Q blinked. The sun was high overhead and the hills in the distance looked hazy in the heat. He shaded the sun from his eyes with his hand and scanned the horizon. Through the trees he could see that it was flat on all sides, except for the hill on the left. In what he presumed to be a northern direction lay a small city and away to the east was an expanse of water. Whether it was the sea, he could not tell.
"Thanks a bunch." Q muttered to no-one in particular, for he was very much alone. "Miserable pack of....." he trailed off. "You could at least give me a clue." He kicked a stone which had been sitting at the shoulder of the road. Somewhat unbelievably, the stone shot into the air and struck a signpost about five metres away, with a large *thwack*.
Q looked at the signpost. It read SALEM 35m, and it pointed toward the town. Q sighed. Taking off his heavy overcoat, he began to walk.
Marlena tapped her foot impatiently on the thick carpet.
"Belle, what are you doing?" She called to her small daughter.
Belle came flying out of her bedroom. "Forgot my necklace!" In her small hands she clutched the treasured glass beads that John had brought back from Paris.
"Okay then." Marlena laughed at her child's earnest expression. "Are we ready to go now?"
"Granma and Granpa!" Belle shouted, a wide smile splashed across her delicate face. "Now!"
"Yes. Now." Marlena followed her daughter out of the penthouse.
Q had come to the outskirts of the city. The heavy slick of perspiration on his forehead and his growing fatigue finally convinced him to stop. He scanned the footpath ahead and spied a seat on the right side of the road. He crossed over and sat on the seat. After a while he pulled his feet up and lay on his back. He noted dispassionately that the sun was sinking in the west.
"Well. Are you enjoying yourselves?" He demanded. To any passerby it would have appeared that he was talking to the sky, or to himself. "If this is supposed to teach me a lesson, I think you have," he sighed, "once again, underestimated me."
There was no answer forthcoming. Q snapped his fingers. Again. For about the sixtieth time. Nothing happened, again. For about the sixtieth time. Not that snapping his fingers usually did anything. It was the accompanying omnipotence that usually did the trick, but omnipotence seemed to be in short supply at the moment.
"I suppose you get a kick out of this." Q muttered to himself. He dragged himself upright on the seat. "Well, I survived it before, I will again."
His reverie was interrupted by the rumble of a public bus. He sat and regarded it for a moment. Slowly a vague recollection crept through the fog of his memory. He stood and delved his hand into his pocket. Pulling out several coins he stepped onto the bus.
Belle ran into the Brady's, her blonde curls bouncing against her face.
"Woah, slow down little girl!" Shawn suggested gently putting his hand on Belle's shoulder and crouching down to face her. "We don't want you getting hurt here, do we?"
"Granpa!" Belle flung her arms around his neck.
"Well, It's nice to see you too, so it is." Shawn laughed, picking Belle up in his arms and hugging her. "How's my wee girl, eh?"
Marlena smiled at the sight of her daughter and her adopted grandfather. She still felt a sense of guilt about how she had lied to them over Belle's parentage, but once they had learnt the truth, they had never treated the baby any differently. They still thought of John as a son, so in their eyes, Belle was still their granddaughter.
"Are you *sure* you don't mind having her for the night Shawn?" She asked, still smiling.
"Now, why would we mind?" Caroline responded as she entered the room. "You know we love having her any time. Now you go and have your dinner. Belle will be just fine with us." She leaned over and gave Belle a kiss on the cheek.
Shawn put Belle down. "Belle honey. Why don't you go upstairs and find Brady.""Brady!" Belle started off up the stairs, her red coat flapping behind her.
"Brady's here?" Marlena immediately felt foolish for asking the question.
"John asked if we wouldn't mind looking after him for the night." Shawn's explanation didn't extend any further. It seemed obvious he was trying to spare her any further pain.
"Oh." Marlena felt the now familiar mix of emotions bubbling up inside her, but looking at Shawn and Caroline she quelled them and painted a smile on her face. "Well, thanks again. I hope she's no trouble. You know you can call me if there's any problems."
"We know." Caroline hugged her. "Now, you'll be late if you don't get going."
"Say bye to her for me." She squeezed Shawn's hand and then made her way out of the house.
The couple watched her go. "Oh Caroline, when will it ever end?" Shawn shook his head.
Caroline swallowed hard. "Shawn you *know* we can't get involved."
"But the kiddies..." Shawn looked at his wife, resolute in her determination. "Ah, you're right. They have to work this out for themselves."
Outside, Marlena stood briefly letting the anger rise again, the cool wall a blessing to her burning face. There was only *one* reason that Brady would be there tonight, and that reason was Kristen.
Q stepped off the bus and looked about him with growing confusion. There was something vaguely familiar about the place, but he couldn't yet put his finger on it. He sat on a seat in the bus shelter and pondered what to do next. Nothing came immediately to mind.
I'm Q he thought. I'm Q but I have no power. I have no power and I don't know where I am. He sighed. Where and when? His thoughts lingered as he watched with interest a woman walking across the park. She was wearing a long cream overcoat with a scarf draped around the shoulders. She seemed upset about something and pulled her fingers through her long blonde hair. Suddenly, as though she could feel his eyes on her , she turned and looked in his direction. She paused for several moments and then, when her eyes settled on him, she began to walk toward him. The frown that had previously marred her lovely face was chased away by a sunny smile.
Q was suddenly nervous, He could hardly remember what that felt like. She knows me. He thought. She recognizes me and I don't know who the hell she is. I don't even know who *I'm* supposed to be.
Marlena walked toward him. He still looked exactly the same. How long had it been? God, he probably still thought she was dead. She smiled at him, but the look of bewilderment on his face forced her smile back a little as she reached him.
"Eugene?" She asked a little tentatively, and then, when she'd satisfied her that it *couldn't* be anyone else, "Eugene, it *is* you."
"Madam." Q began with as much haughtiness as he could muster under the conditions. "I am afraid you are mistaken. My name is not Eugene."
Marlena's brow creased slightly as she considered him and his claim. It was clear that he did not recognize her, the belief that she was dead would not evoke that response, but she *knew* it was him. She decided not to press the point, but to see where the conversation led.
"I'm sorry," she smiled at him. "It's just that you look *very* like an old friend of mine." A friend I miss a great deal. She didn't vocalize the thought. "Marlena Evans." She held out her hand, hoping that her name might jog his memory. "And you are?"
He contemplated her for a moment. "Most people know me as Q." He offered.
The furrow returned to Marlena's brow. "Q." She repeated.
Kristen smoothed her dress over her flat stomach. She smiled to herself as she thought back to Paris. It hadn't taken that *witch* Marlena long to catch onto her fake pregnancy, but it had been long enough for her to conceive again. Kristen patted her belly and looked at her reflection in the mirror. She smirked as she remembered the moment of 'revelation'. She'd put on the performance of her life, convincing John that she'd done it because she was so distraught over the loss of the baby that she'd gone a little crazy. Marlena hadn't fallen for it, but then, it wasn't Marlena she intended to marry.
Incredibly, at that very moment, Abe had called to tell them that Will had been located and Marlena had left, albeit a little unwillingly. Kristen knew she could have never pulled of her charade if Marlena had remained. However, with a few more tears and choice words she had persuaded John that what she'd done she'd done out of her torment over losing their baby.
As soon as she had been able, she had wrenched John away from Europe and his beloved Doc and they had flown back to Salem. Since Marlena had returned, she'd pretty well kept John out of the other woman's path. And now, tonight, she would tell him about the new baby and everything would be back to the way it was before Marlena had interrupted.
John paced the floor of the loft. He'd just come back from dropping Brady at Shawn and Caroline's and he'd been getting ready for his dinner date with Kristen. He had been searching through his drawer for a pair of cufflinks when he had come across his favourite photo of Marlena. He'd hidden it away because he knew it no longer had any part in his life, but he couldn't bear to part with it altogether.
If only things had been different.
Just looking at it now tore at his heart. He couldn't believe it could hurt just to *look* at a picture. He *loved* Marlena. Whatever it was that had stirred up those feelings, it meant he couldn't deny that now. At least not to himself. But, he had to accept that she didn't feel the same. He thought back to the guillotine and the brief moment he had thought she had meant she loved him. Really loved him. The way he loved her. He had come to realize that it had been wishful thinking on his part. She didn't feel the same. He knew that. And his responsibility was to Kristen now. He was the reason she'd been in Paris, and he was the reason she'd lost the baby. And, although it pained him to remember how she had lied to him, he could understand the anguish that had led her to it. It was up to him to make it better.
He sighed and put the picture back in the drawer. He fastened the cuffs of his shirt and put on his jacket. And then giving the loft one last glance, he closed the door.
"That's an interesting name." Marlena commented.
"Actually, it's not really exactly my name." Q resolved to tell her the whole story. If she thought he was crazy, so be it. If he couldn't work out why he was here, then he'd force the Continuum into playing their hand....or so he hoped. Besides, he couldn't think of a plausible explanation. that wouldn't sound crazier than the truth. So he sucked in a breath and carried on. "It's more what I am, or where I come from..."
When he'd finished Marlena sat still, with her eyes wide open. "So, you're omnipotent." She said slowly, and somewhat disbelievingly.
"And immortal, yes."
"But you've been stripped of your powers."
"Basically, yes that's it."
Under other circumstances, Marlena probably would have been struggling to keep the smile from her face. But Eugene was her friend, and these delusions were alarming in their severity.
"Where are you staying tonight Q?" She finally asked.
"Well," Q paused. That wasn't something that had occurred to him. He was used to being immortal. Q didn't need sleep. Omnipotence dispensed with the need for that. "Actually, I don't have anywhere to stay."
"And you don't have any money?" Marlena voiced the thought he had wanted to add. She smiled and to Q it seemed as if her eyes were dancing. "I'll tell you what. I'm just on my way to dinner with a friend. Why don't you join us."
"Really, I couldn't intrude." Q's mind whirled. He didn't really want to say no to this women. She was the only person he knew in this town, but how could he accept her offer without indebting himself to her?
She settled his dilemma for him.
"No arguments." She put her hand in his. "Dinner's on me."
John walked into the restaurant and looked around him. Kristen was at a table in the corner and she waved to him. As he walked over to her, he was struck again by how *wrong* this all felt. Seeing Kristen just made him feel more down than he already was. Surely that wasn't how he should feel about his fiancée. Even when he'd been in the midst of all the turmoil over Marlena. and then Roman, returning, he had never felt like this. Not with Isabella. She had been his anchor, his rock. He smiled, an ironic, soulless smile. Kristen was an anchor too. But with a short chain, and she just kept dragging him down. He shook his head. He *had* to stop thinking like this or he'd go crazy.
He forced a smile as he reached the table. "Hi baby." He leaned over and kissed her. "How are you feeling?" He sat down in the seat opposite her.
"Pretty good actually." Kristen looked exceedingly pleased with herself. John was surprised and a little shocked. Mere days ago she had been crying in his arms over their loss.
"Have you had some good news baby?"
"Oh John, it's the most wonderful news. I've just had the results. I'm pregnant again.." Kristen smiled and took his hand. "Isn't it just wonderful?"
"Yeah baby, it's great news." John smiled at her, but inside he felt an inexplicable sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.
"It's amazing," Kristen continued, unaware of, or ignoring John's lack of enthusiasm. "It just took that one time when we got back form Paris, we're so lucky."
"Yeah..." John's voice faded. This feels so wrong. He felt trapped. Trapped, like Doc had been in that cage. There it was again. He had to stop thinking about her. He had to get over her. How many years was it now? He was starting to wonder if he'd ever get over her.
"John? John..." Kristen's voice interrupted his brooding. "What's wrong honey? You're not upset about the baby are you?"
He covered his panic with a smile and resolved to make the best of the situation. "Sorry, I just had a bad day, that's all." He took her hand in his. "It's wonderful news. We're very lucky indeed."
Marlena had just introduced Q to Laura when he excused himself. As he headed for the men's room Marlena turned to her friend and quickly outlined the situation she now found herself in.
"So the end point is, he thinks he's somebody that he's not, and he's having delusions of immortality." She took a sip of wine.
"And you're sure it's Eugene?"
"Absolutely, yes. But even if I wasn't, it's hardly normal behaviour is it?"
"Agreed." Laura was thoughtful. "So what's your next move?"
"I have no idea." Marlena played with the stem of her wine glass. "He doesn't have anywhere to stay, and I know the whole thingis odd." She paused. "I really don't like the idea of committing him."
"You might have to." Laura's expression showed empathy for her friend's predicament. "He might get dangerous."
"'Gene is hardly psychotic." Marlena laughed.
"Are you sure?" Laura pressed her. "You don't know what triggered this episode. If you're thinking of inviting him to stay with you, are you really willing to take that risk with Belle around?"
Marlena looked at her. That was a possibility that she hadn't really considered. "Okay." Her expression had sobered. "I'll think about it."
"Think about what." Q's voice interrupted the two women as he re-seated himself.
"Oh, Q. Laura and I were just discussing the menu. She's suggesting the veal." Marlena tried to sound convincing.
"The veal looks good." He agreed. He sat back and watched as they looked at their menus. Whatever the two of them had been discussing, it certainly wasn't food.
Kristen and John were leaving after their dinner when Kristen spotted Marlena, Laura and a stranger sitting on the opposite side of the restaurant. She smiled to herself and tugged on John's hand. John had seen them at almost the same time and tried to resist Kristen's urging to go and greet them.
"Kristen honey, let's not bother them." He felt as if he were pleading with her. "I'm so tired, let's just go home."
"No, no, no." Kristen's was stubborn. "We've hardly seen Marlena since she returned, and besides, I want to tell her our news."
John couldn't think of a viable excuse not to see her and so he let himself be led over to the table.
Marlena almost choked when she saw them coming toward her. Laura looked in the same direction and murmured something inaudible. Q sat and watched the proceedings with great interest.
"Marlena, Laura, how lovely to see you." Kristen gushed. "We were just on our way out and we had to come over and see you."
"How nice." Marlena said rather icily. She looked at John. He was pale and seemed extremely uncomfortable at the turn of events. He looked at Q and she saw the recognition in his eyes. "Ah, Kristen, John, I'd like you to meet a friend of mine. This is Q." She looked at John with the warning to remain quiet obvious in her eyes. "Q, this is John Black and Kristen Blake." She was damned if she was going to introduce Kristen as his fiancée. Q stood and shook their hands dutifully. As he looked at John, something shifted in his mind, and a vague memory began to assume shape. He remained quiet for the moment and observed the tension in the group surrounding him.
"How are you Doc?" John found his voice disjointed and distant sounding. She looked at him, but he found it difficult to read the emotions that clouded her eyes.
"Fine thanks." Marlena didn't trust herself to say anything further.
"Marlena." Kristen interrupted, feeling uncomfortable with the exchange between John and Marlena. "We've just had the most wonderful news. I've just told John. I'm pregnant again."
John looked at his ex-wife. He could read her now. And the look she had on her face almost shattered his soul.
Marlena faced John, even though what Kristen had said made her feel nauseous. What she found in his eyes confirmed her fears. Kristen was telling the truth. At least the truth as far as he knew it. Which meant......she couldn't even bear to think what that meant. Her eyes reverted back to Kristen. The other woman's smile was triumphant.
I'm the winner Marlena, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Kristen wished she could freeze the look on Marlena's face. This was her moment of glory and she was going to revel in it.
"Well, that was certainly fast work." Laura broke the silence, her caustic remark taking a bite out of Kristen's aura of self-satisfaction.
"First time lucky." Kristen wasn't about to let Laura spoil the moment. John had other ideas.
"C'mon Kristen, I think it's time to go." He told her forcefully. Kristen thought about arguing but glancing at his face thought the better of it.
"G'night all, sorry to bother you." He shepherded Kristen away like she was a naughty child.
Once outside he turned on her. "What the hell did you think you were doing in there?"
Kristen stood, shocked, with her mouth slightly open. It wasn't often that John got angry, and obviously she'd pushed him a little too far this time.
"Honey, I'm sorry." She put her hand against his chest, She could feel his heart beating through his shirt. "I didn't mean to do anything wrong". John narrowed his eyes, shrugged off her hand and walked past her.
"I think I'd better take you home." He rasped, his ire evident in his voice.
Marlena had waited until they left the restaurant then headed wordlessly for the bathroom. In the restroom, she had splashed cold water on her face in an effort to keep the tears from falling.
How could you?
After everything they'd been through in Paris, after Will, after the way he'd kissed her......
After all that and most of all, after Kristen's lies. Why had he chosen to stay with her? She sighed. It was ironic really. What right had she to feel betrayed? She traced the outline of the tiles on the bench with her fingertip. Perhaps this was her punishment.
Haven't I been punished enough already?
She stood for several more moments and then, wiping away several tears which had escaped, she composed herself and returned to the restaurant.
Q had watched the whole scene with the sort of horrified fascination usually reserved for the carnage of a road accident. Marlena had come back to the table as silently as she had left. He felt an awkwardness that he was unaccustomed to. Eventually she turned to him. The grief was still evident in her eyes, but she appeared remarkably self-possessed.
"Look, I'm sorry about what happened here." Her apology was made in a low hollow voice.
"My dear Marlena." Q wasn't an overly sympathetic person. His amusement at the predicaments humans forced themselves into usually precluded sympathy. Yet somehow this woman before him managed to draw feelings from him that he hadn't experienced since, well, he could hardly remember when. He took her hand. "Please don't apologize. You have nothing to be sorry for." She attempted a smile, but the tears were threatening again and the smile stalled in a tremble. "Actually," Q continued, hoping his slight digression would distract her thoughts from the recent events. "I have a question you may be able to answer." She nodded slightly, her interest piqued. Laura sat by attentively. "John Black." He saw her slight flinch at the name. "I'm sorry, if you don't want to talk about -"
"No no, go on." Marlena urged.
He hesitated for a moment and then carried on. "Is his name really John Black? I don't know," he shook his head, "to me that just doesn't *feel* like his name."
This time the smile returned to Marlena's face. "Q." She said the name slowly and carefully. "His name wasn't always John Black. For a number of years he was known as Roman Brady. He used to be my husband." She looked at him expectantly and was rewarded by the spark of realization in his eyes. The seed that had been planted suddenly unlocked a door and in an instant of clarity the memories came tumbling back to the forefront of his mind. His visage transmuted from understanding to shock.
"He *was* Roman Brady?" Marlena remained still, hardly willing to breathe, waiting for him to put it together in his mind. He looked down at his plate and then his head snapped back to her in realization. "But you're...." He paused. "What year is this?"
"Nineteen ninety-six." Marlena said gently. Q struggled to remember back. This part of his 'life' was *so* far behind him.
"But you..." His voice faded out.
"Eugene." Marlena dared to say his name. "Gene, I didn't die. Everyone thought I had died back in 'eighty-seven. But I didn't."
"You didn't." Q regarded her as he effected a return to his usual nonchalant demeanor. "Well obviously you didn't." He paused and considered for a moment. "Eugene. I must say it's a while since I was called by that name."
John sat in the car, treasuring the silence. On the way home Kristen had pleaded with him, entreating him not to be angry. She's said that she hadn't meant to upset anyone. She'd said she was sorry. He'd been too angry to listen to her self-reproach. He'd dropped her off at the house and left her in tears, telling her he'd ring her tomorrow. Now his anger had softened a little he felt a twinge of guilt, but not enough to persuade him to return. He thought back to the restaurant and wondered about the incident with Eugene. What was all that business about Q? Thanks to Kristen he didn't even feel he could call Doc and ask her.
He sighed heavily. Things seemed to be getting more and more complicated. He looked at the clock in the car, the digital numbers glowing in the darkness. It was only a quarter past ten. Shawn and Caroline would still be up. He started the car.
Brady lay in the darkness, listening to the sounds that drifted up from the pub downstairs. Belle was in the bed next to his and he could make out the quiet, regular breaths which indicated she was asleep. He suddenly realized he'd forgotten to say his prayers so he climbed out of the bed and kneeled on the carpet. He whispered so as not to wake his little sister.
"God, please look after Mommy in heaven. And look after Daddy and Belle and Belle's mommy.." He stopped, hearing Belle's whimpers. He got up and looked at her. She was sleeping, but she seemed to be having a bad dream. He shook her and she woke with a start.
"Belle, you okay?" He asked. Belle's lower lip trembled and he heard her sniff. He climbed onto the bed and put his arm around her like he'd seen Daddy do when she was upset. "Belle, what's wrong?"
"I want Mommy!" Belle burst into tears.
"Your mommy's not here." Brady tried to sound as grown up as he could. "Did you have a dream?"
"Ni'mare." Belle pouted. "Mommy wen' away. I miss Mommy." She began to cry again.
"Your mom will be here in the morning." Brady told her authoritatively.
"Daddy too?" Belle looked hopeful.
"Daddy too."
"Mommy love Daddy." Belle nodded her head enthusiastically. "Mommy tol' me."
Brady didn't say anything. His Dad loved Kristen. They were going to be a family, or so Kristen had said. Anyways Belle was just a baby and babies didn't know anything. He took his arm from around her shoulder and slipped off the bed. Climbing into his own he told her to go to sleep. She lay down and yawned.
"Belle go sleep now." Her voice was quiet and slow. "Belle wuv Bwady."
"Love you too Belle." Brady smiled and closed his eyes.
Marlena eyed Q a little worriedly. She'd hoped when he remembered her and who he was, that he'd drop the Q business. But he was still maintaining that even though he *used* to be Eugene, he was now a Q. She knew he wasn't playing games with her. He really believed that he was over five hundred years old and it troubled her. It wasn't only that. It was his whole attitude. He wasn't behaving like the Eugene she knew, not entirely. He had an air of arrogance which the old Eugene had lacked, and his self-confidence seemed to be growing by the minute now that his surroundings were again familiar.
She smiled at him, making an effort to conceal her concern. She couldn't go on asking him questions, this was hardly the time or place for an analysis. She debated the options in her head. Except there weren't really any options. Eugene was confused with no place to go and no money. And he was her friend. What choice did she have?
"Eugene, would you come and stay with me for a couple of nights?" She ignored Laura's glare.
Q's expression was of gratitude. "I would try to argue with you, but I'd have no-where to go after I won."
"That's what I figured." Marlena reached for her bag.
"Marlena, could I talk to you for a minute?" Laura was obviously not thrilled by the turn of events.
"It'll have to wait until the morning I'm afraid." Marlena wasn't about to debate the wisdom of her decision with her friend. She pulled several bills out of her purse and tossed them on the table next to the account. "There." She turned to Q. "Shall we go?" He stood and offered his arm to help her up.
"Goodnight Laura." He farewelled. "It was nice to meet you."
"Goodnight Eugene." She smiled, but he noticed that it didn't reach her eyes.
"I'll see you tomorrow Laura." Marlena took Q's arm and they made their way through the restaurant.
At the door Marlena picked up her coat. "Are you happy to walk?" She asked.
"Perfectly." His smile appeared mischievous.. "By the way," he patted her arm, "that friend of yours is a bit uptight, don't you think?"
The Brady pub was winding down when John entered. It had obviously been a slow night. Caroline had been cleaning behind the bar but when she saw him come in she went to meet him.
"John is something wrong?" It was a question which begged to be answered, but John wasn't sure that he was up to what would follow.
"No Caroline, I'm fine." He pursed his lips. "Is there any chance of getting a drink round here?" Caroline frowned. Whatever was bothering John, he obviously didn't want to talk about it. Still that was John's way of handling problems. She shrugged. "What do you want ?"
He ordered a drink and took it to a booth in the corner. He sat, lost in his thoughts until the drink was finished, at which stage he stood and found Caroline.
"I think I'll go check on the kids." She nodded and he climbed the stairs to the bedroom.
His eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness and he watched his two sleeping children. It never failed to amaze him how much Belle looked like her mother. He traced the outline of her tiny cheek with his thumb.
"Sweet dreams Belle baby." He whispered. She stirred slightly as he leaned over and kissed her but she didn't wake. Brady however awoke at the slightest touch.
"Shh, yeah it's me slugger." John brushed a strand of hair from the boy's forehead. "You okay little guy?"
"Yeah, Belle had a bad dream, but I made it go away." He told John a little proudly.
"Good man." John smiled. "Now you get some sleep y'hear."
"Okay." Brady closed his eyes. "Dad?"
"Yeah Brady?"
"Is Kristen gonna be my new mom?" His voice was so quiet that for a moment John wondered if he had misheard.
"Maybe. We'll see. What made you ask that?"
"Kristen told me." Brady mumbled.
"Is that right?" John frowned.
"Dad?" He was fighting sleep now. "Do you love Belle's mom?"
"Why Brady?" John was taken aback.
"Ohh," He yawned. "Belle's mom loves you. Belle said." John looked at his small son in shock. He opened his mouth to question him and then shut it again. Any explanations would have to wait until the morning, for Brady was fast asleep.
Marlena sat in the darkened bedroom. The clock glowed reproachingly in the darkness. It was two-thirty and sleep seemed no closer. Every time she closed her eyes the nights events replayed across her eyelids, rewinding and fast-forwarding like an out of control video player. Eugene, Kristen, John, Eugene....
She hit the pillow with a cry of frustration.
She sat for a couple of moments and then slipped out of bed. Collecting her robe she went into the kitchen and switched the jug on. Going to open the fridge she paused and grinned at Belle's latest artistic effort on the fridge. She wished Belle was here. She had missed her so much she wanted to spend every single minute she could with her beautiful daughter. Taking a carton out of the fridge she made a pot of tea and sat at the table. Putting her chin in her hand she looked out of the window. The moon cast shadows over the street but it didn't hold the answers she searched for.
She started as she heard a soft noise at the door. She turned around to see Q.
"Can't sleep?" She asked quietly.
"Uh-uh" He shook his head. "Today has been rather unusual." She patted the seat next to her and he joined her at the table.
"Cup of tea?" He nodded his head and she got another cup. They sat in companionable silence for a while. Eventually Q broke the stillness.
"You told me about how you and Roman came back to Salem. But what happened after that?" His probing was gentle but insistent. "Obviously Roman isn't here and tension between you and John is plain to see."
Marlena closed her eyes. They'd had a discussion earlier about her return to Salem and she'd hoped then that she'd avoided the question of her relationship with John, but obviously he wasn't going to let it go so easily.
She took a breath and began. "When I returned, John, we still thought he was Roman then, was engaged to Isabella. John and I found Roman and when we discovered that it really was him, things were thrown into a turmoil. When it finally settled down I think John and I fell into our former relationships almost by default. Isabella was pregnant and Roman wanted to come back and carry on his life as if nothing had happened. I think John and I both tried to fool ourselves into thinking we were happy with the situation." She played with the ring on her finger. "It all started to fall apart when Isabella died. John was in such pain and I just wanted to help him. Things started to get complicated between us and John decided to go to Europe." She let out a breath and turned her pain filled eyes to him. "I couldn't let him go. I felt like he was taking a part of me and that I'd never be fully alive again. I went to the airport and found him on his plane. One thing led to another....." Her voice cracked. "I've made so many bad decisions. I never wanted to hurt anyone." The tears began to fall. Q took her hand in his.
"Don't regret what you cannot change Marlena. You followed your heart and that is not a crime."
She used her free hand to wipe her face. "It may not be a crime Eugene, but what John and I did hurt a lot of people. I betrayed Roman's trust and Sami's too." She was still, letting the undercurrent of their history trickle between them. "I fell pregnant and I didn't know who's child I was carrying."
"John's?" Q's question was almost rhetorical. Marlena nodded, wrapping her hands around the teacup. She let the tears fall and they were absorbed into the softness of her robe.
"She was the only good thing to come out of the whole sorry mess." She sniffed and then shivered, the cool evening air seemingly invasive against her skin.
"And so...?" Q wanted to know how this story had played out. Particularly in light of what had happened this evening.
"And so," Marlena's breath caught, as though the painful memories were blocking her throat, unwilling to let the words pass. The moment faded and she was free of the constriction again. "And so, Roman found out and he left. John moved on with his life and..." She faltered. "And here I am."
"And you still love John?"
"With all my heart and soul. But what difference does it make?" Bitterness seeped through Marlena's voice. "You saw how it is. He's with her and they're having a child."
"But if he loves you too? Have you told him how you feel?" Q was insistent.
"I tried, in Paris. Stefano almost killed him and I told him then." She recalled Stefano's twisted 'court' and grimaced. "But afterward it was if it never happened. I just have to accept that he doesn't feel the same way. His feelings for me have changed."
"I wouldn't be entirely sure about that." Q's recollection of John's eyes as he looked at Marlena told a different story.
"What's the point in even discussing it?" Her temper was wearing a little thin. "He's engaged to Kristen and they're having a child."
"So you're the martyr?!" Q couldn't believe it. He remembered Marlena as being one of the strongest people he'd known. He couldn't quite reconcile that with what he was hearing now. It was obvious that things were wrong. "You're so concerned about keeping everyone else happy, you're sacrificing your own happiness"
"I *hurt* everyone else in my pursuit of my own need." Marlena slammed her hand down on the table.
"And you've been punishing yourself ever since." Q shook his head. "Open your eyes Marlena."
The tears began to spill and she found she couldn't stop them. "I can't Eugene. I can't do it..." She stood and practically ran from the room.
Q watched her go. He scowled on considering what she had told him. He was beginning to comprehend the reason he had been dispatched back to Salem. Somehow he didn't think his (not inconsiderable) powers of persuasion alone could Sort This Out. Not with Stefano DiMera and that Kristen woman involved.
Marlena threw herself on her bed and sobbed until the tears wouldn't come anymore. The worst thing was that Eugene was right. She should at least tell John about Kristen's efforts to keep them apart. Maybe I will. Maybe I'll do it tomorrow. The thoughts in her head kept re-processing, but eventually they were replaced by a blessed, dreamless sleep.
John took the elevator to the penthouse. When he'd picked Brady up at ten o'clock Belle had already gone. Brady hadn't been able to impart much more information that the night before. He did say that Belle had insisted that her mom had told her. He could imagine her saying that and his eyes crinkled at the thought. The elevator stopped and he walked to Marlena's door. He raised his hand to knock but paused when he heard a raised voice that he recognized as being Eugene's. Before he could do anything Eugene's voice was followed by a piercing scream.
"Oh my God, Belle!" John shouted her name and in one movement he opened the door and ran into the kitchen. Belle was screaming, a saucepan lay nearby and the floor was covered in water. Q was standing by with a horrified expression on his face.
"Don't just stand there man!" John swooped and lifted his baby girl into his arms. He turned back to the doorway as he heard Marlena. She stood, steadying herself against the jamb, wild-eyed as she surveyed the scene. John saw the panic in her eyes.
"Doc, we've got to get her under some cold water, quick." He motioned toward the bathroom. "Start running a cold bath." She nodded wordlessly, her face streaked with tears. She ran to the bathroom with John following close behind. "Gene, make your self useful and call an ambulance will ya!" He called back to the kitchen.
In the bathroom he didn't wait for the bath but turned on the shower. He climbed into it still holding the shrieking Belle, both of them fully clothed.
"Shh baby it's all right, Daddy's here." he tried to soothe her as the water ran down her face and body in rivulets. The redness indicative of hot water scalds already ran in a swathe from her face down the left side of her body. He peeled off her wet dress and beckoned for Marlena to hold her while he divested himself of his now-ruined leather jacket. After a couple of minutes Belle's screams subsided to moans.
Seeing that the bath was full John lifted her out of the shower and submerged her body in the bath. He held her there while her mother gently scooped up the water and ran it over the red patch on her little face. John's tears mingled with the water dripping off his hair. "Oh Belle sweetheart." He tried to comfort her as best he could. Marlena stifled a sob and he raised his eyes until they locked with hers. "Doc, what the hell?" He smothered his anger but she could see the accusation in his eyes. She cast her eyes down. she had no answer for him. John opened his mouth to speak again but he was curbed by the sound of the paramedics. They quickly had her in the ambulance and Marlena traveled with her to the hospital.
John remained behind and as he faced Q his fury was evident. "Okay, what the hell happened here?"
Q quickly explained. Belle had been making a nuisance of herself and he had snapped at her. In her fright she had backed into the oven and the saucepan had overbalanced. He paused but there was no immediate response from John.
"I'm sorry Ro-, John." He corrected himself. This swapping of names was a little disconcerting. "It was completely unintentional. I had no idea she'd get such a fright."
"Yeah well, you'd better pray that she's okay." John's tone was almost menacing. He exhaled noisily. "Look, I think you'd better come to the Hospital with me."
"Sure." Q acceded easily. John was obviously suspicious as well as angry and Q was sure he'd caused enough trouble already.
Marlena paced the floor of the waiting room. They had taken Belle straight into the Emergency Room while she was forced to wait outside. She couldn't believe it. She'd only left them for a *minute*. Her mind backtracked to Laura's warning the previous evening. "...are you really willing to take that risk with Belle around?" She had and now.... Her mind whirled. The pain on Belle's face and the screams she felt sure would haunt her forever. Eugene's expression of contrition and John's of recrimination. He was right. It was her fault. She had taken a chance with Belle's safety and now her baby was paying the price.
She started as she heard the door. It was Laura. "Marlena, I just heard. How is she?"
"I don't know, I'm waiting for Mike to finish." She shrugged her shoulders painfully and glanced out of the window. "Well, you were right Laura." Her voice was tired and flat.
"About what?" Laura put her hand on Marlena's shoulder. Marlena turned, her eyes bright with grief.
"It was Eugene who was with her." She shrugged off Laura's attempt at comfort. "I'll have to do what I should have done in the first place."
"I'll take care of the paperwork." Laura offered with sympathy. "You don't have to be involved."
Kristen slammed down the receiver. All she had been able to get out of Brady's nanny was that John had gone out. Where the hell was he? She had to find him and repair any damage that had been done last night. She jumped as the phone trilled beneath her hand. She picked it up quickly and snapped out a greeting. It was Shawn.
"Kristen honey, there's been an accident."
"Oh god, not John!"
"No, no it's little Belle. She had some boiling water knocked over her. They're at the hospital now and we're on our way over there." He sounded rushed.
"Oh that's awful." Kristen did her best to sound the concerned step-mother to be. "Thanks for phoning Shawn. I'll see you there."
"Right you are." The line at the other end clicked to end the conversation. Kristen put the receiver back in it's cradle and tapped it with her fingernail. A smile slowly made it's way across her face. This could be used to her advantage. If she played it right.
Q followed John into the hospital but stayed at a distance. John located Marlena fairly quickly and inquired as to Belle's condition. She was still waiting for Mike Horton's assessment and she told him so. He gave her face a quick searching look and then walked away. She debated whether or not to follow him but it became irrelevant as he walked back to her.
"What did you think you were doing leaving her with him?" He demanded angrily.
"I was only gone for a minute." Marlena defended herself.
"Well, that's all it took."
"It was an accident John!"
"Tell that to Belle." He picked up a paper cup and squashed it in the palm of his hand. "How could you be so careless Doc?"
"I wasn't careless." Marlena spat back. "Eugene is a friend and I trusted him. Maybe that trust was misplaced and I'm sorry for that."
"And meanwhile our girl is lying in a hospital bed." He was finding it hard to suppress his anger and worry.
"So I'm a bad mother, is that it?" Marlena's temper was rising to match John's.
"Well perhaps if you spent a bit more time with her-" John wanted to take back the words as soon as he'd blurted them out. He saw the hurt in her eyes. She couldn't trust herself to say anything and swung back to the window, folding her arms across her front. "Look, Doc-" John was interrupted by the sound of the door. They both faced Mike.
"How is she?" Marlena was the first to venture the question.
"We've reduced the pain." He offered. "Look, to be honest, she's got extensive burns right down her left side. The best thing we can do for her now is to send her across to the Burns Unit. They can ascertain the damage and determine a course of action."
"Mike, is she likely to be scarred?" John was tentative, almost as if he didn't want to know the answer.
"I can't really say John." Mike hated this part of his job, especially when they were his friends. "You did a good job getting her under cold water but she is very young and her skin is delicate. The Burns Unit will be able to give you a better idea than I can."
"Can I see her?" Marlena pleaded.
"I've got a couple of things to organize. I'll send in a nurse in a minute." He attempted a smile but seeing the anguish in their faces he left quietly. Marlena dropped heavily onto the couch and buried her face in her hands. John watched her for a moment and then busied himself pouring coffee.
Laura put down the receiver. Everything was arranged. All she had to do now was find him and get him there. She walked out of her office and made her way down to the lounge where Marlena was waiting. She stopped when she saw Q sitting in a chair outside the door. The sooner this was over, the better. She straightened her jacket and curled her lips into a smile that she hoped looked friendly.
"Eugene. I heard what happened. How are you doing?"
He observed her for a moment and then narrowed his eyes. "What do you want Dr Horton. Have you come to tell me what a bad boy I've been. I wouldn't bother."
"Not at all." His tone infuriated Laura but she had to get him to trust her. "We all make mistakes. Don't be too hard on yourself."
"Look Doctor, I know you mean well but please, I'm quite happy here wallowing in self-pity." He gestured to the door. "I think you'd be more use in there."
"That's not a very constructive way to deal with what you're feeling Eugene." She was trying to be sympathetic but it was exceedingly hard. He was obnoxious and arrogant and she wondered what Marlena saw in him.
He glared at her. "I don't *feel* like being constructive. This is just another proof in point of what a wretched human being I make." He lifted his eyes to the ceiling. "Why don't you just strike me down now?"
"Okay." Laura conceded. "Obviously you don't want my help but I did promise Marlena I'd find you somewhere else to stay. So I think it would be best if you left them to it and came with me."
Q considered the door. "Would you allow me just a moment to apologize to Dr Evans?" He requested. She nodded as he stood and braced himself mentally. He knocked on the door and entered the room. He cleared his throat and they both turned their attention to him.
"Uh, I just wanted to let you both know how sorry I am." He looked down at his hands. "I know this was my fault and I..."
"Eugene," Marlena interjected in a quiet voice. "It's all right." He looked at her in surprise. Humans could be such disconcerting creatures.
"How is she?"
"She's comfortable.." Marlena faltered and Laura took the opportunity to intercede.
"Eugene." She motioned to the door. He nodded and followed her out.
So what's the story with ol' 'Gene there?" John questioned. "What was with that Q thing last night?" Marlena filled her cheeks and puffed the air out.
"He's a little mixed up. He didn't know who he was. He was claiming he had some kind of supernatural power." John's expression conveyed his amazement.
"But he snapped out of it right? I mean you called him Eugene there."
"Well, not entirely." Marlena could be nothing but honest with John. "He remembered that he *used* to be Eugene but he's still convinced he's part of this Q 'continuum' and that he's immortal."
"Oh god Doc! And you invited him to stay with you?" John said exasperatedly.
Marlena stood, her face flushed with indignation. "He is my friend and I wasn't about to leave him wandering the streets."
"So, why didn't you put him in a hotel for the night?"
"I made a judgment. And he made a mistake. A mistake John and you'd crucify him for it." She put her hands on her hips.
"While you'd absolve him of it." John was bitter. She glared at him.
Neither of them heard the door open. Kristen cleared her throat to get their attention. Their faces were stony as they looked at her. It looked as though she wasn't going to have to do anything at all for this to be advantageous to her.
"Shawn called. I came down as soon as I heard." She faced Marlena with what she hoped appeared as compassion. "You must feel awful. Is there anything I can do for you?"
Kristen's presence was the last straw for Marlena. "Yes there is." She scowled at Kristen. "Get out of here and leave me alone."
Laura steered the car up the long drive. She hadn't told Q where they were headed. The likelihood of him agreeing was pretty minimal. They'd hardly talked during the trip out. She glanced over at him and noted that his eyes were still closed. He didn't open them until they pulled up in front of the main steps.
"Where are we?" he asked.
"It's just a place to stay for a few days until everything's calmed down."
He nodded and got out of the car. Looking around him he followed Laura up to the entrance. A nurse greeted them at the door and Laura handed her the paperwork. The nurse motioned to an orderly. "Would you show Mr Bradford to his room please Harold." The orderly nodded and took Q by the arm.
"Just a minute." Q pulled his arm away. "What is going on here?"
"I'm sorry Eugene, but it's for your own good." Laura patted him on the arm. "You'll be fine in no time."
"But there's nothing wrong with me." Q's mind was whirring He looked around again and suddenly he realized. "This is a loony bin. You think I'm crazy." He paused for a moment and then smiled. "You can't do this. I know you can't." He waved his finger at her. "You need *two* signatures." His grin was triumphant.
"I *do* have two signatures." Laura was quietly regretful. Q's grin was replaced by a look of uncertainty and then a pained expression.
"Marlena?" He asked disbelievingly.
Kristen stared at Marlena, the shock registering clearly on her face. Shooting a hurt look at John she left the room. Marlena ignored John and folding her arms over the back of the chair she buried her face in them. He closed his eyes briefly and tried to work out what to do. He knew he had been unfair to her before but that didn't excuse her behaviour toward Kristen. He knew Kristen was only trying to help but Marlena evidently couldn't or wouldn't see how concerned she was. He stood, with a drawn frown, but before he could go after Kristen a nurse entered the room and informed them that they could see Belle. Marlena rose and followed the nurse, mute and still ignoring John.
Belle looked tiny in the hospital bed. She lay pale, her blonde hair fanned over the pillow. On the left side of her face and as far as they could see down her body the burns were covered by white gauze. She had been heavily sedated and hardly knew they were there. Marlena sat on the edge of the bed and took Belle's good hand in hers.
"Belle, sweet girl," she cooed, "Mommy and Daddy are here."
Belle opened her eyes with effort. "Mommy," she mumbled, still groggy from the painkillers.
"Shhh, it's all right sweetheart." Marlena did her best to sound assuring.
"Hey Belle baby, you're gonna be just fine." John wasn't sure that it was true but he had to put on a brave face for both Belle and Marlena. She stirred and her lashes fluttered for a moment before she fell back into her drug-induced slumber. They sat for a moment, just watching her until their reverie was interrupted by Mike.
"She's not in any pain at the moment," he reassured them. "We just have to prep a couple of things, so if you'd like to wait in the lounge for a few minutes, then you can accompany her over to the Unit."
Marlena nodded. She still wasn't inclined to talk to John and made her way out of the room quickly.
He caught up with her however and putting his hand on her shoulder he pulled her around to face him.
"Marlena, I know you're upset, but there really wasn't any call to talk to Kristen like that."
She gave an ironic laugh. "So *I've* upset Kristen."
"Look, I know I was hard on you in the lounge. I was worried. I'm sorry if I hurt you."
"Hurt doesn't even begin to cover it John. Do you honestly think I'd knowingly put Belle in danger? She's everything to me. She's all I have right now and..."
The tears filled her eyes again. Damn it, she was *so* tired of crying.
"I know Doc, I'm really sorry. I had no right to say those things to you, but you shouldn't have talked to Kristen like that either." He tried to convince her. "After all she's been through..."
"To tell you the truth John," Marlena pulled her hair back from her face and squared off at him, "I couldn't care less about Kristen at the moment. If you care so much, go and find her and leave me alone." With that, she whirled around and marched down the hall. John closed his eyes in frustration.
Well, that went *really* well.
Q stood at the window. The outlook was a lush, green, late summer vista. He didn't really care. All he wanted to do was get out of this madhouse. It had taken him a while to accept that Marlena had a part in this intrigue but now he had he could see the rationalization behind it.
Twentieth century humans were totally oblivious to the fact that they shared the universe with other beings. How could he expect a mere human to understand the extent of the infinite power of the Q. Especially when he was unable to demonstrate. It would be only too easy for them to think he was crazy, rather than accept the impossibility that he was, in fact, telling the truth. Q smiled to himself. There were certain humans, albeit a few centuries removed who *knew* he was immortal, but still thought he was crazy. But all this was beside the point. He had to get out of here and he had to do it fast. "Things are afoot," he murmured to himself. Things that he wasn't entirely sure were part of the 'grand scheme of things', as humans so sickeningly put it.
He ran his hand along the window ledge in contemplation. The dust floated up and swirled in the afternoon sunlight before settling again on the surface. He passed his hand across his forehead and sat dejectedly in the armchair in the corner of the room.
"Any suggestions?" The vacant space had no reply for him. "Well," he shrugged, "I can't do much in here." Still there was no answer. "How exactly am I supposed to take care of whatever is wrong when I don't know what it is and I have no way of getting out of this," he looked around in distaste, "dump."
"Now, now Q." A voice spoke from the bed. "It's perfectly adequate."
Q rolled his eyes. "If you're mad enough to think that, you *belong* here." A smile slowly crept across his countenance as he saw a body forming on the bed. "Q," he greeted the other individual warmly. "How nice of you to drop by."
Q2 lay on the bed, his head propped up by his hand. "Don't get too excited Q," he admonished. "You know if it was up to me I'd be more than likely to leave you here." He looked around him and nodded with satisfaction. "Very fitting I think."
"But it's not up to you is it?" Q's eyebrows rose slightly.
"Alas, no." Q2 sat up against the wall and crossed his legs. "I once again have the *inestimable* pleasure of keeping an eye out for the asinine situations you get yourself into. And here we are." He smiled sweetly. Q started to open his mouth but Q2 held up his hand. "Honestly Q. Did you think they'd believe you?"
"Well..." Q shrugged.
"And how is it that you can forget a town and people you spent that much time with?"
"It was a few years. Q argued. "Four hundred years ago."
"Most of us remember our pre-continuum assignments." Q2 scolded. 'It's supposed to teach you things Q. Obviously you didn't learn an awful lot."
Q scowled. "It was a *long* time ago. And that's beside the point Q. What I need to know is why I'm *back*, and what I'm supposed to do about it."
"You are on the right track there. But it's a little more complicated than we originally thought. Are you comfortable? This could take a while." Q nodded and Q2 crossed his arms. "Right. We've been looking at this closely for a while and it's come to the point where we can no longer sit back. We have to actively intervene. This time-line has been severely compromised."
"So?" Q shook his head. "Happens all the time. Time/space distortions. Why is this any different?"
"The point is that it's not been compromised by a 'what'. It's a 'who' that we're concerned about. Someone has been screwing with the lives of these people and it has to stop."
"Stefano Dimera." Q muttered.
"Right." Q2 confirmed Q's assessment. "It wouldn't be a problem in itself, but we overlooked one vital fact. Stefano Dimera used to be Q too."
"What?" Q had not bargained for this.
"He was expelled from the Continuum before you were initiated. Unfortunately he managed to retain some of his Q powers."
"The Phoenix." Q mused. "That's what he calls himself."
"Uh-huh." Q2 nodded. "He keeps rising again and he never should have been *hatched* in the first place."
"Well then," Q thought on the revelations for a moment, "what should be happening in the correct time-line?"
"As far as we can ascertain," Q2 stood and looked at the trees, their leaves fluttering in the light breeze, "the biggest problem is with regards to Dr Marlena Evans and Mr John Black. In the correct time-line, they would be married."
"Just a moment." Q halted his informant." If Stefano hadn't been here Marlena never would have met John Black and she would still be married to Roman Brady."
"Oh no she wouldn't." Q2 cocked his head to one side, the sun creating a golden halo through his blonde hair. "It was her fate to meet John Black. It would have been a little later, but he would have been drawn to Salem eventually. By that stage Roman Brady would have been history. Dr Evans never would have stood for his overbearing behaviour all those years if they'd stayed in Salem. John and Marlena would have married. Their little girl is in the original time-line." He saw Q flinch. "Ah, that's right." He clicked his tongue." I heard what you did Q. Shame on you."
Q glared at him. "I know character assassination is your hobby Q but it was an accident."
"Dear Q, you don't have much character left to assassinate." Q2 laughed. "But we digress, that child is inconsequential."
"I wouldn't let Dr Evans hear you say that." Q muttered.
"Pay attention Q." Q2 exhaled. "There's another in Salem who should not be there." Q raised his eyebrows questioningly. "Kristen Blake. Otherwise known as DiMera." Q2 allowed his lip to curl up in a sneer. "Rather unpleasant foster daughter of Stefano."
"I've met her." Q let his aversion to the woman mingle with Q2's unspoken distaste.
Marlena dashed down the hall. She could taste the saltiness of her tears and they obscured her vision of the corridor ahead. Still, she had to get away from John before she said something she would really regret. She rounded the corner and clipped the arm of someone heading the other way. She stopped to offer an apology but was stilled by a hand on her arm.
"Marlena." Carrie's voice was soft. "Are you okay?" Marlena wiped away the tears with the back of her hand and numbly nodded at her stepdaughter. Carrie took Her hand and drew her into an empty office. "What's wrong?" She sat Marlena down in a chair and pulled up another beside her.
"Belle-" Marlena couldn't bring herself to carry on.
"I know about Belle. Granpa rang us." She squeezed Marlena's hand. "I was just coming to find you." Marlena couldn't meet Carrie's eyes.. If she really knew what happened.......
"Marlena. What is it?" Carrie's concern was growing. "It's not just Belle is it."
Marlena took a deep breath and slowly shook her head. She instinctively clenched her fists and then raised her head. "I had an argument with John." Her voice wavered. "He thinks it was my fault that Belle was burnt."
"That's ridiculous!" Carrie sounded indignant.
"No. You see Carrie, he's right." Carrie heard Marlena's sharp intake of breath and could see her struggle to keep from weeping again.
"Why is he right?" she asked gently. Marlena stood and leaned on the desk in front of her.
"I left her with a friend I had staying with me last night," she sobbed. "It was just a moment Carrie, but that's all it took."
"What happened?" Carries brows knitted.
"He yelled at her. There was a pot of water on the stove and apparently it overbalanced when she backed into it."
"Well, how is it your fault?" Carrie asked, her tone betraying her confusion. Marlena turned to face her.
"The friend that I had to stay-" Her misery was plain to see. "It was Eugene Bradford. He's pretty unstable at the moment and I should have never invited him to stay with Belle there."
"Did you think that he was dangerous?"
"Well, not when I asked him to stay," she admitted. "But I'm a psychiatrist. I'm supposed to be able to pick up things like that." Her face was etched with all the grief and suffering that she had been through. Carrie wondered, not for the first time, how she could be so strong.
"Marlena, yelling at Belle hardly qualifies him for psychopath of the year. You're a psychiatrist. Not a fortune teller." She got up and put her hand on Marlena's arm. "It sounds to me like it was an unfortunate accident and John has no right to tell you otherwise."
Marlena's smile was still watery but her gratitude was evident. "You're a very wise young lady Carrie Brady." Carrie threaded her arm around Marlena's waist. "I must have had a good role model. Now, shall we go and see my baby sister?"
The sunlight was fading in the room as Q switched on the light. He had chosen to have his dinner in his room and the meal sat, largely untouched on the table.
"All right. You can come back now." Q sat down in front of the unappetizing food again. Q2's human form resolved in the armchair that Q had been sitting in earlier. He looked at the food and wrinkled his nose.
"One of the joys of being human I suppose," he said sarcastically.
"One of the only." Q pushed the tray away as his stomach betrayed him with it's queasiness again. "When it's done properly," he added.
"Where were we?" Q2 crossed his foot over his knee and looked amusedly at his legs. "Humans. Limited aren't they?"
"You don't know the half of it." Q's chair screeched as he pulled it around. "Kristen Blake DiMera. I believe that's where we were."
"Ah yes." Q2 pulled himself back up in the chair and planted both his feet back on the ground. "Ms DiMera is a problem. She's Stefano's foster child and has inherited his deviousness. As such she could cause a few difficulties."
"She is pregnant." Q informed his co-Q.
"Yeeees." Q2 was thoughtful. "I believe there was a hypnotic device which she used to brainwash John Black into sleeping with her. Strange though that she managed to conceive her spawn so soon after a miscarriage." Q smiled in spite of himself. He could almost like Kristen. Her perverseness was astounding. However Q2's warning look killed the smile stone-dead.
"I know. Time-line. Etcetera." he enunciated. His smile crept back but with a touch of warmth. "Besides. I do have a soft spot for the lady doctor." Q2 stood and walked over to the table. He perched on the corner and leaned over so his eyes were directly level with Q's.
"Well you're not going to get much accomplished here, are you Q?"
"No. You're quite right Q, I'm not." Q eyed his counterpart. "If this mission is so important, the Continuum is going to have to deliver."
Q2 smiled slyly. "Deliver what Q?"
"Well, like you said Q. I can't do much stuck in here." Q bared his teeth in an approximation of a smile.
Q2 narrowed his eyes and straightened his torso. "I'll state your case." He grinned. "I might be back soon. If you're lucky."
Kristen looked at her watch. Where was John now? Surely it couldn't take him *that* long to find her. Perhaps she hadn't done a good enough job of looking wounded. The truth be known, she had been amazed and shocked at Marlena's outburst. All she'd had to do was convey that to John and she was sure she'd done that perfectly adequately. Marlena had played right into her hands....
Footsteps clicked in the hushed cafe. She was still, not daring to turn and see if it was him. A hand brushed down the back of her hair and John planted a kiss on the top of her head.
"How you doin' honey?" He sat in the seat next to her and took her hand in his. She met his eyes finally and nodded, almost imperceptibly. "look I'm sorry about what happened in there. She's pretty upset and I wasn't helping."
"I only wanted to help John. To be there for her." Her voice sounded plaintively in the empty room.
"I know sweetheart," he cupped her cheek with his hand, "and it was very sweet of you."
"How is Belle?" Kristen decided it was time to play concerned mom-to-be.
"Not so good." John's voice was husky. "They're going to transfer her to the Burns Unit. She may need surgery." He gulped and Kristen squeezed his hands tightly.
"She'll be okay John. She's a strong girl." She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. "Just like her dad." John struggled for a smile and then patted her stomach.
"And her little brother or sister." He stood and pulled her up. "C'mon, lets go see if she's been moved yet."
As they walked down the hall John found his mind not on the woman next to him. Or on his baby daughter, but drawn back to Marlena and the pain on her face as he'd, in effect, called her a bad mother. For a day which had started off with so much promise, he had certainly made a mess of things.
Sami turned the corner. She held Will tightly in her arms and looked cautiously through the door. The doctor at the Unit had put Belle in a private room to enable them to more effectively control her pain. She was in a cot, the sides of which had been lowered, permitting Marlena to sit on the bed. Carrie sat on a chair next to the bed and she held Marlena's hand.
"Happy Families." Sami muttered. Will squirmed as she held him. She shifted him slightly, adjusted his top and stroked his cheek. "Don't worry little guy. I won't let anything like this happen to you." She kissed the top of his head. Peering through the door again she was rewarded with the sight of Carrie standing and hugging Marlena. Sami scooted back around the corner and waited. She was still avoiding Carrie after the Paris fiasco and she wasn't prepared to meet up with her just yet.
As soon as Will had been found, Carrie and Austin had slipped away and secretly married. She had been forced to fly home with them after they had come back from their brief honeymoon in Provence. They had been sickeningly simpering all the way home, sitting in the seats in front of her and Marlena. She finally had to face the fact that Austin would never be hers and it devastated her. She'd spent most of her time since their return holed up in her apartment, her misery compounded by the squalor she had chosen to live in. Her mother had offered a room in the penthouse but Sami's pride wouldn't let her accept. Not then anyway. Perhaps if Marlena offered now - especially in light of the mouse dropping Sami had found in the cupboard this morning. She shook her head. The last thing she wanted to think about was Carrie and Austin. Not when Belle was lying in a hospital bed.
Carrie was gone and Sami quietly slipped through the open door. She watched Marlena watching the child in the bed. She used to look at me like that. She choked the bitterness down. She was tired of making the effort to be angry with her mother. It took too much energy and she had to channel that into other areas at the moment. Her shoes sounded muffled on the hospital linoleum as she walked over to the bed.
"Mom?" Sami's greeting was a simple statement. Marlena looked up at her daughter and smiled a tired, drawn smile.
"Sami, how are you?"
"Okay. How's Belle." Sami didn't feel able to open up just yet and by the looks of Marlena, she wasn't in any state to deal with it if her daughter did.
"She's sleeping." It was the most positive thing Marlena could find to say at that particular moment. Since she had arrived at the Unit the doctors had been avoiding the issue of the amount of scarring Belle might sustain. She knew from experience that it wasn't a good sign when doctors wouldn't commit themselves. "You just missed your sister." She changed the subject.
Sami sat in the chair which was still warm from Carrie's body. "I know," she said simply. Marlena looked at her but swiftly turned back to Belle. She wasn't willing or able to get involved in Sami and Carrie's ongoing feud. Not right at the moment.
They sat for several moments until Will's grizzle broke the silence. Sami shushed him and Marlena found herself smiling at her daughter's natural way with the child. Sami looked up unexpectedly to find she was being watched. Her eyes connected with Marlena's and the love and warmth she found there surprised and humbled her. And she felt a little ashamed.
"You're very good with him," Marlena offered, fracturing the awkward moment.
Sami's smile was proud. "I love him." She was silent for a moment and her expression sobered. "Which is why I think it's time I apologized to you Mom."
"Apologize?" Marlena was unsure what Sami was alluding to. "For what?" She saw Will was fidgeting and held out her arms to take her grandchild. Sami gave him up willingly and then looked down at her feet as she tried to compose in her mind what to say.
"Mom," she looked up, "when Will was missing, you were so good to me." She searched for and found acceptance in Marlena's expression. "You were there for me all the way and you never once brought up what happened with Belle." Marlena's eyes softened as she understood what Sami was trying to say.
"You didn't need to feel guilty on top of everything else."
"But I did - I do," she corrected. "When you were with me all I could think about was that this was how you must have felt when Belle was gone." Tears brushed the fringes of her lashes and she paid close attention to the hem of her skirt. "*I* did that to you and I never realized how much I hurt you. Until it happened to me." Marlena watched her daughter with compassion. She could understand Sami's hurt and pain and she wished she could wipe them away for her. But this was something Sami was going to have to come to terms with herself..
"Sami," Marlena gently interceded. "It did cross my mind to say something, but I was worried about Will too. And I knew what you were going through."
"Because I put you through it." Sami shook her head at the irony. "You know, if you'd said something, I would have felt better. Because at least I could have been angry at you." Marlena leant her head on one side.
"Sami we all learn our own lessons in life. We both know I've made my share of mistakes. I'm not going to hold yours against you." She stroked Will's hair.
"Why do you have to be so damned nice?" Sami said angrily. Marlena smiled responsively.
"Because sweet girl," she held out her hand, "I love you, and I could never hold a grudge against you." Sami looked at the outstretched hand, and slowly, fighting her tears, reached out to meet it.
Kristen reached for John's hand and squeezed it, easing him out of his abstraction. "You okay honey?"
"Yeah, I was just thinking about Belle." He lied. He was worried about Belle, but it wasn't her he had on his mind. The image of Marlena's face kept creeping, unbidden into his mind, her hauntingly beautiful eyes filled with misery. Misery that he'd put there. He ran his hand over his face and bit forcefully on his lower lip. One of these days Kristen was going to figure out that it wasn't her or Belle that he spent his time thinking about. He had to be careful. He'd done enough to hurt her already.
Kristen smiled at him. Inside however, she was seething. Belle my a**. She had to do something to drive a permanent wedge between him and that damned shrink and she was going to have to figure out what it was fairly quickly.
Carrie walked through the shopping precinct with a smile on her face. Marlena had been there for her so many times. When her own mother had been off gallivanting around Europe with not a thought to spare, Marlena had taken her place more than admirably. It felt so good to be able to repay some of the love and kindness that she'd been shown by her stepmother. Things had been so awful in the last year. But finally she could say she was happy. She stopped and watched the way the light glanced off the facets of the diamonds in her ring. She had a bond with Austin. A bond stronger than Sami and all her scheming and Carrie *knew* now that it could never be broken.
Her smile faded a little as she thought of Marlena. Hers was almost a mirror situation of the one Carrie had found herself in with Austin and Sami. She felt so bad about knowing all the awful things Kristen had done to keep Marlena and John apart, but not being able to tell John. "Two of a kind." She murmured. Switching her train of thought she looked at her watch and uttered a muffled expletive. She was going to have to hurry if she wanted to make the board meeting in time.
A smile flitted across his face as the girl resumed her course. Things were in the pipeline and this time there would be no hitches. She turned the corner and he stole a glance at the individual next to him.
"Patience, patience, he murmured. "Things will happen soon enough and then we'll all have what we desire."
Sami entwined her arms around her mother's waist and rested her head on Marlena's shoulder. Will was sleeping and Sami was sure he felt the peace between the two women. The silence was companionable and they watched Belle sleep. Marlena yawned and Sami lifted her head.
"I didn't sleep much last night." Marlena said by way of explanation.
"Any particular reason?" Sami studied her face and noted the dark circles under her eyes and her pale, drawn skin.
"Kristen's pregnant again."
"Oh." Sami felt her mother's pain, but she could understand Kristen too. She would do *anything* to hold onto her man. And knowing John's feelings about his children, she might just succeed.
Belle stirred and they turned their attention to her. Her eyelids fluttered and she gazed bleary-eyed at Marlena. "Mommy," she mumbled.
"It's okay sweetheart." Marlena cooed. "Mommy's here. So is Sami," she added, squeezing Sami's shoulder. Sami drew her arms free and cupped Belle's hand in hers.
"Hey little sister." Her cheeks were still moist as she leaned over and placed a careful kiss on Belle's forehead. "How you doing?"
Both blonde heads rose as they heard the clock of the door. Marlena's heart rose as she saw john's face peer round the corner. It sank again when Kristen followed, her hand firmly in his.
"How is she?" John whispered. Belle heard her father's voice and rolled her head in his direction. Her "Daddy" was almost inaudible. "Hi li'l angel." His voice was soft and caressing as he took his hand from Kristen and brushed a strand of blonde hair from Belle's eyes. She tried to smile but the fog of unconsciousness took her father from her sight. Sami stroked her hand as she slipped back into her narcosis. John looked questioningly at Marlena.
"No real news," she answered.
He nodded acceptingly and waved his hand at the door in a half-hearted gesture. "Shawn and Caroline are waiting."
"Oh, oh bring them in." The more people that were in the room the less chance there was that she'd have to speak to Kristen. Or John.
He opened the door and invited the couple in but before anyone could say anything Mike entered the room, followed by Dr Brooker, the leading specialist in the Burns Unit. Mike introduced him to John and Marlena, explaining that they were Belle's parents. He referred to his notes for a moment and then cleared his throat.
"Uh, Dr. Evans, Mr Black. I've examined Belle." He moved over to the bed to demonstrate. "you did well with limiting the extent of the scalds but unfortunately there are two pieces of skin which are too badly burnt to heal on their own."
"What does that mean doc?" John asked, the strain evident on his face. The doctor took a breath and continued. "I'm afraid she'll need surgery. Several skin grafts should induce the wounds to heal." John looked desperately at Marlena as though she could shake her head and this nightmare would be over.
"You mean she'll be scarred?" She said with a supreme effort to keep her emotions in check.
"I'm afraid so, yes." Dr. Brooker nodded regretfully. There was never any way to break this news easily, especially when the child was so young.
"How bad will it be?" Kristen asked
"It's too early to tell that," he replied. "We'll do our best."
"Thank you Doctor." Shawn spoke for the room of stunned people. The doctor nodded and left quietly. Mike followed him but stopped at the door.
"I'm so sorry." He shared their grief for Belle. "If there's anything I can do...." John lifted his hand slightly and nodded. Mike conveyed his understanding with his expression and left, closing the door behind him.
Once again they all focused their attention on Belle. Caroline stifled a sob and Kristen gently placed her hand on the small of John's back. He felt eyes on him and lifted his to meet Marlena's. Her anguished look cut through him but he felt powerless to say or do anything. She looked at Belle and then at John with Kristen beside him. Utter desolation washed through her. It's my fault and they all know it.
Clamping her hand over her mouth she pushed herself off the bed and ran from the room. Blindly she made her way to the small visitors lounge where she leaned against the wall and slowly slid down into a crumpled heap. And she cried as if she'd never stop.
Q was lying on the bed in the dark when Q2 returned. "You took your time." His tone was accusing.
"Afraid I wasn't coming back Q?" Q2 teased.
"Not at all." Q was lying and he knew that Q was fully aware of this but he wasn't about to give him the satisfaction of admitting it. "Well?"
Q2 grinned and disappeared. He reappeared at the end of Q's bed in a cross-legged position. Q pulled himself into a sitting position and leaned on the shoddily made headboard. Q2 sniggered. Q sighed and crossed his arms in front of him. There was a crack and the headboard gave way falling back to the wall. Q feel with it. Q2 laughed heartily.
"You always were the court jester Q." He offered his hand but Q declined it with a sneer and pulled himself upright.
"What did they say?" he enunciated slowly. "Am I back in the Continuum or not?"
There was an astonished silence as the door slammed closed. John took a step to follow her but was halted by Kristen's hand on his arm. Sami shot him a look of barely concealed disgust and giving Will to Caroline, she left the room in search of her mother. She found her in the small waiting room, still sitting against the wall, the heels of her palms trying to stem the flow of tears.
Sami crouched down beside her and insinuated her arm around Marlena's shoulders. Marlena turned in toward Sami and she held her, feeling more love and pain for her mother than she would have thought possible. Motherhood had softened her in more than one way. Finally Marlena lifted her head. Sami smiled a tentative smile and wiped the tears from Marlena's cheek.
"C'mon Mom. Let's go home," she urged quietly. She patiently sat till Marlena gave a perceptible nod and then helped her to her feet.
They headed back to Belle's room where Shawn and Caroline were waiting worriedly. Upon entering the room Sami, with her arm still around Marlena's waist, gave them a warning glance to keep quiet. As Marlena kissed Belle's head and whispered goodnight, Sami pulled her grandparents off to one side. Taking Will from Caroline's arms she asked quietly if they would take the three of them home.
"Of course we will Sami." Caroline agreed immediately.
"I'm going to stay the night." Sami told them. "I'm a little worried about her. After everything she'd been through this year, this is the last thing she needs." The older couple nodded, both more than a little surprised at this turnaround in Sami's manner.
"Would you like us to go by your apartment so you can pick up some things for the night?" Shawn asked thoughtfully.
"Thanks Granpa, that would be great." She swung back as she heard Marlena approaching. She marveled again how quickly Marlena could compose herself and felt a touch of envy at how beautiful she was, even after all those tears. She shook off the emotion before it took hold and reached for Marlena's hand, carefully balancing Will on her hip. "Granma and Granpa are taking up home," she explained as she led Marlena to the door. "Will and I are staying for the night and there'll be no arguments.
The face of the second Q became serious. "Not exactly."
"What do you mean, not exactly?" Q was becoming irritable. He'd been in this room for *far* too long and having to stay here any longer was certainly not at the top of his list of preferred options.
"Q" Q2 steepled his fingers. "The Continuum are not willing to reinstate you outright. They feel that you should have to *prove* yourself first."
"Prove myself!?" Q's face twisted into a sneer. "Prove myself?"
"Why? Don't you think you're up to it?" Q2 smiled slyly.
"Give me my powers and I can do anything." Q answered carefully.
"My point exactly." Q2 unfolded his legs and swung them off the bed. Standing up he continued in a more serious tone. "The Continuum have decided to grant you limited powers for the time-being."
Q tried to speak but suddenly discovered that his vocal chords wouldn't work. Nice party trick Q. He looked sullenly at Q2 who winked at him.
"As I said Q. You'll have limited powers. Enough to get you out of this bind you are in but not a lot more." Q2 put his hands behind his back and crossed the room. He contemplated the door for a moment and than paced back to face Q. "You see Q, your challenge is to bring John and Marlena together. In every sense." He smirked. "The catch is that you can't give away *anything* I have told you. Now that shouldn't be too hard."
Famous last words. Q thought gloomily.
Marlena lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. She felt utterly exhausted, but once again sleep was eluding her. Sami was in the next room where she had set up a porta-cot for Will. She had been wonderful, Marlena reflected. It was almost as if Paris had been a turning point for her. The loss of her child had finally forced the child in her to grow up a little. I certainly hope so. Still, time would tell but Marlena could see the glimpses of the lovely young woman Sami could become if only she would let herself.
She propped herself up on one elbow and took a sip of water. The sun had gone down hours ago but the heat lingered as the summer weather did. The room was dark and seemed unnaturally quiet, the silence reverberating in her ears. She rolled over in the bed and turned on the radio. Music spilled out of the speakers and she lay her head back on the pillow losing her thoughts in the softness of the melody. The song ended and another took it's place, the two seamlessly melding together. The acoustic guitar sounded rich and Eric Clapton began to croon.
I can feel your body
when I'm lying in my bed
There's too much confusion
going round through my head
And it's making me so angry
to know that the flame still burns
John sat in the armchair in the living room. He had left Kristen sleeping upstairs and had come down, giving into the insomnia. The stereo softly hummed in the corner and John could not escape the significance of the words.
Lord why can't I get over her
And when will I ever learn.
Old Love, Leave me alone
Old Love, Just go on home
Marlena slipped out of bed and padded over to the window. The city was still and she imagined she could see John's loft from her vantage point.
I can see your face, yes
but I know it ain't real
Just an illusion
caused by how I used to feel
John sat silently, a tear sliding down the curves of his cheek.
And it's making me so angry
I know now that the flame will always burn
(flame will always burn)
With her finger she traced a circle on the moisture that had collected on the window and then rubbed it out again with a trace of anger.
I ain't ever going to get over her
know now that I'll never learn
(ever learn)
Old Love, Leave me alone
Old Love, Just go on home (go on home)
The guitar sounded resonantly in the empty room where he stood by the window. He looked in the direction of her penthouse and he believed he could almost feel her presence.
Old Love, just go on home (go on home)
He rested his forehead on the window as the piano took up the melody.
Old Love. Old Love.
Old Love. Old Love. Old Love. Old Love (old love).
The words echoed inside his head which felt as hollow and spent as the rest of him.
Oooold Love. Old Love....
The final notes were picked out. Marlena reached out and tapped the off button on the radio. The sound died and she dropped back onto the bed. Her chest ached and she couldn't shake the dull, empty feeling that was growing inside her.
John stared at Kristen's sleeping body. He knew he should get back into the bed but he couldn't quite bring himself to do it. He carefully lifted the pillow from his side of the bed and picked up a blanket on his way out of the room. Quietly he crept back down the steps, avoiding the board that creaked. He lay on the couch and spread the blanket over him, praying that sleep would bring release from this misery.
Marlena woke to the sound of Will's cries. She rubbed her eyes, dislodging the sleep from the corners. The clock read 7:14 am. She had slept for less than four hours in total and she felt like it. She felt as if she hadn't slept a full night in months. In truth, she probably hadn't. She ran her fingers through her hair. What she wouldn't give for one uneventful week. When does that ever happen around Salem? She smiled a rueful smile as she got out of bed and wrapped a robe around her slim frame.
She yawned as she ran a comb through her hair the picture on the dresser catching her eye. It was one of her, Belle, Brady and John. It had been taken a couple of months ago at a day out in the park. She picked it up and ran the tip of her index finger over the faces. Frowning she put it down again. The what ifs were all used up. She had to move on with her life and make the best of it if only for Belle's sake. When I get her home.
She made her way down to the kitchen which was the source of Will's crying. Sami was looking harried. She had Will on her hip and was making toast with her free hand.
"Hi honey." Marlena kissed her daughter on the way to switch on the jug.
"Oh Mom." Sami looked disappointed. "I was going to bring you breakfast."
"That's very sweet of you Sami," Marlena brushed a piece of hair away from Sami's mouth, "but I really couldn't spend another moment in that bed. I'll have it down here if that's alright with you."
"Of course it is." Sami threw down the knife in frustration. They never told you before you had a child that you were going to need six hands. "Actually Mom, we're out of milk. I might pop down and get some."
"Do you want me to look after Will?" Marlena held out her arms for the squalling child.
"No, it's okay. The fresh air might settle him down." Sami's nerves were frazzled but Marlena needed some calm, not a screaming baby on her hands.
"Are you sure?" Marlena correctly read her daughter's misgiving.
"Sure I'm sure." Sami's expression didn't entirely convey the message of her words but she effected a smile that her mother couldn't argue with.
"Well, I'll see you soon then." Marlena picked up the discarded knife and continued the task of buttering the toast.
John opened his eyes to see Kristen standing over him, her hands on her hips. He closed them but on opening them, she was still there. Her lips were pursed and he imagined, although he couldn't see, that she was tapping her foot on the carpet.
"Well?" she demanded.
"What Kristen?"
"Why did I wake up this morning in an empty bed?" Her expression turned to one of disconsolation. "Do you hate me that much?"
"Oh, baby no." He threw off the blanket and sat up. He took her hand and gently tugged it so she sat down beside him. "I couldn't sleep so I decided to stay down here so I wouldn't disturb you." She looked at him, unable to decipher the truthfulness of his statement.
"Are you sure that's all it was?" she asked in a small voice. He put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer.
"Honestly honey. That's all it was. It was a pretty harrowing day."
She sighed and leaned her head against his chest. She allowed herself a small smile, knowing he couldn't see her face. It was time to play her next card.
"For everyone I think." She agreed. "Poor Marlena. She must have felt so awful. Especially after Laura had warned her that he might be dangerous the previous night and Marlena ignored her advice." John pulled away and looked at her.
"Who told you that?"
"One of the nurses. Why John? I thought you knew that. I would have thought Marlena would have told you." She smiled inwardly at the shock and betrayal in his eyes.
If only Marlena would be so easy to manipulate.
The aroma from the coffee percolator in the corner reached Marlena's nose as she started on her second piece of toast. She disregarded the paper in front of her and got up to pour herself one. She was glad Sami had made it. She was much better than she used to be but somehow her daughter could still make a better pot of coffee than she could. She took the coffee back to the table and browsed the headlines.
There was nothing shocking there. Nothing that would give any indication of how terrible her life was at this moment. She flicked to the horoscopes.
"You won't find any help there." The unexpected voice made her visibly jump. She turned and was startled to see Eugene's smiling face. "It's all fiction you know." Marlena opened her mouth but then shut it again, lost for words. "I see I've shocked you." Q sat down in a chair beside her and snatched a piece of her toast. "Don't be alarmed." His tone became more conciliatory and he put his hand on her arm. "Things are looking up."
"But you're..." she frowned. "How did you get in here? I was listening for the door." Q smiled impishly and held up his finger.
"One thing at a time my dear." He folded the newspaper and set it in front of her. "Now watch carefully." He stood up and moved around to the opposite side of the table. He leaned on the chair and flashed another grin. Raising his hand he clicked his fingers. Marlena looked in astonishment at where the paper had been but was now no longer. Her attention moved back to Q her confusion growing more evident by the minute.
"How did you *do* that?"
"The same way I got in here without opening the door." Q deposited the filched piece of toast in his mouth and casually chewed on it. He took in Marlena's abstraction and sighed. "Obviously subtlety is not going to work. Did they not teach lateral thinking in medical school?" He smacked his forehead with the palm of his hand. "Stupid question Q. These *are* humans."
He regarded her for a moment and then clicked his fingers again. His whole body seemed to disappear and then re-materialize. Like a projection which had faltered for a moment causing the image to blink out of focus. "I can do better than that." He winked at her and snapped his fingers yet again. This time he disappeared altogether. Marlena jumped as she felt a tap on her shoulder and she turned around to find herself inches from Q's face. "Now this is what I call seeing eye to eye." His smile was so mischievous that had Marlena not been so taken aback by what she was seeing she would have found it truly infectious. As it was, she was having difficulty reconciling with the fact he was here at all.
"You.....you shouldn't be here." She couldn't find anything else to say.
"Why? Because you committed me to that purgatory?" His tone was a little snitchey but he quickly corrected himself. "Not that I blame you. I understand why you did it but," he suddenly disappeared again and she found him sitting in the chair opposite her once again, holding the missing newspaper, "you can never keep a good Q down for long."
He threw the newspaper on the table and took her hand. His expression became serious.
"Marlena I know this is confusing for you but you have to trust me and trust what I tell you. I am who I say I am. Both Eugene *and* Q. It may not seem possible to you but it is. What you've just seen is a fraction of what I am capable of."
Marlena drew away her hand and stood, rubbing her brow with her fingers. "I'm not sure that I understand Eugene," she said slowly. "You're telling me that you are Q and that you have powers now." "Limited powers, yes." Q knew he had to be patient. This wasn't a concept that could be dealt with simply and easily. "The Continuum took pity on me." He didn't want to say anything more for fear he'd give away too much information. Do that and his hopes of returning to the Continuum were gone forever.
Marlena opened her mouth but couldn't form the words of another question. This was all to much and she wondered briefly if she'd finally lost it. Maybe she'd cracked under the strain and *she* was having delusions. She pulled her robe around her more tightly and shook her head slightly, puckering her eyebrows. Q saw the fear and vulnerability in her eyes and instantly felt a stab of guilt. Moving to her side he put his arm around her shoulders and took her arm in his.
"Marlena this *is* real and I *can* prove it to you.." He put his hand under her chin and lifted it so his eyes met hers. "Everything is going to be fine. You just have to trust me. Can you do that?" Marlena found herself nodding. "Good. Now you go and have a shower and get dressed and then I'll get you that proof."
Marlena stood under the cleansing stream of water and relished the feeling as it slid warmly over her knotted muscles. She leant her head back and let if flow through her hair, washing away not only the grime but also some of the tension she had built up. When she finally couldn't justify remaining in there any longer she turned off the faucet and stepped out. She reached for one of the thick towels and wrapped it around her body. Winding another round her hair she went into the bedroom and opened the closet. Deciding to dress casually she pulled out a pair of jeans and a crisp white linen shirt. She quickly changed and gave her hair a quick buzz with the hairdryer. Slipping on a pair of loafers she grabbed her purse and a jacket and went back to the kitchen to meet Eugene. Not that she was sure any longer that he *was* just Eugene. Rationally, logically, he couldn't be what he claimed. But then rationally, he shouldn't be able to appear out of thin air either.
"Very fetching." Q approvingly greeted Marlena's appearance. "Now shall we go?"
"I should really let Sami know where I'm going." Marlena stalled. "Where *are* we going?"
"Ever the thoughtful mother," Q smiled. "If I told you where we were going, it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?"
"No, but-"
"Uh, uh, uh-uh!" Q shook his head. "Please. Leave her a note and let us be on our way." Marlena nodded, though somewhat reluctantly and scribbled a note on the pad by the phone.
"Right." Q took her hand in his. "Now this is the only way to travel." He clicked his fingers.
The key sounded in the door. It swung open and Sami pushed the pram inside.
"Sorry it took so long Mom. They were out of skim." She stopped and looked around. "Mom? There was no answer. Sami's quick scout confirmed that her mother was no longer in the apartment. "Great!" she muttered as the note by the phone caught her eye. It read
Had to go out unexpectedly.
Be back soon,
Love Mom.
"Well thanks for nothing." Sami felt the old familiar bitterness return. She had felt yesterday that she'd turned a corner in her relationship with Marlena. Now however, she had to wonder whether it had been just wishful thinking, when her mother couldn't even be bothered to tell her where she was going. With a dull ache in her chest she put the milk in the refrigerator and wheeled Will down to the bedroom where she began to pack up their things.
Marlena felt giddy as the room resolved around her. Q's hand on her arm steadied her and as she oriented herself she recognized the room from the previous night. She turned and saw Belle, still sleeping in the cot and ran to her daughter's side. Belle's condition appeared to be the same and she looked at Q questioningly.
"Why are we here Eugene?" she asked tentatively, ignoring the fact that only a moment ago she had been in the penthouse. She couldn't deal with that at the moment.
"Marlena, I told you that I would prove to you that this," he gestured to himself, "what I can do, is real. I think it's only fair that since it was my fault Belle was hurt, I should put it right."
"What do you mean?" She thought that she knew what she meant but at this point she needed it spelled out.
"Close your eyes for a moment and I'll show you." Q encouraged Marlena with a nod of his head. Marlena gave him a look checkered with uncertainty but closed her eyes nonetheless.
"Mommy?" Marlena's eyes flew open as she heard her beloved daughter's voice. Her eyes dwelt for a moment as she took it all and then she diverted them to Q.
"Nothing to it." His impish grin was back and she saw him wink at Belle. This evoked a giggle from the toddler which drew Marlena's attention back. What she saw before her was nothing but a miracle. The gauze which had been covering Belle's burns was gone and the skin was pale and smooth. Marlena pulled back the sheet and was rewarded with the sight of Belle's creamy white skin, unbroken and unblemished.
The look of amazement on her mother's face obviously amused Belle because she broke into peals of laughter. Marlena felt herself smile and then affected by the infectious nature of Belle's chuckle, she began to laugh herself. Q, feeling more than a little satisfied with himself, quietly disappeared.
The tears slid easily out of the corner of Marlena's eyes. This time though, they were tears of happiness as she lifted Belle out of the bed onto her lap. Taking a blanket from the bed, she wrapped it around the little girl and held her tightly. It wasn't until she turned around to thank Q that she realized he was gone.
"Thanks Eugene," she whispered as she breathed in the sweetness of the body she held so close.
When the nurse came to check on Belle, she was amazed and then worried to see Dr. Evans holding the child on her lap, the two of them laughing with each other.
"Ah, Dr. Evans," she ventured, "I'm sure Dr. Brooker told you that Belle should remain in the bed." Marlena turned her head and smiled joyously at the woman.
"Yes he did, but as you can see," she drew back the blanket, "there's no need for Belle to be in the bed any longer." The nurse almost choked and stammered something about a doctor as she rushed from the room. Belle and Marlena looked at each other and began to laugh again.
When Mike arrived with Dr. Brooker, Marlena and Belle were both sitting on the bed. Belle was dressed, thanks to the clothes which had miraculously appeared in the locker. Another thanks for Gene, Marlena had noted when she had found them. The two doctors moved slowly toward the bed, their stunned amazement evident on their faces. Dr. Brooker ran his finger over Belle's rounded cheek.
"It's impossible," he murmured. Mike looked at Belle and then at Marlena. Trying to keep the disbelief from his voice he asked her if she knew what had happened.
"I'm not exactly sure Mike." Marlena answered him truthfully.
"She was like this when you came in?"
"Yes." That was a lie but she thought they would buy that easier than they would believe the truth. Besides, the truth would only lead to trouble. For them all.
"We will have to run tests...." Dr. Brooker wasn't coping as well as Mike. He looked like he needed to sit down.
"Oh no you won't." Marlena's voice was strong. "My daughter is fine. She is not going to be anybody's guinea pig. I'm taking her home with me. Now." Mike thought about arguing but seeing the determined look on Marlena's face, he thought again.
"Alright," he nodded. "I'll sign the discharge papers."
Laura tapped the pen on the deskpad. There was an ever-growing list of files on her desk and she had purposely come to work early to get started on them before her first patient. She had, however, sat staring into space for the major part of the time she had been there. She had stopped off to see Belle on her way and it had proved to disturb her concentration no end. Every time she had tried to start on the files she had drifted away, wondering again if there could have been something she could have done to prevent this tragedy. She was saved from the files and from herself by a knock on the door.
"Come in," she called. The door opened and a nurse popped her head around the corner.
"Dr. Horton, I know you didn't want to be disturbed but there's a call for you on line two. It's the Sanitarium. They said it was urgent." Laura nodded and waited until the woman had closed the door. Then she picked up the phone.
"Good morning. Dr. Horton speaking."
"Oh, Dr. Horton." The voice at the other end was harassed. "I don't quite know how to explain this.."
"Explain what?" Laura was struck by a sudden feeling of anxiety.
"The patient you brought in, last night. Mr. Bradford. Somehow he's...."
"He's what?" Laura snapped impatiently.
"He's disappeared."
"What do you mean he's disappeared?" Laura could tell that the other woman was distressed and her own apprehension wasn't helping matters.
"He was in his room last night," the woman explained. "But when we checked this morning - he wasn't there."
"I don't understand. How could he have escaped?"
"That's just it. We can't see how he can have. Everything is still secure. Do you want us to call the police Doctor?" Her voice steadied with the last question. Laura considered for a moment and came to a decision.
"No. Not just yet. I will call Dr. Evans. Then I'll let you know what to do."
"Alright." She sounded relieved. "We'll continue looking in the meantime."
"Fine." Laura put down the phone. She rubbed her forehead with the ball of her hand and took several deep breaths, trying to calm herself. Having got her heartbeat down to what she considered was a reasonable rate, she picked up the phone and tapped out Marlena's number.
Marlena blinked as the sunlight hit them. She was carrying Belle as they emerged from the hospital. The child had her arm around her mother's neck and she was grinning widely. Marlena held her closely with one arm and shaded her eyes with her free hand. She was attempting to decide her next move when Belle laughed. Marlena turned her head over her shoulder in the direction that Belle was pointing.
"'Ge'!" Belle shouted. She looked at Marlena. "'Ge' here! Wassit befaw." She shook her head her eyes wide with wonder. Marlena laughed lightheartedly. If she didn't understand 'Gene's appearing and disappearing acts, Belle certainly wouldn't. Still, Belle with her childish innocence probably found it much easier to accept the impossible.
She let a scrambling Belle down and smiled brilliantly as Q reached them.
"'Gene, how can I thank you?" She impulsively reached over and hugged him.
"No thanks needed." He returned the hug and then heeded the small tug on his trouser by looking down at Belle. "It was my pleasure."
"Ge' fix me." Belle pronounced. "Fanks Ge'" She smiled and Q was struck by her resemblance to her mother.
"At least let me take you out for breakfast." Marlena insisted, taking Belle's hand to make sure she didn't stray.
"Actually there is something a little more pressing that you may be able to take care of for me." Q changed his mind.
"Just name it." Marlena picked Belle up again and kissed her cheek, still a little unable to believe she had her back and healthy again.
"Come with me then." Q took her free hand. "We'll do breakfast after this." He clicked his fingers with an extra flourish for Belle's sake.
Sami cursed as the shrill of the telephone set Will crying again. She snatched up the receiver and barked out a terse greeting while picking up the shrieking infant.
"Sami, it's Laura, " the voice on the other end introduced. "I was wanting to speak to your mother." She stopped as the wail on the other end reached a crescendo and then quietened down again.
"Sorry Laura, Will's not too good this morning." And neither is his mother, she thought angrily. She smoothed the irritation out of her voice and continued. "I'm sorry. What was it that you wanted?"
"Marlena." Laura repeated patiently. "Could I speak to her please?"
"You could if I knew where to find her," Sami sniffed, her anger breaking through.
"What do you mean Sami?" Laura's voice took on alarmed edge.
"I went out briefly this morning," Sami explained, "and when I got back, she'd gone."
"And there was no indication as to where she might be?"
"No." Sami sighed as Wills cries increased again. "There was a cryptic note saying she had to go somewhere unexpectedly. I have no idea where. I'm only her daughter." She tucked the phone between her chin and shoulder and shifted Will so she could rock him. "Look Laura, I'm really going to have to go."
"No Sami, don't go," Laura snapped quickly. "Look, it's very important that I find Marlena."
"Why?" Sami heard the desperation in Laura's voice and it sent chills of trepidation through her. "What's wrong?"
"I don't want to worry you," Laura began, 'but Eugene Bradford has disappeared form the Sanitarium. I need to find Marlena before the police get involved."
"Police? Why? Is he dangerous?" Sami was beginning to feel a little panicked and the baby still would not stop crying.
"No. I don't think so. "Laura tried to sound reassuring.
"You don't *think* so?!" Sami felt like screaming herself.
"Sami don't panic." It was more of an order than advice. "Our main priority is to find Marlena."
"Okay." Sami put Will back in his pram. "I'll ring John and see if he's seen her."
"Let me know if you find her?"
"You too." Sami put down the receiver and rocked the pram back and forth for a moment. "Oh Will, please stop crying," she beseeched. She didn't and she rubbed her temple with her fingers to exorcise the headache that was growing there. She tucked Will firmly into his pram and gave him one last glance as she left the room.
In the kitchen she pushed the automatic dial button for John's and switched the phone to loudspeaker. While it rang she prepared Will's formula.
"Hello?" Kristen picked up the phone.
"Kristen, it's Sami. I need to speak to John. Is he there?" Sami was curt.
"I'll just get him." Kristen handed the phone to John. He took it and looked at her enquiringly. She mouthed Sami's name and he put the handset to his ear.
"Hey Sami. What can I do you for?" he tried to sound cheerful. Under the circumstances it was proving exceedingly difficult.
"Have you seen Mom this morning?" Sami wasn't in any mood to mess around exchanging pleasantries. She dropped the bottle in the saucepan and waited for John's reply.
"Your Mom? No. Isn't she there?"
"No." Sami sighed. She had been hoping that John was the reason for Marlena's disappearance. "She's kind of disappeared. And Laura just called to let her know that Eugene has disappeared from the Sanitarium."
"What!?" John's voice sounded like a shotgun report.
"Laura doesn't think it's anything to worry about John." It was Sami's turn to be calming. "She just wants to find Mom."
John ran his fingers through his hair and let out a slow breath. "Okay," he said slowly. "It sounds like you have your hands full." He was referring to the crying in the background. "I'll do what I can and call you if I come up with anything."
"Thanks John." Sami relaxed slightly. "I'll talk to you soon." She put the receiver down and picked up the bottle. Checking the temperature she went back out to the lounge where Will's screaming continued unabated. She lifted him out of the pram and wrapped a blanket around him. Holding him on her lap she offered him the bottle.
Her patience was wearing thin. After the fourth attempt she threw the bottle on the floor and began to cry herself.
Marlena gripped Belle tightly as the sunny morning materialized around them. The dizziness affected her slightly less this time as she found herself in front of the steps of the Sanitarium. Belle was unusually silent as she looked around in awe. For once, she was lost for words, her astonishment was so great.
"Oh, of course." Marlena suddenly realized what it was that Q needed her to do. "What do I say to them?" She suddenly felt a little fretful. Q had, to all intents and purposes *disappeared* into thin air. How was she going to explain that away?
"That you came and got me early this morning but forgot to sign the release papers?" Q fumbled for an excuse she could use.
"I know." She looked at him with the light of an idea in her eyes.
John dialed the phone number of the Brady Pub. Hopefully Marlena had been by there and they knew where she was. Shawn answered the phone announcing the name of the Pub in his Irish brogue.
"Shawn, it's John."
"Well, good morning to you John." Shawn sounded cheery as usual, despite the tension of the last two days. "What can I do for you?"
"Have you seen Doc?" He asked the question straight out.
"Well, not since we dropped them off at the penthouse last night. Why? Is she not there?" Shawn's voice took on a little concern.
"Sami's not sure where she is. I just need to reach her." John edited the information. There was no need to worry the Brady's until they knew something definite. Hopefully there would be no need to worry them at all.
"If you see her, can you get her to call either Sami or me?" John requested.
"Sure we will. Have you had any news on Belle today?" Shawn changed the subject, seemingly satisfied with John's answer.
"I called them first thing. No change." John didn't feel much like discussing Belle's condition at the moment.
"Aye, that's what they told us." John could almost see Shawn nodding.
"Well I'll catch you later Shawn." John didn't want to waste time on the phone when it wasn't being productive. Kristen was lurking in the background with a petulant expression on her face, but John wasn't the least bit concerned with her at that moment. He just needed to find Doc and make sure she was alright.
"Right you are." The other end of the line clicked and John put the receiver in it's cradle.
"What's going on John?" Kristen's voice held a whiny quality that was getting on John's nerves.
"Doc's disappeared and I'm trying to find her," he replied brusquely. Kristen couldn't believe that he hadn't even bothered to turn around when he told her that. She came up behind him and weaved her arms around his waist. He shrugged her off with a "Not now Kristen," and rifled through the papers by the phone.
Kristen turned on her heel and stormed up the stairs before she said something about his *precious* Doc that she would really regret. She threw herself on the bed fuming at the unfairness of it. All the work she had done. Marlena goes missing for five minutes and suddenly she is all he can think about. If Kristen had her way, Marlena would disappear alright. Permanently.
John dialed the number of the Burns Unit at the Hospital. A nurse answered the phone with the standard Hospital welcome.
"This is John Black," he qualified. "I was wondering if Dr Evans had been in to see Belle this morning?" The nurse was silent for a moment, seemingly consulting her records judging by the sounds of paper being shuffled.
"Yes, she was here earlier." The nurse wasn't forthcoming
with any further information.
"It's important that I find her." John tried not to sound impatient. "Did she give any indication as to where she might be going?"
"I'm afraid not." She really needed some lessons in phone manners John decided.
"Do you know if she was with a man." John was stabbing in the dark now. To get any information out of this woman he was going to have to frame his questions in the simplest yes/no terms.
"I'm not sure. I don't think so." She was finally trying to make an effort to be pleasant, obviously hearing the anger in John's voice but it was too late.
"Well thank you for your help." He tried to restrain his sarcasm. He didn't catch the rest of her sentence as he put down the phone.
Marlena walked up to the front desk of the institution and rang the silver bell. A harried looking women, obviously the charge nurse appeared.
"Yes, can I help you?"
"My name is Dr. Evans." Marlena introduced herself, keeping a firm grip on Belle's impatient hand. "A colleague of mine, Dr. Horton, brought a Mr. Eugene Bradford here yesterday." She noted the woman's paleness at the sound of Eugene's name. "I'm afraid there's been a mistake and I'm
here to sign the release form." Now the fun begins.
The nurse was opening and shutting her mouth and looked somewhat comparable to a goldfish.
"Is there a problem?" Marlena asked innocently. The nurse pulled herself together enough to form a few words. "Did Dr. Horton not tell you?"
"Tell me what?" Marlena put her hand on Belle's shoulder to keep her quite.
"Mr. Bradford. He's disappeared." The nurse looked close to tears and Marlena felt sorry for her.
"Are you sure?" she asked gently. "Perhaps you could have another look."
"We've looked everywhere." The nurse shook her head. "He's not here."
"Are you absolutely positive?" Marlena pressed. "Could you humour me and have another look. It's not likely that he could have escaped from *here*.' She glanced around her to emphasize her words.
The nurse shrugged and took out her keys. Marlena picked up Belle and followed her down the corridor until they reached the room assigned to Eugene. The nurse unlocked the door plainly displaying the fact that she was, indeed, humouring the doctor. A good push sent the door swinging open and the nurse was astounded to see Eugene lying on the bed contemplating the ceiling.
"Ah, good morning." He rolled over and propped himself up on his elbow. "Breakfast is late this morning."
Sami lay on the sofa with her eyes closed. Will had finally cried himself to sleep and she had been able to take some aspirin for the headache which was invading her head. John had called again to say that she wasn't at the pub or the hospital. She had called Alice and Bo and Hope, but none of them had seen Marlena.
The phone jangled again, shattering the silence that Sami had so carefully constructed around herself. She snatched up the receiver and put it to her ear, not bothering to open her eyes. "Hello."
"Carrie hasn't seen her. Neither has Kate, nor Abe and Lexie." John dispensed with any greeting. He was too worried by now. Where the hell was she?
"Nor has Alice Horton or Bo and Hope." Sami returned. She heard John's curse and a loud noise. "John, she'll be alright. She's probably just gone shopping or something." She struggled for a reason for Marlena's absence that didn't sound sinister.
"Yeah, you're probably right." John attempted to play along, but the facade crumbled as soon as he'd built it. "Listen Sami. If we don't find her soon, I'm going to get Abe to put out an APB for both her and Bradford." Sami was silent for a moment.
"Okay." She opened her eyes and then shut them again as the glare became too much. She wasn't sure if the nausea was from the near-migraine or from the thought of Marlena being taken from them
"Are you okay Sami?" John caught the barb in her voice.
"Yeah I'm fine." Sami lied tiredly.
"Are you sure? I could come over..."
"No. You should stay there. In case there's any news." Sami didn't want John's sympathy. At this stage, all she wanted was a dark room and a cold wash-cloth.
"Alright." John didn't entirely believe Sami but could see the wisdom in her decision. "I'll call you later okay?"
"Okay. Bye."
The nurse's eyes bulged and her face went bright red. She looked as if she was about to have a fit. Eugene just smiled
"Dr. Evans. How nice to see you again." Marlena put her hand firmly on Belle's leg to quiet the girl, who stifled a giggle.
"Mr. Bradford. How are you?" She wished he'd quell that cheeky smile he was shooting in Belle's direction. He was egging the toddler on and she was likely to say something to give them away.
"Wonderful Doctor. Well I will be if you have come to take me out of this hell-hole." She sent a warning look that told him he'd better not take it too far.
"As a matter of fact, I have." She smiled pleasantly. She turned to the nurse who seemed to be on the verge of recovering, having seen the very definite advantages of Eugene Bradford's very mysterious reappearance. "I'd better sign those papers." The nurse nodded mutely
Ten minutes later they were standing back on the steps, this time facing out to the drive.
"I felt awful. The poor woman thought she was losing it!" Marlena exclaimed with a hint of a guilty smile. "Somehow, I think a mistake on their behalf would be a lot easier to explain than a 'disappeared' patient," Q grinned and reached over to take Belle. Marlena hesitated for a moment and then let Belle go. She could trust Eugene. She didn't entirely understand him, but she knew she could trust him.
"Well. Where too now?" he asked, settling Belle in his arms.
"Breakfast or something more exciting?"
"Daddy!" Belle bounced, her arms flapping madly. Marlena's eyes sparkled.
"Alright. Let's go surprise your Dad."
Sami uttered an expletive as the phone rang again. She though about not picking it up, but the ringing was too insistent to ignore and she reached down for the receiver. "Yes?"
"Sami, it's Laura. I just had a call from Bayview."
"Apparently they were *wrong*. Eugene hadn't disappeared at all."
"Excuse me?" Trying to understand what Laura was babbling about wasn't doing anything for Sami's migraine.
"I don't know Sami. They told me he disappeared and now they're telling me that he didn't. I don't think even *they* understand." Laura sighed. "But what they did tell me is that Marlena went down there and signed release papers. He left with her ten minutes ago."
"What?!" Sami sat bolt upright, forgetting her migraine for a moment. She remembered when a wave of nausea swept through her and she fell back onto the couch.
"I'm as much in the dark as you are." Laura sounded frustrated.
"I guess Mom knows what she's doing." Sami didn't sound entirely convinced. "Thanks anyway Laura. I'll let John know." She put the phone down before Laura could get another word in.
Sami thought about calling John straight away, but nixed that idea as another wave of nausea rolled through. She stood unsteadily and somehow willed herself to put one foot in front of the other. She had made it as far as her mother's bedroom when it hit full force. She staggered to the bathroom and knelt on the tiled floor as the retching shook her body. When the nausea had finally subsided she pulled herself up with what strength she had left and made it to the bedroom before she
collapsed on the bed.
She moaned as Will's crying from the next room broke the silence. With an extreme effort she lifted her pounding head and pulled open Marlena's drawer. Ordinarily she knew the Pub phone number but she felt so disoriented at the moment she could hardly remember anything. She searched through the drawer with one hand, dropping the unwanted items on the floor until she found the address book she was after.
She dialed praying that one of her grandparents would answer and not Carrie or Austin. Luck was on her side for it was Caroline who picked up.
"Granma." Sami could barely talk above a whisper.
"Sami? Is that you?" Caroline's voice came through The line laced with worry.
"Mmm." Sami winced with the pain. "I've got a migraine Granma." She let out an involuntary moan. "I really need you to look after Will for me."
"I'll be right over." Caroline paused. "You're still at your mother's?"
"Yeah." Sami couldn't say anything else as the nausea threatened to overtake her again.
"Sit tight. I'll be there as soon as I can." The line clicked but the signal was relayed to an empty room. The only other sounds were coming from the bathroom and the baby in the next room.
John stood in front of the window, his mind a million miles away. He didn't hear Kristen descend the stairs behind him and he started as her arms snaked around his waist and she laid her head on his shoulder.
"She'll be okay honey," she whispered. He felt the now-familiar sinking feeling in his stomach and nodded, not trusting his voice to obey him. Kristen noticed the rigidity of his body and she slid her
hands up over his chest to his shoulders. "I know you're worried about her, baby, but she's a grown woman. She can take care of herself. She doesn't need a knight in shining armour anymore."
John grimaced, glad that Kristen couldn't see his face as he caught the silent addendum. (Not like me and our baby.) He was saved from any further Kristen overtures by the doorbell. He removed her arms from his body, glad to have an excuse to do so owing to the claustrophobic feeling he had whenever she was around recently. He headed for the door, smiling at the cliché.
The smile became much broader as he took in the vision before him. Marlena stood on the doorstep with a beautiful smile on her face and their beautiful daughter in her arms.
"Doc..." John was lost for anything to say. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.
"Daddy!" Belle held out her arms. John took her from her mother, his heart slipping in an extra beat as he got close enough to Marlena to catch a waft of her scent.
"We had to come straight over and tell you!" Marlena's happiness radiated from her like the heat from the sun. She could hardly contain her excitement. "Doesn't she just look beautiful?"
"But,...how?" John felt that confusion was becoming an all too usual state with him these days. Marlena flicked a glance in Kristen's direction and then back to John. "Why don't you bring Brady down to the park. The kids can play and I'll fill you in." She kept it quiet, out of Kristen's earshot, even though she could see the other woman was straining to hear. John nodded, understanding her motivation. Marlena brushed his hand as she took Belle back and he felt the electricity again. It was getting harder and harder to ignore and he was having to try harder and harder to ignore it.
She flashed him another one of her incredibly heart-rending smiles and then turned and walked to the lift. He pulled the door closed and called for Brady, desperately hoping Kristen wouldn't see how much Marlena's appearance had affected him.
"What's going on honey?" Kristen felt herself rapidly losing control of the situation.
"Marlena and I are taking the kids to the park." He was tired of explaining his every little move to her.
"But why has Marlena got Belle? What happened?"
"I don't know Kristen." He smiled as Brady ran down the steps. "That's what I'm going to find out. Hey Slugger!" He swung Brady up into his arms. "Do you want to go play with your sister in the park?" Brady nodded his head enthusiastically.
"See you later honey." He kissed
Kristen on the cheek, ignoring the pout on her lips and darted out the door before she could argue.
Kristen watched them until the lift door closed and then stormed back into the loft. She looked around her, a sneer of disgust, curling her lips. That was it. She'd had it with this place. Since their return form Paris, they had been sharing their time between the two households, but she now realized that the loft was full of too many memories. Memories that she couldn't compete with. They would move back into the DiMera Mansion today and she would make sure that Marlena stayed the hell away this time. Her lips formed a one-sided smile and she picked up the phone.