"Well it might be impossible," Dr. Robbins fingered the file on the edge of the trolley, his mind obviously working overtime, "But that's how it is."
"But I *know* when the baby was conceived," Marlena insisted. "I know the night."
"I'm not saying that you're wrong Marlena," he rushed to soothe her anxiety as he perched himself on the edge of the bed. "In fact I know you are right. It's all here in your notes. From your first exam, ultrasound and bloodwork. Everything adds up to six months ago. Except for this scan."
"Is there a possibility the machine is faulty?" John's deep throaty voice roused both the doctor and Marlena from their introspection. "I mean look at Marlena, Doctor. I know she doesn't show much, but she barely looks five months let alone over seven months pregnant."
"No there's no possibility," David shook his head. "The machines are checked and calibrated regularly. And the reason Marlena visually looks small is because the baby is sitting a long way back." He gave her a small smile, "I don't know how you manage to squash the little tyke in there but you do."
"I was small with my previous pregnancies," she said simply, still trying to twist her mind around the unreality that he was suggesting.
"Well, that aside," he crossed one ankle over his leg, "it appears that since we did the last scan at," he consulted his notes, "twenty-two weeks, this baby has put on a growth spurt that would probably make the Guinness Book."
"That's twice as fast as he should have grown," Marlena said thoughtfully.
"Mmmm-hmmmm," David nodded. "And if it continues to grow at this rate, you'd better be prepared to deliver a lot sooner than you expected to."
"Sooner?" John looked at the doctor and then at Marlena.
"Well yeah," Marlena's golden eyes gleamed as she looked up at him. "It's a possibility."
"How can you be so calm about this Doc?" John exploded, "I mean is there a possibility that something is *wrong* with the baby?" He directed the question at the doctor and David Robbins caught the flash of intensity in his dark cobalt eyes
"No," he shook his head. "The bloods I took from Marlena when she came to see me the other day indicate that the baby is fine and perfectly healthy and normal. So does the scan, apart from the fact that the fetus is larger than expected."
"So what's caused this then?" John asked, feeling the frustration creep up on him, the heat rising irritably up his neck.
"To be honest," the doctor said candidly, "I have no idea. I'll run over the bloodwork again, but I really don't think that I am going to be able to come up with an explanation for this one." He looked at Marlena with sincere eyes. "I'm sorry."
"You'll let us know if you come up with anything won't you?" she asked quietly.
"Of course I will," he nodded kindly. "And I want you to come and see me weekly from now on so we can keep a close eye on what's going on, all right?"
"Okay," she nodded readily. She wasn't about to risk the health of her child. She'd do all it took to make sure it was safe.
"I think I'm destined to never carry a child to term," Marlena joked weakly once they were back in the car. "How odd that Kristen is overdue and I may deliver early."
"What did you say?" John blinked as her words rang in his ears.
"I said that Kristen is overdue and-"
"Kristen's baby is small for it's gestation date and yours is large," John looked at her, relief suddenly wreathing his face. "Do you see what that means Doc?"
"No," she shook her head, a confused frown on her lips. "What *are* you talking about."
"About the twins," John grinned. "Kristen lost one of the twins. I think that *this* baby is the twin to the one she is carrying...."
"....so because we're due at different dates, the babies are growing at different rates," Marlena finished for him, but the amazement on her face indicated that she wasn't quite sure that she believed it. "That's *way* too weird John."
"Aw c'mon Doc, what else about this has been normal?" John asked her with a grin. "Everything from start to finish has been weird. Why should this be any different? And what other reason could explain all the facts?"
"Well...." Marlena paused as she considered his words. He was of course right. Nothing about this whole situation, from start to finish, had been normal. Why was it so hard to accept this possibility? "I suppose you could be right," she shrugged. "And at least it would mean that there was nothing wrong with either of the babies," she brightened visibly at that concept.
"Exactly," John felt as though a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. It explained the slow growth of the babe that Kristen was carrying as well as the fact that she was overdue by a week now. But that thought was immediately followed by another realization, one that Marlena voiced for him.
"But if that's the case and I'm going to give birth earlier, then Kristen could very well give birth a lot later than we expected." Her shoulders slumped as she looked across to where John sat, his hands slackening on the wheel of the Jeep. "We might be apart for weeks yet."
"Well hi Samantha," Lucie slung her arm around the young woman's shoulders. "Who's your friend?" She eyed Mike Horton up with critical eyes before deciding she liked what she saw.
"Uh, Lucie, this is Dr. Mike Horton." Sami made the introduction a little uncomfortably. She knew Lucie from when she and Carrie were friendly but somehow the girl always made her feel like a kid again. "Mike, this is Belle and Brady's nanny, Lucie Vanderbilt."
"Nice to meet you," Mike's voice was characteristically soft as he held out his hand to shake Lucie's.
"Pleasure is mine," Lucie flirted as her emerald eyes sparkled.
"Why don't you join us?" Mike indicated the tall stool next to him. "I was just going to get another coffee. Do either of you ladies want anything?"
"No thanks," Sami shook her head and stirred the ice in her coke with her straw. "I'm fine with this."
"Oh, I'd love an sweet tea please," Lucie dropped her bag next to the stool, "I'm just dying for a drink, you're such a sweetheart."
"No problem," Mike blushed slightly as he slipped off his stool and made his way to the window to order the drinks."
"What a honey," Lucie stared after him admiringly, her eyes drifting downward, "and what a *cute* butt!" She turned to Sami with dancing eyes. "Is he taken?"
"Uh," Sami blinked, surprised by Lucie's straightforwardness, "not that I know of. I guess."
"Good," Lucie's gaze became slightly predatory as she turned back to look at Mike. "Because I think I'd like to teach that young doc some new tricks."
"Doc, I just want to call the loft and make sure Kristen is okay. Do you mind?" John asked gently. Marlena could feel his voice rumbling low in his chest where her head lay rested against him. His arms were around her as they lay together on the sofa and one hand rested gently on her swelling stomach.
"Of course I don't mind," Marlena knew it was a lie even as she said it. She did mind, she minded very much every time she was reminded of that woman and everything she stood for, not least the power that she unknowingly held over them.
It was irrational, she knew. John was here with her, holding her in his arms. He wanted her, wanted the rest of his life to be shared with her. But still she felt this spasm of insecurity every time she thought of Kristen and the past.
"I won't be long," John reached for the portable phone, which lay on the table.
"I think I'll go and get a drink," Marlena murmured, disengaging herself from John's arms and pushing herself away from him.
Ignoring the nagging backache that was spreading across her lower back, she made her way to the archway, waiting unconsciously for John's voice. It wasn't that she wanted to hear him talking to Kristen. In face she could imagine nothing worse. She had already experienced enough of that to last her a lifetime. It was just that..... well, she didn't really know what it was. Just a vague knowledge that it bothered her and she didn't know how to handle those feelings. And so she found herself trapped, impaled like a butterfly on a pin, as she tried to work through the inner struggle that tormented her.
"Hi Maya, it's John here," Marlena found herself lingering at the archway as his voice filled the room behind her. "Yeah, how is she? She called work? Yeah, Nicki's good like that." He laughed. "I think she likes Kristen about as much as you do. Mmmmmm. Sorry 'bout that."
Marlena looked longingly at the kitchen door, wanting desperately remove herself from earshot, but something in her, some uncertainty held her back, made her listen as he talked.
"Hi baby, how are you feeling?" His voice was soft as Marlena slipped around the corner of the archway and leant against the wall, trying to catch her breath as the panic suddenly swamped her. It was stupid she knew, it was the hormones making her feel this way. But what Kristen represented was loss and destruction.
Marlena knew in her head that after everything that had happened it was illogical. But the bottom line was the Kristen was a DiMera and the DiMera's didn't stop until they got what they wanted. And Kristen wanted John. And she would stop at nothing to get him back once she knew she had lost him.
"Well you know I can't be disturbed in meetings... Yes it's important, I wouldn't be there otherwise, would I?" He sighed and she could imagine how he was stroking his eyebrow, something he did out of habit. "Of course I love you sweetheart. How many times have we been through this? I just have so much to catch up on."
Marlena pressed her hands against the wall as she tried to regain her balance. He doesn't mean it. He's only saying it so she won't be suspicious. He loves you. *Then why is he acting so strangely?* Don't doubt him now Marlena. After everything you have been through to find your way back to each other, you can't doubt his love for you. *I don't, it's just......it still hurts....*
"I'll try and get home as early as I can baby, I have to do this business dinner this evening. No I'd rather be at home with you, of course I would. Well if that happens then Maya will call me and I'll meet you at the hospital. Why do you think it might?"
He paused for a moment and Marlena closed her eyes tightly. He sounded so believable. Would she believe him if she was Kristen? Surely she knew him better than Kristen did, surely she would be able to gauge his sincerity a little more accurately. And the simple fact was that he would never lie to her would he? Surely....
"Sounds like Braxton-Hicks to me baby. And Maya is a nurse so you know you can trust her. Yes I *know* you want me home Kristen but I can't get away." He was starting to sound a little edgy and frustrated. "Yes I promise I will. Yes baby. You too." There was another pause and he sighed. "Yes I love you baby."
Marlena felt nauseous as she dashed for the kitchen, finally unable to torture herself any longer. Her hands splayed against the cool surface of the bench, she fought for breath as the baby squirmed within her.
Dammit! You're not supposed to still feel like this. This pain was supposed to go away.
She felt as though she was going crazy. She should be happy now. She and John should be having the most wonderful time together; enjoying the time they had with each other. But instead fate seemed to keep intervening, throwing one thing after another at them. And they were not only fighting fate, they seemed to be helping it on it's miserable way, becoming more and more distant from each other as they tried harder and harder to deny it.
John had apologized, she had torn him apart and then he had apologized again. And she still couldn't let it go, couldn't surrender the fear and the pain and the jealousy that Kristen DiMera evoked. Most of the time she tried successfully to ignore the existence of the woman, the important place she still held in their lives, a place that somehow put her between John and Marlena, however much they tried to deny it.
Marlena groaned as she straightened up, feeling a tiny foot shoot straight into her liver as the baby tried to stretch it's increasingly cramped limbs. Spinning around slowly, she leaned against the refrigerator, the white metal cool against her bare arms. Gosh she just wished she could stop thinking like this, stop feeling this way. She couldn't stand this any more, the jealousy, the uncertainty. It was wrong, she had no cause to feel this way, but still the feelings haunted her.
"Hey baby," John stood in the doorway, "I thought you were getting a drink?"
"I was," she whispered, her voice swallowed up in the space between them.
"Are you okay Doc?" he crossed the room in three strides, gathering her in his arms. "Do you feel okay? You're awfully pale."
"I'm fine," Her voice was hoarse as she pressed her face against his warm t-shirt and closed her eyes, breathing in the scent of him. She felt his arms tighten around her and she felt like crying.
I'm fine...... Nothing's wrong......
Lies. Lies she had heard and lies she was repeating.
Recognition and remorse echoed unkindly inside her mind.
"Are you sure sweetheart?" John asked gently as he stroked her hair, feeling her subtle struggle of emotions in his arms. He knew her almost too well and recognized far too well the play of feelings that her reaction indicated.
"Sure," she lied, her voice muffled in the soft cotton of his t-shirt.
She was too exhausted emotionally to approach this with him. She just didn't want to think about it any more. She wanted him to hold her and kiss her and.....
Looking up at him with wide amber eyes fringed with dark lashes, she moistened her lips seductively.
"I want you to make love to me."
"I have to go and pick up Will from the Pub," Sami said suddenly, interrupting Mike and Lucie from their discussion.
"Oh, can I come with you?" Lucie asked suddenly. "I've missed those little kiddies something dreadful."
"Sure," Sami agreed, hiding her simmering resentment from Carrie's friend.
She had been so pleased when she had bumped into Mike this afternoon and he had suggested they have a drink. She felt so comfortable with him, he was so easy to talk to and she was enjoying their conversation about children. While Robin had been killed in the bomb blast in Israel, Jeremy had been found several hours later, being tended to in a nearby house. He had come home to stay with his father shortly afterwards and Mike was struggling with the vagaries of being a single parent, something Sami had much experience with. And despite the age difference between them, Mike treated her like an equal, asking her opinion and giving value to it, a respect that people so rarely gave to her. But then Lucie had interrupted and now, after monopolizing Mike's attention, she wanted to tag along with Sami.
"Perhaps you'd like to come along and we could grab some dinner later?" Lucie asked suggestively.
"That sounds nice, thanks," Mike smiled at the young blonde. She was quite intriguing, fascinating even, and he could hardly keep his eyes off her. Dinner sounded good and getting to know more about young Lucie Vanderbilt sounded even better.
"What did you say?" John asked, pulling back from Marlena a little.
"I said I want you to make love to me," her voice was thick with passion as she gazed up at him and her golden eyes ensnared him like a fly in honey.
"I..." he wasn't sure what to say. He knew why she did this; it was a tactic she used when she didn't want to discuss what was bothering her. But at the same time, he was wary about pushing her too much, causing her too much stress. Perhaps this was the kind of affirmation and reassurance they both needed.
"What can I do to persuade you?" she murmured as she determinedly wound her arms around his neck. "Let's see," she hummed, her breath hot against the skin of his neck. "How about....this?" John groaned as he felt her tongue graze his neck. "Hmmm, do you like that baby?" she whispered sensually as she drifted her lips up the side of his neck. "What about this?" She slid her wet tongue around his earlobe in an extremely erotic gesture as her hand slid down over his waist and over his hard buttock.
"Oh Doc," he gasped, almost painfully, as she lifted her eyes to his and gazed at him from below heavy lids.
"Hmmmm?" She wanted him badly now and she wasn't about to take no for an answer. She'd make sure of that if she had to.
"Doc, don't you think we...."
"Shhhhh" she touched her finger to his lips. "I don't want to hear any arguments from you. We have this place to ourselves, let's make the most of it."
He said nothing for a moment, simply looked at her. She was beautiful, as always, but there was something indefinable about her now, some sense of desperation and determination that made her utterly irresistible.
Her blonde hair curled around her face, framing reddened cheeks and scarlet lips. Her hazel eyes burned gold and copper as she breathed deeply, her chest rising and falling beneath the soft linen.
Reaching up a little she whispered warm, moist lips over his.
"I love you," she said in a throaty voice. "Let me show you how much." She didn't give him a chance to answer as her fingers negotiated their way around the stiff denim of his jeans and between them.
Gracefully, she moved so that she was behind him, her arm still hooked ever his shoulder and across his chest. Rubbing him gently, she could feel him hardening beneath her fingers and the ragged breathing that came from him told her that his willpower was weakening. She flicked her tongue against his earlobe again before sucking it gently into her mouth and swirling her tongue hotly around it.
"So what do you say?" her voice was hardly audible but with her mouth pressed against his ear, John could almost sense the words through the fog of lust that her actions were producing.
"Oh Marlena," he was panting, hardly able to get the words out, but still her fingers were insistent and merciless.
"Is that a yes?" a sexy grin slipped onto her face. She knew what she was doing to him and part of her got a real kick out of playing him so easily.
"Oh God, *yes*!" The words exploded from him as he grabbed her wrist and twisted around, catching the other wrist. Pushing her backwards against the refrigerator, he pinned her arms above her and bent to crush her lips with his mouth.
His tongue was hard and demanding as it entered her mouth, plundering, exploring with relish. Then Marlena was gasping for breath as he broke from her lips and bent his mouth to her neck. She moaned as his teeth dug almost savagely into the delicate skin and raked across it. He was teaching her a lesson, she knew but she didn't care. In fact she welcomed it. She wanted to know that she was his and only his, and that he was only hers. She wanted him to leave his mark on her as she intended to leave hers on him. She didn't care about any consequences but this moment. She wanted him, she wanted to possess him and to own him and she wanted him to know it.
Encompassing both her wrists with one strong hand, John dropped his free hand and began to massage her breasts as his mouth ravaged her throat, sucking on the soft, sweet flesh there, devouring as much of her as he could. He could feel the moaning as it vibrated deep in her throat and it encouraged him as he moved his thumb over the linen that covered a hardening nipple. G*d, he wanted her, wanted to take her now, bury himself deep inside her and hear her screaming his name. He wanted it, he needed it. Needed to banish the demons that tormented him. Maybe it wasn't the best reason for making love to her, but right now, he didn't really care.
"John," Marlena moaned as his mouth roamed over the area above her collarbones. "John, please...."
"What do you want baby?" he asked in an almost growl as his fingers ceased their relentless exploration.
"You," she panted, staring into bottomless indigo eyes, "I want you."
"What do you want me to do to you Marlena?" he demanded, making her aware that this was payback for teasing him. When she didn't answer, he moved his hand and stroked his fingers lightly up the inside of her thigh, sending rivers of lust pouring through her. "What do you want me to do?" he repeated the question, his face deadly serious as his eyes bored into her.
"Oh G*d," it came out almost as a sob, "I want you to make love to me. I need to feel you inside of me. I need to feel you John.... *Please*...."
The answer was good enough for him and releasing one wrist and hooking his hand around the back of her neck, he pulled her to him, crushing her lips with a brutal kiss. Desperately, she clutched a handful of his hair and returned the kiss with equally hungry force.
But she had barely begun to taste him when John broke off the kiss and taking her by the wrist, pulled her into the living room. Deciding that she was losing too much control in this situation, Marlena resisted, stopping as they neared the couch and pulling John to her. With warm fingers, she pulled the hem of his t-shirt out from his jeans and moved her hands up and under the green cotton.
The muscles in John's abdomen tensed as he felt her fingers negotiating the sensitive skin, creeping up over his stomach to coil in the dark hair. Fingers, deft and sure brushed against firm nipples as her mouth found his neck and he groaned with need. He needed to touch her, to taste her. To hear her.
In a single movement, he stripped himself of his shirt and gripping her wrists in iron fingers he bent his head to kiss her. She surrendered herself to his demanding exploration as he pulled her with him to the sofa and somehow they ended up together on the sofa. Drawing her legs up so that she was lying on her back looking up at John, Marlena caught her breath. His eyes were burning with lust and need and his expression reminded her of one so many years ago......
Straddling her hips with denim clad thighs, John bent his head to hers, nipping her lower lip savagely with his teeth. The pain sent threads of lust through her and she cried out in distress and excitement.
Moving his lips down to her throat and trailing them over her chest, John fought to contain the anguish he felt. The noises she was making were enough to invoke the demons, the memories that haunted him and he resented the fact that Q could come between them even at a time like this. Hated the fact that that man had touched this beautiful, perfect skin, had heard this voice cry his name. Hated the fact that someone else had brought Marlena pleasure, had made her cry out in ecstasy. And how she had cried out. Her voice still echoed in his ears and he couldn't banish it. Except maybe if he could replace it with her voice calling *his* name.... then maybe...?
Yeah Johnny you remember how she sounded don't you... How she enjoyed it. You can still hear her whimpering his name over and over in your nightmares.... The little devil laughed gleefully and John pressed his eyes tightly closed, trying to block out the thoughts that invaded his head. He didn't have to give in to this, he could block it out, forget it, ignore it. He wouldn't let this, he wouldn't let *him* win again.
"John," Marlena whimpered as John's mouth slackened against her skin. She had felt his body tense against hers, a feeling that was becoming all too familiar. She didn't think she could bear it if he pulled away from her now, if he let the gulf between them widen. She needed to feel him, needed to move against him, needed to know that he needed her.
Hearing the plea in her voice moved John to action. She wanted him and he couldn't let Eugene Bradford destroy this too. He was damned if he would lose her again. He was going to make her forget Eugene Bradford existed. He would erase the memory of the man's touch, of the pleasure he brought. Skin against skin. He would be the only one she remembered. The only one she wanted. Would ever want. He would burn his imprint on her soul and obliterate all past remembrances. She was his. She always had been and she always would be.
Maybe this was about proving to Marlena that she had made the right decision, that no one could make her happier than he could. Or maybe it was about proving it to himself. Either way, it didn't matter. She needed him and he wasn't going to let her down again.
Pulling her up to a sitting position, he sat back on his heels and looked at her concerned face. Bringing one hand up to cup her cheek he smiled.
"Don't look so worried baby," he reassured her even as his other hand searched out the zipper in the back of her dress.
Leaning in to kiss her, he pulled down the small tab, the dress falling loose around her shoulders. The kiss became more impassioned, more desperate as he pulled the shift down around her arms and over her stomach. Marlena fell back against the cushions as he lifted her hips and roughly pulled the fabric down around her legs. As she reached out to unbuckle the belt around his waist, he unzipped the jeans and kicked them off quickly.
He moved over her once again but before he could do anything, she curled one hand around his neck and pulled him down to her. The kiss was hungry and eager, the lust hot and needy. John pulled the slip forcefully down over her shoulders, tearing it in the process. The sound of the ripping fabric was simply a fan to the flames and hungrily, he tore the slip from her body, discarding it on the floor beside the sofa.
A moment later, her bra was beside it and John leant to flick his tongue over her nipple. He was rewarded as Marlena cried out and arched her back almost involuntarily. Holding her down with a hand on each shoulder, he bent his head and began to suck almost brutally on one nipple and then the other.
He could feel her moving under him, crying out in anguish and passion as he bit her, forgoing gentleness for the moment.
"John, oh G*d," she squirmed under him. "Please...." This waiting was like torture and all she wanted was to feel him inside her, thrusting, hard and sure.
Moving up the sofa, John covered her mouth with his again as with one hand he removed her panties. In reciprocation, Marlena helped him remove his boxers and then took him in her hands, running her fingers over his length, pounding and hot. He groaned as she stroked him, her fingers ruthless and excruciatingly arousing his lust to new heights.
"*Doc*," he grunted as he removed her hands, pushing them up over her head.
"I need you John," her voice was hoarse and ragged as he leaned over her breasts again, teasing her with his tongue.
She felt the exquisite pain once more as his teeth nipped her and she whimpered, her hips rolling upwards to seek him, her shoulders moving back as she arched her spine. He did it again and she sobbed as her hips rocked upwards in instinctive rhythm.
"John, please," her voice was coloured with her desire for him, the craving and the recklessness. "I want you, I *need* you inside me."
"Unnnhh," his own hips strained towards hers. He wanted her as badly as she wanted him. "Oh Marlena," he moved against her as he reached up to search her mouth again. She could feel him, hard and slick against her belly as he moved between her legs, his tongue penetrating her mouth, wet and demanding.
"Oh, mmmmm," she felt his fingers sweep urgently over her. She was warm and moist and more than ready. Drawing up her knees, she raised her hips and moaned his name, rolling her head back.
"Marlena," he groaned her name deep in his throat as he entered her, thrusting hard and fast. Marlena cried out as she felt him penetrate her, the solid heat filling her, possessing her, uniting with her. Wrapping her legs around his hips, she pulled him deeper into her and he cried out as her nails scored his back.
She was sticky and hot as he moved inside her, plunging deeply into her before withdrawing quickly and then thrusting into her again. She was sighing beneath him as he moved, her hips rocking against his as she imitated the frantic rhythm that he had created. It was hard and aggressive lovemaking, almost brutal in its urgency but it was exciting and intensely passionate.
"Mmm, John," Marlena whimpered between clenched teeth as he thrust repeatedly, giving no respite as he pounded into her. Bending his head, John drew his tongue wetly over the hollow at the base of her throat before teasing the flesh there, biting and sucking her even as he moved inside her. Her nails dug grooves into his muscled back and as his attention wavered, she sank her teeth into the sensitive skin of his shoulder.
John yelped with the pain but it seemed to merely fan his lust as he moved even faster. Beneath him, Marlena's breathing was shallow, and she whimpered with every thrust. She looked divine, both wanton and innocent as her chest rose and fell with labored breaths. Her crimson, bruised lips moved slightly as she breathed in and out and her hair was messy with damp curls. G*d he loved her so much.
"I want to hear you Doc," John told her, his voice strained as he struggled to maintain control. "I want to hear you crying my name when you come."
"Mmmm," she pressed her lips together, arching her back, her muscles tensing. "Oh, oh John."
"That's it baby," he moved his hips faster and even harder as he felt her shudder slightly beneath him. "Let me hear you. Tell me how you feel."
"John, oh G*d, John," she moaned, her voice rising as she moved against him, their bodies damp with perspiration. "Oh yeah, mmmm. Oh that feels...oh, oh."
"Oh Doc," she was hot and tense in his arms and he needed to possess her, needed to know beyond a doubt that he was the *only* one in her mind.
"John," her cries were becoming louder as their lovemaking became more frenetic and the sound of her calling his name urged him on.
"Mmm, John, John," Marlena cried out as she tensed, the orgasm overtaking her swiftly as he continued to pound into her.
"That's it baby," he encouraged her. "Let it out. I want to hear you come."
"Oh John," her hips rocked beneath him as the orgasm swept through her and she screamed his name so that it echoed through the living room.
"Oh Marlena, Doc baby," he felt as though he might pass out as liquid fire poured through him as he came hard and fast, deep inside her.
With a raspy voice, he repeated her name over and over again as he eked out the last moments of the sweet agony before they slowly collapsed together on the sofa, exhausted in each other's arms...
copyright © 1999-2003 by rjy