Grace groans as she rolls over and looks at the clock with bleary vision. It is almost eleven and one too many martinis last night have left a legacy that she does not appreciate. The phone beside her bed is shrilling and she casts her hand over the bedside table searching for it.
Finally, she finds it and lifts the receiver to her ear, her voice hoarse with sleep. "Hello?"
"Marlena?" The voice on the other end is unfamiliar and Grace struggles to think who it could be.
"Yes?" She brushes the tousled golden hair back from her forehead and winces as the light filtering in through the chinks in the blinds assaults her eyes.
"Marlena, darling, you don't sound well." There is concern in the voice and Grace rolls her eyes at the prospect of yet another Salem well-wisher landing on her doorstep, brimming with curious sympathy.
"I'm fine. Look, did you ring me for a reason or is this simply a social call? Because if it is ..."
"Oh no!" The caller sounds startled at the abruptness in Grace's tone. "I'm sorry dear. I called because Abe wants us all to meet here at the pub. It's about Roman."
All the pieces suddenly fall into place. This must be Caroline Brady, Roman's mother. And if Abe Carver wants to talk to the family about Roman... Grace groans as she sits up. Surely they can't have found him already? If they have, then the Salem P.D. can't be quite as inept as Stefano indicated.
"Marlena?" Caroline's voice falters.
"Oh, yes, I'm sorry. Of course, I'll be there as soon as I can." Grace presses two well-manicured fingers to her left temple and closes her eyes, wishing for some Advil to magically appear.
"Are you sure you're all right dear?" Caroline prattles on about how Marlena doesn't quite sound like herself, and Grace has to call on all her self-control to stop from snapping at the woman.
"I'm *fine* Caroline. I'll see you soon."
It is almost midday by the time that Grace strolls into the pub. Her golden hair falls softly over the tiny sweater tied around her shoulders. The white dress she is wearing clings to her curves in an almost impossible fashion. As she slips off her sunglasses and looks around the gathered faces, it is obvious that she has taken the time to get ready. The pub is closed to business and it seems that she is the last to arrive, and her tardiness hasn't made her popular, judging by the looks she is getting.
Sami and Austin sit at one of the small round tables at the centre and Sami is looking at her with obvious concern. Towards the back of the pub, Shawn and Caroline are perched on stools at the bar, Abe standing near them. Completing the tableau, Bo sits with his son in one of the booths. Hope is seated opposite them, her hand resting on her large belly.
The pub is silent as Grace reserves a long, critical look at the woman that had taken her place all those years ago.
Hope affords her a wavering smile, but Grace simply stares at her, taking in the swollen bulge under her baggy shirt and the uncertain brown eyes. It doesn't take Grace long to decide that Hope presents no competition. In any way.
Of course, that doesn't mean Grace will forget that 'Gina' dared to think that she could take Grace's place with Stefano. Or that when she failed there, she went after Marlena's husband. She will not forget and she certainly will never forgive.
Her stony expression betrays little of what she is thinking as she turns, noting that John is wedged into a booth in the opposite corner. She patently ignores him as she shrugs. "Sorry it took so long. Car trouble."
"That's all right dear," Caroline nods, her pitiful attempt at hiding her distress evident to everyone gathered in the room.
"Well, let's get on with it, shall we?" Grace says airily as she takes a seat next to Austin. She offers Sami a wan smile and Sami looks as though she's not sure whether to be angry or concerned at Marlena's inappropriateness but finally she returns her mother's glance with a small smile of her own.
Her thoughts are interrupted as Abe clears his throat. "Uh, well, now that you're all here...." He looks over at John with pained eyes and then turns back to the expectant family. "We thought it would be best if you were all together."
"What is it Abe? Spit it out man." Bo hasn?t been at work for the past few days. He and Hope have been called back from a short trip away by the family crisis and he is tired and edgy. Keeping the truth about Hope's baby a secret is wearing him down and he is no longer even sure why he is doing it.
"I'm afraid it's bad news Bo," Abe struggles to keep his emotions in check. "I'd give anything not to have to tell you this..." he looks around the assembled faces and sees fear and apprehension. "We found Roman last night. Or rather, we found his body."
"No!" The cry comes from where Caroline sits on a stool and she slaps her hand over her mouth, trying to stem the tears. Shawn sits silently beside her, stunned into silence by Abe's words.
"There's gotta be some mistake Abe," Bo says immediately, obviously not believing a word of what Abe is telling them.
"I wish there was," Abe sighs, an ache filling his chest, both for his own personal loss and the loss of his dear friends here. Of all the horrible moments that his job entails, this must be one of the worst. "I know that you have gone through this so many times. It's natural that you'd have questions. But John and I were both there and we identified his body. There's no doubt it was Roman."
"Abe," Grace's voice is husky and controlled. "How? How did this happen?"
"Marlena..." Abe pauses and his eyes flicker across to where John sits. At the almost imperceptible shake of John's head, Abe turns back. "We don't know anything much, beyond the fact that he was shot."
"Oh *God*," Sami looks desperately at Abe and then at John with tears in her huge blue eyes. "He... he didn't suffer did he?"
"No sweetheart," John speaks for the first time, shaking his head firmly. "He didn't suffer."
Grace bites the inside of her lip to keep from smiling. John and Abe are such hopeless liars but the Brady family seems more than willing to believe them. They are all fools and not least to believe that the bastard that lies cold and lifeless at the morgue is Roman Brady.
"Are you *sure*?" she asks quietly, playing her part of the grieving ex-wife as well as she can manage. "Are you *positive* this is Roman? Abe is right, we've been through this too many times..."
"We *saw* him Doc," John slides out from his seat in the booth, his eyes filled with concern.
He knows this must be killing Marlena and he longs to just take her in his arms and hold her until he is sure she is all right. He would hold her forever if necessary. But for now, he doubts she will even let him touch her. "I know it's hard to believe. I know how hard this is for you." He makes his way across the pub to where she sits, drawing the interest of the whole family. A family that is swiftly becoming aware that there is something very wrong between John and Marlena. "I wish it wasn't true, for *all* our sakes."
"Do you?" Grace demands coldly. "Do you *really* have any idea how hard this is for me?" She arches her eyebrows at his look of surprise. "Do you have *any* idea about me at all?"
"Please Doc." There is a distinct plea in his tone as he reaches out and grabs her hand. "Please don't do this. Not here. Not now."
"Why?" The tears come easily to her willing eyes. "Why not *here*? Don't you want them all to know what a cheating, lying *bastard* you really are?" She wrenches her hand away from his furiously.
She *hates* him with everything that she has and everything that she is. Now that Lamont is dead, all her self-righteous fury is focussed on John Black, and she has a fervent desire to make him suffer.
"Mom!" Sami leans across Austin, her hand waving in the air as Grace stands.
"I need to get some air," Grace murmurs, ignoring the shocked and concerned gazes of Marlena's family.
"Marlena-" John tries to stop her but she only glares at him, her eyes flashing with golden fire.
"Don't even *touch* me," she hisses, her voice filled with venom.
Stunned, John pulls back and lets her leave, blinking as he watches her slam the pub door behind her.
"John?" Caroline is the one that finally ventures to speak. "John, dear? What is going on?"
John can say nothing for a moment until he loses his last glimpse of his gorgeous wife. Then he turns around to face his family, his grief evident on his face. He looks at Sami and then at Hope and Bo. He knows they have suspended their grief about Roman for the moment. But how can he hit them with this too? It's not fair on any of them.
"Marlena's distressed," Abe steps into the breach left by John's silence. "She doesn't know what she's saying right now."
"Yeah," John nods gratefully. "Look, I'm sorry everyone. I really need to go and find her right now. I'll explain later."
"Don't waste time apologizing John," Sami says in frustration. She knows very well that there is something more than her mother's grief behind this outburst and whatever it is, it seems to be driving her and John further and further apart. "Just *go*."
John nods and leaves the pub as Austin wraps his arms around Sami. A choked sob stumbles from Caroline's lips as she turns silently to look at her husband and both Bo and Hope look at each other with dread.
"Stefano?" Grace finds him stalking back and forth in the garden.
"Grace," he spins around on his heel, his expression unreadable. "Where have you been?" He looks her up and down appraisingly. " I hear your mission was a success."
"You doubted it would be?" Grace brushes her hair from her eyes in a gesture that is uncannily reminiscent of Marlena. "I'm sorry I didn't contact you last night. I was a little.... uh.... occupied."
"Oh?" Stefano's eyebrows arch, but the nonchalant gesture doesn't hide the flash of jealousy that roars through him.
"Mmmm..." Grace cannot resist playing with him, just a little. "It was quite the evening."
She unties the sweater and pulls it from her shoulders, her hair not quite covering the bruise that stains her creamy skin. Stefano knows instinctively that it is not from her encounter with Lamont and he turns away from her, trying to contain his anger.
"Stefano," she comes up behind him, her voice silky and beguiling. He feels her hands curl around his upper arms and she lays her chin on his shoulder. "Don't be like that," she whispers softly.
"Who is he?" Stefano spins around, pinioning her wrists with steely fingers. There is anger in his eyes as he stares at her intently. "Who is he, Grace?"
"Does it matter?" she asks breathlessly, her lips reddened with excitement.
"It matters to me." Stefano's own breathing is becoming shallow as she stares at him wantonly. Part of him hates the effect that she has on him, the power that she wields over him. But the other part loves her so that he can't help but admire her. She is the only person that has ever known how to manipulate him successfully, and he would do anything for her because of it.
"He's inconsequential, my darling," she says softly. "After all, you, better than anyone, know how I get after an assignment."
"Ahhhh, yes I do," Stefano nods, his dark eyes exploring hers. He does know. Knows how the power of success, of holding another's life in her beautiful hands suffuses her with an energy that she has to expend.
She is right, whomever it was that shared her bed last night; he is simply another conquest to Grace. But that knowledge doesn't stop Stefano from feeling that burning flush of jealousy as he thinks of another man's hands on Grace's satiny skin.
"He means *nothing* to me Stefano." She pulls her hand from his grasp and lifts her fingers to his lips. "You know me. You know I could *never* respect anyone that weak." She traces the outline of Stefano's lips, feeling the faint, unfamiliar roughness of his beard under her fingertips. "He's simply a diversion," she removes her fingers and then leans forward to brush her lips against his, with the slightest of touches. "Nothing more."
"But an enjoyable diversion, nonetheless?" Stefano's body tenses at the feeling of hers against him and he finds himself pushing her away so that she is at arms length.
"Oh yes," she can't help the grin that spreads across her face. "Definitely enjoyable."
"As long as it is not John Black," Stefano says darkly, but the simple fact that the words come out at all, startles him.
"Oh," Grace's expression is blank with surprise for a moment and then she breaks out into hysterical giggles. "You *really* think I would?" She blinks several times, making her point. "Oh *no*, Stefano. You know me better than that."
"Yes," he looks uncomfortably relieved. "Yes, I do know you Grace. I also know how unpredictable you can be."
"You always said that it was part of my charm," Grace smiles coyly as she laces her fingers between his.
"It is my darling." He finally allows himself a smile, knowing that however hard he tries; he will never be able to control her. It is not even worth trying.
"See?" She smiles girlishly at him. "I knew you'd see sense." She pulls away and crosses the plush lawn to the border. The blood-red petals of an early-blooming rose feel like brushed silk under her touch and she looks over at Stefano, her expression suddenly one of solemnity.
"I made him beg," she says softly. She can still feel the anger and hatred burning within her soul, but now it is tempered by the pleasure of knowing he will never try *anything* again. "He thought he was stronger than me, he thought he could outwit me. But he found out that *no-one* messes with me."
"Grace," Stefano feels a shiver echo up his spine and he steps towards her, hearing a hint of something unfamiliar in her voice. "My darling, did he hurt you?"
'He tried." She looks up at him with eyes that seem to have taken on a life of their own. "He was actually pitiful enough to think that he *could*. That this time I wouldn't be ready for him."
She turns away and Stefano sees the bruise and a roughened graze on her elbow. His jaw sets as he looks at her. "You should have let me kill him back on the island," he says angrily.
Grace turns her head, her blond hair swinging in the slight breeze. "And have lost the pleasure of ending his miserable life myself?" she asks, her voice husky.
"I should have never sent him to Salem," Stefano looks at her and then looks away.
"No, you shouldn't have," Grace's voice sounds hard and cold behind him. "So tell me Stefano, why was it that you did?"