True to his word, John had been back at the penthouse in time to pick Marlena up. Along with her suitcases, which he made a great show of carrying to the elevator as though they were weighed down with bricks.
They made it to the appointment with David Robbins slightly late but were grateful to find that, just as Eugene had promised, nothing was wrong with the baby. After a scan and a thorough examination, Dr. Robbins agreed with Mike's assessment, that the scare was simply Marlena's body telling her to slow down. And he was more than happy to agree with the suggestion that they go away somewhere quiet and relaxing for a few days. It would be beneficial both to the baby, and to Marlena's peace of mind he told John and it was just what he would have suggested had they not brought it up first.
After the appointment, John and Marlena walked out to the car, both of them highly aware that they mustn't look anything more than good friends. They were careful to keep their distance until they made it to the Jeep when John softly brushed Marlena's hand with a secretive smile.
"What are you up to?" Marlena asked curiously as John opened the door of the jeep and helped her climb up into the comfortable passenger's seat.
"Oh," he winked at her, his mouth sweeping into a wide smile. "You'll find out."
"John!" she wailed in exasperation. She was getting incredibly annoyed with his smug enjoyment of the situation, but the more she showed her irritation, the more he would revel in it. The best thing to do was just to stay calm and try and trick him into giving it up. It wasn't like she wasn't capable of it. John wasn't exactly strong when it came to matters of the flesh, after all.
"Never mind Doc," he climbed into the seat next to her. "It'll all be revealed soon enough."
"How soon is soon enough?" she curled her fingers around his lower thigh and began to work them upwards over the thick denim. "I don't know how long I can wait to find out." Her voice was warm and seductive and John was amazed by how fast she could reduce him to quivering disarray.
"Soon *enough*," he repeated firmly after clearing his throat and he deliberately lifted her hand from his leg and placed it back on her side of the car.
"You're no fun," she pouted softly as he started up the engine and pulled out of the parking lot.
"You wanna tell me that again in about six hours?" John grinned.
"You're incorrigible," she couldn't help smiling, his mood was so infectious.
"I'll bet you say that to all the boys,' John teased her as he swung around over the off ramp that headed for the interstate.
"John?" Marlena looked at the signs that they were hurtling past. "John, please tell me where we're going?"
"On our trip." He replied blandly but he couldn't keep the laughter from his voice as she slapped his arm frustratedly.
"You are *so* not fair," she crossed her arms across the top of her extended belly. "I'm not supposed to be under any stress remember?"
"Nice try Doc," he leaned over and switched on the radio, the soft music swelling through the car. "Why don't you just sit back, relax and enjoy the scenery? Surely that can't be too stressful."
She looked over at him for a moment, her eyes flashing olive green as she regarded him.
"Impossible," she murmured eventually. "Absolutely impossible."
It wasn't that much later that John turned around to find Marlena dozing, her golden hair half-falling over her face. It was what he had been counting on. Her pregnancy, combined with the emotional stress and being up for half the night, was more than likely to take its toll and he had been hoping she would sleep during the drive. He brushed the hair away from her face with a tender smile and then drew his fingers over her rounded belly.
"You have a wonderful mommy little baby," he smiled ruefully, "a wonderful, sweet, gentle mommy. You are one lucky kid." As though in response, the baby squirmed comfortably beneath his hand and he chuckled lightly. "You got that right kid, you got that right."
Roman eased himself onto the bench next to Eugene and cast his eye over where Belle and Brady were playing on the swings.
"I take it John got hold of you?" he murmured.
"Yeah," Q nodded, the headache pounding painfully somewhere inside his forehead.
"So what happened?" Roman leaned back, sliding both of his arms along the back of the bench, still watching the children with a fatherly eye.
"Happened?" Eugene wasn't at all sure he wanted to talk about this and his first thought was to play dumb.
"The two of them, going away together? John not knowing how to get hold of you?" Roman pursed his lips. "That wasn't supposed to be how the play goes is it?"
Q was silent for a moment, watching Brady jump off the swing and push Belle, her golden hair glinting in the sun in a way that reminded him wrenchingly of Marlena.
"It wasn't working," he answered eventually. "It was just.... too complicated."
Roman looked over at him curiously, seeing the lines etched around dark eyes that stared out of a pale, drawn face.
"You've got it bad for her haven't you?" there was no answer as Q frowned pensively. "I know the signs." Roman added with a sigh. "So, you moved out?"
"Last night," Q nodded, folding his arms stiffly. "We," he stared at the children, trying to ignore the stinging of his eyes. "We fought. She and John fought." He shook his head defeatedly. "It was just a huge mess Roman." He looked up at Marlena's ex-husband with haunted eyes. "I can't stop loving her. Just because I can't have her doesn't mean I can just stop wanting her or loving her."
"If you ever work out how to stop, you'll be a lucky man," Roman murmured quietly. "So she and John were fighting too?"
"John was still angry at her for being with me," Q sighed and sat back again. "And of course Marlena blamed herself for everything under the sun."
"Of course," Roman nodded his head before delving fingers through his curly hair.
Typical John. Nothing was ever good enough for him. It wasn't just good enough that Marlena wanted him back. No, she had to have been faithful to him when they were apart, even when he was off making whoopee with God knows who. He would never understand what Marlena saw in the guy. But unfortunately, John was who she wanted, so that was the way it had to be.
"So John wanted you to go?"
"No actually, he was the one that wanted me to stay," Q cocked his head on one side, examining the irony of that statement. "*She* thought it was best if I left."
"Can't imagine *you* wanted to stay," Roman commented. The thought of living in the same house as Marlena and her lover held less than zero appeal for him too and he couldn't exactly blame Eugene for wanting to get out. "So what about Kristen?"
"Well they're going away while Kristen comes out of the sedation. John's 'business trip' is supposed to be fortuitous timing."
"You think she'll buy that?" Roman looked a little surprised. "Seems awfully chancy to me."
"Probably less chancy than Marlena staying in that penthouse by herself," Gene pointed out. "With Stefano on the loose and Kristen rightly suspecting that John is dallying with Marlena....."
"She'd be a sitting duck," Roman finished for him with a nod. "Point taken. Probably best that they get away then."
"John and Marlena?" the feminine voice came from behind them and Roman's heart sank. "Did I just hear you say that John and Marlena are going away together?" Laura Horton watched two sets of eyes turn on her guiltily. "I *did*!" A smile graced her face as she moved around to the front of the bench and perched herself on the edge next to Roman. "So tell me what's going on then."
"So," Stefano stared into the distance, his thick fingers resting on the back of the chair. "John and Marlena have gone away together." His eyes dropped, refocusing on the attractive woman in the armchair opposite. She was petting a languidly purring Persian cat, a calculating smile curling her lips. "Do you know where?"
"No," the woman looked up. "He didn't say. It was supposed to be a surprise."
"Contact?" Stefano arched thick, dark brows.
"He has his cell phone. He said to call him on that in the case of any problems."
"And Kristen?" Stefano's countenance darkened as he considered his beloved daughter. He was torn between revealing himself to her and accomplishing the unfolding of his plans as he had intended. Given what he knew of Kristen's situation at the moment, it could be risky to say the least.
"She suspects it seems," the young woman ran a well-manicured nail through the fur on the cat's head and its purr deepened. "She's sedated at the moment, but Dr. Horton plans to wean her off the sedatives. They're hoping she will have forgotten what happened."
"Is that likely?" Stefano's lips were pursed, white with anger. Kristen was his daughter and she was suffering because of John Black. As she had suffered for how many years now? How could he stand by and watch the man destroy the lives of those he loved? He had already destroyed Tony's; Stefano would not let him take Kristen too. Or Marlena.
"Don't know," she shrugged her shoulders. "She's your daughter Stefano."
"Yes." The word rolled sibilantly off his tongue like it was that of a snake. "Yes she is." He regarded his companion silently for a moment. "Can you find out where they are?"
"John and Marlena?" she clarified. "Maybe. If I wanted to."
"And what if *I* wanted you to?" His voice was low but carried the unmistakable hint of a threat.
"Well, since you need me as much as I need you Stefano," she shrugged again, quite nonchalantly. "I would hope if you did, you might ask a little more.... *nicely*."
Stefano said nothing, but bared his teeth in a chilling smile. A semblance of laughter shook him as he looked at her.
"You are right of course. Please forgive my manners."
"Of course," she nodded gracefully as she gave the feline in her lap one final stroke before letting it jump off her lap. Standing up, she smoothed the short black skirt over her tanned legs.
"You'll keep me informed?" Stefano held out his hand.
"Don't I always?" she returned flirtatiously as she placed her hand in his. He leaned over and pressed his lips to the cool skin before straightening.
"Always." He smiled knowingly as she turned to leave. "Always my dear."
"I knew it!" Laura grinned happily. "That night at the pub, I just knew there was more going on that you were all telling. John and Marlena...." she sighed with a contented smile before she looked up at the two men. "The baby is John's I take it?"
"Yes," Eugene nodded, a touch of sadness clouding his eyes. "When John found out, he assumed it was mine and Marlena was too angry at the time to tell him otherwise. And then with Kristen being so unstable...."
"Oh I'm so happy for her," Laura raised her shoulders in an expression of joy and then dropped them. "Mike knows doesn't he? No wonder he was being so secretive." She followed it through in her mind. "I guess it's a difficult situation with Kristen."
"More difficult than you know Laura," Roman looked concerned, "which is why you have to promise not to tell *anyone* about this. Not Alice, not anyone."
"Who does know?" Laura asked carefully.
"Apart from us and Mike?" Roman thought about it for a moment. "Sami knows. Trudie knows some of it."
"Maya, the nurse that John hired to look after Kristen knows that John is with Marlena," Q added as he looked back at where the children scurried around the playground, "and so does his assistant Nicole."
"And of course Marlena's nanny Lucie knows pretty much what is going on." Roman finished the list.
"Ah yes, Lucie," Laura looked speculative. "Interesting girl."
"I don't know if that's quite the adjective I'd use," Q said tightly as he pushed himself off the bench. He crossed his arms across his chest and began to pace irritably.
"Mike seems to find her quite fascinating," Laura's voice held mild amusement. "But you don't need to worry about me, I won't tell a soul."
"Thanks Laura," Roman sat back against the bench. "It's messy enough as it is."
"So where does all this leave you Eugene?" Laura asked gently. She knew how much the man loved Marlena. It was obvious simply from the way that he couldn't keep his eyes off her. He adored her and this had to be hell on him.
"Without a place to live as of last night," Q cast his eyes back over the playground, catching sight of a delighted Belle as she patted a puppy that had come up to her. His heart lurched quite unexpectedly as he was reminded again of just how much he had lost when he had walked out of the penthouse last night. He frowned broodingly as he revised his thought. Her hadn't lost anything because it had never been his to begin with. He had only tried to kid himself for a time that they were. "I booked into the Salem Inn this morning until I find a place."
"What did you do till then?" Roman asked sympathetically watching his old friend as he struggled with his emotions. Eugene wasn't exactly the same man he had known, but he still knew him well enough to see the pain that was fleetingly in his eyes before he managed to hide it.
"Sat by the lake," Q sighed as he sank back down to the bench, dropping his head into his hands dejectedly. "Did a lot of thinking. Not that it really got me anywhere."
"I'm sorry Eugene," Laura said gently, "I really am."
"Thanks Dr. Horton," Q acknowledged her kind words with a nod. "But I'm probably not deserving of too much compassion. I knew what I was getting myself into. And I made some bad mistakes."
"Eugene, if no one made mistakes, I'd be out of a job," her voice was warm and caring and he found himself quite touched by her empathy. "Whatever happened, you're still hurting and I'm sorry for that. You're a good man and you deserve happiness."
Eugene turned around to look at her, surprise gracing his face. No one but Marlena had said that to him for..... for more years than he could care to remember. You're a good man. Most of the time they just told him he was a nuisance. A troublemaker. *No* good.
"Thank you," he said humbly. "That means a lot to me."
"Tell you what," she leaned across Roman and put a hand on Eugene's knee. "With Jennifer and Jack away on their travels, there's a spare room in the house. You'd have to put up with Mike and me, but if you would like to come and stay, we'd love to have you."
Q blinked, surprised for the second time in as many minutes.
"You want me to stay with you?" he asked, trying to confirm what he thought he had just heard.
"Sure, why not?" she drew back, a smile wide on her face. "I'm sure Marlena would like to know that you are staying with someone she knows and it keeps you just that little bit closer to everything that's going on." She shrugged. "Of course you don't have to if you don't want to."
"Well, that's not it at all," Gene shook his head, "it's just that..... well, you barely know me. I don't understand why you would want me to stay in your house."
"Eugene, Marlena is my friend. And I know you are a good friend to her as she's been a good friend to me. This is a little way of repaying her kindness." She leaned her head on one side. "But besides that, she cares about you a lot and she has never had anything but good things to say about you ever since I have known her. Marlena's a good judge of character and if you're her friend, then you're my friend." Her smile danced in her green eyes. "And I just happen to like you anyway, even if I don't know you that well." She held out her hand to him. "So what do you say? Will you come and be my houseguest?"
"Sounds like a deal you can't pass up Eugene," Roman laughed. "Pretty woman offering you a bed. You can't turn that down."
"I guess not," Q took Laura's hand in his and shook it with a widening smile. "I'd be honoured to be your houseguest Dr. Horton."
"Well, if you're going to be living with me, we'd better get one thing straight right away," Laura's face took on a serious tone for a moment and then dissolved back into a smile. "My name isn't Dr. Horton, it's Laura."
Marlena's eyes fluttered open slowly, and she rolled her head reflexively as she was assaulted by the glare of the setting sun.
"Well hello sleepyhead," John glanced over at her with a tender smile. She looked absolutely adorable with her hair all mussed up and her cheeks reddened with the warmth of the sun. "I was wondering when you were going to wake up."
"Mmmmmm," she brushed the hair out of her eyes with the back of her hand. "How long have I been asleep?"
"Several hours," the corner of his mouth twitched upwards as he looked at the road ahead of him.
"*Hours?*" she repeated him as though the idea was patently absurd.
"Hours," he grinned as she quickly checked her watch. "You were tired Doc, you needed it."
"Obviously," she settled back against the seat and looked out of the window at the scenery which passed by fleetingly. "So where are we?"
"In the middle of nowhere," John replied non-committally.
"Well we must be in the middle of *somewhere*," she replied like he was an idiot, "because look, there's bushes and trees out there."
"Well I guess I can't fool you for a minute Doc," he laughed. "It's true that we're not in Arizona."
"Have I told you lately that you're a pain in the neck?" she asked, her face utterly serious.
"It may have cropped up in conversation," John grinned, enjoying the relaxed banter. It was a long time since it had felt this easy between them and he intended to relish every moment of this trip.
Marlena fell silent as she watched the landscape around her. The sun was sinking rapidly towards the horizon, its echo painting the sky with streaks of pink and bronze as the fields around them emerged golden with the last rays of the summer evening.
"It's so pretty," she sighed contentedly. It seemed the further they got away from Salem, in whatever direction they were going, the more her stress seemed to fall away. Maybe it was just that they were leaving all the problems behind. Kristen, Gene, the past. Even the future wasn't a consideration right now. All that she was aware of was the present. And John, and how right it felt to be here with him right now. She didn't think she could get any happier.
"*You're* so pretty," John reached over and covered one of her hands with his. "I should tell you that every day. How incredibly beautiful you are and how much I love you and how lucky I am to have you in my life...."
"I think you do," she loosened her fingers so that his slid easily between them. "Tell me every day I mean."
"Well, I don't want you forgetting it okay?" Her hand was warm in his and it felt familiar and good. "I don't want either of us to ever have to go through any of this heartache again."
"Neither do I," she said softly. "And that's why it won't happen. We know better than that now."
"Well yeah," he nodded with a smile, "except I'm still trying to work out what an incredible woman like you sees in a working slob like me."
"I already told you that." She squeezed his hand, all her love for him concentrating in that single, magical touch. "I love so many things about you I couldn't list them all. I love your humanity, your loyalty, your need to do the right thing. I love the way you love our children." Her voice became velvety as he loosened his fingers and spread them over her belly. "I love the way you love Roman's children as if they were your own. I love the way you touch me, physically and emotionally. I love your values and your honesty and your integrity." She gazed at him, her eyes shining. "Like I said, there are just too many things to list."
John couldn't say anything for a moment. Sometimes when she talked to him, when she expressed herself so unselfconsciously, he was blown away by the depth of her love for him. To him, loving her was as natural as breathing. She was the sun that he orbited around. She always had been and she always would be. But to know that she felt the same kind of passion for him was truly humbling. And it made him realize that he was indeed the luckiest man that walked the face of the earth.
"Oh," the sparkle in her eyes brightened as her smile was tinged with mischief. "And your body. I love your body. Can't forget that."
"Of course," he felt the small stirring inside her that was their child and the swell of emotion he felt suddenly intensified. Sometimes it was painful to realize that the only real regret in his life was losing too much time with the woman he loved through his own weakness.
"Hey," she interrupted his thoughts, gently brushing her thumb across his cheek. "Why so serious?"
"I..." he shook his head, making an effort to loose the frown and relax again. "Nothing important Doc."
"If it upsets you then it's important to me," she told him, dropping her hand to his shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze. "Tell me what it is."
"I.... I just wish I hadn't wasted all that time. Time we should have been together." He shook his head, fixing his blue-gray eyes on the road ahead. His voice was gravelly as he continued. "All that time, when you were unhappy and alone. I should have *known* Doc. If I had only known..."
"John," she interrupted firmly, not allowing him the chance to carry on. "It's not your fault. I did my very best not to let you know how I felt. I didn't want you to know."
"But Doc that was only because you thought I was happy. If I hadn't-"
"John, it's the past." She shook her head. "You keep telling me that I can't beat myself up over things that are done and gone. Well that's done and gone. We've learnt our lessons." She slid her hand carefully down his arm to his hand, which still rested against her stomach. She let him digest her words and then she continued. "Let's focus on what we have now and making the most of the wonderful chance we have. Okay, so we lost a couple of years we might have had, but we have the rest of our lives together. *That's* what's important. Not what we could have had. What we do have and what we will have."
John allowed himself a rueful smile as he glanced at her.
"There's not much feeling sorry for myself when you're around is there Doc," he teased her. "How did you get to be so wise anyway?"
"I've been lucky," her voice was throaty and emotional. "I've had second chances that have taught me how precious life is. And I've had the fortune to have three beautiful children that love me, as well as Carrie and Brady who I thank God for bringing into my life every day. And now I'm going to be blessed with two more angels." She pressed her hand flat over John's where it touched her belly, her eyes glistening. "And I have you loving me. Wanting to share my life. I have so much to be thankful for that I don't have time to dwell on the past or what might have been. Why would I want to waste time doing that?"
"You shouldn't," he lifted her hand to his mouth and pressed his lips to the warm skin. "You're right. We have more than enough to be happy for. And I am happy Doc. I'm beyond happy."
"It's only going to get better," she told him. "There will be bad times but we can get through those. The good times though...."
"They're going to be the best," he finished for her. "Always the very best."
"Yes," she curled her fingers around his and glanced at the road that stretched out before them. "Nothing but the best."
It took a moment before the sign they passed registered and she looked at John, the smile that seemed to be a permanent fixture at the moment only widening as it hit her.
"John?" His answering smile was all she needed. "West Virginia? We're holidaying in West Virginia?"
"Well, can you think of a better place to start our new life together?" John asked as he headed towards the interstate exit. "West Virginia is where we began baby, I'd like to make our new start here too. Except this time I'm plain old John Black," he looked over at her, azure eyes ringed with indigo, "and you are free to make a commitment to me. I want that commitment to start tonight. In the place where we started this thing between us all those years ago."
Marlena said nothing for a moment, just stared at the darkening landscape as it passed her by.
"You're not upset are you Doc?" he asked suddenly, afraid that this has brought back bad memories rather than good ones.
"Oh no," she turned to him with a swift shake of her head, tears shimmering on her lashes. "Not at all. I think it is the sweetest most romantic idea..... I love it."
Leaning over, she planted a soft kiss on his cheek.
"There's nowhere on earth I would rather be than with you, right here. It's perfect."
"Good," he gave a sigh of relief. "You had me worried there for a moment." He looked at her, golden eyes glowing with the remainder of the sun. "I just want you to be happy Doc."
"I am happy," she nodded in such a way that John was left with no doubt as to the truth of her words. "You make me so happy."
"Nowhere near as happy as you make me baby," he whispered softly as he turned onto the road that would take them to their cabin and their few days of absolute bliss.
They arrived at the cabin to find it small and simple, not unlike the one owned by the Hortons on Smith Island. John opened the door and Marlena looked around the interior of the cabin with a smile on her face. He set down the bags, telling her that the place was owned by a friend of Nicki's and Marlena took the time to walk around the small building, drawing her hand along textured surfaces, using every sense to take in the aura of the place.
Despite it's simplicity and remoteness, the cabin was comfortably furnished and it had an ambiance that she found herself immediately falling in love with. She knew that it was the ideal place to relax and get away from the stressful realities of their lives and get acquainted with each other again. And that was something they were going to do more than happily.
They slept late the next morning, happy to lie in each other's arms and simply enjoy being together with no distractions or reasons to rush away for either of them. Finally they made it out of bed and John cooked Marlena a late brunch with the supplies that he had brought with him. Then, late in the afternoon, he packed a picnic basket and took the biography that Marlena was engrossed in out of her hands. She reached for the book, the elegant gold cipher on the cover flashing in the sunlight but John was too fast for her and he tossed it on the table out of her grasp.
"C'mon beautiful," he said with a smile, "there's time for Judy later. Right now, we're going out."
"Where?" she asked, dubiously eyeing the blanket he had tucked under one arm.
"For a picnic," John answered evasively.
"Well I can see that," she accepted his hand to help her up as she used her other to support her back. "But where is this picnic?"
"You'll find out soon enough," his blue eyes sparkled, a similar colour to the sunshine-drenched sky outside, "but I do think you should put on some good walking shoes. And bring a warm jacket," he added mischievously.
"I'm not going tramping around the wilderness in this state!" Marlena protested immediately as she laid her hands protectively over her stomach.
"No tramping Doc," he laughed. "Just a gentle walk." She still looked doubtful despite his reassurance and he caught her hand in his. "A short walk okay? Just trust me baby."
"All right," she nodded eventually with her own impish grin, "I'll put our lives in your hands."
"Don't pull any punches do you Doc?" Fishing the keys out of his pocket, he handed them to her. "I'll be right out after you."
"We're taking the car?" she asked, a little surprised.
"Well unless you do want to do that tramp you were talking about, yeah," he nodded. "We just walk the last few minutes, that's all."
"Oh okay then," she took the keys and looked around for her shoes, which were hiding under the kitchen table. Slipping her feet into them, she leaned over to do up the laces. She managed to get one set finished but she was forced to straighten up with a groan of pain as the baby meted out one of its well-aimed kicks.
"I don't ever remember Belle being this brutal," she said breathlessly as she rubbed her side, which was now quite tender.
"That's because Belle takes after her Daddy." John kneeled down in front of her and tied her other lace with a big smile on his face. "You know, gentle and placid..."
"Oh please!" she laughed, "I think *this* kid is taking after you, argumentative and unable to sit still for five minutes."
"Hey, that sounds more like a description of *you* Doc," he helped her up again and laid her hands over her belly. "Stubborn, argumentative, always knows best."
"Oh you-" she was cut off as the baby stretched again, creating small, moving mounds under her skin.
"Hey," John smiled in wonderment as he felt his baby moving under his touch. He looked up at her, his expressive blue eyes conveying the profound joy that he felt at knowing the woman he loved carried the child they had created together. It was quite something to John and he wasn't afraid to express it. But somehow, words were never enough to tell her just how much he loved and adored her. He just hoped she understood anyway. "It's amazing isn't it?" he whispered. "The whole idea that we've created a *life*. That soon we'll have two more children to clothe and feed and love. Two more babies to hold in our arms and smell their baby smell and rock to sleep..." He lifted his hand and touched gentle fingers to her smooth cheek. "Have I told you lately how much I love you and what a wonderful woman you are?" Marlena nodded her head slightly and he beamed "Good. Because there's no one else in the world I would rather be with, than you, here, right now. And there's no one else that I could even imagine spending the rest of my life with. I can't wait to grow old with you and watch our children and grandchildren grow up."
"Hey now, don't put me in a walking frame quite yet," Marlena laughed. "I would quite like to have this baby first before I start thinking about it growing up and having children of it's own."
"I do love you Marlena," John became serious. "I don't know if I tell you that enough."
"Well, I never get tired of hearing it," she admitted with a gentle smile. "I love you too." The corners of her smile quirked upwards and her eyes twinkled. And there is no one else I would rather share my walker with than you, baby."
"That's my girl," he chuckled. "C'mon, let's go before you die of starvation."
The drive wasn't that far, but Marlena noticed that they were definitely headed upwards and when John parked the car, there was a fairly good view of the surrounding lushly verdant countryside. Helping her out of the car, he handed her a couple of cushions and asked her to carry them for him. Toting the picnic basket and blanket himself, they set out for the picnic spot.
"Oh my!" Marlena shielded her eyes against the setting sun as she surveyed the panorama in front of her. They were in an open, sloping field that was perched on the side of the hill that rose above the cabin. The valley lay below them, the river meandering along the floor, stained golden by the beginnings of what promised to be a spectacular sunset. "It's beautiful. How did you know about this place?" She turned to where John was laying out the blanket, crushing the fragrant grasses beneath his feet as he moved.
"Nicole has been out here and she told me," John walked over to her and slipped in behind her, folding his arms around her shoulders. "It's even more beautiful than she described."
"It's perfect," Marlena breathed, relaxing against him.
"You're perfect," he whispered into her hair, the heavy tresses fragrant with the citrus scent of her shampoo. Marlena said nothing, but allowed herself a contented smile as she let her eyes take in the vista spread before her.
"Okay pretty lady, would you like to come and sit down?" John loved the feeling of holding her in his arms but he could do that just as easily on the blanket and it would certainly be better for Marlena.
"Mmmmm," she couldn't have looked or sounded more relaxed as he led her to the blanket and helped her to sit down.
Taking off her jacket, Marlena leaned back against a cushion and watched the deepening sunset. The golden threads that were woven across the sky were now deepening to rich amber, shot with highlights of rose. The sky between them had darkened slightly and the effect was almost magical.
"Here," John handed her a glass of grape juice and a plate with sandwiches on it. "Sorry it's not gourmet Doc but I didn't exactly have a lot of time to get organized."
"It's wonderful honey," she told him softly. "It's just perfect."
"There are cheese and crackers too," he pulled out a round of French Brie and waved it in front of her. "And there's dessert."
"Oooh, dessert?" she raised her brows with an expectant smile.
"Well, you have to eat your dinner first you know," he said teasingly as he moved close to her. "You have to keep your strength up."
"All right Mom," she rolled her eyes. "You can stop fussing now."
"I'll never stop fussing over you sweetheart," his voice was low and she could hear his sincerity in his words and feel it in the air between them.
She didn't doubt him. She would never doubt anything he said to her because she could feel his love for her all the time. She could feel it in the way he talked and the way he touched her, or even the way he looked at her, especially when he thought she wasn't looking. She felt blessed and incredibly lucky to have such a wonderful man loving her and caring for her.
"Life just doesn't come any better than this," she sighed as she leaned back against John. He was warm and solid and he smelt wonderful as he draped his arm around her shoulder.
"You're right," John agreed as he watched the sun sinking slowly behind coppery clouds. "I think this is one of those perfect moments that I will always remember." He stopped to contemplate his words and then leaned his head on one side so that he could see her face. "Do you have those moments Doc?"
"Mmmmm, a few." She nodded, a nostalgic smile on her face. "When they put DJ in my arms the first time. And I felt the same way with Sami and Eric." She turned to look at him. "When we walked through Stockholm in the moonlight. And that night on the beach in Miami.... Right before we found Roman. You kissed me...." She smiled almost bashfully. "It was so unexpected but it felt so *right*. And I wanted you back so very badly."
"I'm sorry Doc," he brushed the hair from her face with clumsy fingers. "I know that time was very hard for you. If I could go back and change it..."
"But you can't," she shook her head, "didn't we promise not to waste regret on the past?"
"I just...." he shook his head with a hint of sadness, "I just wasn't very fair to you Doc. I was.... it was so unexpected and I didn't want to hurt Isabella but my heart was telling me that I still loved you as deeply as I had all those years ago. So I tried very hard not to listen to what my heart was telling me. And sometimes I would just forget because you are so very beautiful and you get under a man's skin so that he can never totally forget...." he laughed lightly as he listened to himself. "I'm rambling aren't I? Where were we?"
"You're not rambling," she leaned her head against him, feeling the roughness of the stubble that lined his cheek against her temple. "We both tried very hard to forget. We did the best we could. But our love was too strong to ignore." Her voice became husky as she recalled how devastating it had been to come to that conclusion. "We learnt that lesson the hard way. But it's not all bad. After all, we made vows to each other in front of God. Vows that we meant and that our hearts never forgot. That's why we're here now." She smiled again, tenderly as she looked up at him. "When I married you. When we made our vows to each other.... That was a very special, very perfect moment."
"That was the highlight of my life," John told her simply. "And the only thing that will top it is when I say my vows to you in front of all our family and friends. And our children," he added happily. "And I'll say those vows as John Black and we'll really be married. This time, everything will be perfect."
"Married?" Marlena pushed away from him and turned around, blinking rapidly. "Are you-"
"I was going to leave this until later," he put down his glass and turned back to her. "But somehow with this amazing sunset and us being here in West Virginia, talking about the past and the future, somehow it brings everything full circle." He levered himself up from his sitting position and got to his feet. Reaching into the pocket of his jacket, he pulled out a small box and moved down so that he was on the slope below her. And then, slowly, he knelt down on one knee. Flushing pink in the sparkling sunset, Marlena looked up at him with tawny eyes that echoed the burning sun.
"Sweetheart, I know this is a little premature with everything we have to deal with, but I know what I want. It's what I've always wanted." He reached out and took her hand in his. She trembled slightly as he rolled his thumb across the back of her hand and he gripped the box tightly in front of him. He didn't think he had ever felt quite so nervous as he did at this moment, laying his hopes and dreams here at her feet in the deep golden twilight. "I love you. I've always loved you. Doc, my heart is bound to yours and I never want to be anywhere but by your side."
He swallowed, his throat suddenly dry as he stumbled over his words. "When I first saw you... there was something about you... something that spoke to my soul. I think that's why it was so easy to believe I was Roman, because I felt like I'd known you forever. And because it meant that you were my wife, and there was nothing more I wanted in the world." He laughed lightly, shaking his head. "I'm rambling again aren't I?"
"No," Marlena's voice was choked with emotion as she shook her head. "No you're not."
"What I'm trying to say Doc is, I know it might sound sappy, but I know in my heart that we are meant to be together. Without you in my life..." he contemplated the thought for a moment, "my life is just wrong." A little shiver rippled through Marlena and traveled through their linked hands to John. "Here I am Doc," he said softly. "Just me, just John Black. I don't have a past, but with you. But I offer you my future. I offer you my heart and my soul and everything I am, if you'll have me."
He flipped open the ring box, the large round diamond dancing with fire in it's solitary setting, as it echoed the crimson blaze of the setting sun. He was shaking as he took the ring from its soft velvet home and discarded the box. He renewed his grasp on her hand, his gaze caught by her expressive eyes and his voice softened as he spoke the words that he had practiced over and over in his head. "Marlena Evans, would you do me the incredible honour of agreeing to become my wife?" He smiled nervously. "You'll make me the happiest man on earth if you do."
"John," she shook her head in astonishment, not knowing quite what to say. The whole thing was absolutely stunning, from the backdrop with the darkening skies and the shimmer of the lingering rays of the departed sun, to the ring he held in his hand. But they were all dwarfed by the words that he spoke, by the love that he expressed and everything he promised. Not just with his words, but with the way he looked at her and the way he moved her. She loved him so much that sometimes it physically hurt. This was one of those times and she wasn't sure that she could answer him without the emotion overwhelming her.
"Doc?" he dropped his other knee to the ground and kneeled in front of her. "Say you'll do it. Say you'll walk down the aisle and join me in front of our children and our friends and family. Say you'll share those vows again with me. The ones where we promise to have and to hold each other from that day forward. Where we vow to trust and love and cherish each other till death do us part..." His heart was pounding so hard in his chest that it was almost painful as he waited for her answer.
Marlena struggled for a moment to find the words. How did one find anything eloquent to say after something as profoundly heartfelt as that? Finally she opened her mouth and the words just seemed to come.
"I don't know why death should make any difference," she whispered. "I think our love transcends death. At least I hope it does. I want to have and to hold you forever." A tear shimmied down her cheek as her smile echoed the one that was growing on John's face. "For better and for worse. For richer and for poorer."
"In sickness and in health," John finished for her. "For always."
"For always," she echoed him, her voice rich and velvety as she caught John's questioning eyes. "Yes!" she nodded joyfully, the tears falling faster now. "Yes, of course I'll marry you!"
"*Yes*!" he caught her up in his arms and pulled her to him in an ecstatic embrace. "*Yes*!" Remembering that he had one more task to perform, he pulled back and fixing her with a huge grin, he spread the fingers of her left hand. With the gentlest of touches, he slid the glittering ring over the end of her third finger and eased it down the length of her finger until it was sitting in place on her graceful hand.
"You did say yes didn't you?" he asked with a silly grin "Just to make sure I didn't misunderstand or anything."
"Yes I said ?yes'," she laughed, swiping at the tears that dampened her cheeks. "Of course I said yes. I love you, I'll *always* love you. I can't wait to tell the whole world that."
"Neither can I," John's laughter was full of joy. "And I'm not going to." He pushed himself up and shrugged off Marlena's questioning look. Setting off at a jog, he neared the bottom of the field where it overhung the valley.
"SHE SAID YES!" he yelled at the top of his voice. "I'M IN LOVE WITH DOC AND SHE'S GOING TO MARRY ME!" He turned around, and even from a distance, Marlena could see his eyes were shining. In fact, he almost glowed with happiness. And once again, she was awed by just how much he loved her. She wasn't sure she deserved that love and devotion but she certainly wasn't about to let it go either.
"I LOVE YOU DOC!" He shouted between ecstatic laughter. She echoed his laughter with her own that welled up joyously within her.
"I LOVE YOU TOO," she called back as he came back towards her at a bouncing jog. Falling to his knees on the rug, he gently pushed her down onto her back and crawled up beside her. With a gleam in his eye, he drew up her hand so that she could admire the ring on her finger. It seemed as though the diamond flashed from every facet of it's several carats so that it was quite stunning and she felt very spoiled.
"That's my commitment to you Doc. Everlasting. Indestructible." He dropped her hand to her stomach and covered it with his own as he looked up at her. In the fading light, her eyes smoldered a rich coffee colour. "This ring binds us as a symbol of the love that binds our souls."
"I have never loved you more," she whispered, "than I do at this moment."
"And I love you more, with every moment that passes," he murmured as he dropped his head closer to hers. Suddenly, he chuckled. "Is it just me or am I sounding like a really bad romance novel?"
"I think we're both tending that way." She smoothed the dark hair from his face with a look of amusement curving her lips. "But that's okay. Everyone has to read a bad novel once in a while. It's one of life's guilty pleasures."
"Can't say as I've tried it" John linked his fingers with hers and slid his elbow upwards so that he was lying on his side with his head in his hand.
"You should try it some time," she laughed. "Anyway, my point is, you're allowed to be mushy." She fingered the feathering of silver at his temples. "I *like* it when you're mushy."
"And if I can't be mushy now, then when the hell can I, right?" John nodded his head in agreement.
"Right," her smile melted into seriousness as he bowed his head and their lips met.
She was soft and sweet with a hint of grape on her lips and the mere taste of her was addictive. His hands covered her curves with practiced ease. But somehow as always, she was new, the feel of her, the way she moved under her touch. He could never fail to be amazed by how intoxicating she was, and how much he desired her.
"How about some dessert?" he asked finally as he managed to pull himself away from her.
"I can't believe you have dessert," she shivered as he moved away, the flickering of the stars above her serving to mimic the effect of cool night air, even though it was saturated with mid-summer warmth..
"Sure I do," he reached over and pulled over the second blanket. Shaking it out, he pulled it around her shoulders. "I always come prepared."
"Of course you do," she teased him gently. "I know that about you, I really do."
"Well, I wouldn't want you to forget." He pulled a bowl out of the basket and uncovered it, "they'd sold out of strawberries though so I got....." he looked at the contents of the bowl and his face fell, "....these. Well, they looked good when I got them."
The raspberries sat in a mushy puddle at the bottom of the bowl, the juices glistening a deep, rich ruby colour.
"I'll bet they still taste great," Marlena said with a giggle, amused at his disappointment.
"See, strawberries wouldn't have done that," he pointed at the bowl. "I knew that there was a good reason for strawberries. But they didn't have any Doc."
"I know baby," she patted his arm. "Do you have any spoons?"
"Uh-huh," John dug around in the basket and produced two spoons. But it didn't seem to lighten his air of disconsolation.
"Here," Marlena let the blanket drop from around her shoulders and took one of the spoons from him as she pulled the can of whipped cream from the basket. She shook it and liberally sprayed it over the soggy berries and then, taking a spoon, she scooped out a pile of the berries, smothered with cream which was stained to a soft pink by the scarlet juices. Leaning over to John, she raised the fruit laden utensil to his mouth. His eyes burned deep indigo as he parted his lips and let her slide the sweet food in between them.
The berries tasted beautiful and sweet and his tongue curled around the spoon, cleansing it of food as Marlena withdrew it.
"That wasn't so bad, was it?"
"That was pretty damn good," John was suddenly very aroused as he looked up at her and he quickly plucked the other piece of silverware from her fingers and measured out a spoonful of the delicious desert himself. "Would you like a test taste Doc?"
"Why not?" her mouth slid into a sensuous smile as she eased down onto her elbow. John's eyes glittered darkly as he leaned across and brought the dessert-laden spoon up to her lips. She opened her mouth slightly and he scraped the dessert along her top lip as he filled her mouth with the wet, sweet fruit. She held his gaze as he withdrew the spoon and he momentarily though he might drown in her honeyed eyes as her perfect pink tongue swept the remnants of the cream and fruit from her lips.
"Mmmmm," she murmured, "tastes wonderful."
I'll bet you do. John gazed at her longingly. The air was still laden with moisture and the warmth of the receding day, but her cheeks were reddened as though there were a chill in the air.
"Here," she whispered, beckoning him closer. He raised his brows, but acceded to her wishes and shuffled closer to her. She flicked him a sensual look and dipped two of her fingers into the sticky mess. "Have you ever heard of a new variation on an old theme?" she whispered as she raised her fingers to his mouth. He barely had time to nod before she smeared the cream over his lips, the berry juice running down his chin and across her fingers. "They say a change is as good as a holiday," she murmured as she bent her head to him.
John groaned as he felt her tongue sweeping across his lips, sucking the cream from his skin. Unable to control himself, he knotted his fingers in her warm, silky hair and shared the sweetness of the dessert with her. Their tongues collided as lips claimed each other and he felt the moan that leapt from her core as one of his hands skimmed her back and pulled her close to him.
He couldn't resist her, the feel or the taste of her. Once he'd started kissing her, it was difficult to string thoughts together long enough to remember that there were other things he had to do. Like eat or sleep.
He would never be able to fathom how he let her go. He only knew he never would again. She was his world. His waking, his sleeping and the air that he breathed. And that was how he liked it. If there was such a place as heaven on earth, he had found it here with her. And he was never giving it up again.
(NB: This chapter is edited for NC-17 content. If you wish to read the unedited chapter, please click here.)
"Oh God!" Marlena pulled away from John abruptly, blinking as her hands covered her belly protectively, the sudden lust all but forgotten.
"What is it baby?" John was immediately on his knees, helping Marlena sit up.
"OH," she hunched over her stomach in an intimation of distress.
"Doc?" he brushed the hair from her eyes worriedly, one arm bracing her shoulders. "Baby, tell me what's going on, please." It was hell as he waited for her answer and the seconds felt like a small eternity as the thoughts bounced around in his brain.
Oh God I knew it was a bad idea to take her away from Salem. What the hell was I thinking? What a bloody idiot. Oh God, please let her be all right, let the baby be all right.
"Oh," the groan emanated from Marlena's throat as her head fell backwards, her eyes closed.
"Oh c'mon baby, talk to me, please tell me you're okay." John brushed his fingers across her suddenly pale cheeks. "Please Marlena, you have to be okay, I don't think I could bear it if anything was to happen to you now." He had tears in his eyes as he pleaded with her, willing her to open her eyes and tell him that everything was fine.
Because if something was wrong, all the way out here in the middle of nowhere, they could well be in very big trouble.
It seemed like eons to John before Marlena finally lifted her head and opened her eyes.
"Doc?" he asked carefully. The pain in her eyes faded as she looked at him.
"I'm sorry," she said thickly, "he just kicked me and it seemed to set off a kind of a cramping sensation. I'm okay now."
"A cramp?" John looked worried. "That doesn't sound okay."
"It *is* okay," Marlena nodded with assurance. "These things happen occasionally. It wasn't a contraction kind of cramping. It's passed now."
"But Doc," John's face portrayed his deep concern for her, "can you be sure that it won't happen again? I mean we're out here in the middle of...." He shook his head angrily. "What the *hell* was I thinking bringing you out here? If something were to happen-"
"*Nothing* is going to happen," Marlena smoothed the deep furrows in his brow with gentle fingers. "Trust me John, I'm fine and the baby is fine and I am so incredibly glad you brought me out here. It's wonderful."
He looked unsure as he watched her, weighing up in his mind the chances they were taking by staying in the mountains against the obvious good it seemed to be doing her.
"I really don't think staying here is a good idea Doc," he said gently. "If you were to have another turn like you did the other night, if you were to go into premature labour, we'd never get to a hospital in time."
"It won't happen honey," she told him reassuringly. "I promise you. Please, please let's just stay okay?"
He said nothing for long moments as he watched her. The colour was already returning to her cheeks and her eyes were glittering as she looked out over the moonlit valley.
"It's so beautiful here," she whispered, "how could anything go wrong?"
"It could be the most beautiful place on earth Doc, but that's not going to make any difference to that kid in there if he decides he's coming out early." John pointed to her stomach. "I can't take any risks with you, I can't let anything happen to you, you know that."
"Nothing will happen, don't you think I'd know if there was something wrong?" she asked, trying to put his mind at ease. "It's not like this is my first pregnancy, I do have some idea what is going on with my body."
"I didn't say you don't Doc," John frowned uneasily. "But you know as well as anything how fast things can change. I mean it was only sheer luck that I was at the cabin when you were in labour with Belle....."
"And you managed wonderfully," she smiled at the memory.
"We were just *lucky* Doc," John said his voice low and intense. "We almost lost our little girl that night. Maybe we could handle it if something happened, but maybe we couldn't. What is the point in taking a risk with our baby's life? And yours," he added grasping her fingers in his and squeezing them tightly. "You're not the only one that gets frightened Marlena. The thought of losing you," a shiver ran through him even as the words caught in his throat. "I couldn't bear it."
"It won't happen," her eyes were bright in the silvery moonlight. "I understand your fears John, I have them too. But you can't wrap me in cotton wool. I'm a big girl and I can decide what's risky and what's not. And I don't think staying here is risky. It's only a few more days isn't it?"
"That's not the point Marlena," John was starting to get annoyed. She never changed; she was always so damned stubborn.
"Well what *is* the point John?" she pulled her hand away from his and her expression cooled.
"The point is that there *is* a risk and I'm not prepared to take it, even if you are." He began to pack up the picnic dishes. "We'll drive out in the morning."
"I wish you wouldn't do this," she said angrily.
"Do what?" he turned midnight eyes on her.
"Patronize me." She crossed her arms across the top of her belly. "I feel more relaxed and happier than I have in months. That has to be *good* for the baby. And I happen to think that outweighs any small risks." She felt a little hurt as she stared at him. "Do you *really* think I would put my own baby in any kind of danger?"
"Of course I don't Marlena," he sighed, dropping the dishes that were in his hands and sitting down next to her. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply that you would. I'm just...." He looked a little embarrassed. "Doc, you know I get overprotective. It's just how I am."
"Of course I know that," she couldn't help the smile that came to her face at his concession. "Doesn't mean I have to like it, or go along with it though. I think at this point, you need to trust my judgment. Because I really want to make the most of this time we have together and I really love it here...." She looked around at the silver-drenched landscape. "Please? Just trust me on this one. The baby is safe and so am I. The moment I feel that change, I promise I'll be the first one in the car to get home."
John looked at her for a moment and then turned to study the panorama in front of him. He chewed the inside of his cheek as he thought about her plea. Despite her assurances, he was still worried about the possibility of something happening. But if he didn't respect her judgment and took her home, how would that make things between them?
"All right," he conceded eventually. "We'll stay. But if you have so *much* as a twinge lady, I'm putting you in that car and taking you straight to the nearest hospital, you hear me?"
"Well that sounds like enough incentive to behave myself," she smiled as she rubbed the palm of one hand in circles over her rounded belly.
"Good," he frowned, "and right now, we are going back to the cabin and you are going to bed." He silenced her with a firm look that brooked no further arguments.
She stared back at him, wanting nothing more than to sit out here and drink in the beauty of the landscape that surrounded them. But it was her own body that turned traitor and sealed her fate as she gave way to a yawn.
"Right," John allowed himself a grin as he relaxed a little. He was willing to trust her but he would be watching her. And the moment it looked as though anything might be wrong, he was prepared to act. But for now, he would take her back to the cabin and tuck her into bed and hold her through the night.
It seemed that Marlena was right and the next few days at the cabin passed without incident. Marlena spent time reading in the sun while John fussed over her. They went for long, gentle walks along the valley floor, Marlena stopping to pick wildflowers on the way so that the cabin was filled with a profusion of poppies and cornflowers. She was as relaxed as John had ever seen her, her belly burgeoning almost daily and her face vested with the rosy glow of good health.
It had taken him several days to relax enough to completely enjoy himself, but once he was reassured that Marlena and the baby were both safe, John stopped worrying and started enjoying himself.
He called Salem when he could and was grateful to hear that things were going better than anyone could have hoped for. Eugene had settled in as Laura's houseguest and things seemed fine so far. At the loft, Mike and Maya had all but weaned Kristen off the sedative and oddly, she seemed to have no memory of her outburst at all. She even seemed to buy the story of him being on a business trip with remarkable gullibility. None of them were willing to take it entirely on faith however, and Maya was keeping a close eye on the newly acquiescent Kristen, waiting for any sign that she was about to crumble again.
But while those at home assured him that things were under control on that front, John determined to put all his energy into making sure that he and Marlena had a few precious days together to create memories that they would always cherish.
It was early on the morning of the seventeenth that John woke with Marlena stirring restlessly beside him.
"Doc?" he stroked his fingers over her arm. "Doc, are you okay?"
"Mmmm..." her eyes flickered open in the darkness, hugely gleaming with unspoken emotion. He couldn't tell what it was, if she'd been having a nightmare or if the baby was just making it uncomfortable to sleep.
"Are you okay baby?" he whispered, the concern flooding his voice.
"Mmmm...yeah," Marlena brushed her hair back off her forehead and raised herself up onto her elbows, blinking as her eyesight adjusted to the darkness. "Yeah. I was..." she searched back in her mind to locate the discomfort that lurked just below the surface.
When it came, she was sorry she had.
All she could see in the darkness was Stefano, standing before her, holding her baby in a death grip. And she, helpless to stop him.
"Doc?" John could see her visibly pale and she shivered as the visions from the dream assailed her. With gentle, warm hands, he helped her sit up. "Baby what is it?"
"I...I don't want to talk about it," she shook her head, her eyes focused on shaking fingers, hiding her face behind a cascade of pale hair.
"Doc," his voice was firm as he slid his finger under her chin and lifted her head so that she faced him. "I won't let you do this any more. I won't let you shut me out. If you're afraid of something, I want to know what it is."
She stared at him, eyes darkly hollowed by fear.
"Stefano," she said through suddenly chattering teeth. "I dream he has the babies."
"You *dream*?" he asked carefully. "You've had this dream before?"
"Variations of it," she whispered. "The other night...." she shivered, her flesh crawling with the memory of the horrific nightmare, "...both you and Gene were.... were dead... and he...... he and Kristen," she choked back a sob, "they had the babies."
"Oh sweetheart," he pulled her into his arms, enfolding her shaking form in his warm embrace. "It's okay. I promise you it'll be okay. There's no way Stefano will get anywhere near our babies."
"How can you say that John?" she pulled away from him, tears threatening to spill from clouded hazel eyes. "He got near Carrie didn't he? Not just once, but twice. You couldn't stop him taking her when I was gone. And you weren't there when he took the twins all those years ago. God, he just walked right in and *took* them. Right under my nose." She shuddered and cursed the fear that coiled around her rationality and choked it until it was non-existent. "Dammit, he's out there John. He's just waiting and toying with us until he decides to make his next move." She delved frustrated fingers through her blonde mane.
Now that she could no longer deny the truth that Stefano had been the one that had taken Carrie, pieces were starting to fall into place like a puzzle. A jigsaw puzzle. "He sent you that d*mn puzzle piece before the shooting." John had told her about the mysterious piece while he was in the hospital, but she had refused to believe that it had anything to do with Stefano. Stefano was dead and that was that. Except he wasn't dead. And that wasn't that. *That* was very much this.
"Doc, I won't lie to you," John shook his head. "I believe that Stefano sent that puzzle piece. But his plan backfired and he's off somewhere licking his wounds right now. Roman and Abe are on the case and as long as we keep one step ahead of the old man....." he sighed edgily. "He has to make a slip up some time Doc."
"Does he?" She shook her head almost desperately, her voice hoarse and pained. "In my dreams he doesn't John. He wins. He wins the whole game......" A tear slid muted and hot down her cheek. "I can't... I don't know how we can stop him. He just keeps on taking and I don't know how to stop him." Her fingers curled into icy fists as she shook visibly, her voice drowned in fear. "I don't know if we *can* stop him."
It was the first time she had really voiced her fear of Stefano, the admission that he was alive and back in their lives almost too much for her to cope with and she choked convulsively on the tears that seemed to swamp her.
"It's okay baby," John held her in his arms again, rubbing his hand in comforting circles over her back as she wept warm tears against his bare skin. "It's okay."
He *hated* the fact that Stefano had that kind of effect on her. He would never ever forget the day that Marlena had seen the old bastard when she was pregnant with Belle. He wasn't at all sure how she would cope if she were to come face to face with him now. He only knew he didn't want to find out. And he would *kill* DiMera with his bare hands to stop it from ever happening again. "We'll find some way of making the babies safe. I promise you. We'll all be safe."
Eugene lay on his back and stared at the ceiling. A new ceiling, with a thousand new marks to catalogue and store away in his mind. Information utterly useless, but information nonetheless.
He folded his arms behind his head and sighed softly. It wasn't so bad living at Laura Horton's. She was a nice lady and they were getting along fine so far. But it wasn't the same.
Which is rather the point isn't it? he chided himself.
It was definitely easier, that was for sure. But somehow life seemed to become sluggish as he missed that wonderful little spark of expectation that came as he saw her around a corner or caught a glimpse of her through a doorway. That moment where his heart jumped into his throat and his knees threatened to resemble a soft jelly. It was insane. He wanted to escape it, but God how he missed it.
What scared him the most was that he even somehow missed the dreams.
He sighed again and twisted under the sheets to where he could see the window. The moon shone brightly but even now he could see the ghost of a glow on the horizon where the sun would rise soon enough. Soon enough that he would have to face the fact that he had spent another night sleepless. Soon enough he would face another vacant day wondering why he even bothered.
"Oh Marlena," he muttered miserably. "I don't know how to do this. I don't know how to get over you."
"Why are you even trying?"
The voice comes as a whisper out of the darkness and it sends gooseflesh rippling over Q's exposed skin.
"No," he utters, disbelieving. "*No*!"
"Marlena?" John moved her trembling body away from him and dipped his head to find Marlena's reddened eyes. "Sweetheart, it'll be okay. Somehow, between us all, we'll make it okay."
"I know you will," she sniffed, wiping the remnants of grief and trepidation away with the back of her hand. "It's just. ...sometimes....... I get frightened John."
"I know you do baby," he took her hand in his, "you wouldn't be human if you didn't."
"I try not to let it get to me," she sighed, pushing back a lock of hair with the heel of her palm. "After all this time, you would think I would have learned not to let Stefano have this much control over me."
"You're a strong woman Doc, but you're not *that* strong," John said softly. "DiMera is like a d*mn cat with nine lives and you never know where he's going to pop up next. You'd be stupid not to be wary of him. Not be afraid."
"Are you afraid, John?" she asked suddenly, staring up at him with eyes that were pools of liquid gold.
"Of course I am sweetheart," he whispered, reaching out to stroke her cheek with a trembling finger. "Until we know for sure that he's dead, or behind bars, I'm never in control. I can only anticipate what he might do next." He gazed at her so intensely that it made her chest hurt as she remembered to take a breath. "I'll do anything to protect you Marlena. I'll give my *life* to see you safe."
"Don't *say* that," she said angrily, tears suddenly swimming at the edges of her lashes.
"Well it's *true*," he said in a low growl. "Don't you know how important you are to me?"
"What about how important you are to *me*?" She pressed her lips together so that they blanched a bloodless white. "Do you know what it does to me when you say things like that? I came so close to losing you once already. Please, *please* don't ask me to ever face that again."
"I won't lie to you Doc," he shook his head. "I would do *anything* in my power to make you safe. That's just the way it is. That's the way I feel about you and I can't change it. But if it makes you feel better," he sighed lightly as he saw her face, "I don't plan on leaving you any time soon."
"I'll never forgive you if you do," she said in a tightly serious voice. "Do you have any idea what it felt like to see you lying in that hospital bed and never knowing if I would see your eyes again? Or hear your voice? And that nightmare....." she shuddered, wrapping her arms around herself as though it was some kind of protection against the terrors that haunted her. "I didn't know that my mind was capable of creating such horrors." She shook her head, her eyes stinging with the salt of her dried tears. "But it's not simply a creation John. It's not inconceivable. You can make as many glib remarks as you like, but when it comes down to it...." Her breath came with a panicked convulsion. "I'm terrified that it will come true. That he will win, he'll take you from me and I will have to live without you. I just don't want to find out if I am capable of doing that."
"You won't." He shook his head angrily. "Dammit Doc, we've made it too far to lose now. I won't let that old bastard take any more happiness from us." He could feel the fury bubble up under his words. She was right, Stefano was apt to come out of nowhere and hit them like a freight train at full speed. But this time, he would just have to be ready for him. There was no other option.
The muscle in his jaw twitched as he looked again at Marlena and then his expression softened. "Neither of us is going anywhere baby. We're stuck with each other, so we may as well get used to it." He smiled tenderly and she eventually nodded, yielding gracefully. He knew that her fears weren't really assuaged and that they were more than valid, but they couldn't live their lives balancing on the edge of a knife blade, waiting for the smallest slip. They had to live every day as it was when they were together, the most precious thing in the world.
"Hey Doc," he grinned, "you up to going for a little drive?"
"Now?" she looked confused.
"Yeah now," he took her head and slipped around her and off the edge of the bed. "It's not long till dawn. And I want to see the sun rise with you by my side. I want the world to see how strong and good we are together." He tugged on the bedclothes and her satin nightgown rippled down over her thighs as she stood. "I want to start a new day with you, a new day in our new life. Whaddya say?
"I say it sounds like a great idea," she squeezed his fingers. "Let's go!"
Did I fall asleep and not realize? Am I hallucinating? No, I've just gone crazy. That's it. I've just completely lost my mind. Time for Q to lock me away in some forgotten corner, like the drooling idiot that I am.
"Gene," her voice washes over me like a ripple of sweet velvet, sinking into my blood, re-infecting me.
Not that I was ever cured.
Her fingernail scrapes against my chest, the lightest of touches sending jolts of agonizing pleasure straight to my groin.
"Sweet, dear Gene," she whispers as her fingers idly hook under the sheet and draw it back. Her golden eyes examine me critically and I find myself oddly breathless for a long moment.
This isn't real Q. You're making it all up in your head. You're mad. A veritable hatter. Get over it all ready.
But oh my God, her touch feels so damn real and her smell..... I can smell her, her fragrance mingling with the sweet spicy smell of her desire. Her desire for me.
"Oh baby," she lifts her fingers to her mouth and licks the end of her finger, almost in the way a cat might. Then she moves her finger towards me until I feel the cool wetness circling my nipple. I'm getting hard as she pinches me firmly. And not just there.
"Oh God!" the exclamation dies in my throat as she drops to her knees beside the bed and replaces her fingers with her hot, moist mouth. She licks and sucks me, teasing me as she runs her fingers over my chest and stomach.
And all the time, she watches me, searches me with the golden eyes of a hunter. Knowing she has snared her prey.
And suddenly I don't care if this is wrong. I don't even care if I've gone mad. I just want her so badly that I can taste it. Taste her. The need to feel her is almost unbearable and I catch her wrist between vice-like fingers as I sit up.
"*Q*!" Her voice comes in a shocked whisper but almost immediately a smile drifts across her sensual lips. "Oh Gene." Her eyes smoulder wantonly as she deliberately wets her lower lip with her tongue. I tighten my fingers around her wrist, trying to gain some control. I am nanoseconds away from tearing her nightgown off her golden skin and taking her and the look on her face is all but inviting me to do just that.
"If you want me," her silky whisper echoes my thoughts, "why don't you just take me?"
Oh God, I am losing my mind. Q help me. Because I'm beyond helping myself.
"Marlena," her name rolls around my tongue before spilling out into the space between us. My voice is almost hoarse with longing. She merely smiles knowingly as her eyes sweep my trembling body. Then she lifts her hand to mine and pries my fingers from her. I can't help but gasp as I see the white marks my touch leaves.
This is so insane. I can feel her. I can smell her. The senses are so vivid, how can this be a dream? But how on earth can it be real? Marlena is somewhere away with John. Isn't she?
I reach out, my fingers colliding with her smooth, velvety skin and a moan sounds in her throat, familiar, yet strange at the same time. I meet with the satin strap of her nightgown and my eyes are drawn to hers. The look in them is almost enough to make me come. She's hot and wild and she wants me.
The name sounds somewhere in my head as she opens her mouth.
"I need you." Her whisper coils around me, sending rivulets of fire down my veins. "I need you to feel me. Feel how much I want you." She stares at me intently. "I want you to take me. *Now*."
I need no more encouragement and I slip my hand under the satin strap and pull her towards me and onto the bed. I twist so that I am on top of her and kiss her, hard and desperate. My hand finds the warmth of her thigh and I slip it under her nightgown as I press myself against her. I need to feel her. I want her so badly it's hurting.
She groans as I sink my teeth into the delicate flesh of her neck, sucking the fair skin brutally, knowing it will bruise. Or would if this was real. I don't even care what it is anymore. I just need to forget everything except the white heat of the bliss she brings.
My hand follows the soft curves of her and I use my other hand to pull down the neckline of her gown. She lets out a cry as I clamp my teeth roughly on her and her back arches under my touch. I feel her fingers in my hair as I continue to revel in the taste and feel of her and in the sounds of the pleasure I give her.
"Mmmm, Gene," she pants in my ear. "Hurry my love. Hurry." It's all the encouragement I need as I peel the nightgown from her moist, hot body and feast my eyes on her. God, she's as beautiful as I remember and her eyes glow amber green as she stares back at me. There's something.... I shake my head...something about her eyes....they don't quite look right....
But then I feel her hands on me, and I am lost. I groan, my whole body echoing with the sound as I lower myself to her. She's waiting for me and... oh... my... God ... oh... oh... oh God....oh God....
And when I collapse against her, a vague thought crosses my mind. How can something that's so wrong feel this damn good?
It was still dark when they reached their field, but they could both see the precursor of the sun in the east. John spread out the blanket and helped Marlena to lie down, her golden hair tumbling into a smooth pool against the dark wool of the rug as she lay down.
"You're amazing you know that?" he told her as he kneeled down next to her.
"What?" she laughed. "Because I'm mad enough to come out in the middle of the night and sit in a field with you?"
"That and so much more," he sprawled next to her and dipped his nose into the fragrant mass of locks. "So, *so* much more."
She gazed at the mountains to the east, watching as the sky lightened and then turned back to John.
"Do you suppose that we'll still do this kind of thing when we're old and grey?"
"Oh, most definitely," John smiled as he propped himself up on his elbow. "All the time actually. I plan to still be making out with you in the back seat of a car when you're eighty-five."
"Wait just a moment," she laughed. "Somehow the back seat of your Jeep doesn't strike me as the most comfortable place to... `make out' *now*, let alone when I'm eighty-five."
"Well how about here?" John ran his finger down her throat suggestively. "You up for a little nookie as the sun makes it's entrance?"
"Oh what an offer," she felt the breath catch in her throat as his hand trailed lower, cupping the outline of a heavy breast through her sweater. "Here?" she whispered in answer to his questioning look.
"Why not?" he shrugged. "It's not like there's anyone around."
"John we can't!" she protested weakly. In all reality, she was getting turned on just thinking about it, but it wasn't practical. "In case you haven't noticed lately, I'm not exactly athletic in that department."
"You don't have to be Doc," he grinned lasciviously. "I have a plan."
"Oh, of course you do!" She couldn't help the laughter that bubbled through her as he pulled his sweater off.
"You think I'd pass up on opportunity to make love to my beautiful fiancée?" John helped her off with her sweater, pausing to plant a kiss on her nose. "I don't think so."
"Well..." she looked regretful; "I guess we won't be able to do this for much longer." She stared down at the bulge, which was covered by a loose shirt. "I can barely manage now!"
"Well baby, let's make the most of it." John pushed her back on the rug and slipped his leg between hers, effectively pinning her to the ground. But she didn't protest as his lips found hers, sweet and demanding, his tongue moist as it slipped into her mouth, tasting her, familiar but new every time.
Her head felt light as his hand found the bottom of her shirt and untucked it from her track pants. And she felt the moan flourish in her throat as his cool hand negotiated the broad curve of her belly. The moan exploded from her as he found her breast and with deliberate fingers, set about teasing her. At the same time, his lips swept over the soft angle of her jaw and down to her throat where he could feel the quick jump of her pulse under his touch.
The stubble on his chin grazed her as his mouth continued to explore downwards until he was thwarted by the buttons on her shirt. Marlena's only answer was to guide his hands downward to seek the waistband of her track pants. She wasn't in the mood for foreplay; his touch burnt her skin with fiery trails searing their way through her body.
Part of her was still recoiling from her nightmare and she wanted to wash away the fear and the horror. She wanted to feel John's strength and take strength from him. She wanted to feel alive and to feel him moving underneath her. Moving inside her. She wanted to feel his heat and his desire for her and forget everything for just a few divine moments.
John took her lead and pulled the pants down around her hips, his fingers brushing the pale taut skin as he gazed at her quite longingly.
"Too slow," she growled as she kicked off the fleecy pants.
"Shut up Black," she used one hand to push him onto his back and she deftly unbuttoned the fly of his jeans with skillful fingers.
"Oh God, Marlena!" His words sounded more like a curse as he felt her fingers negotiate the folds of his boxers.
"Shhhh," she smiled mischievously. "You'll wake up the wildlife."
"Screw the wildlife," John exclaimed frustratedly.
"No, that wasn't exactly the idea," she let out a throaty laugh as she pushed up his t-shirt, exposing his broad, sculptured chest.
Before John could say anything else. Marlena dipped her head to his chest, her hot breath only heightening the sense of torture. Oh God, oh Marlena, oh God....oh please...don' please... Somehow, the words were all there, they just weren't coming out of his mouth.
It was almost too much for him and he clutched a handful of blanket on one hand as he let a guttural grunt explode from his lips. The sun was peeking over the horizon as Marlena looked up at him, her eyes echoing the golden gleam of the morning light.
"Oh Doc," she heard his whimper, or rather felt it in his throat, as she bent her head, her lips and tongue exploring his roughened skin. "Baby.... oh, oh my God!" His eyes were shut tightly and she could see that he was having trouble controlling himself.
In fact, she was having a hard enough time herself. Every moan he made just seemed to resonate through her, echoing in her growing heat and need to feel him.
The sun was now quarter over the horizon and the countryside around them was flooded with the amber-gold rays of the new day. As she relinquished her touch, John opened his azure eyes and looked up at her. She almost lost her breath at how gorgeous he looked, in the way his eyes drew her in and swamped her like they were an ocean of their own making.
"Here," there was a catch in his throat as he helped her off with her panties. God she looked beautiful with the newborn sunshine caught in her hair and her cheeks flushed with lust. "Do you know how much I love you?" he whispered as she straddled his hips.
"A lot," she answered with a slight smile.
"A real lot," he agreed.
It was long moments before John could form a coherent enough thought that he was able to roll Marlena over onto the rug. Holding her in his arms, he pulled the corner of the rug over her and then brushed his fingers over the bangs that were plastered to her face.
"That wasn't so embarrassing was it?" he whispered with a teasing smile.
"No so much," she answered with a grin of her own. "It was rather a new experience anyway."
"Always do one thing before breakfast that you haven't done before," he laughed as she looked sideways at him, "or something along those lines anyway."
"Sometimes I really wonder about you," her lips struggled to keep the smile subdued but failed miserably.
Shielding her eyes, she turned to look at the horizon. The thin threads of cloud that drifted above the hills did little to obscure the rays of the flaming golden-orange orb and the sight was enough to strike awe into the hardest of hearts.
"That really is incredible," she sighed blissfully.
"Yeah, it is," John whispered into her hair, not even glancing at the sunrise. "Really very, *very* incredible."
Q opened one eye warily and turned awkwardly to look at the window. The sun had risen, maybe an hour ago and he felt like he'd had all of an hour's sleep.
Closing his eyes, he rolled his head back and groaned. Missing the dreams huh? What a complete asshole he was. He had thought that once he was away from her things would get easier. He had hoped that she would stop pervading his every waking moment. And he had prayed that she would stop infecting his dreams. And it seemed that neither had happened. In fact, the dream last night had seemed so real and so intense that it was almost frightening. Maybe he really was losing his mind. Maybe he should run it past Laura Horton and have her lock him up. Not that that would probably stop the dreams.
He opened his eyes with a defeated sigh and swung his feet out of bed. Coffee. Even immortals sometimes needed a kick-start. He pulled on his robe over the boxers and stumbled out of the bedroom, pulling his fingers through chaotic hair as he made his way down to the kitchen.
"Oh hi Gene!" Q felt his heartbeat slow and the sound of the eggshell breaking and the coagulating sizzle as the white hit the hot pan was almost deafening. "You don't look like you slept so good," the sweet Tennessee accent smothered the sound of the cooking food and Lucie's green eyes appeared concerned as she moved in front of him. "Do you want some breakfast? Mike and I are cooking up some bacon and eggs." She smiled confidentially as she leaned closer, "he's not only cute and great in the sack, but he can cook too."
"Uh, excuse me." Gene thought he might be sick as a wave of nausea overcame him and he headed for the bathroom. There he splashed cold water over his face and looked up into the mirror, seeing only haunted eyes buried in sunken sockets. His skin was ashen and he suddenly realized that he was trembling.
Deciding, on reflection, that a shower might do him some good, he locked the door securely and reached into the shower to turn on the faucet. But he caught his breath at the stretching, burning sensation across his back and with a frown; he pulled his arms from the robe and let it hit the floor unhindered.
Turning around, he examined his back in the mirror. What he saw made him pale even further. For scored into his back were fresh scratches that had been made by fingernails.
Fingernails that only existed in a dream.
Kristen stared at the phone, ignoring Maya as she rattled the pots in the background. Where the hell was John and why wasn't he calling her? She'd spoken to him once the other day when he called from his conference in New York. Only a brief call, he'd spoken to Maya for longer than he'd been on the phone to her.
Why the hell would he go away now, of all times? When she was overdue to give birth to their baby after a complicated pregnancy? When they should be finishing off the nursery and deciding on names for the baby?
Pouting, she reached over and picked up the portable, fondling it as she contemplated John's return. She would make him feel *so* guilty for abandoning her here with Badjelly The Witch. Alone and afraid and miserable. If she was going to be miserable, by God he was going to share it.
Maya looked over at Kristen and saw her staring intently at the phone, lost in what passed for thought in that addled head. She could barely believe it when Kristen had come out of the sedation asking for John. She'd appeared to have absolutely no memory of what had passed between them the last time she'd seen him. It was as though her mind had chosen to block out all memory of the incident to protect her from the reality that she had no future with John. Because to Kristen, that was no future at all. All she was and all she ever could be were tied inextricably to John. And when he left her life forever, she would have nothing left.
It was a pretty sad way to be, Maya mused. In some ways she almost felt sorry for Kristen, knowing what her future held. But then, she'd brought it all on herself. She had sacrificed her integrity, her self-respect and everything she possessed for a lie. For something that she'd convinced herself actually existed. In defining herself by the man she had coveted, she'd defined herself out of existence. Because the woman that John had once loved had been lost forever once she'd succumbed to the innate DiMera traits that Stefano had imbued in her years earlier. Shaking her head, Maya turned back to her task chopping onions for the quiche she was making for dinner.
Kristen waited until Maya was no longer watching and then she quietly pushed herself off the sofa. Supporting her huge belly with one hand, she slowly made her way up the stairs. That bitch thought she was stupid. Thought she didn't know when she was being watched. Well, she wasn't about to let some jumped up Italian tart control her every move.
It was bad enough not being able to get out of the loft. If she even *looked* like she was thinking about it, Herr Maya was there, practically packing an Ouzi in order to stop her. Well, she'd show her. She'd show them all.
Dropping heavily onto her bed, she stared at the phone again. She had already tried calling the hotel he had been at twice, but both times he was apparently out. And the New York branch of Alamain Industries were only prepared to say that he couldn't be reached in the meetings he was attending.
How convenient. The little niggling voice at the back of her mind was becoming louder as the hours slunk by. How do you know they're telling you the truth? But where else would he be? Why would he go to all that trouble of having everyone lie for him? Unless...
Her lips thinned as she stared at the phone. Was it possible? Was John's business trip simply a front for him to go away with someone else? With *her*?
With jaggedly broken nails, Kristen stabbed at the buttons on the phone and then lifted it to her ear. A scowl settled on her face as she waited, the phone ringing resonantly in her ear. That's right, you're not there are you? You're with John, you thieving, whoring sl-
"Hello?" Marlena's sounded tired even over the phone. Caught off-guard, Kristen just sat there, staring at her reflection in the mirror in surprise. "Hello, is anybody there? Hello?" She heard Marlena's sigh of exasperation as she hung up and she let the phone drop slowly in front of her.
So if Marlena was home then where was John? Was he actually working like he said?
She blinked convulsively as she saw herself in the mirror. She looked terrible, her hair stringy and oily and her skin a sallow shade of pale. Her grey eyes were vacant and lifeless, adding to the general two-dimensional look of her. The cotton top she wore was stretched tightly over her rounded stomach and the tiny life that resided within, and she suffered with the heat so that perspiration had seeped in yellowed circles under her arms. It was no wonder that John wanted to get away from her. When she looked like this, how could she blame him?
She hated being pregnant now. Actually, she even hated the baby. She resented the fact that John seemed to care more about the child than about her and she hated the physical inconvenience of being pregnant. When she actually had the little brat, she planned to hand it straight over to the nanny and then get herself back into shape for when John returned to her bed. She wasn't going to spend any more time with the little demon than she had to.
Easing herself off the bed, she headed for the stairs. It was probably time she went and showered. Maybe if she took care of herself a little more, acted a little more like herself, John wouldn't be in such a hurry to go and work all the time.
But her stomach sank when the familiar laugh reached her at the bottom of the staircase. He's home.
Her thrill at the knowledge that Marlena was in the penthouse suddenly dissolved as the ramifications echoed around her muddled mind.
I'm sorry Ms. DiMera, he can't be disturbed... In meetings all day... Away from the hotel... Cannot be contacted today...
Kristen's jaw set solidly as her hands gripped the handrail. She could hear him laugh at Maya's questions and words filtered back to her. Wonderful... relaxing... just what the doctor ordered.... Her breathing shortened as she lowered her shaking body to the edge of the step. She closed her eyes, trying to squeeze out the pain, but the unavoidable truth swirled around the blackened void of her mind. He's been with *her*. He'd been lying to her all this time, she knew it. She could feel it in the cold, dead place where her heart used to live.
Finally, she opened her eyes a steely resolve burning behind the calculating grey eyes. She would have to be careful not to let him see that she knew. If he knew she suspected he would be careful to hide every shred of evidence. But if he was complacent, he would slip up and she would find out. And then..... well then, things would get interesting.
"Oh man," Marlena sank back against the downy pillows on her bed and closed her eyes. "I have missed my babies *so* much."
"They've missed you too," Lucie was hanging up the rest of Marlena's clothes, a task she had insisted that Marlena was too exhausted to take care of herself. "Ah, and here's proof."
She laughed as Belle came running in with her rabbit and climbed onto her mother's bed.
"You're supposed to be getting ready for bed baby girl," Marlena tried to sound disapproving, but in truth, she couldn't get enough of her little girl. She would be happy to hold Belle in her arms all night if she could.
"Wanned 'novver cuddle," Belle crawled into her mother's arms and looked up at her with brilliant baby-blue eyes. "I missed you Mommy."
"Oh I missed you too baby," Marlena drew her precious, precocious little girl into a warm embrace and kissed her. "I thought about you each and every day."
"Miss Gene too," Belle said innocently as she cuddled up to Marlena. "When's Gene coming home?"
"Oh," Marlena was a little taken aback as she looked down at the comfortable child who was curled up next to her. Then she looked up at Lucie, the young woman's green eyes signaling her own surprise.
"She never said anything before," she shrugged. "I sure don't think I said anything to make her think..."
"I'm sure you didn't," Marlena stroked Belle's flaxen curls. "Belle honey, Gene isn't coming home." The little girl lifted her head again, her eyes questioning her mother's reply. "He's gone to stay somewhere else sweet girl."
The hurt in Belle's eyes hit her square in the middle of her guilt and she felt her own misery over the situation suddenly seep back into her awareness. She had been able to avoid thinking about it while she was away but now she had to deal with all the questions and problems that it engendered and she wasn't sure how to even begin.
"Doesn't he nub us any more?" Belle's well-defined pout was getting a workout as confused tears filled her eyes.
"Oh of *course* he does sweetheart." There wasn't anything Marlena hated more than to see her children hurting, but she knew this was probably unavoidable. She just had to try and make it as gentle as she could. "He loves you very, *very* much. He loves you so much it was really hard for him to go." She stroked the little girl's head as she lay it back down on Marlena's chest. "But he couldn't stay here any more. I promise you it's got nothing to do with you or Brady."
"Issit cos Daddy don't like him?" Belle asked sleepily.
"Doesn't like him," Marlena corrected automatically, surprised once again but the words from her smallest daughter. "Why would you say Daddy doesn't like him sweetheart?"
"Dey was souting at Gwanma 'n Gwanpa's." Belle yawned. "I heared them. Daddy was real mad."
"Was he?" Marlena frowned pensively. "When did you hear them shouting baby girl?"
"Don't know," Belle shrugged. A toddler's grip on time wasn't exactly expansive, Marlena knew.
"That's okay honey," Marlena whispered. "Daddy just got a little mad. It doesn't mean he doesn't like Eugene. They just don't agree sometimes. Like sometimes Daddy and I might shout a little because we don't agree. But it doesn't mean we don't like each other. Do you understand what I mean?"
"Fink so," Belle nodded sleepily.
"All right then, why don't you go and get changed and bring a book back here for me to read to you?" she suggested gently.
"Okay," Belle perked up at the idea of a story and she scrambled off the bed, stopping only to grab her rabbit.
"Don't run near the stairs," Marlena called after her but the little girl was already out of sight.
"Lucie, you haven't seen Gene have you?" Marlena tried to phrase her question as though it was a normal turn of the conversation.
"Why yeah, I have," Lucie turned back to her employer. "Mr. and Mrs. Brady took the kids on my night off on Tuesday night and I stayed the night at Dr. Mike's." Her lips twitched and Marlena wasn't quite sure what that signified. "You do know he's staying with Mike and Laura Horton don't you?"
"Yes," Marlena nodded, relieved that it'd been Laura that had taken Eugene in. She knew he had the ability to rub some people up the wrong way, but she could trust Laura to make sure that he was okay. "How did he seem?"
"Kinda weird to be quite honest," Lucie shrugged. "He came into the kitchen, took one look at me and couldn't get out of there fast enough." She sighed unhappily. "Maybe it was just me. I get the feeling he doesn't like me you know."
"Oh I'm sure that's not true," Marlena tried to sound reassuring but she'd picked up the tension between Gene and Lucie before and she could well understand why the girl would think that. In fact she suspected that Lucie could be right. It wasn't the first time Eugene had taken an irrational disliking to someone. In fact, it reminded her rather a lot of when he'd first fallen for Calliope.
Shaking her head, she put the thought out of her mind. "It's a complicated situation Lucie. Things are just very awkward at the moment. He probably just didn't expect to see you right then."
"Yeah, I guess so," Lucie's southern drawl seemed a little subdued as she hung the last blouse in the armoire. "Well, I think I'll go and see how those kiddies are doing."
"All right then," Marlena didn't know what else to say to the girl and judged that it was probably best that she didn't say anything more right now. Without going into the whole relationship between she and Gene it was fairly much impossible anyway.
She watched the young woman sweep her bobbed blonde hair from her eyes as she left the room and she sighed. She was going to have to find Gene and talk to him, that much was obvious.
"Hi there baby," John felt his flesh start to crawl as he heard Kristen's voice. He had been dreading this moment, knowing that there was no way he could avoid it. Somehow to him it signaled the end of the wonderful holiday with the woman he loved and the beginning of an incarceration of kinds with this creature. And it wasn't exactly something he was looking forward to.
"Hi honey," he turned around, a false smile plastered on his face. "How are you feeling?"
"Like a whale." His smile didn't reach his blue-grey eyes and she found it difficult to maintain the façade herself. Cracking a smile and a slight laugh, she hugged him. "I've missed you."
"I've missed you too." He patted her awkwardly on the back. "I'm sorry I had to go away, the crisis at work just wouldn't wait."
"Oh I understand," she nodded her head complacently as she pulled away from him. "I was worried you wouldn't get back before the baby came though."
"I was only a plane ride away," he told her reassuringly. "So how is my little tyke doing in there?" He patted her stomach, trying to envisage the baby that curled within. Would it have Marlena's eyes or maybe her beautiful smile? He couldn't wait to find out. Not least because it meant he would be released from this torture.
"I'm kinda worried that he hasn't been born yet," Kristen waddled over to the sofa and picked up the baby clothes that were piled up there. "Don't you think that three weeks is too much?"
"The doctor says it's okay, the baby isn't in any danger sweetheart," John slid his arm around her shoulders. "I'm sure if they thought there was a problem they would induce labour. But they want to give it the best start, you know that."
"I know," she sighed heavily. "I'm just tired of being so huge. It's exhausting."
"I know," he nodded, his voice so gentle and understanding that Kristen almost found herself believing that he cared. Almost.
"Will you stay here with me tomorrow?" she asked carefully
"Well, I have to go into work and tie up a few loose ends in the morning," he said with a hint of regret. "But I'll be back after lunch and we can spend the afternoon together. How does that sound?"
"Work?" Kristen looked slightly doubtful but she appeared to relax as she thought about it. "Okay baby, I'll take what I can get."
"Good," John grinned as he turned back to Maya. "So what's for dinner, it smells great."
Kristen glared at his back for a moment and then turned away. Everything was falling into place. The way he was never there, the way he was so quick to dismiss her as soon as he could possibly end a conversation. The way he looked at her, or rather *didn't* look at her these days. It all added up to one thing.
And now Kristen just had to work out how to deal with that one thing. Because she wasn't about to let anything stand in her way, now that she was so close to having what she had coveted for so long.
Not now..... Not ever.....
"Oh hi honey!" Laura's voice sounded down the phone line. "How did your trip go?"
"Uh," Marlena didn't quite know what to say, she wasn't aware that Laura knew she had gone away. And if she knew that, what else did she know? Not that Marlena *minded* her knowing it was just....
"Oh honey, I....Gene and Roman told me everything."
"Everything?" Marlena repeated, a little dazed at the prospect.
"Well, about you and John and the baby and..." Marlena could almost hear her excited friend shaking her head in glee at the prospect. "Well we're just going to have to get together so that you can fill in all the gaps for me okay?"
"Okay," Marlena couldn't contain the smile that broke out on her face. She'd had to keep this a secret from nearly everyone she loved for so long now, the thought of being able to share it with a close friend like Laura was more than tempting. "How about tomorrow? You should come over for lunch."
"Sounds divine," Laura mentally ticked off the date in her calendar.
"Laura, is Gene there?" Marlena was too tired to try subtlety in changing the subject.
"No honey, he's been out all day. He said he'd be home later, after dinner."
"Where would he be all day?" Marlena frowned. It wasn't like he had a job to go to, or was even friendly with that many people in Salem.
"I don't know, I didn't think it was my place to ask," Laura sounded a little subdued.
"Laura, is he all right?" Marlena's concern slipped through her voice. "I mean, to you does he seem okay?"
"He seems a little down, but I think he'll be okay," Laura was sensitive to her friend's worry and she wouldn't exacerbate it any more if she could possibly help it. "He's obviously missing you but he's doing his best to get on with things."
"I'm worried about him Laura," Marlena confided. "It's been so difficult for us all and I just....." she sighed deeply, "he got the worst of it and I can't even help him because it's all my fault."
"I very much doubt it's your fault Marlena," Laura said firmly. "And he is a grown-up. He's doing fine and it will get easier for him."
"I hope so," Marlena whispered, suddenly feeling very alone.
"Perhaps we should talk about this tomorrow too," Laura suggested gently. "If you tell me what happened, perhaps I can help him a little more. And you too. Sounds like you could use a friend who's not so involved."
"Yeah," Marlena conceded with a nod. "Thanks Laura, that sounds nice."
"All right then, I have to go now, but I'll see you tomorrow. About midday?"
"Mmmmm," Marlena nodded, settling back into her pillows. "I'll see you then."
Hanging up the phone, she looked at the darkened sky outside the window. Another night alone. She had gotten used to waking with John beside her over the past week. But now, once again, she was on her own. And until the baby that Kristen carried was born, that was how it would be.
She shivered at the thought. John had arranged for a guard outside the building and one in the lobby outside her apartment. But somehow that didn't make her feel a lot safer.
Because somewhere out there, Stefano watched and he waited. And she knew, with a feeling in her gut that she remembered only too well, he would come for her. He always did.
This time, she just had to be ready for him.
John left early the next morning, his briefcase stuffed with papers pertaining to a number of deals he was involved in. Kristen had given him a kiss goodbye at the door and then told Maya she was going back to bed to rest since she hadn't slept well during the night.
She was well satisfied that she'd pacified her jailer by her apparent docility. Fooled her to an extent that she wasn't as watchful as she could have been. With silent footfalls, Kristen bypassed her own bedroom and went to the one that John was currently sleeping in. If there was any proof here that he had been with Marlena, any proof at all, Kristen intended to find it.
Tying her hair back in a loose knot, she pulled his suitcase out of the cupboard. He had evidently already unpacked everything he had taken away. That was unusual in itself. The John she knew often lived out of his suitcase for days after he returned from a trip. What reason would he have to unpack everything, unless he had something to hide?
Pursing her lips, she chewed the inside of her lower one thoughtfully as she scanned the room. It was neat and tidy and nothing appeared out of place. Going to his bed, she pulled open the drawer of the bedside table and leafed through the small amount of junk he had in there. Nothing of consequence leapt out at her and she closed it, tapping on the soft wood with her remaining long fingernail.
The baby shifted inside her, sending a foot shooting into some internal organ and she wheezed painfully, lowering herself to the bed.
"Listen you little shit," she hissed, "cut me some slack. I'm doing my best to keep this family together so if you know what's good for you, shut up down there." There was stillness for a moment and then the baby aimed a second and even harder kick as it stretched out. Cursing, Kristen eased herself off the bed, one hand supporting her back. She couldn't waste time because of the little brat. She had to find the proof before Maya discovered where she was and reported back to John.
Going back to the suitcase, she methodically undid all the zippers, feeling around in the pockets for anything incriminating. In the front one she was rewarded when she found a small river-worn pebble. She turned it over in her hand, her fingers gliding over the cool, smooth surface of the stone.
"So where did you come from if he was in New York?" She narrowed her eyes as she pushed herself up, groaning as she straightened her back. "C'mon, you have to be somewhere. Somewhere in this room. I just have to find you."
"Hey munchkins!" John swooped down to gather Belle and Brady in his arms as he stepped through the doorway. "Have you been good for your Momma?" His answer was effusive nods from both the children and he looked up at Marlena, a gleam in his eye. "And what does your Mom have to say about it?"
"They've been wonderful," Marlena's smile was as sunny as the morning outside. Despite her melancholic bedtime thoughts, she had actually slept very well and she felt quite refreshed and energetic. "Absolute angels. I couldn't ask for better children."
"All right, since you're such good kids, how about you go and join Lucie for breakfast? We'll follow you in a minute." He lowered the kids to the floor and watched them run across the living room to the kitchen. Brady turned around as they reached the kitchen door, watching his parents with an unspoken question in his eyes. "Go on slugger," John waved him into the kitchen. "We're right behind you."
"How was your night?" Marlena asked softly as she allowed John to pull her into his arms.
"Oh, better than I could have expected I guess," he murmured into her hair, savoring the feel of her in his arms. After one night with Kristen around, making everything wrong and dirty, it was almost easy to forget how good and right this felt.
"She really doesn't remember anything?" Marlena's fingers trickled slowly through the silvering hair at his temples.
"She doesn't seem to," he shrugged. "Either she's totally blocked it out or she's a much better actress than I give her credit for."
"And she doesn't suspect you going away?" Marlena studied his beloved face. Already, if it was possible, he looked more worn than he had when they had arrived back last night.
"I hope not," he didn't look entirely convinced. "She doesn't seem overly concerned about my absence which is not exactly usual."
"How is she generally?" Marlena asked him as she let him lead her slowly across the living room.
"I don't really know," John frowned. "Placid. Wary. On edge? I wouldn't say she's happy although she's trying her best to make me think she is."
"Being three weeks overdue and having your partner away would be enough to make anyone edgy," Marlena pointed out reasonably.
"I know, but...." One corner of his mouth turned down into a half grimace. "I don't know Doc, there's just something I can't put my finger on."
"It'll be okay," she told him with a gentle touch of her hand on his. "You have it covered. Things will work out okay."
"Yeah," he nodded, conveying a certainty that he didn't feel. "I know they will."
Dropping his head, he covered her lips with his own, his kiss moist and warm. "I love you Doc," he told her quietly.
"I love you too," she whispered as she squeezed his fingers.
Then together they entered the kitchen to have breakfast with their children.
Kristen had rifled through almost every drawer in John's room and was about to give up when she found it. In the second drawer from the bottom, she detected a lump under the lining and she had pulled out a wad of papers.
Taking them to the bed, she spread them out before her. The picture was the first to catch her eye. It was an ultrasound picture, the baby in the picture was about eighteen weeks old, and unquestionably not the one she carried. She had all the pictures in her own room and this was simply not one of them. It was a picture, a baby she had never seen before.
Scattered between the pieces of paper were cards with penciled in times. Times to see Dr. Robbins, Ob/Gyn. Not Kristen's Ob/Gyn however. Someone else's doctor. Someone else's appointments.
Someone else's baby.
And then there were the letters in John's handwriting. Letters that told their own vivid story. A story painted with words that Kristen couldn't tear her eyes from. A story that spelled the end of everything she had worked for.
March 19, 1997For my son or daughter,
I struggle daily to make sense of this situation we have been thrown into and I worry that I am not doing a very good job of it. When I found out the truth, I made a vow to protect you with everything I had until you were safe and your mother and I could be together with you. As it turns out little baby, that won't be possible.
Eugene Bradford tells me I should talk to your mother and tell her the truth. But what risk that would bring to you. If Kristen were to ever find out.....
I feel like I am caught in a maze that has no exit, a riddle with no answer, and the only truth is the love I feel for you and your brother and sister. And of course the love that I have for your mother. That is something special baby, but I am not sure that she remembers it any more. I failed her too many times. I hurt her and let her be can I expect her to forgive me when I can't forgive myself.....?
I want you to know that I will always be here for you. And I *will* love you and I will fight for you when you need me to. Never doubt that your mom and your dad will *always* love you.
March. Before the accident. Before they had almost lost him. Before things had changed between John and Marlena.
Kristen swallowed the bitter bile that seared her throat as she put the letters back down on the bed. He had wanted Marlena then. And now, he had her. That was more than obvious. His extended absences, his reluctance to so much as touch her. The picture...the appointments.... the baby.
Marlena wasn't having Eugene's child, she was having *John's*. And with that fact came the unavoidable truth. He was only staying here until she had the child. Until the danger to the baby was removed if she did something 'stupid'.
Marlena had done it. She had finally stolen John away from Kristen. Finally seduced and tricked and trapped John back into her life and taken him from the family that *really* deserved him. The family that he was supposed to make with her.
So what? He would leave her? Take her child? And Marlena would have it all? Everything Kristen had ever wanted would be laid at Marlena's feet? That f*cking whore would get everything and Kristen would be left with *nothing*. Nothing but the scraps, tattered remnants of the life she had imagined. The life she deserved.
"You think you've won *Doc*?" Kristen sneered at the letters and cards scattered over the bed. "You think you've beaten me? Well, I've got news for you. I will *never*," with an outraged sweep of her arm, she sent the artifacts flying, "let you have him. He's *mine* and you can keep your filthy hands *off* him."
Glaring at the scattered papers, she let the disjointed thoughts filter through her mind. It only took a minute before she made up her mind as to what she was going to do and with deliberate sureness, she made her way down to the living room where Maya was taking a well deserved break with a coffee and a magazine.
"Maya, I was wondering," she started, sounding quite lucid. "I can't get the window open in my bedroom and it's so stifling hot up there. I think I could rest much easier if it was open so the breeze can get in."
"Okay, I'll see if I can pry it open," Maya answered good-naturedly.
"Thanks," Kristen managed what she hoped passed for a grateful smile as Maya moved towards the stairs. She followed the nurse into the bedroom and silently picked up the portable that lay on the bedside table. Then she slipped out of the room and quietly turned the key in the lock.
Dropping it into her pocket, she quickly made her way downstairs and swapped the phone for Maya's purse which lay on the counter before she slid the loft door open. Letting out a mad giggle as she heard Maya's voice rise behind the locked door, she closed the door behind her and headed for the elevator.
Marlena was in the bathroom when she heard the faint echo of pounding downstairs. She dried her hands and brushed away the strands of golden hair that had fallen in her eyes, tucking them behind her ears even as they threatened to fall forward again. Then, with gentle hands, she smoothed the green sundress over the notable bulge her stomach now made and she smiled, despite the sense of unease that was creeping over her.
Downstairs the pounding grew more intense and Marlena thought she could hear the sound of a voice. A woman's voice. Her smile faded as she regarded her reflection in the mirror. She had assured John that he had 'things covered'. Maybe she had been wrong.
She was quite sure of that fact even before she made it down the stairs. It was definitely Kristen at her front door, demanding to be let in, letting her know in no uncertain terms that she was not happy.
For a moment, Marlena was torn. She could leave Kristen out there and pretend she wasn't home. Perhaps she could even call security and have them remove Kristen from the building. But what would the woman do next? She was distraught, obviously close to the edge. And she carried Marlena's baby, cradled that innocent new life within her womb.
After John had spent all those months keeping the truth from her, sacrificing his own happiness to keep their baby safe, she couldn't do anything that might put their child at risk now.
"Marlena, I know you're in there. Let me *in*!" Kristen hammered on the door again.
Marlena stared at the door, weighing her options. She was a psychiatrist, trained in handling situations just like this. But then usually a situation like this didn't involve a woman pregnant with one's own child.
She shook her head, not for the first time, at how bizarre this whole predicament was. It wasn't like her life had ever been anything approaching normal, but this was something that was just beyond the laws of possibility.
Things like this just didn't happen. Period. Old friends didn't pop in and turn out to be demi-gods who could disappear at the snap of a finger. And you certainly didn't find yourself pregnant with one twin while the woman you despised was pregnant with the other twin. It was patently absurd.
Marlena shook her head trying to find some kind of steadiness of thought despite the insistent pounding which now felt like it was inside her skull.
"Let me in dammit!" Kristen battered noisily on the other side of the door. "I know you're f*cking well in there, you bitch."
"All right, all right!" Suddenly deciding there were no options, Marlena was at the door in two steps, unlocking it in one fluid motion. "Come in and keep your voice down."
She pulled a slightly stunned and thankfully momentarily silent Kristen into the room and slammed the door behind her. Kristen turned on her, her eyes an eerie grey-green in a face that was a distorted mask of blandness, ill-concealing her hatred for the woman she faced.
"Would you mind telling me what that was all about?" Marlena demanded angrily.
"You know exactly what it's about," Kristen hissed, gaining her equilibrium with frightening swiftness.
"If I did, do you think I would be standing here asking you?" Marlena's raised eyebrows conveyed her disdain quite adequately.
"You think you're so high and mighty, the great Doctor Evans," Kristen's mouth took on the sneer she had perfected over the last couple of years, the one that made Marlena's skin crawl. "You think you can just walk in and take whatever you want and screw anybody who gets in the way."
"I don't know *what* you're talking about," Marlena replied wearily.
It wasn't entirely true, she knew Kristen was talking about John. It always came back to John. But he had hoped that Kristen knew nothing of the relationship between them. She had given him no indication that she knew anything, other than his own instinctual fear. So what had changed? Or had Kristen indeed been toying with him the whole time?
"I know the truth," Kristen snarled, edging around her prey. "I know about your spawn *Doc*." Her eyes gleamed strangely feral and she laughed, high-pitched and unhinged. "I know you got pregnant to trap John, to steal him away from me." He tone bubbled with vitriol and hatred as it lowered to a whisper. She took a step forward, fixing Marlena with hate-filled eyes. "You scheming whore. You think you can just take what you want."
"Don't," Marlena's unwavering voice cut through Kristen's diatribe. "Don't attribute your own motives to other people Kristen." Her words held more than a hint of warning as she rubbed her stomach protectively.
"Oh don't try and tell me that the little bastard isn't John's," Kristen let out an unsteady laugh as she pointed at Marlena's stomach with a shaking finger.
"I don't know what you think you know ," Marlena was sure to keep her eye on Kristen as she edged away from her, "but this *baby* is Eugene's. Why would you suddenly think it's Johns?"
"Oh, nice try *Doc*," Kristen glared at her bitterly. "But I don't buy it. You and that freak weren't doing the nasty when you got knocked up." She waved her finger in a manner that was supposed to be threatening. "See, you and John might think I'm stupid," she shook her head, "but I *can* count. I know that you screwed John right around then." She shook her head, dull blonde hair falling over the sallow skin of her cheeks as her face contorted into an expression that was supposed to approximate tears. "*John*. MY lover. *MY* fiance."
"*Your* fiance?" Marlena couldn't help herself, astounded once again by Kristen's capacity for self-delusion. "He was only *with* you because you *lied* to him and manipulated both of us."
"He wanted *me*," Kristen's voice raised angrily, drowning out the reality that Marlena's words spelt out. "He came back to *me*."
"Yes he did," Marlena said softly, reminding herself that she had to try and keep Kristen calm while also trying to convince her that she was mistaken. It wasn't exactly an easy task. "He's with you. He's committed to you. So why would he do that if I was having his baby? Don't you think I would do everything I could to make us a family if that was the case?" She could see the confusion and doubt echo in Kristen's eyes as they warred within her and she judged that this was the moment of no return. Either Kristen would believe her at this point, or she never would. "It doesn't make any sense Kristen. Why would Gene be with me and John with you if the baby were John's?"
Kristen stared at Marlena suspiciously as her brain registered the questions. It sounded.... it sounded almost reasonable, Marlena so sickeningly convincing, that she almost let herself be lulled into complacency for a moment. But then the image of the ultrasound floated into her mind and she snapped to attention. She didn't care how much sense it didn't make. She wasn't an idiot and she wasn't about to let Marlena take her for one.
"If Eugene is playing the part of the loving father-to-be, then where is he?" she asked pointedly.
"He had to go out," Marlena said uncomfortably as she used her hand to support the small of her back, which was beginning to ache painfully.
"Out?" Kristen knew Marlena was a lousy liar and this proved no exception. "I don't *think* so Doc. You see, I *know* your dirty little secret and I bet when Eugene found out, he dumped your sorry ass and left town. Probably couldn't wait to get away from you." Kristen saw the discomfort register on Marlena's face and she began to enjoy herself. "It's not like it's the first time huh *Doc*?" The nasty smile on her face became even more vicious. "Goody two shoes Dr. Evans, pregnant with another man's baby, forced to reveal all to her lover of the moment." Her eyes narrowed, but it didn't hide the flaming hatred that consumed her as she took a step towards Marlena. "God, you're such a whore!"
"I think you should leave now," Marlena's voice was low and strong, belying the fact that her hands were trembling with a mixture of anger and apprehension. Kristen's manner, her words and her barely concealed rage were setting off alarm sirens and Marlena just wanted to get her out of the apartment before she lost her own temper and said something she might regret.
"Touch on a nerve did I Doc?" Kristen giggled, but the sound of her laughter was much more manic than humorous. "You think you can just spread your legs and John will come running?"
"Get out!" Marlena brushed past Kristen and wrenched the door open furiously. The odd thing was, she was almost as angry at herself as she was at Kristen. She should have known that letting Kristen into the apartment was only going to cause more problems. She was too deeply involved in this situation to be able to act rationally and her dislike of Kristen and her fear for the twins was only exacerbating matters. She could feel her face burning with embarrassment and anger and all she could think was that she needed to get Kristen out before things got any worse.
"I *know*," Kristen's face darkened. "I saw the pictures, I read John's letters to your little bastard, but I *swear*," she was shaking now, her hands white with the incendiary force of her anger. She hated the condescending bitch standing in front of her with a passion that was all consuming. She just wanted to wipe the smug expression off her face, wanted to just *destroy* that face that haunted her dreams and plagued her waking moments. "I swear you won't have John. You'll *never* have him."
"Look Kristen," Marlena had finally reached the end of her patience and her voice was hard and cold, her hazel eyes a reflection of the repugnance she felt for the creature standing in front of her. "I don't care what you think you saw and I don't appreciate being harangued and insulted in my own home. If you have a problem with John then perhaps you should take it up with him. But I don't want to hear about it. I like not having you in my life and I'd prefer it to stay that way." She gestured to the door and that was when Kristen saw the flash of the diamond on her left hand. The realization of what it represented was the last straw and the brittle veneer of composure that she had tried so hard to maintain, shattered completely.
"You f*cking superior bitch!" Her face was white with fury as her voice became yet louder. "You think you can just dismiss me? Pretend I don't exist? Well, I'm not going away." Bright red spots appeared on her cheeks as she vented her rage. "You're not going to f*cking well have him, you hear? I won't let you have him, he's *mine*. He's raising *my* baby with *me*. You won't have him. You'll *never* have him!"
Somehow, Marlena maintained an impassive expression through Kristen's ranting, though inside she was a fearful of Kristen's encroaching insanity. She hadn't quite believed it when John had told her, but Kristen was completely psychotic and Marlena knew she was capable of anything.
However, the lack of any emotional response from Marlena only served to inflame Kristen's rage and without warning, she flew at Marlena, slamming her against the front of the door and aiming desperate blows at her face.
Marlena could only vaguely hear the words that Kristen was screaming as she tried to dodge her fists. But somehow she knew that the intent behind them was deadly serious.
"I'll kill you before you have him you bitch! I swear I'll *kill* you....."
Marlena barely had time to think as she raised her hands to ward off the blows from the deranged harridan in front of her. The words, although distorted by the harshness of the screaming, still registered and real, cold fear echoed inside her gut. If she'd doubted John's belief that Kristen was a danger before, she didn't now.
Adrenaline swept through her blood, sending her pulse racing and drying her mouth. She fended off a blow from Kristen, only to miss a slap that caught her square on. The whole side of her face, including her nose, was numb for a moment as her mind reeled. It was only when she tasted the salty, metallic sharpness of blood on her tongue that feeling seeped back into her face, the pain from the blow causing her knees to buckle.
She groped for the door handle through the red haze that clouded her senses, hoping that by some miracle, she could keep herself upright. But oddly, she found a strong, warm arm and hands that supported her. She could still hear Kristen's wails, but somehow, they seemed removed.
It seemed like an eternity before her vision cleared enough to realize that she was practically in Peter Blake's arms. Kristen flailed at his impassive back as he looked down at Marlena with conflicted eyes.
"Are you all right?" he asked with surprising concern. Marlena could only nod as she touched her fingers to her lips. They came away reddened with her own blood and she painfully ran her dry tongue over the split in the delicate skin.
Relieved, Peter shifted his attention to Kristen, turning around and capturing her wrists in an iron grip.
"That's *enough* Kristen," he told her in a voice that sounded very much like a command. It seemed to work as she looked up at him, a dazed confusion registering in her grey-green eyes.
"I'm sorry about all this Marlena," Peter tossed the inadequate apology over his shoulder. "This pregnancy has put quite a strain on her." Well, it was mostly true. He was just glad that the man he had watching Marlena's building had been intelligent enough to think to call him when he had seen Kristen entering the front doors.
"Please," Marlena gasped, not sure if she wanted to throw up or pass out. "Just get her out of here."
"Sure," Peter nodded his head, not particularly wanting to wait around here anyway. "C'mon Krissy, let's go."
He tugged on her arm and she took a step towards the open doorway. Then, without warning, she stopped and turned, fixing hard eyes on Marlena.
"I meant what I said," she said in a chillingly assured voice.
"Kristen!" Peter hissed as he pulled on her arm leading her out of the penthouse. He said nothing else, but turned and glanced apologetically at Marlena before he punched the elevator button.
Marlena touched her face gingerly as she shut the door behind her and flinched at the pain that her fingers elicited. Looking down, she saw that her hands were shaking and suddenly the rest of her body seemed to join in as the shock of what had just happened, hit her.
She made it to the sofa before her knees gave way and she caught the corner of the furniture with her hands as she sank to the ground.
"Oh God," she whispered as her eyes filled with terrified tears. It was as though everything John had predicted was coming true and she didn't know what to do. For all her education, for all her years practicing, suddenly she was as lost as she had ever been. And for some reason, all she could do was think of Hart Bennett and how she had not known how to deal with him. And how it had ended so tragically.
A tiny squirm inside her should have been soothing, but it just seemed to aggravate her distress. Suddenly, she couldn't hold on to her fear any longer and it spilled out as hot tears that stung her abraded skin. Flinging her head down on her arms on the sofa she began to cry, uttering loud, choking sobs that were swallowed up by the empty apartment.
It wasn't so much what had just happened that was the cause of her distress. It was more that Marlena felt as though was the last straw in a stressful situation that she had no idea how to deal with. This thing had been going on for so long now, since they had returned from Aremid and Marlena was just completely exhausted. She didn't understand why life couldn't be simple, why John and she couldn't be together, be a family like they deserved to be.
She just wanted to wake up in his arms in the morning, watch the sun rise like they had in West Virginia, send the children off to school after breakfast together like normal parents as part of a normal family. Surely, that wasn't too much to ask.
So why was it that it seemed so impossible to grasp?
She jumped as the telephone chimed behind her and lifting her head, she wiped her face miserably. Taking a deep breath, she tried to calm the shaking which she knew would translate into her voice and picked up the receiver.
"Hey beautiful," John's velvety voice echoed in her ear.
"Hi," her voice dropped to a barely audible whisper and John knew instantly that something was wrong. It wasn't so much her voice, or how she sounded, it was just that instantly he *knew*. In fact, he had really known before he had called her. That niggling feeling of uneasiness in the pit of his stomach was what had made him pick up the phone and dial her number in the first place.
"Doc," his voice conveyed everything he was thinking and more. "Doc, baby what's wrong? Are you okay?"
"I'm okay." The tremor gave her away and John's brow creased in concern.
"Doc, you're not okay. Now tell me what's going on." He paused for a moment and then continued, waylaying any further stalling on her part. "Talk to me Marlena or I'm coming straight over."
"Kristen was here," she shook as she said Kristen's name, her hand rising in an unconscious gesture to her mouth, where her lips were already puffy and tender. She winced as she thought about Kristen's mania. Her voice was raw and anxious as she spoke her next words. "She knows John. She knows about us."
"What?!" John's heart leapt into his throat. "What do you mean she knows?"
"She said she knew about the baby." Marlena's whisper was tenuous and her throat tightened as she replayed the words in her mind. "That she saw pictures and read letters you wrote to the baby."
"Oh God," John groaned, remembering the stash of letters he had written before the truth had come out between he and Marlena, along with the ultrasound and Marlena's appointment schedule. He'd hidden them in the bottom of one of his drawers and he knew Kristen must have gone searching to find them. "What did you say to her?" he asked softly.
"I told her that the baby was Gene's," her voice was stronger now but John could hear the fear that was underlying her words and he wished he were there to take her in his arms and calm her. "I told her that she was imagining things... and, and I asked her why you would be with her..." she took a harsh breath, trying to pace herself but the fear was rising again and she struggled with her words. "I tried to tell her... it wouldn't make sense if I was having your baby... but John, she really wasn't buying it." She took another deep breath in an attempt to calm herself and it seemed to work momentarily. "You were right to be worried about her, she's extremely unstable."
"What did she say Marlena?" John knew that she wasn't telling him everything. He knew her so well; he didn't even have to hear the inflections in her voice to gather that. The control that she had garnered, even during the short course of the conversation, was enough to tip him off that she wasn't being completely forthcoming. "What did she say to you?"
"She said she knew and that I wasn't going to have you," she still sounded anxious, however much she was trying to hide it and John ached to hold her. "John, I'm really frightened she might do something stupid. Peter followed her up here and he took her away but I'm not sure if he realizes how close to the edge she is."
"Peter Blake?" John sounded confused. "What was he doing there? Why would he be there too?"
"I don't know." She sounded alone, vulnerable and frightened John hated to hear that in her tone. "I'm just glad he did."
"Doc, baby, did she say something to you?" he asked, worry intensifying as he heard each one of her strained words. "Did she threaten you in some way?"
"It's not important exactly what she said," Marlena told him quickly, unable to hide the quaver that shook her voice. "It doesn't matter, I'm okay. You need to find her and convince her that she's not going to lose you." She knew she was babbling but she needed him to understand how urgent this was. "If you get angry with her now, it's only going to confirm her suspicions. I don't know how you can do it...."
"Doc, I don't know that you are okay." Her breathless words only served to increase his concern. "You don't sound okay to me. I'm worried about you sweetheart and I'd rather come over there and be with you. Peter's with her, she'll be fine."
"No John, I'm not sure she will be fine," Marlena said, the fear echoing again in her voice. "I'm scared that she'll do something stupid, something to get your attention." She began to tremble again as she remembered Kristen's fury and the feral glare in her eyes. "I'm frightened for our baby, John. Please."
He paused for a long moment, torn between his need to be with her and make sure that she was all right and Marlena's plea for their child. Of course, she knew that he could never refuse her a request, especially when it was so heartfelt and when the safety of their baby was at stake.....
With a small sigh, he nodded.
"Okay Doc, I'll go and check on her but after I make sure everything is okay with her, I'm coming back to see you and get the whole story okay?"
"Okay," Marlena nodded, allowing her shoulders to drop in a disclosure of relief. "Just be careful John. She's not lucid."
"I will, baby," his soft voice was reassuring and she felt her anxiety start to dissipate. She trusted him to take care of Kristen and the baby she carried. After the stress of the encounter with Kristen this morning, now it was time to stop worrying and start making sure this baby here was all right.
She ran a gentle hand over the light cotton that clothed her bulging stomach and smiled slightly, wincing when the angry throb in her lip and cheek reasserted itself.
"I miss you," she whispered almost inaudibly.
"Miss you too, baby," his silky voice made her want to curl up so that it could envelop her, as though it could somehow protect her from everything bad that wanted to overwhelm her right now. "I'll see you soon."
When John arrived at the loft, Maya was sitting on the sofa with her head in her hands, staring at the floor. He couldn't see any sign of Kristen and Peter and he wasn't sure for a moment if that was a good or a bad thing.
"What happened Maya?" he demanded without preamble. "How did she get out of here?"
"She tricked me and locked me in the bedroom," Maya raised miserable russet eyes to her employer. "I'm sorry, I should have known better. I let my guard down and she took advantage of it."
"She's here?" he asked, not bothering to assuage her guilt.
"In her room with her brother," Maya twisted the ring that adorned her thumb. She couldn't believe she had been so stupid and it was only by the grace of God that nothing serious had happened. At least she *hoped* nothing serious had happened.
"We'll talk about this later," the hardness in John's voice sent the nervous anxiety inside her into overdrive. She couldn't afford to get fired, not now.
Ignoring the tenseness of the young woman, John moved through the living room toward the stairs. He could hear Kristen and Peter arguing, even from the base of the staircase and his own stomach tossed nervously. He had no idea how to retrieve any kind of stability from this situation and his hand gripped the handrail tightly as the flight instinct won out over the fight for several long moments.
And then he recalled the fear and pleading in Marlena's voice as she begged him to check on Kristen. She was genuinely fearful for their child's life and John couldn't walk away from that, as much as instinct told him to.
With a deep breath, he started up the stairs.
Marlena flinched as the knock came at the door and she roused herself from where she lay on the forgiving softness of the sofa. Her head ached dully and her lip was parched and painful where she had held a tissue to it to staunch the flow of blood. She hadn't dared to look in a mirror yet to assess any further damage. She didn't want to be reminded of what a hash she had made of the situation any sooner than she had to be.
"Marlena?" Laura's softly feminine voice drifted through the closed door, enfolding her in the imbued concern. Marlena looked up in shock and then looked at the clock. She had totally forgotten that Laura was coming to lunch. There was another knock at the door and then a pause. "Marlena, are you there?"
"Just a moment Laura," her voice was gravelly and strained as she pushed herself up, the spongy cushion giving way awkwardly under her hand. Looking down, she cursed softly as she saw the spots of blood that she had missed. Blood that now manifestly stained the soft lime fabric of her dress.
She pushed tousled hair out of her face as she made her way to the mirror. The visage she saw reflected in the looking glass was as bad as she had expected and she groaned, the noise settling deep in her throat. Bruising was already taking shape around her eye and blood was crusted at the bottom of her still numb nose. Her lower lip was swollen and dark with clotted blood, contrasting with the ashen pallor of her skin and reddened eyes.
"Oh man," she whispered, realizing that there was no time for her to get cleaned up before she let Laura in. Not that there was much she could do to hide this anyway.
"Marlena, honey, are you okay?" Laura was getting antsy on the other side of the door and Marlena knew that there was no way she was going to avoid the inevitable inquisition that was going to take place when Laura saw her.
With a sigh, she walked slowly to the door, mentally cataloguing the various aches and pains as she went. Turning the lock, she opened the door to face her friend.
Laura's expression, schooled into one of happy greeting, immediately fell, shocked disquiet replacing her expectation of sharing in Marlena's good news.
"Marlena, my God, what happened?"
"Kristen you can't be serious!" Peter stared at his sister in shock.
"Never more so brother dearest." She whirled away from him, her eyes cold and dead as she stared out of the window. "How else can I assure the future of my family?"
"Krissy, you *can't*." He felt a chill shimmer through him. He had seen Kristen desperate, but never this desperate.
"I can do anything I *damn* well please," she hissed. "That bitch has destroyed my life.... well maybe a little turn about is fair play."
"She hasn't destroyed it.... for God's sake Kristen, you can't blame her for everything that's gone wrong. You knew a long time ago that John loved her. You've just been hanging onto a fantasy ever since."
"Don't you *dare* tell me what I can and can't do," Kristen turned on him angrily. "If you won't back me up then you can f*cking well go to hell." She narrowed her eyes, glaring nastily at him. "I don't need you anyway."
They both started at the sound of the door and turned to find John standing at the threshold of the room.
"Could I speak to Kristen please?" he addressed the question to Peter, who was more than glad to get out of the room. What with Kristen having lost all her marbles apparently and with John looking at a loss, he figured at the best, he'd have to pick up the pieces at some point. He'd just rather it wasn't right now.
"Sure," he muttered as he dodged out of the room almost gratefully.
"So?" Kristen placed her hands on her hips and glared at John, openly hostile.
"What?" John wasn't about to blurt out the truth unless he had to.
"Don't treat me like I'm stupid John, I've had enough of that. I suppose your precious Marlena has called you by now, complaining about the big bad Kristen."
"I heard about what happened," he said carefully.
"Did you hear how I found your precious letters and pictures?" her lips curled into an ugly scowl. She stomped to the bed where she'd dropped the bundle that she had collected when she and Peter had arrived back. Even faced with the proof, Peter had refused to become outraged on her behalf. She had been counting on him. Now she had to do what she had to do, alone.
"Yes, that's right," she registered the apprehensive expression on John's face and she scooped up the pile of papers. "I *know*. I know that you've been *lying* to me. I *know* that that bloody bastard your precious *Doc* carries is *yours*!" Her voice wound up to a screech and she hurled the letters at him furiously.
John could do nothing but look at her as a few remaining crisp papers fluttered lazily to the ground. He couldn't stand her and he momentarily wondered why he had found her so irresistible at one time. She wasn't even attractive anymore. She was a spent, sad, vicious crone and the sooner she was out of his life, the better.
"What, cat got your tongue?" she taunted disdainfully. "Don't know what line to spin the poor gullible Kristen now huh?"
"Kristen, it's not like that," he started softly.
"Well, what *is* it like John," she screamed angrily. "Why don't you tell me exactly *how* I fit into your plans now that wh*re is having your baby too."
"Kristen, the fact that Marlena got pregnant accidentally, the fact that she *is* having my baby doesn't change the fact that I am committed to you." He hoped he could pull off the boldfaced lies, because they were about as far from the truth as he could go.
"Oh yeah, that's right, how could I forget," she laughed bitterly, the sound ringing with madness. "You're so in love with me you can't wait to get away from me every day. You won't sleep with me, kiss me or God forbid, even touch me." She scowled at him, her eyes portraying a mixture of proprietary and hatred. "It's obvious you can't stand me, so why do you even bother trying?"
"Kristen, honey, you know I missed out on so much work when I was in the hospital. I really have to catch up on that stuff, I can't help it." He moved closer to her, his posture deliberately trained into a likeness of supplication.
Kristen looked at him suspiciously. She wanted to believe him, but how could she, when every nerve in her body screamed at her that he was still lying?
"If that's true then why did you lie to me?" She grasped the bedstead with gnarled fingers. "You've obviously been to appointments with *her*," she waved her free arm at the papers scattered on the floor around John. "You've been sneaking around behind my back for *months*. Why should I believe *anything* you say?"
"Baby," the endearment stuck in John's throat and he had to force himself to carry on. "I'm sorry, I should have told you the truth. But I didn't know how to tell you. I didn't find out for the longest time and when I did," he sighed and shrugged, "I know how insecure you are about our relationship and I'm sorry if that's my fault too. I just didn't want to hurt you and I knew how you would feel about Marlena having my baby." He was silent but Kristen matched it with a stare that dared him to finish his explanation. He cleared his throat and curled his fists as he shoved them into his pockets. "I knew you would see her as a threat and with the pregnancy as delicate as it was, I just wanted to spare you as much stress as I could."
"And Marlena went along with that out of the goodness of her heart?" Kristen asked disbelievingly.
"Doc knows I am committed to you, Kristen. She wouldn't ask me to break up the family we are creating. And she has Eugene now anyway. The baby might not be his, but he will bring it up as if it were."
"And you can do that?" Kristen raised her eyebrows. "Watch another man bring up your child and not be involved."
"If I have to." She could hear the strain in his voice and her mind ticked over as she watched him shift uncomfortably before her.
You're lying John. You're lying and someone is going to be punished because of it.
"Kristen did this to you?" Laura was horrified as she helped Marlena sit down on the sofa.
"It's a long story Laura," Marlena said, exhaustion suffusing her words.
"Did she find out the truth about you and John?" Laura asked quietly.
"She found out that this is John's baby and she pretty much guessed everything else," Marlena replied despondently, her hand resting on the rounded curve of her belly. "I tried to tell her she was mistaken but she wouldn't buy it."
"And she attacked you?" Laura lifted her hand to Marlena's face to examine the bruising but pulled away as Marlena flinched.
"She's psychotic Laura. If Peter hadn't arrived, God only knows what would have happened." A small shudder ran through Marlena as she considered the possible outcomes of what had occurred. None of them were particularly pleasant.
"You've told John about this." It was a statement rather than a question.
"I told him she came over, yes."
"But you didn't tell him that she hit you?" Laura was stunned for the second time since she had arrived. "Marlena, why ever not? Surely you know he'd be right over here if you told him."
"That's why I couldn't," Marlena was hoarse as she stared at her hands, which were fiddling nervously. "He needed to go and make sure Kristen was all right first."
"But what about you?" Laura asked with a touch of annoyance in her voice. "I think you deserve more of his attention than Kristen does."
"Laura, it's not that easy," Marlena looked over at her friend struggling to think through the ache that clouded her mind. "There's something else that Kristen doesn't know. Somehow, and don't ask me how because I really can't explain it, but she's carrying *my* baby too. A baby that is genetically John's and mine. So you see, I can't just write her off and pretend she doesn't exist and neither can John."
"What?" Laura wondered vaguely why revelations like these always came in threes. "How.... how is that possible?"
"I don't know," Marlena shrugged her shoulders. "Laura, I really don't know, but Mike confirmed it for us so it's true."
Laura's face flashed with emotion as she struggled to make sense of what Marlena was telling her. She was confused and she was angry, but most of all, she was deeply concerned about Marlena right now.
"Let me get some thing to clean those cuts," she offered finally.
"All right," Marlena watched her shed her light linen jacket and make her way to the bathroom and then she shook her head. Everything was such a mess. She didn't understand how it had got that way so fast. Not that this hadn't been going on for what seemed like forever. But all of a sudden, everything seemed to be slipping out of her grasp and it frightened her.
She heard Laura re-enter the room and she forced herself to drop the train of thought as her friend kneeled down in front of her.
"All right honey," Laura lifted a warm washcloth to her face, "this might sting a little."
Marlena winced as Laura dabbed at the blood that was crusted under her nose and on her lips.
"There's not going to be much that we can do about the bruising at this point, I can get some ice if you want." She put down the cloth and gently applied some antiseptic cream to the cuts that marred Marlena's lips.
"Laura, I couldn't tell him," Marlena retreated to the previous conversation quietly. "You know how he is, how protective he gets. If he knew Kristen had even threatened me, let alone hurt me, he wouldn't be able to go through this charade any longer."
"So you play silent martyr again Marlena?"
"I have to." Her hazel eyes were dark with sorrow. "Laura, she tried to kill herself when she thought John had left her and she very nearly succeeded." She took Laura's hand and squeezed it. "Laura, you know I can't put my baby at risk. I just can't do it."
Laura looked down at the carpet and then at Marlena again.
"You know, I just can't bear to see you putting yourself second all the time. I want so badly to see you get the happiness you deserve and I hate that you always put everyone else first." She sighed deeply as she saw the pain in Marlena's golden eyes. She loved her friend so dearly, she would do anything to help her. "I am trying to understand though."
"You're a wonderful friend," Marlena managed a taut smile but it was followed by a slight flinch as the pain sent an unwelcome reminder across her chafed nerves. "I know you care and I'm *so* grateful for it."
"You know I'll always be here if you need me," Laura returned Marlena's smile with a gentle one of her own. Marlena was always so good to those around her, if only she could be as good to herself.
"For what it's worth, John is coming back here when he's done at Kristen's," Marlena shrugged her shoulders tightly. She hoped he was anyway. Who knew what was going on over at the loft and if he was going to be able to get away.
The thought that she might not see him wasn't exactly heartening and Marlena felt her hands tremble involuntarily.
"Honey, it's okay to let it out," Laura prompted her softly. "You've just been through a very stressful experience."
"I'm okay," Marlena nodded stoically, drawing her hands away from Laura in an effort to compose herself. "I... when Kristen left.... before you came over..." She looked at her friend with sad eyes. "There are only so many tears, Laura."
"Well just remember that you don't have to be strong with me, *or* with John. We know better than to expect you to be superhuman," her lips took on a quirky smile. "To tell you the truth, sometimes it's nice to know you're not perfect. Means there's some hope for the rest of us."
"Oh Laura," a tiny chuckle slipped from Marlena's throat. Then she became serious again as she laid her hand over Laura's. "Thank you. But I can't say that by the time this whole nightmare is over you won't think I'm anything *but* perfect."
"Anytime you need my shoulder honey," Laura tilted her head to one side, "you know where I am. But I think what you *really* need to do is trust in John. He knows what's important and I think you can trust that he won't let you down again."
"You think he's learnt his lesson?" Marlena asked with amusement.
"He better have, or he'll have all the Brady's and Horton's to answer to!" Laura grinned. "But really, I think he loves you deeply and he knows what it's like to lose you. He won't ever risk that again."
"I don't think he will either." Marlena let out a long, slow breath. "I don't want to contemplate my life without him Laura. Now I have him back...." She shook her head, a sliver of real, tangible fear slipping through the emotional armour she had erected. "Until I know for sure Stefano is dead, I'll never be able to be secure in our future."
"Just hang on in there honey," Laura pulled her into a hug. "Things will get better soon, I promise you. Roman and Abe will find Stefano and then things will be okay. You just have to have faith."
"Can you forgive me?" John asked carefully. "I really am sorry baby."
Kristen looked at him, still processing her options through her mind. If she told him the truth, that she didn't believe him and likely never would, he would leave her and go to Marlena. That much was sure. But if she played along, she could buy herself some time. Some time to deal with the problem at hand. Some time to make sure the problem would never be a problem again.
"You swear you love me?" she asked pointedly.
"Yes, I love you, I promise," John didn't know how he had it in him to lie so easily, but he managed it.
"You promise you and I and this baby will be a family?"
"I promise Kristen. I love this baby and I'm committed to its mother. We will be a very happy family, I can promise you that." However dire the situation, John was a man of his word, and if he could help it, he didn't want to make vows he couldn't keep.
"All right then," she said softly as she held out her arms. "I forgive you."
"You don't know how happy that makes me," John wrapped his arms around her, trying to relax his tensing muscles.
"I can only imagine," Kristen whispered, resting her head against his shoulder.
Not as happy as it will make me when I see Dr. Marlena Evans Brady dead and buried.
For there was only one way to ensure Marlena and her spawn would never be a threat again. And Kristen had no qualms about carrying through with her plans.
When she was done, Marlena would be dead and John would be hers forever.
Peter Blake's eyes bore into the floor as he paced angrily across the living room of John Black's loft. The more he thought about the events of the day, the more furious he became. Kristen had seemingly lost her grip on reality, but she'd been pushed to it by the actions of a man who had once claimed to love her. She had been used and tossed aside when John had tired of her and it was only circumstance that kept her in his life. And that circumstance was slowly destroying her.
When John was satisfied the rising and falling of Kristen's chest was too regular to be faked, he disengaged himself from her grip and pushed himself off the chair. Silently he made his way out of the room and closed the door.
She'd argued when he suggested that she try and get some sleep, but her pregnant body turned traitor and she found herself yawning as he led her upstairs to the bed. It hadn't taken long for her to lose the battle with her heavy eyelids and John was more than happy to get away from her.
Downstairs he found Peter waiting for him, his expression stormy.
"I know what you've been up to Black. You might be able to snow Kristen, but I *know* you've been lying." His lips thinned as he glowered at the man he held responsible for his sister's growing insanity. "I know you went away with Marlena. And the only reason I haven't told Kristen the truth is because I'm afraid of what it would do to her. If it wasn't for that, I'd let you fry. You *and* your girlfriend." He sneered, leaving John in no doubt as to how he felt about him. "You are responsible for *everything* that's happened to that woman up there," he pointed in the direction of the staircase not allowing John even a moment to reply. "If she's lost her mind, it's because *you* broke her heart through your lying and cheating. Because you didn't have the guts to make a decision and stick to it." He neared John, his hands on his hips, his posture overtly threatening. "It's your fault that she's in this state. You got her pregnant and then abandoned her emotionally. So the way I see it, you have a responsibility to Kristen and her baby and you'd better live up to it. It's about time you got your priorities straight Black."
"Why the hell are you wasting your time with this?" John wasn't about to back away from Peter. In fact he was so angry about what Marlena had been put through that this seemed like the ideal moment to take it out on someone. "Because if you think you can threaten me over your sister, you're as delusional as she is."
Sidestepping Peter, he walked over to the counter, staring at the grey-blue surface as he wondered abstractedly where Maya had gone. Peter wasn't about to let him get the last word and he followed John to where he faced him across the burnished steel sink.
"My sister is lying up there, her mind as good as scrambled and you act like you couldn't give a shit," Peter pounded the smooth counter-top with his fist.
"To be blunt, I don't," John returned angrily. "Your sister brought this all on herself. Her downfall was entirely her own doing and neither I nor Marlena are going to take the blame for her evil doings."
Peter opened his mouth to argue, but John stepped up to him intimidatingly. "Your precious sister did *everything* in her power to keep Marlena and me apart. She lied and she schemed and she played on our loyalty. And she twisted and used our love for each other against us." He pointed at Peter, his face full of fury. "She knew exactly what she was doing when she did that. She knew what she was doing when she helped Stefano kidnap Marlena. She knew *exactly* what she was doing when she tried to trap me by getting pregnant. When she used some vile contraption to hypnotize me so I didn't know I was sleeping with her. When she for all intents and purposes *raped* me." He noted the lack of surprise in Peter's eyes and he nodded. "I'll bet you even knew about that didn't you? You probably even helped her." He shook his head in disgust. "You DiMera's are all cut from the same foul cloth."
Peter said nothing, just stared at John, his mind reeling with the revelations. He had never entirely approved of Kristen's machinations to keep John and now they were coming back to haunt him. For a moment, he could hardly blame John for how he felt.
John scowled at Peter, his hatred for everything that Kristen had become spilling out in words that he seemed to have no control over.
"So don't come across all holier than thou with me Blake. I *know* what kind of woman Kristen *really* is and I *despise* her for it. I'm only with her now to make sure that the baby comes to no harm." His voice dropped, hard and passionate. "For the first time in a long time, I actually *have* my priorities straight. And let me tell you this," he pointed at Peter again, remembering the fear in Marlena's voice as she had spoken to him on the phone earlier. "If either of you even *contemplate* harming Marlena in *any* way, I will make sure that you *both* pay. Big time."
Peter's impassive face didn't betray his whirlwind of thoughts. He wondered if John knew that Kristen had hit Marlena and he wondered if John had overheard Kristen's threats in the bedroom before he had arrived. When she had threatened to remove Marlena Evans. Permanently.
And for all his loyalty to Kristen, he couldn't even fathom Stefano's reaction if he found out his daughter was talking about killing Marlena. He just had to make sure it didn't come to that.
John was too irate to read anything into Peter's silence. He just knew that he had to get out of here and find Marlena. For as wrong as everything seemed in his world right now, she could make it right.
Sweeping past Peter, he grabbed his jacket and yanked the door of the loft open.
"*Don't* leave her unless the nurse is here," he growled before he slammed the door closed behind him.
"So why don't you tell me what happened with Eugene," Laura asked as she poured a cup of tea for herself. "How did things end between you?"
"When I realized I was pregnant," Marlena had changed into a pair of baggy denim dungarees over a white T-shirt and with her hair scraped back into a ponytail, she was looking a little less harried. "Once we knew that, we just couldn't go on." She sighed, drawing her sock-clad feet up underneath her as she pushed the melting ice-pack to one side. "It should never have happened to begin with."
"So, how did he take it when you told him?" Laura asked.
"He was good. He understood," Marlena accepted the cup of tea that Laura handed her and quickly transferred it to the table. Her hands were still shaking and spilling scalding hot liquid in her lap was the last thing she needed. "He did everything he could to persuade me to tell John the truth about the baby."
"But you didn't?" Laura sat down on the couch opposite her.
"I tried to." An expression of regret swept her face. "But we ended up arguing before I could and then when he found out, he assumed the baby was Gene's."
"Messy." Laura took a sip of her tea, noting that Marlena's eyes were alighting anywhere but on her face. Obviously these memories were very painful for her and held more than a modicum of embarrassment or even shame. She vowed silently to do everything she could to help Marlena through this. She only wished she'd known earlier.
"Very," Marlena nodded. "And then you know what happened next. Roman and Eugene talked me into going to the party at the Grille." She shook her head angrily. "What a *stupid* thing to do. As though showing up pregnant wasn't going to hurt my children and my family."
"Marlena, honey, you did the best that you could," Laura reminded her.
"I guess so," Marlena frowned. "I just wish my best could have been better."
"We *all* wish that," Laura offered her a small smile. "So you told John after the shooting? The truth about the baby I mean."
"Yes," that brought a twitch of a smile to Marlena's lips. "He couldn't believe it, he was just over the moon."
"I'll just bet he was." Laura could imagine what it had been for John to discover that Marlena did indeed still love him and that they were having a child together. It must have been almost overwhelming.
"I wanted to believe that everything would be all right then," Marlena ran weary hands over her face. "I thought the worst was behind us, but then Gene started withdrawing and behaving oddly and John wasn't much better."
"Jealousy?" Laura raised her eyebrows.
"You know, it took me *weeks* to work that out," Marlena laughed bitterly at the irony. "Some shrink huh?"
"Marlena, you are a wonderful doctor and you *know* that when you are caught in the middle of a situation, it's not always easy to see the forest for the trees."
"I didn't *want* to see it Laura," Marlena leaned over and picked up her cup of tea, wrapping her hands tightly around it in hopes it would reduce the trembling that bothered her fingers. "It was too painful. I didn't want to admit that what I had done had hurt two people I love very deeply."
"And who love you," Laura pointed out. "I don't expect they blame you."
"John did," Marlena cracked a small grin, taking almost perverse delight in proving Laura wrong. "Matter of fact, so did Gene. We had the most God-almighty row the night before John and I went away."
"Who?" Laura was a little confused.
"John and I. And then Gene and I. And then John came back for another go round," she took a sip of tea and let it flood across her tongue, the taste of the tannins oddly refreshing.
"Wow, so that's why Eugene left?" Laura put her cup down on the table and leaned forward. "So the last time you saw him you were fighting?"
"Well the fight had ended," Marlena shrugged her shoulders, trying to ease the tension out of them. "We had resolved it to the point where he and I agreed that the best thing for all of us would be if he left."
"So he left, just like that?"
"Just like that," Marlena nodded, a small frown on her face. "Thank you for taking him in Laura. I was in such a state that night that I could barely even think straight. I should have made sure he had somewhere to go."
"Marlena, he's a grown man," Laura resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "Would you stop trying to take responsibility for everything that happens around you?"
"Okay, okay," Marlena nodded finally under Laura's forceful stare. "I know what you're saying. It's just hard for me to not be in control you know?"
"I know," Laura nodded, "but you and I both know the answer to that."
Marlena sighed and looked out of the window.
"Sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy because all this stuff is happening around me, like I'm in some kind of emotional tornado and I just can't seem to reach out and grab anything to make it slow down."
"As long as you're emotionally centered and you've dealt with any *real* culpability," Laura paused, "not all this imagined stuff that you're reaching out for, then you can deal with it Marlena."
"I know," Marlena shifted cinnamon-coloured eyes back to her dear friend and a crooked smile eased her nervous expression. "I know, sometimes I just need you here to remind me."
"Well, I've spent too much time feeling sorry for myself," Laura chuckled deprecatingly. "I'm not about to watch you do it too."
"So given what you now know, how do you think Gene is doing?" Marlena asked after a moment.
"He's up and down but I think that's to be expected." Laura sat back against the cushions again and swallowed another mouthful of tea. "He obviously misses you. He's not 'over you' by any stretch of the imagination, but then I guess that's why he moved out."
"He told me he was having dreams about me," Marlena's voice was husky with what Laura took to be embarrassment. "About making love to me. They were obviously..." she searched for the right word. "Distracting."
She grimaced, thinking about Eugene and his dreams. It seemed so unlike him. Not that he was a model of restraint, but it didn't seem like him to be so out of control. At least the Eugene she knew. Or had known.
"I could imagine that might cause a problem," Laura said quietly. It could cause a major problem in a friendship, they both knew, but Marlena didn't need that pointed out right now. She had bigger things to worry about, she didn't need to be feeling guilty about something else she couldn't control. The best thing Laura could offer her now was support and reassurance. Then maybe she could help Eugene deal with his feelings, in time. She took another sip of her tea and nodded. "I think he just needs time, honey. Just a little space to get his head clear. I can't imagine that he will let your friendship go because of a silly mistake."
"Sometimes when you love someone and they don't love you back, you don't have a choice," Marlena said sadly.
"Well I don't see that happening in this case," Laura wasn't about to be swayed. "I'll see what I can do to help in the meantime though."
"Thanks," Marlena smiled, putting her own cup on the table. "Sometimes I wonder if this mess will ever get cleared up."
"Of course it will," Laura winked at her, "you just have to have faith remember?"
They both turned at the sound of the door. Marlena felt her heart pounding in her throat as the handle turned and the door swung open.
"John!" she was momentarily glad to see him until she saw the shock on his face and realized that he hadn't been expecting her to look... well, battered.
"Doc, my God!" He was by her side almost immediately, his exclamation almost trailing him as he blinked in alarm. "Did..... did *Kristen* do this?"
Marlena wanted to say something, anything that would stop the anger that was about to burst forth. But somehow it was all she could do to keep from bursting into tears and she nodded, her lower lip trembling almost indiscernibly.
John was lost for words for a moment, fear and rage playing a discordant symphony through his mind and his heart. Kristen had *hit* Marlena, she had actually physically struck her. Drawn blood.
"Dammit Doc, why didn't you tell me?" he demanded angrily. "If I'd known she'd done this to you...." He was shaking with the injustice of it and he backed away from her as he tried to get a grip on his anger. Her eyes were reddened, but he didn't know if it had been from the blow or if she had been crying. He could see the turmoil of emotions that were poorly masked in them and he turned away from her and planted his hands on the desk behind him. He could feel the rage building up behind his eyes and suddenly he grabbed the small vase next to his hand and hurled it at the wall. "Goddamn-"
Marlena flinched as she took a step back from John. She had pretty much expected this, but it didn't make it any easier. Yet this couldn't get any more out of control than it already was. She had to bring him back to her before he did something stupid.
John was still so irate that he barely noticed as Marlena laid a trembling hand on his arm.
"That's why I couldn't tell you," she said softly as she tugged on his arm. He turned around to find her eyes shining with unshed tears and he immediately felt like a complete bastard. "Look at how you reacted just now. If you'd found out *before* you'd gone to see Kristen...." She sighed and shook her head gently. "I knew how angry you'd be and that you'd go over there, looking for some kind of vengeance. I couldn't risk it. I couldn't be sure that you'd be able to control that anger, that she wouldn't use it against you. There's too much at stake. It was just too risky."
"But she *hurt* you Doc," he touched his fingers to the bruise that shaded her nose and she winced despite herself. "God you see? I.... How can I sit back and do nothing knowing that she hurt you?"
"This," Marlena pointed to her face, "is nothing worse than what she's already done. The difference is that you can see this and it will fade faster. John, I want her to pay for what she's done as much as you do. But not now. Not when we're so close." She gripped his arm with the fingers of both hands. "I'm not asking you to like it, I'm just asking you to let it go for now, okay?"
John took a deep breath and studied her face, his eyes sweeping over the mottled purple of the bruising that circled her eye. Her lower lip was swollen and cut and the side of her face appeared a little puffy. If anyone had laid a hand on her he would have been outraged, but the fact that it had been Kristen was utterly horrendous to him. If he could get his hands on her right now, he'd be hard pressed to resist wringing her ugly, scrawny neck. Unfortunately Marlena was right. He couldn't afford to let his anger and his protectiveness screw things up now.
"Okay." He nodded. "But once the baby is born, Doc, all bets are off."
"Once the baby is born, I have absolutely no problem with that." Marlena wasn't about to argue with him on that point. Not now, not given how much she loathed Kristen at this moment.
"I think I should go," Laura interrupted the moment as she placed her cup on the table and made to stand.
"Oh Laura, I'm sorry," John's expression conveyed his awkwardness at realizing Laura Horton was there.
"It's okay John," Marlena squeezed his arm. "Laura knows everything."
"Everything?" John's eyes widened and Laura smiled and nodded.
"Good." Once he had thought it through, he decided that it was a very good thing that Laura knew, and very fortuitous at this moment. "Laura, don't go right now." He turned back to Marlena and laid his hands on her shoulders. "Doc, I don't know that Kristen bought my lies, so the only way to make sure she doesn't pull a stunt like this again is to stick close to her until the baby is born." At the sight of her golden eyes darkening at the realization of what that meant, he lifted his hands to cup her face. "Baby it can't be long now and then we'll all be together."
"I know," she whispered, dropping her head so that he wouldn't see the tears that filled her eyes. He wasn't fooled for a moment though and he brought her back up to face him, using his thumbs to wipe away the falling moisture.
"I know that you're not going to like this, but I need backup. I need to have someone here to make sure Stefano doesn't get in while I'm... otherwise occupied." She gazed at his face and saw the lines that ran in furrows across his brow. He was suffering with this even more than she was. He carried on voicing his fears as though they were solid reality, which quite possibly, they were. "And in the event that Kristen somehow gives me the slip, she's gonna come straight here and I do *not* want you here alone." His thumbs stroked her cheeks gently so that even the throbbing of her bruise seemed to slow. "You can argue with me on this but for once Marlena, you won't win. I want Gene back here and I want him here before Laura leaves."
"But John," she started but he pressed a finger to her lips.
"Listen to me Doc. This is *serious*. Kristen is capable of *anything*. So is Stefano. I will *not* leave your safety to chance. Do you understand me?" His eyes scrutinized her for any hint of argument and she knew he was deadly serious. There was no way she was going to win this one. And she wasn't even sure she wanted to. After this morning, she was taking his fears all too seriously and she was frightened.
"All right," the words were quiet, but unmistakable.
"Good girl," John nodded, hugging her to him tightly. "Laura, Eugene is staying with you?" Laura nodded in the affirmative, figuring Marlena must have told him that piece of news some time this morning. "Would you call him and let him know what's happened?"
"Of course." She had been unsettled by the anxiety that suffused John's words to Marlena and unnerved by the apparent danger that Marlena was in. If she knew anything, it was that you should never underestimate a DiMera and she was glad that Marlena had John there to remind her of this fact.
"Hello?" A male voice echoed in the earpiece of the portable phone.
"Eugene, it's Laura."
"Oh, hi," he sounded vaguely disappointed.
"Listen, I'm over at Marlena's and there's been a bit of trouble." Laura looked over at John and Marlena. He was holding her and she had her face hidden against his shoulder. His palm traveled in large circles over her back as he whispered to her tenderly.
"What kind of trouble?" Eugene's voice suddenly rang with alarm.
"Kristen got out of the loft and came over here while John was at work. She found out that Marlena's baby is John's and she threatened her and then hit her."
"She *hit* her?! My God, is she okay?" Q could feel the panic bubbling inside of him as he waited for Laura's answer.
"She's just fine. A little shaken up and a little bruised but she's safe. For now."
"John?" Even as he asked the question, a single thought repeated through his mind. Dammit, he was right. I shouldn't have left her. I shouldn't have been so damn selfish.
"He's here but he's going to have to go back to the loft to keep an eye on Kristen. He's worried that she might try something like this again if she has the opportunity."
"If she did, there's no telling...." He trailed off, feeling sick. They had predicted this and they had predicted worse....
"Exactly." Laura nodded, knowing that Eugene understood exactly what the risks were. "He doesn't have any choice but to stick close to her but he can't leave Marlena unprotected."
"Which is why you're calling me," Q nodded, his mind racing.
He had no choice here. His duty, his whole reason for still being here, was to make sure nothing happened to Marlena. Besides that, if he were to stand by while she were hurt, he would never, ever forgive himself.
"Tell them I'll be right over," he said determinedly.
"I will." Laura put down the phone and turned back to the couple on the sofa. Marlena was shaking her head as she looked at John.
"It'll be over soon baby, I promise you," he told her softly. "And then we will be able to spend every moment together if we want." Marlena obviously remained unconvinced as she dipped her head. With nothing left to say, John closed his eyes and pressed his lips to her blonde mane, content to just hold her for as long as he could.
Kristen stared at the window, seeing nothing of the blue sky outside the room. Her world no longer contained such tangibles as sky and air and earth. The only element left within Kristen DiMera's bleak soul was fire. A fire of jealousy and wrath that burned everything in its path. Obliterating all remaining vestiges of sanity and reality, it consumed her fully, leaving only one active thought in her mind. The thought... the desire... the lust for revenge.
She cackled gleefully as she let the scenarios play through her mind. How would she like to see Marlena die best? See her skull shattered by a bullet, her pretty face destroyed so that her beloved would have to bury her in a closed casket?
But no, that wouldn't do. She wanted to see the fear in *Doc's* eyes as she died.
So... perhaps a knife? Kristen mimicked stabbing motions with her closed fist, her eyes heavy lidded, a vicious smile curling her lips. The thought of seeing the crimson blood pool on the floor as life ebbed away. She could almost feel Marlena's blood on her hands, sticky and cooling and she closed her eyes, letting the pleasure rush through her. Yes, that might be it.
That might be just the thing.....
Damn her!
The words ran through Q's thoughts like an incessantly irritating toy locomotive on a shortened track. He was perched on the back of the sofa across from Marlena and he was studying the bruising on her face. Kristen had managed to land a pretty good blow and it looked painful. He would heal that for her if she would let him. But it would have to be later, when Laura wasn't around. For now he could only listen as John spoke.
"Eugene, I know you left for a reason and I'm sure you really don't want to be here, but I'm asking you for Marlena's sake." John was feeling highly irritable and he rubbed his face tiredly as he spoke. The last few weeks were really starting to take their toll on him.
"I know what's at stake John. You don't need to spell it out for me." Q felt more than a little impatient. Marlena was avoiding his gaze and it made him even more uncomfortable than he already felt. Not the least because he felt he was under the scrutiny of Laura Horton. He liked Laura and enjoyed her company but to involve her in the mess that was his friendship with Marlena...? He sighed silently as he thought about the implications. It wasn't exactly conducive to a budding friendship to have all of ones flaws laid out in the open like one was part of some ridiculous psychoanalytic study, was it?
"Good. Then you know how important it is that Marlena has round the clock protection." John's voice was tight with stress and his fists were curled up into frustrated balls. There was absolutely *nothing* about this situation that he liked, but he felt powerless to fix it.
He hadn't expected to feel quite so antagonistic when Eugene walked into the room, but then, maybe old habits died hard. They had cleared the air for the most part, but it was hard to stop feeling such overwhelming emotions overnight. As it was, they were now manageable and he was able to bite his tongue. Mostly.
"Within *reason* that is."
"Oh for goodness sake!" That was enough to rile Marlena's temper. It had been a hell of an afternoon and her patience was fraying in concert with John's. "I don't *need* to be babied John. I'm not helpless, I don't need a bodyguard and I *certainly* don't need you two sniping at each other every time you're in the same room. I thought we'd been through this?"
There was a pause and then John's shoulders drooped.
"You're right, I'm sorry Doc." He looked at Q, but his fists still tensed unconsciously, the balls of his knuckles whitening with each tightening of his muscles. "I'm sorry, that was uncalled for."
"Apology accepted," Q knew John's sincerity was limited but he wasn't about to make things any more difficult than they had to be. John turned immediately back to Marlena, filled with the necessity to convince her that this was in her best interests.
"But Doc, you *do* need to be protected, I know how independent you are and how much you hate being looked after..."
"Damn *right* I do," Marlena had all but forgotten her earlier terror and she felt herself becoming indignant. "I don't like being patronized John."
"You're not being patronized Doc. We've been through this." He was frustrated by her stubbornness, as usual, but he knew how to choose his battles. This was one he wouldn't lose. "I need to know you're safe and I can't trust an alarm to make sure you're okay. Stefano can make it past those with no problems. He's proven that before."
"Nothing's foolproof," she countered. "Not even Gene. There's always variables."
"But there's fewer variables for me to worry about with Eugene here," John frowned. "Dammit Marlena, why do you have to be so argumentative?" He turned to Eugene who shrugged and rolled his eyes in a 'here we go again' intimation.
John turned back to Marlena and sighed.
"Doc, stop being so damn headstrong and stubborn and listen to me." He kneeled down in front of her and took her hands in his own, despite the fact that they were hot and sticky. "If you won't think of yourself, think of me and of your children. Think of the baby you carry in there," he nodded to her stomach. "Do you really want to risk the safety of that tiny life?"
Marlena was silent for a moment as though she was trying to find a retort. Then she let out a gentle breath.
"No," her expression conveyed her chagrin.
"I didn't think so." He reached up to rearrange her bangs with his finger. "I don't want to leave you but I have no choice. This is the only option I have. I'd put anyone else in here with you but you know as well as I do what Eugene can do. I'd be an idiot not to utilize that."
"I know," she sighed. "I just..." He touched a finger to her lips and shushed her.
"Humour me Doc. I just have to do this." His eyes, a brilliant china blue, were glistening. "I couldn't bear it if anything were to happen to you and the baby now."
"All right," she nodded, leaning so that her forehead touched his in a kind of intimate communion. "I won't fight you on this. And I promise I'll be careful. But only *if*," she pulled back and lanced him with a stare, "*you* promise to be careful as well."
"I promise Doc," he let out a breath of relief and then answered her smile with a grim one of his own.
They all needed to be careful. Because the longer this went on, the worse things were getting. Kristen was unpredictable and Stefano was the damn invisible man. Who knew where he was, or how close.
Or when he would strike again.
Maya was carving up large chunks of beef when he got home. A rich, meaty stew intended for dinner he supposed. He didn't really care; he was hardly hungry after everything that had gone on today.
"Where's Blake?" he growled wearily as he dumped his jacket on the sofa.
"He said he had some business that he had to take care of," Maya didn't look up, afraid of what she might find in John's eyes. She knew it was her fault that Kristen had made her escape from the loft. It was probably only lack of time that had kept John from firing her on the spot.
"And Kristen?"
"Still asleep. She woke a little while ago and wanted to know where you were though." Maya used her knife to sweep the carrots from the chopping board into the casserole dish. When there was no answer from John, she took a deep breath and steadied her nerves. Turning around, she brought dark eyes up to face him.
"I'm sorry John. I let my concentration lapse and she took advantage of it. If you want me to leave..."
"Leave?" John looked shocked that she would suggest such a thing.
"Well..." her shoulders slumped as she tried to think of something to say.
"Look Maya, I can't say that I'm not upset." He frowned. "She headed straight for Marlena's and Doc is sporting a black eye and a split lip to prove it."
"Oh God, I'm so sorry!" Maya knew it could have been worse but that didn't seem much consolation right now.
"It's okay." John eased himself onto a barstool and propped his elbows on the counter, fingers massaging his aching scalp. "She's okay and I'm not going to fire you. These things happen and I know how convincing Kristen can be. I just don't want it happening again."
"It won't." Maya shook her head rapidly. "I can assure you of that."
"Well I'm going to stick around here as well, so hopefully between us we can see that she stays put." He looked up at the young woman, his blue eyes piercingly steady. "It can't be *that* much longer, right?"
"Can I get you anything?" Now that Laura and John had both gone, Marlena felt herself becoming increasingly uncomfortable in Eugene's presence. She had no idea what to say to him, or what not to say to him. She didn't know how to make things better and she was terribly afraid of making things worse.
"No thanks," Eugene shook his head. "I'm fine." He paused, sensing her uneasiness. He felt it too and the thought of spending the next however many days like this didn't exactly appeal.
"How was your trip?" he asked with a cultivated disinterest.
"Wonderful," she said softly, unable to hide the genuine happiness in her voice.
"Where did you go?"
"To the mountains. West Virginia." Her eyes sparkled with the memory, almost despite herself.
"West Virginia? Isn't that where you...?"
"Where John and I realized we were falling in love all those years ago," she nodded.
"*Falling*?" He repeated the word with wry amusement almost despite himself. "If I remember it correctly, you were already head over heels. You were just being your usual stubborn self and you weren't admitting it."
"You could be correct," she allowed herself to smile as she registered the thaw between them.
"I usually am," he leaned back against the cushions with a grin. This was nice. Even though they were talking about John, somehow, it was almost like old times. Before he had screwed everything up. "So tell me what you did."
"In West Virginia." He rolled his eyes.
"Oh you know, she shrugged, "the usual stuff. Slept, ate, watched sunrises..."
Gene was quiet for a moment as he watched her. Her eyes were soft as she recalled the trip and she looked relaxed even despite the incident earlier. As if the time away had confirmed things in her own mind. As if no doubt lingered within her about where her future lay. And he was happy for her.
"Got engaged?" He indicated the ring that glittered on her left hand. He had noticed it the moment he had walked in the room. It was almost as if it was already a part of who Marlena was and he wondered if it had even occurred to her to take it off. At the back of his mind, he wondered if Kristen had noticed it too. If she had....
Marlena looked a little uncomfortable for a moment, caught between wanting to share her happiness and not wanting to hurt him any more than she already had.
"It's okay Marlena," he told her softly. "You don't need to hide it from me. I'm thrilled that you're happy, I really am." His eyes held the hint of a smile as they lingered on her face. "That's all I want, really. For you to be happy." He sighed gently with a small smile of regret. "And John makes you happy, I know that. I can see it in your face and I can hear it in your voice every time you talk about him. And that makes things all right. It makes me happy too."
"Are you sure?" her eyes conveyed her uncertainty.
"I'm sure." He picked up a cushion and started picking lint from the edges.
"Gosh, you sound really convincing," Marlena raised her eyebrows with the suggestion of a frown.
"Okay, so I'm not dancing on the ceiling," he looked up at her, his face pale and drawn. "Cut me some slack Marlena, I'm doing the best I can."
"I know you are," she answered softly, her voice overlaid with guilt. "Gene, I didn't ask anything from you."
"I know you didn't," he threw the pillow aside and got up from the couch. This wasn't going how he wanted it to go. He wanted to make things easier on her, not harder. "I'm sorry Marlena, that was uncalled for." His eyes were a velvety chocolate colour as he paced the room. "I know where I stand and I know that's how it's supposed to be. And for the most part that's fine by me."
"You..." she faltered as she watched him, wishing for the umpteenth time that things weren't so awkward between them. But then she only had herself to blame for that. "I wish it weren't this way."
"You're not the only one," he shook his head. "Believe me, you're not the only one."
"John?" He turned to see Kristen at the foot of the stairs, her hair disheveled and her eyes bleary.
"Hi baby," he went to her and wrapped his arms around her.
"Where did you go?" she pushed him away, her eyes narrow and accusing.
"Uh," he thought for a moment about telling her the lie he had prepared but seeing the suspicion in her eyes, he thought better of it. She knew exactly where he had gone and lying to her was only going to prove her accusations correct. His only option at this point was to try and disarm her with the truth.
"I went over to Doc's to check on her. I wanted to make sure she was all right." He told her, his jaw rigid. "Turns out a little more went on than you told me Kristen."
"She had it coming," Kristen hissed. "F*cking whore needs to be taught a lesson."
John felt physically sick as he faced Kristen. He had suspected how much she hated Marlena, but the fact that she could no longer keep it to herself was an indication of the level to which that hatred had progressed. And the utter irrationality of it all just made it worse. All he wanted to do was tell her to go to hell and go back to Marlena's and hold her and make sure she was safe. But he couldn't do that while Kristen still carried the child. So he had to bite his tongue.
Don't react, don't let her provoke you. For God's sake, don't blow things now!
John let the monologue run internally as he waited until he was able to reply. "I don't think you needed to go quite *that* far Kristen. I know you're feeling insecure but you should take it out on me, not on Marlena."
"She tried to take you from me," Kristen denounced her rival, her intent quite plain. "And you're more worried about how *she* feels than about *me*. I'm the victim here," she pointed at herself. "And you can't *wait* to go rushing over there."
"You were asleep baby," John took her hand in his. "And Marlena was hurt. She's having my baby Kristen, you expect me to just *ignore* her? You know me, I can't just do that."
"How do I know you're telling me the truth?" Kristen demanded suddenly switching tracks, her lucidity swinging with the wind. "How do I know *anything* you say is true?"
"Because I *love* you."
John's brow furrowed as he wondered exactly when it was that Kristen had lost her mind and why he hadn't noticed. And further to that, how on earth was he going to convince an insane woman that he was telling the truth? Madness didn't discriminate between truth and lies. He knew only too well that it created its own reality, and it could be eminently dangerous if it didn't like that reality.
"Kristen, I love you and even though I don't particularly like the way you've been behaving lately, I want to be with you." He pulled her to the sofa with him and sat her down. He still shuddered inside everytime he touched her and now he had the added bonus of knowing she had physically hurt Marlena. If he didn't loathe her so much, he'd pity how pathetic she was. But it was all he could do not to let her see how much she revolted him. "I'm here with you now. Don't you think if I wanted to be with Marlena, I'd be there with her now?" He squeezed Kristen's hand. "Huh?"
"So," Marlena pursed her lips, an indication of her discomfort. She had no control over this situation and it was making her feel awkward and fretful about where their conversation might take them next. But still, she could hardly just get up and walk out of the room. "I guess we're back where we started huh?"
"I really hope not," Q turned back to her. "I'm sorry Marlena. Seeing you again...." He hated that he had done this to her, hated the distance between them. There were a lot of things he could undo, but not that. "I guess I just slipped back into self-pity mode for a moment. Not exactly my most attractive feature."
"You have a reason," she pulled her feet up under her.
"Not a good one," he managed a smile as he came back to where she sat and stood in front of her. He had to make this up to her somehow; he just wasn't entirely sure how to go about it. "Marlena, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I was being indulgent. It's not one of my best qualities, any Q will tell you that."
"I'm not interested in what the Q have to say," she looked up at him, her eyes a dusky olive green in the late afternoon sun. The bruise on her face had darkened to a mottled purple and Q felt a twinge of grief that he had been so wrapped up in himself that he had momentarily forgotten her problems. "I'm interested in how you feel. That's all."
"I feel okay." He shrugged with a self-effacing smile. "While it's true that I still love you and that will probably never change," she tried to interject but he held his hand up and kept talking, "at least I can be in the same room with you now without going to pieces. And I think that's a good thing."
"Well... yeah," she nodded. "I think that's a good thing too."
"And even the dreams have stopped," he added, a little more brightly than he felt.
They had mostly stopped. Except for the other night.
He rolled his shoulders, remembering the uncomfortable tightness of the scratches on his back. He had healed them almost immediately with his Q powers, but that didn't change the fact that they had really been there.
He'd prefer to believe they hadn't. He'd like to believe that it was Q2 playing some juvenile joke on him, but alas, it didn't really seem like his style. A little too childish, even for Q. So he was left with the disturbing actuality that they were real. And somehow, his dream was not simply a dream.
"So, you see, I am managing." He eased himself onto the couch beside her. "Please Marlena, I don't want for you to feel guilty. I want to put what happened behind us. I value our friendship far too much to dwell on what's past."
"Do you think we can do it?" Her eyes searched his familiar face and she found a hint of uncertainty there. "Don't get me wrong Gene, I value your friendship immensely and I want nothing more than for things to be the way they were." She pressed her lips together, trying to choose the best words. Her head was throbbing and it didn't make it easy to concentrate but she didn't want to screw this up. "I just need to know that's what you *really* want. That you're not just trying to do the 'right thing'."
"It's what I want," he nodded his head, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he smiled at her. He really did adore her, and being with her now made him realize that he could still talk to her. It wouldn't be easy, but the alternative was inconceivable to him. He might love her, but her friendship was more important to him and he would find some way to reconcile that. "I think we always made a good team and I know that this will get easier with time." His eyes twinkled as he squeezed her hand. "It already has."
"I've missed you," she said softly, giving his fingers a soft squeeze in return.
"I've missed you too." He flashed a crooked half-smile as he gave voice to his thoughts. "Marlena I don't want to lose your friendship." She could hear the conviction that filtered through his words. "That's how we are best anyway. I could spend the next however long sulking, but then we'd both lose." He shrugged easily but his eyes were gleaming a vibrant chestnut belying his casual attitude. "I want to be there as your friend whenever you need me, the way you always have been for me. I think we can do it. As long as you do too."
"I think we can," Marlena allowed her muscles to relax slightly as she nodded her consensus. "And like I said, I want nothing more. I missed your friendship so much when you were gone from Salem. And I do know you can't always be here and you have another life. But I want to know that we'll always be able to talk and share things the way we used to when you do have time to stop by."
"Sounds great to me," he pushed himself up and slid onto the sofa next to Marlena. "And as your friend I want you to let me do something for you."
"What?" She frowned, not sure what he had in mind.
"I know you're in pain, I can see it in the way you're moving. And I hardly think you want to be out and about with that bruising on your face?" he inclined his head a little. "Might be a little hard to explain away."
"Oh," she lifted her hand to her face. With the incessant pounding inside her head she had almost forgotten that she had physical reminders of the confrontation with Kristen as well.
"Let me take it away," he said persuasively.
"You can do that?" she asked, a little surprised.
"Of course I can," he would have been amused normally, but he was more concerned about making sure that she was all right because her concentration was obviously waning. "So? You'll let me do it?"
Marlena's first instinct was to refuse him, but she couldn't really think of a valid reason. And more than that, she was in pain and he was right, she couldn't exactly pass this off as walking into a door.
"All right," she assented and waited as he lifted his hand. His palm skimmed the air over her cheek and nose and then he waved his hand over her head. She felt an odd tingling spreading across her skin and a vague buzzing in her ears and then it was gone, and with it, the pain. She looked up at him with a surprised smile. "Wow, it really worked!"
"Of course it did," he laughed at her wonder. "This isn't some two-bit carnival side-show. I'm capable of changing the orbit of your average M-Class planet Marlena. I don't think a bruise presents too much of a challenge."
"This is all new to me Gene," she lifted her hand to her lip, feeling the fragile skin and marveling at the sudden change. "I'm still getting used to the fact that you have a different name, let alone any of the other things you can do." She stopped suddenly and looked at him. "Exactly *how* powerful *are* you?"
"You wouldn't even be able to comprehend it Marlena," he softly. "I can change the gravitational constant of the universe. I can alter the laws of physics and chemistry. I can make time flow backwards. If it can be done, or even if it can't be done, I can do it."
"Then you can find Stefano," she said calmly.
He stopped, wondering how it was that she always managed to zero in on the one flaw in his logic. And how he was going to explain this to her without scaring the shit out of her.
"No," he shook his head, regret weighing on him. "Unfortunately that's one thing I can't do."
"But you just said that you can do anything," Marlena sat back feeling more than a little aggrieved at his refusal to help in this situation.
"The Q can do anything under normal circumstances," Eugene said carefully, "but these aren't normal circumstances."
"What is that suppose to mean?" she demanded angrily. "Can you or can't you do *anything*?"
"I can, but there's something you don't know Marlena," he could see no other option but to tell her the truth. If only to make her realize that she needed his protection. "About Stefano."
"What about Stefano?" she asked uneasily.
"There's a reason that he seems invincible," he bit on his lower lip, suddenly not sure that he was doing the right thing.
"What reason?" Marlena grabbed his hand and he felt the pressure of her fingers curling around his. "Please tell me Gene."
"You remember that I found out I was related to him when I lived here before?" he asked, aware of the warmth of the hand in his.
"Yes," she nodded, not sure she liked where this was leading.
"Well, there was more truth to it than we realized." He swallowed, wishing he didn't have to tell her this. "He used to be Q, Marlena."
"He was a Q?" she whispered, her mind reeling.
"He was, a dozen centuries ago. But he was too corrupt and the Continuum expelled him," Q frowned. It hardly seemed fair, Stefano being expelled for all manner of corruption, while he was threatened with utter annihilation for making a couple of mistakes. "I guess we were a little more forgiving then."
"What do you mean they expelled him?" Marlena pressed.
"We stripped him of his powers and banished him to the outer reaches of the galaxy. Or so we thought." Q recounted.
"We?" Marlena's brows furrowed.
"Marlena, I'm not forty years old, or even four hundred and forty years old," Eugene knew this would blow her mind, but there was no help for it. "Q are not born, we just are. We exist in a dimension where there is no linear time. No beginning and no ending. We just are. And we have always been."
She simply stared at him. And then she blinked as she attempted to try and understand what he was telling her.
"But, you look older," she reached out and traced the lines on his forehead. "You're telling me you don't age?"
"I'm telling you that this body is simply a corporeal form I choose to appear in so you can see me," he explained gently. "When the Q sent me back, they chose to make me appear older as a human would through the passage of linear time. They felt my appearance in Salem would cause the least trouble that way."
"So, this isn't really *you*?" she dropped her hand and the furrows in her brow deepened.
"It's the me you know, and that's enough Marlena," he shook his head, "it's not really important. We're kind of getting away from the point here. All you need to understand is that Stefano was expelled. And somehow he managed to retain some of his powers, despite what we thought."
"And he ended up here," Marlena finished for him. Suddenly it was making some warped kind of sense. The way Stefano seemed to have nine lives. The way he could escape from impossible situations. They way he could infiltrate himself and not be noticed....
"Yes," he nodded tightly. "And it seems that not only does he have some of his Q powers, he seems to have developed others."
"What kind of others?" Marlena wasn't sure she could process all this information. It was unbelievable and quite frightening.
"I'm not sure," Q expelled a breath, "but he seems to be feeding on the fear and anger of others. It makes him stronger. And there's something else."
"Oh of course there is," Marlena rolled her eyes. "Everything has been so simple up till now."
"I'm sorry Marlena," he squeezed her hand tightly. "I know this is all difficult to take in and I wish that I didn't have to tell you all this."
"I don't even know what to think, let alone say," Marlena leaned back against the cushions and covered her belly with splayed fingers.
"Somehow he's procured the help of a band of renegade Q and they are helping him keep his location a secret from us." Q looked at her with worried eyes. "We have no way of finding out where he is."
"I don't believe you!" Kristen took a step back, her voice rising to a level that was fast becoming a shriek. "You have lied to me from the beginning! And you're *still* f*cking lying to me!!"
"I am *not* lying to you Kristen," John felt frustrated and anxious.
"All I ever did was love you," she turned accusing eyes on him. "If I made mistakes it was only because I love you so much and didn't want to lose you. But you cheated on me and you lied to me and now I feel dirty and used!" She squeezed out a tear as she turned away from him, aiming for dramatic but coming off as desperate and pathetic.
"I know sweetheart." Yeah right. All you did was manipulate Doc and me, and conspire with Stefano to take Marlena from her family. He felt sick. Surely this had to end soon. "I can't tell you how sorry I am. If I could do it again, I'd do it over totally differently." I wouldn't be afraid to tell Marlena how I really felt about her and I would never have put her in danger to begin with. And you would have been long gone out of our lives.
"Do you really love me?" she demanded suspiciously, catching his eyes with hers.
"Of course I love you, that's what I've been trying to tell you for the last half hour," he sighed, hoping he was convincing enough to fool her. If only he could pretend he was talking to Doc, he might could pull this off. "I'm sorry that I hurt you baby, and I'll do whatever I can to make it up to you."
"Then sleep with me tonight," Kristen had a nasty smile on her face, knowing that she had him between a rock and a hard place. "If you really love me and you don't want me to be insecure, then prove it to me by sleeping in my bed tonight."
John stared at Kristen, his mind desperately searching for an answer. He knew she was testing him. If he said 'no', she would know he was lying. The 'worried about the baby' answer wasn't going to cut the mustard this time. He only had two options, and neither of them was appealing.
"So?" Kristen crossed her arms in front of her and raised her eyebrows. "You and I both know the baby is out of danger. You know I'll sleep much better if you're there with me. And what better way to prove your love and devotion to me?"
John felt his stomach churning as she stared at him, waiting for his answer. She expected him to say 'no', he could see it in her eyes. In her whole demeanor. And it would be as good as an admission that she was right. That he was committed *not* to her, but to Marlena and that he wanted nothing to do with her. And then God only knew what would happen. His two options had just been whittled down to one.
"Of course I'll spend the night with you sweetheart," he smiled uneasily. "If that's what you need, then that's what you get."
"You know, part of me wishes you'd told me earlier, and part of me wishes you hadn't told me at all," Marlena said, pulling the blanket around her.
After spending the better part of the afternoon talking about Stefano and his associates, they had been relieved when the children had arrived back with Lucie, and they had spent some time just enjoying their company. When Belle and Brady had eventually gone off to bed, Marlena and Eugene had ordered dinner in and watched French Kiss with Meg Ryan to try and take their minds off everything that had gone on.
"I only really just got all the details myself," Q handed her the mug of hot chocolate and sank to the ground by the sofa she was stretched out on. "I wanted to tell you, but I didn't know what good it would do. Apart from putting you under more pressure, how is John going to tell Abe and Roman that Stefano is superhuman?" He took a mouthful of whipped cream. "And besides, until the thing with Carrie we had no idea he was anywhere near Salem. And then we had so much other stuff to deal with."
"I know, I wasn't blaming you," she sighed, "this just makes things so much more complicated."
"And dangerous," he added. "The thing about Q is that they can only be destroyed by other Q. Which is why it's imperative that I stick close to you. In case he tries anything."
"Do you think he will?" Marlena asked nervously.
"I really don't know Marlena," he shrugged uncomfortably. "I could say 'no', but I think we both know that would be a hollow assurance. Q are used to having what they want. If they can't have it, then they just reach out and take it. They aren't used to being thwarted."
Marlena glanced at him and then went back to contemplating her drink.
"Life was a lot more simple when Q was simply a letter of the alphabet."
"No it wasn't Marlena, it just appeared that way," Eugene said sadly.
"Who am I trying to kid?" she attempted a smile. "My life has never been simple."
"This is true enough," he let out a small chuckle.
"I guess as usual, we just have to soldier on," she stifled a yawn with the back of her hand.
"Well how about you soldier on up to bed?" he raised his eyebrows. "After what you've been through today, a good night's sleep is definitely what the doctor ordered."
"All right," she wasn't about to argue. She was completely exhausted and she wanted nothing more than to lay her head on the pillow and let sleep claim her. "Do you suppose John is doing okay?"
"I'm sure he's making the best of it," Q wasn't entirely convinced it would be that easy for John but he wasn't about to tell Marlena that. "Don't worry about him. Just get yourself some sleep."
"Thanks Gene," she said quietly.
"For what?" he asked, a little nonplussed.
"For understanding. For caring enough to try." She swung her feet off the couch. "Most men wouldn't."
"I'm not a man in the strictest sense," he gave her a lopsided smile. "But I know what you mean. And this afternoon..." he thought about it, "despite the subject matter, it's been nice. It's been easy and I didn't think it would be."
"Me either," she smiled, "maybe there's hope for us yet."
John laid in the bed, staring into the darkness as he remembered the expression on Kristen's face when he had agreed to this farce. To say she had been taken aback would definitely be an understatement. She had stammered for a moment before drawing her face into a smile. The unexpected gesture obviously had placated her inner demons and she had quieted her suspicions in order to make the most of the moment. Then she had spent the rest of the evening hanging off him until he was driven to distraction.
It had been all he could do not to snipe at her every time she moved, every time she asked him a question, every time she touched him. It was like enduring an ongoing hell as his lips fought to create the smiles she craved and the soft words that soothed her suspicions. He'd almost blown it at one point when she had caught him looking longingly at a picture of Belle and Brady and she'd made a comment about getting *new* family pictures made. He'd only just bitten back his retort in time.
Maya had sent him sympathetic glances from time to time, but there was nothing he could do to escape his fate. It was sealed and that was that. And finally, when it came time for bed, Kristen made a big production of getting changed into a new silk nightgown that she had been saving for the occasion.
Now he was lying beside her and he felt as rigid as a board. How he was going to sleep like this, he had no idea. With extreme concentration, he tried to get his muscles to relax, one by one.
"John?" her voice came out of the darkness and he felt his teeth grinding.
"I've missed this," he felt her fingers make a circle over his palm and then they trailed up the inside of his forearm. He flinched slightly but she mistook it for excitement. "Mmmm, that's right," she whispered as she edged toward him.
Her fingers continued their journey up his arm until they reached his shoulder. And then she brushed her hand over his chest, exploring the forgotten contours of the muscles there. He was tense and she smiled secretly in the darkness.
"Kristen," his voice was hoarse, "you should be trying to get some sleep."
"I'm not tired," she whispered as she leaned in to him so that her senses were filled with his musky masculine scent. "I've waited far too long for this moment to go to sleep now."
Taking advantage of his momentary surprise, she covered his lips with hers and slipped her tongue between them. He started in surprise and then gently pushed her away.
"Baby, you know we can't do this," he said quietly.
"We can kiss can't we?" she whispered against his skin. Then she began to explore his jaw with her lips and teeth. A noise came from John, but it was strangled in his throat as her hand brushed over his chest and she felt his body respond with a shudder of desire. "Oh, I feel it too baby," she whispered before she began sucking on his earlobe.
Her hand edged downwards and then she felt John pull it away.
"Let's not start something we can't finish," he growled, his body trembling against hers.
"Just because we can't make love," she murmured as she reached down between their bodies, "doesn't mean we can't give each other pleasure." John felt her fingers fasten around him and he let out a grunt of disgust. That was just too much. He could bear a lot, but not that.
"What the *hell* do you think you're doing?!" he exploded as he pushed her hand away from him..
"I... well I thought... I...I was only trying...." Kristen, stunned at this unexpected outburst, tried to make sense of it.
"Well *don't*," John was livid with rage. It brought back everything about the incident with the mirror back to him and he couldn't bear to have her touching him.
"What.... what did I do?" It was only a moment before Kristen's dismay translated into understanding. And then hatred. "You said you loved me. I thought, since it had been so long, I could give you some pleasure." Her tone was even, hiding all the anger and resentment that seethed within her. Of course he didn't want her touching him. He was getting it elsewhere. "I'm sorry if I offended you."
"I'm just tired Kristen," John's words were clipped as he sat up in the bed. "It's been a long day and with you so close to giving birth, I don't think that it's appropriate." There was only silence from Kristen and John sighed, flopping back on the bed. "I'm sorry baby, you surprised me. Let's just go to sleep okay?"
"Okay," her voice was strained and it was a moment before she moved into his embrace. He dropped a light kiss on her forehead and then closed his eyes.
But in the darkness, Kristen stared into the face of revenge. And she didn't blink.
June 22, 1997 - 2.05am
"John, what's wrong? It's the middle of the night."
"I just had to hear your voice. I miss you already."
"I miss you too. What's wrong honey?"
"You don't want to know Doc."
"That sounds ominous. I think I'd feel better if you told me."
"It was Kristen. She.... I told her I'd sleep in her bed. She was testing me Doc, I knew if I refused, the whole charade would be over."
"It's okay baby, I understand."
"Yeah, well, I think I kinda screwed up."
"What do you mean?"
"She was.... Well, it was.... Oh man Doc, she started coming on to me and then she was talking about giving each other 'pleasure'. And I kinda lost my cool."
"Lost your cool?"
"I yelled at her to get away from me. She'd have to be an idiot to not know why."
"It's okay John. Where is she now?"
"She's still in bed. I stayed there until she went to sleep and then I came out to call you. I'm sorry Doc. When she touched me, it was just.... I couldn't bear it. Not now that we..."
"I know.... Honey it's okay, I know...."
"I wish this was over."
"Me too. It's so hard to roll over and find my bed empty."
"I have to go baby, I can hear something. I'll call you."
"I love you."
"I love you too, Doc."
June 23, 1997 - 7:17am
"Morning sleepyhead."
"Morning. John, it's only just after seven."
"I know. I wanted to hear your voice. I was watching the news. Did you see that thing?"
"What thing?"
"That thing about babies. They are saying that if you play classical music to them while they're in the womb they'll learn better once they're born."
"Classical music helps develop spatial intelligence in young children. Pre-birth sounds.... interesting though."
"I had a thought. We could buy a really big pair of headphones and you could put one ear on either side of your stomach."
"John, are you okay? You haven't been smoking anything strange have you?"
"I'm just missing you Doc. It's driving me a little nuts."
"No, really?"
"Yeah. Listen, I gotta go baby. I love you. Bye."
June 25, 1997 - 8:54pm
"Hi Doc."
"John! Where have you been? I waited for you to call all yesterday and you didn't."
"I was kinda occupied. Trust me Doc, you don't want to know."
"Oh.... okay."
"I miss you."
"Not as much as I miss you"
"No, trust me Doc, I miss you more."
"Oh John, you're always so competitive."
"Where are you?"
"In the bedroom. Why are you whispering...? Oh, never mind."
"What are you doing in the bedroom?"
"Getting ready for bed."
"Oh man, I wish I was there with you."
"I wish you were here too."
"Are the kids in bed?"
"Half an hour ago. They went down easily tonight."
"Busy day?"
"Not for me. Lucie took them out with Sami and Will. They were flying kites."
"So you're all alone?"
"Yes. Wh-"
"Tell me what you're wearing."
"What I'm wearing?"
"What you're wearing. Describe it to me. I want to be able to see you."
"Oh.... in that case.... I'm wearing a pair of satin pajamas. They're a gold colour. They barely fit now. I got even bigger John, I look like I swallowed a beach ball!"
"I'll bet you look amazing. I bet you look like you swallowed the most beautiful beach ball in the world."
"Whatever Romeo. I have my white robe on over the top."
"White. John sometimes your eye for detail scares me."
"Shut up, Doc. Unless you want to tell me what your hair looks like."
"It's wrapped in a pink towel. I washed it."
"Mmmm, bet it smells like vanilla."
"You know what I said about the details?"
"I can't help it Doc, I'm obsessed with you."
"It shows."
"What are you doing now?"
"Talking to you."
"No, while you're talking to me. Am I annoying you?"
"Only a little. It's not unusual."
"Smartass tonight are we Dr. Evans?"
"What can I say? You bring out the worst in me."
"And the best?"
"Oh....definitely the very best."
"I miss you."
"I miss you too, baby."
"So what are you doing, *other* than talking to me?"
"I'm going downstairs to make myself some warm milk."
"Sounds good. I think I might do the same."
"Warm milk?"
"Sure. Why not?"
"I thought it was just my hormones."
"Maybe I'm having sympathy cravings."
"Maybe. Are you having honey and cinnamon in it?"
"Most definitely."
"Must be true love."
"Cha-ching! Doc, you're a genius!"
"That's what all the boys say."
"Where's Eugene?"
"In bed. Where's Kristen?"
"Asleep. Maya gave her a mild sedative. I really don't want to talk about her. Good Lord that microwave is loud."
"Well you bought it for me."
"Remind me to get the kitchen remodeled."
"Kitchen? Honey, when these babies arrive, we're going to need a new *house*. As much as I love this place, we're never going to fit you, me, four small children and a nanny into this space."
"You're right, what was I thinking?"
"I don't know. Not much probably."
"Marlena Evans, I'll have you know I have a one track mind, and currently that track is mentally taking off your pajama top."
"Hey Doc?"
"This milk is damn good."
"I know. Wanna take this upstairs?"
"Why, are you propositioning me Doctor?"
"You're the one with the one track mind. Why don't you tell me?"
"Just get your beautiful behind up those stairs and I will."
"You're incorrigible."
"Isn't that why you love me?"
"You know it is."
"Are you in your room yet?"
"Good, close the door."
"It's already closed."
"One step ahead, I like that in a woman."
"I'll just bet you do."
"Put down your milk and unwind that towel."
"Okay. No more towel."
"Mmmm, bet your hair is warm and damp."
"It is. Oh...the baby is moving. I wish you were here to feel it."
"Baby Beach Ball Black?"
"That's him."
"I miss you Doc. I miss the way you smell and the way your skin feels against mine."
"I miss you too. I miss your smile and the way you hold me. I feel so safe when you hold me."
"You know if I was there right now, I'd be unbuttoning your pajama top. And I'd run my hand down over your breasts. Have I told you how much I love your breasts?"
"It's okay Doc, no-one can hear us.... I'd kiss your lips; you have the greatest lips Doc, and I'd kiss your neck where your pulse jumps under your skin. And then I'd take off your pajama top...."
"Mmm-hmmm. Have I ever told you that you taste great? Every part of you tastes wonderful."
"I don't know that we've covered that particular topic before. But I'm glad. John, what are you wearing? So I can picture this."
"Boxers. Black silk."
"You like?"
"I most definitely like."
"Good. Then I'd explore you with my hands. I love just touching your body. I love the way you feel, the way you move. And I love the way you sound when I hit the right spot."
"John! Can you tell I'm blushing?"
"Well, I love the way you blush too."
"Well you seem to take great delight in making me blush, so I would guess you do."
"You look so sweet with your pink cheeks. Anyone would think you're an innocent. But I know better."
"You should do, you're the one that corrupted me."
"Oh no Doc, I think it was the other way round."
"Excuse me? Who's the one talking dirty on the phone?"
"There's an open invitation for you to join in."
"You just proved my point."
"What point? Doc, are you yawning?"
"Mmmm, yeah, sorry."
"No, I'm sorry, I'm keeping you up. Have you been sleeping?"
"Not well."
"Me either."
"God I wish you were here. This is so unfair."
"I know, but it has to be over soon baby."
"I hope so. I really, really hope so."
"It will, so just hold onto that and lie your beautiful head down and get some sleep."
"Yes sweetheart?"
"I love you."
"I love you too. Night, baby. I'll talk to you tomorrow."
June 27, 1997 - 11:42pm
"Doc? What are you doing phoning so late? Is everything okay?"
"It's fine. Great. I just wanted to make sure I didn't happen to get Kristen."
"What's up, Marlena?"
"John, I've seen a house. Down by the lake. It's beautiful and it's new and the kids will just adore it."
"Woah, woah! Wait a minute Doc. What are you doing looking at real estate without me?"
"I wasn't. I was getting cabin fever being cooped up in this place and Gene took me out to get some fresh air. We were walking by the lake and they have some new subdivisions there. This place has a big yard and it has trees that the kids can climb. We could even plant an orchard."
"Enough room for all of us?"
"All of us *and* some."
"I'll bet you've decorated that nursery already huh?"
"Oh shut up."
"Well Doc, if you like it then I have no doubt I will too. How about we get in touch with the realtor and see if we can make an appointment to see it next week?"
"You think you'll be able to get away?"
"If I don't get away every now and then I'm going to go completely insane Doc. I'm sure an hour or two won't hurt."
"I'm sorry John, it must be awful for you. I keep feeling sorry for myself here and my problems are minor in comparison."
"It's okay. I just keep remembering that I'm going to be spending the rest of my life with you and it doesn't seem so bad.... As long as we are together, no-one can hurt us."
"John, there's something I need to tell you. Something that Gene told me the other night..."
"Listen, Doc, I'd better go. She's woken up and she's calling me. If I don't go, she's gonna get suspicious. I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay? Love you."
"But John-"
"Shhh. Sleep well, baby.."
"Night John..... I love you too."
June 28, 1997 - 10:36am
"Hi, is this Commander Carver's office?"
"It is. The Commander is out right now."
"I'd like to leave some information for him if I could. Tell him Vonnie called. Tell him that Stefano DiMera was seen down at the warehouses by the river."
"Do you have any more specific information Ma'am?"
"One-one-two Shaw Street. That's all I know. You'd better hurry."
"I'll be sure to pass the information right along Ma'am. Thanks."
"No.... Thank you."
June 28, 1997 - 11:09pm
"Doc, it's me."
"John? John, are you on a cell phone?"
"Doc, we just got a lead on DiMera. Abe, Roman and I are heading down to the river."
"What kind of a lead?"
"We got a tip off from one of our contacts. She's always been very accurate."
"Shaw Street. In a warehouse by the river. That's why I need you to stay put for now sweetheart. I need to know that you're safe and protected. I'll call you as soon as we know anything."
"John, be careful. Please be careful. There are things about Stefano you don't know. Gene told me -"
"Doc, I don't have time right now. I promise I'll be careful. I'll call you okay? I love you."
"I love you too. Please call me as *soon* as you're done."
"I will. Bye honey."
"Bye John..... Be careful...please be careful...."
copyright © 1999-2003 by rjy