It is as though the entire moment slows down almost to a standstill as Roman stretches out his arms to catch his wife. He doesn't think he's ever seen anything more beautiful.
And then he hears the sound of the gun firing and it takes a moment for his brain to register what has happened.
And in that moment Marlena collapses into his arms, blood seeping across the back of her silken robe....
"NOOOO!" He screams as he drops to the ground, cradling his wife in his arms. The tears wash over his cheeks as his shaking, bloodstained hands caress her face. "Doc, baby, don't let him do this. Don't leave me now. Not now when we've finally found each other again..."
An appalled Stefano just stands there, the gun in his hand, dangling by his side. He watches, half-stunned as Roman rocks Marlena in his arms, his tears spilling over her waxen cheeks.
"C'mon baby, just open your eyes," he begs her as his shaking fingers pull her robe closer around her. "Just talk to me.... *Please*. Don't leave me. Marlena, I need you. I can't get through this without you. You're my *reason*, baby. You're all I want, all I'll *ever* need, just dammit, don't leave me Doc, don't leave me... " His words dissolve into a litany of garbled sounds as the tears overwhelm him and he hugs her to his body in desperation.
"Drop the gun, DiMera!" The command comes from the doorway and Stefano turns to find Abe Carver and Bo Brady with their guns trained on both him and Simmons.
"That's enough, old man!" Bo orders with a sneer as his eyes flick across to John and Marlena. "Drop the *gun* or it might just be construed as resisting arrest. And then I just might be forced to shoot you." He grins nastily. "Of course, *I* don't have a problem with that, so really it's up to you."
"It's *over* Stefano," Abe warns him. "Just put it down so we can get Marlena some help."
Stefano stares at him blankly and then, like a man utterly beaten, he drops the gun on the floor and puts his hands in the air.
Bo is the first one into the room and he holds his gun on Stefano until he stands face to face with DiMera.
"Go on old man," he mutters. "Give me a reason to put a bullet in you."
"Bo." Hope's voice sounds sternly from the doorway. "
"Damn!" Bo grins. "Look's like you're saved again DiMera." He leans forward and whispers confidentially, "don't count on it happening next time. One of these days you and me, we're going to get up close and personal and only one of us will come out alive."
"Well, don't count on it being *you* then, Captain Brady," Stefano growls, finally coming back to himself as he sees the paramedics rush past them.
"I don't think you're going to be the one dictating terms, somehow Stefano," Bo sees Stefano's gaze drift over to where John is cradling Marlena on the floor and his mouth twitches into a sneer. "*Forget* it old man. You've done all the damage you're going to do to this family. You're going down so far and so long, no fucker is going to be able to even *find* you."
With that, he grabs Stefano by the scruff of the neck and points the gun in his back. "Up against the wall, old man!"
Abe enters the room with his gun drawn and looks at the officer next to him. "Reilly, search the 'suspect'," he says the word with a look of distaste. Stefano is no more a suspect than Ted Bundy. "Cuff him and read him his Miranda rights. Then I want you and McRae to go with the prisoner and Captain Brady. I want him down at the station as soon as possible. And I want at least three officers with him at *all* times. You understand me?"
"Yes sir," the state officer salutes Abe and then turns away to assist Bo.
At the same time, across the room Roman is almost completely oblivious to everything else that is going on in the room as he holds Marlena to him. Her blood is soaking into his shirt, but he doesn't even notice it. Just keeps murmuring to her, pleading with her.
And then Hope is there beside him. She's joined swiftly by what seems like a dozen paramedics and they are asking him to let go of his wife. But it's like they are a thousand miles away and he is trapped in a world where there is only Marlena. A world she is slowly slipping away from him. And the harder he tries to hold onto her, the more she slips away.
He's playing it, over and over in his head, trying to work out if he could have done anything differently. If he'd not been watching her, if he'd seen DiMera getting ready to fire? He could have moved forward, got in the way.... There must have been *something* he could have done....
But god, those eyes... her smile... he couldn't do anything but just be captivated by her. He'd waited so long to see those eyes, the warmth, the love they hold... When she was Grace, they'd been hard, almost dead. All that was beautiful and generous and kind about Marlena had been locked away inside, buried deep beneath the brittle shell that had been Grace.
But he understands now, understands why she had needed Grace. Grace had protected her vulnerabilities when nobody else could. Or would. Grace had been hard to live with, god, she'd been sheer hell, but he's grateful to her now. Because without her, he's not sure Marlena would have survived.
Doc, come back to me. You have no idea how much I need you. Oh God, if I never ask anything of you again, please, I can't lose her now. Please, I'm begging you....
All of a sudden, something cuts through the fog, it's like a ray of light. He's not sure what it is, but he can see her face in his mind's eye, her radiant smile, her golden eyes glittering with joy and love.
"Come on John," Hope is saying, gently. "You have to let the paramedics help her. It's the best thing you can do now, it's the best way to help her, let them look after her."
"C'mon buddy," Abe's voice cuts across the murmuring of the paramedics and Roman opens his eyes. "That's it. Let these guys take care of Marlena. They're the best ones to take care of her now."
"That's it Mr. Black," one of the paramedics is gently loosening his arm now and slowly Roman looks around the gathered group of concerned faces. He's still scared; he still doesn't want to let her out of his sight. But for now, he knows that Abe is right.
Gently he lets go of Marlena and watches as the paramedics quickly and gently assess her wound. Hope has her arm around him as they watch Marlena being strapped into a stretcher and then the female paramedic comes back over to them.
"Mr. Black, my name is Sally," the female paramedic says with a small smile that Roman assumes is meant to be reassuring. "Now, we need to get your wife to the hospital right away. The doctors will take her straight into surgery." Her green eyes are soft and sympathetic. "I know this must be frightening for you. But you can rest assured; she's in the best of hands, both ours and the doctors."
"Can I go with her?" Roman asks, his blue eyes wild with tiredness and fear. The paramedic looks at Abe who nods.
"Of course you can Mr. Black," she smiles, "if you follow us down now?"
"Right." Roman nods and allows Hope and Abe to help him up. He's been running on adrenaline for hours, but he's all out now. He's completely exhausted but he'll stay awake for as long as it takes. Until he can see Marlena again. Until he knows she's going to be all right.
As he stands, something catches his eye. The corner of a piece of paper that is sticking out from under the bed.
Taking his leave of Hope and Abe, he staggers over and slides a sheaf of papers out from under the luxurious fabrics that skirt the bed. Picking it up, he sees John Black's face staring back at him from the topmost photograph that is pinned to the front page.
So, this is the file that Grace took....
"What's that John?" Hope comes up behind him, her curiosity getting the better of her.
Roman turns around, a tired and slightly manic smile on his worn face and hands the file to her. "Take a look for yourself," he says, "I'm sure it makes interesting reading."
He turns for the door and before either Hope or Abe can react, he is gone; rushing to catch up to the paramedics and his wife.
"What is it?" Abe's frown deepens as he sees the shock register on Hope's face.
She has flicked through the photos and is scanning the first page of the document. "Hope? What on earth is it?"
Hope turns to him, her mouth open. "Oh my God! Oh God, Abe. This is...." She looks from the paper to Abe. "These papers are from Stefano's files." Her eyes are wide with astonishment as she hands the papers to Abe, her hands literally shaking. "According to this; John is NOT John Black, Abe. He's Roman Brady."
~ * ~
Forty-six hours later
"Listen Bo, I'm not going to argue this any longer," Roman says irritably as Hope and Abe look on. "When the test results come in, then come and talk to me. I've got far bigger things to worry about right now. Like my wife."
He turns to where Marlena lays motionless in the hospital bed. Her surgery had been more complicated than the paramedics had originally anticipated, and she still hasn't awoken. The doctors seem to be hedging their bets, both about Marlena's physical injuries and the mental trauma she has sustained. There have been no guarantees, no assurances. The surgeon has said now that all they can do is wait for her to awaken.
If she awakens.
Roman still hasn't slept more than a twenty minute stretch since they all arrived at the hospital. He has spent most of that time at Marlena's bedside, recounting the past few weeks to Abe and Hope. And then repeating the implausible story to a disbelieving Bo.
There have been questions and doctors and tests and more questions. He has given samples of his DNA to be matched both against Bo's and against Shawn and Caroline's. And through all of this, Marlena has not left his mind for even a split second.
Every moment he has been able to spend at her bedside, he has been there. It has been almost impossible for Hope and Abe to drag him away, even for a shower and a meal. He is terrified that if he leaves her, even for a moment, something will happen to her. And he will lose her again. For good this time.
And the last thing he needs now is to be bickering with Bo. Bo who doesn't want to believe that his brother is still alive. Because if this is his brother, then the man he has called brother for all these years, the man they have all taken into their homes, is nothing but a DiMera lackey. And a would-be rapist at that.
It is easier to believe that Roman is dead and that this file and John's outrageous story are fabrications than to face the implications if his words are truth.
"Look, I'm just trying to get this straight-" Bo persists. "You said-"
"Oh, for goodness sake, Brady!" Hope explodes irritably. She believes Roman; she knows after all, what Stefano and his team of cronies are capable of. "Give your brother a break. There will be plenty of time for this later."
"I'm not trying to be difficult Hope, I'm just.... I don't see how you can all just *buy* this." Bo looks aggrieved as he tries to explain himself. "I mean, this is easily just another one of Stefano's lies. We all know that he lives to play games with our heads. We could believe this and then we could just as easily turn around in three years time and find out that it's all just another one of DiMera's lies."
"Look Bo, you believe what you want, okay?" Roman is utterly irritated at the way Bo can still wind him up. Even after all these years. It's almost as though the knowledge that he is really Roman Brady, the revelation of his true identity has brought back all those natural sibling instincts in the way he interacts with his brother. And he's doesn't like it. Not right now, anyway.
He turns to Bo, the annoyance etched plainly across his weary face. "Right at this point in time, I couldn't give a shit *what* you believe. All I want to do is be with my wife and if you can't let me do that in peace then-"
"Okay, okay," Abe holds up his hands and directs an annoyed look at Bo. "I think we should let Jo-" He stops himself with an self-conscious glance at Roman. "I think Roman could use a break."
"Thanks buddy," Roman nods his head. It's going to take a long time to get used to being called Roman again. Maybe as long as it will take them to get used to calling him Roman.
Bo glowers as he stares at his brother and then with a nudge from Hope, he turns on his heel and stalks from the room. Hope throws Roman an apologetic look and follows him.
"Abraham," Roman grasps Abe's wrist as he starts towards the door. "I mean it, man. Thank you. For everything."
"Hey," A deep chuckle rumbles in Abe's throat. "What are friends for?" He looks at Roman for a moment, his eyes searching the unshaven face, and lingering on the red-rimmed eyes that glow as intensely azure as ever. "Hell, Roman, it's me that should be thanking you."
"What for?" Roman looks confused and Abe sees him reaching out to wrap his hand around Marlena's. Whether he's looking for some kind of comfort or support, Abe doesn't know. It's likely it's nothing more than an unconscious effort to seek a sense of calm; to know that she is close. After all, Marlena is the one person that has always believed in him.
"For not holding it against me." Abe sighs. He can understand why Bo doesn't want to believe this is Roman. They'd all welcomed the imposter with open arms, turned their back on the man they had loved and known as Roman for his whole life. And Roman had been all but ostracized by the people that had once loved and supported him.
It had only been Marlena that had followed her heart. Despite what her logic had told her, despite the opposition and often downright nastiness of her friends and family, she had been drawn time and again to Roman. She has always been his support, his strength and his heart. And he has been hers. It makes too much sense for it not to be so.
"I should have known," Abe sighs. "I'm so sorry."
"How could you have known?" Roman's face flickers into a tired smile. "Abraham, I was wearing a different face and I lost the memories of who I was before. *He*," the smile falls from his face as he thinks of Lamont. Of what he did to Marlena. He feels sick for a moment as he thinks of the years Lamont had spent in his home and in his bed and he has to look away to compose himself. "He had all the aces, Abe. Stefano saw to that." He looks back at his friend, sees the sympathy and the guilt in the familiar brown eyes. "There was no way I could compete with that. Stefano's fucking scheme worked like a charm."
"I know," Abe grimaces. "But that doesn't make me feel any better. I feel like I should have known somehow. I... we all turned our backs on you."
"I don't blame you," Roman shrugs tiredly. "Maybe I should, probably I could if I put my mind to it. But it was the old man's doing. For us to all tear ourselves apart over what happened... we'd just be handing him victory on a plate."
Abe says nothing, he knows Roman is right. Rationally he knows that. But he doesn't know if Roman will feel the same once the shock has worn off. Especially once he returns to Salem and sees his family. And if, God forbid, anything were to happen to Marlena....
Abe's gaze falls upon Marlena, lying still and ashen against starched hospital pillows. Her blonde hair splays out over the harsh white cotton, only disturbed where Roman has touched it, run his fingers through it as he sits with her.
If Marlena doesn't survive this, God only knows what will happen. All bets will be off.
"Listen Roman, why don't you get some rest?" Abe tries to reason with his friend.
"No Abe, I need to be here for Doc." Roman rubs weary fingers over his face, as though trying to smoothe the creases from his weatherworn skin. "I need to be here," he repeats. "I've failed her so many times Abe, you have to understand..."
"I understand J-" Abe stops himself again. "I'm sorry man. I mean Roman."
Roman shrugs. He doesn't care what they call him right now. All he cares about is seeing Marlena's eyes again. All he cares about is holding her in his arms and knowing she is all right. Knowing that he can take her home and spend the rest of his life making up for the time he has lost with her.
"The thing is, buddy, you aren't going to be any help to her if you're dead on your feet. You need some rest, something to eat. She needs you to stay strong now." Abe lays his hand on Roman's shoulder. "You haven't failed her this time Roman. She's here and she's safe. None of us could have asked anything more of you."
"Couldn't you?" Roman squeezes Marlena's hand and drops his head, his eyes sore and dry, suddenly prickling painfully. "I keep thinking that there must have been something I could have done...." His voice trails off into a pained whisper. If they knew, if any of them really knew what he had done, would they still be so ready to praise him?
"It's done now, Roman," Abe tells him gently. "Just focus on the future. Marlena will make it through this. We all will."
Roman turns his head and looks at his wife. "She has to Abe. She just has to. Because if she doesn't," his voice cracks, tears gathering painfully in his eyes, "I don't know how the hell I'll survive this, I really don't."