to give up. John was right, they were wasting time. John's presence inserted a wild card that Q wasn't prepared to deal with, but he had no choice. He could only hope that John could somehow restrain himself enough to calm Kristen instead of making things worse.
"All right," he nodded. " But you'd better damn well not make me regret this."
"Let's go then," Roman took a step towards the door but John caught his arm.
"No. Roman, I need you and Abe to go to the loft."
"But you already said Kristen is most likely at the penthouse," Roman protested.
"But Maya never should have let her out of the loft," John explained with more patience than he was feeling. "Something is wrong there. Maya should have called me or she should be answering the phone." He felt the fear gnawing at his belly. "You have to go there."
"Doc's in trouble!" Roman reiterated furiously. "Why the hell are you arguing the point? Let's *go*!"
"Marlena is *my* responsibility." John returned with pure desperation. Roman couldn't come with them if they were to get there as fast as inhumanly possible. But coming up with a coherent argument was proving increasingly difficult. Because one thought swamped all others. Marlena needed him. She was in trouble, he knew it. He could feel it deep inside his soul, like an echo that vibrated inside him.
"Roman, *please*. We don't have time to go into this. I can't argue this with you Just trust me, please." He looked over at Abe and repeated his plea. "Abe, please, go to the loft."
"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Abe looked worried and he glanced to Eugene for confirmation. He knew how John's temper could get him into trouble and he didn't want to see *anyone* regretting this decision.
"Sure." Both John and Eugene nodded their heads in unison.
"All right," Abe nodded his acceptance, realizing the need for urgency. He turned to Roman who was still unconvinced and laid his hand on his arm. "C'mon buddy. Let's go."
"Abe I..." Roman looked across at John. The man was looking increasingly agitated and Roman knew the feeling only too well. Marlena might no longer be his responsibility as John had pointed out, but he was still exceedingly concerned for her safety and he wanted to help her. But to stand here and argue with John and Eugene over who was going where wasn't going to accomplish anything. It certainly wasn't going to help Marlena. "Okay." He nodded finally. "I'm with you." There was no further discussion as Roman and Abe departed the warehouse, their faces grim.
"Okay, you are going to find this a little disorienting," Q warned.
"Okay, whatever. Just get on with it." John stuffed his phone in the pocket of his jacket and looked expectantly at Q. Nodding, Q raised his fingers.
"All dressed up and nowhere to go!" Kristen pushed the doors to behind her as Marlena turned to face her. She wore a crazed grin on her face as she wiped the blood that was trickling from her nose. "Now it's just you and me, Doc on this tiny little balcony." She looked out over the railing. "It's an awfully long way down don't you think."
"Kristen, please!" Marlena gasped for breath. "John knows something is wrong. He's on his way here even now. Just give it up."
"Oh no," Kristen shook her head, her grey eyes burning with hatred. "I don't think so. John isn't here, and he won't *be* here in time. It's just you and me and the only stakes are if you want to live more than I want to see you *dead*." She stepped forward. "Something tells me that's not possible. You see," her voice lowered and the vicious loathing it carried drove chills through Marlena. "I *hate* you. You don't even have *any* idea how much I hate you and that's going to be all that I need."
There was no more warning as she charged at Marlena again the knife flashing. Marlena ducked sideways and threw her arm out, slamming Kristen's against the wall of the balcony so that the knife clattered to the ground again. Before Kristen could recover, Marlena flicked the knife away with her toe. "Oh no, don't worry Kristen," she panted. "I *hate* you too."
"Not as much as I hate *you*," Kristen screamed as she lunged at Marlena again. Marlena tried to duck again, but she was exhausted and that combined with the pregnancy were finally taking their toll. Even the adrenaline was failing and agile movement was now quite impossible. She felt a sudden pain as Kristen caught her by her hair and they grappled as Kristen forced her up against the railing.
"I'll see you in *hell* you bitch!" she shrieked as she wrapped her fingers around Marlena's throat and began to squeeze. Out of the corner of her eye, Marlena could see the ground far below her and she grabbed hold of Kristen's wrists fearfully. If she tried to pry herself away, Kristen could well take the opportunity to send her over the railing with one good shove. But if she didn't.....
And then suddenly she could feel John. It wasn't anything physical, more that she could sense his sudden presence, and even through the struggle and the fear, she knew he was there with her. Somehow that was enough to calm her and give her strength and she gathered all the breath she still had in her.
"*John!*" She couldn't see him but she knew he was close. She simply had to have faith that he would find her before it was too late. But her voice was weak and black spots swam into her vision as her body suffered from a lack of oxygen. "*Help*!"
In the living room, John looked around, seeing the overturned chair and the broken picture frame. More frightening than that, was the blood smeared on the carpet and on several of the window panes. It confirmed his fears and he felt a wave of sheer panic sweep through him. As he raised his eyes, his gaze drawn to the daubs of blood, he realized the French doors were ajar and that there was someone out there....
"Oh my God!" He took off at a sprint across the living room, Q on his heels. Throwing his arm out he sent the door flying open so that it swung back on itself, the handle shattering the pane of glass it collided with.
"Get *away* from her!" He wrenched Kristen roughly away from Marlena, catching his fiancé with his free arm. Kristen wheeled back, wide-eyed and smacked straight into Eugene.
"Oh my God Marlena! Marlena, baby, are you all right?" He dropped to the cement floor, cradling Marlena in his arms. His fingers shook as they touched the oozing blood that covered the cut in her arm. It wasn't a bad cut, but it must have been painful enough to disorient her when she was under attack. "Honey, please open your eyes. Talk to me Marlena." He brushed the hair off her forehead and tears spilled onto her warm skin as he made his desperate plea. "C'mon baby, wake up. Please just wake up. I'm so sorry. I'm so, *so* sorry."
There was no reply, no sign that she had heard him as she lay silently and frighteningly still in his arms. Dear God, please let her be okay. Please, after everything, you can't take her from me *now*. Not now.... He brushed the hair back from her face and pressed his lips gently to her forehead. She was so incredibly still, it was terrifying and he had to drop his cheeks to her lips for a moment to make sure that she was still breathing. Her cheeks were wet with tears, he couldn't tell if they were his or hers, but he gently kissed away the traces of salty moisture that lingered on her soft skin.
"C'mon Marlena," he murmured tenderly, his shaking fingers cupping the side of her face. "C'mon baby. I'm here now. Everything is going to be okay. I'm going to make everything okay."
Kristen struggled in Q's arms as she watched John plead with Marlena, but the man had a grip like iron and she was reduced to playing voyeur to the one scene she wanted least to witness. And so she watched as John held Marlena close to him, as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed away the tears on her pale cheeks. It made her feel sick to see it, to see the love and tenderness he lavished on her. To see the way he looked at her, in a way he had *never* looked at Kristen.
It seemed like forever before Marlena's lashes fluttered and John thought there was nothing quite as beautiful as the golden-flecked hazel irises that she raised to his own eyes.
"John?" Her voice was scratchy and she coughed slightly with the effort of speaking, but he found himself grinning crazily, just happy that she was talking at all.
"It's okay baby," he stroked the wispy bangs from her forehead. "It's okay, I'm here. Nothing to worry about now."
"I knew you'd come," she spluttered slightly and John tightened his hold on her.
"Of course I came," he leant over her and pressed his lips to her forehead, wiping away the moisture of his tears. "Nothing could keep me away."
"John-" Kristen's voice was imbued with agonized defeat and John looked up at her, his eyes cold and full of disgust.
"Get her out of here," he demanded in a vitriolic tone as he held Marlena to him.
"My pleasure," Q locked his fingers around Kristen's wrist and yanked her roughly back into the penthouse, leaving Marlena and John alone on the balcony.
John could feel Marlena trembling in his arms and he saw her fearful glance at the open door.
"It's okay baby," he tried to sound calm and reassuring, but the truth was that he was starting to shake too.
"I..." her voice cracked as she clutched a handful of John's shirt. Suddenly she felt dizzy and cold and completely overwhelmed. During the struggle with Kristen, she had been running mainly on adrenaline, but now it was all over, the terror and pain that hadn't had time to assert itself was suddenly crushing. "Oh God John." She panted, trying to catch her breath, but it was as though the more she tried, the dizzier she got and she clung to John tightly. "Oh God. I thought I...."
Her strained sobs tore at John and he closed his eyes tightly, just holding her close and thanking God that she was safe, that he'd managed to get to her in time. He could feel her blood, sticky and cooling as it smeared against his skin and he shuddered slightly as he rocked her.
Moments later, he opened his eyes and gathered her more fully into his arms.
"C'mon baby, I have to get you to the hospital."
Not yet," she shook her head determinedly. "Just a few minutes... I just need a few minutes with you."
"No way." John shook his head. "You can have as many moments with me as you like pretty lady, but only after I've gotten the all clear from the doctors at the hospital."
"John-" she struggled weakly in his arms but John only shook his head.
"This is one time you are not changing my mind Doc. You might be stubborn, but baby, when it comes to your health and safety, I got you beat every time."
Abe walked toward the open door with misgivings. He knew that John and Marlena had been keeping the truth about their relationship a secret for fear of how Kristen might take the news. And Roman had filled him in briefly on the way over on what had happened recently. Or as much as he knew anyway.
Evidently Kristen had gone to Marlena's and accused her of stealing John away. And as John had suggested weeks ago, she sounded highly unbalanced. For this reason, Abe could understand John's fear.
"I don't like this Abe," Roman muttered as he pulled his gun out of the holster he wore over his chest.
"Me either buddy," Abe moved to the door, his own gun drawn and pressed his back up against the cool brick.
Carefully, he edged his head around the corner and made a quick surveillance of the empty living room. Satisfied that it wasn't a trap, he moved into the loft, his gun still drawn. Every nerve was on edge as he swung around, taking in as much of his surroundings as he could.
Roman, following him, covered his back and he made a sweep of the apartment too. It was only a moment before they found what they were looking for. Roman clenched his jaw and swallowed as Abe breathed out softly feeling sick to his stomach.
"Jesus Christ!"
Kristen glared sullenly at Q as she sat on the bottom step of the staircase. He glowered back at her in silence, wishing he'd tied her to the railing instead of cuffing her there. As far as he was concerned, the more pain she had to suffer, the better.
He was running the catalogue of things he'd like to do to her through his mind when John's cell phone rang. He had placed it on the sideboard the moment they had arrived in the penthouse apartment and Eugene had his hand on it almost immediately.
"Gene, it's Roman. What's happening?"
"It's okay Roman, we got here in time." Kristen sent him a vitriolic look and he turned away from her. "Only *just* in time, but Marlena is all right."
"Wish we could say the same," Roman sighed wearily. "Can I talk to John?"
"I'll check, they're kind of..." he looked out of the window, "they're taking a few minutes."
"It's important Gene," Roman moved further outside the doorway where the scent of the coagulating blood was less cloying. He had never been able to get used to the smell of death and he wasn't about to start now. Especially when it was so damn senseless.
"All right then." Q crossed the room and stood in the doorway, holding out the cell phone. "John, it's Roman. He needs to talk to you." Marlena disentangled herself from John's arms as he looked up. "He says it's important," Eugene added.
John nodded and looked back at Marlena who was wiping her face.
"You okay sweetheart?" he whispered tenderly. "Just one minute okay?" She nodded wordlessly and he reached out to take the phone from Eugene.
"Roman?" He could feel Marlena was still shaking and he wrapped one arm around her pulling her close again. She laid her head against his shoulder, and he tangled his fingers in her hair.
"John, is Doc okay?" Roman asked quickly.
"She's in shock Roman." John didn't really want to be wasting time talking to Roman, but if he had said it was important then he didn't really have much choice. "I'm just about to take her to the hospital. She has a cut that needs to be looked at and Kristen...." He felt Marlena shiver violently in his arms and his sense of urgency was renewed.. "Look, I'll explain it all when we see you. I really have to get her to a doctor..."
"Well, thank God she's okay," Roman could feel a little of the tension seep from his shoulders. "I have some news for you before you go. I'm afraid it's not quite such good news. We're at your loft. I'm afraid the nurse you hired...." he sighed painfully. "She's dead John."
"Maya's dead?" John felt a chill course through him and Marlena moaned softly, the noise vibrating softly against his chest.
"Very messy. There's blood *everywhere* John." He rubbed his face wearily. "She was stabbed in the abdomen several times from what we can tell without the medical examiner but there's no sign of the weapon here."
"At a good guess," John looked down at the blood on his shirt that had come from Marlena's cut and winced, "I'd say it's here somewhere."
"That's what I was thinking," Roman stepped to one side to let the paramedics through. It was pointless, the girl had been dead when they had arrived, had probably been dead for a good forty-five minutes, but they were obliged to try all the same. "Kristen's still there?"
"Yeah," John could see her through the glass and he felt another shudder course through him. He reinforced his grip on Marlena, reminding himself how lucky he was that she was all right. He had come *so* close.... "Eugene has her in the living room. He's not going to let her go anywhere."
"Good. Abe's sending Berkowitz and Samuels over to get things underway over there. We'll follow when we've gotten things wrapped up here." Roman looked back into the loft where the paramedics were going through their paces. He shook his head bleakly as he wondered how many more lives the DiMeras were going to destroy before they were done.
"Right," John felt utterly exhausted. "We'll see-"
Marlena suddenly clutched at him with a sharp intake of breath, interrupting his train of thought. He almost dropped the phone as he saw how pale she was. "Doc, baby what's wrong?"
She didn't answer immediately and he suddenly felt a rush of pure fear. She was okay; she'd said she was okay. God, John, you idiot! Of course she's not okay. Kristen almost killed her and you're sitting here on the balcony babbling like a fool!
Wincing, Marlena forced open her eyes, and John could see the distress and the alarm that swamped them.
"John," she croaked, her knuckles white where she clutched at his shirt. "We need to get to the hospital. Quickly."
"Wh-?" he began before he saw another wave of pain sweep across her face. Panic uncoiled in the pit of his stomach.
"Gene," he shouted, forgetting he had Roman on the other end of the phone. "I have to get Doc to the hospital! NOW!"
Gathering Marlena up in his arms, John kissed her lightly and spoke with a confidence that he did not feel.
"Don't worry sweetheart, it'll be okay. The baby is going to be just fine, I promise."
"I'm frightened John," her tears were evidence enough of that as she tightened her arms around his neck. The baby wasn't due for another two months. This was too early.
"I know you are sweetheart, but I'm going to get you to the hospital and you're going to be just fine, all right?" He had a knack for being cool in a crisis even when inside he was churning with panic. But somehow, when people were depending on him, especially when it was people he loved, he would do just about anything to make sure they were all right.
"Okay." She nodded, taking strength from his calm.
"Take a deep breath Doc. Just take a deep breath and count to ten. I'm going to get you to the hospital right away."
He carried Marlena through the living room, not even able to look at Kristen as he swept by her. What she had done here was unbelievably despicable. And he didn't care what she said about his contribution to her insecurity... or more accurately, her insanity. Nothing *made* a person take another life. It was a conscious decision, cold, calculating and *evil*.
Pausing at the door he looked to Q.
"John, she'll be okay, just-"
Another contraction gripped Marlena's abdomen and she groaned loudly, clutching her stomach. At the same time, there was a knock at the door.
"Mom? *Mom*, is that you?" Sami's voice sounded through the door and John could detect a frantic edge creeping into it. He tried to turn the door handle but found that it was locked and he backed away to allow Eugene to unlock and open it.
"Samantha," he didn't have time to waste explaining this situation to his daughter. "Your mother is going into labour. I need your help."
"Oh my God, Mom!!" Sami's wide cerulean eyes took in Marlena's disheveled state along with the bloodied cut on her arm and she blanched. "John what the hell is going on here?"
"Look, I'll explain it all to you at the hospital okay?" John felt the contraction subside as Marlena's rigid frame relaxed a little. But even with that, she trembled in his arms. "Eugene, stay here with Kristen until Abe arrives."
"Of course," Q nodded, though he wasn't entirely sure that it was a wise idea to leave him alone with Kristen. The options were rather limited, however. "I'll follow you later."
"Right," John turned back to Sami. "Samantha, I need you to go and find Lucie and tell her to take the children to the pub for the night. I don't want them coming back here and they certainly can't go to the loft. Not under *any* circumstances, do you hear me?"
"Yes sir!" Sami nodded knowing better than to ask any more questions. "Do you want me to tell Granma and Granpa about Mom?"
"Sure thing, peanut," John nodded and frowned as he felt Marlena tense in his arms again. "We have to go," he looked at Q intently and Q nodded. "I'll see you there."
John stepped through the doorway and Q shut the door behind them so that they were shielded from Kristen and Sami's view. Then the world around John and Marlena dissolved.
"John? *John*!" Roman was almost frantic as he heard John tell Eugene that they had to go to the hospital. "Oh shit!"
"What's wrong buddy?" Abe's worried face appeared in the doorway. He had on latex gloves, stained scarlet with the blood of the dead woman, and he was holding a crime scene bag in one hand.
"It's Doc," Roman snapped the cell phone shut with a grunt of frustration. "I think she just went into labour."
"But she's okay?" Abe's expression relaxed slightly, a measure of his relief in hearing that Marlena was still alive. His greatest fear, until this moment, had been that Kristen had repeated at the penthouse what she had accomplished here.
"Apart from the fact that she could have her baby two months early, sure she's just great!" Roman couldn't control the sarcasm that gave a caustic edge to his words. But when he saw Abe's face, he recanted immediately. "Sorry partner. Didn't mean that. I'm just worried about her."
"I know you are Roman," Abe nodded grimly.
"John said she seems all right. They got there just in time by the sounds of it. We should get over there as soon as we can wrap things up here." Roman rubbed his suddenly pounding forehead. "Dammit, I forgot to call Trudie and cancel lunch."
"I think she'll understand," Abe counseled as he snapped the bag closed and pulled off the bloodied gloves. "Is Kristen still at Marlena's?"
"Yeah, sounds like she pulled something like this on Marlena. John said she she had a cut..." He felt sick just thinking about it. Nobody should have to suffer terror like this. Especially Marlena.
"Goddamn! Then we need to get over there and arrest her." Roman looked at Abe in surprise. The hatred and abhorrence in his tone were ill disguised. Usually Abe was so levelheaded, so able to contain his disgust, but it seemed that even the Commander had his limits.
"At least we'll be able to put one DiMera behind bars," Roman muttered as he followed Abe back into the loft.
One down, one to go.
Q stared at Kristen intently. Sami had gone and they were alone in the penthouse. The severity of his gaze made Kristen more than a little nervous, though she was determined not to show it. She had to figure how to get out of this mess and fast. This was not how things were to go. Marlena was supposed to be dead, and once that witch's hold on John was severed, he would come to realize what it was that he had almost thrown away.
But instead, she had failed. John had come too soon and he had not even looked at her but to slay her with an icy glare. He had only cared about Marlena, held Marlena, declared his love for Marlena. And how Marlena had played victim to the hilt, making pained eyes at John, knowing he couldn't help but play hero.
Her body trembled with rage as she sat on the third step of the penthouse staircase. How right she had been to believe that John had betrayed her. All along, he was just pacifying her until he could be with Marlena. And now there was nothing Kristen could do to stave off the inevitable. She had lost.
Looking up again, she saw that Q's gaze had not shifted.
"What do you want?" she snapped, unable to take the scrutiny any more.
"From you?" he sneered. "*Nothing.*"
"Then why don't you f*ck off?" Kristen glared at him venomously.
"I've been wondering the same thing about you for quite some time now," Q said, deceptively relaxed. "I mean, if you weren't quite such a pathetic, sniveling wretch, you would have realized long before now that John was lying to you. Placating you." He leaned towards her, his lips forming a grim line. "Patronizing you."
"Who the *hell* do you think you are!" she shouted, livid with anger.
"Someone who knows the truth," he crossed his arms, leaning casually across the railing. "Someone who knows what John and Marlena mean to each other. Have *always* meant to each other."
"Oh *please*," Kristen wrenched at the handcuff but it merely rattled against the railing. "She *uses* people. Your *precious* Marlena sees what she can't have and she reaches out and *takes* it. And then when she gets sick of it, she casts off the old and used." She narrowed her eyes. "She did it to Roman and she's done it to you. The only time she wants John is when she can't have him."
"The really sad thing is that I think you actually believe that," Q shook his head, the disdain evident in his narrowed eyes. "Your grip on reality is really rather amusing. Or it would be if it weren't so damn tragic. You have rather a nasty knack of judging others by your own standards. Which is why you don't understand Marlena. And why you never will."
"I don't *want* to understand her," Kristen hissed as she glared at him from eyes that looked oddly reptilian. "I *hate* her."
"Of course you do," Q nodded. "She's the antithesis of everything you are. Beautiful. Successful. Generous with her heart and her time. A woman with incredible amounts to give other people but who is modest herself. She has integrity and loyalty and she never fails to put other people before herself. Of *course* you don't understand her." He looked at her with open dislike. "You are mean-spirited, unkind and selfish. You are shallow and self-obsessed. You use other people to your own ends and only feign interest when it suits your cause. You are a pathetic excuse for a human being, and believe me, I've seen enough to know."
"A little obsessed with her aren't you?" Kristen taunted. "I'm surprised she dumped you, waking up with you fawning all over her every morning must have done her self-esteem the world of good. But then one man was never enough for dear ol' *Doc*. She always needed more than one man hanging around to sate her gargantuan ego."
"Oh so she stole John away from you is that it?" Q asked with a hint of amusement. "You and your precious little *family*?"
"That's *exactly* it," Kristen felt slightly vindicated to hear the words come from someone else's mouth. "John was with *me*. We would have been a family."
"Ah, you see, that's where you got it so, *so* wrong," Q actually laughed. "Because even though you raped him.... Yes, despite gadgetry and hypnotism, that's what non-consensual sex is termed in this so-called 'civilized' society. *Rape*." He waited until her confusion registered and then developed into understanding. "But I digress. Because even *though* you raped John in order to fall pregnant again, the irony is," he grinned wickedly, "that baby that you think will bring you together with John, is actually genetically his and Marlena's."
Everything was white for a moment and then the walls of a hospital corridor winked into view. John stood for a moment, trying to gain his bearings and he blinked, clearing his vision.
In his arms, Marlena was trying to ride through another contraction and his heart skipped a beat when he saw how pale she was.
"Hang on baby," he entreated, as he tried to work out where Eugene had deposited them.
As it turned out, he didn't have to as Lexie rounded the corner. She was glancing at her wristwatch and he saw her before she was aware of their presence.
"Lexie, thank God!"
"John?" she stared at him in shock for a moment and then she realized what was going on. "Oh my God!" Casting around, she tried to determine the best course of action. It was only seconds before she heard another moan of pain tear through Marlena and she made a quick decision. "Quick, this way."
Beckoning for John to follow her, she trotted towards the emergency room.
"You're full of bullshit," her lip curled in disgust. It was so blatantly impossible it was ridiculous.
"Oh am I?" Q smirked. "So tell me why you think John went back to you then. After he had told you he couldn't stand you and he wanted nothing to do with you?" His leer widened as he saw her pale slightly. "Remember that, don't you Kristen? And then suddenly, after you tried to top yourself, he was suddenly *so* sympathetic. But he *still* didn't want to touch you did he?" He leaned close to Kristen and she found herself shrinking away almost involuntarily. She swallowed hard as he continued.
"*Why* is it you think that John suddenly moved you back into his apartment? And then moved into a separate bedroom?"
"He was worried about the baby," she stuttered and then realized what she had said.
"Yesss," the sound was sibilant and it made Kristen's skin crawl as her heart began to thump loudly against her ribcage. "He *was* worried about the baby. Do you remember the conversation that Marlena overheard? When he told the baby how much he loved it. Loved it's mother? Do you remember him saying your name Kristen?" He raised his brows as if to punctuate his point. "No, I don't think you do."
One corner of his mouth curled upwards in a lazy grin that looked as if it were permanently etched there.
"You see *Krissy*, you just can't compete with Marlena. You're not bright enough, not beautiful enough. Just not *good* enough. In *any* department," he added nastily.
"*SHUT* up, just *shut* up," Kristen screamed in rage. "You're a *liar*! A filthy *liar*. It's not true. It can't be true."
"It is true, and you *know* it," he lost the grin and his eyes narrowed, his lips twisting into an unpleasant scowl. "You know it in that dead, cold place inside you that passes for a heart."
His voice dropped and part of him recognized that he was taking great pleasure in bringing this woman pain. In tearing from her the one last shred of light that was left in her life. But the rest of him didn't care. The rest of him knew that she didn't deserve any light. She had tried to take Marlena's life, to take *that* light from so many lives....
She deserved to suffer.... and then suffer some more. And he would enjoy every moment of inflicting it. If that made him a bad human being, then so be it. He was Q, and this was not the first time he would take pleasure from another's pain. Except this time, the person in question more than deserved it.
"Face it Kristen. She didn't take John. *You* lost him. Because you were vile and despicable and you had no morality." He stopped and reconsidered and then shrugged, taking pleasure in Kristen's ashen face. "No, actually let me rephrase that. You didn't lose him. Because you never *had* him. You were merely a substitute for the woman John *really* wanted. The one he *thought* he couldn't have. And when he realized he *could* have her, you were history. Like yesterday's newspaper. Good for nothing but the garbage heap."
"It's not true," Kristen whispered abstractedly as she ran her hand over her bloated belly. "It can't be true."
"Of course it's *true*," Q rolled his eyes exaggeratedly. "Why do you think John loves the brat so much? You saw today how much he loves Marlena. Why would he even give a shit about your baby? Especially one conceived through an act of rape?" She looked up, her eyes wild and he nodded. "Oh yes, he knows all about the mirror. John has simply been suffering your repulsive presence until you have the child and it's out of danger. Then as far as you are concerned...." he waved his fingers, "poof!"
Kristen shook her head, her jaw clenched and her eyes dry and stinging. It couldn't be true. He was lying. He was just trying to upset her. Then why does everything he's saying make so much sense? He's twisting the facts, that's all. Just trying to hurt you. But he's right. John hates you. You saw the way he looked at you. And you saw the way he looked at Marlena... He was just angry because she'd hurt Marlena. He didn't *really* hate her. He'd stayed with her... Because of the *baby* you idiot! He doesn't love you. He looks at you like that all the time, he's only been able to disguise it better...
It only took a split second for everything to crystallize inside her head and the truth was enough to snap her last remaining shred of sanity.
"Nooooo!" she moaned, rocking on the step, her body shaking with the struggle of the internal argument. Q could practically hear it inside her head and he shook his own at the strength of her delusion that she could argue it this vociferously, for this long.
"You know, it doesn't matter how you try and fool yourself, the truth will be obvious once the baby is born. John will take the child from you and he will raise it with Marlena. It is their child and lucky for them, you'll be locked up on death row forever. Works out nicely don't you think?"
"You're lying, you filthy lying bastard!"
"Oh no, I'm not lying," his expression froze into one of loathing and his eyes narrowed. "Everything that you thought you were going to claim, everything that you tried to take from them.... John and Marlena will have it all. They'll raise their two babies as a family with Belle and Brady. They'll buy a big house by the water and Marlena will watch her children climb trees and she'll hold them and soothe away their tears." He crouched down in front of Kristen, viciousness gleaming in his eyes. He had wanted to do this for so long, and seeing Marlena in such pain and seeing the terror in her eyes had broken his grip on his resolve. "You must have seen the diamond on her finger. You must know, deep down, how happy he is with her. You were always the intruder. The interloper. Once you're gone, he won't even think of you."
"Shut up. Shut *UP*!" Her shrieks rent the air and Q simply smirked again. "*Liar*!" The snarl tore from her throat, her face contorting into a fiendish approximation of anger and in utter frustration Kristen lunged at him, her fingers clawing frantically at the air, trying to reach his face. With a snort of derision, he stepped out of her range and watched her as she yanked hysterically on the handcuff, emitting a range of screeches that were quite unintelligible.
But a split second later she let out a cry of pain that chilled him to the marrow and her knees buckled under her.
Marlena groaned as another contraction rocked her. This was all wrong; it shouldn't be happening this fast, this early. She could feel someone attaching a cuff to her arm to check her blood pressure as the pain swelled inside her. The IV that had been inserted in the back of her hand just after she had arrived was digging uncomfortably into her flesh. Somewhere she could hear her own voice issue from dry lips, but somehow she couldn't feel anything but the pain and the fear.
She could hear voices whirling around her, see shapes through the aching fog that pervaded her mind and she knew intellectually that they were helping her. But somehow it made her panic surge as everything spiraled out of her control. This was wrong; she shouldn't have let it happen, she should have been able to stop it.
Even as the thought flitted through her mind, the pain seemed to wane slightly and she exhaled in long, slow breaths. She needed to focus, she knew that, needed to be able to hear the doctors and let them guide her. Reaching out, she encountered thin, chilly air and she dropped her hand wearily to the sterile covers of the gurney. She wasn't able to see John and it fostered her burgeoning anxiety when she couldn't find him.
John, where are you? I need you.
John, talking urgently to Lexie, turned in the middle of his sentence. It wasn't that he had physically heard Marlena say anything. But somehow he felt her fear reaching out to him and gathering him in like icy fingers. He wasn't going to let her down again.
"I'm here baby, I'm here." She felt his hand curl around her own freezing fingers and she opened her eyes to find him sitting on the edge of the bed. It was as though the rest of the world had faded into a mass of colourless moving shapes, but still, his eyes were sharp and held her with a blue that echoed the colour of a deepening dusk sky. The colour reminded her of the sunsets they had watched in West Virginia, so calm and serene.
But things had not gone smoothly even there. She was suddenly struck by how stubborn and selfish she had been. With no way to be sure that the baby was safe, she had savoured the moments with John as if that hadn't mattered. She'd been so happy just to be with him, she had grabbed the time irrespective of the possible danger she was putting her baby in. What kind of a mother did that make her?
She struggled for breath as another flash of panic crippled her. She had been simply lucky in West Virginia, but what if the baby had been hurt in the struggle? What if giving birth so early was an indication that there was something seriously wrong?
"Doc? Sweetheart, look at me," John was concerned by the sudden blankness that appeared in her gaze and he could sense the alarm within her. "Marlena," he squeezed her hand and cupped her cheek with a gentle palm. "Listen to me. You have to *focus*. Focus on me. Look at me, I'm here and I'm not leaving you."
Thankfully, she seemed to respond to his voice and he felt her fingers return the pressure.
"That's my girl!" He gave her a little smile of relief. "How's the pain?"
"Okay," she nodded, her voice swamped by all the noise the bustle around them was creating. "What's happening?"
"They're waiting for Dr. Robbins to arrive," he said gently. "The baby is okay, they have a monitor on you and his heart is beating just fine. And the stuff in the IV is going to stop your contractions, okay honey?" He slipped his arms around her and pulled her to him. "It's gonna be okay baby. It's all going to be okay."
"I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice moist with emotion. He looked confused for a moment and then his brow creased in understanding.
"*You're* sorry?" He loosened his embrace and looked at her in amazement.
"You warned me and I didn't listen." Her hand slid between them, almost unconsciously coming to rest on the bulge that was pressing against him. Her amber eyes were shining with a familiar misery and it made him feel even guiltier. "I put our baby in danger, I'm sorry."
"Doc, this wasn't your fault!" The fear and the realization of how close he had come to losing her, hit him all over again and his hold on her tightened. He shook his head, wiping away her tears with warm, tremulous fingers. "If anyone is to blame, it's *me*. I knew she was unbalanced, knew she was dangerous. I should have done more......"
Marlena shook her head but he wasn't about to be dissuaded. "I was so frightened," he whispered as he studied her with piercing eyes. "When we realized it was a setup and you didn't answer the phone..." his voice dropped to an anguished whisper. "I promised you that she wouldn't hurt you again and my God, Doc she almost-"
"Shhhh," Marlena, a little stronger, struggled to sit up. Now over her sudden burst of fear, she was focusing on John now and she wasn't about to let him do this to himself. "It's okay John, it's over now."
"It's not okay Doc. If it weren't for Eugene, I would have never been able to get to the penthouse in time." She could see the guilt and the self-doubt in his eyes as he spoke and she reached out to touch his face but he caught her hand in his. "Honey, this is all my fault. How can you even-"
"John, this is *not* your fault." Marlena countered firmly. "You did everything you could to make sure I was safe. You are *not* responsible for Kristen's actions. *Kristen* is responsible for those. I don't want you blaming yourself for this."
"I can't help it, Marlena." He was aching inside, part of him wanted to hold her close but the other part hated himself for putting her in this kind of danger and he didn't know how she could just ignore that. "I was afraid something like this might happen. There must have been something I could do to stop it!"
"Listen to me." Marlena still felt breathless and she was shaking but she wasn't going to let John torture himself with this. Pulling her hand from his grasp, she lifted it to his face and gripped his jaw between determined fingers, forcing him to look at her. "You *got* there. You *saved* me. I'm okay, John. You haven't lost me and you're not going to. You did everything you could to protect me and protect our children. You gave up your own peace of mind and you put yourself in an impossible position. We were *all* in an impossible position." Her eyes glittered as they studied his distressed face. "I won't let you do this John. When I needed you, you were there for me. That's what *I* know and that's what I'm grateful for. I'm alive, our babies are safe and you are safe. That's all I need to know."
"Oh God, I love you Doc, I was just so frightened," he reiterated, unable to form a coherent argument.
"I know baby, I was frightened too," she suddenly couldn't help the tears that spilt over her lashes again as she realized how close a call she'd had. Somehow, through all the drama of John's arrival and the strain of going into labour she had managed to shut out the reality of what had happened, but now she was acknowledging her fear and the trauma to her body, she began to shake almost violently. "Oh...oh John....I thought....I thought I was ...."
She was unintelligible after that as the tears cascaded with powerful sobs that tore through her. John wrapped his arms around her, nodding through his own tears as he held her close, rocking her softly as she let the pain and fear wash out of her.
And then another powerful contraction sent her into spasm and she moaned softly. When it was over, she looked up at him, his cerulean eyes delving into her soul. She could reassure him, but she couldn't lie to him. Not when he could read her like an open book.
"I'm still scared John," tears trembled on her lashes. She didn't want to give into the fear but it was overwhelming her. All she could think was that for some reason she was being punished for her faults, for her shortcomings as a mother and as a human being. Logically, she knew, it was silly, but her instincts and her panic were battling with her rationality at the moment and the fear was winning. "What if something happened to the baby when Kr-" Her voice turned traitor at that moment and she gulped a lungful of air.
"We have to have faith, sweetheart," John knew it was his turn to reassure her now. There was plenty of time for guilt and self-recrimination later. Right now, she needed all his strength and support. He took a deep breath and wondered edgily where Robbins was. There was a nurse in the room and a resident was in and out but Robbin's presence would reassure him and he was sure it would help Marlena. But, for the moment he was the best she had.
Tenderly, he brushed her cheek with his thumb. "We've done this before, remember? But this time we have all the experts around. Nothing is going to go wrong. Soon enough you're going to hold our little baby in your arms and you're going to feel his soft warm skin. Or *her* soft warm skin."
He smiled gently as he remembered Marlena's reaction on hearing that Belle was a little girl. She'd been so convinced she was going to have a boy. And instead she had given birth to their perfect little blonde angel. He could only pray that they would be as lucky this time.
"We don't know that," she shook her head, trying to fight the tears. "John nothing has gone right for months. I just..."
"Shhhh," John shook his head firmly. "I don't want to hear that from you, Doc. You know better than that. The baby is healthy and fine, the doctor said so. And as for nothing going right, Doc, I survived, we *did* beat Kristen; we're back together and we're going to add to our family soon." Loving fingers touched her face, wiping away the waning tears. "Sweetheart, you can't give in to the panic. You have to believe that everything is going to be all right." He leaned over and kissed her lightly. "I love you so much Doc and our babies are going to love you just as much."
"I'm sorry," she whispered, "I know you're right. I just...." She sighed and shook her head. She looked up at him and he found himself caught in her gaze. "Thank you."
"What for?" he gave her that loving smile he reserved solely for her and she reached up and touched his face with her fingertips.
"For always being here when I need you. For being so wise and knowing just what to say." She smiled, a twinkle lighting the rich bronze of her eyes. "For loving me so much."
"Always and forever Doc," he caught her hand in his and gently placed a kiss in her palm. "I'll always love you and I'll always be here when you need me. And even when you don't."
"I'll *always* need you," her voice wavered as she bit back the tears his words elicited. "I love you so much."
"I love *you* so much." His gentle smile and his warm voice were soothing and she felt the muscles in her shoulders relax slightly as she leaned against him.
"You'll stay with me, won't you?" Marlena winced as a nurse checked the newly stitched wound in her arm.
"Of course I will honey. Where else am I gonna go?" He couldn't even imagine leaving her side. Belle's birth had been one of the most special moments of his life, but when he had delivered her, he had not known she was his. This time the experience would be complete. The woman he loved and their child. It was only the anxiety over the premature labour that was tempering his excitement.
"Marlena," David Robbins gave the nurse a wide berth as she attended to Marlena's arm and came to stand by John. "Dr. Stevens has been keeping me informed as to your condition. I got here as soon as I could."
"David." Marlena looked up at him with wide eyes. "The contractions haven't stopped."
"I know," Dr. Robbins gave her a reassuring smile. "You came in five centimeters dilated Marlena and unfortunately the magnesium sulfate didn't work as we expected. We'll give it a few more miutes, but I don't think we're going to have any luck this time." He watched the nurse walk away to finish her paperwork and he patted Marlena's hand. "There's really no reason to worry Marlena. I know you must be frightened, but that ultrasound that Dr. Stevens did just after you arrived told us that the baby is more advanced than we originally thought. There's nothing to make me think that this baby won't be born just fighting to get into this world and be with his mother. Okay?"
"Okay." Marlena nodded, tears glistening in her eyes as she tried to hear David's words and believe them.
"C'mon sweetheart," John lifted a few stray strands of hair off Marlena's face with light fingers. "It's okay. If the Doctor say sit's gonna be okay, then it's going to be okay. You just have to concentrate on that little baby and how you are going to carry it out of the hospital in a few days."
Marlena looked up at him, her eyes wide with fear. Despite David's calming words, every instinct told her it was too early to be okay.
"I know," she dropped her head and concentrated on steadying her breathing as she studied the hand that was wrapped around hers. She wanted so badly to believe that everything was going to be all right. That she would hold her whole, precious child in her arms in a few hours.
But deep down, with everything that had gone wrong, with all the near misses she'd had recently, a gnawing ball of fear had settled in her stomach. Fear that this time she wouldn't be so lucky. That this time, the near miss wouldn't be quite so 'near'.
Q stared at Kristen as she clung to the railing of the staircase. She was sobbing and in pain and he had a horrible feeling that he knew why that was. He felt paralyzed for a long moment as he tried to work out what to do, and then he heard a voice behind him.
"For Q's sake. Take her to the hospital," Q2 drawled, rolling his eyes hopelessly. "I know it must be tempting to leave her here to bleed to death. But this child is rather the point of this whole debacle. Is it not?"
"Of course it is," Q2 had the ability to get on Q's last nerve, and the fact that he was here at a moment like this, was enough to blow Q's last semblance of cool. "Of course if you weren't so busy skulking around waiting to drop by with useless advice, and were actually doing something *useful*, maybe none of this would have *happened* in the first place."
"Touché," Q2 smirked. "But it makes for such an interesting diversion don't you think?"
"*Shut* up Q," Q turned his back on Q2 and snapped his fingers. The manacle around Kristen's wrist disappeared and her arm curled automatically around her stomach.
But as the pain of the contraction subsided, she looked at her swollen belly in horror. Now that the time had come for her to have the baby she had wanted for so long, it was the very last thing she wanted to do. All this time, she had been thinking that this baby would tie her to John inextricably. That he wouldn't be able to walk away from her once he had held their baby in his arms. That he would love her for giving him a child.
But now those dreams were so much dust. She knew what he said was true. She knew it just because she could feel it moving within her. She had never loved this child, and now she knew why. It wasn't hers. It never had been. She was just a brood mare to Marlena's child. She didn't even know how it was possible. Everything in her screamed that it wasn't possible. But still, she knew.
All of John's 'concern', all of his confessions of love. They were simply a means to an end. To tide her over until their *bastard* was born. Her eyes became icy as she saw Eugene turn back to the strange visitor. She didn't know who he was or where he had come from. None of this seemed real at all. It seemed like some peculiar dream. But the pain was real enough and that precluded the likelihood of this being anything but reality. And that left her with one thought that overrode even the pain.
She'd rather *die* than give birth to John and Marlena's spawn.
Marlena moaned as another contraction began a rippling assault on her uterus and she gripped John's hand even tighter.
"It's okay baby," John stroked her hair, "breathe through it, you know how. Long breaths, c'mon Doc."
Focusing on his voice, she willed herself to concentrate. She couldn't give into the fear. If she gave into the fear, then she was going to lose. That much was sure. And she was *not* going to lose. She had come to far to lose *anything* because of Kristen DiMera. Letting John's voice flow through her, she took in a deep breath and blew it out, slow and strong. Almost immediately, the pain seemed more manageable.
She looked up at John as the spasms subsided and she managed a crooked smile.
"That's my girl," John grinned back at her "We're going to do this together. You and me and our baby. Okay?"
"Okay." She nodded her agreement, taking strength from his certainty.
She didn't think she had ever felt this panicked while in labour, so filled with dread that something was going to go wrong. Usually she was the strong one, the one that they all looked to for guidance, and the one who provided calm during an emotional storm.
But occasionally, when her confidence was rattled, she couldn't be that person. Somehow she and John were so attuned that he was the strong one when she couldn't be. *He* was her rock, he kept her centered and serene when she would otherwise be falling to pieces, and right now she needed him, maybe more than she ever had.
"All right Marlena," David Robbins was back by her side. "You've had quite a day, but it's not over yet, we've still got a bit of work to do. Do you think you're up to it?"
"Too bad if I'm not really," she managed a weak smile. "Or do you think you could have a stern word with the baby and tell him it's not time yet? Maybe he just didn't listen last time huh?"
"Wish I could Marlena, but you're already six centimeters dilated. The mag sulfate is definitely a no-go. Looks like we're in the baby business."
"I was afraid you were going to say that." She dropped her head back against the pillow and closed her eyes.
"Well we have a while yet so I'm going to do a quick exam and then I'm going to have you moved to a birthing room. I have some other patients to see but I won't be away from you long." He touched her arm with a reassuring smile. "I know this is early but remember your baby is bigger than is usual at this age. There's no reason to expect any problems."
"Thanks David." She smiled again but it wasn't entirely convincing.
"I'll be close all right? So don't worry." He gave her a quirky grin, his gentle brown eyes twinkling as he turned to pull on some latex gloves.
Kristen's eyes darted around the room as she mentally flitted through her options. She was never going to get past them, so the only way left open to her was up the stairs. And once she was there?
Well, she wouldn't survive a dive from the balcony. But then what did she have left to live for? And she would have the pleasure of knowing she took Marlena's brat to her death with her.
A gruesome smile crossed her face as Eugene turned back to the stranger and she edged her way up the stairs. And then she saw him start to turn back and her movement turned into a mad scramble. He started after her and she grabbed a handful of the hanging that covered the wall over the staircase. Wrenching it with almost superhuman strength, she brought it crashing down in front of Eugene and she staggered up the staircase, her hands clawing for a hold to keep herself somewhat vertical.
"Uh-uh-uh." She reached the top of the staircase only to encounter a pair of military style boots in front of her nose. Lifting her head, she found herself staring straight into the amused green eyes of Eugene's visitor. He waggled his finger at her as he straightened up and gave her a knowing wink. She felt a shudder echo through her body but she wasn't sure why.
"Nice try. I almost like you, you're so utterly selfish. And quite irredeemable. There's something quite admirable about that, I think. Admirable, but necessarily fatal." He sighed as he shook his head. "Alas, I'm afraid I can't let you end it all.... *quite* yet." There was a cruel edge to his smile and she would have backed away if only she hadn't felt Eugene come up behind her.
And then it was a moot point as she crumpled in agony again, the pain gripping her with unbearable force. She screamed as the spasms tore at her insides, feeling as though someone was trying to tear out her uterus. And then a rush of warm liquid penetrated the haze and she realized her water had broken. Groaning, she looked up at Q2, her eyes awash with tears and her lips formed a single word.
"Okay baby, you're doing *great*!" John slipped his arm around Marlena and held her hand as she blew out short, punctuated breaths.
"Oh God, it hurts," Marlena panted as she hunched over, her knuckles white as she squeezed John's fingers.
"I know it does Doc, but it'll be over soon," he promised gently.
"Soon?" She gasped as another wave of pain hit her. "I feel like I've been doing this forever and I'm not getting anywhere."
"C'mon baby, you have to focus," he moved from beside her so that he was more in her line of sight. "C'mon, look at me. We've done this before remember? We can get through this. *You* can get through this."
Her hazel eyes, which had been vague a moment before, seemed to concentrate at his words and she lifted her gaze to his own. He smiled as she nodded her acceptance of his encouragement.
"Do you know how much I love you Marlena?" he whispered, emotion shrouding his voice.
"I love you too." She sighed as she lay back against the cushions, the pain sliding away as suddenly as it had overtaken her.
"God I am *so* blessed," he swept his thumb over her cheekbone and leaned over, drifting his lips over hers. She opened her eyes and smiled, her sweetly honeyed eyes gleaming.
"We're *both* blessed."
"John," Lexie stuck her head around the corner of the door to the birthing room. "I'm really sorry to interrupt, but I just need to talk to you for a moment."
John turned back to Marlena but she was already pushing him off the bed.
"I'll be fine," she promised. He said nothing but studied her to determine the veracity of her words. She nodded earnestly and finally he slipped off the bed. "As long as you don't take too long," she added, allowing her vulnerability to surface.
"Two minutes, baby," he pledged before he left the room with Lexie.
"What's going on Lex?" he brushed his fingers through his hair.
"I know you're really not going to want to hear this right now," Lexie looked highly uncomfortable, "but Eugene just brought Kristen in."
"He *what*?" John looked around as though he expected Kristen to be standing right behind him.
"She's in labour John." Lexie ran pale fingers over a weary face. "And it looks like it's going to be a quick one."
"*Shit*!" John shook his head. He couldn't believe this was happening.
"Look John, I don't know what's going on." Lexie brought her somber brown eyes up to his. "I mean, it's very obvious that you and Marlena.... Ugh," she spun away, thinking of what John had told her about Kristen's abortive attempt to kill Marlena. "Part of me thinks she doesn't deserve anything from you. But it *is* your child."
"Even more than you realize," John muttered. "Where is she?"
"In the ER," Lexie was just thankful that they had gotten Marlena out of the emergency room before Kristen had arrived.
"Thanks." John suddenly looked exhausted as he looked in the direction of the trauma center. "*Dammit*, I don't want to leave Doc."
"I'll stay with her," Lexie offered. "I'm going off duty now. If you like I'll stay with her until you can get back."
"I need to talk to her first," John looked back at the door that separated him from Marlena. "Do you mind?"
"Not at all," Lexie motioned to the door, "let me go and take off my coat and I'll be right back."
"Thanks Lexie," John watched her go and then turned back to the birthing room.
Abe stood in the middle of the living area of Marlena's penthouse and let his mahogany eyes sweep the room.
"I thought they were supposed to be here?"
Roman said nothing but looked at the broken glass, which littered the patio. Crouching down, he studied the blood that stained the shag pile next to the upturned chair. He could almost see it, Marlena's terror as Kristen advanced with a knife. A knife that she had already used to murder one woman. Had Marlena known that? She must have suspected something at least.
He shuddered as he imagined her terror as she struggled to get away from the homicidal lunatic. It didn't matter how many times they thought they had escaped, somehow the DiMera's managed to turn their lives upside down again.
Surely John had known, surely he must have seen those tendencies in her. And he did nothing but encourage them, inflame them. Until Marlena's life was almost forfeit to the insanity that he had engendered.
The muscles across Roman's shoulders tightened as he tried to keep a rein on his temper. He had certainly made his share of mistakes where the DiMera's had been concerned. But he liked to think he had learnt his lesson.
When he had almost lost Marlena to Stella Lombard's own unique brand of psychosis, he had made a personal vow to make sure he never again let his emotions or his duty take precedence over Marlena and her safety. He loved her so much and it had always been so hard to balance his need to try and make the world a safer place for as many people as he could, with his need to make sure his beautiful wife was safe and happy. Too many times he had failed but he'd vowed the moment he had carried her out of that warehouse that he would not fail her again.
And then she had betrayed him, and he'd been given no choice.
He snorted privately. No choice? Of course he'd had a choice. He'd chosen his own pride over her *again*. And he had lost her forever.
His jaw tensed as he spied the object on the balcony. Moving to where it had come to rest during Kristen and Marlena's struggle, he crouched down beside bloody knife. He swallowed, but his mouth was dry as he looked at the blade. It was encrusted with blood and it made him feel sick to realize that some of it was probably Marlena's. He was only grateful that Kristen had failed in her ultimate endeavor.
"....buddy?" He shook up to find Abe standing over him. "Roman did you hear *anything * I just said?" Roman shook his head as though clearing his mind.
"I'm sorry Abe. What?"
"I said I'll get Johnson to bag that up."
"Oh," Roman nodded, pushing himself to his feet, his bad leg aching with the effort of the day. "Sure."
"Hey," Abe put his hand on Roman's shoulder sympathetically. "At least she's okay."
"No thanks to John," Roman muttered.
"C'mon Roman, you know as well as I do that no-one can play body-guard to Marlena twenty-four hours a day. She's a very willful lady." Abe allowed himself a little smile. He wasn't sure he knew anyone else with a will as strong as Marlena. Once she had decided something, it was close to impossible to dissuade her.
"I just think that he *knew* there was a risk and he could have done more to make sure she was safe," Roman's tone was argumentative and Abe wasn't sure he had the time to get into this with his friend. His divided loyalties always made it so difficult anyway. Roman was a lot better than he used to be, but he still harboured a little niggling resentfulness towards John. Maybe it was understandable, but it sometimes made things a little stressful.
"Roman, the guy *adores* her. Do you really think he wouldn't do everything in his power to keep her safe?" Abe raised his brows. "I thought you knew better than to judge. After all you have been there before."
"It's not the same Abe," Roman muttered uncomfortably.
"It isn't?" Abe cocked his head. "C'mon buddy, I thought you'd left the jealousy behind."
"This is *not* jealousy," Roman retorted angrily. "That knife almost ended up *in* Doc today. I'm upset and I'm damn well pissed off but I am *not* jealous."
"All right, all right. If you say so," Abe raised his hands in a gesture of surrender but his tone made it more than clear that he wasn't convinced. Roman glared at him, but he ignored it. He had more important things on his mind.
"Okay so where *is* Kristen then?" he asked as Lt. Johnson scooped up the knife and slipped it into an evidence bag. "I thought Eugene was keeping her here?"
"So did I," Roman looked around as if realizing for the first time that the penthouse was devoid of any occupants but the police.
"Commander," Ellie Davison, the police photographer called his attention from the staircase where the wall hanging lay crumpled across the steps and the railing. "I think I might know where they are." She looked at the damp, bloody stain, which had spread across the pale carpet. "If I'm guessing rightly, Dr. Evans isn't the only one in labour."
"Are you sure you don't mind?" John looked distressed as Marlena nodded stoically.
"I'd rather know that our baby is safe." She bunched her fists up on the bed. "You need to go."
"I'll be right back Doc," he promised again.
"I know you will," she smiled at him, but her lips were parched and it only made his heart lurch again.
"*Go*!" She gave him an ineffectual push with her hand and he knew better than to argue with her again.
It was a short walk to the ER and he found Q sitting outside, looking bored.
"What happened?" he asked without preemption. Eugene looked up with arched brows.
"She started having contractions. So I brought her here." John just stared at him, unable to decide whether he believed him or not.
Q shrugged.
"She *was* three weeks overdue to give birth was she not?"
"*Last* time, when she miscarried it was because of you. Do you expect me just to accept that you were there with her and it just *happened*?" John demanded.
"Oh come on John!" Q rolled his eyes. "These babies are twins. Of course they're both in labour. After all, she was under just as much stress as Marlena. It's hardly a coincidence."
"Are you telling me you didn't say anything to her?" John folded his arms in front of him.
"Well...," Q looked towards the Emergency Room as he heard Kristen's wail rise above the hubbub of the medical staff. "Maybe we did have a short conversation."
"About *what*?" John glared at him. "What did you say to her?"
"Oh don't be so stuffy." Q couldn't quite suppress his amusement. Somehow the encounter with Kristen, for all its high drama, had restored some of his natural sarcasm and he was rather enjoying himself. "I don't know what you expect anyway. Leave me there with her besmirching Marlena's good name. I'm bound to lose my temper."
"*Eugene*," John could feel his temper rising. "*What* did you say to her?"
"Well... I may have mentioned that this baby is not actually hers." Q shrugged, his lips twitching.
"*What*? You *told* her it was Doc's?" John rolled his head back in exasperation.
"Oh come *on*, John." Q was almost disbelieving as he looked at the other man. "You don't think she deserves to know the truth? That she deserves to *suffer* for what she did to Marlena. And that poor girl who just happened to get in her way?"
"I don't give a f*ck what happens to her, but my baby..." John's eyes melted from anger to concern as he heard Kristen scream in pain.
"Your baby will be *just* fine." Q nodded assuredly. "That I can promise you. Kristen on the other hand...."
Marlena was alone when her next contraction began its rolling assault and she gasped as the muscle clamped down on the tiny life inside. A tear slipped over damp skin as she grasped the covers on the bed and gritted her teeth. The muscles corded in her throat as she squeezed her eyes shut, fighting the pain.
"*Breathe*," she heard a soft voice nearby and then a warm hand covered hers. "Don't fight it Mom, work *with* the pain. You know how to."
"Sami," she forced her eyes open, panting with the exertion.
"Yeah, it's me," her daughter's concerned face appeared in her field of view and Marlena found herself marveling at how blue her eyes were. They were so much like John's it was eerie sometimes. "Come on Mom, no talking, just breathing okay?" She blew the short breaths out of her own mouth along with Marlena, following them up with long, soothing exhalations.
Finally, the contraction passed and Marlena was able to relax back against the pillows.
"Where *is* everyone?" Sami looked around, her anger evident. "You shouldn't be doing this alone."
"John had to go and see Kristen," Marlena said, her voice breathless with the exertion.
"Kristen?" Sami's forehead creased.
"She went into labour not long after you left Sami," Marlena closed her eyes and raised a hand to her forehead to push the damp bangs away.
"Here, let me," Sami picked up a cloth and dipped it in cool water and then used it to gently wipe the perspiration from Marlena's face. Marlena smiled at her daughter.
"Oh sweetie girl." She sighed as she wound her fingers around Sami's.
Sami smiled back, knowing exactly what Marlena had said without saying anything at all. It was still amazing to her that their relationship had changed so dramatically. Once she had finally been able to let go of the anger and recognize it for what it was, a fear of rejection, she had finally been able to allow herself to love her mother again. Or at least *admit* that she loved her.
And every day she realized how lucky she was to have a mother that was both confidant and friend. She'd made mistakes, but as Sami had finally come to realize, that was part of being human. And now Sami felt almost protective towards her. She had gone through so much, suffered so much because of her guilt and because of her need to do the right thing by everyone. And she had suffered so much at the hands of Stefano DiMera that Sami just wanted to see her safe and happy.
"Lexie was here," Marlena suddenly took up their previous conversation, "but she was called away." She frowned. "Poor Lexie, she'd already pulled a double shift, she's absolutely exhausted."
"Hey Mom," Sami couldn't help her grin. "Don't you think that if there's a time you should be worrying about yourself and not other people it should be now?"
"Guilty as charged," the corners of Marlena's lips curled upwards. "I'm sorry, I'll try and behave."
"Good," Sami nodded.
"Have I ever told you that you remind me a lot of J-" the rest of her sentence was lost in a low groan as another contraction assailed her. "Oh, oh, oh." She rocked forward gasping for breath as she moaned with the pain. Her eyes welled with tears as one hand gripped Sami's tightly.
"It's okay Mom, it's going to be okay." Sami held her mother, stroking her hair, trying to relax her. The truth was, she was frightened to see how painful this was for her mother. She'd already been through three pregnancies, wasn't it supposed to get easier?
"Oh God!" Marlena cried out as everything centered on the aching, tearing agony inside her. "John. Where's John? I need him."
"It's okay Mom." Sami looked around the room, feeling panicky. "He'll be back."
"Ooh G-" she wrapped her arms around her stomach and leaned forward, groaning as she fought for breath. "Oh *God*, please make it stop."
"Get it *out* of me!" Kristen screamed as she thrashed on the bed. The torture was such that she felt as if her whole stomach was being compressed and torn as the contractions hit, one after another.
"We can't do that Kristen," Daniel Buchanan exclaimed as he looked at the orderly that was trying to hold her down. "If you don't calm down you're only going to make things more difficult for yourself. The best thing you can do is work with me to get this baby born okay?"
"F*ck the baby," she screamed. "F*ck you all!"
"Kristen!" The strong, angry voice stilled her and she looked up at him, her eyes wide.
"John?" it was barely a whisper, but it conveyed all her dread and almost insanely, all her hope. Maybe she had been wrong, maybe Eugene had really been lying. Maybe it had all been a horrible nightmare...
"Kristen," he came to her bedside and she looked up at him. The spark of hope inside her died as she saw the distance in his expression, the icy bitterness in his eyes.
"John," she tried weakly, "I'm sorry...."
"So am I," he replied coldly. "Although I doubt it's for the same reasons."
"I only...." Tears filled her eyes.
"*Don't* tell me you did it because you *love* me," John spat caustically. "You don't know what that word means. All you have ever cared about is your own selfish desires. If you'd *really* loved me, you wouldn't have lied to me and you wouldn't have tried to manipulate Marlena and I. And you never *ever* would have tried to hurt her."
"I didn't know what I was doing," Kristen panted as the pain began to build again.
"You knew *exactly* what you were doing." John's lips twitched as he tried unsuccessfully to keep the hatred from spilling into his voice. "And if you *ever* want me to talk to you again, then I suggest you make sure that this baby is born as quickly and safely as you can manage."
"Mr. Black," Dr. Buchanan straightened, his face a mask of anger. "I do not think this is the time or the place for such ultimatums."
"Believe me Doctor," John turned to him, his eyes chilly. "This is exactly the right time."
"Ms. Blake is in consider-" Buchanan's words were drowned out by Kristen as she screamed again, the cramping agonizing. "Okay Kristen, you need to breathe. Come on, you know how to do it. You want to be holding this baby soon don't you?"
"*No*," Kristen sobbed as she seized a handful of the sheet that lay loosely across her belly. "Make it go away. I don't want it. I don't want to do it."
"I mean it Kristen," John's voice was threatening and Kristen blanched. "If anything happens to that baby...." He didn't voice the consequences, but Kristen had no doubt they would be unpleasant. And given the severity of the spasms that tore their way down her back and through her abdomen, she was going to have no choice anyway. This bastard child was going to be born anyway, whether she liked it or not. She had no choice in that.
"For goodness sake, if you can't be helpful, then *please* leave!" Daniel Buchanan was getting increasingly irate at the treatment of his patient. He knew she wasn't exactly the most pleasant person in the world, but this was completely uncalled for.
"My pleasure," John was still glaring at Kristen as he answered the doctor. It was simply sheer strength of will that stopped him from telling her how much he hated her, how much he despised her, and he suddenly understood Eugene's lapse of judgment. There was no punishment that was fitting for a creature this bereft of integrity and morals.
Turning, he fixed his eyes on a familiar nurse. Somehow the kind face was enough to make him drop his guard a little and a little of the tightness in his shoulders dissolved.
"Michelle, I'll be down the hall with Marlena if you need me. If anything goes wrong, I want to know straight away. In any event," he glanced back at Kristen who was groaning, "I don't want her going *anywhere*. The police will be here shortly and she will be put under arrest."
"*Arrest*?" Michelle stopped mid-step blinking as though she had heard wrong.
"I can't discuss it right now," he felt the bile rise in his throat as he thought of poor Maya, and of Marlena's near fatal encounter.
"Are you okay John?" Michelle put her hand on John's arm and looked back at Kristen. The atmosphere between them was palpable and John looked as though he was going to be sick.
"No," he shook his head, his voice suddenly filled with indecipherable emotions. "No I'm not."
"John? Oh thank God!" Sami encountered her proxy father in the corridor outside Marlena's room. "I was just coming to find you."
"Is she all right?" He looked immediately panicked.
"She's fine, she just really needs you right now," Sami looked up at him with ingenuous blue eyes and squeezed his hand gently. "She told me Kristen is here too."
"Yeah," he let out a deep slow breath and then rubbed the lines from his forehead with stiff fingers. Looking at his daughter, he shook his head, still stunned by everything that had transpired in the last few weeks. "God, I can't even be in the same *room* with her Sami. She just *disgusts* me so much that I can't even *look* at her."
"What happened back there?" she asked frankly. "At the penthouse I mean."
"Oh...." His shoulders slumped and he stared down at his feet. "She...she..." he felt the hot prickle of tears as they gathered at the corners of his eyes and he brushed them away irritably. "Kristen found out about the baby and she snapped." He looked at the young woman and found no censure, but simple concern in her sea-blue eyes. He took a deep breath and decided there was nothing for it. People deserved to know what had happened. Deserved to know what a monster, what a true DiMera, Kristen was. "She tried to kill your mother, Samantha."
"Oh my God," Sami took a shuddering breath. She'd guessed that they'd had a fight of some description. She'd seen the blood on her mother's arms and smeared over her hands and her cheek but nothing like this had even crossed her mind. Kristen had intended to take her mother from her. Again. "Poor Mom."
"I..." his chin trembled as he looked at the young woman in front of him. "I'm so sorry Samantha, if I had known...."
His apology was halted by a cry of pain and he wheeled around to face the door of Marlena's room.
"Doc!" He found her hunched over, tears streaking her face as she tried to make her way through the contraction. Sami followed him in and saw him hovering over Marlena protectively. "Sweetheart, I'm sorry, I'm here. Hang on, it'll be over soon."
Looking up, Marlena shook her head, alarm resonating in her eyes. "It's okay baby," he whispered, brushing her hair off her face.
"No," she whispered as her face contorted with the pain.
"Shhh, don't fight it," he folded her into his arms and held her as the pain swelled and then receded. "There you go."
"No John, you don't understand," her normally hazel eyes were the colour of damp green moss as she glanced up at him. "Dr. Robbins was just here. He said I've only dilated half a centimeter in the last hour. That's not enough. If I keep on going on like this..." she shuddered, contemplating long, long hours filled with excruciating, exhausting pain. In the doorway, Sami felt the same shiver run through her. She remembered only too well the agony of a labour that wasn't proceeding as it should.
"The baby is okay isn't it?" John asked gently.
"Right now, yeah, the baby is fine." She nodded, letting him settle her back against the pillows.
"Well then." He used the cool cloth to dab the dampness from her brow. "It's okay. If the baby starts having problems, they'll deal with it. Until then there is no point worrying about it okay?" He pushed the moist strands of hair back off her skin. "You need to conserve your energy, not spend all your time worrying, you hear me?"
"I hear you," she nodded, with a wry smile. He always had such a knack for helping her to find some calm and put things in perspective
"Good, that's better," he leaned over and brushed a light kiss across her lips.
"So, how's Kristen?" she asked softly as he pulled back.
"Suffering," he said without remorse.
"Is the baby...?"
"The baby is just fine." He raised his brows sardonically. "Although that's probably only luck. Eugene managed to let his tongue run away with him. She knows it's not her child now."
"Oh *great*," Marlena rolled her head back and groaned loudly. "What did he go and do that for?"
"Well he's never been exactly *discreet* Mom," Sami interrupted from her post just inside the doorway. "Although this time, maybe he was actually justified. I'm not sure I would have been able to keep my mouth shut if I'd stayed there with her."
"Oh honey," Marlena beckoned to her and she crossed the room to Marlena's bedside. "I'm sorry you had to get involved in all this."
"Why are you apologizing, Mom?" Sami looked genuinely confused. "You didn't do anything wrong. If Kristen hadn't been such a pitiful human being, none of this would have ever have been a problem." Her anger grew as she crossed her arms in front of her. Kristen, like her erstwhile father before her, had tried to take Marlena from her family. To leave her small children motherless. To take her from the daughter who had just forged a new friendship with her. Sami didn't think she could forgive that. "I *hope* she suffers. I *hope* she is in agony and I hope she goes through *hell* for what she put you through."
"Sami," Marlena's voice was gently chiding, but Sami could tell her heart wasn't really in it.
"Well Mom, I'm sorry but I can't just sit by and pretend that the woman deserves any kind of sympathy." Her eyes were hard as she spoke. "She lied and she cheated and she tried to trap John and okay, I've made similar mistakes before, but I *never* would have physically hurt anybody. She tried to *kill* you Mom."
"I know what she did Sami," Marlena said in a firm voice. "But you can't let the hatred and anger consume you."
"You're not telling me you're forgiving her?" Sami was astounded.
"No," Marlena shook her head quickly, a little taken aback at Sami's suggestion. "I just would rather not concentrate on the negative emotions. I think Kristen will get what she deserves. I'd much rather put what happened behind me and give my attention to the good things in my life." She held out her hand and Sami slipped her fingers into Marlena's grasp. "Like you," a smile replaced the serious expression she had on her face and she looked up at John, "and my babies. And of course the fact that I have the most wonderful man in my life."
John smiled back but he didn't share her gratitude. Like Sami, he wasn't sure that he could let go of his rage quite so easily. He liked to think that he wasn't a bitter man. He had weathered many storms; including finding out he wasn't Roman and losing his family to a stranger. And even so, he had forged a new life and he had managed to become friends with Roman. For a while at least.
But when it came to Marlena and his children, if their safety or their happiness was compromised, he was like a man possessed. He would go to the ends of the earth to make sure they were safe and if God forbid, something were to happen to any of them, he knew he would not be able to rest until he avenged them.
That was how he had felt about Carrie and why he had ignored any internal warning bells and gone after Stefano with such eagerness. And he had almost paid for that mistake too dearly.
Perhaps Marlena was right; maybe it was better to concentrate on the good things, to count their blessings. But John knew he couldn't do that. Deep down, hidden where she couldn't see it, where the rage burned steadily, he *wanted* Kristen to suffer. Wanted her to know exactly what she had lost and what it had cost her.
And he would not rest until she and her filthy old bastard of a father paid for all the pain they had caused the people John loved.
Kristen lay back against the pillows, gasping for breath. The contractions were strong and steady now and Dr. Buchanan had announced a moment ago that she was almost fully dilated. She was going to have a baby, but not her baby. She would have it and then they would try and take it from her. And she would have to watch them play happy families.
The thought made her want to vomit. She'd be nothing in John's eyes. She had borne his child, but she would be lower than low. Of course, it was kind of a moot point anyway because they were bound to send her to prison for what she had done.
She stared at the ceiling, noting out of the corner of her eye that just about everyone was actually avoiding talking to her or encouraging her in any way. They were all working hard to help deliver the baby, but they didn't want to deal with her in the process if they could help it.
Her thoughts wandered as her eyes traveled the pathways between the panels in the ceiling. Maybe she could find a good lawyer and plead temporary insanity. Peter could find someone to represent her, someone who could make a convincing plea. After all, she had been under so much stress with John sneaking around behind her back. She could get off the murder charge, go for a few counseling sessions and be a free woman.
Of course there was still Marlena. Smug, sanctimonious Marlena f**king Evans. With her perfect golden children and her perfect golden career. She would have everything Kristen ever wanted. Including her child.
Kristen groaned, feeling the next contraction growing as the muscles began to bunch. Maybe she'd fight for the child. Surrogate mothers did didn't they? Gained custody of a child that was not genetically theirs. Or maybe she'd just take the child and flee. Somewhere where they would never find her. Of all the things that would drive Marlena crazy, Kristen bringing her child up was bound to be at the top of the list.
She grimaced as the pain took hold. She'd have her revenge, one way or another.
However her wicked plans were all but forgotten as the contraction began to rack her again. With no thought to anything, she screamed her agony so that anyone within earshot was left in no doubt how much pain she was in.
"Okay Kristen," Daniel Buchanan dropped the sheet and looked up at her. "We're going to get you down to the delivery suite. This baby is about ready to be born."
"Just get it over with," she hissed as she dropped her head and met his kindly gaze.
He paled slightly as he saw the fury and coldness in her deadened eyes and, his step back was a purely instinctual reaction. He had heard John Black's comment to Michelle about the police coming to arrest Kristen and he suddenly wondered exactly what it was for. Because the wild anger conveyed in those cold eyes was almost without bounds.
Captain Roman Brady and Commander Abraham Carver literally ran through the halls of Salem University Hospital as they neared the maternity wing. Rounding the corner they were just in time to see Kristen being wheeled into the delivery suite. Eugene Bradford was watching the proceedings and as the door swung closed, Roman turned to his old friend.
"Mind to tell me what the hell is going on here?" he snapped.
"Pretty much what it looks like," Q shrugged. "She's about to have a baby."
"When the hell did she go into labour?" One of Roman's hands automatically found his hip. "You should have called us."
"Didn't have time, Roman." He dropped into the nearest chair as though he was completely fatigued. "It took me rather by surprise. All I thought was to get her here as fast as I could."
"It's okay Eugene," Abe interrupted, feeling sorry for the man. He'd already had a traumatic enough day surely, without adding to his burden. "You did a good job."
"Where's Doc?" Roman didn't waste time with pleasantries. "Is she okay?"
"She's fine as far as I know," Q glanced back in the direction of the birthing rooms. "She's back there with John and your daughter."
"Abe?" Roman looked at his partner and Abe nodded.
"You go buddy, I'll stay here with Eugene." Roman nodded and headed off down the corridor and Abe turned to Q. "Don't let him upset you. The scene at the loft was fairly harrowing and he's taken all this pretty hard. He hasn't said as much but I think he feels he should have done something to prevent this happening."
"Sounds like we're all suffering from the same sense of guilt then," Q's shoulders slumped. "Commander, we all knew that Kristen was dangerous, that she was potentially homicidal. And yet none of us managed to prevent it. And because we were too caught up in thinking we could finally get Stefano DiMera, Marlena almost died." He looked up at Abe with tortured eyes. "Some friend huh? Can't even stop some deranged psycho from taking a swing at her."
"Oh no," Marlena moaned, arching her back uncomfortably.
"Its okay sweetheart," John slid his arm around her and helped her sit up. "You're doing really well. Remember your breathing."
"I couldn't.... do this," she panted as the contraction tightened, "...without you."
"I wouldn't be anywhere else Doc," he told her as he smoothed the hair back off her hot skin. "You know that. You know how much I loved being there when Belle was born, but this is extra special. After all the years we've fought to be together, finally we are and you're having our baby. Nothing could be more special than that."
"I...." She closed her eyes and a grunt slipped past her tightly compressed lips.
"C'mon baby, don't talk, you know you have to conserve your strength," he squeezed her fingers as they wrapped around his. "Yeah, there's my girl. You're doing great Doc."
"Hey there," Roman poked his head around the door. "I was told I might find you in here."
"Roman, hi," John let Marlena rest against the cushions as the contraction ended. "Sorry about the ah... abrupt end to our phone call."
"No problem," Roman ventured into the room "Hi peanut."
"Oh, hi Dad," Sami was completely non-committal in her reply to her father and Marlena shot her a glance. She remembered only too well what Sami's cold shoulder felt like and she didn't want Roman to have to endure that. Especially not today, not with all that they had been through.
"Roman." Sympathy sounded in the single appellation. "How are you?"
"Not so bad Doc," he shrugged tiredly. "I'm more concerned about you at the moment."
"I'm doing okay," she loosened her grip on John's hand. "I've got a few stitches in my arm but other than that...." He was pale and he had deep creases in his brow that deepened even as she spoke. She knew him so well and she knew what he had seen in his long, difficult career and how it affected him. This must have been awful if his manner was any indication. "Was it bad?" she whispered.
"Let's not talk about it Doc," he suggested, his eyes dull and filled with sadness. "Not today. Not now."
"Oh Roman," she felt a shudder pass through her as the chill crept through her skin.
"Part of the job Doc," he shrugged, trying to paste a brighter expression on his face. "And I think you have a different job to do now. And you don't want me butting in on your big occasion."
"Hey Roman," John lifted his chin, "I'm sorry you had to go through that. And as far as I'm concerned, you're not butting in."
"No, you're not," Marlena shook her head.
"Thanks," his mouth curled into a crooked smile, but it only barely veiled his sadness. "I appreciate the sentiment but really, I think I just need to go down to the pub and have a stiff drink."
Sami looked at her mother, correctly reading her concern and the she turned to Roman.
"Daddy, why don't I come to the pub with you? Maybe you can buy me some dinner." Roman looked at the young woman, surprise registering in his eyes and then a genuine smile came to his face.
"That sounds great, Peanut. Really great."
"All right then," Sami bobbed her head as she turned back to Marlena. "You don't mind do you Mom?"
"Of course I don't sweetie girl," Marlena tried not to let her relief show too clearly. "I think it's a great idea."
"Call us when something happens," Sami told John as she leaned over to hug her mother. "Promise me you'll call."
"You try and stop me," John looked proudly at Marlena by his side. "The moment our baby is born I think I'll be crowing from the rooftops."
"As long as you call us first," Sami laughed as she hugged him.
"Good luck Doc," Roman winked at her. "You must be an old hand at this by now. I'm sure you'll do just fine."
"Thanks Roman," she tightened her grip on John's hand as the next contraction started its inexorable climb on her uterus. "Look after your Daddy okay Sami?"
"I will," Sami folded her arm around her father's shoulder. "Don't worry about us. You just concentrate on delivering Will's aunt or uncle okay."
"Oh, don't *say* that!" Marlena grimaced, trying hard to keep the pain from her voice and her face. Sami saw it however and she guided Roman to the door. Turning for a final glance she pointed at John.
"*Call* us."
In the delivery suite, Kristen was screaming as if her life depended on her ability to produce sounds of the highest decibels possible.
"That's it Kristen, another push," Dr. Buchanan encouraged. Kristen screamed again as her muscles bunched and she pushed as hard as she could. Even if she hadn't been told to push, she wouldn't have any choice anyway. The urge was unbelievable and she couldn't fight it even if she wanted to. And right now all she wanted was to get this demon child out of her body.
"That's it," the doctor nodded as the pain eased off and she leaned back against the bed, her vision swimming. She was gasping for breath and she felt someone place a mask over her face and tell her to breath deeply.
Retreating into herself as she let her body recuperate, she felt her eyes filling with tears. This should have been the happiest moment of her life. She should have been delivering her own adored child with John at her side urging her on. Instead she was here alone and by some perverse twist of fate, she was having Marlena's child.
Of course, if she had only been honest with herself to begin with, she wouldn't be in this situation. She had known that John loved Marlena but she had sacrificed her integrity and her self-respect to hold onto him. She had lied and she had manipulated and she had cheated. But mostly she had cheated herself. She had built all her hopes and her dreams on a foundation of shifting sand with a man that loved another woman far more than he could ever love her.
The tears trickled down her cheeks as she encountered a rare moment of lucidity and suddenly everything was clear and unequivocal. She had been 'good' once. She had so much to offer, had so much love to give, but she had squandered it all on a man, who in truth, had never really loved her. Who had only, although he didn't realize it at the time, turned to her as a substitute for the woman he couldn't have.
And all that time, while she was pursuing John and plotting to keep him from Marlena, she had lost herself. She had become a vicious shrew and she had done morally reprehensible things. God, she had even taken another *life*.
She looked at her hands, blood still caked under the short, stubby nails and she began to shake. When it came down to it, she deserved this, to be here alone and hated by everyone. Because right now she hated herself more than anybody else probably could. The tears rolled down her face as she let the grief flood her body and Daniel Buchanan looked up at the sound of her sobbing.
"It's okay Kristen," he said gently. "It'll be over soon."
His words were no consolation to Kristen. Because once this was over, her life may as well be over. There was nothing left for her, no hope, no consolation, no light. She was alone and she may as well be dead for all that anybody cared about her.
As the next contraction tore through her, her whole body shuddered and she felt as though she was choking on her own tears. And through her own anguished cry, she heard the monitor beside her let out a warning wail.
"Dammit!" Dr. Buchanan looked up at the monitor.
"What?" Kristen glanced at the green and orange lights that were dancing arrythmically and then looked back at the doctor. "What is it?"
"The baby. It's in distress. We need to get it out which means we're going to have to work extra hard okay?" He used the back of his wrist to sweep across his forehead. He'd checked with the surgery team before they had gone into the delivery room and at the moment, the theatres were full, with urgent cases waiting. Which meant in the event they needed to do a Caesar, they were in trouble. He only prayed it didn't come to that. "I'm going to need you to push even between contractions."
"I don't...." she shook her head with fearful eyes. She was so exhausted she didn't think she could do this.
"Kristen, listen to me." The doctor's face was stern but held a modicum of encouragement. "It seems that the placenta is detaching and that means the baby isn't getting enough oxygen. We need to get this baby born as quickly as possible or it will suffer oxygen deprivation. That could mean possible brain damage, or in a worst case scenario, even death." He paused to let the consequences sink in and then smiled gently to reassure her. "Now that's not going to happen because we have a great team working with us here. But it's really important that you do everything you can to help me all right?"
Kristen looked at him with huge eyes as, without warning, she sank back into her delerium. John's baby. Marlena's baby. And it was in trouble. How ironic. After all this time, it came down to this one small moment. A few short minutes that could mean the difference between a healthy baby, and a tiny coffin on its way to the cemetery. A perfect life and a perfect family snatched away by the want of a few minutes.
Her mind wondered at the thought. A couple of hours ago, at Marlena's apartment, this would have seemed like the ideal solution. Take from Marlena as she had taken from Kristen. And all she would have to do would be to endure this pain a little longer, to just not push as hard as maybe she could...
"Okay Kristen," Buchanan looked up and nodded, his eyes intense. "You need to push as *hard* as you can." The nurse beside her helped her into a semi-sitting position and she began to push.
"Ggggggg....aaaaaaaaahhhhh." The urge to push was unbelievable and she found herself almost unwilling in her participation in the labour. And then the need passed and she sagged against the pillows.
"C'mon Kristen, push!" She shook her head wearily at the desperate exhortation from the doctor.
"I can't," she croaked.
"You have to Kristen," he fixed her with stern eyes. "For your child's sake."
She stared at him, her eyes cold and bitter. Not *my* child Doctor. No, not mine. You want me to tear myself apart for the bastard child of a woman I loathe. The woman that stole the man that I love.
Why should she be the one to give them the one thing that would make their lives together perfect? Why, when with one final, vengeful act, she could at least take this from them? The child that they had cheated her of, she would in turn take from them. It was perfect.
"Kristen!" He seemed surprised at her lack of concern for the child's well-being and she wanted to laugh. Why *should* she care anyway? When had they *ever* cared about her? When had they ever spared one thought for what she needed, what she deserved? No, Marlena had been too busy thinking selfishly about her own *perfect* family and her own perfect life.
And anyway, what was there to stop her? It wasn't as if she was squeamish. She had already taken one life today, the power over life and death was not a new experience any longer. She had that power and she could use it. John's threats were just meaningless anyway. He hated her and that wouldn't change. So, he would hate her a little more if his precious brat died, but at least they would be almost as miserable as Kristen was and that would be some small measure of comfort.
As the next contraction rolled into action, she found herself unable to fight the compulsion to push and she bore down on the small package inside her abdomen, trying to numb her mind to the searing pain. Behind her, the nurse supported her as she hunched over her bloated belly and she pushed again.
"That's it, good, that's great Kristen." The doctor nodded and looked up at her, encouraging her with a smile but behind the façade there was serious concern. "C'mon. Push again. You're going great!"
Setting her jaw resolutely, she tried to drag back on the contraction, fighting it as hard as she could. She was damned if they would beat her. She would have the last say in this triangle or her name was not DiMera.
"Come on Kristen!" Buchanan was starting to get extremely edgy and he looked up at his patient with deep concern in his eyes. "This is serious. Your child could be in danger if you don't work as hard as you can."
Good. Let the little brat suffocate. Divine retribution after everything that bitch did to me.
"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Another contraction tore at her insides, squeezing and pulling. Even as she gave in and pushed, the muscles in her throat stood out in reddened cords and her face flooded crimson with the exertion as she felt muscles contracting that she wasn't even aware existed.
The tearing burning agony was getting worse but she didn't care any longer. She just wanted her revenge so badly that she would do *anything* to make sure she got it. If she couldn't take Marlena from John, then she would take their child from them. She could almost see Marlena's face as she realized what Kristen had done. In fact it was almost sweeter than her original intention.
She would tell Marlena that if only she had died then her child would have lived. That alone would break St. Marlena's heart. An inaudible giggle escaped her as she flopped back against the pillows and closed her eyes and heart against the pleas from the doctor.
She would have her revenge and none of them could do anything to prevent it.
"John," he looked up to find Michelle standing in the doorway.
"What is it?" he asked a little too quickly. Marlena looked from John to the nurse and suddenly her apprehension was back, swirling like a maelstrom in the pit of her stomach.
"The baby is in distress. Dr. Buchanan is trying to deliver it as quickly as possible." She looked at the couple with sympathetic eyes. She didn't want to frighten them by telling them how badly it was going, but John deserved to be there. Especially if the worst happened. "I thought you might want to be there."
John was instantly torn as he looked at the nurse and then down at Marlena.
"Go," she whispered with a small nod. "I'm not going anywhere in a hurry." He opened his mouth to argue with her but she shook her head. "Please, I want you to go." Her hazel eyes were filled with worry and he felt her fingers tighten their hold on his arm. "It's my baby too," she said quietly. "Please John."
"Okay," he nodded, with no more doubts clouding his eyes. She was right; one of them should be there at the birth of their child. One of them should be the first to hold the tiny new life that had been created by their love. "I'll be right back, okay sweetheart?" She said nothing, but gave him a tight smile and nodded.
He looked down as she dropped her hands on the bed and he felt the familiar silent ache in his chest. They were curled into tight balls and when he lifted his gaze to meet hers, a silent endearment passed between them.
"He'll be just fine Doc." He leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. "Gene said so, and Gene's always right. Right?"
"Right." She nodded but failed miserably when she tried to smile. "Go, *please*." Her voice was choked and he couldn't even look at her again. Because he knew that if he did, that he would be lost. And he wouldn't be able to leave her, alone and frightened.
They neared the delivery suite at a brisk pace, John still fretting about Marlena even as he saw Q. The answer immediately struck him and he pulled up short. Eugene seemed surprised to see him as he approached.
"Gene, you have to help me." It wasn't the ideal solution to his problem, but right now it was the only option he had. "Kristen's about to have the baby, I have to be there." John looked almost as worn out as Q felt. "Please, can you go and sit with Marlena until I get back?"
"You want me to....?" Q blinked, unsure that he was hearing John right.
"She needs a friend. She's having a hard time with this labour and she needs someone to encourage her and be with her. Just until I get back." John nodded. "Please?"
"Of course I will," Gene nodded, pleasantly surprised. After his faux pas of telling Kristen the truth about her baby, he thought that John and Marlena would be furious with him. But it seemed not, or even if they were, it had been superceded by more pressing concerns. Maybe this would give him an opportunity to make up for what he had done.
"John, we have to hurry," Michelle entreated anxiously.
"I'll be back as soon as I can," John called back to Q as he followed the nurse through the swinging doors.
"Shit." Peter Black snapped his cell phone shut. "Oh *shit*!"
"What is it Peter?" The deep Italian baritone snapped him out of his daze and he looked at Stefano.
His adoptive father sat across from him in the back of the limousine. The man beside him stared out of the tinted window, his face turned so that the hideous scarring was barely noticeable. He seemed oblivious to the business that Stefano and Peter had been talking until the phone shrilled and he still seemed uninterested.
"What has happened?" Stefano was insistent and Peter experienced an unprecedented sinking in his stomach. Why the hell did he have to get that phone-call right now, while he was with Stefano? "Peter?" The older man's voice held a warning and Peter tucked the phone back into his jacket pocket.
"Apparently Krissy got out of the loft," he sighed. "And it seems that she went to Marlena's." He rubbed his face with icy fingers. This was a nightmare. His man watching the loft had not even realized Kristen had left and the one at the Penthouse had evidently been snoozing on the job because he had totally missed the whole debacle. He'd only realized something was going on when the police started to arrive with sirens ablaze. "Now there are police everywhere, at both places."
"My God! Do you know what happened?" Stefano demanded.
"No," Peter shook his head. He had a good enough idea, but he wasn't going to offer up speculation to Stefano. Not with the kinds of possibilities that were going through his mind right now. "My guys couldn't get close enough to find out what was going on. But they did say that there were paramedics at the loft. And it looks like maybe a pathologist."
"Not Kristen...?" Stefano suddenly looked remarkably pale underneath his Caribbean tan.
"No, from the small amount of information that James has gleaned, Kristen went to the penthouse. I have no idea what happened there." Peter shook his head, which was suddenly pounding. "I need to go back to town and find out what the hell is going on."
He shifted towards the door and caught the handle with shaking fingers.
"Peter." Stefano's voice was soft but held an undertone of menace and it sent a silent shiver up Peter's spine. "Make sure you let us know what has happened."
"You know I will." Peter nodded before he turned away from his adoptive father and climbed out of the vehicle. "As soon as I know."
The question was, how bad was it going to be and how would Stefano react when he found out about it?
John could hear Kristen's screams of agony before he even made it into the delivery suite. Scrubbed and disinfected, he entered behind Michelle and looked around uneasily, not quite sure what to do.
"Mr. Black." Daniel Buchanan looked up, his expression hard and unforgiving. This was a difficult situation and he didn't want it made any worse. "I trust you are going to be more helpful this time?"
"John?" Kristen looked over at him and John became aware of the agony she was suffering. He was unmoved and his expression remained stony as he turned back to the doctor.
"How is the baby?"
"Honestly Mr. Black?" he glanced at Kristen, the furrows that marred his brow becoming more pronounced. "I'm running out of options here. Kristen, you *must* concentrate. I need you to push as *hard* as you can with the next contraction." He looked back at John, bushy ginger eyebrows bunched over grey-green eyes. "Perhaps you can give her some encouragement?"
"Sure," John's voice was gravelly as he moved to Kristen's side. She took a breath, suddenly torn between hating him and wanting to please him. When she looked up at him she was surprised to find that she hoped to find some spark of caring, or of sympathy. Instead, she found nothing in his eyes except loathing.
And it simply served to harden her resolve. She would never allow him to hold his child. Not while the child still lived anyway. She dropped her head to her chest, feeling the contraction growing inside her. She *hated* him, she hated them all. But she loved him too and that was what she hated more than anything.
That she had debased herself so much that she would do *anything* to hold onto him. But that was no longer possible. And because of John and Marlena, she would never be loved. She was unlovable. Despicable. Hateful.
The vicious tearing pain inside her strengthened and she groaned weakly. It was becoming hard to think, to fight, to know what she wanted any more. She wanted... John? No, that wasn't right. She wanted his pain. Wanted to see his tears. Wanted to see.... Blood. She could see blood, in front of her eyes. Maya's blood. Marlena's blood. So much blood.....
The contraction ripped through her and she pushed again, the effort accompanied by a guttural scream that seemed to tear from the very centre of her pain and misery. Dimly she heard a woman's voice telling the doctor something about her blood pressure. Everything was hazy and she was shivering as though the room was freezing. She didn't understand what was going on, she only knew she wasn't going to let John have the satisfaction of seeing her suffer.
"C'mon Kristen," the doctor's voice sounded distant and fog-bound as she found herself pushing, even as she felt as though her body was being torn apart. "You're not leaving me any options here Kristen. You *have* to work with me now okay?"
She tried to shake her head, tried to shake the numbing exhaustion, but her body was betraying her. Her muscles bunched and moved even against her will, rippling downward to expel the tiny life from her body
C'mon Kristen." It was John's voice, breaching the haze of her pain. "Push will you? For God's sake, don't you think you've done enough damage already today? *Please*."
Opening her eyes, she looked up at him, and he found his own hatred for her reflected back at him.
"You want me to do you a favour now?" she hissed bitterly. "No chance."
"I refuse to believe you're that despicable," John said desperately. "There has to be something of the woman I fell in love with still in there. How can you let a tiny innocent baby die just because you are angry with me?"
"That woman is gone John," she said tiredly, her grey eyes cold and lifeless. "You killed her with your lies. I'm simply what you made me. And I can do whatever I damn well want. I already *have*, remember?"
John felt the bile burn his throat as he looked from her to the doctor who was silent in outrage as he realized what was transpiring.
"You are truly evil." John shuddered as he backed away from her.
"Maybe I am," her mouth twisted into an agonized grin as the pain escalated inside her once again. "Too bad you and your precious Marlena will have to live with the consequences of what you did to me for the rest of your lives isn't it?"
"We'll suffer," his voice was filled with unbearable anguish, "but you'll suffer more Kristen, when you are brought to account for your sins. Please. I'm begging you, for your sake, as much as mine, please don't do this." He shook his head pityingly and in his eyes, she saw herself as he saw her. Hopeless. Desperate. Pathetic.
She couldn't believe it, even after everything she had done to him, all the horrible unbearable things, he still felt sorry for her. It was too much.
The monitor above her became more agitated and Buchanan wiped his brow anxiously. Looking to one of his nurses, he pointed towards the phone. It wasn't desperate yet, but it was going to get that way soon if he didn't do something.
"Theatre. See if there's one free yet. We *have* to get her up there."
"Yet?" John looked confused.
"We've been waiting for a free theatre in order to do a caesarean section. Unfortunately there was a pile up on the interstate and all the doctors and the theatres are being worked overtime." Buchanan looked weary and as the nurse turned to him with a shake of her head, he cursed softly.
"*Kristen*!" He tried to gain the mother-to-be's attention, but she either purposefully wasn't listening or she wasn't capable of hearing him. Judging by what he'd just heard, either option was likely. "Kristen. Please, I need your co-operation." His only answer was a small moan from the bed and he took a deep birth. Looking at his nurses, he took a deep breath.
"Get me Holbrook. He's still on standby for this right?"
"Uh-huh," the blonde nurse bobbed her head. "But there's no theatre...."
"We're not going to do it in the theatre," Buchanan snapped. "We're doing it here. This baby is going to die, maybe Kristen too if we don't do something."
"Dammit Kristen," John crouched down by the bed. "Don't you get it? They're going to cut you open. You might not care about the baby, but for God's sake, you could die if you don't help us out here. *Please*."
"What do you care about me?" She opened her eyes and glared at him
"I *used* to care about you," John said truthfully. "I used to *love* you." He shook his head with sad eyes. "What happened to you Kristen? What happened to the woman who loved children so much that she coached a kid's baseball team for the love of it? How could that woman now wish for an innocent baby to die because she can't get what she wants? I don't get it."
"No." Her voice was pained as another contraction began to claw at her insides. "You never *did* get it." She groaned as the contraction tightened and she began to push again. She didn't care about the child, but she didn't want to die. How could she get her revenge from six-feet under? "I couldn't compete. I could never compete. She had everything.... she was p-... perfect.... she had everything I wanted. Especially... you." She closed her eyes and groaned in agony. Dr. Buchanan nodded at John as the nurse informed him that the anaesthetist was on the way. "So I decided... if I couldn't... ah... compete... then I'd find... some other way."
"Some other way to what?" John looked disgusted.
"Beat... her. Uuuughhhh..." Kristen pushed as hard as she could.
"You couldn't." John replied, his voice laced with repugnance "If that's what you've been trying to do for the last few years, it was a completely wasted effort. Doc's one of a kind and you could never even come close to matching her."
There was no reply from Kristen but an almighty scream rent the air as she drove down on the baby inside her.
"I can see the baby's head," Buchanan's words coincided with the entrance of the anaesthetist. Hopefully Simon Holbrook wouldn't be needed after all. With the baby this far down the birth canal, forceps should be all that was needed. "C'mon Kristen. Another good push and we won't need to do a C-section after all. Do you think you can do it?"
Kristen nodded weakly and a nurse took a place behind her, helping her up. The pain was almost unbearable as she tried to push again. Darkness alternated with the searing light that flashed behind her closed eyelids as she focused all of her energy on expelling the hated child from her body.
She dimly heard the doctor's harsh voice as he instructed her to push. And then she felt the cold intrusion of the forceps as they closed around the baby's head and the doctor guided the tiny life out of her body and into the world that wanted it so very badly. But she didn't see John's eyes shine with joy and gratitude as the doctor held up his tiny squalling son for them both to see.
Instead, she fell back against the nurse with a cry of utter torture as the pain inside her, instead of abating, simply gathered in intensity, the tearing, burning feeling flooding her senses until she was practically numb.
She barely felt the gush of blood that followed the baby from her uterus and she didn't even hear the chaos that ensued as the doctor thrust the baby into waiting arms and cursed loudly as the blood continued to flow.
All she could feel was the searing inferno that scoured her insides and a final, bloody scream tore from her lips as she fell back against the pillows. Limp and drained, she succumbed to the waiting vacuum.
"Okay Marlena," David Robbins rearranged the sheets over his patient as she sat back the anxious expression never leaving her face. "It looks like we're on our way again. You've dilated another two centimeters and it looks as though your contractions are increasing in frequency. Hopefully we'll be able to get you down to the delivery suite before the day is out." He grinned as he snapped the latex gloves off of his hands and rolled them into a ball. "You know, you don't have to look so grim. There's nothing to worry about. Your baby is doing just fine. It's just taking its time, that's all."
"I know," Marlena nodded, unable to quite raise a smile in reply. "Thanks David."
"Anytime," he winked at her. "Although I think I'd feel better if you didn't look so glum."
"I'm sorry," the corner of her mouth quirked upwards, "it's just been a very long day."
"I'm sure it has," he squeezed her hand, his own smile fading with the sparkle in his lively brown eyes. "I was so sorry to hear about what happened. It must have been terrifying."
"You could say that....ow," she winced as the next contraction took her by surprise. "Oh man!" She blinked and David Robbins nodded as she started breathing with the contraction.
"That's it. You're doing fine Marlena. Just great."
"Gene," Marlena gasped. "Where's Gene?"
"He's still outside I guess." David glanced at the doorway. "Why don't I send him back in? I'll come back and check on you in half an hour or so."
"Mmmm," she nodded as she pressed her lips together, breathing rapidly through her nose. She watched him go and then she closed her eyes, hunching over her stomach, waiting for the contraction to release her.
"Hey there." She opened her eyes at the sound of his voice. "I hear things are going better."
"They'd be going a damn sight better if John was here," she groaned.
"He'll be back soon," Q assured her.
"What if something's happened to the baby?" she asked in a plaintive voice. "She said that there was a problem Gene. What if after everything..."
"*Hey*," he interrupted her firmly. "Come on Marlena. Where's the strong, self-assured woman I know? The baby is going to be fine. They will *both* be fine." He arched his brows, as though daring her to argue with him. "And you'll take them home in a few days and you'll feed them and tuck them into their cribs. You *and* John. And those will be the luckiest babies in the world because they'll have you for a mother."
"I sure hope you're right." She rubbed her stomach unconsciously as she turned her worried eyes to the empty doorway.
"Kristen? Dammit Kristen, don't do this!" John had been watching the nurse with his son but at the curse, turned to see the doctor glance up at the monitor, his face ashen. He looked at Kristen and he swallowed deeply. Her eyes were glassy and the sheet beneath her was completely soaked with her blood.
"What's gone wrong?" he demanded quickly. "What the hell's wrong with her?"
"It looks as though the placenta tore away from the uterine wall during delivery," Michelle said softly, leading John away a little distance from where Buchanan was working frantically. "She's in shock because she's haemmoraging badly and they need to stop the bleeding as quickly as possible."
"What could cause something like this?" John was stunned. The pregnancy hadn't been easy but there had been no indications in the last few months that something like this might happen.
"It's really hard to say," Michelle answered as she led John back out of the way. Several more staff had come in and the anaesthetist was inserting an IV and injecting something into the plastic tube. He heard a doctor order a nurse to follow up the correct blood type for a transfusion, while another hooked up an IV of clear fluid.
"There's any number of reasons why this might happen. Like hypertension, although usually that would be picked up early in the pregnancy. Sometimes a trauma to the uterus like a heavy fall might cause something like this or if the baby has an abnormally short umbilical cord..."
"A fall?" John repeated softly as he thought back to the scene he had witnessed this afternoon. The overturned chair and the smashed picture frame registered in his mind. It was eminently possible that in the struggle Kristen could have fallen. And given that, and what had just transpired in this room in the last few minutes, he couldn't find even a shred of sympathy for her.
In a way, he felt bad for not feeling bad. But he couldn't muster any concern for a woman that had done such despicable things. As far as he was concerned, the world was a better place without Kristen. In fact not only did he not feel bad, he realized suddenly, he was actually halfway *hoping* she would die. It was a sobering insight but he couldn't help it.
"Dammit Holbrook, we're losing her. Talk to me." Buchanan demanded.
"Doctor, BP is dropping. Seventy over forty."
"Okay Daniel. Go for it." Simon Holbrook watched the monitors closely as a doctor liberally smeared Kristen's belly with a yellow fluid and then draped it. They had worked fast organizing themselves and their equipment. It wasn't a theatre, but it was all they had at the moment so it was going to have to make do.
Buchanan selected a scalpel and tugged the instrument across Kristen's skin. A thin line of red welled up from the fine cut and John had to turn away. After what she had done to Marlena... and poor Maya, he found himself with thoughts he didn't want to entertain. It was just better not to watch.
The minutes seemed interminable as they fought to stop the bleeding. To one side a pediatrician checked over the baby, who seemed miraculously unaffected by the trauma suffered by his birth mother. John's gaze switched between the examination of his tiny child and, despite himself, the fight to save the life of the woman he had once loved; a woman who now seemed to be devoid of a conscience, or even a soul.
The blood was still flowing as they operated. They had no option but to try and remove Kristen's uterus, but her blood pressure was dropping so rapidly that it was a race against time. John could hear the nurse reading out the lowering rates and he noticed that the monitor beside her was going wild, registering Kristen's racing heart-rate.
The blonde nurse put the phone down again and told the doctors that there was still no available cross-matched blood for the transfusion they so desperately needed. All the available blood had gone to the victims of the car wreck and they were trying to source some from Salem General. But it wasn't going to be at University Hospital for another fifteen minutes.
John's eyes were drawn to Kristen's face as he heard Daniel Buchanan swear in a desperate tone. Her pallor was stark, even against the off-white sheets of the birthing table and as he watched, she seemed to fade. He had seen death before and he recognized it for what it was. Whatever those doctors did now, it wasn't going to be enough.
Suddenly the room was oddly silent and they all heard the small gurgle that sounded in Kristen's throat.
And even though he had expected it, even maybe silently hoped for it, John was shocked when the flat wail of the monitor sounded, announcing the cessation of life. He stumbled backwards, slamming into the wall as the bustle of activity around Kristen became frantic.
Michelle gently placed a hand on John's arm as she watched the tragedy unfold before them. However she felt John pull away and saw him fix his eyes on his son as behind his back the doctors fought with everything they had.
The baby seemed so tiny to him, so innocent and helpless. A new life, one that now, in this moment, completely depended on him. A little smile quirked John's lips as he reached for his son, lifting the tiny boy into his arms. It seemed like quite a profound moment, the ending of one chapter in his life and the beginning of another. A chance to right the wrongs of the past.
With gentle fingers, he stroked the child's cheek soothingly as he turned back to where the doctors were working. But not any more.
Still and finally, there was just the aching drone of a monitor. And then, there was muted resignation as they slowly switched off the monotonous hum of the medical screens and pulled a creased, bloodied sheet over the body.
Silence pervaded the room for a long, deafening moment, and then a newborn cry cut through the room, replacing the irrevocability of death with the hope of a new dawn....
"Are you okay?" Michelle's voice bit through the silent fog that surrounded John as he stared at the still body under the sheet.
"Mmmm?" he turned to her with bewildered eyes.
"John, you don't have to feel guilty," Michelle laid her hand on his arm. "This isn't your fault. It sounds like she brought this on herself."
John stared at the unmoving shape, his eyes narrowing as he tried to process the information. Kristen was dead. He had seen it with his own eyes, seen the blood and heard the declaration of death. He had seen the doctors sign the certificate and then leave the room, sad and beaten, as though it was a tragedy that she was dead.
John knew better. She was gone and she would *never* hurt any of them again. Marlena and his precious children were safe from her malignant touch. How could he feel sad about that?
He felt the hand on his arm again and he turned back to Michelle. She was looking at the little boy that nestled comfortably in his father's arms. His cries had calmed again and he looked peaceful and content to lie quietly. For the moment.
John couldn't say anything for a moment, utterly overwhelmed by the sight of the tiny child nestled in his huge arms. The miniature mouth was pursed as it opened to reveal a miniature pink tongue. His eyes were tightly shut and the shock of dark hair was plastered to his head by the coating of vernix. Tears stung John's eyes as a little fist escaped the cotton covering and waved in the air.
"Hi little fellow," he whispered. "How are you doing?" As though in reply, the baby opened his mouth and emitted a loud wail. "Hey," he let out a relieved chuckle. "You're okay. You're really okay."
"He was very lucky," Dyan, a blonde pediactric nurse looked at the baby in his arms. "Usually the baby is in more danger than the mother in cases like these. You should count your blessings Mr. Black."
"Oh I am," he whispered as he nuzzled the baby's cheek gently. "Believe me, I am."
"He's beautiful," Michelle offered with a smile.
"He is isn't he?" John replied in wonder. The baby had dark hair like his own and his eyes were the sweet, innocent blue of the newborn. But something in his face reminded John of Marlena and he instantly fell in love with the child.
"I want to take him to Doc," John turned vivid cerulean eyes on Michelle.
"Well.... It's not usual procedure," she looked uncomfortable.
"Please," he looked down at the squirming infant in his arms again. "I realize it's not usual, but you have to believe me, nothing about this situation is normal."
"It's okay John," a familiar voice sounded in the doorway to the delivery suite and John looked up to find Mike walking toward him. "You're not going to have a struggle with this one." He came to a stop in front of John and smiled at the site of the newborn in John's arms. "When I came in this afternoon I found out what was going on. You know the hospital gossip circuit," he rolled his eyes, even though in this instance, it had proved particularly helpful. "So, when the news came through..." he nodded in the direction of the draped gurney, "I set some wheels in motion. Michelle is right, this isn't usual procedure but the pediatrician has been persuaded that it's in the best interests of everyone concerned. Marlena is the only mother this baby will know," he looked at John significantly, "and we all agree it's best that they bond as early as possible."
"Thanks Mike," John's relief was evident as he realized he wasn't going to have to fight anyone on this thing. This little baby had been separated from his true mother for far too long and John couldn't wait to place him in Marlena's arms and see her smile and the love in her eyes.
Marlena looked at Eugene, hazel eyes wide with fear as her mind replayed the conversation she'd just heard. Two nurses passing the doorway had been speaking in low, urgent terms of the tragic incident in the delivery suite earlier and how sad it had been for the doctor.
"It's okay Marlena," Eugene caught her hand in his, "c'mon, you can't worry about that. You've got other things to concentrate on."
"It's my *baby* Gene," she said, her anger borne out of desperation and anxiety. "How can you tell me not to worry? The life of my *child* is at stake."
"Your baby is just fine," he told her convincingly. But she didn't seem to want to listen as she plucked at the blanket with agitated fingers. "What is your worrying going to do for that baby anyway?" Q demanded. "All it's going to do is wear you out and it's going to be totally counter-productive. You need to focus on *this* baby and let John and the doctors worry about the other twin okay?"
"No it's *not* okay," she glared at him with furious tears in her eyes as she tore her hand from his grasp. "You don't understand Eugene, I can't just turn my emotions on and off. That's like asking me not to breathe. I may not know my baby yet, but it doesn't mean I don't love it and I don't worry about it. I've spent the last few months doing nothing *but* worrying about it. How am I supposed to change that just because you tell me it's not productive?"
"Okay, okay," he held up his hands, "I surrender. I'm just trying to help, that's all."
"Well you're *not*." She gasped as the pain of another contraction seized her suddenly and she closed her eyes tightly as she groaned.
Eugene watched her helplessly, unable to help her, or even to comfort her. He could tell her the baby was all right, but she didn't want to listen to him, or even hear him. He could only wait until John came to reassure her. Getting up, he went to the doorway and looked out along the empty corridor.
"Dammit, where *is* he?" Tears filled her eyes again and spilled onto pale cheeks as she warred with the pain and the fear. She didn't want to do this alone, she *couldn't* do it alone. He couldn't ask that of her. She needed him so much, needed his strength and his calm like she had never needed it before. Opening her eyes, she cast her glance around to discover that Eugene was no longer with her either. She was alone again and she felt it. Absolutely and utterly alone.
A sob broke from her as she pulled her knees up either side of her swollen stomach and bowed her head between them. The baby inside her squirmed, nestling its way further down inside her body, head resting somewhere between her pelvic bones. She exhaled as the waning of the pain released her into the numbing exhaustion that existed between contractions.
And then she tasted the warm saline of her tears on her lips as she moved them to murmur softly. "Where are you?"
"I'm here Doc."
Her eyes sprang open at the sound of his gentle whisper and she looked up at him, her face wet with tears. She wanted to be angry with him, wanted to tell him how terrified she had been and berate him for leaving her here on her own to be scared out of her wits. But there were no words as she looked at the tiny baby he held in his arms. He smiled as her eyes widened, bloodshot but beautiful as she took in the sight of her newborn son.
"Is he-" she looked up at John, choking on her question.
"He's fine sweetheart. He's just perfect," he nodded with a lopsided grin.
"Oh." Tears loomed again as the baby opened round blue eyes. And she looked up at John "He?"
"He." He nodded with a proud paternal smile. "This is your son, Doc."
"Oh." She said again before she exhaled, quite lost for words as she drank in the sight of the helpless bundle in John's arms. The baby waved an arm in her direction and she curled a shaking finger around his wrist, a nervous smile giving way to grateful laughter as he gurgled contentedly. "Oh John, he's beautiful. He's just so beautiful." She looked up at John again and smiled at the sight of the tears that had settled on his cheeks.
"He's beautiful all right," John whispered. "Just like his mother."
Settling himself on the edge of the bed, he held the baby out in his arms. "You want to hold him?"
"Can I?" she asked, unable to tear her eyes away from the child.
"Of course you can," John's laugh was gentle. "He's your son after all. It's only right isn't it?"
He tenderly placed the baby in Marlena's arms, trailing his large, clumsy fingers over his son's cheek and then lifting them to wipe the tears from Marlena's face. He watched with a father's gaze as Marlena touched her own finger to the little boy's cheek. With a feather-light touch, she traced the curve of the tiny cheek and the solid little jaw-line. His hair was still slightly damp as she smoothed it with the palm of her hand but his skin was warm and unutterably soft as she drew her finger over his tiny earlobe. It was as though by touching him she was memorizing him, learning every curve, every detail of her newborn son. And when the baby opened his eyes and yawned contentedly, she laughed lightly and John thought he might have found the answer to pure happiness.
He loved her so much and to see her holding her child in her arms was just the most amazing feeling. Not just her child, but their child. The proof of their love, a bond made incarnate. He could never be more proud of her than he was this day. She was made to be a mother and he was made to be hers. Her lover, her provider, her soulmate.
"Ohhh," Marlena closed her eyes and breathed deeply, "John, I think you'd better take him. Quickly." John carefully lifted the baby out of her arms, concern lighting his eyes.
"How is it Doc?" he asked quietly.
"David says it's looking better," her voice was strained between the short, panting breaths.
"Good," his voice was almost inaudible as he watched her. His earlier confidence about the safe delivery of this baby had almost entirely dissipated as he had watched Kristen bleed to death in front of him. Marlena had been struggling for her life when she had been fighting off Kristen's attack and if Kristen had injured herself by falling over, who was to say something similar hadn't happened to Marlena?
"How are you feeling sweetheart?" he asked suddenly. "How's the pain?"
"Not so bad now you're here," she murmured as she leaned back against the pillows, her eyes closed as she brushed at the damp bangs on her forehead with the back of her hand.
"Do you know where Dr. Robbins is?" John couldn't help himself. The last thing he wanted to do was scare her, but he had to make sure that they had covered every possibility. He couldn't lose Marlena now.
"He said," she opened her eyes, trying to think of where David Robbins had said he was going and she saw the fear in John's eyes. "Honey?" Her brow folded into creases. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong," he lied with a shake of his head, looking down at the tiny baby in his arms.
"John?" She suddenly remembered the conversation she had overheard and it occurred to her that he had said nothing about Kristen. "John, what happened in there? Why did it take so long?"
He said nothing, just continued to watch the baby as his tiny tongue appeared and disappeared between his lips.
"John?" Marlena put her hand on his arm. "Please tell me what happened."
After a long moment, he looked up at her, unable to hide the emotions that swam at the surface of his consciousness.
"She's dead," he said simply.
"She's *what*?" Marlena was stunned. Even despite the earlier, overheard conversation, that was the last thing she had expected.
"Something happened with the placenta. It tore away or something. Too early." He shook his head and shrugged. "She haemmoraged and there was nothing that they could do. Not quickly enough anyway."
"Oh my God." Marlena looked down at the baby and then looked away.
For a moment, she couldn't work out what she was feeling, couldn't identify the cool, stillness that washed over her as she absorbed John's news. Kristen was dead. She had taken a life and she had tried to take Marlena's. But now she was gone.
And then she realized what it was. It was a sense of liberation. Kristen's hold over them had finally been broken, quite irrevocably, and they were free of her. Free of her emotional manipulation and free of the threat she posed to them and their family. She was gone and she wouldn't fight them for custody of their child. She couldn't do anything more to hurt them.
"Hey Doc," John's voice was soft and consoling, "don't feel guilty will you." She looked up at him, a sheen of surprise shading her eyes.
"I don't." She shook her head with utmost surety. "I'm not sorry she's dead and I don't feel responsible. And you shouldn't either."
"I..." It wasn't what he had been expecting her to say and he searched for the words to put meaning to his feelings. "I don't feel guilty Doc. I..." he shrugged, "I feel an overwhelming sense of relief if I'm totally honest."
Marlena thought about it and then nodded slowly.
"I think I understand that," she looked at him bleakly. "I think I even share it."
"I keep on thinking it's wrong not to feel bad that she died though, Doc," he said quietly as he leaned against the side of her bed.
"She wasn't a nice person John," Marlena replied simply. "She was a DiMera by upbringing and by nature. She was a destroyer and she had no capacity for real love. *That's* why she lost you. If she had any kind of integrity or self-respect she would have let you walk away the moment she realized that you weren't in love with her. But she didn't. And the outcome is her own doing."
Looking down at the innocent child in his arms, John sighed.
"I know you're right Doc, I do. I have a deep sense of regret that things ever got to this point, but no I don't feel guilty or responsible for her death. Though I can't help but wonder if I had been stronger, more honest with you and with her, if things wouldn't have been so messed up."
"It's over," she whispered with a shake of her head, her eyes bright and loving. "'What if's' aren't going to change things honey. They'll only eat you up inside. It's done and you have to learn and move on."
"Oh I've learnt Doc." He unfolded one arm from under his son and reached out to cup her cheek in his oversized palm. "I've learnt to never ever take anything for granted, *especially* you. And I've learnt never to stop telling you how much I adore you."
"And I've learnt that no matter what we are faced with, as long as we face it together, we can get through it." She graced him with a beautiful, tentative smile and his heart flipped. "I love you John. I always will."
"Forever." He smiled and leaned over to kiss her but the moment was shattered as she moaned at the onset of another contraction.
"Let me see if I can get the nurses to look after this little guy here and then we can face this together huh Doc?" he winked at her and she blew out short breaths. She nodded and he pushed himself from the side of the bed and went to the doorway.
She couldn't hear what he was saying, all her energy was being expended on controlling the pain as her muscles rippled through the contraction. But she did have time to wonder at her own reaction to Kristen's death as she closed her eyes and concentrated on the sure breaths in and out.
It quite surprised her how free of guilt she did feel. Maybe it was the fact that she was still so incredibly angry about the pointless death of the woman John had hired to look after Kristen. Or maybe it was her own near brush with Kristen's complete psychosis that made her realize that there was no hope for the woman. Marlena was sure she could have never been redeemed. She was a menace, not only to Marlena and John and their family, but to society at large. And her DiMera heritage guaranteed her ability to wreak havoc even when she should be locked up where the light of day could not reach her.
Marlena had no doubt that if Kristen had lived, she would have made their lives miserable for as long as she physically could. So maybe her untimely death was really a blessing to those Marlena loved.
And how could she feel guilty about the death of a woman that had tried to kill her and her unborn child mere hours ago anyway? It was unfeasible and for once, Marlena didn't even feel guilty for not feeling guilty. She was relieved; it was as simple as that.
"All right honey," John came to her bedside and brushed the bangs back from her forehead, depositing a kiss on her hot, damp skin. "They are taking the baby to the nursery. They'll bring him back once we're through here." He chuckled as he smoothed his hand over the roundness of her belly. "Well, as soon as his brother or sister there is born."
"Oh God, please let it be soon," Marlena groaned as she caught John's hand in hers. "I'm getting awfully tired of this."
Peter stood at the front desk of Maternity with his hands on his hips as he waited for the nurse to finish on the phone. No-one wanted to seem to tell him where Kristen was and it was starting to grate on his nerves.
He'd gone first to the loft to find it a crime scene and then at Marlena's penthouse he had managed to get the information he had needed. Kristen was at the hospital and Commander Carver and Captain Brady had followed her here. Where Marlena and John were in all this drama, no-one seemed to know, or care to tell.
And now these nurses were prevaricating to a ridiculous degree as they tried to find out Kristen's whereabouts. She had been brought in to the hospital in labour they said, but more than that they couldn't divulge. So now he was waiting, after snarling a none-too pleasant threat at the nurse. If she didn't find out where Kristen was in the next few minutes, Peter would take this place apart looking for her.
"Peter." The familiar voice behind him made him jump and he turned on his well-shod heel, his overcoat swishing as he did so.
"Michael Horton." The tone and the expression were condescending but Mike ignored the obvious insult.
"I've just been talking to Dr. Buchanan. I told him I would come down here and see you." In fact, Mike had insisted. The stricken doctor had wanted to come and face Kristen's next of kin and offer his sincere condolences and apologies, but Mike had insisted he be the one to break the news to Peter. It wasn't exactly a task he was coveting, but he felt that he had enough experience with Peter Blake to know how to handle his bluster and his grandstanding if it should come to that.
"Where's my sister?" Peter demanded without vacillation. "I want to see her."
"Um..." Mike looked around at the reception area. This wasn't exactly the best place to break bad news, even if he did despise the family in question. "Perhaps you'd like to go somewhere a little quieter while we talk."
"I don't need to go anywhere with you, Horton. I just need you to tell me where my sister is." Peter scowled. He was getting mightily sick of this.
"Uh...well...," Mike looked highly uncomfortable. "I really would like to talk to you about Kristen, in private."
Alarm bells began to ring inside Peter's head as he looked at Mike's reddened face.
"What, is there something wrong with Kristen?" he asked sharply. "Or is it her baby?" Mike said nothing but Peter could tell that he had struck a nerve. "For God's sake, tell me what's wrong with my sister."
"Peter I *really* don't want to talk about it here," Mike said awkwardly.
"*Tell* me dammit!" Peter demanded angrily. "What the *hell* is going on here? Tell me now or I'll find someone who *will*, all right?"
"All right, all right," Mike held up his hand. "Um," he sighed, unsure how to impart the news. "You obviously know that Kristen was brought into the hospital in labour."
"Yes?" Peter looked at him impatiently.
"Well the labour was.... It was very quick but unfortunately," he accented the word so that it seemed utterly insincere, "it seems that Kristen sustained some injury earlier today at Marlena's." He looked at Peter significantly but at the lack of reaction, he wondered exactly how much Peter knew about what had occurred at the penthouse.
"What kind of injury?" Peter's tone had dropped and Mike wondered if the man had some inkling of what was coming.
"Well, when she delivered the baby, the trauma was enough that the placenta tore away from the uterus wall. The medical term for it is placenta abruptio and Kristen maintained a very severe case."
"How severe?" Peter felt a little lightheaded as he faced the doctor, suddenly wishing he had taken up Mike's offer on some privacy.
"She haemmoraged in the delivery suite," Mike said softly. "The doctors did all they could, but she lost too much blood too quickly. In the end they couldn't get her to OR quickly enough." He sighed and shook his head. "I'm sorry Peter, but Kristen died a little more than fifty minutes ago."
"All *right* Marlena!" David looked up with a wide smile. "Looks like we're in business. Time to move you down to a delivery suite. I have one with your name on it. We'll have you in and out of there in no time."
"Oh," Marlena closed her eyes and leaned back against the pillows, her face wan with exhaustion. "Not... soon... enough." The words were soft and uttered between soft sighs.
"You're doing really well Marlena," David assured her. "I know it hasn't been easy, but you're really doing wonderfully. And I promise you it won't be too much longer."
"Hear that Doc?" John leaned towards the bed, smoothing his thumb over her damp cheek. "Everything is going just *fine*. And you're going to be a Mom again real soon."
She didn't move as he smoothed the damp hair away from her cheeks and brow. He felt a twinge of anxiety. She was totally drained. She'd dealt first with Kristen's murderous assault and now with the first stage of labour, which had lasted almost ten hours. He didn't even want to consider what the next hour or so was going to take out of her.
He looked up at Dr. Robbins and the obstetrician nodded reassuringly."She's really doing just fine. The next stage should be a breeze." Marlena opened one eye at that comment and fixed the doctor with what passed for a glare in her weary state.
"Easy for you to say."
"I may not have been through it Marlena, but I think I've attended enough births to know what I'm talking about," he said with an easy smile. "However, I take your point."
He turned to the nurse behind him and finalized the arrangements for Marlena's transfer to the delivery suite.
John took the opportunity to press a gentle kiss to Marlena's forehead.
"I know you're tired, baby," he whispered quietly, "and it's so hard for me to see you in this much pain. But I'm here with you and we *will* do this."
"I know we will." She took a deep breath searched out John's eyes. Her own were red-rimmed with stress and fatigue and John wished he could simply fold her in his arms and soothe away all her pain. He would give anything to take back time and save her from all this misery. "I meant what I said earlier. I couldn't do this without you."
"Well then it's good you don't have to," he grinned as he picked up the washcloth and dipped it in the cool water again. Dabbing it tenderly across her heated skin, he smiled again. "Do you realize that we actually got it right this time? This time we're doing it in the hospital with doctors present." He laughed and Marlena managed a smile in return.
"Brady wasn't born in the hospital either," she pointed out as she gritted her teeth at the feeling of the oncoming contraction. "Oh G*d John, I want to push."
"Just hold off onto the pushing until we get you down to delivery Marlena," Dr. Robbins interrupted the conversation. "You're almost fully dilated but I don't want you expending any extra energy when it's only going to be wasted."
"You think I... h... have energy... to *spare*?" Marlena managed between the panting breaths she took. "What colour is the... sky... in your... world?"
"Blue, Marlena," David Robbins looked amused. "Definitely blue."
"Good.... It'll go with... the black... you'll be sp.... Ohhh..." she was interrupted by an intensifying of the contraction. Closing her eyes tightly, she concentrated on her breathing for a moment. When she felt like she was back in control, she opened her eyes and looked at the obstetrician. "You'll be sporting... if you don't... get me down to that delivery suite... real soon."
"Point taken Doctor," he grinned broadly before turning back to the nurse.
"Where were we?" Marlena was breathless as she dropped back against the damp pillow. John shook his head in confusion. "Oh, that's right," she nodded as though she hadn't even had the intervening conversation. "Brady."
"You're right, he wasn't born in the hospital." John looked surprised as though he had almost forgotten the circumstances surrounding Brady's birth. In fact, he was just feeling more than a little overwhelmed by this whole occasion. But he wasn't about to tell his fiancée that. She needed his attention to be undivided, not wandering all over the place. Taking a deep breath, he focused on her beautifully compelling eyes. "This is actually an entirely new experience."
"For you," Marlena ran her hand down his arm lovingly. "But I'm glad. I'm really glad we're here this time." She looked up into his indigo eyes and shivered slightly at the powerful love that she found in his gaze.
"I'm glad we're here at all Doc. I'm just so grateful for all the incredible blessings in my life." His voice was smooth and rich and it slipped around her like a protective blanket. "The most incredible of which, is you."
Peter gazed blearily out at the calm waters of the Salem River as he tugged at his tie. It was close to midnight but he had nowhere to go. He couldn't go back to the house, there was nothing there for him and the last thing he wanted was for Stefano to track him down now.
He dropped the tie beside him on the stony beach and rubbed his fingers over tired eyes. His head throbbed, and the half-empty bottle of bourbon at his feet had done nothing to quell the raw, angry ache that was eating him inside out. It had only made things worse.
He'd lost so much. First he'd lost his brother Tony and then Jennifer, the only woman he would ever love. And now his sister had been taken from him. He had known this would end in tears; he just hadn't expected them to be his own.
"Oh Krissy," he shook his head wearily, blood-shot eyes scouring the ground for something they would never find. This should never have happened. But whose fault was it? Marlena's for taking John? John's for lying to Kristen? Or was it Kristen's, for refusing to let go, even after it became obvious that John loved Marlena more than he would ever love her.
He felt sick as he thought of the scene Mike had recounted to him. Kristen had tried to kill Marlena, totally oblivious to anything but her need to see Marlena wiped from her life. He couldn't even imagine the rage Kristen must have been feeling or the terror Marlena must have experienced. And then, for Kristen to die giving birth to the baby she wanted so desperately.... It seemed so utterly unfair.
Peter sighed and unbuttoned the top button of his rumpled shirt. His head felt all messed up by the events of the past few weeks. Now he knew that Stefano was still alive, it complicated things so much more. He wanted nothing more than to just take a long holiday and try and forget everything that had happened in Salem since he had been here. But instead he had to report to Stefano that his daughter had died while trying to kill the subject of his obsession. How on earth was he going to tell his adoptive father that piece of news?
And what was Stefano's reaction going to be?
"Okay Marlena," David Robbins edged into place at the bottom of the delivery table. "How are you doing up there?"
"Don't even *ask*," Marlena groaned wearily. She was thankful that she was finally in the delivery room and she knew intellectually that it wouldn't be much longer before she held her baby, but emotionally all she could feel was her exhaustion and the pain that bound her body.
"She's doing fine," John smiled indulgently. If Marlena could still manage a retort like that, she wasn't out of energy yet.
"Thirsty." Her voice was soft, but she glared at him with steely eyes and he tried unsuccessfully to rein in his smile. She really was completely adorable.
"Okay sweetheart." He nodded and reached over for the bowl of ice-chips. She opened her lips slightly and he tipped several chips into her mouth. She moaned and let the icy moisture melt across her tongue before she swirled it around her arid mouth. Then, with gentle hands, John wet the washcloth and daubed her brow, following up with a soft kiss.
"You're doing great baby." His whisper was quiet and intimate against her ear and as he pulled away, she looked up at him with grateful eyes. Despite the pain and the exhaustion, she was so thankful to be here with him. It was a special, wonderful moment and no one could ever take it from them.
"All right Marlena, I want you to push with the next contraction okay?" Dr. Robbins gave her the instruction with a small wink of encouragement.
"Oh you don't have to tell me twice." She groaned loudly as she gripped John's hand. "G*d, now I remember why I didn't want to do this again."
"C'mon baby, you're doing great." John swept the hair off her face. "This'll all be over soon and then we'll get the good bit."
"What? Two a.m. feedings and smelly... oh G*d..." she could feel the pain building up and suddenly this seemed like a really bad idea. "Smelly diapers?"
"Yeah, and spit on your clothes and colic and teething." He held up the hand that was grasping his and helped her to sit forward as she began the last leg of her marathon to birth their baby. "That's it Doc."
"Mmmmm-ahhhhh..." The sound originated in her throat but it became more vocal as she neared the end of the contraction.
"That's it Marlena. Give it all you have," the doctor encouraged.
"Trying...." She asserted as all her muscles focused in a concerted effort to expel the tiny life inside her. "Aaaaaaaaggghhh."
"Okay, ease off when the contraction does," David looked up at her with another wink. "You're doing just fine."
"Stop being so bloody cheerful. If you wink at me again, so help me... " Marlena snapped irritably as she collapsed against the cushions. "I have sharp fingernails and I'm not afraid to use them. *And*," she paused for a laboured breath. "I don't want to hear about how I'm doing fine or wonderfully or whatever sunny expression you want to patronize me with next. All I want to hear about how is it's almost over." She missed David's amused expression as she turned to John wearily and nailed him with a baleful glare. "This is all *your* fault. And thanks for the colic and the teething, Dr. Freud. That *really* helped."
"I didn't get to finish Doc." He stifled a chuckle. "Diapers, colic and teething, yeah. But there are other things to consider too. How about the little hands that grab your finger? And then there's first smiles." He covered her hand with his and smiled tenderly at her. "What about that wonderful baby smell and the way their skin feels when it's cuddled up to yours? Or the first time the call you Momma, or the first time they tell you they love you?" He lifted her hand and kissed her knuckles gently when he saw the tears glistening in her eyes. "We've got lots of wonderful, special moments to look forward to, Doc."
"And I'm looking forward to each and every one of them," she whispered as a tear shimmied down her cheek. "I'm sorry, I sounded really ungrateful."
"You just sounded like you're very tired and want to get this over with," he told her gently. "And you have every right to feel like that."
"It's been a long day," she closed her eyes and moaned as she felt the next contraction building. "I just want it to be over. I just want to sleep and wake up and finish this all tomorrow."
"With any luck, you'll finish it today before the clock rolls over to tomorrow," David interjected from his place at the foot of the bed. "Okay, time to push again."
"Tomorrow?" Marlena looked at the clock, a sliver of distress creeping into her voice. The last thing she wanted was to still be doing this when the clock struck midnight.
"Why haven't they called?" Sami looked at the phone, her blue eyes etched with the worry she felt. "It's been *hours*, Granma. Why hasn't anyone called?"
"Probably because there's nothing to report yet, Peanut," Roman said gently as he slid his arm around his daughter's shoulder. "You know these things take time."
"Aren't you worried?" Sami demanded irritably. "Mom's not young any more, Dad. Giving birth is hard enough when you're in your twenties, you know."
"I know," Roman nodded. "And of course I'm concerned Sami, that's only natural. But your Mom is in the right place with all the best care. Nothing is going to go wrong."
Sami said nothing but she dropped her head into her hands, her flaxen hair cascading around graceful fingers. Roman looked up at Caroline who was studiously drying a glass, avoiding his worried eyes. She had no reassurances for him. There was nothing to do but wait. And pray.
"That's it baby," John held Marlena's hand tightly as he sat behind her, his free hand wiping the moisture from her cheeks as she pushed again.
"Oh God," she sobbed as she slumped against him.
"You're doing a great job, sweetheart," he assured her, hoping that his tone was soothing enough that she wouldn't think he was patronizing her. "It won't be long now."
"He's right Marlena," David looked up, his eyes gleaming. "The baby is crowning. You don't have too much longer."
"I'm ex... exhausted," she gasped as she struggled to keep her emotions in check.
"I know you are," the doctor's reply was sympathetic but resolute. "But you can't give up and go home now Marlena, you know that." He smiled. "I've never known you to give up at *anything* anyway. You don't have a reputation for being stubborn for nothing."
"Ain't *that* the truth," John chuckled, his laughter only increasing when Marlena dug her elbow into his side. "There you go, you can't be that exhausted Doc."
"You're going to pay for this." Marlena warned. "Ooh God." She hunched over again as another contraction gathered. Taking two deep breaths, she closed her eyes, collected all the strength she had left and pushed as hard as she could.
John's smile quickly faded as he squeezed her hand again. He felt so useless, he wanted to help her somehow but it was all she could do to let him hold her hand. He had tried to massage her shoulders during an early contraction and she had just about jumped down his throat. He knew it was simply because of the labour and the exhaustion and pain, but still it didn't make him feel any less helpless. If he could do it for her, he would. But that was one thing he couldn't do. And so he sat here and tried to encourage her and take her mind off it for the few short moments that he could.
"John, do you want to come and see your baby being born?" David asked with a relaxed smile. Things were going well now, the labour was progressing quite rapidly and he could afford to encourage Marlena and John to enjoy the short moments that were left of this remarkable process.
"Doc?" John wasn't sure that he wanted to leave her, even if he was only going to be two feet away.
"Mmm," she nodded, he face red with the exertion. "Go."
"Marlena Evans," he picked up the cool cloth and gently wiped her face with it before he stroked her cheek with the side of his finger, "you are the most amazing woman I have ever known. And *God* I love you so much."
"I love you too, you idiot," she couldn't help the smile that found her lips as he bent down to brush his own against them.
"I might be an idiot Doc, but at least I'm your idiot." He grinned before he pulled away from her and went to stand beside the doctor.
"Okay Marlena, a couple more good pushes and this should just about be over okay?" He winked at her and she rolled her eyes, almost tempted to follow through on her earlier threat. She'd heard that kind of encouragement before and she'd believe it when it actually happened.
Still she really had no time to ponder it as the urge to push swept through her again and she delved all her energy into birthing her baby.
"I can see it Doc!" John yelped at the foot of the birthing table. "I can see his head. Man, this is *amazing*." He could never grow jaded enough to be underwhelmed by this moment. Seeing Belle and Brady's births had been special enough, but this time everything had come together in one incredible gift from the heavens. "C'mon Marlena. Sweetheart, he's almost here. Just another push!"
"Mmmmm-ahhhhh," Marlena was so shattered she could barely think, let alone respond to John's words. But she could hear his encouragement and she could feel the strength of his love for her and their child and that was all the encouragement she needed. As the next contraction wracked her body, she pushed with everything she had left.
"All right Marlena!" David's shout was almost victorious. "That's the head. Just one more push and we can start packing up to go home."
"Oh Doc!" John's throat was dammed by the overwhelming emotions, and his voice came out as little more than a strangled whisper. "It's our baby. It's really ours."
Marlena's final effort was accompanied by a cry that was more a whimper and John watched as the doctor guided the tiny life, his new child out into the waiting world.
The reedy cry of the newborn filled the room and John felt the hot moisture of tears as they hit his cheeks. He looked up at Marlena who was beaming, despite her exhaustion and a boyish grin lit up his face.
"He's a boy Doc... We've got another little slugger."
"How many.... do you need to start a baseball team?" she managed to tease him, his joy at seeing his new boy somehow invigorating her a little.
"Who cares about baseball?" he shook his head as he watched the nurse take the tiny boy. "I have you and we have our kids. That's all that matters."
Marlena felt the warm glow of exhaustion numbing her body as the last of her work was done and she had the chance to relax. Silently, John came to her side and lifted her hand. With the gentlest of touches, he pressed a kiss into the centre of her palm and then he leaned over to brush his dry lips across hers.
"Thank you," he whispered lovingly.
"For what?" Her conscious mind was shattered by tiredness and she wasn't quite sure what he meant.
"For accepting me back into your life after everything." His eyes held hers, shining and intensely indigo. "For loving me despite my many, *many* faults," he smiled softly. "For giving me three *beautiful* children and just for everything you are and everything you do."
"You make me sound like some kind of saint, John," she said with a hint of amusement. "You're in my life because I love you, because you make me just as happy as I make you and because you complete my life in ways I could never have even imagined." She reached up and cupped his cheek with the palm of her hand. "You make me so happy. With you and all our children," she looked over at the baby boy who was now crying again, and her eyes misted with the realization of what they had accomplished. Together. "I think... no, I *know* my life is perfect."
"Would you like to hold your baby Marlena?" David lifted the baby from the nurse's arms and brought it to Marlena.
"Was that rhetorical?" Marlena felt her heart pounding as she held her arms out.
"Of course," he chuckled as he placed the baby in his mother's arms.
He watched as Marlena curled her arms around the precious bundle and gazed in awe at the tiny features. "You know, I think this is probably the most satisfying moment of my job." He looked up at John and he was suddenly aware that neither of the new parents had even heard him.
With a satisfied smile, he backed away from the birthing table and he turned to the nurse.
"Let them have a few minutes alone and then arrange to have them moved to a private room."
"Sure thing," she returned his smile as she watched the happy parents. John was now sitting on the edge of the bed next to Marlena with his arm around her shoulder and he was watching her watch the baby with an expression of utter bliss on his face. "They make a cute family, huh?"
"They sure do," David sighed with the contentment of a man knowing his job is well done. "And after everything they've been through, they deserve to be the happiest family in Salem. I just hope they get to finally experience a little of that."
Marlena lifted heavy eyelids to find John watching her, the suggestion of a smile lingering on his lips. The baby snuggled in his arms, warm and contented, for the moment.
"Hey sleepyhead," he whispered, his lips twitching into a grin.
"Did I go to sleep?" she asked in a small voice as she tried to stifle a yawn.
"Just for a few minutes." He looked down at the tiny bundle in his arms. "Like mother, like son, I guess."
"Can I hold him?" Marlena pushed herself into a sitting position and reached for her son. It might have only been a few minutes, but it felt like hours since she'd had him in her arms and she ached with a maternal need to have him close to her.
"Of course you can," John deposited him gently in her arms and moved up beside her on the bed. Looping his arm around her, he looked at the baby over her shoulder. "He looks like you, you know."
"Rubbish," Marlena laughed gently. "He looks *exactly* like his father, right down to those *incredibly* blue eyes."
"Doc, *all* newborns have blue eyes," he nuzzled at her ear. "He has your nose. He's too beautiful to look like me."
"You're such a smooth talker," Marlena laughed as the baby waved a tiny fist in the air and opened his pink mouth in a large yawn. "Yes, that's right, your Daddy is full of it, isn't he?"
"Only ‘cause he has to keep up with Mommy, right kid?" The laughter in John's voice masked a sudden surge of emotion. Things could have been so different. For all that he had lost; he could have lost *so* much more. It was a thought that made his blood run cold.
Not for the first time, he wondered how it was that he happened to get so lucky. Because he sure as hell didn't deserve the love of a woman as beautiful and generous and passionate as Marlena.
But here he was, holding her in his arms and he only knew that he would spend the rest of his life loving her, cherishing her and treasuring their time together.
"I love you Marlena," his arm tightened around her and he softly kissed her hair.
"I love you too, baby," she turned her head and graced him with a gentle kiss of her own.
"Speaking of babies, I think it's time this tyke here met his little brother," John suggested. "What do you think?"
"Isn't it a little late, honey?" Marlena eyed the clock, which told her that it was still the twenty-eighth, but only just. "The nursery will be closed..." She looked at him in alarm, realizing what she had just said. "Oh golly. Go and see if you can find him."
"Sure thing sweetheart," John kissed her as he slipped off the bed. "Your wish is my command."
Marlena's urging followed him out the door as she held the newly restless baby to her. It wasn't a feeling that she could describe, or even understand. It was bound up in the past, not just the recent past with Kristen or in the dreams she had been having, but with Belle's birth and right back to the death of her first baby boy.
Maybe it was a fear, maybe it was a simple need to have her newborn twins close to her; she only knew that she needed to hold both her babies. And with a mother's instinct, she knew that the boys would be happier if they were together.
The baby in her arms whimpered as though her thoughts had somehow triggered a latent uneasiness in the small consciousness.
"Shhhhh," she murmured, rocking the tot in her arms. "Shhhhh, it's okay sweetie boy. Momma's here. Everything's fine." The baby waved his arms, fretting softly as she cradled him and she dropped soft kisses on his downy skin, soothing him with the mere application of a mother's touch. "Shhhh, my love. Shhhhh...."
Sami recoiled as the phone jangled into life over at the bar, realizing only at that moment, that her every nerve was on edge. Jumping up, she raced to snatch up the receiver before anyone else could get to it.
"Samantha, is that you?" John's voice sounded tinny through the earpiece.
"John, what's happened? What's going on? How's Mom? I've been so worried-"
"Woah, woah, woah. One thing at a time there Sami," John chuckled wearily. "Your Mom is just fine. And so are your new baby brothers."
"Boys!?" Sami's excited squeal was almost enough to deafen John.
"Uh-huh," he nodded with a grin as he neared the nursery. "And they're just *beautiful*."
"Of course they are." Relief filtered through the humour in Sami's voice. "They're related to me, after all."
"Well of course." John looked through the window at the babies nestled in the nursery for the night.
"And Mom?" His daughter's voice softened, even through the earpiece of the cell phone.
"Your Mom is just fine, Samantha," John waved at the nurse on the other side of the glass. "She did great. She's tired obviously, but she's... just great." He smiled at the remembered vision of Marlena holding their son in her arms.
"What about... Kristen?" Sami seemed reluctant to bring up the despised name. "Have you told her the truth yet? About the babies I mean?"
"Uh..." John paused as the nurse came out of the nursery door, "hang on a moment Sami, will you?"
"Sure." Sami looked up at the family that were now gathered expectantly around the bar in front of her and realized that her grandparents didn't yet know the truth about Kristen's child. "Mom's fine, and I've got a baby brother!"
"Oh well that's grand, just grand, so it is!" Shawn's expression transformed into a thrilled grin.
"And Kristen's baby?" Roman asked pointedly.
"Fine. It's a boy too." Sami could hear that John was finishing his conversation on the other end of the line and she stilled her father's further question.
"Are you there, Sami?" John watched the nurse go into the nursery and over to his newborn son.
"Uh-huh," Sami nodded expectantly, even though John couldn't see her.
"About Kristen..." He turned away from the window, unsure how to frame the fact that Kristen was dead.
He didn't care that she was dead. Maybe he should, but he couldn't find it within himself to be sorry. She was crazy, or she was evil, or maybe she was both. She had destroyed so much, John was simply grateful that she couldn't destroy anything more.
Taking a deep breath, he unconsciously rubbed his finger over his eyebrow as he spoke. "Uh, there was a crisis in delivery... the placenta tore away and she haemorrhaged.... I'm afraid they couldn't save her sweetheart."
There was silence at the other end of the line as Sami digested the news.
"Oh." She looked up at Roman with huge aqua eyes as she tried to work out how she felt about this news. It didn't take long as she remembered what Kristen had tried to do to her mother. "Oh well. I guess she got her just desserts, huh?"
"Guess so." John didn't have the heart to argue with Sami, or even be shocked that she was so blunt about the departure of a woman that none of them could stand. After all, if he was honest, she was only voicing the single most predominant thought that had been running through his mind since Kristen's death. He simply hadn't been able to express it until now. But, for now, he had better things to think about than Kristen. Much better.
"Sweetheart, tell the family about the boys and about Kristen if you like. But I think your Mom and I would like to tell the family the truth about the babies and about us being together."
"Sure," Sami nodded with a small smile, "not quite sure how I'd explain it anyway."
"Neither am I to be quite honest." His reply was issued with a wry grin as he looked up to see the nurse holding his baby boy in the doorway. " Listen sweetheart, I have to get back to Doc. Tell everyone that we love them and we'd love to see them tomorrow."
"Okay. Tell Mom I love her," Sami said emotionally and then added when she saw her Granma and Granpa nodding, "tell her we all love her. And you too John."
"I love you too Samantha," John smiled down at his sleeping son. "We'll see you tomorrow."
He finished the call and snapped his cell phone closed before the nurse handed over the tiny bundle.
"Here you are Mr. Black. One little boy delivered safe and sound into his daddy's arms." She looked up at him with compassionate eyes. "I was so sorry to hear about his mama."
"Thanks, but you can save your sympathy," John told her with an edge to his voice. "This little fella is much better off without her in his life. His *real* mother is going to love him and adore him more than that woman could even *begin* to."
Peter fumbled with his keys as he leaned against the front door, his fingers clumsy as he tried to work out which was the piece of metal that would grant him entrance to his empty house.
"D*mn!" He bent over to pick up the bunch of keys that had clattered noisily to the ground. "Shhh. D*mn keys." He stumbled as he lurched for them and slammed against the door. "G*dd*mn! Jusht wanna get inshide. Isshat too much to f*ckin' ashk?"
He dropped his jacket and placed one hand on the door, in a lame effort to keep himself steady as he bent down for the keys again. However, his effort was all for naught as the door swung open behind him and he toppled heavily onto the front doormat.
Letting out a grunt of fury and pain, he untangled himself and pushed himself into a sitting position, his bloodshot eyes searching out the bastard responsible for a shitty ending to a terrible night.
However, his attitude and mood soon changed as his eyes met the gleaming ebony of Stefano's.
"Hello, Peter." The mere act of speaking was enough to reveal the anger lurking with his adoptive father and Peter felt his heart begin to thump in response to the adrenaline. "Would you care to tell me what the *hell* is going on?"
When John arrived back with his firstborn twin, he found Marlena dozing again, the little boy sound asleep in her arms. The sight reminded him so much of that incredible night in the cabin when he had brought their beautiful Belle into the world.
Some women were just born to be mothers, and Marlena was one of those women, he had no doubt. She looked absolutely angelic with her golden hair rippling across the pillow and her tiny son nestled in her arms and he was suddenly hesitant to wake her.
Settling himself in the chair beside the bed, he made himself comfortable, his son sleeping his arms. He smiled as he watched Marlena, her chest rising and falling gently as she slept and he reflected again on how amazing it was that they had made it to this point.
"Thank you God," he whispered. "Thank you for the wonderful gifts you've allowed me. Thank you for my beautiful children, for the three that I brought up as my own for so long, Carrie, Sami and Eric. Thank you for Brady and for little Isabella. And thank you for the two newest blessings you've brought into my life. These two little guys are just something else. And most of all Lord, thank you for Marlena. We've been through so much... apart and mostly together. I know for a fact that I would not be sitting here now if it were not for her. She has saved me, physically, emotionally and spiritually, more times than I care to count. Whenever I've needed her, she's always been there for me, graceful and uncomplaining. Even when she had every right to hate me, she still loved me." Marlena whimpered quietly in her sleep and John quieted as he waited to see whether she was going to wake. When she didn't, he continued in his prayer.
"Lord, there were times when I wasn't very good to her, when I hurt her without meaning to. But I have always loved her. *Always*. And I am going to ask for your help in making sure that I am the best husband to her and the best father to my kids that I possibly can be. I want to be everything to her that she needs and I want to be the kind of man that makes his children proud of him." He looked down at the child in his arms and his voice faltered. "So, since you have given me so much already Lord, I want to ask you for this one more thing. Help me, give me the wisdom and the strength to be deserving of them all...."
He looked up as a cry sounded from the baby in Marlena's arms and a moment later, she lifted her head, her eyes bleary with sleep.
"Oh," she looked at the baby disconcertedly and then up at John as the baby in his arms joined the wailing. "Oh, no!"
"Its okay sweetheart," John stood up and moved to her side and placed the firstborn twin boy in her arms beside his brother. Marlena's eyes widened as the babies immediately quieted their fussing and settled back down to the business of sleeping.
"How did you know to do that?" she asked in amazement.
"I remembered how Sami and Eric were when they used to be separated." John shrugged as he sat on the edge of the bed. Running his hand down her thigh, he looked at the babies thoughtfully. "I don't really know why, other than that."
"But even if they *are* twins, they weren't together in the womb..." Marlena looked down at her babies and sighed. "Oh look at them John. Gosh, I can't quite believe that they're ours."
"They're beautiful all right," John stared at his sons and it only took a second for it to hit him. "My God, Doc, they're practically identical."
Marlena's brow furrowed as she looked at the boys, seeing exactly what John was seeing. Even though babies often looked alike, there was no doubting that these two babies were identical in every way that counted.
"But how can that be?" she looked at John again, confusion reigning in her expression. "Identical twins come from the same egg and they share a placenta and an amniotic sac. You couldn't even miscarry one and not the other. John, it doesn't make any sense."
"Honey, what about this *does* make sense?" John asked gently. "Sometimes I just feel like I walked into this really bad science fiction plot that I can't get my head around. And when I try and make sense of it, try and think about it logically...." He grinned again. "I either get a headache, or I give up."
"But how on earth are we going to explain this?" She looked at her sons again and frowned. "I mean how are we going to explain that Kristen's son looks exactly like my son, without telling everybody the truth? And if we tell them the truth they're going to think we lost our minds."
John looked at the babies and took a deep breath before blowing it out thoughtfully.
"I wish I knew Doc. I wish I could think of a single thing to say that would make even an iota of sense, but I just can't."
"I'm too tired to even *begin* to think about it." Marlena closed her eyes and dropped her head back wearily, giving up on the question almost as quickly as it had occurred to her. "Let's deal with it tomorrow."
"Hi there," Dr. Robbins popped his head around the doorway. "How's the happy family doing?"
"We'd be doing better if we were all sleeping," Marlena yawned.
"Well how about we get these tykes off to the nursery and after I give you a quick check, you can do just that," the doctor suggested.
"Oh *no*." Marlena appeared to be horrified as she shook her head. "No. I... please David, I'd sleep a lot better if the children were in here with me."
"Isn't that a little paradoxical?" David was a little surprised by the strength of her reaction.
"No, you don't understand," she looked desperately at John, silently begging him for his support. "After everything that happened today, after all the nightmares I've had, I *have* to have them close. Otherwise I'll spend the whole night awake, worrying about them."
"Marlena, they'll be just fine in the nursery," David's voice was gentle and soothing. "Perfectly safe."
"I don't *care* how safe you think they'd be," Marlena was practically in tears now and the babies were starting to squirm restlessly as she pushed herself more upright. "I'm telling you, I can't do it. Not as their mother. I need to have them here."
"David," John interceded as he caught Marlena's hand in his and squeezed it. "I don't think you understand what we're dealing with here. Marlena was attacked today and Kristen's father, Stefano DiMera is still out there somewhere. And you don't even *want* to know what that old bastard is responsible for."
"John." Marlena's voice was soft, but firm. "This isn't the place." She looked at the doctor again. "Please David. I know you think it would be better for me, but really, the best thing is to let me be with my children."
"You may as well give in now, man," John laughed, trying to break the tension between the doctor and patient. "She's not known for being stubborn, for nothing."
"John!" Marlena slapped John lightly but his words seemed to do the trick as Dr. Robbins nodded.
"All right then Marlena. You can have your own way. But only," he pointed at her, "if you promise me that you'll behave yourself and call the nurse when you need anything. And I mean *anything*," he added with determination.
"Cross my heart." She drew a cross in front of her with a grin.
"Don't worry doctor," John squeezed Marlena's hand again. "I'll make sure she stays tucked up in bed. Safe and sound."
"John," Marlena looked surprised. "You need some sleep, honey."
"Doc, if you think I'm letting you and our babies out of my *sight* after everything that's gone down today, you are *very* sadly mistaken." John was only halfway kidding as he looked at her and the expression that lay buried under the sparkle in his eyes made her shiver.
"Oh," she murmured softly. "Okay then."
"All right. Well, let's get these babies into their cribs and then check you out," David suggested promptly. He was tired too, and the sooner they got this over with, the sooner they could all get some sleep.
"All right Peter, would you care to tell me what is going on?" Stefano demanded, his face dark. He had waited for hours for Peter's call and resented the necessity that he come into Salem where he could be so easily recognized. And now to find Peter so drunk that he was almost falling over....?
"Ahhh..." Peter cast his eyes around the room, his mind slow to catch up with the fact that there was no way out. He was going to have to tell Stefano the truth, there was just no other option. "Long day." He fell backwards onto the sofa and groaned. "Really f*cking *lousy*, long day."
"Lousy?" The word slid strangely from Stefano's tongue. He'd had a bad feeling about this since Peter got the phone call and it was only growing. He could feel it uncoiling in the pit of his stomach, the fear that he dared not acknowledge. "Not Marlena...?"
"*No.*" Peter shook his head bitterly. Stefano's automatic assumption only proved to kindle the embers of anger and hatred inside him. "Not your *precious* Marlena. She's jusht fine. I'm sure she and that *asshhole* John f*cking Black are the proud parentsh... of a bouncing baby by now."
"She and John...?" Stefano's voice stumbled to a halt as he looked suspiciously at Peter. "Well then? What has you so," he glared at his adopted son with ill-hidden disgust, "inebriated that you cannot open your own front door?"
"My *sister*." Peter's nostrils flared in fury. "You want to know what the problem is Stefano? It's Kristen." He felt sick and he wondered for a moment if he might throw up where he sat. But then he managed to gather himself and look into Stefano's bewildered eyes.
Eyes that widened in horror with Peter's next words.
"My sister is *dead* Stefano and it was John and your darling, *wonderful* Marlena that killed her."
Eyes. Blue as the sea. Brilliant as the sky. Eyes that hold the secrets of the past and the mysteries of the future. Eyes that can see everything. The truth of my heart, they lay my soul bare with a single, blistering glance. Strip me of all pretences, and swathe me with gentle, soothing love. Eyes as blue as forever...
Marlena drifted from her dream, slowly approaching consciousness and the sounds of a soft voice. Opening her eyes, she saw the blue that had pervaded her dreams staring back at her.
"Hi there sleepyhead," John grinned, a baby in his arms. "Wondered when you were going to wake."
"What time is it?" she asked through a yawn before she stretched.
"It's not quite eight," John edged onto the bed next to her and gently placed the tiny boy in her arms. "These guys aren't hungry yet though."
"Won't take long, I'll bet," Marlena moved so that John could fit his body beside hers on the small hospital bed. Slipping his arms around her, he peered at the baby over her shoulder.
"Isn't he beautiful?" she traced the downy hair on the crown of his head and smiled as he yawned. "Gosh, how did I get so lucky?"
"I think the question is how did we guys get so lucky to have an amazing woman like you in our lives, right kid?" John finished his question by pressing a tender kiss to Marlena's neck. "I love you Doc. I love you more than I have ever loved anyone, anytime, anywhere, anyhow."
"That's quite something," she looked around at him, her eyes dancing with amusement. "Hear that sweetie boy? Your Daddy is sounding pretty sure of himself huh?"
"*Very* sure." John nodded before kissing her jaw. "Absolutely certain." He kissed her cheekbone. "Unequivocally positive." He lifted his hand and gently turned her head, kissing her as she leaned back against the pillows.
"Wow, when you're sure, you're sure sure." She blinked as she took a deep breath, momentarily stunned by the intensity of the unexpected moment.
"I sure am," he whispered, his blue eyes alive with feeling. "Marlena, I want to marry you. As soon as we can arrange it. I want to tell the world how much I love you. Honey, I want to pledge my life to you in front of the people that we call our family and friends."
"How is it you always know just the right things to say that will reduce me to tears?" Marlena asked him as she wiped her eyes.
"I just tell you how I feel, baby," he said with a tender smile. "I can't help it if it makes you cry." He wiped away the few stray tears with the side of his thumb as he looked at her. "I have to say though, I find your soft-heartedness quite adorable."
"Oh, I'm glad you do," Marlena looked back at the baby who was moving again in her arms. "I think you'd better get used to it actually."
"I'll never get used to anything about having you around." John tightened his hold on her, burying his face in her hair for a long moment. "Not enough to take you for granted anyway."
"I don’t see that happening for either of us," Marlena shifted so that she was facing him, the baby in her arm between them. "We've gone through far too much to get to this point. We know the incredible value of what we have. I don't think either of us is foolish enough to ever forget that." She blinked, her eyes a vibrant moss colour as she looked at him. "I certainly hope not anyway."
"No way," he shook his head vehemently. "There's no *way* I'm ever letting go of you again. No way that I'll *ever* make the same mistakes I've made in the last few years."
"Good," she smiled as she looked down at the blue eyes of the baby that stared up at her. "Because I am never going to make those mistakes either." She raised her gaze and found John's eyes, so similar to the baby in her arms. "I promise you I'll always tell you how I feel and how much I love you and need you in my life. Anything else would be a lie. By act or omission."
"Always Doc," John cupped her cheek in his oversized palm and brushed his thumb across her cheek. "This is for always."
"What the *hell* do you mean you can't get any more information?" Stefano's enraged voice floated up the stairs to where Peter stood with a brutally pounding head. The hangover wasn't pleasant, but the thought of facing his irate father was even less so. He wasn't exactly sure what had happened last night but he was sure that it hadn't ended happily. After all, how could it?
And now he had to go down and explain to Stefano just how it was that Kristen had died giving birth to John Black's spawn. A child he was now going to bring up with Marlena as a brother to *their* new child.
Peter swallowed, trying to quell the nausea that rose in his gut. This was all wrong. This was *not* how it was supposed to be. First Tony and now Kristen. And it was all thanks to John f*cking Black. John Black: Liar, fraud, master manipulator and utter bastard.
Peter was interrupted from his reverie by the sound of a crash from the living room and he hastened down the stairs.
"Stefano, I-" He stopped at the sight of the picture frame that lay fractured at his feet. John Black, his arms around Kristen, stared up into oblivion. Without compunction, Peter lifted his foot and brought the heel of his shoe down on the hateful portrait.
"Ah, Peter," Stefano scowled, ignoring his son's act of hatred. "Good. Since I cannot get an ounce of sense out of any of the incompetent *idiots* working for me, perhaps you would care to complete your explanation of what happened yesterday." He narrowed his eyes unpleasantly. "Perhaps you could complete it without passing out this time."
"Uh, I'm sorry about that," Peter ran fingers through tangled hair. "I was kinda upset as you can probably understand."
"I understand," Stefano replied curtly. "But I would like to understand more."
"Of course," Peter's head pounded as he sank into the chair that Stefano indicated. "Perhaps I could have a coffee first though. Um, clear my head, if you know what I mean?"
"Of course." Stefano nodded. "Whatever you require Peter." His voice was deceptively bland, but the moment his son's name was out of his mouth, his apparent mood blackened. "Just as long as I get the truth about what happened yesterday. And soon."
"Hi there," Michelle popped her head around the corner, her smile brightening the room as she saw the family happily ensconced on the small bed. "I was just about to go on shift and I thought I'd stop by and see how you're all doing."
"We're doing just great, thanks Michelle," John beamed proudly.
"Can I see them?" Michelle raised her eyebrows in question.
"Of course you can," Marlena nodded at the nurse who was quickly becoming a friend to the both of them.
"Oh my goodness!" Michelle peered at the babies. "Look at them, they're beautiful."
"Of course they are," John's grin looked as thought it was permanently fixed on his face. "They're my boys."
"And they look like it too." Michelle laughed as her eyes moved from one twin to the other. Her laughter shortened as she looked up at Marlena, suddenly confused. "Which boy is yours?"
"Uh," Marlena looked at the babies and then at John, her heart pounding anxiously. She'd known that this was coming; she just hadn't expected to be confronted with it so soon.
"This little guy here's the one that Doc had last night," John nodded at the baby in his arms, the answer coming easily to him.
"That's amazing," Michelle shook her head, still a little bemused. "They look *so* similar. And if I didn't know better, I’d swear they *both* looked like you too, Marlena."
"Oh well," Marlena laughed nervously. "Guess it's just as well you do know better huh? Coincidences are strange things."
"Yeah," Michelle nodded, her suspicions hardly allayed by Marlena's reaction. "I guess so."
"So how is our new mother this morning?" David Robbins checked his watch as he walked into the room. "The babies’ paediatrician will be down shortly, but in the meantime, you just have me to contend with."
"I'm great," Marlena smiled contentedly, settling back against John. "Couldn't be better in fact."
"Glad to hear it." He smiled easily as he picked up Marlena's wrist and checked her pulse. When he was satisfied, he looked over at Michelle who had taken a baby from Marlena and still held him in her arms. "Cute little guys aren't they?"
"Yeah," Michelle nodded. "Cute and uncannily similar. Anyone would think that you'd had twins Marlena." She looked down at the baby that gurgled in her arms. "I guess it will make things easier in a way huh?"
"Guess so," John nodded uneasily. "We haven't quite worked out how to tell all the family what's happened yet. I guess the fact that the kids look so alike is going to clue most of them in pretty quickly."
"Ah, I'd say so," Michelle nodded. "I think you'd better work out what you're going to tell them. And pretty quick. If there's one thing that's a universal constant, it's the families always want to see their newest member as early as they possibly can."
"Yesterday?" Stefano tapped his stubby fingers on the table as he watched Peter drain the last of his coffee before pouring a new cup. "Peter. I have not got all day."
"Uh, yeah," Peter nodded. "Yesterday...." He dropped his head into his hands despairingly. "God, what a f*cking mess."
"How, Peter? How did this *happen* to my daughter?" Stefano was controlling his temper, but only barely. His hand was curled into a fist and his knuckles bleached white under the skin as he pressed down on the polished surface of the table.
When Peter didn't reply, Stefano's rage escalated and his fist smashed down onto the table, the saucer and spoon jumping with a noisy clang "*Answer* me, dammit!"
"She lost it, Stefano." Peter lowered his hands and raised his bloodshot eyes to his adoptive father. "She found out John was cheating on her with Marlena and she couldn't deal with it. Apparently she sent John on a wild goose chase and went to Marlena's apartment... with the intention of killing her."
"Killing....?" A chill crept through Stefano as he tried to envisage such a hideous concept.
"Yes." Peter replied bitterly. "She tried to kill your *beloved* Marlena. She *did* kill the nurse that was supposed to be keeping her locked up in the loft. You want to know why?" His lips curled into a sneer as he saw the emotional struggle behind Stefano's stunned expression. "Because it turns out that your *perfect* Marlena Evans was busy luring John Black back to her bed. She had his bastard child last night and she and John have been running around behind Krissy's back for *weeks*, if not months. And when Kristen found out, she finally snapped."
"No," Stefano shook his head, his heart pounding as he tried to find the lie in Peter's words. He had known about John and Marlena's secret tryst, but to realize that it had been at the expense of Kristen's sanity....? "No Peter, you must be wrong."
"I'm *not* wrong." Peter pushed his chair away from the table angrily. "You haven't *been* here Stefano, you don't know what's been going on. Kristen tried to *kill* herself months ago when John tried to end it with her. She almost died. And John *still* f*cked around with Marlena behind her back, knowing what it would *do* to her if she found out."
"You haven't finished the story Peter," Stefano prompted his adoptive son sternly. "What happened when Kristen went to Marlena's apartment?"
"She took a knife." Peter's face was grim as he relayed the horrific events of the previous afternoon. "She and Marlena evidently had a struggle. But John managed to get there just in time to save Marlena. Of course, predictably, she went into premature labour and John, ever the gallant hero," he said sarcastically, "rushed her to hospital."
"And Kristen?" Stefano asked, his lips tight with anger.
"Kristen? He left Kristen in the care of Eugene Bradford." Peter spat out the words derisively. "And then *she* went into labour. They took her to the hospital but as she was delivering, she started haemorrhaging. Apparently in the struggle with Marlena, she fell or something and it caused the placenta to tear away from the wall of her..." He turned away, unable to continue.
"There was nothing they could do?" Stefano's shoulders slumped as he was assaulted with the image of his beloved daughter, bleeding to death alone in a hospital full of unsympathetic strangers.
"It was too fast," Peter shrugged with his back still to Stefano. "There were no operating rooms free and they just couldn't operate in time...."
An awkward silence flooded the room as the two men found themselves devoid of words. There was no way to adequately describe the pain and anger, so it was best to not even try.
Stefano blinked, looking out of the window at the clear blue sky. Kristen, his beloved Kristen, was dead. Just like Tony before her, dead at the hand of John Black. Oh, maybe not literally, but John was responsible for her death. He had her blood on his hands and he would pay for her death with his own.
And Marlena.... Stefano sighed softly. What of Marlena? While it was true that Marlena had borne John's son last night, he knew that for a fact, was she responsible in part for Kristen's death? Had her betrayal, her renewed relationship with John Black been the catalyst for Kristen's insanity?
He shook his head, trying to banish the thoughts that were beginning to slip between his defences. There was no time for this. He had spent too long in Salem already. As inept as the police department was in Salem, he could not take any more risks.
"I must go now Peter," he said stiffly. "I'll contact you with instructions."
"When?" Peter turned around, his shoulders slumped in defeat. "I don't want to stay here any more, Stefano. There's nothing left for me in Salem now."
"Soon, Peter." Stefano went to the younger man and laid a hand on his arm. "I will contact you soon. Grieve your sister, my son. There *is* a reason for you to stay in this godforsaken town, I guarantee it." His eyes amplified the significance of his words, the anger and promised revenge igniting a similar vein of emotion inside Peter. "Just wait for my word."
"I don't know Doc," John shrugged uncomfortably. "I just don't know the best way to tell them." He looked down at the baby in his arms. "I mean, Michelle is right, these babies could be identical twins. How do we explain that away?"
"They *can't* be identical John, it's physically impossible," Marlena replied stubbornly as she pushed herself up in the bed.
"Sweetheart, it's physically impossible that Kristen had *your* baby and yet she did," John pointed out. "My point is, if Michelle saw the resemblance, then Shawn and Caroline are going to. Hell, Caroline saw the resemblance between Belle and Brady before *we* even realized. She's not going to miss the fact that these two kids practically look like clones."
"John-" Marlena sighed irritably.
"I'm sorry Doc. That came out wrong. I just think we need to deal with this head on. It's not something that's going to go away." His voice softened as he looked up at her. "Honey I'm not trying to make life difficult. I know you're tired and that you've been through hell these last few months-"
"I'm fine John," Marlena interrupted, a little annoyance sounding in her voice. "I'm not trying to put this off, I just think that maybe we're making this more complicated than it needs to be."
"How do you mean?" John stroked the soft down on the baby's head almost unconsciously.
"I mean that..." she sighed gently. "Well let's face it. Who already knows the truth? Roman, Sami, Laura and Mike. Along with Lucie and probably Roman's girlfriend knows more than a little of the truth. Then there's Alice Horton whom I am *sure* suspects *something*." A small smile touched her lips. "You can't keep much a secret in a hospital like this John. I think our close family deserves to know the truth and they deserve to hear it from us."
"You think they'll be able to understand about the babies being twins?" John frowned pensively.
"About as well as we do?" Marlena shrugged. "I don't think you’re giving them enough credit." She looked across at the tiny baby in the crib beside her and smiled. "They're going to adore these two, however they understand or don't understand what happened."
"You got that right."
Marlena looked up to see Sami standing in the doorway.
"Oh *hi* sweetie girl!" A huge smile lit up her face as she welcomed her daughter into the hospital room. "It's so good to see your beautiful face."
"It's so good to see you!" Sami's expressive blue eyes widened as she neared the hospital bed. "I was getting really worried last night, waiting for John to call."
"Nothing to worry about," Marlena squeezed her hand before patting a space on the edge of the bed. "We did just fine. All of us."
"So I see," Sami grinned as she looked over at John. The way he was looking at his new son was enough to melt her heart. "Are you going to introduce me to my new brothers?"
"Oh my," Marlena looked surprised for a split second and then chuckled quietly. "Gosh, why do I suddenly feel too old for all this?"
"You're not too old, Doc," John looked up, his blue eyes burning passionately. "You'll never be too old to be a Mom to and love your kids." He smiled at the surprise on her lips. "Besides, you don't look a day older than the day I met you."
"Such a charmer," Marlena shook her head as she turned back to Sami. "We haven't named the boys yet, Sami."
"Well, that's okay," Sami shrugged happily, revelling in the happy family atmosphere that was pervading the room. "I'll just call 'em tyke one and tyke two."
"Well, in that case," John rose from the chair and walked to the bed. "This is tyke one. Say hello to your big sister, kid."
"Hi there," Sami cooed as John placed the tiny bundle in her arms. "My goodness, aren’t you tiny. You forget how tiny they are when they're newborn, don't you?" she turned to Marlena.
"You really do," Marlena nodded her head with a proud smile. "I remember when you and Eric were that size. I remember how the day they placed you in my arms was the happiest, proudest day of my life."
Sami said nothing for the longest moment as the baby stretched out his hand and waved it around. But when she looked up, Marlena could see that her eyes were glistening even as she smiled.
"It's the greatest feeling, isn't it?"
"Yes it is, and I've cherished it each and every time." Marlena shared a private smile with her eldest daughter.
"He's beautiful," Sami looked back down at the baby. "He looks a lot like you, John."
"Nooo, don't say that!" John joked as he perched himself on the edge of the bed and slipped his arm around Marlena. "Poor kid doesn’t deserve a curse like that!"
"You idiot," Marlena hit him gently. "Sami, your *other* brother is in the crib."
"Oh," Sami slid off the bed and went to stand over the crib. "Oh gosh, how cute is he?"
"About as cute as your Mom," John replied as he grinned stupidly at Marlena.
"Oh you," Marlena said, almost shyly as he leaned over to kiss her.
"You two!" Sami exclaimed. "Keep it G-rated, will you? There are youngsters present."
"Can't help it," John shrugged nonchalantly. "I'm *crazy* about her."
"John, honey," Marlena giggled, "you're just crazy, period."
"If I am, then you're my salvation, baby," he returned with an air of seriousness that stole the smile from Marlena's lips and left her heart pounding against her ribs.
"So when are you going to tell Granma and Grandpa and the rest of the family the truth about you two?" Sami moved back to the bed, cradling 'tyke one' in her arms. "I can't *wait* to see Eric's face. He's gonna just *die*."
"Well, we were just talking about it," Marlena looked at John. "I guess it would be easier to tell them all together, wouldn't it?"
"I guess so," John frowned. The idea of repeating the bizarre story over and over didn't really hold much appeal.
"Hang on," Sami raised her eyebrows. "I've got an idea. Why don't we have a family get-together when you go home and you can tell everybody then? It could be kind of a welcome-home, welcome to the family party." She shrugged with an expectant look on her pretty face. "What do you think?"
"What are we supposed to say until then Sami?" Marlena asked carefully.
"Oh, well," Sami's demeanour fell," I don't know. I guess... you could just stall their questions and tell them you'll explain everything in due course." She cocked her head on one side. "I mean, after everything that's happened, it's not like they'll be camping out on your doorstep looking for answers. I'm sure they'll be happy enough if you ask them to wait a couple of days."
"She has a point Doc," John shrugged casually. Marlena returned his look with an uncertain one of her own and then looked at 'tyke two' in his crib. Coming to some kind of resolution, she looked at her daughter. "Okay Sami, but I'll have to play it by ear. I don't want to lie to people any more. I've had enough of that."
"You shouldn't need to," Sami said gently. "Just do like I said. Tell them that you'll explain everything, but in a few days when you're feeling a little more up to it. I'm *sure* they'll understand. And if they don't," she gave them a sunny smile, "Dad and I can run interference if you need it. Let's face it, after what you've been through recently, this is like a walk in the park!"
"Thanks, baby girl," Marlena returned her smile. She was right of course. After everything that had happened in the last few months, this was the good times. It was time they had a break and she knew that the family was going to be thrilled about this. So why sweat the small stuff?
After all, everything from here on out was going to go right, she just had a feeling about it. She and John were finally together; they had all their children safe and sound.... Her positivity dampened slightly as she thought about Carrie. Well, *almost* all their children.... But even despite the situation with Carrie, things were finally looking like they were starting to go right, and she wasn't going to spend one more minute than she had to, worrying about things that might never happen.
After all, with Kristen gone and their children safe, what could go wrong now....?