"*Divorce?*" Abe's eyes widen. Ever since John and Marlena had finally made it back into each other's arms, he had always thought if anyone's love would be indestructible, it would be theirs. But then, he hadn't exactly counted on the not inconsiderable roadblock posed by John and Hope's *liaison*."
John says nothing, but sinks into the chair. He keeps trying to tell himself that it is not *Marlena* that has done this, that a stranger is tugging on the threads of his life that are slowly unravelling around and inside him. But right at this moment, it seems like very cold comfort indeed as he stares at the petition for divorce that rests in his hands.
"I'm sorry buddy," Abe says quietly. "I really am."
"Yeah," John nods slowly, as though he hasn't heard a word that Abe has said.
"John…" Abe sighs. He really doesn't want to do this, but he really has no choice. "I have to question her. You know I can't stall any longer."
Still staring at the papers, John nods slowly. "Whatever you have to do man," he says softly.
Abe nods and he goes over to John, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You know where to find me if you need someone to talk to John."
There is only silence in reply. Abe wishes there was something he could do to help, but he knows there is nothing anyone can do for John now. There is no way to ease his pain, and things are only going to get worse from here on in. All Abe can do is be the best friend he can.
Nodding, he pats John's shoulder and exhales with a sigh before he leaves the room. It's only when he's gone that John turns his head to look at the doorway. Then he looks back at the papers in his hands and his expression hardens. "*Whatever* you have to do."
"Nancy," Grace knocks on the door of Nancy's office and looks around the dingy little room. "Hi, I'm not too early am I?"
"Early?" Nancy looks confused and then her expression sharpens into surprise. "Oh, lunch!"
"MMmm-hmmmm," Grace's smile can only be described as predatory as she invites herself into the room. "You're not going to let those silly boys spoil all our fun are you?" She raises her eyebrows as though she is issuing a challenge, and Nancy looks down at the paperwork on her desk and then looks up at Grace, smiling uneasily.
Her apprehension is not eased as she gets a good look at her proposed lunch date. Grace is wearing strappy lime sandals beneath sand coloured capris, both of which look exceedingly expensive. And wrapped around her upper body is a wisp of a silk georgette blouse worn over what looks like a matching bra-top, both in a pink and lime print. It's completely inappropriate for work, but then, Nancy supposes, Marlena isn't intending to work today. Not by the look of the envelope she holds in her hands anyway.
"I just have to go up and drop this on your husband's desk first," Grace flutters the envelope in front of her when she sees Nancy's eyes light on it. "Why don't you come up with me?"
"Uh…." Nancy isn't quite sure what is going on with Marlena, but after Craig's outburst at the restaurant last night, she is feeling more than a little mistrustful of both her husband and of Marlena. So maybe it will be interesting and informative if she does join Marlena. "Sure, why not. Just let me get my purse."
"Great!" Grace wanders to the door, swinging her car keys off her finger with a devious smile. "This *will* be fun!"
"Excuse me…. *excuse* me Dr. Evans, you can't go in there," Craig's P.A. lunges desperately for the door, but Grace gets there just before she does.
"Oh, can't I?" Grace raises her eyebrows in mock innocence before she turns the handle and pushes on the door in front of her. Behind her, Nancy trots past the P.A. and into Craig's office. She is a little surprised to see two of the most influential members of the board sitting with Craig.
"I just came to drop off my resignation as promised, Dr. Wesley," Grace smiles at the two board members sitting on the couch. "It'll save you the trouble of firing me, after all."
"Uh, excuse me," Craig smiles awkwardly at Mr. Winston and stands, pulling Grace to one side. "What the *hell* do you think you're doing Marlena?"
"Uh…. resigning?" She pulls back slightly, her head tilted and looks at him in surprise. "Isn't that what I said I would do, or am I forgetting something?"
"*Jesus*, I'm just trying to talk the board members into letting this drop." Craig whispers frantically. "I'm doing what you asked Marlena."
"There's still the little matter of the note," Grace shrugs. " Anyway, I think things will be *much* more exciting this way, don't you?" her smile is vindictive as she turns back around.
Craig's eyes widen as he realizes that Nancy is also in the office and he pales. Grabbing Grace's upper arm, he pulls her back and hisses in her ear. "Marlena, for *God's* sake, I am *begging* you not to do this."
"Do what?" she turns back to him, fluttering her lashes. "Destroy your life and your career, as you've tried to destroy mine?"
"That's not true Marlena and you *know* it," Craig's hands are shaking as he meets her icy gaze.
"Does it really matter?" her sensuous lips curve into an amused smirk as she notes the beads of perspiration that are erupting on his forehead. "Isn't this all just a game in the end? And, after all…" she steps a little closer to him and lays her hand on his forearm. Craig swallows hard, his adam's apple sticking in his throat as he realizes that Nancy is watching him like a hawk. Grace continues, as though blissfully unaware of his extreme discomfort. Or rather, gratified by it. "…we both know I *always* end up on top."
She leaves Craig blinking as she turns back to the two bemused board members and smiles charmingly. "You'll want to read that letter straight away. I think you'll find it raises a few questions that Dr. Wesley here might be good enough to answer for you." Turning to the apprehensive Nancy Wesley, she smiles brightly. "All right, time for lunch."
"*No*," Craig starts desperately.
"Oh come on Craig, I know you're a slave driver, but even your wife deserves a lunch break, surely." Grace chuckles, the sound caught low in her throat as she turns back to look at Craig.
"Nancy…" Craig looks like a rabbit caught in headlights as he tries to think of a reason why Nancy shouldn't lunch with Marlena.
"I won't be long honey," Nancy is still a little lost as to what is going on but she is determined to find out. "I'll see you when I get back."
"Awww, isn't that sweet?" Grace turns her gaze on the board members. "So nice that your Chief of Staff is *so* devoted to his job and family, don't you think?" With a flick of her head, she turns back to Craig. "Doctor." And with that, she sweeps past Nancy and out of the office.
"Hey Benny," John greets the officer in charge as he wanders into the cop shop. A quick glance around confirms that neither Abe or Bo are around and a little of John's tension dissolves.
"Hey John," Benny looks up from his paperwork at John. "Commander Carver catch up with ya?"
"Yeah," John nods, "actually he asked me to come back and pick up a forensics report for him."
"Report huh?" Benny looks over at Abe's desk. "Can't say as I've seen anything come up from forensics this morning, John."
"He said something about it being a rush job," John shrugs. "Maybe it's still down in the lab."
"You wanna wait? You know where the coffee is right?" Benny picks up his coffee mug and looks distastefully at the sludge that has gathered in the bottom. "I'll go down and check it out for you. What'd you say the report was on?"
"Don't let me interrupt your work Benny," John says swiftly. "I know the way, I'll just go and check with them myself."
"Okay," Benny shrugs, "I'd avoid the coffee too, man."
"Yeah," John laughs uncomfortably. "It's never been the best has it?"
"Department never gets any less stingy." Benny cracks a smile as he pushes himself back from the desk and picks up his mug. "Still, when it's all you've got, you make do."
"Thanks Benny, I'll catch you later."
"Sure thing John." Benny nods, his interest already waning as he shuffles away.
John rubs his taut neck and glances at the retreating officer. His heart is pounding as he considers the risk he is about to take. He feels bad lying to Benny like that, he's known the guy for years and he hates the idea that he is going to betray his trust, but he has no choice. Not if he is going to save Marlena.
Nancy sits stiffly in the chair across from Grace and studies her intently as the blonde peruses the wine menu. When the waiter arrives, Grace's manner exudes sexuality as she orders a martini and her eyes follow the young man appreciatively as he heads back to the bar.
"Delicious, isn't he?" Grace turns back to Nancy, her hazel eyes glittering with the thrill of discovery.
"Well… I suppose so," Nancy blinks uncomfortably. She hasn't spent extended amounts of time with Marlena before, but even so, she can't help but be struck by the difference in that Marlena and the one before her. Marlena has always struck her as being gentle and kind, maybe a little too *nice* for Nancy's tastes. But lately, all her first impressions of Marlena are being blown out of the water. Nothing about *this* Marlena seems nice at all.
"Oh well, of course, I forget you are so *happily* married," Grace doesn't make any effort to hide the scorn that slices through her words and Nancy flinches.
"What is that supposed to mean?" she demands stiltedly.
"Oh come on Nancy, *dear*," Grace leans back in her chair with an amused expression. "Surely we can be frank now."
"Frank about *what*?" Nancy's eyes narrow as Grace watches the young waiter place the martini and Nancy's glass of wine on the table. The young man is aware of her scrutiny and he blushes as she smiles at him. "*Marlena*!" Nancy attempts to recapture Grace's attention as it wanders away with the waiter. "I asked you a question!"
"Hmmm?" Grace tears her gaze away from the boy and looks back at Nancy. "I'm sorry?"
"Why do I doubt it?" Nancy retorts, her irritation clear. "Would you just tell me what you meant and be done with it?"
"What I meant about…?" Grace manages to convey an air of confusion as she shakes her head and shrugs her shoulders.
"About being frank and that crack about my marriage," Nancy has abandoned any pretence at friendliness as she leans against the table. "You're obviously trying to tell me something, so why don’t you spit it out?"
"Oh." Grace looks startled for a moment and then to Nancy's surprise, controlled giggles erupt from her throat. "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you knew. I really thought you'd have at least some inkling."
"Knew what?" Nancy feels sick as Grace's eyes glitter with glee.
"Oh Nancy, honey," Grace shakes her head in mock pity before she takes a sip of her martini. "Why do you think Craig was so desperate for us not to have lunch? Didn't it occur to you that all those late nights at the hospital *weren't* just because he's such a *dedicated* administrator." She breaks into a grin as she thinks of the hours spent with Craig at the penthouse or in one of their respective offices. And then she focuses back on Nancy's horrified face and she bites back her smile, albeit mostly unsuccessfully.
"'Fraid not." She shrugs as though her culpability in the affair is merely an afterthought. "He wasn't putting in all that overtime at the office Nancy dear. He *was* working overtime, but it was pursuing rather more…" she clears her throat, "pleasurable activities."
Nancy's eyes widen and she shakes her head. "No…" her voice comes out as a mere squeak in her rebuttal of Grace's claim. "No, he wouldn't…"
"He would," Grace's mouth curls into a lazy, pleasure-filled smile. "And he did. Quite frequently might I add."
She sighs as she toys with her martini glass. "It’s unfortunate that he took it so badly when I ended it," she fixes Nancy with a hard golden stare. "First last night and this ridiculous vendetta he's embarked upon…." She raises perfectly shaped brows and takes a sip of her drink. "You see, he doesn't understand who he's up against. Although," she allows herself a hint of a smile, "I think he's starting to gain a small appreciation."
Nancy can only stare at Grace, stunned and shattered by the revelations that have been thrust into her consciousness.
"I think you are too." Grace smiles ruthlessly. Then without pause, she drains her martini and places the glass on the table. "No-one messes with me Nancy, you and your *husband* would do well to remember that." Standing up she looks over at the waiter who is returning her gaze quite unabashedly. "You can pick up the bill, can't you? I suddenly have something important I need to attend to."
John is grateful he chose lunchtime to make his foray down to the lab. The only person there is a lab assistant who is sorting files over on the far bench.
"Can I help you?" she asks the moment John enters the room.
"Yeah." John nods casually. "Commander Carver asked me to come down and see if there were any further reports finished on the Brady case."
"Oh," the young woman looks around helplessly. "I really couldn't tell you that myself, I'd have to find Dave."
"Dave Carson?" John raises one eyebrow. It's useful that there are still names he knows down here, but the risk is that those names will place him here once the shit hits the fan.
"Yeah," the petite brunette nods. "You know him?"
"We go way back," John nods.
"Well, perhaps I could go and find him for you," she nods as though it's a fantastic idea. "What did you say your name was?"
I didn't. "Andy Sommers."
"Okay then Andy, I'm Janelle. If you just want to wait, I'll be right back," she waves her hand vaguely before she leaves the room.
Immediately John scans the desks closest to him. He has to find what he's looking for and get out of here before Dave gets back from the cafeteria. Dave always had his lunch in the cafeteria; John doubts it has changed even after all these years. Thankfully the layout of the lab has not changed too much either since he was working in this station as Commander and he quickly works out where the forensics on Roman's case are being stored.
Rifling through the file, he finds the labelled bag he is looking for and his sharp eyes identify the blonde hair inside. Slipping the bag inside his jacket, he looks around him.
"Sorry guys," he murmurs before he slips out of the room.