The shadowy black figure slides into place against the brick wall. The rope is taut as the figure makes it's way along the small ledge. Eyes search for the signal on the ground, three stories below and a smile curls the lips as it comes, in three bright flashes.
It's time.
Nimble feet move surely along the ledge to the window. A hand, clad in a black, leather glove reaches through the slight opening, left by a careless maid. Leather caresses wood as a clasp is sought.
The window sticks slightly as it is eased up, and white teeth glint inside a malicious smile. Almost too easy.
A long, black clad leg easesA long, black clad leg eases over the sill as leathered fingers fumble with the harness that keeps the rope in place.
Predatory eyes watch the corridor as the harness is cast away to dangle against the brick. A second leg joins the first but the heart quickens as a glint of torchlight reflects in the glass of the painting at the end of the room.
However the figure is too slow as a rottweiller crashes towards the window. Grim rows of teeth bared beneath crimson gums and the guttural snarl reverberates through the strings of saliva that dangle from the powerful jaws.
Dressed all in black, the figure can hardly be seen as it topples from the window, a single scream penetrating the chilled night air of the English countryside.
The thud as the body hits the ground is sickening. From the window, the slathering dog can only catch a glimpse of blonde hair as the body is carried away into the unforgiving blackness.