John swallows, his throat suddenly parched as he watches Marlena leave the table, her hips swaying as she crosses the room. He's quite aware that he's not the only one watching her too; there are any number of men here who would be happy to be in his place. But even so, or maybe even because of that fact, he's finding himself quite unnerved by her sudden change of heart.
Only yesterday she was flinging accusations at him, leaving him and their family in no doubt of the kind of fury and pain she was feeling. And now, it was as though all that was a dream, as though it has been wiped away overnight.
Could her reaction to Hope's accident have brought about such a change? Maybe that is what it was, sometimes reminders of how precious life is can have a profound effect on people. And Marlena, feeling more deeply than most...
John sighs and shakes his head trying to clear his thoughts. Maybe, but *this*, this provocative flirting isn't entirely like Marlena either. She's flirty and playful yes, but this is something else all together.
"Still," he mutters to himself, "at least she's not screaming at you. That's gotta be a start, hasn't it?"
Grace smiles to herself as she exits the ladies. This could hardly be more perfect. After her spat with Stefano, she had known that he would have her followed. His pride would not allow her to gain the upper hand.
Well Stefano, if you want to know what I'm up to, you're going to find out my darling. She intends to thoroughly enjoy herself and if she can make Stefano mightily uncomfortable in the process, then all the better. He deserves some of his own after all...
Grace's sharp eyes flick across the restaurant to a couple sitting not far from where she and John are seated. She had seen them when she and John had arrived and she knows Craig saw her. Pleasure suffuses her as she starts towards them. She can't *wait* to avail herself of the pleasure of watching him squirm.
"Dr. Wesley," she comes up behind him and her smile broadens when she sees him flinch at the sound of her voice. "And your charming wife. How *are* you Nancy?"
"I'm just fine Marlena," Nancy nods, wiping the corner of her mouth with her napkin. "And you?"
"It's been an interesting day," Grace looks at Craig who is studying his dinner assiduously. "I'm sure Craig told you about our little problem."
She almost laughs out loud as she sees Craig jump and his head snaps around to look at her. She ignores his pleading eyes as she looks back at Nancy.
"Oh I heard about that poor boy, I'm so sorry Marlena..." Nancy says with as much sincerity as she can muster. There is something about Marlena Evans that she just doesn't trust. Especially when she sees the woman looking at Craig so predatorily.
"Yes, it's really too bad." Grace feigns something akin to sadness. "Some people are just beyond our reach though. It's something we all have to come to terms with sooner or later. Don't you think so Craig?"
"Wha-?" Craig's knuckles have blanched, his fingers are wrapped so tightly around his knife. "Uh... yeah." He nods painfully carefully avoiding Nancy's curious glance as he prays that Marlena will go away.
"How are things with your daughter, Nancy?" Grace asks casually. "I'll bet she's missing Belle."
"Uh... well, they're difficult," Nancy shrugs. "You know how teenagers are."
"I certainly do," Grace says sympathetically. "I'll tell you what, why don't we get together for lunch tomorrow? We can compare notes on our daughters and all the other wonderful things married life has to offer."
"Well..." Nancy thinks about it for a moment. Maybe it would be a good idea to check Marlena Evans out from a closer angle. It couldn't hurt anyway.
"Uh..." Craig desperately interrupts. "Weren't you going to take Chloe shopping tomorrow?"
"Well, we could meet the day after tomorrow then," Grace shrugs, trying to suppress her grin as she watches Craig flounder.
"No, tomorrow is fine," Nancy nods, confused by Craig's interruption.
"Okay then, I'll look forward to it. And Craig," Grace lays her hand on Craig's shoulder and squeezes it as she leans over to murmur in his ear. "I promise you, I'll have that letter on your desk by lunchtime."
John's lips thin as he watches Marlena place her hand on Craig Wesley's shoulder and lean over and he can't help the bolt of jealousy that sears it’s way through him. The sight of her with that man has brought back the memories that he has almost successfully suppressed until tonight. Memories of seeing her in Wesley's arms. More than once.
And then there was Bo.... Bo was adamant that she had tried to seduce him and honestly, the guy has no motive for lying. Not in the state he is in. Normally John would never believe that of Marlena, but he has seen it with his own eyes. So what the hell is she playing at?
"John?" He blinks as she comes back to the table. "What's wrong?"
"What is going on between you and Wesley?" he asks curtly.
"What do you mean what's going on?" she asks nonchalantly as she slides into her chair.
John sees Craig glance in their direction and he grimaces. "I mean you were kissing him down on the pier the other day Marlena."
"Oh John," she sighs, dropping her purse on the table. "And here I thought there was a slim possibility we might get through the entire night without arguing."
"If you recall, most of the arguing has been at your end," John retorts. "I'm just asking you a question. A valid one I think, considering you *are* still my wife."
"As you seem to remind me every five minutes, yes," Grace bites the inside of her lip. She will not let him make her angry, she has too much riding on this. "Tell me, what do you *think* is going on?
"I...." John looks over at Craig Wesley. The man is holding his wife's hand and he is taking to her with an intensity that could easily be mistaken for guilt. If it is indeed a mistake. "All I can say Doc, is if you're trying to make me jealous, it's *damn* well working."
"Oh," a slow smile curls her lips sensuously, "is it?"
"Doc..." John's jaw clenches as he struggles to stay calm. There are so many things he wants to say to her right now. He wants to rage at her for being so stubborn and for lashing out and hurting the people that love her. And he wants to take her in her arms and profess his love to her. And he wants to be angry at her for being so unfair to Belle and for playing with Bo's emotions. And mostly he just wants wash all her pain away and feel her skin against his as he makes love to her. "Doc, you *know* it kills me when I see you with another man. Baby, it always has. The thought that I could lose you, that I might not have you in my life...." He actually shudders as he says the words.
"Nothing." She interrupts him, shrugging easily. "There's nothing going on. It was nothing honey, really."
"It didn't look like nothing Doc," he says, his midnight blue eyes echoing the vulnerability that he feels. "Not when I found you down at the pier it didn't."
"I was angry," she says softly, taking his hand in hers. "I was acting out and trying to find ways to punish you for what you did with Hope..." Grace looks down, hoping that he's buying her act. But she suspects at this point, he'll be so desperate for an explanation, he'll buy just about anything.
"Excuse me," Grace looks up as the wine waiter interrupts with the bottle of champagne that John has ordered and she smiles at John appreciatively. At least the man knows how to order a good bottle of champagne, she'll give him that.
They wait as the waiter pours their drinks and their entrée's are delivered and then Grace lays her hand over John's. "Honey, I really don't want to talk about all this tonight. I just want us to enjoy each other's company for a change. Surely there's enough time for all this tomorrow?"
With a smile, she picks up her champagne flute and waits for him to pick up his. "To..." she smiles seductively as she reaches out and straightens his tie infinitesimally, "new beginnings. And to us."
"To us," John nods and taps his glass against hers, watching then as she swallows the honeyed liquid. "But honey, there is something I need to-"
"Shhhh," Grace raises her index finger to his lips and silences him. "It's not negotiable John. If I don't enjoy myself, I'm going home. By myself. Do we understand each other?"
"Loud and clear baby," he grins suddenly. The way she is talking, there is definitely a chance that she won't be going home *alone* tonight. And if that's the case then there is certainly plenty of time to talk about all this later. Even Abe's questions can wait until tomorrow. She's right after all, neither of them have enjoyed themselves for far too long.
"Good," she slips her shoe off and with practiced ease, she slides the arch of her foot up John's calf. "I had a feeling you might see it my way."
"What the hell does she think she's doing?" Stefano growls to Bart as he watches Grace inside the restaurant. She is laughing and flirting with John Black of all people and there is nothing Stefano can do about it without blowing everything. "Did I *not* tell her to stay away from Black?" He is furious that she would put their plans in such jeopardy. And for what? Is this her idea of revenge for their fight this afternoon? For sleeping with Hope and not telling her about it.
"*Damn* her." He bangs his powerful fist on the dash of the car. "Confounded woman. Can she not take *one* order without defying me in some way?"
"She always was trouble, Stefano," Bart dares to agree with his master. "You'll never be able to trust her."
Stefano turns to stare at him, his fury at Grace's defiance needing an outlet somewhere.
"Bart, if I *ever* so much as *hear* a *whisper* that you have been talking about Grace like that again, I will have you torn limb from limb. Do you understand me?" He glares at the man and Bart nods nervously.
Stefano turns back to the restaurant and trains his opera glasses on Grace once again. She is laughing at something Black has said and Stefano narrows his eyes. "You might think she is yours John, but you will find out very soon that she was *never* yours. Grace will always be mine and you will witness her in my arms and in my bed before all this is done."
"Oh," Grace wipes the corner of one eye as her giggles subside. She really hates to admit it to herself, but John Black has a power to make her laugh that few other men have possessed. "You can't be serious!"
"Oh, deadly," John's smile fades as he reaches out to wipe away a stray tear from Marlena's cheek with the pad of his thumb. Her skin is so warm where he touches her that he can hardly help himself as he cups her cheek with his oversized palm.
"You're so beautiful Doc and I miss you *so* much." There is agony in his voice and passion in his eyes as he looks at her and Grace finds herself pulling abruptly away from his touch.
"I..." her heart is pounding against her ribs as he continues to stare at her and she looks away, unable to maintain eye contact. She's suddenly nervous and afraid and she's quite off-balance.
One of her fists clenches unconsciously under the table as she reaches for her champagne glass. She takes a good mouthful as the music swells behind them and the bubbles tickle her nose as she swallows the champagne.
"I'm sorry baby," John says softly, "I didn’t meant to make you uncomfortable. It's just that being away from you makes me a little crazy..." he pauses and then shakes his head... "no, make that a lot crazy. I don’t want to push things here, but I do want you to know how I feel."
"Um..." Grace takes a deep breath, attempting to regain her control as she looks up at him. "Why don't we dance?"
"Dance?" John is having a hard time keeping up with her moods tonight, but then it's not the first time. "Sure honey, if that's what you want."
"It's exactly what I want." One corner of her mouth curls into a seductive smile as he stands up and holds out his hand. She takes it and stands, following him to the dance floor, which is only sparsely populated at this point in the evening.
When they are on the dance floor, he takes her right hand and holds it against his chest. Then with a familiarity that breeds only desire, he slides his arm around the bare flesh of her back and pulls her close to him.
"It feels good to have you close again baby," he whispers as he presses his cheek to hers. "I've missed you so much."
"Shhhh," Grace whispers, "too much talking and not enough dancing." Pulling her hand from where he holds it against him, she slides it around his neck and presses her body against him. And then she begins to sway in time with the music, the feeling of her body moving against his driving John wild.
Her breath is warm against his neck as she hums with the soft melody and John moans when he feels her tongue slide gently up the side of his throat till she reaches his earlobe. Then gently, she flicks her tongue across the sensitive skin before blowing the tiniest amount of cool air against the moist skin.
"Doc!" John begins as he tries to pull back from her, but she maintains her grasp on him.
"Ssshhh baby," she whispers against his ear. "Don't worry about a thing."
"But honey-"
"John," Grace's voice is little more than a murmur, but nevertheless, there is steel in her tone. "If you want to come home with me tonight, I suggest you play along. Okay?"
"Uh..." John quickly flicks mentally through his options. He doesn't have many. And if she wants to torture him just a little more as she extracts a final ounce of revenge, then he can hardly argue with her. Especially when it's so exquisitely pleasurable. "Whatever you say Doc.'
"Now, that's what I like to hear," she draws one of her hands from around his neck and slides it around his waist until it's flat against John's butt. And then, looking directly at Craig, she grins as she squeezes it. "Because if you play your cards right tonight, John Black, you're going to have a night that you'll never forget...."