Q was sleeping soundly when the door to his room opened. She tried very hard to be quiet but the creaking hinge betrayed her. Marlena had only intended to check to see if he had been sleeping. It was the middle of the night and she herself hadn't been able to sleep. The emotions that she had tried so hard to leave outside in the cold had finally caught up with her. In tears and exhausted, she had decided that she would take Gene up on his offer to listen and to help. Only, she wasn't going to wake him up to do it.
"Damn!" She thought harshly as she looked at the door. "Why have I never fixed this?" "Guess you were too busy mooning after John to take care of the things that needed taking care of," her mind screamed at her. The abuse her own mind was dishing out brought on a fresh bout of tears. She stood in the doorway sobbing. She knew she couldn't go through this alone, and as much as she hated to wake him she had to. She needed him.
"Gene," she said softly through her tears. The sound of her voice calling his name woke him immediately and he looked up. The sight that greeted him twisted his heart in a multitude of directions. Marlena in her white satin nightgown standing in the doorway. The hall light illuminating her from behind so she fairly glowed. The light made her gown semi-transparent and he could see portions her body in silhouette. Desire invaded his heart immediately. She was beautiful and he wanted her.
She looked like an angel. Only his angel was crying and that evoked the second emotion within him. It wasn't desire rather it was desire's age old companion: love. Love with all it's components. Q struggled briefly to gain control of the myriad of feelings that this love brought out in him. But it was no use. Human emotions won out and he was done for. He wanted to comfort and protect her against the forces that were causing her distress. He wanted to take the pain from her beautiful face and replace it with pure joy. To wipe the tears that were dripping from her cheeks and replace them with sweet kisses that moved to her lips.
He raged to think that John could do this to Marlena. *Marlena* the angel of his existence! Q would offer this goddess the immortality she deserved while John would throw her away like garbage. It shook him to the core. He couldn't believe that the continuum was trying to pawn this clown off as Marlena's true soul mate. John was better suited to the likes of Kristen as far as Q could see. After all trash should keep to its own kind. The injustice was consuming him and fury emanated from his every pore.
"Gene," she repeated a little louder this time. The plaintive sound in her voice brought him back to reality. He threw the bedclothes aside and in a moment he was at her side. Taking her in his arms and offering her the comfort of a friend's embrace, when he really wanted to sweep her up in the arms of a lover. His arms.
The first thing Q noticed when he swept her up beside him, was that she smelled and felt wonderful. His senses were so caught up in her that it took him a moment to notice how badly she was shaking. The sobs were wracking her body so he held her closer. He knew that while he wanted to comfort her with all his heart, it was going to be the hardest thing he'd ever have to do. That was because it wasn't all he wanted to do.
He quickly ushered her to the bed and sat down there with her. She snuggled up against him and he held her without comment. He was going to wait for her, but for now all she seemed capable of doing was crying. He began to rock her gently back and forth, simply waiting for her to calm down and talk to him.
"Shhhh, my sweet. Shhhh." It was odd that he had no use for most mortals. And if the truth be known that was because he couldn't relate to them anymore and because mostly they annoyed him. The *humanness* of them was what annoyed him most. Humans were so emotional and truly they were a lot of work. But somehow this woman was different. Her *human* problems were only bothersome because he couldn't make them go away. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't seem to lessen her troubles. He actually suspected that he had made them worse.
John twitched irritably in his sleep. It was a moment before he could open his eyes to find the source of the annoyance. The door to the bedroom was open and a cool draught blew steadily across the floor and over his bare skin. The blanket lay where he had kicked it, in an askew mound at the end of the bed.
He wondered groggily if he had closed the door before he had fallen into bed but the thought had barely entered his mind before he registered that there was light coming from the landing behind the door. His eyes squinted as he tried to focus on the shaft of light that radiated from the opening of the doorway. He was positive he hadn't left the light on when he had eventually gone to bed. He knew he hadn't.
It was then that he saw the feet. They delicately stepped into the doorway and then stopped. John's eyes travelled upward. The light glowed through the gossamer fabric of a creamy white negligee, creating a silhouette around a perfect female form. John's eyes continued their upward journey, noting the soft swell of the hips and the outline of breasts, hidden behind chiffon and lace.
She moved to lean against the doorway as he found her face with his hungry eyes. Her eyes were shining and the light in her golden hair created a halo so that she looked just like an angel. She smiled mysteriously at him as he sat up, his mind finally registering that she was actually here, and what that meant.
"Doc?" It was the only syllable he could utter as his heart began to beat so hard he felt as though it was about to jump through the wall of his chest.
"Shhhh....." she brought her index finger to her red lips and began to move towards him. She was he thought, so graceful that she looked as if she were gliding.
She stopped at the end of the bed and he sighed. She was so beautiful, she filled his heart with love and wonder. He rose from the bed slowly and moved so that he was within reaching distance of her. He reached out with his right hand, and, still unable to believe that she was real, he touched her cheek with the tips of his fingers. She gasped at his touch and he pulled his hand back involuntarily as he felt the warm skin beneath this fingers.
"Oh Doc, it *is* you." He moved in so that he was right in front of her and he searched her face with his eyes. "You really are here."
Marlena nodded, a large tear spilling from her eye and down her cheek.
"John, I'm so sorry. I didn't understand...."
"Shhh." He wiped her tear away with the pad of his thumb and kissed the trace of moisture that was left. "There's nothing for you to be sorry for. You're here now. That's all that matters to me."
Q kissed the top of her head and continued to rock her.
"Thank you," she sniffed. He chuckled.
"What are you thanking me for? I haven't done anything." She looked up at him with complete surprise written all over her face.
"Haven't done anything? How can you say that?" Suddenly Q couldn't respond. He could only look into her tear filled eyes and he couldn't speak. He, Q! Could not speak. Q was sunk and he knew it.
He swallowed hard when Marlena smiled up at him, only making his current situation worse.
"See," she sniffed again. "You can't! You've been there for me every minute and you know it." Marlena tightened her grasp on him and Q gave an involuntary groan. Marlena didn't seem to notice as she teetered on the verge of tears once more. "You've always been there for me. Always. I could always count on you."
He shook his head.
"No I think you have this all wrong Marlena. You were there for me in the beginning. SO there for me that I still need to make it up to you." Q said as he nuzzled her hair. He moved his nose slowly through her tresses as he held her. He drew comfort from her, even as he comforted her.
"Oh Gene, that was ages ago. I was a different person. And I've made such a mess of things since then." Q tightened his grip on her and shushed her once more.
"Oh stop. That's not true and you know it." "It is." Marlena protested. "My life is a shambles and I don't know how that happened. I try to be a good person, but somehow it always comes back on me. I try so hard, but I always fail. Always. All through my life there have been different people coming and going. I'm the only constant. I think it's time to face facts Gene. I have to accept that it's me. It has to be me." She began to well up and her voice became thick with emotion.
"I won't hear that Marlena. You're talking about someone I happen to care a lot about. I won't have you badmouthing her. I just won't stand for it."
That's when Marlena began to cry again. Softly at first, but as Gene spoke her tears became louder and more intense.
"Oh Gene. I thank you for trying my good friend, but it's no use. It's just no use." There was a tone to her voice that Q had never heard before and it frightened him. It was a finality that hurt him to hear. He held her as she sobbed and he tried to figure out what to do that could take that hideous tone from her voice. Not just from her voice, but from her entire demeanor. She seemed so... so broken.
"Look Marlena..."
"No," she interrupted. "Please don't say anymore." Her tears broke off her last word. Instinctually Q drew her closer to him, even though there really was not much space between them.
"So what do you want me to do? Tell me? I want to do something, but I don't what. I need you to tell me how I can help you." Marlena held him tighter in return to his question.
"I don't know what you can do." Then after a very long very silent pause, she spoke. "Just be there for me I guess," she said so softly he could barely hear her. He smiled an ironic and private smile. There was no question about that in his mind.
"Always," He murmured. "Always."
Time passed as Marlena cried and Q held her. He couldn't find the words that could get her to stop. Finally he figured that he should just allow her her cry. Maybe one good have at it, and she'd feel better. And he certainly wasn't complaining about getting to hold her all this time. He whispered his love for her over and over. He murmured his admiration of her. And he was sure that she hadn't heard a word. He felt better for having said all the things that had been bottled up inside him for centuries, even if they had fallen on deaf ears.
It was even comforting to know she hadn't heard him. That way he didn't have to deal with the rejection he knew was coming. As he thought his thoughts he was stunned to hear her say, "Your devotion is misplaced Eugene. Totally and utterly misplaced. I'm not worth it." Q could stand no more. He held her at arm's length and shook her.
"Stop it! Stop it now Marlena. Don't you know what it does to me to hear you say these things? It hurts me. And it should hurt you too. You are not the one that created this mess. That was John. He did it. Not you. So stop taking it out on yourself. You want to feel something about this whole thing? Feel rage. Feel anger, but don't take it out on yourself anymore. He's not worth it. Q's outburst stunned Marlena. Tears were still falling, but she was wide eyed, and the sobbing had stopped.
"That's the problem Gene," she said quietly. He gave her a puzzled look.
"What?" She stared at him.
"I can't feel anymore. I don't feel anything now." She lowered her head and shook it brutally. "No, that's not exactly true." She looked up and her eyes met his. "I do feel cold inside. Dead inside. I feel like there will never be any light or pleasure ever again." Q knew from the lifeless eyes gazing back at him, that this statement was no exaggeration.
What scared Q most was that it was like looking into the eyes of another Q. Of anyone in the continuum, who had given up living for immortality. He couldn't stand that and his mind raced to find anything that would make her understand what a wonderful person she was. Suddenly, even before he was aware he was doing it, he began to gush forth with the entire laundry list of why he loved her.
Q became like a "man" possessed. Telling her over and over how he loved her. How he had always loved her.
"Marlena, I wish I could make you understand what you've meant to me. How I've cherished knowing you. How you were the hardest part of giving up Eugene. I wish I could make you feel how much I love you. It's like a sickness it's so relentless. It's something I couldn't get over even if I wanted to, and believe me I don't want to."
Marlena cried throughout Q's diatribe, but that didn't deter him. He continued on with his worship. It had taken him centuries to get up the courage to do this and he wasn't about to quit now.
"Your face has followed me through time Marlena. I can't get away from you. I see you everywhere, in every galaxy, in every constellation. I love you. I've always loved you." He paused for a moment and then shook his head. "I just love you..." he trailed off. They looked at each other for a moment and soon it was too much for Q. He had to touch her. He needed to feel her against him.
In his fervor Q pulled Marlena to him and began to kiss her. He put his hand to the back of her head and held her steady against his lips. He had been dreaming of this for so long, that he felt as if this were unreal, and he was almost unaware that he was really doing it. That was until he felt her responding to him. Until he felt her lips moving against his, and there was this incredible heat coming from the two of them, that he knew it was real. The heat coursed through him and he knew that she felt it too. She was returning the kiss with equal enthusiasm and she was running her hands through his hair. And when he deepened the kiss she made no move to stop him.
John framed her face with his hands and pulled her to him until her sweet, warm lips met his. He brushed them, feeling the heat spill through him as she moaned. He threaded his fingers through her warm fragrant locks and swooped past her lips again, teasing her as he hovered above them, so close that she could feel his warm, moist breath mingling with hers.
Finally, he ended the delightful torture and kissed her deeply so that he felt a shudder of desire ripple through her body. Her tongue danced out to meet his as he pulled her to him, his hand flowing down the silky fabric of her nightie and over her behind. Marlena could feel the heat of his body through her nightgown and she kissed him fervently. Slowly, she wrapped her arms around his neck, grinding herself against him until he was almost crazy with lust.
But still, after all that had passed between them, he had to be sure that they was doing the right thing. That she was ready for this. He broke off the kiss and moved away from her slightly.
"Is this what you want Marlena?" he whispered. "Are you sure you want to be here right now. With me."
"I want you John." It was barely more than a breath. "We've wasted too much time baby."
The kiss continued for what seemed like an eternity to Q. A sweet eternity, much better than the one he was used to. A small moan escaped Marlena and Q knew she was enjoying the connection as much as he. So he was surprised to feel her pulling away from him.
They were both panting as Marlena rested her forehead against his chin. Q thought that he had made the cosmic blunder of all time as Marlena simply remained silent, giving him no hint of what she was feeling. He wondered vaguely how long it was going to take for her to recover from his selfish mistake. How long it would be before she would trust him again. He was filled with doubt and longing instantly.
Slowly, slowly Marlena reached out and traced his lips with the tip of her index finger. She pulled back and watched her finger move over his mouth and in turn he watched her. She looked up, catching him as he gazed at her. There was something different in her eyes now.
"Make me warm Gene," she breathed. "Make me warm." She moved back in against him and in the moment that her lips met his, Q realized that it had been desire he had seen lingering in her eyes. And in that moment of sudden insight, all doubts left his mind. He knew that what was going to happen was what they both wanted and what they both needed.
Marlena moved into his lap until she was straddling him, as the kiss continued. She ran her fingers through the sides of his hair until they came together at the back of his head. Then she tugged his hair gently, pulling his head back and intensifying the kiss. Her tongue playfully entered his mouth and found his waiting. Q ran his hands down her shoulders and over her back until they found their way to her rear. Instinctively, he gave her a squeeze and pulled her closer. A move that surprised Marlena.
She broke the kiss and began to giggle.
"It's been a while, since I've done this. Forgive me if I'm not doing it right," he said in embarrassment. This only served to increase Marlena's giggling.
"You are doing fine," she almost purred. "That just kind of surprised me. Not that I didn't like it mind you..." This time they giggled together. As they were still chuckling, Q began to kiss Marlena. He began with her nose, then moved along her cheek to her chin, which he gave a small nip with his teeth. He moved his lips slowly along Marlena's jaw line, which was no longer moving with laughter. Things had become entirely too serious.
A finger trailed town his torso, stopping briefly to trace the outline of the muscled abdomen. The feeling of her fingernail grazing his flesh sent John crazy and he had trouble controlling himself.
"Doc, baby. It's been a long time. We've been through a lot. Are you sure you wouldn't just rather sit down and talk?"
"What is there to talk about?" Marlena's fingernail met with the waistband of his black silk boxer shorts. She looked up at him from under her eyelids and bit her bottom lip innocently. "Why, don't you want me baby?"
"Oh Doc!" The exclamation exploded from John's lips. "Of *course* I do. You know I do. I just don't want to make any mistakes this time honey."
"Then don't." Marlena demanded. "Just take me to bed."
She his hands in hers and slowly pulled him round so that he was facing her and the bed was behind her. Then gently she leaned back. John took her lead and lowered her to the bed, following her down to the cool cotton sheets. He sat next to her and gazed at her face, beautiful, even hidden in the shadows cast by the half-light. Reaching out, he caressed her face, exploring it with his fingertips. Smiling shyly, she nestled her cheek into his cupped palm as, with an expression of complete devotion, he drank every detail of her in.
"Oh Marlena. Oh lady I am so sorry I've hurt you. I was such a fool, I couldn't see what was in front of my own eyes." He looked down miserably at the thought of all the pain he had seen in her eyes in the last few years. And all the pain that he hadn't even recognized at the time. "I'll never forgive myself for what I put you through."
"Shhhh." It was Marlena's turn to end the apology and she did it in the best way she knew. "No more words." She brought her finger to his lips and then began to trace their familiar outline. He was mesmerized by the look in her eyes as she whispered to him, "make love to me John."
She leaned forward until her lips were millimeters from his and he could feel the vibration of the air against his sensitive skin as she spoke. "Please make love to me." Unable to resist the invitation, he pressed his lips against hers and drew her closer. Wriggling, Marlena shimmied herself into a position where she was straddling his lap and she pressed herself up against him so that he could hardly breath. He could feel her nipples through the gauzy material of the negligee and he wanted her more than ever.
Q continued upward and then began sucking on her earlobe. In response, Marlena began to run her hands over his back while wrapping her legs around his waist. Her soft moans turned to a sharp cry as Q's tongue entered her ear and he began to circle it around in a sensuous little loop. Finally Marlena couldn't take having to touch him through the material of the tee shirt he wore. She grabbed at it, and quickly had it torn and then off of him. Just as quickly Q had her back in his arms and had his mouth on her neck, licking, biting and sucking gently on the soft skin there.
His mouth felt so wonderful on her that reflexively she lifted herself a little and pressed her neck against it. Marlena laid her face against Q's shoulder and began to softly bite him there. Soon he began to work his way over to the hollow of her throat, pushing her away from his shoulder. Which was a good thing, as he felt that he couldn't possibly withstand the feeling of her teeth on his skin much longer. He wanted only to give to her, as he'd imagined doing over and over. The thought of her giving to him, was almost unbearable, as he knew that if it were to happen that way he wouldn't be able to keep his excitement in check and it would end far too soon. And his pleasure wasn't the point. Hers was. And he wouldn't have it ruined on behalf of his own wants.
She resisted moving away from his shoulder a little until Q said, "Come here my angel." To which she gasped faintly, but she relented and let his mouth continue to work it's magic. Q lingered at the hollow, sending shivers through her. She rested her cheek against the top of his head as he began to move down to the swell of her breasts. He ran his tongue along the line of her gown slowly back and forth, back and forth until he reached her cleavage. He went lower still until his nose was burrowed in the dip of her nightgown. He tried desperately to move lower but the satiny material wouldn't give anymore. Marlena took his hand and placed it on the strap of her gown. He looked up at her and they shared a smile. He placed a long sweet kiss on her mouth before turning his attention to the task at hand. Removing her negligee.
He dropped the strap off her shoulder replacing it with his kisses. He pulled her arm out from the strap, then moved to repeat the process on the other arm. Marlena's skin was on fire from the feeling of his sweet soft lips. She shimmied out of the gown until the bodice was pooled around her hips. She needed to feel his hot, moist mouth on her breasts, on her body. Anywhere on her body. Everywhere on her body.
Marlena's arm found it's way around John's neck and the back of her hand pressed against the soft warm skin that had been revealed by his recent haircut. His tongue collided with hers in their passionate embrace and he could feel her breaths quickening as she became aroused. Her hand dug deeper into his hair, pushing him and deepening their kiss. The other danced over his back, exploring the contours of the hardened muscles.
John's hand wandered down to her exquisite rear again and he gave it a playful squeeze. Marlena broke off the kiss to giggle against his mouth. John laughed with her. He knew what she liked. He knew what she loved too.
Moving his mouth, he trailed his lips across her cheekbone, leaving a path of hot moisture behind. Sliding it down, he found her earlobe and began to suck on it gently, his tongue playing games with it. Marlena moaned with pleasure against his shoulder, gently digging her teeth into his soft flesh. John groaned in return and gently pushed her away. This was to be her night.
With a raised eyebrow he spoke wordlessly to her of what he wanted to do. She in return understood and let him explore the curves and hollows of her chin and neck, sighing and moaning as he gave attention to the spots that he knew drove her wild. The sounds of her pleasure made him want to give her more and he kissed, his way up her neck and across her jaw, occasionally stopping to gently bite or suck her sweet flesh. Finally, he began to ravish her lips again, kissing her furiously, crushing her lips so that they would bruise. Marlena noticed nothing but her desire for him and the evidence of his desire for her.
Not breaking the kiss, John searched for the hem of the gown and then slipped his hands underneath. He ran his fingers along Marlena's legs, up over her thighs till he found her buttocks. Marlena groaned against his mouth and he pulled at the flimsy material slightly, freeing it from under her. Skimming his hands up her body, he took the nightgown with them until it was gathered in a cool puddle of fabric beneath her arms.
He kissed his way to her ear and Marlena could feel his hot, moist breath as he whispered for her to raise her arms. She obeyed, and he scooped the negligee up and over her head, leaving her naked and vulnerable in front of him. John's breath caught at the sight of her. Somehow he always seemed to forget just how incredible she looked when she was like this. Aroused and fairly glowing, just for him.
Her desire was rewarded when he took first one then the other nipple into his mouth. Marlena threw her head back and delighted in the feeling of Q's mouth ravaging her breasts.
"I want you Gene," she breathed. "I want you now. Please."
The wish of this woman was his command, so he quickly flipped her over onto her back much to her surprise.
"You look shocked my sweet," tapping her nose as he teased her. "Isn't this what you wanted?" A sly smile came to Marlena's face.
"Yes," she said huskily.
"If it's not, I can stop you know." Marlena reached between them taking his hardness into her hand through the boxers he still wore.
"No I don't think you could," she said. "I think *I* have *you* right where I want you," she teased in return. He groaned as she gave him a little squeeze.
"Mmmm hmmm," he agreed.
Marlena began to remove the shorts as he bent back down to her heaving chest. Q himself sent the garment flying across the room with a kick as he trailed his kisses between Marlena's breasts and down over her stomach. He met up with the negligee that was still around her hips.
"Not YOU again," he said as he fingered the material. "You must have purchased this little number in the pesky section," he quipped as he removed the gown and sent it flying across the room to join his nightclothes.
Marlena laughed until Q's mouth found its way between her thighs and his mouth began to feast on the soft flesh he found there. She gasped as his lips murmured against the moist warmth of her. She moved her hands to Q's head in an attempt to hold it steady as he took her with his lips and tongue. On their own, Marlena's hips rose up to meet Q's searching mouth. Her fingers tangled in his hair, and her body quivered as he dedicated himself to her pleasure. Every movement invited him to continue. Every moan begged him not to stop. Her cries of passion were beautiful to him and each one made him want to give her another.
Finally when Q couldn't take it anymore, he broke away and trailed his lips back up Marlena's body until their lips met. Her arms went around him and she kneaded the muscles of his back and shoulders with her fingertips.
"I love you," he said against her mouth.
"I want you," was her only response. It was good enough for him. Anything else could come later.
John was a little surprised as she caught his lips with her again, he wasn't expecting her to take the lead, and in a way, he didn't want her to. He wanted to give her pleasure. He wanted to make her so glad that she had come back to him, that she had finally forgiven him for what he had done. So he pushed her away from him slightly and began to trail soft kisses down her neck and over her shoulder, burning a fiery path down the warm skin of her chest.
Marlena breathed in sharply as he reached her cleavage, diving his tongue in between the crevice of her breasts and then whimpered as his mouth found it's way across to her nipple. He began to suck softly at her and she threw her head back as her back arched almost of it's own accord. He listened to her breathing as it became laboured and he could feel the moistness of her as she wriggled against his lap, wrapping her legs around his waist.
He began to tease her as he took small nips at her breasts and nipples, barely enough for her to feel, but enough to drive her crazy and she began to moan his name as she kneaded her fingernails into his shoulders. She began to move against him and he could feel her through the skimpy fabric of his boxers. The sensations were driving him wild and he couldn't keep his mouth from her sweet, hot flesh.
Marlena pulled away from him suddenly, as the response of her body to his movements became too much for her.
"Oh baby." Her face was flushed from the exertion and the lust and her voice was drowsy with longing. "I want you John." She ran her fingers through his hair. "I want you now. Please."
Almost immediately, John pushed her back onto the bed and unentangled her limbs from his torso.
"Anything my love," he whispered. "Anything and everything."
He leaned over her, exploring her face with his eyes, drinking in her radiance. Marlena cupped his cheek in her hand and then let her hand wander....down his neck and across his chest. She continued her downward pilgrimage until she met with the smoothness of his boxer shorts.
"I think you're overdressed," she commented huskily as her hand continued down. John swallowed heavily and nodded, trying to control himself as Marlena reached down with her other hand and pulled the shorts down. She chuckled quietly as John frantically tried to rid himself of the boxers which had tangled themselves around his ankles. Finally he did, the quiet laugh bubbling in her throat making him desperately want to kiss her again, so he reached up to find her lips with his.
The kiss was sweet and long. She tasted like honeymead to him, luscious and intoxicating. Marlena squirmed under him as he began to move down her body, covering her in long, slow strokes of his fingers, followed by light, feathery kisses. Finally, he made it to his goal.
She was panting as he took her with his tongue, savouring the heated feel of her between his lips.
"Oh!" She couldn't find words as he plumbed the moist, sweet depths of her, searching for her pleasure with every movement. She repeated the exclamation as her hands searched out his head, tangling in his hair with unconscious abandon, bringing him closer to her.
He found a rhythm to his movements, one that obviously pleased Marlena as she began to rock her hips in time with him. Every sigh, every moan heightened John's delight in what he was doing to her.
Finally it became a little much for him, and he moved away from her.
"Oh John." She sounded a little disappointed. She was a little disappointed. That had just been exquisite and John had stopped at entirely the wrong time. She felt momentarily frustrated until she realized his intentions as he kissed his way back up her body.
"Patience sweetheart," he murmered against her mouth.
"I'm tired of being patient," she whispered back sensually. "I want to feel you. Now." John leant to take her lips with his own once again, as he covered her body with his. Softly, he nibbled at her lower lip and slid his arm under her, just beneath her shoulders. Pulling her to him and deepening the kiss, he found his way between her thighs.
When Q entered her Marlena's back arched, as she turned her head and closed her eyes. A small whimper escaped her lips before he caught them up again with his own. She began to moan as he drove into her. Her hips moved against his in a luscious dance of joy, friendship and love. It was only then that it occurred to him to use his Q powers to delight her. But he pushed the thought aside, when he opened his eyes and watched her in her passion. She looked beautiful and he realized he didn't need those powers to make her happy.
He continued to watch her. Watching the effect his every movement had on her. What it did to her if he moved his hips a certain way. How her head turned from side to side and how her mouth formed a cute little half smile. She didn't seem to be aware that he was watching her, she was so wrapped up in what he was doing to her.
"Gene oh Gene," drifted from her lips and it was something about the way she made his name sound like music that made him want to kiss her lips.
He bent to her and his kiss was so sweet and tender that it told every secret of how he felt for her, and Marlena could feel it. His lips silently spoke his love, devotion, admiration, and utter lust for her. And somehow she understood. In response Marlena ran her fingers through his soft hair then down his neck and over his back. She began to gently rake her fingernails against his sides as she let herself sink deeper into the kiss and they continued their unspoken understanding of one another. Marlena's fingers trailed down past his hips and onto his backside.
This time it was Q's turn to be surprised as she wrapped her legs around his waist, pressed her hips upwards, and pulled him further inside her. She began to climax almost immediately, and Q, who was now kissing her breasts, began to thrust more urgently into her, in an attempt to give her even more pleasure. She moved wildly beneath him as she called out his name again and again. And every time she did he reacted to it like he would a drug. Needing more. Wanting more.
Marlena's eyes flew open and she gasped involuntarily as John entered her. She had almost forgotten how exquisite he felt, how he knew her body so well. Her hands slid down his back as he kissed her again, wanting to possess every inch of her. Her head fell back as he took her throat, tasting the flesh with his lips and tongue, smelling her sweet muskiness, experiencing her with all his senses.
He began to make small movements, barely perceptible, but Marlena could feel him within her and she sighed at the heavenly feeling. "Oh John." Her fingers tore lightly at his skin, urging the sensation to continue. John expanded his movements, rocking back and forward against her. He watched her as she succumbed to the feeling, her eyes closed, her skin flushed a light shade of pink. Her lips were slightly parted and he could see that she was mouthing his name between shallow breaths.
He increased his tempo again and changed position slightly so that he was driving deeper into her with each thrust. He felt Marlena's nails digging into the skin of his shoulders in response and he leaned forward to surprise her with a sweet and gentle kiss, his tongue searching for hers, telling her of his love and devotion with it's gentle, intimate exploration. Marlena reached up into the kiss, intensifying the passion that they both felt, pulling her body closer to his as they moved together.
One hand found it's way into his hair again. She loved the feeling of his hair, even though she wasn't too hot on the short haircut he had procured from the hairdressers the previous week. She made a mental note to have a word to him about it later as she slid the other hand over the slickness of his back. The first hand joined it as she progressed downwards, running her palms over his behind and pulling him even closer to her.
John groaned as he felt her legs lift and wrap around his buttocks, her thighs applying exquisite pressure to his undulating hips. They were both damp with perspiration as John moved deeper into Marlena, his skin slipping easily over hers as they moved together. He felt the beginnings of her climax as her muscles began to tense under him. She began to call his name as he thrust into her, trying to give her all the pleasure he could. His extra effort paid off as Marlena shrieked with the waves of an intense orgasm, oblivious to the smile that John wore on his face as he watched her in her bliss. She looked gorgeous moving beneath him, her hair mussed and her lips a brilliant scarlet red. She was a goddess. She was *his* goddess.
Finally when her body became still, Marlena opened her eyes and looked up at him. He smiled at her as he brushed the bangs off of her damp forehead. She traced the line of his jaw with her finger tip.
"Gene," she breathed. They continued to gaze at one another until she became aware of something. He had completely stopped making love to her. And from the feel of it, he wasn't completely ready to.
"What about you?" She asked somewhat stunned.
"What about me what, my sweet?"
"Aren't you going to... umm... finish"? He looked at her quizzically.
"Finish?" Marlena laughed.
"It *has* been a long time since you've done this hasn't it?" He only looked at her.
"Aren't you satisfied? Didn't I just make you happy?" He really didn't understand. Marlena felt terrible for embarrassing him, and quickly said, "Yes, of course you did. It was wonderful."
"I gave you pleasure," he said simply. She reached up and laid her palm against his cheek.
"Oh yes you did," she replied.
"Then I'm finished." He began to withdraw from her, but Marlena wouldn't have any of that.
"Oh no you're not," she said huskily.
With that she rolled over until he was on his back beneath her and she sat astride him. He reached up for her, as if to try to get off of him.
"Marlena, no. I..."
"You nothing," Marlena interrupted.
She in turn reached out and laced her fingers through his. She held his hands steady as she began to rise and fall against him. He struggled momentarily to free his hands from hers.
"No you don't. If you really want to give me pleasure, then you'll let me make love to you." She increased the tempo of her movements and pressed her thighs a little tighter against him.
"Marlena...." It was more of a groan than a protest at this point. She began to feel his hands relax in hers as well as hips moving in time with hers. The pace becoming more and more frantic and this time it was Q who cried out Marlena's name.
She bent to his mouth and took it with her own.
"Let me hear you baby," she said against his mouth. "Let me hear what I'm doing to you." She put her ear against his mouth and he began to groan against it. They continued on that way until they reached a mutual satisfaction this time. Marlena steadied herself with Q's hands, which she still held in her own as she sat upright. She threw her head back and listened to the sound of Q's climax as she enjoyed her own.
Finally, she quieted down, her body stilling under John's, and opened her eyes to look at him.
"Oh baby," she breathed. John merely smiled and leaned down to kiss her again. Marlena's eyes opened a little wider as she realized that he was still moving, although it was almost indiscernible. "John?" she pushed him away a little. He said nothing, but raised an eyebrow and leaned in to kiss her again. "Oh no you don't!" She grinned at his surprised expression as she rolled him onto his back and sat up.
" Oh Doc." It was a low and guttural comment as Marlena began to move against him, slow at first, and then with a little more intention. It was her turn to listen to his breathing become hoarse as he succumbed to her ministrations. Reaching down, she wove the fingers of her left hand gently between the fingers of his. He responded by pulling her hand up and kissing it as he watched her sway gracefully before him. The sight of her always increased his desire and this time was no exception.
He began to moan as she worked up the pace. His hips ground against hers and she leaned over to him.
"Tell me baby," she whispered against his ear, driving him wild, "tell me how much you want me."
"Ohhhh Marlena," John groaned with complete abandon. "Oh baby, that feels so good." He began to moan for her, knowing how much she loved to hear his pleasure. Marlena's whimpers mingled with his as they worked up to a shared peak.
Marlena moved upright again as she felt the beginnings of John's orgasm. The sound of his cries brought her to her second climax of the evening and they moved together, enjoying their mutual passion until they were both expended.
When it was over Marlena relaxed against his chest. Q tucked one arm around her and turned so that she was lying next to him cradled against his chest. Their fingers of his other hand were still intertwined with hers. She kissed his chest, through a fine layer of perspiration.
"Thank you," he said finally.
"For what," she returned quietly.
"For making me remember what it was like to be Gene." She smiled as she rubbed her hand over his chest.
"We never did this before," she said with a small chuckle. He kissed the top of her head.
"Oh I know that. It's just that I used to dream that we did. All the time. That's what I remember about being Gene. Wanting you, but only having you in my dreams. And you know something?" She looked at him and he at her.
"What?" She asked quietly. She was in awe of the strength of his feelings for her, and that she had somehow managed to miss full power of them in the past.
"Even in my dreams, it wasn't this good."
They began to laugh together. Q lifted her hand and kissed it.
"Oh Gene, I am so..." She trailed off.
"You are so what?"
"I'm sorry. I mean I always knew that you had a crush on me, but I never realized that it was so..."
"Real," he continued for her.
"Mmm hmm," she agreed.
"It was," he said. "It still is."
They lay together in silence. Marlena rubbing her nose against his chest and Q toying with the fingers on the hand he held.
"Marlena, do you think..." he cut off dreading the answer. Fearing he knew it before he asked. She waited for him to continue, certain that he would. Finally he got the courage. "Do you think you would be willing to give me a chance? Us a chance, I should say. I don't mean what just happened. I mean a real chance. A chance to be happy and to be together. I know you've just ended things with John for good, and I know that it will take time to get past that, but I can help. I want to help. I love you, I've always loved you. I always will."
Marlena moved down to the bed until she was cradled in John's arms. He kissed her forehead as she feathered her fingers through the thick dark hair on his chest.
"Oh Marlena," he sighed, "I was beginning to wonder if we would ever be like this again." He brushed a few damp strands of hair from her forehead. "You've no idea how much I missed you."
"I think maybe I do." Marlena giggled. "It's not exactly like I've had a lot else occupy my mind. I've missed you too John."
"I know that there were reasons that you felt that you had to break us off...." John paused, not quite knowing if this would come out the right way. But, he reasoned, he had to know how she really felt. "I know that you had very good reasons Marlena. I treated you and the children terribly and I am so sorry for that. But I can't undo it. I can only try and make what was wrong, right." He gazed into her luminous eyes. "I hope you know that I am totally sincere. I will never hurt you again. I'll never break your heart. Without you my life doesn't mean a whole lot.." He began to cry, knowing that they hurting he had done in the last few months in no way made up for the pain she had suffered since Belle had been born.
"Oh you silly." There was a sad smile on Marlena's face as she lifted her fingers to sweep away his tears. "I love you so much. And I know you love me. What happened before, that's in the past. It's time to move on. If you'll have me, I'd like for us to do that together."
John grinned and closed his eyes as he nuzzled the warmth of her cheek. This really was a new and glorious beginning for both of them. Suddenly, he felt the salty warmth of tears against his skin and he knew that this time, they weren't his. He opened his eyes to tell her that it was going to be alright, that they would make it together this time, but his body stiffened when she wasn't there. His eyes frantically searched the room for any sign of her but it was as though she had totally disappeared. As if she had never existed.
He knew he was blathering on, but he couldn't help himself. This was too important. Her answer was everything. His heart was beating so hard that she could feel it as she lay her head against his chest. She knew how important this was to him and could only be honest with him.
"Gene," she began carefully. "You obviously know about John. You know how the entire thing went and you know that it's over. I mean over for all time." He could hear the pain in her voice, but she continued without tears. "It's going to take time to heal from that. I don't know how long, but if you are willing to be patient then, yes, I'd like to try us together. I think it could work too, it's just going to take some time."
As madly as his heart was beating before her answer, that's how much more it began to beat afterwards. She smiled. "If you love me anywhere near as much as your heart is telling me you do, then I think I am doing the right thing. I think this is right for both of us. We already love each other. We're already the best of friends."
"And the sex was wonderful," he blurted out. She laughed.
"Oh yeah, there's that too."
They giggled together, but then he held her a little tighter and in all seriousness said, "I know it's going to take time. But I will be here for you always. I'll never break your heart." She lifted her head and he kissed her.
"Make love to me again," she whispered to him. I want to feel you against me." He kissed her and moved to roll her onto her back when she said, "Make love to me John."
John's eyes flew open almost at the same moment that he sat upright in bed. She had never been there. It had been nothing but a dream, although his body was telling him that the sensations had been all too real. He swallowed and willed his heart to stop pounding so painfully. The clock beside his bed told him that it was 3:26 a.m. She would be asleep right now he thought. He wondered if she dreamed of him, the way he did of her. This wasn't the first time that she had wakened him, but it had been the most intense and definitely the most real.
He lay back down in bed willing sleep to come again, but it was all too elusive and like too many times before, he could not keep his mind off Marlena. He threw back the covers and swung his legs out of bed.
He had to see her.
Q woke up with a start. His heart was beating as it had been in his dream, but he felt as if someone had thrown a bucket of ice water on him. He looked around the room and was a little surprised to find Marlena wasn't there with him. He rubbed his temples while he remembered the steamy nature of his dream. This situation was getting impossible. Now his desire for her was starting to invade his dreams and he couldn't stand it. He lay there wondering what to do about the entire mess for quite some time.
He had almost drifted back to sleep when he heard the door to Marlena's bedroom open and her footsteps on the stairs. Q looked over at the bedside clock. 3:29 a.m. What was she doing up? She didn't stay downstairs long, so as he listened to her feet coming back up the stairs, he supposed she had gone down to the kitchen for something to drink. Only... was that crying he heard? He could have sworn that he could hear the faint sounds of sobbing.
He heard her door open then close again, and tried to ignore the dreadful feeling coming over him.
"Let her work this out on her own Q," his mind said to him. His body, however, negated the thought by getting up and going to the door. He opened it slowly and listened. He could hear her muffled crying through her door. He had to go to her.
John knew she would be asleep and he even wanted it that way. He loved watching her sleep, seeing her chest rise and fall with each peaceful breath. And that was what he had to do right now, he had to make sure that she was okay. He could let himself into the penthouse with a key and leave before she woke. She would never even know he had been there.
John bit the inside of his lower lip and stared at the clock. Was that really a good idea? She might wake up and....if she knew he had let himself in she'd be furious.
He contemplated the idea for several minutes before he launched himself out of bed and began to get ready to go out.
Q looked down at the tee shirt and boxers he was wearing. "She's seen me like this dozens of times," he said aloud. "*Not* just after a dream in which you ravaged her within an inch of her life Q," his mind spoke back. For the first time he was actually thankful for the way the dream had ended. That cold water feeling had insured the lack of physical proof of his dream, and he could go right to her. He walked purposefully across the hall and opened the door without knocking.
There sitting on the edge of the bed, was Marlena. Wearing the same satiny nightgown he had dreamed about, she looked up at him in surprise. The only thing she said was, "Gene."
copyright © 1999-2003 by rjy